THE PLAINDEALER OOTOBUR 14, 1S95. The Churches. BirnsT Ouuncu comer ot Lano and Ros iirccu. &uuaay Service: Prcachlm? 11 . and 7:30 n. m.; Younc IVonle'. Dnlnn r.. '. Mrs. a. N. Annes. President: Sunday School, 10 c m.: jaiacs unambctlaln. Superintendent iTavci Jiceunc, Ttiursday cvculng at 7:30. Rev. G. N. Asnks, Pastor. Residence, No. S2 Main BtrccU Msthodist CiiUECU-corncr ol Main and Lano iirceis. Sunday Service: Preaching, U a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sabbath school, 10 a. m.; Dr. James Barr. Superintendent: Class Meeting at Close cl tho taorutnir scrrlm- Kinriv. 1 ......... 6:3) p, m. Claro Hume, President. Prayer Meet- luj, inuisuay, at .so p. m. N. S. Bcck.nkk, D. I)., Pastor. Parsonage, corner Malu and Lane. PRliOYTSKUN CliOECJi -corner ol Cass and Row; streets. Sunday Service: Pu pile worship, mw p. m.; habbath School, 10 a. m.; Y. P. S. C. E., 7 p. ra. Prayer Meeting, Wcdncs- 1U B. Dilwoctii, Pastor ibew.C. T. O. meets every second and fourth Thurslay cvcnlnc at the residence of .Mrs. nra. Smith. Thk Lotal TcxrERiNcr Lxciox will meet at me u. t. uaurca Wednesday ot 3 p.m. A. C Bcckxkk. Supt U. S. Department of Agriculture Weather Bureau. Kojmccj, Ore, October 13, 1S37. Bxkoxetee J5 a. m. Pacific time 30,94. I J p. m. raanc tlrac Maximum temperature. 7C Minimum temperature. tl. Bainfall lor the it hours ending 5 p. m ,.0. Total ralnlall since 1st ol month, . 0 Avenge rainfall for this month for 17 yean. Total rainfall from Sept. 1, lOi, to date, -71. Avcrap: monthly rainfall from Sept. 1, 1S3S, to date. 2.7L Accumulated excess, from Sept. 1, lias, to date, LM. Average precJp'.utlon for l wet seasons, Titos. Gibso.x. Observer. rorriaxD, Or, October II. 1533: II a. m. Wealher forecast for the next 30 hours, for Rocburs and vicinity: Monday and Tuesday, fair weather, stationary temperature. ?xocc Local Forecast Official. DRIVER VALLEY. What lias become of all our corres pondents? Got the grip I suppose. George Hall was the shiest of Will Longbrake a short time ago. Cliarley Humphrey of Woodburn passed through oar valley last week. King Hogain of Nonpariel was seen in oar midst last week. Miss Lillian Hall and Miss Mary Thomas of Oakland were visiting rela tives here yesterday. Dr. Little was called to wait upon Uncle George Hall one day this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Quant and .daugh ter made Iloseburg a visit the first of the week. Alfred Davidson of English Settlement is working for George Hall. James Medley has been down on the Calapooia this week buying sheep. It looks like Mr. M. was going to herd cheep and run a sawmill too. Since a certain young man, who re sides near Oakland, lias been making frequent visits in this section of the country, some of oar young men as well as a certain young lady, are beginning to look quite eager. Mr. K. T. King lias rented the Thomas ranch and has moved his family hither, and expects to reside with us for quite a while. Since last we wrote the wedding bells Iiave sounded, and another of Driver Valley's fair damsels lias been taken from our midst. Mr. W. W. Wright of Iloseburg, and Miss Nannie Harness were united in marriage at the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. A. M. Har ness, Sept. 2S, 1S5. May their jour ney upon the sea of life be one calm and peaceful dream of happiness, is the wish of . Wavebly. Funcrael. Sunday at 2:30 p. m. the funeral rites of Dr. X. P. Bunnell was held at the Masonic Hall in this city. The hall was nicely draped for the occasion. The services were conducted by J. R. Webb, W. M., and Ashcr Marks, M. The hall was crowded to its utmost capacity by members of the order here and of sister lodges of Canyonville and Oakland, and the sorrowing friends and neigh bors of this city. The members of the O. E. S., Odd' Fellows, Daughters of Rebekah and A. O. U. W., attended in ft body with regalia to designate the or der to which each belonged. The K. of P. band played solemn funeral dirges and marches. After the solemn and impressive rites were over in the hall, a procession