The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, October 07, 1895, Image 4

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    Delinquent Taxpayers.
Following Motho names and amounts due
ot delinquent Jaxs" for J8W.To,tne ..amounts
here KlvK m AiNutoMl tiro per cent: will be
addedjiKe lfS W be wrte br October SUt,
when tSo anil other eects will bo added.
Abbot. JonHaalhi.i.-'.W.fvjS 6 67
AchUon, K.W.4 Co 7
AKee.JUC..M.f. .S3J66
Agee, .Oaear.,r...t. S1S6
Ajtce. Thos..v,w.., 2 rs
AUen.Tlnej..... 0 39
Alexander, s.C.. I W
Alexander, X. J C 41
Allen, J. S 23
Allen, Mrs. M. E. & Wm. A... 21 is
Ambrose, AT... U5 91
Amos, Milton, Est 2 02
Andrews, Oeotga N.,.., . 9 71
Arant, iin.ii. j oi
Archambcan. F. A..
Archambeao, Henry....
ArmltaterB. M
Arthur, J. H..r.Tt..n:.
Atkins, War j- Ella
7 67
20 16
2 31
23 C7
Archambeau ie... 10 S3
Annie Consolidated Mining Co.
10 $1
nachman Mrs. S. E
Haker.-u.-lt.rtrrr. ,Tr....,...ilJni..!i.. r
Bales, G. w ;
Itatcs. rhllllp 3 -.
Kcanlalcy, L. C .V wife
Kcatlej. James, Ilclrs...,
Becklcy &Crlteser.......i
Beekman & Wife... ,
Delleu, James A
ltclleu, J,a
Bennett, W. J
Bldwell, , Myron
Blue Bucket Mining Co
Bolslnger, 8. S
Bonanza (jfatcVsUver MlnlngCo:
Bonebraka.J.a. & wile
Brse. Loots, estate
Bones, J. M. ft wile
Bowroir, Frank
Boycr, J. D. & wtle ,
Bradley, W. D.'.... ."V.VT
Bridges, K. L. and Mary K......
Brim, M. D :
Brockwar. B. B .
Boose, George A wife
Brown, Charles L.
Brown. George M
Brown, Mrs. Lillian B
Rmvn.Thnmu. Eat J3. ?.2.f....-
21 V7
17 13
5 W
SS 7
5 52
67 CO
22 41
10 70
i e;
12 li
5 75
23 05
16 91
7 S2
4 CJ
5 94
4 63
SS 43
47 7i
21 66
7 73
'2 SO
6 27
95 03
Brnmmett,Mr.E.A.... 3 6S
Bryant, Mrs. Ella S3
Hnlkl.r. r- a . o '
Bunnell. Dr. N. r. 9 75
nnrnhaa. (leara C... ........ 5163
Bnrmelster, Henry 5
Bnsehe, E S15
BotlerWCE H &S
Cain. L. G , 1 15
Callahan. M. F. & William 47
dllwrll Mrs. Lrdla 73 95
Campbell. Dan 2 C3
Capplooa, W. a Est 1116
rimllmi. - .. 2A) 11
Carpy.Geonwifc wife....- '. 75 05
Carson. C. M
Caseber. J. L..
8 25
CarananKh, Mary C
Chamberlain, A Sons ....
Chaapagse-, Joseph
Chandler. 3. Est
ChspraaarMTs. n. J,
Chaney.John W
r K . C T A. V V"
I 15
19 SO
21 36
13 so
30 93
12 IS
Cbapman, X. K.
Chapman, tt'. 8....
Charles, D. K
Chase. L. D
7 71
12 65
7 13
Cheerer,.A. W.. ,...Jt.
Clarke. 0ST;iVjt.i.f.A.i.f.,J.
4 SS
14 96
6 56
Clarke, DC B.E.r.X.
Chapman, 5. M
Coekelreas. N O
5 IS
2 02
45 2S
60 72
to a
167 56
conn, li.s
Conn, Mary J. C.
Cook, Richard
Cooper, James T
Cooper, W.H
Copland, n. M
Copland, James II
CnBCh,Mrs. Maliadi.....
