The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, October 14, 1895, Image 2

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l'ublUkcd Dally, except Sunday.
U. Y. 1!ENJ.MIN. ;
Hutiscriplloii Itutcs.
Olio Year, ly mail- ' .. ..13 (0
Mi Mouths, " .... 1 10
Ttmu Month's " -.. 75
Ono Month ' 25
Per Week, delivered by Currier. ....... 10
Tlie Weekly iMtiluilcnlcr.
One Yar.... 1- W
Klx Months -.. 1 00
Three Months- '0
Jliss.I.illian Hall mule a visit to Uoc
burg last week.
(Jspt. .U&nnin ami wile ol Keilois; were
Tuitln: in town last wek.
Miss Mario Weitsiug came over from
Itosebarj; Bandar to visit friends,
Bert Brown of Eastern Oregon was
hero a couple of days last week to sec
liia fit her, A. F. Browu.
It is said nre are soon to have in onr
town wbat is known as a Racket store. -
Mr. Carle cf Rosebury was in town last
week looking after the wheel business.
Harry Pinkston has done a sxxl job in
repairing several of our street cjossisgs
Dr. IL Little, oar local dentis. iia hail
his residence repaired with a new roof.
A social dance was given by the yocng
men of onr town laU Friday ni-ht and a
pleasant tirno is rciwted.
several of oar townsmen went to
Kesebon: Sanday to attend the funeral
of Dr. Bcnncli.
W. T. Tamer A Co. received iuite a
large shipment of goods last week. Thii
company is Joins theirsharc of business.
Their motto is to please and satisfy their
.Miss K. Clarke of Millwood is in town
rifting friends.
What will onr town people do now for
fnndaj set vices J Ker. Wilson is .he
only minister who has regular appoint
ment now on thetirst and third Sundays
of each month at 11 a. m.
For tome tiino emigrant wagots have
been passing through our town suing
north and south making an exchange c
snppose. No doubt they will find they
wilt Cnd the promised lartd when they
arrive at their destination.
Rev. Shingle's youngeet child mot
with finite a terior.s accident Ijst week,
itscioiliM catching See from the fire
llac and burning quite a large place on
its back. Mrs. Shanglc being iuite near
smothered the llimea and prevented
what might have been a cry serious in
jnrj. Last Wednesday Mr rs ICalph Diru
mick. D. W.- Stearns, Jim Baltic. W.
Mahoney and J. Hj-rard started for the
Bohemia mining district to insiect tho
wagon read a far salt is built and to
make an estimate as near as can c
icade in a general way of the cost of
completing the road through to tho
mines. Wo aro told what mines are
rnnniog with tho limited machinery that
has been taken in over a rough trail
havobcerj producing on an average of
ftOOO per month. Wo arc also told that
just as won as tho mines aro accessible
hy a good wagon road capitalists will be
oh hand to develop the mines to a largo
extent. Wo learn from good authority
that Ibe greater part of the mining dis
trict is within tho:loundcris of Douglas
connty. Why would it not bo to the in
terest of the county to have tho wagoh
road completed, as a good mining prop
erlr haa as much right to pay taxes as
any other industry. Should the report
be a favorable one by the parties on their
return we hope that in somo way or
other there may 1.3 arrangements made
for the completion of the wagon road
Just at tho close of our writing we learn
that tho parties have returned this San
day evening but too laic to learn any
'icws. Tinuiy
For Rent.
A five-room coltago with hydrant and
convenient out houses, thrco blocks from
jiostofBcc. Enquire at this office or at
40o WaEliinglon street, west side of rail
road track.
Grain bags and twine for sale by Fol
Abraham, and the highest market price
in cash will be paid by him for grain,
delivered at his warehouse at Itoselmrg.
New goods at Caro Bros.
A Daring Robbery.
Juliaktta, Idaho, Oct. 12. Indian
Trader H. M. Jorgona arrived horo this
forenoon, after on all-night ride from
Katniah, ouNcz Torco reservation, bring
ing now a of u daring and successful rob
bery at his Bloro nt 7:u0 last night.
