THE PLA1NDEALER OCTOUKK 10, 1S95. !f lh .;.. d rtiid i' " t- .tlti for nil Lu:kf-t 9 J v fi'n t-v, --J . r. .lilt ll nini-nl lirsy or Jcaifiy poi cn. Joy's vRCtablc j 1 par .11a :oba the Naod c f nil t s . i-Ti-He-, a 1 lorcr chan nels. Joy's Vcrjetable Sarsparilla cures Dy--pepsu, C h ronic liver Com points and Kidney Affection. pi- "l thCSC 3ipiUl- Joj's Vegetable JSarsaparlUa prevents urcd feel- lnKS stargerinsr. Kn- eauons, palpitation of heart, rush oi blood to tho head, diciness,ringuyj in cars, spots before the ores Headache bil- ioasness.oonxlj nation of bowels, pains in thebadmdancholr. longue coated, foul breath, pimples on fao?, body and limb, aeclineomerro force dizzy spells, faint spells, cold. elimmT Jcel and hands, sour I "sings, latigue, In somnia, and all dis- rases of the stomach, liver and kidneys. 1 -s VesttaKe Str rTU 11 ttz& by ta w Ktisse a "ft -a VTn p-yr.rtiel'iaitli. U. S. Department of Agriculture Weather Bureau. Kosxscas.Ore October ?, HiuvcTti 15 a. aa. Pacific time iUMSKTK s p. io. Parffic tlme-30.1T. ilaximsj temperatsie, 6i Mmlaam tesperaisre. l. Rainfall f w the It bocrs eadia; i p. m,. e. Total rainfall since 1st ot mosth, . Average rainfall for this moatti far lT ycirs 2.95. Total rainiatt f.-w nt. 1. IS, to Oate.TL Average MMtMy rjjBfall inm sept. 1. 196, to date. 2.7 1. Accaarelaled exeee front 1, lsjft, to date. UK. Averase prccspttaueo r IS wet eaoa5. Thos. Gi&sn, Observer. Foetus. Or-, Ocfber M. i; H ta. earner irrcaa Kr iae nes. Jj ttour, lor Roebsrc ii vicinltr: Thurviiy aa-i Friday, lair wcalber, wanner. 1'iSCc Local Forecast Official. BRIEF MENTION. Oceters at the Kandy Kitchen. rare fresh candies, fmits and nuts at the Roseleaf. Wanted A girl to do reneral houe- woik. Apply at this office. L wight ICeeJ and wife of Oakland came op to Itosebarg today. W. J. Lander made the I'ujxdealle a pleasant basiness call today. Altgeld. tlie IlKaels anarchhUc gover nor, is a candidate for re-election. Miss Masd IUgon has been elected Eupernnnierary for the Uosebarg tmUk school. Hair Ornammlt, I'urur, 1'vrttt ltt. 'e line of the latest aovelties. Call and see tltem at the Nereity Store. A lire gtioat was cant Bred at a l'urt- i land mateniiiziiK; eanoe oq ui jlit last i week. It proved lo be the mcJism. Don't you know I ha I Hood's i-arsapa-rilla wii: overcocoe that tired feeling ami give jrou renewed vigor and vitality? "My mother has been relieved of stomach troobies by Hood's narsapa rilla." Samuel Larence, SchoH's, Or. Irs. Markw it. Baxter will be in Kosebarg Monday, October I-ilh, and will speak in the Baptist church in the evening Miss EsHe Chamber?, who has been visiting in MarshCeld, jased through Bosebnrg last Monday, to Iter home in Baker City. 3Iiss 3Iary Haines of Eekley, Curry county, is in the city for a few days, on her way to Monmouth, where sho will attend the Normal. Mrs. Kose Arrington, of 3Iarshfield is in the city, the gnest of Mrs. J. I. Chap man. She will zo to Portland soon to at tend the exposition. If yon don't watt to enffer with corns and bunions, have your boots add shoes made at L. Langenburg'a. Repairing neatly and promptly done. The silver craze is losing its grip on the public pres. Like the measles it has had its ran, the fever has Enbsided and the patient is convalescing. Niece & AVilliamnon't; oyster iarlor ami restaurant is now open, where you can get fresh oysters in any style and meals at all lnwrs. At the Candy fac tory. Rescue Hook c Ladder Co., No I will hold their regular meeting Friday night. A full attendance is desired. Members will appear in full uniform for inspec tion. The weather is excellent. We have had three weeks of fine dry weather. Mr. Gibson of the observer bureau had better put up his storm flag soon or grass will Buffer. There is a leer war on in Portland among the brewers. "What the people there want hi beer war in the saloons that will cut iirices to two beers for a nickel. Mrs. Lischen 3Iaud .Miller of Eugene, who is arranrinir with Ihe W. C. T. U. for an entertainment to be given next Thursday evening, made this office a pleasant call this morning. Mr. .Tcihn Hall. ejc-commt6sioner of Douglas county, residing at 31yrtle Creek was in the city yesterday. 3Ir. Hall is largely engaged in prune culture. He has gathered from his orchard and dried a car load of prunes. A communication from "3Iollie," our Glendale correspondent, was received this morning, but too late for publica. tion. fc'he is at Grants Pass, enjoying the hospitality ol noiei josepmne, which fihe confiiders a model hostelry i every' respect. The picture of ntylc, bfauly and relia bility, all lh" merits of fanhionn weaves and colore, all tho virlures that dross coo da oQglit lo possess, are combined in tho fabrics which wo now offer. That tho riticKs aro the lowest wo leavo you to judgo. Novelty Store. There will bo preaching at tho old Grange hall 011 each Lord's day at 11 a. m. and 1 :30 p. in., Sunday school at 10 a. in. by J. M. Hudson, the evangel ist, and others. Biblo reading on Tues day night and prayer 1 11 outing oq Thurs day night of each week. .Miss Carrie Sykes has been granted a leave of absenco from the Building and Loan Association as secretary, and Mr, H. Wollenberg has been appointed her deputy till tho close of tho year. Miss Carrie has lieen a very good secretary aud.carrics wih her the best wishes of the board of trustees of tho association. From Mondays Daily, I). C. Agler of Junction City is regis tered at Ihe McClalleii. A. F. Harrington of Portland is regis tered at tho Van Houten. A. A. Eugle