was formed in the street and moved to the Masonic cemetery, where the final ritca of burial were had by the brethren. And thus closed the eventful career of X. P. Bunnel, one of the prominent cit izens of Iloseburg, an able physician and an exemplary Mason, whose depar ture leaves a void in the Order which no remaining member can so well fill. He will be sadly missed by the surviv ing brethren. The funeral was the most largely attended of any ever held in tlii rity. There were forty carriages in the procession preceded by the sev eral Orders which were headed by the K.of P. band. Upon the whole it wan one of the most solemn and imposing processions ever witnes?ed in this city. BRIEF MENTION. Wood taken on subscription at this oiuce. James Bcckloy of Oakland is in tho cuy touay, W. C. Scott of Unndon is registered at tho Van Houtou. G. W. Dlmmick of Oakland is in tho cuy today on business. John Calwdl of Issaqun, Wash., is registoreu at mo Van Houten. J. F. Barker has purchased a Chlckcr tog piano of T. K. Richardson. Don't miss eecing tho Now Woman at lue Uaptist church Thursday nicht, Ed. Settle and mother and Miss IIou- ser of Oakland are in the city today C. H. Cummings, a tonsorialist of Oakland, is in the city today on busi ness. Sirs. Fred. Page-Tustin left this morn ing to visit friends in Portland and K,,. attie G. W. Wannacott of Myrtle Creek came down to attend tho funeral of Dr. i'. liunncil yesterday. F. R. Hamlin has been annointed 4mlliltln gt ril.nn Will! n. vuiua. n imams, minor iietr ol P. W. Williams, deceased. Miss Gerttudo Benjamin leaves to morrow morniDc for San Francisco and thencn to Woodland to remain perhaps a year. . It is repotted that .Mrs. D. Griffeth haa fallen heir to a nice littlo fortune. Lucky airs, imlleth, may you live long and prosper. J. L. Arzner, B. Munter and Charles Kimmcll of Canyonville came down yes terday to attend tho funeral of X.' P. Bunnell. Toe New Woman may tell vou some thing new aboot the good people of Koseburg next Thursday night at the Baptist church. A. F. Brown, Z. L. Dimmick. Al Dear and Prof. G. T. Russell of Oakland came up Sunday to attend the funeral of Dr. N. P. Bunnell. Fred Jones, who has been at Albam for a few weeks on a visit to his grandpa, Peter McKinney, returned Friday, hav ing had a good time. B. F. Ramp, long of Douglas county now of Albany, is in the city looking hale and hearty as when he stumped the cnunty for prohibition years ago. A competent dressmaker would like a position to sew by the day, or would cut and fit at home. Inquire of Miss Alice Becdle at residence of Jay Brooks. PeterLoggie of Bandon passed thronch Roseburg Saturday night on his way home from Salem where ho had been in attendance at the grand lodge K. of P. Miss Lucy Wannacott of Mvrtlc Creek held the lucky number that drew the btcycle at Drain Saturday. Mr. Wanna cott took the wheel home with him List night. Ed. N. Deady, a prominent attorney of Portland, is in the city the guest of 3IcCIalIen House. Mr. Deadv is a son of Judge M. P. Deady, an old pioneer of Douglas countv. The latest novelties from Europe, in the shape of a shooting gallery. Mu sic Mimics. The music goes, the tiger roars and the lady plays the drum. No. 223 Jackson street. The final settlement of J. W. Wright, guardian of Lee Archambeau, minor heir of Francis and Joseph Archambeau has been made, the guardian discharged and bondsmen exonerated. The supreme court has confirmed the decision of the circuit court in tho case of State of Oregon vs. Samuel G. Brown for the murder of Alfred Kincaid. The case will again come up in the December term. Mm. Marion B. Baxter of Chicago, 111., will lecture next Tuesday evening in stead of Monday, in the Baptist church, on the subject, "Reason for tho Hard Times." Laboring men especially in vited. Company A of this city will give a dance in their armory next Saturday night. As this will be their anuiversary ball it will doubtless be largely attend ed. Music will be furnished bv the Roseburg orchestra. There are more piano's in Roseburg than in any other