Cox, A C.....
Cox, J. W .. .
CraTen, Lawrence
Crawlord. A. M
Ciothers,ETa A
CnmnlBCT, -J. W.
Cobb. AUred
Clement, M. P
Charwls, Lewis
Doctwller. Radolph
DaMoUa, Etaer
DaTls, Homer
Darti, Oven Jt
DaTldtos. Darid E
DaTenpott, I. 3d.. .
I 15
9 93
27 47
1 SO
I 37
1 15
2 .'O
6 79
12 04
6 67
Si a
I-erklDifB. E...
: so
uiirtos,'p: c.-
Deluxe. V. H...... ......... ...............
DllIard.F. L.. i.S...:.;....
Doerner. GeorRe J
Dampler, Adaline
Dongherty, John
Doer Las Conntr, B i L.
Dowdeo. Mrs. Sate
Drake, Mrs. F. E.
Drake and Rkhey
Dsscan, A. F.
Dnnmore-G. E-
Dyer, B." B
EaTes. Loden
7 67
4 5'
6 if,
20 M
22 1
13 27
14 46
1 St-
va cc
9 SO
1 15
& 47
Elliot, William. Est.
Erans,J. L. :...V..
Falrfleld, E. C
Fawcett, G. W
Faranar.J. J
Fiddler. O.W
Fisher, DanT.. ,
Fisher William;
XTook, O. II
Ford. J. B ..
Foreman, J. II
Freeman, i C
Friend, John
Galileo, C L.
Gardiner, Emma
Gardiner, Isaac W
Gardiner. T. E
Gawler. Wm. E. ct al
GangraV, JoeephlDc,....:.
GoUman.J. 11 :
GoodlU. F. M
GonUne, Wm
Gossctt. J. U..... ..... ....
Gotsell, John
Gray, J. C.&ife
Orar. Minnie 31
4 5"
3 76
4 CD
12 19
9 to
19 M
S 1
n li
: ij
2 to
10 37
2 02
20 OJ
i a
s n
l 37
Greene, RobLand Rosa
a rs
Gregory, C A... ........ 230
U.MU, rfuuu... ...........................
Grnbbe, Xoland.... k..... 1. ..T.l
Grnbbe.T. K. . -. . 1.
16 3
24 50
Guild. Mrs. Eleanor
Gurney, O. V
Gursey. R. M .
Gurcey, Voltaire
GntcheSfCt,.,.. ,
IS 56
1 S4
43 70
Hadley.C&asIi wife .' 20 16
Heignt,j. a
Hamilton, A
HanatfrE. ............
Hanan. Mrs. Hattle
Hanna, T. J
Hanson, J. A
HannoD, A. and H
II ana os, J. H-..T.i..i..V..T.".?5
6 56
4 45
164 63
13 99
4 11
26 61
s or
Harrington, u. K.
6 50
63 25
uinu, t . a,
Harris, P. A. Jr
Harris, 8: II.....
Hart, A. A wile
Horner. J. B
Heald.B. C.....4 ...
Heald, Mrs. Mary L...
Hedrlck. Chas
Hefty, Mrs. Carrie....
Henderson, C. A
Hendricks, It. J. Est..
Harrington, W. 11.....
Hlecons. D. 8
ii z;
15 33
22 77
18 81
2 73
15 61
7 67
33 30
13 11
Height, Octavlus.
Hill, Dock 2 30
Hill, P. R. Estate 67 85
Hill, W. 0 3 fO
limine, f-tl 42 51
Uinman.'Mrs. A. E l 01
Hovard, 4J.-W 6 17
Home-lira .. 7 io
Unntlngloo; Ben fo 21
Hunter, Darld 73
Hacker, Idt Addle l 15
Jenkins?. A 5.72
jenxins. uaru Kirtenaaii 21 61
Jonnson, A. w ,-,. 21-21
jonnson.Mrs. rsunie s
Johnson; John 6 sl
jonmion, a. 11 5 60
Jones. LavXsvette 11 r.
