HI . ; I . .7 ; . . : ' ' " .. . " Tr3, rr ROSEBURG, OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1895. Vol.- XXVI. No. 56. TELEGRAPH NEWS. Secretary ri'Coy Fined, San Fuaxcisco, Oct. 3. When Uio Durrani trir.l was lesumed this morning Attorney Dcuprey continued the calling of medical student who attended the lecture delivered by Dr. Cheney on tho afternoon on April 8. Of tho eight students wito were 1 colled during tho first hour' none were found who an swered to Durrani's name at roll-call. District Attorney Barnes obtained tho notes of each student for tho purpose of comparing thorn at the proper timo with the notes said to have been taken by Darnint. All except eight weilers of the class weie calted to tho stand. One student had died s-inco April 3, ' and tho others did not :is?ar in court. Of these who took the fetaad, none could bo found who had answered to Durrani's name at rcll call. Attorney Dcuprey created a sensation by asking tbst Robert X. Lynch, Rev. J. Gejrge Gibson's private secretary, w ho Silt in ihc courtroom taking notes, bo ex cluded from the rooai. Jndge Murphy said he oonld cot cxclndc Lynch unless ho (Lynch) vera subpenacd as a witues?, in which he -.vonld be excluded fronithe room lite all other witnesses. Attorney Deuprey at once eubpenaed Lynch and tho court ordered him to leave the room. Ljtich uiled to address the court, say ing he cucld not posnbir be a witness, as he knew nothing about tho murders. The court interrupted Lynch and told him he most leave the room without farther niicassien of She case. Lynch relucUns!v obeyed. At noon tlte jury was excused until 2 o'clock as usual, but the conrt remained in sesaen to hoar the contempt proceed ings broagbt a-runst General Secretary .McCoy, of the Young Men's Christian Assecfetrao, who toUI Juror Truman last Thursday that if !e did not lung Dor rant Decide would ban Tinman. Mc Coy wai'ia court accompanied by JnJte Sawyer, bis attorney. Jude Sanderson, presiding judge of the superior conrt, was placed oa the stand, and testSed to the statement made by McCoy to Tmaisu- Judge Sanderson was in the car when the con yersation took place, and overhearing the offei.sive remark recited it to Judge MurpJiy. Trcemau was called and made a simi' lar statement, lie said McCoy's remark was made in a jocoi-ir manner, and be gave it no conriderstien. Secretary McCoy said he made the statement without thinking and the moment he said it, he realized what he had doia end regretted his tbougtless nese. McCoy said he had no feeling ajcissl Dcrmnt. Judge Murphy in rep rimanding McCoy, dealt at length on the Ferfcmsnors of such an offense. He eaid if he had any idea that McCoy intended his remark to Itave any effect on Tru- man's mind, he world Bend him to jail for the foil term permitted by law. The iadse closed life remarks by find ing McCoy guilty of contempt and sen tencing him to pay a fine of $25 or go to jail for fivo days. McCoy was given uc- til Saturday to pay the Cne. If is expected the defense in the Dor rant case will at once take np the matter of tho handwriting on the wrapper in which Blanche Larr.ont's rings were sent to Mrs. Noble. A. ecbrxona was issued yesterday for Dr. Gibson's appearance in court totlay, and he was expected to be on hand when wanted this afternoon. A most sensational phase of tbc trial is looked for when Gibson faces Durrani's lawyers in ourt. Armenian Outbreak. Coxsraxrixoi'LE, Oct. 3. A third slight earthquake shock was experienced here yesterday with lioting and blood shed. The imprisonment of about 500 Armenians, the killing of tho prisoners in cold bloud and the presence of troops nndcr c.-ma at all point3 excites even the most phlegmatic Turk. The rioting and blood-letting ulncu began -Monday, was renewed Tuesday evcting, principally by Mohammedan theological student?, who chafed and beat with bludgeons every Armenian they met. Tuesday night a mob of Sottas and Turks attacked the house of a leading Armenian, Kassin Pasha, killing several persons. Thi3 mob also sacked a cafe frequented by Armenians, and 20 oi those unfortunate people were beaten to death with bludgeons. Not a single policeman appeared, and no attempt was made to cave the lives of the Armenians Naturally the Armenians put no faith in the assurance of protection from further violence at