The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, October 14, 1895, Image 4

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    - OHly Half Yaakees.
aUe'a Cjdeackr (or October has this
uood stbiy; for which it was very prop
crly given tho first priie:
"I was on tho losing side during tho
late wat," said Roger Blakenshtp to a
party of vets who worn fighting thoir
lultlea o'er uain in the corridors of tho
Southern. "I belonged to a Mississippi
regiment, and the last mother'd son of
us expected to return homo with nt loast
a dozon Yankeo scalps dangling at his
belt. Our orators had led us to believe
that all w had to do was to show- our
selves and tho Yanks would break for
tall timber. Our Colon.ol was a planter
and asmalMry politiean, who hnd never
seen a real live Yankee, and ho fnllv ex
pected to plaut or regimental colors on
the national capital before we had been
out a mouth. Wo were eager for tho
"Just before Grant invested Donelson
wo oncountereil a scouting rty of
Michiganders. They numbered only
about 40, and tho colonel took tho cotn
pauy to which I belonged ami attempted
to head them ofT. They made a haitv
scamper for a bmsbfield that wjs sur
rounded by a rail fence, ami we broke
ranks and lit after them in a go-as-you-please
order. Every man of ns wanted a
Yankee, and realized that there were
not enough to go around. Just as wo
mounted tho lence we received a volley
that laid a score of our men out. Before
we could recover from our surprise those
Michigandcra were over the fenca and at
wok on us with their saber and revol
vers. We concluded that wc had made
a mistake, and thai we didn't wnt any
Yankees, after all.
"Tho Colonel was the first man back
to camp. Half his left car had been
she, away, and ho had an ugly saber
guhinhia shoulder. I helped the sur
geon fix him up, and after we had made
him comfortable he turned to tho major,
who was also an editor, and said, sol
emly: "Yer've been a-tellin' us in yer darned
oKl paper that tbo Yantect wouldn't
tight. Dod rat. yer ui easier hide, what
do yer call Cgbtin'?'
"The major replied that those men
were westerners and only half Yankees.
'Only half Yankees?' ancrted the
colonel. 'Damme if I ain't goin' borne.
If them's only half Yankees, I'll jest be
dad-burned if I'm coin' to tackle any
whole ones.' "
We have leeeived a copy of tho Ore
con Progress, printed at Portland by the
Oregon Progress Publishing Co., and
ediled by Capt. Wo. F. Wallace. It is
an S-page 4-colnmn paper beautifully
illustrated. It is devoted to the system
of co-operation in busin&M. As a news
paper venture wo welcome if to the
The total rata of'Douglas county, 1S02,
for president, was 3002 divided as fol
lows: Cleveland '510, Harrison 1,329,
Weaver 1,093, Bidwell 51. The total
Tote of the atate was 73,491 divided as
follows : Cleveland 14,243, Hairison 35,-
002. Weaver 2G.9G5, Bidwell 2.2S1.
A Philadelphia establishment has just
received an order from Russia for fortr
locomotives. The English also are de
bating the suggestion that their new rail
way in Africa be built on the American
plan. There is no doubt that it is the
best, if grade crossings are eliminated.
The worid'e gold output has mounted
up to about IISO.000,000 a year, a hand
some figure, ot course, but tlia pig iron
production of the United States this
year will probably exceed it. The corn
crop ootclasees both comMned by an im
mense margin. ,
Special Notice.
The Eushey -addition in North Rcse-
barg, consists ' 200 acres of choice
land, baring been platted into large
resided Iota and acreage property,
navable in vearlv inttaltmenln twartnr-
sir per cent-interest per annum. The
titlfl iq nrfprt unit nwrv .:tl
be released by the mortgager from the
operation of a certain mortgage now up
on the property. To examine plata and
learn prices, etc., call upon
D. 8. K. BncK, Agent.
Fruit Prospects.
One reason why we hart but little
money in circulation now is. since the
sheep industry has been destroyed by the
admission of loreign wools free of duty,
the other industries inaugurated to take
its place has not yet had time to be fully
devoloped. The fruit business bids fair
to Oil the vacuum ere many years. Those
who had the foresight (or good fortune if
you prefer to name it) are getting somo
ready money. We have good reason? to
believe that within tho next flvo years
Douglas county will produce not less
than a million pounds of dried prunes
with a reasonable increase of other fruits.
Public Vendue.
