The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, September 30, 1895, Image 4

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It may bo thought premature to begin
to discuss tho matter now, bo long beforo
llio nost election, but wo opiuo that it is
never to early to try to do good it
wiruetiinea is too- late.
Tho IViNhu.Ki: holds to the opinion
that tho delegation from this county to
tho next legislature lio required to pledgo
themselves to cut looso from tho perni
cious practice of employing an army of
elerka during tho eejsion of that liody,
many of whom arc mere sinecures
drawing iwy from the treasury without
rendering any needed services. Tho
I'laiSDUALER further demands pledges
toopposo appropriating monoy to aid
any institutions of whatever name or na
turothat are not controlled by stato
authority. This paper also demands
pledges from thern to faycr tho re-enact-aient
of the mortgage tax law.
Tho Plaisdealkk ia aware, from
the multiplicity of bills presented
for tho consideration ol tho legislature,
arising from tho demands of tho several
interests of each county, that the floor
work of body is such as to rerjui'o their
greatest care and vicilance in critically
examining those biils before voting. upon
them, and necessitates tho work ot com
mittee clerks, that formerly could be
done by the members themselves.
While this is true, the practice of em
ploying clerks has grown into a sort of
license to raid the treasury to make
place for friends, and, not infrequently,
to repay political adherents for cam
paign services.
This practice should bu stopped, tho
sooner the belter. Another evil of this
prac;ico is the payment of exorbitant
wages. It is a noted fact that committeo
clerks are paid about double the wages
paid for doing clerical work for private
business men. These tilings need to be
corrected and tho Pladtdealer raises its
voice agxinst the evil complained of and
will demand of all candidates for the
legislature next June, to .pledge them
selves to do what they can to correct this
thero in a combination of them, because
tho cbaugo in tho tariff on those suits
does not amount' to $1 n suit. Tho chipf
difference in tho cost of clothing in this
country and in England is in tho cost of
labor for making it. Somo artisans havo
been very poor for the laet two years,
and havo boon working for less than they
did. That makes n reduction in tho
coat of clothing. Then, thero are a good
many Blocks of goods which havo been
on Bale a long tltno, and the owners are
unloading thorn for what they can get.
All tho effects of a mighty depression
havo len on tho country for two years,
and thero has been a cutting down gen
erally, but to chargo that tho change in
the tariff makes $S diffecreuco in tho
cost of a suit, when tho uutiro tariff on
that suit would not amount to $1,150, is
stretching tho point a liltlo too far. If
the domoerncv lakes that advanced
ground in mendacity so early in the cam
paign, what in tho mischief will it Iks io-
inc toward tho first of November? Salt
Lake Tribune.
Something About Hops and Hop
On n recent visit to the Willamette
Valley Mr. P. Hume pays he had an op
portunity to learn some bottom facts
about tho hop business. Thero being
somo 300 acres in hops in tho vicinity of
Brownsville, where they raiao about tho
best Quality of hops on tho coast, the
yield per acre being a fair average, too,
Ho fouud, on an average ten acre field,
that the rent paid for sauio when in full
bearing was one-fourth cf tho crop in the
Tho cost is about-
Cultivating, training, hoeing, Ac. .$250 00
Pickinc. 1000 boxes 40c A 00 00
Drving 100 00
Byline, sulphur and burlap 100 00
$S50 CO
Add rent of ground or Interest on
oiulnal investment, at least. . . IM UU
The men who talk about the 'imprac
ticability of making a national campaign
on the protection issue surely liavc not
read political history well or compre
hended its most important lessons.
They ignore the fact that the law of 1S90
was the most just and reasonable tariff
law ever enacted by any party at any
period since the organization of the
government, and was happily adjusted
to the conditions then existing. It en
forced the principles of protection more
vigorously and fully than ever before,
and was repeatedly endorsed by repub
lican conventions as the best embodi
ment of the protective principle gver
put on our statute books. It will lv re
membered Uiat Mr. Elaine ut first com
plained that the bill did not recognize
and enforce the doctrine of reciprocy,
but it should also be recalled in that di
rection that he subsequently declared in
a letter to Mr. Joseph II. Manley of his
state in 1S02, that "the wisdom of the
McKinley tariff had been amply vindi
cated by experience." He declared that
it was found to have worked admirably,
and that within the last year it had
produced a greater volume of business,
internal and external, export and im
port, tlian the United .States ever trans
acted before. The republican national
convention in lSftJ will fix the platform
of the party. Wise men will not hasten
to anticipate its action or usurp its
functions. The law of ISO sustained
the protective principles most effectively
and gave us the largest foreign trade
ever known. Let the flag of protection
float to the breeze.
Total cost on year's crop $1,000 00
Now 10 pounds of hops to tho box is
usual yield. U rower win need to get 10c
per pound for hi.- hops to cover expense
and pay ordinary wages.