tho hands of the Turkish mobs. Many songht a refuge in the churches, where they were earnestly ad dresEcd by the clergy, who enjoined Ihenl to bo calm and give tho Tnrks no further pretexts for atlaefciug them. The Armenian churches ure now watched by tho police, but tho greatest uneasiness prevails and most of tho other relglous denominations express fear that tho fanaticism of tlio Turks may oxtenrj Hi otuer utrecuous. me nrmenmuo have tho sympathy of tho foreigners hen', but the fact that they nro armed in spito of- their pacific announcements, is condemned by their best frienda and lends color to tho statements of Turkish officials, who claim that Armenian agita tors organized a revolt against tho sul tan's authority, and that the attempt to present a petition to tho grand vizier Monday last, which led to tho first riot ing and bloodshed, was a mere pretext to serve as a signal for an Armenian out break. No Prizefight. Ai-sTix, Tex., Oct. Tha senate bill for preventing prizefights in this state was carried yesterday afternoon, by a vote of 27 to I in tho senate and 110 to 5 in the house. The senate today coucured in a few minor house amendments, and the bill will be sent to the governor this after noon. The remainder of the special session will be devoted to matters of state inter est suggested by the governor this morn ing. THE CITY COUNCIL. Proceedings of the Last Regular Meeting. The loarl ol trustees met Thursday evening Octolwr 3d and transacted the following business: At roll call the following members were present : Trus tees Shunc, Strong and Rice. Recorder Zigler and Marshal Carroll. Trustees Rapp and Wright absent. The minutes of the regular and the adjourned meeting were read and ap proved. On the referred bill of McFarland & Perry for $12, the committee reported favorable and a warrant ordered drawn iue reports .ol Uie marshal ana re corder were read and accepted and or dered tiled. The quarterly reports of the treasurer were presented and referred tathecom- mtttee oa current expense and accounts, The following bills were read and al- lowed and warrants ordered drawn : F. M. Zigler, recorder's fees f41.45 B. F. Page, street work COO J. C. Sheridan, treasure's fees. . . . 35.27 F. W. Carroll, marshal's fees... . 10.00 Geo. Davey, street work 3.00 F. W. Carroll, janitor's fees 30.00 Z. Barker, drayage, 3.75 C. V. Wrisht, nisht watch salary. 00.00 Alexander & Strong, repairing settees 4.50 II. McFarland, completing work on firemen's hall 5.00 D. B. Hall. 5 tier 3 foot fir wood. . 10.00 I. F. Rice & Co., premium on pol icy on city liall 34.40 L. A. Sanctuary, material and la bor.. 45.00 The bill of the Umpnua Hose Co. was referred back to be presented in Jan uary as heretofore. The bill of Churchill, Woolley & Mc- Kenzie was referred to the committee on current expense and accounts. F. "Y. Carroll's salary bill was referred back for correction. The following saloon bonds were pre sented and accepted and license ordered issued: F. Schwenker, J. R. Beard, Wm. Pitchford, L. A. Harmon, D. W. Stephens, G. A. McKinney and E. Poket &Fred Rowell. Wm. Carroll was appointed as a spe cial police to serve Monday, October 7. Moved that when the meeting ad journs it adjourn to meet October 14Ui at 7:30 o'clock. No further business the meeting ad journed. A Mystery. Who was he and how came ho there is the question that excites persons who saw the person and noted his condition. Wednesday nignt eoon after the north bound overland pulled out from Rose burg, a boy apparently about IS years of age was fonnd in an unconscious state lying npon the platform of ono of the Pullman cars. The conductor took him into tho car and endeavored to resusci tate him as best ho could, but in vain, lie was as limp as a rag but pulse high and respiration rapid At Drain he was taken from the train and lifted in the station house. Toward morning ho regained consciousness but had no recollection of how ho came to be placed where fonnd, or how bo carao to Drain. He had no recollection of any thing leading to an explanation of this strange affair. It ib true in substance as stated above but the why and how bo camo there, and who he is still shrouded in mystery. Silyer blouse boIh and silver watch guards at Salzman's mounted COMAIUNICATED. Oakland, October 2nd, 1895. M11. Editor: Sinco