At the public sale of stock on the Mel
vin place, near Oakland, yesterday,
a large number of stock wero
sold for caeh, realizing over $2,300. Tho
cowb, two and one year old, sold for an
average of $10 a head. M. and W. C.
Tipton and P. B. Beckley bought about
CO head of cattle. Colts, and yearling
mules sold for 20 to 25 dollar's a head.
One Jack for stock breading sold for (171.
There was a large number of people at
the tale and bidding was quite spirited..
Bismarck Saw Ton Moltko'a Sentiment &nd
Went Him Ono Better,
young German lady of rank, poo-
of groat personal ciianns sum sui-
Wiumng; jjuumors, mo unugwer
mlnonfc tolitlclan, hcrsolf now n
bappy wifo and mother, onco beguiled
Moltko, vrho was paying a brief visit to
her fathers country homo iu biiesia,
into writing somothiug in her autograph
album. This wis tho entry :
Luro vorgclit;
Wahrbcit hcstclit.
V. Moincr, Fcldniarechnll.
Which in English would bo:
Alio most fail;
Truth will prevail.
Tho vrilv damsol now dotcrmincd to
bido her timo until 6ho should bo nblo
to match Moltfco's dictum. When her
family had again settled down in thoir
Berlin quarters for tho winter season,
Princo Bismarck called ono afternoon,
and sho 6howcd him her book, calling
his attention to what tho groat strate
gist had mitten, adding artlessly: "Do
you think tho samo, dear prince? Per
haps you would liko to nun your com
ment? And on tlio samo pago? Oh,
thank you so very much I And may I
send tho volumo tothoWilhelmstrasso?"
Tho chancellor next day returned tho
book, now a greatly treasured family
possession, and thi3 is what ho bad mit
ten beneath tho contribution of his col-
Wohl wclsa Ich. dass In Jcncr Welt
Dlo Wahrhcit stcts den SIcs bchalt.
Poch prgen Luro dieses Lcbens
Kaxnpft cellist cln FeUuuarsshall vcrgobeas.
V. BisxAUCiC'Rclchslanzlcr.
Very roughly Englished, tbo chancel
lor's lines might run something liko
In futcro worlds, beyond the pole,
Tbo truth 1 strong and shall prevail,
lint 'gainst dor oncdano lies, 'tis plain.
Field marshals even flght la Tula.
Westminster Gazette.
They Were Commonly Used In the 6eT.
entecntti Century.
Of tho various examples that havo
been given of early specimens of tho
clockmnxcr's art not tho least interest
ing aro tho several types of lamp clocks.
Ono of these was of a kind qnito com
mon in tho seventeenth century and con
sisted of a lamp burner placed nt tho
basoof a glass oil receptacle mounted
vertically ou a suitablo standard. Tho
Oil rwcrvoir liad attached to it a scale.
facing tho bnracr and showing tho
hours, beginning at -I o clock in tho aft
crnoon, ut -which timo tho lamp was to
bo lighted in winter, and ending at
o'clock in tho morning. Tho lamp be
ing lighted, tho gradually descending
level of tho oil, as combustion proceed
ed, marked tfco hours.
Tho other dcvtctvjstcr origin, dat
ing back to tho begmmirg-of tho lircscnt
century, utilized tbo raino principle It
consisted of two communicating oik
chambers, superposed by a clock dial.
In ono of tbo chambers was placed a
night lamp to illuminate this dial, and
in tho other was suspended n 11 cat from
a cord which passed around a Fxuall pul
ley. Tho latter -was mounted on a hori
zontal axis ending-in tho center of tho
diaL Tho float of course descended as
tho oil was consumed and carried tho
index hand along with it, thus making
tho hours precisely as in tho case already
cited. At their best these timepieces
could havo had only an indifferent dc-
grso of accuracy, yet they probably
served their purposo well and certainly
aro interesting at the present timo aa
iBusrratitm -.m nf 'm expedients
fsdcDtea bv mechanicians- iJ mi . i.p
period. Cassicr's Magazine.
An Independent Lawyer.
A, lawyer, with his client, called one
day nt tho ofBco of a gentleman who is
considered to bo ono of tho leading men
of tho Philadelphia bar. Tho lawyer
had on important case, and ho wanted
to tako tho legal big gun in as adviser.