the Nasby of Peel is in the city today on business. Hon. G. W. Kiddle of Glenbrook came down to the city today on business. I. A. Border and K. M. Dunuivun of Myrtle Point aro registered at tlie Mc- Clallen. There will be a dance at lon's hall in Coles-valley, on Friday evening, October 11th. A good time is guaranteed to all who participate. Mr. J. C. Quaut, 000 of tho substantial and influential citizens of Driver Valley, u in the city today on business before the countv court. Married, Sunday morning, October 6, 1S05, by Rev. N. S. Buckner, Sir. Henry Lueresen and Miss Alico Buckner, daugh ter of the officiating clergyman. James Laird of Sitkum, Coos county, came oyer to the city today. He sya he was in the city when it took its first vote under its first charter, October, 1874. Gearge Estes of Roseburg, the offi cial scent managing excursions from Douglas county, is very enthusiastic and hopes to hava at least half of the popula tion of Douglas county on bis excursion. Married, at the residence of the bride's parents. October tith, 1S05, bv Rev. W. H. McLain, Mr. Lewis A. Scott of Linn county and Miss Ida E, Unite of Douglas county. Died, at Olalla, October 5th, ISM. .Mr. John Fisher, near his residence at this place, of heart failure or paralysis. 31 r. Fisher was 67 years of age and an old pioneer ol this place having fettled here in 1S53. It is reported that the domestic organi zation of the Vatican is such that if the pope were to be taken fatally ill it would be tej-t secret for several days. Lately it has been arranged that not even the body servant of the pope could pen etrate the seciet. But the health of the pope at present does not at all justify such proceedings. From TBesdar'i Pailr. J. Martin of Looking Glass is iu town. S- S. Caldwell of Ashland is in the city. C. H. Stearns of 31 U Scott is in town. A. F. Harrington of Portland is in the city. . J. T. Cwier of Oakland was in town vesterday. C. H. Brower of Portland is in city today. L. G. Williams of Portland is at Van Honten. Henry Luerssen left last nielit on overland for Princeton, 3Iinn. the the the The 3Iiiica Atterbeiy of 3IL Scott are registered at the Van Houten. .Miss Zeha Zigler leaves for 3Iedford ou tomorrow morning's overland. Thos. and Wm. Thompson of Coles valley are in the city on business. .Mrs. u. at. lase 01 Junction city, is in the city, the guest of 3Irs. D. S. We3t. E. P. Jenning and wife of Ironwood, Iowa, are stopping at the Van Houten Though sngar has advanced 1"J'- cents per sack our grocers sell at the old prices. The honorable county court is now in session. Present, Judge Steams and Commissioner C. II. Maupin and W. L. Wilson. The Revs. Robert Ennis of Jackson ville. N. P. Dadge of Grants Pass, F, T. Foster of Ashland and U. A. 3Ioses of Oakland are in the city today. The time for purchasing tickets for the Portland exposition is fast approaching. The excursion train will leave Roseburg Wednesday morning. October 10th, at 8 o'clock. Our reporter may be a little excited over the result of 31ocday's election, but be says 3Irs. Boyd gavo him a peach today that weighs four and a half pounds, Go to Mrs. Boyd's for peaches. 3Iesers. Stilly and Abner Riddle o Riddle are in the city today on busi nesa. Messrs. Riddle have lost over a thousand bushels of prunes this year for the want of drying capacity to preserve them. Wm. Laugh and Bailey Singleton left today for their mines on Myrtle creek, They went prepared to remain two or three weeks. 3Ir. Laugh is very san guine of success in his search for the auriferous mita J. H. Pearce of Cleveland brought to the Plaindealck office today a sample of yellow Danver and red Weathersficld onions 14?4 inches in circumference or an average of 14 inches. They were raised on his ranch this season. They ehow unmisiakably the fertility of Ore gon soil. W. D. Rrenner, a lawyer of King ston, N. Y., and Dr. W. Kimball of tho same city, are stopping at the Van Hou ten. They have been enjoying them selves for the past few weeks in Yellow stone National Park and are now gun ning for grouse, deer and varmints in this vicinity. W. C. Wilson of Melrose was in the city today. Mr. Wilson has a juartz mine in the Green mountain district on which be has erected a four stamp mill, which will be pnt in operation in a short time. He is now on his way to Portland to purchase an engine to run the mill The mining industry of Douglas county this coming mining season bids fair to be one of great prominence. California (or Oregon) Bartlett pears tbo English have learned, may be lwititrht and if covered up will keep for Ihrrn or four daya or ovon a week, payn General Manager Thomas of tho Cali fornia Fruit Transportation Company. Tho French shippers of fruit who havo hitherto controlled tho London market, arc already leginning to bo afraid of California, and I can seo no reason why California fruit will not soon take pre ccdcnco in London, aa it has in New York and Chicago." From Wednesday's Daily. Social danco at tho armory Saturday night. Music by tho Rosoburg orchestra. Hon. L. Bilyou of Latio county is in tho city today ou business boforo tho county officials. The voto of tho election hold Monday will bo canvassed at the city hall next Monday evening. R. 31. Merriuiau of Priuco Ceutervillo School, Wash., is visiting Dr. F. R. Coffman this week. Hon. Plinn Cooper reports that ho has gathered and dried about l'MOO pounds of prunes this season. Miss lula Bradley, one of our good teachers, left this morning for a few days isit to friends in Central