Jnng, Geo. V 7 02
Keliey.r. n. t... 21 97
Kennedy, iy. r 3 26
Kennry, rrank 3 42
Kesier, via 2 07
Kimball. G.W 25 40
nine, tnanes c 56
Klrkendall,J.A... ."i.;... 45 73
Klrkendall.M.U 413
Kirkendall, hat ha n 3 so
Eltchell, Phoebe v..-.; 10 so
Knowles. CW , fiftj
Kraus, W. II...., 2 40
Krnie, O'eo. W is 13
Kruso.A.I. SOW
Hitching, Ella B CO 20
Lamb, J. W 1 JO
Lathron. Mrs. Francis
Langdon, A. O
Lcthcrmau, Julio.........
rtc.i l
Lcohcrr, J. F...
Lenox. D............
IS 34
4 CO
i ns
2 SS
M 53
Louox, Kftsor.... ....
Leonard, M............
Lcdgerwood, Chrla
Lcrbman, Joseph......
Lillvl C
Lily,' J. K
1 15
23 SO
8 34
S 25
1 67
10 78
4 43
82 1)0
5 65
6 67
C 52
1 15
, 5 Of.
6 12
i.mniiicou, .Mrs. i.yam ...
Uiat, Frank C
Linton, T. E .
London A A ceo... ......
Lovelace, A. K .........
LoTdady, T. B:...s..,
Lutt J. T -. i.
Larson, K. N;..
Mahn, Mrs. C. M
Mojorr, Mrs. Jennie
Manning, J. E
Marks .V Wollcnbcn; ...............
Martlndalc, C. A. and vlic............
, SS3C
, 3U0 00
58 41
Maupln. Est. G. B
, 18 CO
, 10 85
McCallster, J. A...
, 42 70
Msuoln.T. ! ...
12 S3
McClaln.Tiiomns K....
, !1 97
.uctaitv, jonn.......
McCurdr. John........
II 51
, 2 27
McUOualU, p. v.
. 17 48
.85 61
. 7350
MclWiiRnl, Gcorso K....... .
Mctiec, I'. T., ami to 11s .n.
McGse. P.T.and ATifc2T...s:..;.-..-Mctiulrc,
ilclrs, John:.....U.i.....
.59 40
. 38 87
-MCKimicv. iseii.......
. 16 C7
, 1 15
. 4 37
', I 15
. 4 37
. 90 71
McKlnncu, M J,..;..
Aiicnnci, isaac.-..
Mode. B. S
Mooro, J. C
Moore. Mrs. M. C.
Morrison, J. 1)..
. 5 43
. 1 15
Morrison, V. T
MomTj. J
Mundt, ClanC
2 30
5t 97
5 71
Myrtle Creek Cousolldatcd -Gold Mining
Maulitng.Tf. 1U ! "!Ii . .
Nash. John .
Nelion, Krank .
Koble, Horry C
Oharc, John...
Ohlsen, O. V.. : .
6 17 1
3 Ml
2 301
9 09
Uvcnircct, J. r.
I"lmer, CarollnoE. -....
rantoii,A.C.:. .
51 :
9 83
1 Oil
rarazoo, airs, t.iicn
I'arasuo. Joseph
2 27
l'arker, G. W. and Hannah ....
2s 95
rarrott. U Jl
Parry, Harry,
31 04
Parsley, tjamne!.. .. .
PattcrMii, Est, H
3 93
10 CO
l'attenon.w. Jl-
Patterson. Wm. R., Etl
Peck, Mrs. Anna ..
il 97
Perkins. Chas. .
13 31
IVrklns. Fml..
6 10
II 43
11 50
S 97
8 93
i"cter,G. w
Pickett is OvcrstrvcU
Pickett, James
l'Ike, Mrs J. E
Pilkington. WUcy.
liner, D. C
Parlbnd Trust Co
. 1-6 53
ratnam. c. F..
Pat nam, Mrs.
23 W
Iutnrn & Holric .
Qnlne, Gcorgo K
67 S
Ramlt, II. Bnico-i..2 ;
Kast, Jonn.