Ho explained his business and said ho
and the client would be back in tho aft
ernoon. "I won't bo hero then," said
tho legal giant. "I havo an engagement
at 3 o'clock, and I won't bo hero after
that hour." "But there is $3,000 fee
in this for you," explained tho younger
lawyer. "Can't help It I won't bo
here You will havo to como tomor
"But my client can't como tomor
"Well, I can't break my engage
ment." eald tho senior. After somo fur
ther talk it was asfecd that a meeting
bo hold that night That afternoon, hav
ing nothing clso to do, tho young law
yer ana his client went to a ball game.
Tho first man they saw insido tho
grounds -was tho great lawyer, who was
hurrahing for tho "Phillies" with all
tbo vigor of his lungs. That was his
important engagement Needless to say
tho lawyer's practico nets him enough
money each year toinako him mdepend
ent Philadelphia Inquirer.
Old Time Football.
Football has never been a very gcntlo
gamo, to judgo from what blaster
Stubbcs says about it in his "Anatomlo
Abuses," published in 1583:
For, as'conccrnlng football playing, I
protest unto yon it may rather bo called
a friendly kindo of fight than a play of
recreation, a bloody and murthering
practico than a sport or pastime, for
dooth not every ono lyo in wuight for
Ids ndversarie, seeking to overthrow
him and to picko him on his nose,
though it bo on hard 6toues, so that by
this m canes sometimes their necks aro
broken, sometimes their backs, somo
times their legs, somotimcs their armcs,
sometimes ono part thrust out of joynt,
Eomotimes another ; sometimes tho noses
gush out with blood ; sometimes their
eyes ctnrt out.
Scrvia is thus called becauso it was
origir ..y inhabited by tho Sncdi, or
Snov . ho located there, designing to'
roma'i:, but wero driven ont toward tho!
north by other tribes, and finally mado
-their wny to Sweden.
of a wo
They Como Onco In n While, but Do Not
Always Win Much.
"Thcso stories nbout men making big
winnings by accidentally catching a
straight flush when luck seemed down
on them mako mo very woary," Raid nn
amateur poker player, who has been
poking" off and on for nbout 18 years,
playing, however, nothing moro impos
ing than "penny ante. "
"I always class such stories with
mnko stories nnd fishing talcs," tho
player went ou. "Thcro may bo somo
truth in them, but I havo novcr had any
such luck and I havo hold my own
very well nt 'penny anto' too.
"I havo had just two 'royal flushes
in my experience. So far as tho acci
dental and surprising part of thorn was
concerned, that was all right, but for
tho big winnings I novcr saw them.
On tho contrary, on both occasions, my
opponents I wns playing two handed
games each time 'lay down' on mo un
ceremoniously. And I don't think I
gavo my hand away cither.
Tho first royal Uush 1 over had tno
fortuno to hold iu my hand was about
six years ago, when I was having a
quiet littlo gamo with an old mend, ic
was a modest 'jackpot'
My opponent opened it for a nickel
tho limit I skinned my hand, but
could uot find a pair. A king and queen
of hearts looked pretty, and I chipped
in my uickol and drew to thorn.
"Imainno my surpnso when an aco,
a ten and a jack of hearts camo to ma
I kopfc mighty quiet, hoping to mako a
"Mv opponent threw inn nickel chip,
and I saw it and raised it tho nickel
limit Ho lav down. Ho had uot bet
tered a measly pair of jacks.
"Tho other timo I had a royal uush
was about a year and a hah ago. Jly
opponent asked mo if I had ever had
ono and said that ho had npt
"Tlo Fccoud hand after his remark I
had tho 'asc, ' and ho staid in. I had a
queen, jackand ten of clubs and thought
I would trv for a straight or UusIl Tno
king and then tho aco of clubs camo to
"My opponent skinned his hand and
then said, 4 1 11 givo it to you. ' Ho had
onlv an aco hich, with Inns next
"I showed him my hand, and ho vol- J
ubly congratulated himself that ho had
not 'bettered his draw, whilo I well,
I never swear in company, but I felt
mighty liko it "Kansas City Star.
Princo Clmrlle.
Ho was a young Princo Charming,
beautiful, brave, capable of enduring
hardships and, till his misfortune soured
him, not only kind, hut of an uncom
mou and ulnicst impolitic hnmanity.
Well might Walton, tho spy, pronounce
him, with tho blood of John Sobicski in
his veins, "a far moro dangerous cneny
to tho present erfablisliment of tho got
ernmcnt in England than ever his f--thcr
"In thcso days, when a king of sotao
sort was n tuwssity, England scenicd to
havo in Charles a king bom to lb
adored. But tho tendency of things was
invincibly against him. Ho nppcars, I
own to myself, to liavo liad better qual
ities than any man of his lino since tho
fourth James fell at Floddcn. Thcro
was nothing in his Scotch expedition,
till tho fatal morrow of Cnlloden, that
did not become a gentleman and a king.