Point. Dr. N. P. Bunnell is reported 011 the streets this morning as improving with reasonable hopes of bis recovery. As usual there aro twenty, more or ess, applicants for night watch. I lie longest pole rakes tho persimmon. B. WrStroug -md Free Johnson wont to Salem yesterday aa representatives to tlie Grand 1-oJgo K, of P. now iu session there. The managers oi the S. P. Co., are the most efficient firemen on to road. They havo tired Charles Wilson and 3fort Young from the service H. V. Smith is in the city today. He has had a lay off from his train service as mailing clerk on the railroad for about GO days, to assist his father gather and dry his prune crop. He reports that work finished and that the crop of dried prunes is not less than 15000 pounds. N. Rice has moved into the Taylor it Wilson block with his furniture where it makes a fine showing. He is now ready to sell yon furniture of all kinds on the most reasonable terms. Call and see Mr. Rice in his new quarters. He will take pleasure in showing you bis stock and not grumble it you do net purchase. Word came to the city late last night that Isaac Leh nherr was burned in his barn on East Ump)oa river about five miles above Peel postoffice. Tlie particulars will not be learned till the return of the coroner, K. L. Miller, this evening or tomorrow cnorning. It is thought by some that he has been foully dealt with and thrown into the barn and then set on fire to conceal the deed. The election is over. Tin sun, moon and stars continue to raise aud set as be fore. There are of course, eonio un pleasant reminiscences ol the conflict. A few of the defeated candidates feel sore and disconsolate as a matter of course. We deeply sympathize nilh persons in distress everywhere, but sym pathy must not be allowed to stand io the way of justice. The people have spoken. Their behest must be observed though tlie heayena fall. Vox populi, vox dei. The supreme court of Oregon lias handed down its decision'in the cai In vestment Trast, limited, respondent, vs. Geo. C. Sears, sheriff of Multnomah county, appellant ; affirming judgment of lower court. In plain English the sheriffs are allowed lo collect mileage fees for serving lcral Mpcrs in the course of his official buines. "The court construes this simply to mean jus lice stiali iv ailmtmstenM without y- ment, except such as the law mav reasonably fix." The U. S. Gov't Reports show Royal Baking Powdei superior to all others. Promoted. 31 r. Ernest H. Palmer, a ho founded the house of Palmer &. Rey in this city, 15 years ago, and has been in charge ever since of the Pjlmer it Rey branch of the American Type Founders' Com pany, has been promoted to Pacific coast manager of the different branches of the Type Founders' Company, including San Francisco, Portland and Ixs Ange les. His headquarters will be San Fran cisco, for which city he will leave here the end of this month. 31 r. J. X. Brands of Chicago has been appointed local manager ol the Ameri can Type Founders' Company's branch in this city to take the place made vacant by .Mr. Palmer's promotion, and will leave for the West in a few days. He is veteran in the type and Newspaper Union business, and for several years bas been connected with the firm of 3Iar der, Luse & Co,, now a branch of the American Type Founders' Company in Chicago. Telegrain . The Square Deal Store. The Square Deal store is now receiving a full and complete stock of fall and winter goods, consisting in part of cloth ing, hats and caps, ladies' and gents' underwear, a fine assortment of misses' and childrcns' shoes, gents' boots and shoes in endless variety, dry goods, fancy goods and dress goods, all of which are offered at extremely low prices. They are determined not to bo undersold by any mercantile house in Southern Ore gon. Give them a call. JScrvoiin Shock. E. W. Joy Commst Gentlemen: This is the first time I have attempted to write for three years. Have been so nervous and ucak that I Lave laid in bed for most of Ihe lime. A friend vtbo ha1 taken vonr barraiiarilla cent me two boUlcs. The second one It moat rone, and I have Rained 3) ounus, and surely eel a new woman. 1 was pale, tnin, no am blUon. Uad given up, as I had tried so man remedies and doctors, but found no benefit. I you care to publish this you have mv consent. (Signed) MRS. A. TIlXMAN, Alameda, CM. Ilcadscbe, Bllllouancrs and Torpid Liverldls appear when you take- Joy's Vegetable Barsa parilla. Something New. F. D. Searcy bas at 223 Jackson street a unique exhibit, a la "nickel in the slot." A shot in the pupil of tho bull's eye will set the menagerie in motion, accompanied with a full orchestra of music, Ooly a nickel and the pull of a triger will admit you to witness tho mystery. The Pelton Water Motor Oi capacities varying from 1 to 25 horse power affords the most convenient, eco nomical and reliable power for all light service. One of these may be seen run ning at this office. Send for circulars. ThePellon Water Wheel Co., 121 Mnm St., San Frannlpco, Cal. TELEGRAPH NEWS. flalionc Is Dead. Wahiiinhton, Oct. 8. General Ma- hono diod at 1 o'clock thin afternoon Tho end came iwaccfully, almost im perceptibly. Tho funeral will bo held at Petersburg, Va. (Tho country will long romemlwr Gen eral William Mahouo as 0110 of the most pieturo8(iuo tlgurcB and characters in pub lic lifo during the last 30 years. Lxce- lionaly slight in statuo and frame, Lo has boon a marked man in general assemb lages. His peculiar style of dress, es pecially hia.