city of its size in Ore eon. Roseburg people are a musical and music loving people and as a con sequence they are the most humane and sociable people on this coast. The man who cheats his paper Oat of a single cent, Will never reach that heavenly land Where old Elijah went ; But when his race is run This life of toil and woe He'll straightway go to the fiery land Where they never shovel snow. News comes to ua that Mr. George Cox, a young man of Drain, accidentally shot himself at Gardiner last Thursday, resulting in bis instant death. The re port states that ho bad his hand over the muzzle of the gun which rested on the the edge of tbo sidowalk, whilo in this position the gan slipped off, tho hammer striking on the walk discharging the gun. The ball passed through his hand, ranged up, entered his mouth and catno out at tho top of his head, causing death in a fow minutes. His body was takon to Drain for burial Saturday. Georgo was the adopted son of John Cox near Drain. Ho was a bright young man of about 19 years and much esUvmed by his friendn and neighbors. The Great Excursion Leaving Rosoburc at 8 o'clock next Wed nesday morning for the Oregon Industrial Exposition is succeeding beyond the most sanguine expectations of Goorgo Estes, tho excursion manacer here. Mr. Estes says that enough tickets for 1110 excursion havo been sold at Myrtle Creek, Dillard, Rosohurg, Wilbur, Oak land, Yoncallu, Draiuaud Cottage Grove to moro than fill two pasaongor coaches which havo already been ordered for tho excursion and Mr. Estes with bis ablo corps of assistants in tho towns men tioncd is boo mini: tho excursion in tho Holies of Hccunnc two moro coach loads 01 oxcuratonista, making four in all. Ordore from all parts of tho countv in eluding interior towns, villages and cross road post offices aio being constantly re ceived requesting tickets reserved for them in tho chartered coaches, and Mr. Estes is somewhat fearful that Uiosu who intend going and haye not yet purchasod tiieir special tickets, will postpone it uu til too late to enable him to uroenro ad ditional coaches enouch to carry them all as there is every indication now of a very largo number purchasing tickets iust be foro departuro of tho excursion train Wednesday mordiug. Tho first coach for tho excursion (O. & . 1017) came into Rosebunr on tho local last cyentng aud was forwarded from hero to Myrtle Creek on the overland this morning. It will leave Mvrtlo Creek on tho northbound overland tomorrow cvoning aud come to Rosvbun: brincinir in tho excursionist from tho Southern enu 01 tuo county ana will remain oyer night hero, starting with tho grand ex cursion Wednesday morning. ine second coach will arnvo hero on the local this evening and remain here until Wednesday morning. All who have any doubts of cood coaches lieine furnished aro cordially invited by Mr. Estes to go down to the railroad yards this evening or tomorrow and see the coaches for themselves. Mr. McKecbnio at Oakland is workinc up the excursion thero and reports eell- mg is tickets Saturday. He expects to sell enough moro today and tomorrow to make 50 from Oakland alone, securinir the third coach to bo picked up at that point. Special arrangements havo been made with the Albany eating house to have an extra hue dinner for the excursionists at a rate of 35 cents each to all wearing the Douglas county badges which will be on sale excursion day at 15 cents each. Mr. Estes told our reporter in confi dence that tho Oregon Industrial Expo sition and especially tbo excursion for next Wednesday will bo "Tho Bireest Show on Earth." Entertainment. Tho Junior Endeavor of the Chris- tain church will cive an onturtainment at the church on Sunday evening, 6 tober 20lh, 1SD5, for the benefit of tho Home Missions. Following is tho pro gramme: Song, by the congregation. Junior Endeavor exercises. Song, by class of Juniors. Recitations, Virgil Shupo. Lidv Kelly and Ethel Hall. SoDg, Ella Strong and Alice Mahn. Recitations. Frank Livincston and Ethel Everctts. Solo, Miss Mettio Rapp. Character selection, entitled. "The