Tho Cameronians, n feeble, but virulent
remnant of tho auld leaven of tho cov
enant, publicly blamed his "foolish
lenity and pity" to tho "redcoats whom
Providence put into his hands. "
If his courage is accused, so has tha'
arlborouch been, nnd tho evidence
ajromr-sfciQ "never -was a man
not a coward so prmloax-TrorTv man not
rash so brave," may bo taken ns dispos
ing of a childishly malevolent- accusa
tion. He was gcntlo and considerate till
misfortune taught him suspicion and
hope deferred mado the heart sick. Tho
exposure, which ho boro ro gallantly in
the highlands, and. tho habits of that
country, taught him his fatal vice, which
corrupt Cxi and debased a character nat
urally coble cud generous. Scribncr's
Ho rtelcracd the Tip.
The Bristol (England) Mercury sayt
that whilo Padcrowski, tho pianist, wai
iu a nearby town recently ho received a
courteously wcrded letter asking to oi
Igw an invalid lady to call upon bin
and hear him play ono piece, promising
iu return for "tlii3 great treat" a dou
ceur of lialf a guinea, which was tender
ed with much apology. Tho letter to
so wcrded as to bo a courteous and dclf
cato appeal to the pianist's generosity.
Tho letter had the desired effect, and bo
appointed a time. Punctual to tho mo
ment, tho lady appeared, and Padcrow
ski played her a fow pieces. Tho lady
thanked him end slipped tho promised
half guinea in tho most gracious mode
of tip giving into his pahn. "Ah! what
is this?" blandly asked tho pianist
"Tho half guinea I promised yon."
"I really believe." ho answered, with a
smile, "that I shall bo nblo to get to
tho next town witbont it," saying
which ho returned tho proffered lai
gesso, bowed tho lady out nnd sat down
to his interrupted breakfast
Tho Tramp's Opportunity.
Queer thingj happen in this world. A
tramp took rcfugo in an old graveyaal
in Georgia and prepared for a sound
night's rot lictwccti two graves. Abott
tho hour when churchyards arc supposed
to "yawn" ho was awakened by a
strange noise, nnd on looking np ho dis
covered an escaped convict in tho ntt
of filing his shacklca As tho tramp
stood up the convict, in superstitious
terror, fell upon his knees, whereupon
tho trump arre ted him, delivered him
over to the an-iioriticvi at tho camp near
by and received a reward of 20. At
lanta Coustitntiui.
In Lincolnshire, England, it is tho
current belief that Bishop Fleming,
founder of Lincoln college, Oxford, died
while attempting to imltato tho Sav
iour's miraculous fast of 40 days.
,'m'n hr i!i i Jin! iisd iiwa
' Health for sill Maukr.'J
( i made from
herb.4, and
co:it;iij.J r..
.n I n c r a 1
dniKS or
deadly poll
en. Joy'o
robs the
Mood or all
Its impuri
Her Ihrougb
proper chnn
ne'a. Joy'n
cures liy
p c p 8 t a ,
nnd Kidney
ties, anu
courses all
these iepurl
Joy's Tegctablo
prevents tired feel
ings, BtagRermor sen
sations, palpitation
oi heart, rush ot
blood to tho head,
dizziness, ringing in
can, spota beforo the
cjei, headache, bil
iousness, constipation
of bowels, pains in
tho back,melancnoly,
tonguo coated, foul
breath, pimples on
facs, body and limb,
dcclineofncrvo force
dizzy spoils, faint
spells, cold, clammy
feet and hands, sour
risings, fatigue, in
somnia, and all dis-
liver cud kidneys, v
tTc,s Vegetable Ear-;
Is so'd by rJl
d.a- i.-s. Jlefuge a
ttb :!ute. V."- r ymt
p yfi rt'ie-. .ihst
I f Good
iu pastry j-oa cannot have
cninR. Lanl has always had
very objectionable features, C-
causing indigestion and
many other dietetic trou- e"
bles." Science lias come to
the assistance of the cook,
and of weak stomachs, with H
the new shortcniug,
ItiscomDoscdofthcchoic- e
est beef suet and hiehlv 9
refined vegetable oil, iu
many respects as pood as gi?
the finest imported olive el-;
oil. Pnvsiciara endorse it. i;
cooking experts recom
mend it, and thousands
are now using it in prefer
ence to any oilier shorten
ing. Refuse allsubstitutcs.