-hat, attracted attention to him. This broad-brimmed, soft felt hoad gear seemed out of proportion lo tho tiny form beneath it. But boncath this shndo sparkled a pair of tho keenest eyes ever losaessed by man. General Mahone marks an epoch in the history of tho United States siuco tho late war. Ho has beou during tho last quarter of n century tho central figure in Virginia pclitics, and at one timo his slight figure was the nucleus of one of tho most violent political storms that ever waged in congress. lie was in hisCJth year. II is favorite sobriquet was 'Hero of tho Crater," won by his wonderful courago in tho attack on Petersburg when tho Federal forces sprung a ruino beneath the Confederate delensos. He fought like n tiger, and later historians give to him almost alone tho credit of keeping Petersburg from Union hands by repairing before sunset the shattered Confederate lines. He had j lined the Confederate army at once afier tbo secession, participating in the capture of tho Norfolk navy yaid in IStil, and raised and commanded tho Sixth regimeut of Virginia. He was commiMtoned as a brigidier-general in March, ISO, and six months later be came a major-general. At the close of the w-tr he returned to his original work of engineering, and becam" president of the Norfolk & Tennessee railroad. A spirit of leadership led him into the political arena, and he at ooce assumed a foremost position in the internal affairs of Virginia, which was at that time laden with an enormous debt that soon became the issue of vital importance between the political parties. He was elected to the United Slates icnate in 1S79. He was like a firebrand cast into a mass of dry tinder. From the pecaliar attitude that he at I once assumed, he caused one of Ihe most bitter controversies and stubborn dead- i locks ever known in the history of that; body. Mahono at last acted with the republicans, and gave them tho organi zation of the senate His course brought , down upon Ins head the wrath ol I he democrats, but the republicans received 1.: o ti. t U ilU Will, UltU 4IUJD UU II1U IIUIIAI ..... . laiiuuau iu i iriuia wu iuiucu uicr iu 1.:... c:. n..t t. i. 1 LJ I kit . CtUlC IU 1 1.11 U HO llrtO UVVIi 1 1 , ... 1 ce the republican leader ,n it- mm tin pn'n In IhA ipniln unltl I ..w - iMi.vnen 11c was ueicaieu. .11nougn no nas since resiucu almost constantly in ...... this city, he retained citizenship in ir- ' . . .: . . . . . . a .1 ; it. . .r,H in ICnfl was " . n In. -luiAi n ii tow nma m viiuiuio IUI i . t-i, t , . " ' to Larkln from which he transferred to governor. He was best known here of... ... , ... . r . L . - rr . . 1 Jlission electric car and went within a iaie rears dt uis euorxa 10 secure me purchase by the government for a print-, -T. , , , , ng office site a square of ground owned ' by him. The quaint figure of its owner was always seen in U10 lobbies of both ; house and senate at the close of cvorv ! . . ... i IKH.UU, AUU liU "U IVilBiUUICU A K'd-T power in the third house.) Kidney. : K. W. Jot (YiNrasv -t.tntlemen I have' suffered from kidney trouble for two or three yran. 1 omi nave 10 set up in me nijni to void mt urine from ten In rifieen tirnca. Mr sleep was dUturbed, and 1 became very thin ana nervous. -o appetite; mweu romtipated. I hare taken two bottles and gained tiftcen pounds. Sleep well. Have to set up atont I three timet during nlsht. and am -very much bctlrr in every rofect. Will continue to take 1 your Vegetable aruttarllla. for believe It will entirely cure me. (Mrnol 1 JIB. KDWAKII W. FRENCH, stock ton, Cal. 1 JOY S TOK TIIK JAUEII. JOYo VEGETABLE SAft5AfAF.lLL.V- Was Firing at Insurgents. Havana, Oct. S. Dispatches from Santiago de Cuba say the government cruiser Alcedo has been firing at bands of insurgents ashore in the neighborhood of Care 3Iays. at the eastern extremity of Cuba. September 'M a steamer, be- lieved to be the Alena, which left New York September 'Jl for Kingston. Savan-. illo and Carthagena, stopped under tho ' imprcision, it u presumed, that she was being fired upon, but not receiving any answer from the cruiser and seeing the latter was firing towards the land, she continued on her course, apparently headinc for Jamaica. Tho Associated Press dispatch giving the first news of the stopping of the Alena was held by the authorities here. State of Ohio, Citv or Toledo, Lccas County, I Frank J. Ciieeny makes oath that he is the senior partner of the Arm of F. J. Cheney & Co., dolnc business in the City of Toledo, J vonniy ami aiaic aioresam, ami snai saiu iirm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL LARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured bv the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D., 1M. seal W. OLEASON, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure! is taken internally and acts directly on the blond and mucuos sur faces ol the system. Hcnd for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Dnixs;Ists,75c. French in Madagascar. Port Icis, Island Maritius, Oct. 8. Advices today from tho Ialaud of Mada gascar announce that the French ex peditionary force which havo been ad vancing on Tananarivo, the capitol, for many weeks, captured tho place Setcm ber 27. The prime minister and the court lied to Ambosistra. The nows was brought to the coast by xmricrs from Vatamaudry, September 20. Dispatches from Tatnatave say Faralatra was bom barded by tho French, October 3, aud was assaulted the following day. for Over Fifty Yenrjt. As Old and Well-Tried Remedy. Mrs. n'inslow'i Soothing Syrup has been used lor