Three masked men eamo into Iho store
Two entered from tho front door, and
ouu camo in through tho back rooms,
occupied by Mr. Jorgeus' family aa living
apartments. Tho latter drove Mrs. Jor
geus, h sick woman, into tho store, thus
rounding up all tho occupantB of tho
honse. Mr. Jorgeus and his clerk were
in iho storo. ' Ho identified one of the
robber as it tiiau who had been stopping
wilh him for twodays. His lirst thought
was that it was a coarse joko. Thii man
lia-l &nu out and brought in his two
companions, who had betn concealed in
thu brush, his appearance ut the store
having been for tho pur050 of learning
the surrounding, locating valuables and
selecting tho most opportuno lima for the
hold-up. Tho robbers were armed with
a double-barreled sholgnn and two re
volvers. As they came into tho room,
they ordered all present to I brow uji
their hands, lhey then took fl.MX) in
mouey, $10(50 of which had been deposited
by Indians with Mr. Jorgens for safe
keeping; six gold watches, a tray of gold
ring:?, a bhotgun arid a ritlc. They then
backed out of tho room, mounted their
horses and rode away in tho darkness.
.Mr. Jorgens immediately organized a
posse for pursuit, and in a little whilo
ten Indians were scouring the country.
It ia believed tho thieves headed for the
I'alotise country. Mr. Jorgens followed
them all night, arriving here at 11 o'clock
this morning. On reaching this place
he immediately telegraphed to the
sheriff-! at Moscow and Lewiston. It is
believed the alaim has been so thor
oughly sounded that the robbers will be
unable to escape.
A Double Hanging.
Sax FnAXCco, Oct. 12. United
Slates Marshal Baldwin has completed
arrangements for the execution of
Thomrs St. Clair and Hans Hansen next
hnday. The doable hanging will tfcke
place at the state prison at San Qnentin,
uuillier both tnnrucrers were taken to
day. Two scaffolds will be erected, and
both men will die at the same time.
The crime for which the prisoners will be
hanged is the murder of tho mate of the
bark Hosper, on tho hljh seas. This
will bo the first execntion of federal pris
oners on inc racitic coast. Uttier men
have been convicted of murder on the
high sea?, btit hare not paid the death
Baracoa Blown Up.
Kirr West, Ha., Oct. 12. A report
has been icceived here that thu town of
Baracoa, on the northern coast of Cuba
haa been taken by the insurgents and
blow n np by dynamite.
Pilot-Boat Captured by Insurgents
Havana, Ud. Tlw insurgents at
Aserrado bay, near Santiago de Cuba
have captured a pilot-boat commanded
by a lieutenant in tho Spanish navy and
having 12 niannea on board. It was do
ing cruiser dnty along the coast. This
small ship was attacked by a number of
insurgent, who seized tho crew,-the lat
tor being compelled to surrender in tho
face of oyerhelming numbers of tho
enemy. The insurgents carried away
the armament of the cruiser, consisting
of a Oathng gun and all the ammunition
stores, etc, which they found onboard
together wilh the weapons of tho Spanish
They Want the Fight.
Hot Si-risks, Oct. 12. The announce
incut by Governor Clarke of his deter
ruination to prevent the Corbett-Fitz
Simmons mill produced no apparent
effect here. The sheriff has not allowed
himself to be interviewed further than
to say that the authorities can rely up
on him to do his duty under the laws,
The action can bo taken as a criterion by
which to judge the attitude of the city
authorities. Whatever these officials
may think of the position of Governor
Clarke, they are uncommunicative,
Brady arrived here tonight.
A mass meeting of citizens was held
this afternoon to raise by popular sub
scription, the sum of $5000 as a guaran
tee. Mayor "Water, in calling the meet
mg to order, referred to the distressed
condition of business here, and the fi
nnncial benefit the city must derive from
the contest if it is brought off here.
euuscriimon man was prepared ant:
passed around anil the nccessarv amount
was sulscribcd and paid within 30 min
utcs. Joe endig was present. He said
Corlett and Fitzsimmons will 1h
here by Tuesday. The lumber will
here m time to put 200 men to work
Wednesday. You can eav that the con
test will take place here Octoler 31.'