Read Cine cents in sacps to K. K.
YclSjan ft Co.. Clilcaarv for baal
kkco Ctacolece Coot Uufc. contain
ing lit hundred rrctpes prcrtnM by
nlsecalMi: Da:bonU(-" - vins.
Couotcac U sold lr- t ... .
iiado cii!y ty
-i i. muib and
Tula extra
ordinary Ke
JaTeuatcr is
tho most
discovery of
tho ace It
bis I en en
dorsed by too
men of
Snropo and
Hcdran 13
narely vega
Hadjan Flaps
3f tho dls
chargo In SO
days. Cures
Fa:iins sec-
of tie eyes
and tones the
entire sviters-
Hudjan cures
Deb lllty,
and restores
vrcS oigsna.
Pains in the
lad:. Irese
by day or
quickly. Over 2,000 private endorecmenb.
l"rema:u.-o:itS5 menus hacotenpy in the fin t
eUto. It la a fymp'.oai of ccmlnol wcatiicsa
and barrennciw. Jt can bo stepped in 20 days
by tbo use o f Hudyan.
TboreT7 dlicoveryxvas msd by IhoSnccIai
Isttoftheold fanioua Hudson t'edlcjl Institute.
It is tho strongest vitallzcr taadc It is very
powerful, but hatmlefa. Sold for S1.C0 a psci
occorS packages for S5.00 (plain scaled boscs).
Written piarantco given fora cure. If you bny
tlx boxes and aro cot entirely cured, sir znoro
will bo sent to you ftro ofall charpes.
Bend for rlrculamond testimonials. Address
Junction Stockton, ITC&rkct &i Ellis Sen,
San JTraucUco, Cul
vrnmntlT secured. 'rrnueoiarK!. ,
Ill Cooking 11
r3 ' " fc
anil libels registered. TwooU-Cra ysur- ex
perience. Wo report nbotber rftp nn r-n
Beenred ornot, freoof cbiijro. Our;00 xu-i
until patent Is Allowed. 34pnco .jno); Prrc.
Ovp.U.B.l'ftt.O'ae WA8ril!faTC;i, O.C-
Insist on
:ifi hi
awl I Wik iw
t. iz rsn mnr ih-n infprinr n - r'T
'j .-i spoils the flour, keeps soft, and is uni-:-za!ly
acknowledged purest in the -world.
Kade onl7 by QIURCH t CO., Rew York.
Sail by grocers cvery-wtcrc.
t . . ff r Arm anl KAinncr o& of raliubla IlMipcs t uLiL
Only $1.00 a Year!
AH tho Leading Features that havo made the month so popular are retained
and many New Features added, such
ueporis in tneir season, uonuenscu tarm
Its Farm Features.
Live Stock, Dairying, Horticulture,
topics, written by Practical and Snrcessful
lions by able artists, combine t make
The Latest Markets and Commercial .Apiculture are Leading Features, ir
whicli the Agriculturist u not excelled. Reliable Special Correspondents at tie
General and Local Market Centers all over the United States .enable us to report
the Jateet prices on everything the Farmer has to sell. This Department alone is
worth many times the cost of a year's subscription to any Farmer.
Five Editions !
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Kach Edition contains special Local Features characteristic of its section, pe
fectly adapting it to the wants ot the farmers of tho different states in that section
Thus each edition becomes to the Farmers as much their home agricultural paper
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The Family Features,
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Questions answered on Law, Medicine. Veterinary and other topics FREE.
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An Ideal Farm and Family Weekly.
FREE SAMPLE COPY sent on request.
American Agriculturist
7S Columbian Building, - SAN FRANCISCO, CAL.
Tire Plnlndcalcr, - - $:.ooi Onrrlc - j Botb
American AxrlcalturlstH, r.oo) only
if Business Is
The Plaindealer's
Are the Rooters for the Business Hen of Douglas County. Q)
Days of 49 Whisky.
For Sale at all
of imitation
trade marks
end labels.
- , :fvin-
as General and Local Market Trices, Crop
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I'oultrv, Market Gardening, and othe
Farmers, supplemented with Illustra
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To better adapt the AgrhiuUnrahst to the
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Not Good-
But Root.
First-Class Bars.
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ElKewYtai. PrlcoEOcts.