True, the yield on the low, rich hot
torn lands may be greater than lOOljoxes
per acre, and the hops may sometimes
go more than ten pounds to tho box
But then owing to mould and lice, th
crop mav be worthless and an entire
loss. .S wc count the 100 loxed pe
acre as a full average yield, and in the
above nsures there is no allowance for
insurance, and the matter of drying is
verv risky business. Besides, it is no:
prudeut to put anything but first-class
hops on the market now. Hops depre
ciate in value fully one-half each year.
and if thev are hekl over lecome value
less in three years.
It will Ihs well for those intending to
set out hop yards, to inform themselves
as to the market for the hops in future
and prices likely to be paid for them be
fore using their best land for an articl
there is no ioesible chance to hedge on
after raising it in turning the crops into
someting else as might lj done with
grain, corn or fruit. We would like to
hear from some of the liop growers in
this county as to the above figures and
Tho reader will remember that in our
last wo wcro preparing u pit oyor which
wo weio to erect a scaffolding on which
to place logs to bo.converted into lumbor.
Tho pit was about seven feet deep, fivo
feet wide, posts set on tho bottom, and
poles or sills laid across tho top, which
mado a kind of carriage for tho logs.
The next thing in order was to get the
logs. Wo felled a tree about threo feet
u diameter, and tho Ueo in hilling, us it
left tho stump split directly in tho center
for about -10 feet and about as even and
smooth us if it had been run through
with a rip 8;iw. WoEawed offthreo cuts,
scored and hewed the outfeido of tho
logs, then with a cord blackened with
damp charcoal, lined the logs, these lines
to bo followed by tho saw making the j
lumber tints sawed two inches thick and
12 inches wide. Tho log was then eiid
onto tho frame prepared to Ikj receivo it.
Tho writer then took the whip saw,
mounted tho tog, another party stepped
underneath and tho saw mill started.
We wcro not accustomed to manufacture
ng lumber in that way. and could not
well follow the Hues, and so spoiled one-,
half of the log before we could guide tho
blasted" saw in the right direction.
But by pcrscverenco wo conquend tho
difficulty and beforo night wo had 100
feet of lumber to reward us tor the days'
labor. We retired that night congratu
lating ourselves that we had solved tho
problem of how to run a saw mill by
manual labor unsupported by any other
mechanical contrivances.
About midnight we were awakened
from Bleep by a snarling nnd grow ling,
not far distant in tho heavy timber, and
wo were soon aware of tho fait thu
noiws arose from lears engaged in tome
kind of strangle for tho mastery. Wc
composed ourselves again to re-t, und in
the morning took a hasty breakfast,
eager to get to work and make a good
daa' ruu with our suw mill. We arose
and hlarted to tho pit, and had nut pro
ceeded moro than twelve steps from our
shanty, when as we i-rossed a path lead
ing through the timber, we saw huge
trucks of bears in the dust, they having
patsed by duriog our sleeping hours.
Our slianties were entirely open on one
Bide, and had Bruin been so disposed, ho
might have wulked in and partaken of a
midnight meal, a la cannibal. We pro
ceeded on to the designated place, worked
'lit noon, took a lunch, then to woik
again nnd by tan down wo were de
lighted to know lhat wo had "J'jO feet of
Hawed lumber to reward u for our severe
days InlKjr. But by further practice we
succeeded somo days in Hawing 400 feet.
Lumber was then four dollars per hun
dred. This was leforo tho discovery of gold
in California. We ran lhat saw mill
ulxjul one month and then concluded wc
would uUiuduu that busiue&s fur a time,
and go to making shingles. Shingles
were worth $4 per hundred. Wo felled
a beautiful redwood, that made 1.00
: Insist on
of imitation
trade marks
and labels.
coits r.b more than inferior package soda
r;":r j-pcils the flour, keeps soft, and is ;-
g wruily nchiurxledged purest in the world.
Mada only by GIUMO! & CO., Kew York.
Sill 5r eTcccra cv ci1 j where. -
'.f.'IU Ur Arcs and Hamper Eoo't r.f rajaabla Recipes
I Id for dinner
03 the boat t ever ale.
Thanks to CQTTOLENE, tho
::cv and successful shortenuig.
Onulac road only by
n. m
I ft Vixs-rm xi
. Agriculturist
Only $1.00 a Year I
All the Lcadin;: Features that have made the monthlv so popular are retained
and many New Features added, such aa General and Local .Market Prices, Crop
lteiorts in their season, Condensed Farm Xcw3, and Letters Among the Farmers.
Its Farm Features.