your visit to this placo I have noticed tho scurrilous ar ticles written by Gil Bins published in the Review and endorsed by that de lectable sheet. It is attompted by this annonymoas writer to bring the Plaix- dealek into disfavor, and thereby to in crease tho circulation of that bombastic sheet; self-styled "America's greatest" newspaper. All such efforts of punny imbeciles, aidedby the bragauocio sheet, will fail of its desired effect, for tho in telligent portion of this community after a fair comparison of the Review and tho Pl.uxde.uxk, have come to the most decided conclusion, that, as a family, literary paper, as well as presenting local and foreign news, tho Plai.vdealkk will comparo most favorably with any country paper published. 'Tis true that many readers of the Review are deeply interested in tho perusal of its columns, for the most refreshing items published from week to week, is its loud boasting of the largo numbers added to its sub scription list. Well, let the Review- toot its own horn" in the absenco ol any other champion to toot it for him, for like sounding brass and tinkling cymball it falls unheeded upon the ears of an intelligent public. Could the Review bo induced by any means to maintain by fair argument any position it might take, instead of traducing those opposed to it, it might with some degree of com plaiccncy solace itself with the thought that honesty and fair dealing with an opponent would Le the best policy. C. E. B. ilR. MARKS' RECORD. Mr. A. Marks, cjndidato for mayor oa tho Water Company's ticket, saya he is proud of his record while a councilman on tho citv'd board. For his benefit as well as that of the city we hero present a part of that record from the minutes in the recorder's book : February 20, 1SUI, uioti the passage of ordiance number 103, for tho electric light contract, upon its third reading, tho ayej were, Carltleld, Sheridan, .Fiint, AIark& and Ktlu 4I1 ; tiui uliolc board voting for it. April 23, 1S31, upon the passago of or dinance number 111 for the tewenigc and city hall contract, upon its thiru reading the ayes were, Cawlfield, Sheri' dan, Mark.', Flint and Fitzhugh: the whole board voting tor it. The result of his action in part, in the matter of the electric light, cost the city $2,400 a year and iu part, his vote on the seweraze contract cost tbc city $25,000, on which the city pays an an' nual interest of $1750.00 The foregoing is a part of tiie record of which he is proud, bn: not his whole record while uctiru in the capacity of city trustee. The Citizen's Ticket. The citizen's ticket nominated last Monday is entitled to and should re ceive tho support of the general public A public rail was made and all citizens were entitled to the privilege of meeting in council and participating in its action No one can tuke exception to the ersoa alityof the men nominated, for they are men well-known, men of responsibility and integrity of character, men who, if elected, will ierform the duties incum bent upon them to the satisfaction of the public and in the best interest of tho city. Rosebnrg at this time wants to put in olncial position men worltiy o public trust; men who, regardless of per sonal feeling or political affiliations will pat forth every effort in their power to advance the wclllare of all, and men who cannot bo swerved from duty by hopes of pecuniary gain, or unworthy ambition to attain to prominenco in public life The citizen's ticket is composed of men possesing the necessary qaalific ations for the Ksitions to which they havo been nominated, and it is hoped and believed that they will receive the hearty 8uport of all who dc siro the city's welfaro, and who are de sirous that peace and tranquility shall prevail in our borders, ui tiie iwrson ality of tho opposition ticket wo will not presume to offer anything to their dis credit, bnt are free to admit that they aro worthy rnon. Yet tho citizens hav ing mot in mass meeting and after Ink ing into consideration the condition of affairs in the citv, nominated a ticket certainly worthy of support, and should receive that support, not only without murmur, but gladly and with tho cer tainty that the interests of tho city can safely be intrusted into their hands. Baker City will endeavor to havo tho next session of the grand lodge Knights of Pythias