43 s
- 5 34
Reams. Mrs. L. L.
1 15
Reynolds, Milton.
luce, uaria. .
Rlchty, Mrs
Riddle, Abner.
Riddle, Mrs. llelau G
7 U
23 00
34 60
luaaic, Kit., bsmn....
KU.ue. suiiey
255 65
Riddle. Walter
6 06
iilcner, louis J
Itobort. J. a
Roboon, E. F
2 30
4 37
iiocne. Jonn
jtosers, a. 1
22 3S
,"JJ7 45
70 73
1 47
, 15 M
Rondson, Est.. Frank.
Rose, Aaron
Roebnrr B i L
Roseburg iraTlns Bank
tu, uru u. s .
Rose, Aarorn M. and wile-
Kusseu, air.2s. c
Rntsell, Wm. ami so a.
. 1SKS
hadnder, John J.
Zander. J. T. t wile;
19 CO
21 16
44 54
sanacrs, Jirs. Bacnel...
Sawyers. J. K
Scnlumann. Ausut
. 11 CO
. 333
. 2t2 3
Scllr. Simon,
Shanele, Frank
2 NS
2 SS
Shanslc, F. E
Sheban, E. J
.-tellcy. K. L..
Sherman. D. C
1 15
31 20
2 M
Shields, W. B.
Miiiicy, u s
23 31
Shook. Jasper .
Short, Miss Mary.
Shupe.Jaj. 11
24 03
2 42
strong, . I
2 47
Simmons, t. .
Smith. Levi F.
Smith. Mn. Mary and Mrs. CornutL.
23 42
aiDiu, 1- 1
Snldc.-. W. H
Spanldlng, Amelia N
Spauldlns. Johu T
Spencer, Mrs. Anna w
Stamtt, Ethel Linda
5 21
S to
1 15
1 8
steams, a.
21 97
Stearns Frurt Land Co
Stock, W. V
Satherlln. Maud
Sutherlln. Thomas.
Smith. A. 3t
CI 99
3 76
5 20
JO 27
2 30
start, J. M
Stark, iln. JI. a,
Taylor, Jao. M
44 83
3 57
27 31
8 74
Thomajon. Est. W. P.
Thompson. W. K
23 CO
Thornton, w. A
4 S7
Thorpe. Mrs.- Emeral
Tray lor. J. if.,,, . ....
-Trask, Wm
Tucker, U. -24
Toiler, J. G
Tower, W. 1 ,
1 15
S 71
2 30
76 69
a tr
10 1
Vanderbcnr. C. ll
Vanscoy, T
42 07
"Velrain, JameJ A
107 64
tonpcuKi, Jo:
6 52
Wilson, H. A
3 31
Whitney i Brumctt,
Waj5oncr, Ienis
3 5;
I (9
1 SO
17 56
03 K
W"alki-r. John 0
Walker, Thomas M
' s, 0
Watou. Mrs. Z. A
65 55
webh. J. R
It 44
Weekly. E.E.
Wells, Darias and wile
Wells, Mrs. Mary C.
1 35
3 60
"CHS, O. A...
2 SS
20 13
Wells. Wm. R..
Wesala, Jacpb.
10 93
nnecier, a. u
Wheeler. C H
5 60
3 34
Whetham, James
White, a O L-
21 65
12 X)
.10 25
53 19
13 79
12 73
IS 56
5 II
miner. E. D
Whitney, Mrs. M. S
Whltsctt, J. II
Wiley, C u:
Wiley, J. 3.W
Wiley, W. M
Wllklns, Nathan
Wilklns, Amos and P. M .
Williams, O. A .
Williams, J. L
Williams, Morgan
Wlillan, Thomas
wuiis. a o.:
Wilson, W. A
Wilson, John E
Wilson, I'eurdy and wifo
Wilson, W. I, .
Wilson A Carter
3 3t
. S 99
6 07
17 45
1 40
28 29
68 20
193 09
96 26
Winnlnebam, D...