over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, find Is tho best remedy for Dlarrhaa. Is pleasant to the tiste. Sold by druggists In every part of the world. Twenty- live cents n bottle. Its value Is incalculable. Bo sure uud utk for Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. Hearst's New Paper. New 10RK, Oct. 8. A morning paper says : W. R. Hearst, the California journal 1st, has purchased the Journal. Mr, Hearst finished his examination of the books and formally entered on his duties as editor aud proprietor last night. Samuel Chamberlain, formerly of tho New York Herald, who ban boon mnnng- ing editor of the Examiner for several years, also assumed the role of managing editor of the Journal. Rumors Regarding Hill. Sr Paul, Oct 8. A dispatch today says President Hill, of the Greiit North oru, will resign about the firet of the year and will be succeeded by his son, Samuel Hill, who la already president of several branch lines. It Is stated tho reason of this action is to remove the ob jections to his peeurlug control of tho Northern Pacific. He is every day get ting a firmer hold upon Northern Pacific securities. Durrant Testifies. San Francisco. Oct. 0. Theodore Dm rant was placed on the stand this morning to testify in bis own behalf. It was the intention of tho defooso to recall Charles T. Lenahau, but Lenahan was not present and Durraut was called to ttie stand. Gonoral Dickinson conducted the ex amination. After telling his age and a few facta of that kind, the attention of tho young medical studont was directed to the event of April 8. On the morn ing of that day he said hornet Blanche Lauiout, to whom he had first been in troduced at Emanuel Baptist church last September. After relating the facts about his trip with Miss Lamont to the Sutler-street car he said he went to the Cooper medical college intending to at tend the lecture at 11 o'clock. Stillman, however, did not lecture, and Durrant said that he and another student named Ross went for a walk. When they re turned half n hour later Durrant went to the library to consult the authorities on certain questions under discussion in his classes. About 1 o'clock Durrant paid he went for another walk with a student named Diggins. They were ab sent half an hour. Returning Durrant went In to the library and remained un til 3:30 o'clock, when he went to the classroom where Dr. Cheney was to lecture. "Was the roll called at the close of the lecture?" asked Dickinson. "It was," replied Durrant. "Were yon in the classroom, and did you answer to your own name?" "I was present and answered to my own name." Durrant's answeis up to this time had been given in clear, well-modulated tones.'without hesitation or undue haste. Then came a question at which the pris oner beilated a moment before he an swered. "flit! vnn tnlrn nntam at Ilia I Aft n.aT . , Durrani's eyes were cast down for a moment. Then be raised his head. "I , 1 , ,, , i-i BUUiD uwes, uu rcpiieu, 'but they J are not very full." , 111 r ie luiK'-a noiea were prouueeu ana gJmille inJ . nrmnl n.rl In . . to aauiwt t a aMU VIMW va IUU lecture , - ,. c , ... to repair the gas fixtures. He said he , . c ,, , , ,. , , took the Sutter-ctrect car and transferred . , .. , , . . . . . . . . . 1 i in. nii; yvyuj vi Mio Mil, . . . n . Entering the church Durrant said he took off his coat and vest so bia watch trnnliln't fall mil nf bia fM-wtrt vIiiIa af . 1 1 -j .1 , . .. UUIl.ilUU UUU IIIO UIUSUU IU UlC II- brarv. ihen lie catheied the necessarr I tools and went to the attic to repair the sutiburners. In order to make tbo teati . mouy more easily understood a black board was brought into court and Dur- ' rant traced a diagtam of this section of of Emanuel church and its tall tower, In order to repair the burners be said it was necessary fur him to lie at full length 011 a plank with bis head much lower than iiis feet. Tlie gas was partly turned on in order to test the lighting ,apparatus. then Durrant took a gas burner and stepping down to the jury box explained to the jurors the construc tion of the burner with facility, while Ihe jurors leaned over the rati eager to j catch every word that came from Dur rant's lips. After repairing the burners Durrant said he descended to the auditorium where he found George King playing on the organ. Asked to what conversation took place, be said: 1 said. -Hello. Oeorge; 1 heard you playing Irom up stairs. He said some- thing about my looking pale. I told him that he would look pate if he had been through what I bad. Then I explained that while I bad bien fixing the sun- burners I had been partly overcome by Ihe escaping gas. I felt very sick, rather ' nauseated, and asked him if he would go to the drug store and get me some !l -l - l. T oromiue seuzer. 1 gavo aim tne money and in 11 few minutes he returned with the medicine." After drinking tho seltzer Durrant said he helped King carry a small organ down stairs. Then he asked King bow he looked and King said ho did not look as he did a few moments before. Dur rant wanted to seo for himself, however, and went to the mirror. When the work at tho church was finished Durrant said ho walko to Twenty-second and Mission streets with King. He walked a block or two out of his way to accompany I King, as ho had plenty of time. Alter j leaving King ho went homo to dinner, but did not eat heartily, as ho still felt ill from tho effects of Ihe gas, aud in the evening he attended services at the church. There he met Mrs. Noble, Blanche Lamont's aunt, and asked her if Blanche was coming to prayer meeting that evening, aud Mrs, Noblo Bald she did not think bo. Durrant also spoke of a note that he paw Mrs. Noblo hand to Mrs. Moore. While Durrant was telling of tho events at prayer meetlnit, Mrs. Nobby watched him closely, and on two oc caeions shook her head, as if disagreeing with tho testimony he had given. Dur rani described the way in which he was dressed on April 3, after which court took a recess until '2 o'clock. Catarrh. E. W. Joy Company Gcntluoiuu; I have jusi completed tne necoiui bottlo ol your Vege table barsapalllla. 