Mission Ivocomolive," by Juniors. Song, by congregation. Admission free. Collection after cx eiciics. au are roru:.'iminvinxrtoTxv tend. Notice to Delinquent Tax Payers. The warrant for the collection of de linquent taxes for the year 1S94 has been placed in the hands of the sheriff. In order to make legal return of the warrant, the sheriff will necessarily lie compelled to commence levying upon property for delinquent taxes by Oc tober 21st, 1S05. To avoid the costs of levying and mileage, delinquent taxes must bo paid before that time. The law in regard to delinquent poll taxes will be strictly enforced and costs and mileage added. A. F. Stkauxh, C. II. Machn, W. L. Wilson. McClallcn Hotel Leased. Roseuuko, Or., October 14, IS'Jo. To the Public: On account of poor health, I havo leased the McClallcn House and retired from business. D. C. McClallen. KoHEiurno, Or., October 14, 1S95. To the Public: I have leased tho Mc Clallen House and will take possession 011 the 15th day of October, 1S95, and hope to have tho patronage of the pub lic, as I shall keep the house and its surroundings first class. Mas. I). C. McClallln. For Sale or Rent. Tho Palmer sawmill. For particulars address, E. C. Palmkk, Drain, Or. State op Ohio, Citv or Toledo, Lucas County, I Frank J. Cheeny makes oath tbnt lie Is the itcnlor partner of the flnu of F. J. Cheney i CO., doins; business In tlio City of Toledo, County and State nforcsnld, and that mid Una will pay tho sum 'f ONE HUNUKED DOL LAIts lor each and every caio of Catarrh that cannot bo cnrcil by tho tun of Hall's "ATARRII CURIV FllANK J. CHENKY. tiore mo mid subscribed In mr presence'" c,1 ,,n' ' December, A. V., 1SSG. ircscnco' jscalj A. W. (il.KASGX, Notary Public Hall' CataIrI' '''"'' taken ititenmlly nnd nets directly " "'! blond nnd nmntns air fares of tlio system. Sotnl for testimonials, free. F,J- CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by ytuKSisis, ix. I LITTLE LOCALS. Oyelers at tho Kandy Kitchen. Caro Bros, aro tho boss merchants. School books at Marsters' drug store Go to tho Roseloaf for tho best cigar. Puro fresh candies, fruits aud nuts at tho Roseloaf. Silver blouso sots and silver mounted watch guards at Salzman'B Plows. Go to Hunter & Hume for your plows and harrows. Havo you seen tho latest iu Longuette watch chains at Salzman's. Hunter & Humo, at tho depot, keep tho best plows and harrows. Just Received at J. T. Bryan's, Rogor's first-grads silver-plated waro. Smoked oye glasses at J. T. Bryan's from 10 cents to 75 cents a pair. Spectacles and eyo glasses in irold. nickel and steel bos at J T. Bryan's. II. M. Martin will pay cash for urain delivered at his warehouse in Roseburg. Salzman sells his goods for cash. Buy of him and you pay for no bad accounts. Just received at tho Boss Store a new invoice of choice clothing. Cheap for cash. Complete set of household furniture for salo at a bargain. Inquire at this office. Fresh oysters, the first of the season. at tho Kandy Kitchen, Taylor & Wilson building. II. M. Martin the train merchant of Roseburg will pay cash for merchantable wheat and oats. Or. Strange makes u epecially of pain less extraction. Hit new remedy con tains no cocaipe. Biing your job work to tho I'lalsdeal- EK'ofticc Wo aro prepared to do tbo cheapest and best work south of Port land. Suhscribo for the Daily I'laindkalkii. It is tho only live paper in Southern Or egon. It furnishes the latest news up to date. A desirable location fur blacksmith, one who can also do wood work. Ad dress or enquire of W. R. Wells, Olalla, Oregon. E. Da Gas. Physician and Surceon. office in Marsters' buildinc. Calls in town and country promptly answered nitht or day. V. C. Aylswortb, teacher of vocal and instrumental music and thorough bass. Pupils beginning at once, enquire at Mc- CUIIen house. The J. G. Flook Co. is prepared to do ary kind ol mill work at the lowest liv- inz rates, and those who are preparing to build should consult them. They can sire you monjy. Good paiturcago for stock at reason able rates by tlio month. All stock