1 M
ioin, ji
Woodruff, F
4 97
1 15
9 40
15 99
13 23
7 W
13 43
Wright, A
Wrlsht, Alex
Wright, J. Q Z
Yokum. J. L
Youn. A. M
Young, James..
Zcullncr, Nicholas..
Oakland 11 & L
Volk. M
16 90
3 45
r, 90
8 05
11 CO
6 90
3 25
7 40
Tenant, Mrs. Fboebo;
Cbatflcld, A.O-.
sncrman, u. r . .
Jackson, C. S.
Roberts, C "
Cardwell, C. D ..
Louiston, U
Iooney, Dave
Benjamin, It. W.
Bribers, W.3
Terry, C. A
Carroll, II. Jr.........."
Gllinnn', M. l' .7
4 15
7 :n
3 20
2 00
2 00
ji 00
For Sale or Rent.
T.'io I'.ilmor a 1 tp mill T?
jv. kj. ivj-mbji, uraitr, Vr.
1 . t r . .
Delinquent Poll Taxes.
Following aro tho names of thoso whoso' poll
tax is delinquent. Every effort will bo made
to collect these. Mlloago and costs charged if
not paid at sheriffs ofllce.
Abcene, Thos. E.
Acher, II. L.
a itcrn, a. si
Albro. John
Albro. A.
Alexander, F. D.
Allen, Harrison
Allen, W. A.
Allison, James
Andrews, J. A.
Arant, E. J.
Arzncr, John, Jr.,
Askew, II. B.
Austin, F. G.
Baker, II .
Baker, Wm.
Banta, W. L.
Barker, Ewcll, Jr.,
Barlow, Gus
Barton, W. L.
Ileasley, David 6.
Bennett, Charles
Benson, M. II.
Bishop. C. J.
Boak, John
Borden, Levi II.
Boyle, W. II.
llrallstord, Joseph
llrandcnbcrg, F. II.
Brock, M. S.
Brown, James Ilailcy
Brown, Frank
Brown, J. W. It.
Brummett, Frank
Brundrctt, Henry
Buchanan, 1-ouls,
Burge, John
Burtls, G. C.
Bushncll. U. S.
Bortell, B.
Callahan, G. J. Jr.,
Chapman, J. S.
Case beer, W. II.
Causley A. E.
Chamberlain, Joseph
Church, Ed
Clarke, M. B.
Clinton, J. II.
Coekelreas, E.P.
Comer, James A.
Cambry, Richard
Conway, C. W.
Copland, Eli J.
Coppoct, Alfred
Corncllson, J. JI
Cowan, J. 1
Cox, J. 11.
Cozad, M. A.
Crane, Chas.
Crescll, It. II.
Critscr. W.T.
Cronemiller, F. 1".
Cunningham, IS. U
Cumpton, llcnry
Clacbornc, Freeniau
Davis, G. W.
Davis, Joseph
Davis, W. R.
Dcy, Robt.
Dodge, Mllo
Doner, G. W.
Dowden, C. R.
Dumbleton, l-cvls
Dunham, II. II.
Duttweilcr, Jacob
Ennuest, C E.
Mdinss. N
Fisher, Fred
Foster, M.
Gammond, Chas 1.
Allen. Fred
Allen, Wm. (Drain)
Allen, Wm. (Days Ck.)
Ambrose, Eugene
AJanaa, John
Arniuace, 1x0
Allcruury, jnmes
Bailey, J. W.
Baker, J esse
Barker, Chan
uarKcr, 1 . r .
Ilarr, George
Ueau, James
Becker, U C.
Ueno, M.
limwoii, William
Blackford. Dan
Booth, C.T. .
Bowers, Joseph
Bradford. L. E.
Brand, w. J.
llrlggs, Benl. F.
Brooks, Audrcu"
Brown, lames
Brown, W. 11. 4
Brown, G. W.
Bruce, Gcorse A.
Brumiuctt, James
llucnanan, J. s.
Bunch, Gcorgo W.
Burt I osco
Burton, William
Byron, B J.
Brusoe, Henry
fabc, J. W.
Capplous, W. S.