1 liavu bad Catarrh fc years which affcutcd my eyes, hearing and stomach, frequently would have dull head' acne lor uays at a time. Since taking your remeuy i navu ieu uo.aisagreeauia symptom. Trusting you will publish this as I want an 0110 suffering from any of the abovo symptoms n l.A I. .... 1! I ... I 11... II.. . . . . .. bottles oy return express, (Signed) MR. FREDERICK DE RICHMOND, Seattle, Wash Everymall brings a new batch of testimon ials for Joy's vegetable Sarsaparilla. Karl's Clover Root will purify yonr Blood and clear your Complexion, regu lato your Bowels and make your head as clear an a .mil. 25c, film and $1.00. RIDDLE. Prune drying is over, for which we are all very thankful, and now we want a prune Imyei. School increased wonderfully after piutio pickiug whs over. Tin-v Imd to borrow peals from tho other dlritrict to accommodate them all. Mr. G. K. Quine's family have moved into their new house. Mrs. B. F. Lohr of Roseburg was visit ing her sister and relatives here a few days ago. Mibs Blanche Riddle oeiied school on Rico Creek, Iho 7th inst. Rev. Farrar of Klamath Falls, preached two very interesting sermons to us Sunday morning and ovoning. He came to Riddle with Rev. Miller, whom he is visiting at the present time. Miss Laura Fiekert of Nichols station was visiting friends in Riddle, Monday and Tuesday. Hank Nichols drovo tomo fino beef cattle down from tbo Bad Lands a few days ago, which he will ship in a short time. Miss Bontly and Miss Chad wick of the Cbadwick farm, attended church here Sunday. A. Riddle and Slilley Biddle were do ing business iu Rosoburg Tuesday. Mrs. Dona Catching and family are moving into their house in town again. Mr. Carter of Canyonville came over to Riddle on his wheel Sunday. Mrs. Kimmell aud Mrs. Pardee of Can yonville attended church here Saturday afternoon. A. Riddle aud son finished drying prunes the 8th instant, They will hava 00,000 pounds of dried fruit for Bale. Prol. E. McBroom and Mr. H. Parry of Roseburg, were doing business and visit ing friends in our town a few days ago. Enid. Mnrvclon" Retinitis. From a letter written by Rev. J. Gund- erman, of Dimondale, Mich., we are per mitted to make this extract : "I have no hesitation in recommending Dr. King's New Discovery, as the results were al most marvelous in the case of my wife. vt bile I was pastor of tho Baptist church at Rives Junction she was brought down wun rneumonia succeeding La GriDDe. Terrible paroxysms of coughing would last hours with little interruption and it seemed as if she could not survive them. A friend recommended Dr. King's New Discovery : it was quick in its work and highly satisfactory in results." Trial bottles free at A. C. Masters & Co.'s Drug Store. Regular size 50c. and f 1.00. Southern Oregon Presbytery. The Presbytery of Southern Oregon met in Roseburg at U a. m.. October 8, 1S95, as per adjournment last spring. The opening sermon by the moderator was deferred till 7:30 p. m. The Presby tery was opened with a half hour devo tional exercise. Rev. R. B. Dilworth was elected mod erator and Rev. S, S. Caldwell, tempor ary clerk. Rev. G. A. Holzengcr was granted a letter of admission to the Presbytery at Saginaw. The Fresbytery entered upon its rec ords a protest against officially recogniz ing any one branch of tho church of Christ as tho "Christian" church. Report of committee on conference was adopted, reporting that Revs. Halzinger, Scott and Cox were oxcused from the conference. The acting moderator preached a ser mou from the words, "Heroin do L exer cise mysell to have always a conscience yoid of offense toward God and toward man." Acts xxiv:lt5. itev. j. l.. Jones 01 tlie Columbia con ference of the M. E. Church, South, was invited lo sit as a corresponding mem her. i-ma-BYTEKs. A. S. Foster, A. Marcellus, Robert Gunis, F. G. Strauge, R. B. Dilworth, Robert 3IcLean. W. C. Scolt, S. S. Cald well, H. A. Mosser. ELDKH. J. J. Hall, T. T. Foster, C. Gaddis, J. SI. Byers, W. P. Dodge, M. A. Strange and G. W. Wonacott' The Presbytery met at U a. m. Min utes were read and adopted. The Sab bath school missionary report was read and referred back for correction. It was corrected and reported back and ap proved. Tlie report of the committee on publi cation of babuath school work was amended and adopted. Presbytery took recess till 1 :30 p. m. Presbytery called to order at 1 :30, Report of aid to colleges and acade mies was accepted and recommends tious adopted. AlTEHNimN SlMON. The committee on home mission made a partial reiwrt. Its recommendations were adopted seriatim. The minutes of the Bandon church were adopted. The presbytery went into committee of the whole to discuss the school work of Rev. R. B. Dilworth. The report of committee of the whole was adopted, being favorable. The treasurer was instructed to ask the churches for 5 cents jxt member for presbyterial papers. The committee on the minutes of the general assembly was accepted and tho committee discharged. The report of the