of the state held in that city, says a isaker Lity paper. So will Kose nurg. ii ougni uy rights ins Held 111 Southern Oregon and if Itosclmrg peo ple win oniy get 11 move 011 tney may get it . BRIEF MENTION. From Friday's Dally. Baxter of Coffeo Creek is in T. J the city. A. H. Plulter of Althouso was in town yesterday. Wm. Irwin of Ten Milo was in the city today. C. E. Hooper ol Baltimore is at tho Van Houten. F. W. Hempe of Eugene is at the Van Houten. J. L. Scott of San Francisco was in the city yesterday. Wm. Irwin, Kstmaster of Ten Mile, is iu the city today. G. Pettit of Tillamook was at tho Van Hounten yesterday. T. D. Alexander of Eugeue is regis tered at tho Van Houten today. C. L. Kestcr of Olalla made the Plain- dealkii a pleasant bueinesa call today. Miss Adams and Mies Hart of Myrtlo Point nro stopping at the Van Houten. Go to G. W. Kruso for fresh groceries. Hu has a large supply uiid his prices are just right. Mr. S. A. Walker of Coquille City, Coos county, camo over to this city today on business. Subset ibe lor the daily I'lainukallii and get tho news fresh within a few hours after it transpires. Mr. Dysinger, of tho firm of Flook & Dysingcr, has beeun tho construction of a residenco just west of their factory. W. C. Winstou is in the city today. lie fa) s he has linishi-d drying his prune crop, amounting to about 40,000 pounds, Jndge Fullcrton and District Attorney U. ji. lirowu leave tomorrow mormug for Empire City to attend court there next week. Married, iu this city, October 2, at tho house of I. M. Davenport, Duel Jarvis and Jennie Beaslcy, John Hamlin, J. P. officiating. Tho Richardson kettle drums are now doing duty at the Portland exposition, T. K. having kindly loaned them to the Marino band for the occasion. They were also used at the Hate fair at Salem. M. M?rliDtht?agent hero of the Ore gon Fruit Union, has several men at work nailing together fruit boxes prepar. atuv to the thipsient of both dried and fresh frr.it, which will be quito extensive during tho following two weeks. Stage robber Elda Wood, 011 the con clusion of his preliminary examination by Commissioner Ijagliarj- today, was bonnd over in the sum of $1500. He will bo taken to Portland tonight by U. Marshal Carroll and B. Brockway. Trie citizens' ticket was nominated nt a public meeting composed of more than half the legal voters of the city. The so-called "taxpayer's" ticket was nomi nated at a react conclave held no one knows where, and by whom no one dare tell. Miss Jennie Limbocker has resigned her position m the Roseburg school to accept ono in Portland. Miss Lena Willis has been elected to till tho va cancy. Miss Limbocker goes to Portland immediately to lake ctiarge ol tier new position. The power of tho press is demonstrated by tho fa :t that a ecrew driver which was taken surreptitiously lrom one ot our citizens, was returned within three or four days after a pressing invitation to do so appeared in this paper, with cer tain consequences to follow upon a fail ure to return it. ino aiicclli Bros, nave nearly com pleted burning of a brick kiln of 100,000, anese gentlemen aro tilling tbe bill in this branch ol manufacture. If the de roand were four times what it is they would turnish tho required quantity. They understand tbe business and aro equal to the demand. Rev. G. N. Anncs, late pastor of tho Baptist chu'eh of this city, has gone to Ashland, having accepted a call there. He has also received a call to go to San Jose, Cal., and if amicable arrangements can be made with the Ashland people he will probably cancel his engagement there and gj to San Joso. the weather is delightful, warm as spring, the grass is 'growing finely and Nature wears her most pleasant smile mid emerald drapery. The mercury has climbed up to 70 in the shade. How is that you Mississippi valley folk? Don't you wish you were here to enjoy it nnd eat our big red apples white your cars nro charmed by song birds and your brow fanned by Z9puyrs? Tho genius of American citizenship the security of tho right of franchise His riultt to vote or Hold otlico does not depend upon how much he is worth dollars and cents hut iitwn ins worth as an honest and patriotic man. If he de means himself as a law abiding, well diso;cd man he is guaranteed tho right to make a choice of who shall mako and