bkeii absolutely and entirely at wncr's risk in every particular. For particulars enquire of C. A, Blackman, .toberls creek That the people of this place appreciate good work is evidenced by the fact that since his return Dr. Strange has been kept more busy than ever before. He baa the latest appliances, which combined with an extended experience and skillful work enables him to do the bost of den tal work. For Rent. , TueoM Catholic church building for rent, very cheap. Apply to FATHER CiIADOT. I SinnONS Have leased aud remodeled Depot and are now First Class Livery Business. Hy and Oati. over nlsht, per span , Hiv. over nl?ht. rr inin lliy, during day, pcrrpan ' Ltrcry 2-bonc rijs, ir day..... ,j -fCCO HORSES BOARDED AT .DO YOU REALIZE THAT THE If you are in a position To do Business Let the People Know it. The little Special Notice and the regular Business Ad Make the Mighty Merchant and his Patrons Glad, The And The Plaindealer is read By Everybody. Advertise in it. It will Pay. -XSWWHKN YOU WANT (iOOl) JOll PUlNTlNti lO.NK. ANTTyoII SUMin iMKSTMT.nrsTl.uTT-nvn. t t..v Roseburg Academy. Second year will open September 2d. Tho academy includes a kindergarten, a grammar school and a college-fitting school. Pupils may prepare for the second year in Princeton or Wellealey. Address: Roskbubo Acaoemy, Roseburg, Oregon. FOR Pure Drugs QO TO A. C. HARSTERS & CO., DRUGGISTS. OILS HND GLHSS STATIONERY AND IfliKLL PHPER CHOICE PERFUMERIES, .AND TOILET ARTICLES. NEW FEED STORE. CAWLF1ELD & CAWLFIELD Have Just opened a fint-clas Feed Store and bare on band a large invoice of the best ITnKtim.H,IV'.M. 1-1 T 7 HhI. and Feed of all kinds, A" purchaiea del felivercd 1 ,ree- r- c5 'nd Rw T- T. WEBB SECOND a. HAND 8ia.L3 GooDS OF ALL KI.NDS. U7 STREET. CIYE ME A SHARE OF YOUR PATROXACE I TYI-. T) Cl1 ' me Bureau, oaioon Formerly Merchants' Exchange, Has 11 ecu Renovated and Fitted Up in Klrst-Class style. Choice Wises mil Liqiors Best Ci&rars. COHMODIOUS CLUB ROOflS. ACCOMMODATING BARTENDERS. Give me a call. GREEN McKINNEY. & TOOLEY the old Feed Stable oppsite the prepared to do a SkAOCXM. 11.00 I Hay, during day, cz bone... .15 .3) -tiSO 3 i Teams to stall over ni;hu. ua, per icoi , Livery l-horsc rigs, pcrday. REAsONABE R.VTKS. MISSION OF TU13 ADVERTISEMENT IS TO DON'T GHASE OUT OF TOWN FOR SOMETHINQ FOREIQN ! Plain dealer. the eager Public gathering in throngs Leave their Business Orders where the Trade belongs DOES THE BEST JOB PRINTING at lowest rates. HB1 SUuaiions wanUd or help.wanUd.adveTtltcment tiuerted in Ihti column free of charge Other ads month: each addlttonaljllne S cento per month. Ko mwiawtw iwtcnjorjus man is cents. For Sale. TfOR SALE.-A fine BngsyTUorse for sale. Ap ply at Roseburg Bakery. Tf OR BALE Old newspapers, 23 cents per - Apply at I'lalndealer office.. 100. Wanted to JSxclinuce. WANTED TO EXCHANGE One 3 Inch and i)LJ)ne3?J5chJraSon 'or tled hay. grain, J? O. DEZENDOBF, Attorney at Law AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Special attention given to COLLECTIONS and matters in I'robate. BOAra NEGOTIATED. Money Loaned, and Rooms 4 and 5 Marsters' BId'g. ROSEBUEG. JRA B. KIDDLE, Attorney at Law, DEPUTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY, Ornce: Taylor & Wilson Block, Rooms 7 and 8, ROSEBURG, OREGON. J D. STEATFOED, Attorney at Law, Taylor & Wilson Block. B03EBUBU. Oft L. BBADLEYj'M. D. Physician & Surgeon. Office Hours, Irom 12 to 3 r.jt. Taylor & Wilson Brick. ROSEBURG HOTEL Van Houten JAS. CALLAHAN, Propr. WILL BE CONDUCTED STRICTLY FIRST-CISS Tbe Dinini? Rnnm aw O w Mill ISXJ uuuu mo personal supervision of Mr. Callahan. Who Will ecaranf on ill nl.t on.l tomers the best the market affords. Come and see me. Churchill Horn OAKLAND, OR. KATIE CHTJBCHILTj, Propr. Board and Lodging per week $2.50. Meals, 20 cents. Beds, 20 cents. GO TO- A. T. Thompson's And get a Drink of WALKER WHISKEY 14 YEARS OLD. 213 Jackson Street. INVITE YOUR PATRONAGE T If you have anything You want to Sell Let the People Know it. sure roa(j tQ success Always leads Through the Printing Office