committee on bills and overtures was accepted and the committee discharged. The report of the committee on judi cial business was accepted and the com mittee discharged. I Ashland was chosen 11a the place for the stated spring meeting. Tho state clerk was instructed to grant H. A. Mosser a letter of dismission and recommendation to a presbvterv while he shall manse to whom he calls. Standing rule two was laid aside and tho presbvterv ordered to meet at Ban don tho third Thursdav in August, lS'JH Rttohtd, That the presbytery of Southern Oregon hereby cordially thank this congregation for hospitably re ceivmg, bountitully tootling us, and 111 various other wava contributing to our comforts, making all our session pleas ant and tending to make our wav smootho and agreeable. Respectfully, F. G. SritAMii:, Chairman Children's clothing at cvft and some for less than cost. I havo also, a nice line of men's and young men's clothing which will be sold at very low prices. Call and look over our stock before buy inR. ThoNov.Mty Store. Highest of all in Lwening Power.Latest U. S. Gov't Report AtsoumsiY PURE NOTES OF INTEREST. New goods at Caro Bros. Buy your cigars at the Roseleaf. Wood taken on subscription at this office. For a good-cent cigar call on Mrs.N. Boyd. Fresh oysters this evening at the Kandy Kitchen. A cottage lo rent. Inquire at this office or of owner at 405 Washington street. Daily Oregonian only 15 cents a week. Leave orders at City News Stand. For dress goods, clothing, hats, boots and shoes call on Wollenberg & Abra ham. Daily and Sunday Oregonian, reduced to 20 cents a week. Delivered at your door. Everybody is pleased who buy their jewelry and have their watches repaired at Salzman's. Beer at the Roseburg brewery ten cento per quart, fifteen cents per pitcher. Free lunch of all kinds. Do you read. If bo, try the Daily Oregonian, only 15 cents a week. Sun day included, 20 cents. For choice family groceries, call at the People's grocery, corner Cass and Pine street, G. W. Rapp's. Remember that cheap watch work is very expensive, fcalzman does good watch work at lowest prices. For a good bat, stylish and cheap, call on Wollenberg & Abraham, whose stock embraces all grades of bead gear. Dr. Sawyer's Family Ccre invhroratea. strengthens, recuperates, rebuilds, restores and brings new life. Ask your drugxist for a free sample. Bold by A. C. Marsters dt Co. For fresh frails, nuts and candies, good tobacco and cigars, call on G. W. Rapp, People's grocery, corner of Cass and Pine. Diseases unfriendlY to women are ixjsltlvclr cured by Dr. fc'awyers Pastilles. Ask your drug- gists for a free sample Dockase. it n heals and res. coiu oy a. u. m arsters uo. All parties desiring first-class lumbir, sash, mouldings, window frames and door frames, fruit boxes, etc., at lowest cash prices, call at Bear Creek mills. C. A. Beiggb. Experience and moner cannot 1m Drove Ds Sawyer's Family Cubes, because It radically cures Dvstierjeia. Liver complaint and Kidney dificulty. Sold by A. C. Marsters & Co. The J. G. Flook Co., is prepared to fill orders for all kiwis of mill work on short notice. Esttmaiea on contracts furnished promptly. Give them a call if yon are thinking of building any kind ol-a bouse. See new line of mens, boys, and child ren's hats at Osburns. Next door to Review office. Ladies Dr. Sawyer s Pastilles are effectual for male weakness, pain on top of the head aad iwer part of the back. It strengthens and cures, bold by A. C. Marsters & Co. I have several hundred nice red cedar posts for sale at three and one-half cents a piece. W. R. Wells, Olalla, Or., Aug. 3, 1805. Children with pale, bluish complexions, in dicating the absence of the requisite red globules in the blood should take Dr. eawyer's t'kaUne. &oiu dt a. u. iiarsiers e m. If you have daily mail Eervice, try the dailv Plainukalkh for a month. It will cost only 25 cents. Dr. A. P. Sawyer: I have bad Rheumatism since I was 'J) years old, but since usinj your Family Cures have been free from it. It also cured my husband of the same disease. .Mrs. kodi. lonneiir. Brooklyn, Iowa. bom oy a. u. ji arsters s lo. Dr. F. W. Haynes bas just returned from the East and opened dental parlors in Mark's building, where be will be pleased to welcome persons desiring den tal work. Dr. A. P. Sawyer. Sir: After suffering four years with female weakness I was puruadcd by a friend to try Tour Pastilles, and after using them one year. I can say I am enUrcly welL I can not recom- menu in em 10 mgniy. sin. 31. a. uroox, Branson, Bethel Branch Co., Mich. Sold br A. C. Marsters & Co. Subscribe for the Daily Plaindealer. It is the only live paper in Southern Or egon. It furnishes the latest news np to date. Pale. thin, btoodless People should um! Dr. Sawyer's Ukatine. It Is the neatest remedy in the world for making the weak strong. Sold by a. u Marsters & uo. The J. G. Flook Co. is prepared to do any kind of mill work at the lowest liv ing rates, and those who are preparing to build should consult them. They can save you monjy. The World's Fair Tests showed no baking powder so pure or so great In leav ening power as the Royal. Information Wanted. Inasmuch as we have not the address of all the hop and fruit growers in Doug las county, we will esteem it a favor if all such growers will send us.the weight of their crop of hops and prunes dried this season. We desire to show inrougu our columns the extent of those two indus tries iu Douglas connty. We desire as extensive a list as pos sible on the above class products. Don't be afraid to send us all information you can on any and all subjects pertaining to klh) products of your farms. We will put it in print for the purpose of letting the people outside the state know of tbe good qualities and fertility ot our soil and the excellent quality of its products. How's This? We offer Oue Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cau not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co.. Props., Toledo, O. We the undersigned, have known F J. Cheney for the last 15 years, aud be lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi ness trausaelious aud financially aide to carry out auy obligttious undo by their firm. West a Tkuax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Wauunu, Kinnan .t Makvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of tbe system. Price 7oc. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists Testimonials free. Hall'n Family Pillfl aro tho Another Pioneer Gone. John Fisher, who died in Olalla Satur day, October tho 5th, was born in Illi nois, .May tho 22nd, 1828. Ho immi grated to Oregon in 1852, was married lo Miss Sarah E. Olmstead in 1851, who died in 1881. To .Mr. and Jlrs. Fisher was born thirteen children, nine of whom survive them. Their daughters are Jlrs. Jane Gurney, 3Irs. Rose Noah, and iliss Nellie Fisher. Their sons are Fred, Daniel, Benjamin, Logan, Jacob and William. All living in Oregon but Daniel, who is in San Jose, Cal. Mr. Fisher was followed to his last resting place in the 3IcGuire cemetery. on Monday, October the 7th, by almost the entire community, all of whom deeply sympathize with the berieyed family in their hour of sorrow. Thus are the old pioneers who endured the dangers and privations neceesary to convert this onco savage wilderness into a happy, prosperous aud fairly well pop ulated stale, fast paesing away from the shore of lime. Allen. Two Lives Saved. Mrs. Phoebe Thomaa. of Junction Citv. 111., was told by her doctors she had Con sumption and that there was no hope for her; but two bottles Dr. King's New Dis covery completely cured her and she says it saved her life. 3Ir. Thos Eggers, 130 Florida St., San Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, approaching Consump tion, tried without result everything else then bought one bottle of Dr. King's New Discoyery and in two weeks was cured. He is naturally thankful. It is such results, of which these are samples, mac provejtne wonaeriui etiicacy ot this medicine in Coughs and Colds. Free trial bottles at A. C. 31arsters & Co.'. Drug Store. Kegnlar sizeloOc. and $.00s An Unusual Sight. A pretty sight was witnessed here just after sundown 31onday evening by some of our residents, who were fortunate in being outdoors at that time, says the Bandon Recorder. A large meteor shat through the atmosphere to tho westward, leaving its course marked by a cloud, or streak' of smoke, that could be traced for a long distance through tho atmosphere. At point? along the zig-zag course, the trail of the aerial visitant was much more marked than other places, and when the meteor seemed to go out or disappear a small white disk-shaped cloud, presenting rather a red-tinted appearance, remained visible for 20 or 30 minutes after .he phenomenon made its appearance. The track was zig-zag, and looked as if tho meteor bad trav ersed the air in a manner contrary to that generally pursued by such phenom ena. All Free. Those who have used Dr. Kme's New Discovery know its value, and those who nave not, have now the opportunitv lo try it Free. Call on the advertised Drug gist and get a Trial Boltle, Free. Send your name and address to 11. E. Bucklen it Co., Chicago, and get a sample box of Ur. King's ew Life. Pills Free, as well as a copy of Guide to Health and House hold Instructor, Free. AH of which is guaranteed to do you g.od aud cost yon nothing. A. U. Marsters cc Co.'s Drug store. Shoes, Shoes, Shoes. Large invoice just arrived at Caro Bros, Boss Store, direct from tlw Eastern manufactory, consisting of ladies', gents' boys misses' and childreu'sshoes, at prices to suit the times. Shipments of ladies' capes aud mackintoshes and gent's rubbers arc on the way and will arrive in a few days. Wait lill tbey come before purchasing elsewhere. The Boss Store. Uucltlen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts Bruises, sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chillbains, Corns, and all skin Erup, tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guarautced to giva perfect satisfaction or money refunded Price25 cents per o.x. For sale at A. C. Marsters & Co. Tax Levy for 1895. The county court has made tho levy as provided by law for the current year as follows: State 4.5 mills School 4.0 Indigent Soldiers 2 County 13.3 Total levy. ...22.0 To the Public. On and after this date, I wish it under stood that my terms for all undertaker's goods are cash with the order. 1 find it impossible to do business on a credit basis, and belive that I can do better by my patrons and myself by selling strictly for cash. P. Benedick, Undertaker. Roseburg, Or., April X2, 1S05. County Court. L. F. Walcot, supervisor of road dis trict, No. 51, resigned, and Geo. Slater appointed to fill the vacancy. The contract and bond of Albert Wil- Bon for the Lone Rock ferry were ap proved October 7ih. The contract pro vides for tbe payment of $12 per month from the county funds, aud the ferry free to tho pnhlic. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. DR W CREAM BAKING POWDER Most Perfect Marie. 40 Years the Standard.