Old Olory Again.
Mra. Henry Bust of Baker City has
made for and will present to tho soldiers
homo a magnificent flag Tuesday after
noon must tho roar of cannons, the
ratf. .1 sabers and tho charms of ora-
lory. Mr. Hermann will mako tho pro
sentauon speech. A cordial invitation is
extended to all.
Tom Nowiand is building a houso on
hia Olalla farm.
Dick Tevobaugh has moved onto John
Byron's Olally farm.
Dr. S. l'opo of Brockway preached two
Very interesting discourses hist Sunday
and will talk to tho pcoplo of Olalla on
tho 20th at 11 o'clock.
Eugene Hoover ia tuoying to hia
mother's ranch in our neighborhood.
Mtison Aldrich has traded for tho
Hunter's flat and moved thereto.
Mrs. Lucinda Bushnell of Ten Milo is
cry sick again.
I notion a card in Thursday's issuo of
tho IVundkai.k from W. It. Wells ac
cusing mo of making a "misstatement as
uHiial." 1 do not wish to enter into a
controversy with Mr. Wells, neither do I
wish to wound bin feelings, but I must
say in justice to in self and friends that
either Billy made a miastateiiieut or
some of his neighbors have seriously
itcrverted tho facts connected with the
transaction alluded to in his card.
Buy your cigars at tho Itoeeleaf.
For a good 5-cent cigar call on Mrs.N
Fresh oystors this evening at the
Kandy Kitchen.
A cottage to rent. Inquire at this office
or of owner at 405 Washington street.
Daily Oregonian only 15 cents a week
Leave orders at City News Stand.
For dress goods, clothing, hats, boots
and shoes call on Wollenberg & Abra
Daily and Sunday Oregonian, reduced
to 20 cents a week. Delivered at your
Everybody is pleased who buy their
jewelry and have their watches repaired
at Rahman's.
Beer at tho Rosebnrg browcry ten
cents per quart, fifteen cents per pitcher.
Free lunch of all kinds.
Do you read. If so, try the Daily
Oregonianonly 15 cents a week. Sun
day included, 20 cents.
For choice family groceries, call at the
People's grocery, corner of Casa and
Pine street, G. W. Rapp's.
Experience ami money cannot improve Hk
Sawtek's Family Ccke. became it radically
cures DyspcttfU, Liver complaint and Kidney
uicicuity. sold ny a. u. Hartieri & u.
Kctncmbcr that cheap watcli work is
very expensive, salzman does good
watch work at lowest prices.
rale. thin. MoodlcM people hould ue Dr.
Sawyer's I'xatine. It l the greatest remedy in
uic wnrm lor mixing tnc wcac strong, sow oy
A. C 31 inters s Co.
For a good hat, stylish and cheap, call
on Wollenberg & Abraham, whoso stock
embraces all grades of head gear.
Dr. Sawyer's Family Crcx invlcoritcs.
strengthen, record-rates, rebuild, restores and
onnss new me. aji your nrugjrwt lor a iree
simple. Sld by A. C Minters i Co.
For fresh fruits, nuta and candies
good tobacco and cigars, call on G. V
Itapp, People's grocery, corner of Casa
and Pine.
llcaes unfriendly to women arc positively
cured bv Dr. SiwTcrs Pastilles. Ask Tourdruc-
slsU (or a free muple package. Ithcals and
res. bold by A. C Marsters & Co.
All parties desiring first-clasa lumbjr.
sash, mouldings, window frames and
door frames, fruit boxes, etc., at lowest
cash prices, call at Bear Creek millr.
C. A. Briggs.
Dr. A. P. Sawvcr: I have had Kbeumatism
since I nu 'JO years old, but since usine your
umiiv cures nave iicen irec irom ii. it auo
cured my husband ot the same disease.
Brooklyn, Iowa.
hold by A. U Jlantcrs u.
The J. G. Flook Co., is prepared to
fill orders for all kinds of mill work on
short notice. Estimates on contracts
furnished promptly. Give them a call
if you are thinking of building any kind
ot a houso.