Carpncr, Samuel
Catchlug, George
cnaiaiae, rcter
Cnandler, 11. II.
Chase, W. C.
Clarke, Chas.
Chapman, P. C.
Coekelreas, J. S.
Cole, Asa
Comer. 1. E.
Cook, wm.
Conn, A. W.
Copland, T. 11.
Cooler. A .
Coltron, John
Cox, John
Cox, Lewis
Craig, Brint
Crane, mlltain
CrCito. John
Crookham, M. E.
Crosby, E. W.
Cumpton, G. C.
Cobb, Alfred
Casey, James
Davidson, W. C.
Davis, J. C.
Davis, W. F.
Davis. S. W.
IKnlge, James
Domplcr. Ed.
iorsey. u. .
Dnnield. !..
Dumont, Jake
Dunham, F. M.
Easter, E. S.
Erickson, Alex
Finsteruaiuer. K.
Fisher, J. I., Jr.,
Furlong, Edn ard
Galllccr, John
Garrison, F. U.
oenger, ira
Gilbert, B. F.
Gllmore, D. N
Gordan, G.
Gordln, It D
Grnbb, G. R.
Greene, Chris
Gregory, Samuel
Usge, Thomas,
Haieht. C
Handy Geo. E
Hardcnbrook, Joseph
Harden, R. A.
Harrison, W N.
Hartley, Wm.
Harwood, L.
Hastens, J. M.
Hedpclb. W. U
Harden, D.
Hicks. G.W.
Ilitlle.J. D.
Hixon. Georgo
Horsn, J. II.
Holdcn, Joseph
Howanl, Job
Hull. David
Hamberger, Otto
Hnrd. Anson
Hutchins, Jean
Hutchinson, Robt. C
Hyde. George
Hall, D. B.
Jarvis. C J.
Jenkins, M.J. ,
Johnson. Chas.
Jndson, W. II
Johnson, Peter
jots es, Arthur
Jones, Howard
joncs. Nelson
Kcanc.A. 1.
Keanc, J. V.
Kcster.C. L.
Kirkendall Jesse
Knopp, J. V.
Kneefey, Edd.
Krusc, otlo
Lachantr. R. V.
Inrdon, Joseph
Larnson, George It.
Ijipp, Paul
Lcvulett, E. K.
LcvuIctt,G. E.
Lewis. C. F.
Lcwcllcn. Charles
UUy. E. E.
Littrcll, Thcc-lorc
Loomis. William
McNcal. Waller
Mead. Chas.
Meeker, William
Mclvin, A. It.
Mende, W.T.
Miller, Henry
Miller, John
Montgomery, Mark
Moore, Wm.
Mogensrn, Hans
Moon, F. A.
Moore, II.
Moore. James
Mooro Frank.
Moore, 8. E.
Mortlman. W.
Moser, William
Moorv, Wash
Murry, James
Murry, W. K.
Murry, Frank
Muck, M.
Newman, Ira M
Noah, Chas.
Noab, Frank
Nolta.W. J.
Nosier. Q. A.
Nunly, l'rcston
Olson, Alfred
Orcutt, G. W.
Ostegard, John
Otcy, R. M.
Otcy. W. W.
Orr. Wm.
Petit, II.
IMckctt, Wm.
I'Intlcr. A. T.
Pool, Albert
Pool, Andrew
Pool, James
Pool, Newman
Pool. M. M.
Pool, Vernon
Pool, W. D.
Potter, I(. W.
Potter, II. It.
Pruner, 0. E.
Pyritr, Ewald.
Rice, E. W.
Richey, C. J.
Rlchcy, Isaac
Huberts, J. L.
Rolicrts. Wm.
Roblnctt, H. J.
Rondeau, Marccllus
Hoot, John L.
Rose. J. W.
Roycr, W. F.
Rudolph, S.
Russell, B. D.
Rycr. U. M.
Smith, R.S.
Smith, S. L.
Sncll, V. A.
Snider, J. H.
Smock. A.
Stark, Thomas
Htayton, T. A.
Stearns. Chas.
Steele, Henry
Steele. J. F.