Live Stock, Dairying, Horticulture. Poultry, Market Gardening, and otiie
topics, written by Practical and Successful Farmers, supplemented with Il'nstra.
j tions by able artists, combine t make it invalnable to those who "farm it for
Tho Latest Markets and Commercial Agriculture are Leading Features, ir
which the Agriculturist ia not excelled. Reliable Special Correspondents at tie
General and Local Market Centers all over the United States ei.ablc us to report
the latest prices on everything the Farmer has to sell. This Department alone is
worm many times tho cost ol a year's subscription to any frarmer.
Five Editions!
The McKinley law operated as an
enormous impetus to the crow th, prosper
ity and profitableness of the manufactur
ing industries of the United States. It
enlarged the scope, it increased tho
profit, it brought enormus sums of
money to :hb country and gave a crand
forward impetus to oar industrial system.
It increased wages in many of the
branches of labor. It lowered wages lb
none. It gave employment to all the la
borers of the United States nnd made
profitable the investments of United
State's capital. It caused a great in
crease in our foreign trade all of which
has been cut off by the repeal of the Mc
Kinley law.
The McKinley law did not enhance tho
cost of living to the American laborer or
tho American citizen, on tho contrarv.
At the close of the operations of the Mc
Kinley law, the commodities that enter
into the life of the family and tho sup
port of the laborer and those dependent
on him were lower than ever beforo in
the United States. So that it had oper
ated to benefit all classes of people in tho
United States, and was rapidly promot
ing our foreign commerce to an extent
almost unheard of. Instead of retreat
ing let the great army of protection ad
vance its standards nnu lift them higher
than ever before. No political party
dare put a freo trade plank in its platform.
Democratic papers boldy assert that
because of tho revised tariff, suits of
clothes which cost $20 two years ago cost
only $12 now, and the eqnib is joyfnlly
copied by local democratic sheets. Some
body must be a great liar. Possibly
Poktuiso, Sept. 21. Tho following
prices were current in the produce mar
kets yesterday:
Flour $2.75 $2.85 per barrel.
Oats Good while are quoted weak at
19S2GV per bushel; gray, 138 10c.
Hay Overstocked; timothy, $S.S0RS
per ton ; cheat, 5-50(g$G; cloyer. No de-
PotatDcs New Oregon S5340 per
Butter Firm; fancy creamery, 22
20c per pound; fancy dairy, 17J20c;
fair to good, 1517.''c; common, 10
Onions Now California, .Sol? $1.00
per ctl.
Poultry Chickens, old, $J3.2o per
dozen; young, $1.2502.50 per dozen;
ducks, $2.503; geese, MSG; tur
keys, live, 10c per pound; dressed,
no demand.
Eggs Oregon, 20c per dozen.
Cheese Oreson. full cream, S s 0c
per pound; half cream, 5(?7c; skim, 4 &
Oregon vegetables Cabbage, 1 l.'Wc
per pound; radishes, 10c per dozen
bunches; green onions, 10c per dozen;
Oregon wax beans, 23ac; cucumbers,
75c(3$l per box; cauliflower, $1 per c'oz
Frcah fruit Apples, C075c per box;
grapes G5P$1 per box; prunes, 25(3 -JOc;
peaches, C0C5c.
Berries Blackberries, -Ic penwund.
Wool Valley. 10llc, according to
quality; Eastern Oregon, 79e.
Provisions Oregon : Smoked ham?,
lljc per pound.
Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $3,500
3.75; light and feeders, $3.25(23.50;
dressed, 4Jc per pound.
Veal Gross,. small, 5Gc; large,
4c per pound.
Beef Gross, top steers, $2.50(!?3; fair
to good steers, $2.502.C0; cows, $2.25
$2.1)0 ; dressed beef, -l(?5c.
Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers.
$1.7502; owes, $1.75; dressed mut
ton, 4c.
shingles to the cut, and got ten cuts
from the tree, and then the limbs slart-
ins in wesancd off five 12-foot logs to
be sawed up into lumber. We individu
ally and aloue shaved S000 shingles from
that tree the first day, another man do
ns the riving. The butt end of the
shingles required no touch of the knife,
One evening near .sundown a coaplo of
u: concluded to take n hunt around to
see if there wa any game in the vicinity
whereby no could replenish our larder
w itli some luxuries. We travelled aliout
three-fourths ol a mile, when wc camo
to a beautiful little prairie, and on that
prairie were four bear oub3 gamboling
as lively as two kittens. Yonng bear
meat Feemcd to lie very tempting to the
appotile, so a ball from a rifle was thrown
in the direction of one of them, and
young bear meat that was destined for
our supper soon lay prone upon I lie
prairie. tVe hunted around for a ole,
found one, ruu it through the gambrels.
then each one of us placing and end of
the pole on our shoulder, Chinese fash
ion, we started and soon reached camp.