See new lino oi mens, boys, and child
rcn'd hats at Osburns.' Next door to
Review office.
Dr. A. P. Sawrcr.
Sir: After suflcrlns lour years with female
weakness I was puruadcd by a friend to try
rour Pastilles, and after tulru: them one year.
can say I am entirely well. I can not rccom
mend incm to numr. Mrs. .n. f. tirooc,
Uronson. Bethel Branch Co., Mich.
Sold by A. C Marsters & Co.
I havu several hundred nice red cedar
posts for salo at three and one-half cents
a piece. W. It. Wklls
Olalla, Or., Aug. 3, 1895.
Children with pale, bluish complexions. In
dlcitlng the absence of the requisite red Rlobnle
111 UiU UllMI IllUUiU IA U lf. CHHJli S UKJ&UUV,
boiu lit a. c -Mirsicrs u.
If you have daily mail service, try the
daily Plaindealer for a month. It will
cost only 25 cents.
Linus Dr. Pawyer s Pastilles arc cOectual for
irmaic went new. pain on ion oi tnc ncaii ami
lower part of the back. It strengthens and
cures, bold by A. u. Planters A Co.
Dr. F. W. Haynes has just returned
from tho East and opened dental parlors
in Mark's building, whero ho will be
leased to welcome persons desiring den
tal work.
New Style of Trunk.
At the woes store you can sco some
thing new under the sun. It is a new
style of trunk that proventstho breakage
of the hinges when thtowing back the
top. Just the thing for ladies. Tho in
ternal arrangements are unique.
State Normal School,
Dn.u.v, OiiEdo.v.
First term begins Septeml)er lUtlf,
Entire new faculty. Send for catalogue,
Louis BAUsnK, President.
what la tho mcssago of days, what is tho
thouRht they hrlnc
Days that darken to win tor, days that sweeten
to spring!
Is thcro a loro to learn? Is thoro a truth to bo
Hath tho new dawn a ray that novcr flashed
from tho old?
Day that deepens to night, night that hrood-
ons to day.
What Is tho meaning ot all, what is tho word
thoy say?
Ellenco for oyo and aye, and tho heart beats
novcr ccaso
Till toll and lito and tho day aro the night and
death and peace
- John Hall Ingham In Ecribner's.
Faderewskl Thinks Performers Should
took EtTectlvo While IMaylng.
When Paderowski was in New York,
ho was calling at a prominent Wall street
man's homo in. Fifth nvenno when the
broker told him he would like to havo
his opinion of his daughter's playing.
Tho great pianist courteously replied
that nothing would givo him greater
After tho young lady had dashed off
several selections Padcrewski said:
"To get tho greatest enjoyment from
tho piano tho music most not only
bo heard, but the performer should bo
seen. The performer should therefore bo
careful of bis or her position at the in
I will bo frank with you and say
that I preferred to boo rather than hear
your daughter play. I might better say
that I looked moro than I listened, one
held hersolf correctly. There is nothing
I ha to moro than a listless, careless pos
taro of tho body whilo playing.
"Then thcro was life in her touch.
Her fingers fairly sparkled as they ran
over the board and touched tho keys,
rebounding from them with t snap that
was exhilarating to behoM. Her manner
of using her hands and her elbowing, if
I may so call it, showed proper training
"I will therefore add thatmyeenso of
hearing would havo been equally de
lighted doubtte's if my sense of sight
had not been bo completely monopolized.
I compliment tho young lady on her ac
complishment. ' '
"Thcro is wisdom m that," sard the
broker In repeating tho conversation.
"Teachers of tho piano should giro far
moro attention to this matter than they
now da " New York Advertiser.
Electric ZJghl Test.
Tho publio is becoming quite know
ing in many branches of electric knowl
edge, and in none moro than in tho de
termination, with greater or less accu
racy.of tho efficiency of tho electric light.