administer the laws under which he lives and to whicii he owes allegiance No property qualifications arc required by tho laws of Oregon. From Saturday's Dally. Cha3. Frisbio of McMinnville is at (ho Van Houten. J. M. Hartley of San Diego is at tho Van Houten. F. Hatfield came down from his ranch today on business. D. L. Newton of Central Point is stop ping at the Van Houten. Mr. L. Conn and wife come over from Cleveland today on business. Social dance tonight at tho Armory. Music by Roseburg orchestra. Albert Blackman of San Francisco is registered at the Van Houten. C. W. Smith of Roberts Creek was do ing business in the city today. K. B. Dixon of Deer creek camo down from his ranch today on business. Chas. Morianty of Leavenworth, Wash., is registered at the Van Honten. L. L. Hurd of South Deer Creek is in the city today, as affable as when he run the electric light plant. John Dixon, who lias been very sick for several days is reported better, with hopes of his final recovery. E. Dixon of North Umpqua is in the city today. He reports that his hops have yielded well for the first crop. L. P. McCarty of San Francisco, author of the SUtistican and Economist, is in tbo city today in tho interest of his book. The bond syndicate is dissolved, and netted G per cent on its investment. All tbe same, we don't believe another bond issue will be farmed out to a Wall street clique. It has cost Spain twenty million do! lais so far to fight tho Cubans, and the i revolution is gaining steadily. Why not jsavt money bj recognizing the independ ence of the gem of tbe Antilles? A Blaker, the manager of the Sbedd warehouse, has been held to the grand jury in tbe sum of $1000 bonds, on the charge of disposing of 9000 bushels of wheat left in store in his warehouse. The cash receipts from the shipment of more than 30 cars of green fruit, and the arrival of a multitude of hop-pickers with checks to cash and supplies to buy, made money plentiful and traffic lively in Eugene last week. Tho famous log -chuto at La Grande, U miles from top to bottom, has served its usefulness and the lumber in it will now be cut up intox cordwood. More than 3,400,000 feet of logs were shot down tbe chute, and it was a financial success. Tbe timber immediately tribu tary to the chute lias been all cut away, so the chute will be cut up. Citizen taxpayers, it becomes you to be on hand at tho polls Monday and do your duty. If you are oppoocd to a heavy tax, vote the citizen's ticket. If the Water Company's ticket is elected it means a ten to fifteen years contract with the Water Company at from $1000 to $1500 yearly expense It is with you to decide the issue now pending. In yesterday's paper wo said while commenting on tho water company's ticket that A. Marks was present at tbe citizens' meeting last Monday, as we wero informed he was. Mr. Marks, how ever, denies being at that meeting, and also states that he forbade tbe use of his name as a candidato for mayor. Admit ting such to be the fact, it is a fact also that a friend of his, David Moore, nomi nated him. It is also a fact that Mr, Marks received at that meeting 52 votes, and had he rezeived a majority it is rea sonable to conclude be would havo ac cepted the nomination. This conclusion wo get from the fact that he has accept ed a nomination for the same office from the Water Company party, which party supported him at the meeting. It is rea sonable to suppose also, that Mr. -Marks is favorable to a renewal of the contract with tho company or the company would not now favor his election. The Road Parliament. GovernorLord has received fromSecre tary Morton, of the department of agri culture, and Roy Stone, special agent and engineer of the "road inquiry," request for a list of persons who would represent Oregon at tho "road parlia munt" at Atlanta, October 17, IS and 10. The governor takes a deep interest in nil efforts to secure good roads, and would be glad to receive the names and addresses of citizens of Oregon who would accept appointments as delegates and attend the "road parliament" on the dates stated. Alse, ho would be pleased to have the names of farmers who could attend the "farmers' con gress'at the same plart. Now is the time to subscribe. TAXPAYERS ALIAS WATER COM PANY TICKET. Tbe Review says, "quite a number ol representative citizens of