The cub was then stripped of its hide, its
body desected, about ten of us, big and
little, cut a hazel stick, fastened a piece
of the meat on one end, held it over the
fire until it was well broiled, and we
then feasted on as delicious morsels as
gratified the appetite of man This
manner of supping was kept up until a
late hour in the night, when wc retired
to nur resjcctive bed of straw, dropped
into blissful plumber and dreamed of
delicious bear stake for breakfast. One
of our party, the capacity of whtso
stomach was not equal to his gormaud
izing npietite, during the night breathed
through I U3 iioeo in renatonan tones
awakening us with the supposition that
bears wcro among U3 and were about to
feast upon our mortal bodies, but
punch in tiorib3 roused tho snorcr, he
rolled oyer and remained quiet for tho
rest of the night. I will mention here
that bear wero very .plentiful nt that
time and tho Spaniards were very fear
ful of them, and never ventured whero
thoy wero liable to bo found. We may
in our noxt notes give an account of a
trip from tho redwoods to tho then
Verba Buena, now San Francisco. S
K l a Clover Hoot will purify yonr
Blood and clear your Complexion, rcgu
lato jour Bowels and m'ako your head as
clear as a bell. 25c, 50c and $1.00.
ThU exlra-
oniinarr Sr-
JnTeciucr ts
mo mosi
I'.lHcoTery cf
lira ass. n
i-w I pa cn-
Suropo tad
rarely vc?;
of the ell -
barre i)
To belter adapt the Agriculturalist to the
special interests cf each Eccticn, five editions
ure issued for five different sections of the
country. Eastern, Middle, Central, Western, Southern.
Each Edition contains spevial Local Features characteristic cf its section, pe
fectly adapting it to the wants ol the farmers of tho different states in that section
Thns each edition becomes to the Farmers as much their home agricultural - paper
s tnongii put iisiieu at their own etate capital.
tLZ'l otcar
'In visorelfti
liirfjsa c-itt!
Deb Iltty,
z:A r-.itores
sr or
' i'-m. ..-iJn-tnt t r.f ziz irj'j! .t t la Cut
birr. nm-s--. Jt Cia L- s-.of! is S) ftija
. l a-i a? o r iwcysm.
Ii h 1K3 i-CT!St vi'juufcr mide. It is Tory
Tu, hat r i llc Pey-J for Sl. pew-
Wr ttm gtran!e gtven fora core. Ifroii boy
ii: txes A3t vot entirely snrd,lx rsors
trill hAvnr in fr,' r.rcil rhftrvr.
Junction Stocliton, JIarliet A: EJH Sin.
Kau 'raurIcot t;a-
The Family Featapes,
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Talks -with the Doctor, Pazzlo Contests
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combiee to mate thia Deari:nent of as much value and micrttt as most of the
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nnaibr of pages varying from 25 to 3G.
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FREE SAMPLE COPY sent on request.
American jS.g3?iculti2ist?
78 Columbian Building, - SAN FRANCISCO, CAL.
The x:niucien:cr.
1 American Asrrlcnltnrl.-
IH, I. OO)
hli rT ll
"I ?. i
C ff Business Is Not Good
But Root.
Joy'a Vcgetahlo
prevents Urcd feel
ings, Etaggering sen
sations, palpitation
of heart, rush of
blood to the head,
dizziccsa, ringing in
cars, spots before tho
eyes headache, bil-
of bowels, pains in
the back,melancholy,
tongoc coated, foul
breath, pimples on
face, body and limb,
dcclinoofncrvo force
dizzy spoils, faint 1
6pells, cold, clammy
fect and hands, sour
risings, fatigue, in-
norania, and all d s
r:. . i rf lhf:fomrLrTi. I
Or'- It - t".!sc a feea
The Plaindealer's
Are the Rooters . for the Business Hen of Douglas County. $)
ays of 49 Whisky.
v For Sale at all First-Class Bars. s.
Lake Steamer Sunk
Sault Ste. Marie, Sept. 27. The
steamer Mark Hopkins collided with tho
steamer Vanderbilt at Nino-Milo Point
today. The Hopkins went down in two
minutes, while tho Vanderbilt was but
slightly injured. Tho Hopkins wag in
sured for $10,000. Her owner is U. O.
Recor of St. Clair, Mich.
rommlT ecaroil. 'i'rale-Mr.rks. Copitljnts
nnd labels rcEtstcrrd. Twen'jf-CTO ywr ei
pcrleiic. Via report whotlier patont ran t?
secured or not, free fif clnnro. Onr too n : . -until
patent Is nllowcil. !Wpap ll.Uk I-rr-H.
D, WltLSON & CO.. AUortnnat Ir-Crr.u.B.l'at-OUlra.
ELY BROTHERS. M Wurca St, Kes? Vcrfc Price so cta.1