At ono time a central station had no
great difficulty in foisting upon its cus
tomers as a 10 candle power a light that
tho ordinary gas jet would bo an im
provement upon. Now, however, people
aro moro critical, and thoy havo a very
shrewd idea as to whether they are get
ting as much light as they aro paying
for. If they havo any doubt on tho sub
ject, it can bo easily set at rest.
Tho latest method of measuring ilia
ruination is based upon tho principlo
that tho illumination, falling, say, on a
printed page, must havo a definite valuo
In order to render tho printed characters
just legible, and that tho intensity of il
lamination so required will. lor a nor
mal eve. depend upon tho size and char
acter of tho print A small printed tab
let is placed in a darkened box and ex
posed to illumination from a tnmsrocent
plate of glass or porcelain, which re
ceives directly ou its surface the light
whoso intensity is to bo measured. Tho
area of tho translucent plate is then
varied until tho amount of light received
by tho test characters just renders them
visible. A scalo is provided by referenco
to which tho exact degree of candle pow
er of tho illumination is determined.
New York Times.
nis nils.
There lives in a town not far from
here in fact, it is at Skaneateles a
conplo who think a good deal of each
other, and when ono is ill tho other does
everything in tho world for her or his
welfare. Not long ago tho husband was
taken ilL and his wife rummaged around
to find some medicine in the house. Fi
nally sho came across a box of littlo
black plUs. There was no writing on tho
cover of tho box to tell what they were,
but as thoy resembled a certain liver pill
thowifo concluded that they must bo
tho required thine. Sho gavo them to
her hnbby regularly, and ho
improve. About a week after, whenaioj
had got down to tho last pill, ho chanced
to turn tho box over. Ho gavo a yell
that startled tho whole neighbcrbood.'
His 'wlforan to him, thinking that he1
was dying. "Look," he cried. "Read
what it says on tho bottom. " Sho did
as ho bado her, ami this was what she
read: "Prlmo Crown Morning Olory
Seeds t" Syracuse Post
Swore ITlmclf In.
In his reminiscences of tho Crimea, in
1854, General Sir Evelyn Wood tells a
story of a fighting general who, during
a conflict, was seen wherever bullets
fell most thickly. When not visible, his
volco was heard encouraging his men
with "a vocabulary borrowed from 'tho
army in Flanders,' " which Sir Evelyn
says will not bear repetition. "Years
after lie was appointed to tho AMershot
command, awl her majesty happened to
ask, 'Has tho new geieral yet taken up
his command?' 'Yen, your majesty, ' was
tho npt reply; 'Ihj swore himself in yes
terday.' "
Iceland moss is nativo to tho northern
parts of all continents. It is most abun
dant, however, in Iceland, whence its
namo has been obtained. Formerly in
high repnto in mcdiciiMj, it is now very
lightly regarded.
Australia means "south," and tho
land now known by that name was for
merly called New Holland.
The doublet was a close fitting coat
introduced into Franco from Italy about
M. R Rapp,
slT Jackson Street, Rosebarf , Oregon.
? Patent Medicines.
Toilet Articles.
Dress Goods and Trimmings,
Clothing for
House Furnishing Goods, Etc., Etc.,
And it will pay rVOU to see
wish to buy or not." Yours truly,
' ' I
W- l
E so
Are now
Prepared to
Supply all: parties
With their
Cleveland Distilling Go.
Goods delircml In quantities ot on ration or more. Orders from Town and Countrr
Solicited, and will be promptly attended to.
Office and Salesroom,
Marble and Granite Works.
Estimates Furnished, on all kinds of Cemetery Work.
Oftlce ni-ja Salesroom, jn Oak Btrcet.
and Children.
Men and Boys,
and get prices, whether you
' 1 ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I 1 I '
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Is what we give to every cus
tomer, for we believe the best
advertisement possible is a cus
tomer pleased with what we
have sold them, they will come
again and again, and their friends
will come too.
We are not here for a day
or for a month.
We are Here to Stay.
.Roseburg, Or.
Lager Beer.
ot and Scalers In
B. W. AGHISON & CO., Proirs.
Dealers In all kinds ot
JJIarbic and Granite Monuments
and Headstones,
Portland Cement Curbing
-For Cemetery XotM.