tho town have . requested the Review to announce that the following 'taxpayers ticket' will be iu the field next Monday." Apropos of this, announcement, let it be observed that the citizens, in response to a call signed by a large number of representa tive men, made public by publication and by posters, inviting them, irrespect ive of party, to meet in mass convention at the conrt house Monday, September 30, kt 7:30 o'clock forlthe purpose of nominating a ticket for the approaching election, &c, &c. In response to thtt call more than half the legal voters in the city met and made a ticket. Messrs. A. Marks, F. W. Carroll and V. C. Lon don were nominated and yoted for, for the offices of mayor, marshal and re corder respectively, but it appears were not placed upon the ticket, the citizens choosing others for those places. By the usages of all such meetings a man who submits bis name before s ' regular publicly called meeting and in which he takes part, is in honor bound by the result. Mr. II. C. Stanton was urged in the ward caucus to become a candidate for councilman of the second ward, but be positively refused to be a candidate. Now these men's names are on an op position ticket. Of course there is no legal bar to them submitting their names as candidates for any office, but it looks very like the doctrine of seceeders. They went into the convention, submitted their claims, but were beaten fairly by legal voters, by men whose rights are as questioned. Now that tbe ticket does not suit the Roseburg Water Company, after being defeated in the convention in which they took part they make a kick and have, in secret cabal, entered into a scheme to defeat the wishes of the citi zens by pntliog out a ticket favorable to tho water company. They seek to de ceive the people by dubbing it "Tax payer's Ticket." By their action they have placed them selves in antagonism to the citizens who met in a fair, open and manly way, made no effort at secrecy in any way other than la any citizen's right to vote for the man of his choice in open con vention, free to eyery taxpayer iu the city. Now they propose to defeat a ticket tbey took part in making, Citizens of Roseburg, the fight is be tween the Roseburg Water Company and the citizens. If you want to con tinue to pay tribute to that corporation for the next ten or fifteen years, vote the Water Company ticket alias tho 'Taxpayer's Ticket," for that is the main issne, disguise it as you may. FOR COUNCILTIEN. In the first ward the people, in a pib- licly called meeting, selected Robert Yates and David Clements; the second ward, F. P. Brown and G. W. "Worthing ton; the third ward, Wm. Perry and J. M. Fletcher; the fourth ward, H. C. Slocum and F. II. Churchill . all lezal voters as provided by the city charter and by ordinances thereunder, and while they are neither -Websters, Clays nor millionaires, they are all honest men and will not be cajoled into saddling a tax on the people for corporate greed. On the bolters, taxpayers, alias Water Company, alias taxeafera' ticket are two government pap suckeis, R. M. Veatcb of the landofEce and W. U. Fisher of the post office, one a carpet-bagger.. Both good men iu their place but how does it look for men drawing good "sal-. aries from Uncle Sam to join in a fight iu the interest of a monopoly. Why don't the moguls of the Water Company ask to be elected out and out, and not try to do their work by proxy. Business and Politics. Mr. Jones Eends Mr. Smith a note stating tbat he had urgent business to lay before him and requested his imme diate presence at bis office up town. With visions of getting a good bill for bis goods, Mr. Smith drops every thing and immediately presents himself at Mr. Jones' office, and with a polite bow wipes the inspiration from his manly brow inquires the nature of the business desired. "Well, Mr. Smith it is this, I have been a good patron of yours, and have had a very high opinion of you. I trust you will vote tbo taxpayer's ticket next Mon day; it will be to your interest to vote that ticket do you see?" "I don't see," said Mr. Smith, "and what is more when you want to talk politics with me I advise you to come to my office. For the present I propose to do as I please in such things. I don't owe you anything. Good day sir." Subscribe for the Plaindealeb, l-