Stearling (Jeorge
Stephens, C. E.
Slhiuter, August
Gilman, Frank
Gilrin, C.
Gotdan, . ('.
Gouian, E F
Gravcnssen, Anthony
Green. Rosco
(rooms, David
Hay, J. M.
uamiuou, miner
liana, IL it.
Hardcnbrook, J.
Harmon, It. J.
Hart, A. II.
Harwood. C. E.
Haskell, Robert
liameia, i
Hefty, Grant
Henderson. O. I'.
Iltnsilale, Jas. D.
Hlion, C.C.
Hoback. J. 11.
iioiway, i
Hopklns, Frank
Howard, T. K.
Hull. G. W
iiuntier. 11. i
Hnrd. L. L.
itntctiins, Artnur u
Hyde. Charles
Hcdgpetb.J. E.
Jackson, William
Jefferson, U. B.
Johnson, Archibald
Johnson, I'. W.
jonnson, deorgc
Johnston, I". A.
Jones, B.
Jones, Mark, S
Kaiser. Wm
Kelley, I'hilHj
Kelly, E. M.
Kincaid. F. A.
Klrtley, Calvin
Kneaper, t . .
Krewson. Thos.
Kraft, John
Lachontz. David
Landers, Frank
Larkin, Lorenzo
Larkln. W. II.
Lanccy, A. Z.
Lock, John
Lcthennan, W. A.
Lee. Chas.
LcnherT, Isaac
Lcnhcrr, imam
Lenox. Gcorrc
Lenox, E. II.
Manly, J. II.
Marion, Frank
Jiarton. Amos
Marcy, B.F.
Marshall. Car. A.
Martin. A. W.
Martin, W.T.
Martin, W. O.
Madison, F. E.
jialtoon. A. lu
McAlpinc, C. E.
McCalllster, C. S.
McClay, Byron
McClay, E. E.
McConnell, J. W.
McDolc. Bertram
McDoucal. E. W.
McDowell, Frank
Jicucc, itucn
McGlnnis. A. I.
McGuIre. Thomas
McKlnncy, Frank
siciAUmin, t.. u.
McLaughlin, Alex
McLaughlin. A. L.
Seal, C.
Ncas. James II.
Nccdbam, John "
Neele, James
Newall, F. J.
OcuU. Wm.
Ocuta, Frank
Odcn, V.
Oliver, Wm.
Obcn, Chas.
Page, A. M.
Pankey, Henry
I'arazoo, John
Pardee, J. J.
I'anlce, J. M.
l'arker. E. V.
l'arks, Dan
rarxs, jcsso
Patterson, Ed. J.
Patterson, John J.
Patterson, Thomas
Patterson. V. B.
I'carton, Jowph
I'enluc, N. S.
Radabaugh, C.
Rand, J. O.
Rapp, Geo. W.
Redding, Tlios.
Kcci,J. v.
Reed, Wm.
Rcemc, Peter
Reese. O. W.
Rcitzd, M. K.
Rlchanls, Win.
Richardson, Clark
gauffer, It.
Sawyer, S. M.
Scott, W. J.
seott, . 11.
Sears, C. II.
Sebrlng. JI.
Scgur, F. K.
Settle, J. W.
Settle. E. I..
Shaw, C. II.
I Slicrrett. M. T.
1 . ...
1 shook, jonn
Shorn, F.
Short, J. M.
Stockholm. Wm.
Stralmn, Jlclvln
Stratcr, J. F.
Stratcr, Samuel
Stratford, J. L.
Strawn, U
Strong. B. P.
Sutherilu, J. K.
Sutlivrllu, J. K.
Sulherlln.S. J.
Sutton, II. B.
Bwaggarl, Geo.
Swcnrcngen, Hey.
Swcarcngen, Perry
Sweet, W. C.
Hwoffonl. H. JI.
Shrevc, E. A.
Stearns, It. U
Tollday, Delbert
Tollduy, Smith
Todd, Thomas
Trask, Cash
Tucker, A. H.
Tucker, O. JI.
Tucker, J. B.
Tucker, It. D.
Tucker, W. R.
Tucker. Wm.
Tulk, W. L.
Turplu, Frank
Turpln, Jlnrk
Trucinon. E. I-
Vutituuel, R. 1).
Viunvlnklc, D.
Vanzllc, Cliis.
Vcrdot, Gcorgo W.
Wllklns, Jesse T,
Wilkinson, Win. JI.
William, C. II.
Williams. Dayton
Wilklns. James
Wllllaics, Wm. J.
Williams, R. P.
Williams, It. W.
Williams, T H.
Williams, O. F.
Wilson, O. It,
Wilson, V. T.
WIImii, Frank
Wilson. Jcro'
WII-on. John
Wilson. John V..
Wells, F. F
Wlincr, O. W.
Wolcott, J.
WoIIonlicn;. Allreil
Wood, A. J.
Wollu, Arthur II.
Woodruff", A. H.
Wooly, George W.
Worly, Frank
Wright. A.
Wright, Eugene
Wright; Lincoln
Wright, S. F.
Wyatt, J. F.
Crawford. A. JI.
lllnkle.O. W.
Johnson, Chas.
Baort. u. u.
Shuck, Chas. '
Simmons, K. B.
Slinmons.F. II.
Himmous, Miko
Blins.C. M.
Singleton, n. K.
Slabotipli,!'. J.
Slater, J.
Smith, Briec 4
Smith, Edward
Smith, Edimrd
Smith, Frank
Smith, L.
Smith, Marcus
amiin, 11. u.
Tann. John
Tapp, R. J.
Talbert, M.
Tcrebaugn, a.
Thayer, Andrew
Thomason, Robt.
Thomoson, Win.
Thorapfon, B. D.
Thompson, G. T.
inompson, r.. 1
Thompson. W. W.
Thrush, Orvill
Tipton, Joo
tipion, m. Jr.
Vnll.C. W.
V'anderbcrtr, I), tt
Vandike, W. s.
Wnilc, C. E.
Wade. W. (i.
Wadklns, John
Wagner, Walter
Walker, A. A.
Wslker, E. B.
Walker, F.
Walker, Gcorgo
Walker, J. 1).
Walker, J. E.
Wall.E. A.
Wallace, Thomas
Walsh, E. M.
Wallers, iiruee
Walkius, C F.
Watkins, E. JI.
Watts. Edward II
Weathcrly. Fred
Mecnncr, it. u
Wells, W. O.
Wclton. H. A.
White, Edwanl
Whlltcd. U
WhlUow.JI. JI.
Whitnev, K. F.
Whitkctt, John
Whitsctt. T. J.
Wilcox, Wm.
Whitney, C. I'.
Wiley. J. C.
Yokum, J. A. J.
Zumwalt, O. W.
Hamilton. J. W.
is essential to
4 e
in pastry you cannot havo
citlicr without a good short
ening. Lard has always had
very objectionable features,
causing indigestion and
many other dietetic trou
bles. Science has conic to
the assistance of the cook,
and of weak stomachs, with
the new shortening,
It b cornDOsed of ths choic
est beef suet and highly
rcfin ed vegetable oil, ia gpj
manv rcsoccta-ai eoxxl as .i&
the finest imported olive e
oil. I'hysiuans endorse it,
cooking experts recom
mend it, and thousands
arc now using it in prefer
ence to any other shorten
ing. Refuse all substitutes.
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I'slrtanX A IVx. Chlcai. for haod
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Made only by . c
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Thli titrft
orJlnary Jjo
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discovery of
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I113 been en
or5ed by tho
men of
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Hudran ia
zmrelv veso
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3t tbo dls
charge- la 20
U.iys. Cores
Conttl nation.
i"i'!iDg Ecn
tatir.n'.Ncrv onstwitchlcg
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ubu oiacr
pit 13.
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neb lllty,
end restores
weak organs.
Pales In the
uv da v or
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will Ims-jut to you frrofifcltchRrgfS.
Send fir elreu!arnnd tcMlmonlaiB. Address
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ol imitation trade
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