The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, September 30, 1895, Image 2

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raWttlicd Daily, cxcvpt Sunday.
HulHcriptloit ItatcH.
One Year, by limit.............. f8 00
tax Months, " . 1 0
Tbtrc Months .. 7S
Utic Month -
Per XX"ek, deiivcreA by Curler. 10
Xlic Weekly XMnlmlvalcr.
Oho Year 41 W
Six Months 1
Three Months 60
Tlie Roster of Oregon Soldiers Home.
B. F. Alley, Florence.
Win. Galloway, MeMinvjHe.
S. 55. Ormsby, Argwnli, President.
J. I. Kolierion, Snleui.
Henry Rust, ltaker City.
Cha. liraliaiii, KoseUtrs, secretary.
W. II. Ityars, UoxmatniMii.
J. M. Fiyuu, Adjutant. .
Mrs. K. A. ltyar, .Matron.
K. Milter, Sergei.
Aaron Noteitlne. Go. 1) , 5a Inl , Lntt.
Nathaniel Wfcgitt, Co. F.. !! ion loft.
Stephen A. Mastin, Go. II., II Mo.,
Frederick Scbnu, Co. E., 41 JT. V.,
F. I. Hiciy, &. F., 13 O , 0y.
Peter Snellbscfc, Co. K.20, 'inft.
AIlrl Laurence, U. S. Xttty.
IXtvhl Viacent, Co. C, 4 U. S. Art.
Ueo. F. GrHFetha, Co. U , 2tt 0., loft.
Virgil W. Newtome, Co. B., 1 Qr..Ov.
Bobert KoJdewoy, Stein!, V. A.
Samuel Cornelius. lad. War Vet.
Isaac Crom, Co. A., 2 Jl.f Cav.
John Bayseo, Co. K., U. S. Art.
Jobu O'SaHtvsa, U. S. Xvr,
John T. Katie, Co. A., 1 Or., Cav
O. Ohl, Co. F., 114 Pa., Iaft.
John Garboie, Co. F.,2 It. I., Cv.
Josciih Ilosiin, Co. D., I Or., Inft.
Win. Davis, Go. C, I Or., Inft.
Edward Coombs, Co. L, Or , Inft.
AIouzoO. Parsons, Co. O., 21 W..
J. T. Cox, Indian War Vet.
Eli Allen, U. S. Navy.
Itaberi Lazenby, Co. E., 33 lows. Taft.
John S. Plaster. Co. II., Or. lntt.
Andrew L. Dayjdsoe, Co. I), 12, Jiicfa.
Emery G. Howard, Go. G., t Km.,
Wm. Wilkey. Co. I., 45 Wis., lalt.
Frederick Jngneit, Co. C, 45, X. Y.,
Byrard V. Comstock, Bracket' Bt.
Mfn. Cax",
Edward -Miller, Co. C. Or., Cav.
James H. Well, Co. I., .'S Mo., Inft.
Jacob L. Myers, Mex. War Vet.
Antone Abington, Co K , 3 III., Cav,
James M. I'.eeee, Co. K., 123 Intl., loft.
II. C. Johnston, Indian War Vel".
Samuel Hartka, Co. A., 7 Cal., I oil.
Win. A. Greek, Co. II., 10 Iowa, Inft.
A. D. Milter, Co. C, 5 Kan., Inft.
Tkoa. Kenny, U. .-. Navy.
Adam HefTner, Co. G., 31 Ind., Iaft.
John Philip?, Co.D., 5 West Vs., Cav.
Tliomas Jbylew. Indian War Vet.
Louis Stewart, Indian War Vet.
Edwin It. Ht&ill, Co. K., 14
W. H. Case, Indian War Vet.
Alfred Van Camp, Co. 1, 1 Or.
Geo. W. Hinkins, Co. I)., 2 Cal
David Necly. Indian War Vet.
Samuel G. Hook, Co. H., 152 Pa., Inlt.
Zebedec Madkice, U. S. Navy.
Dan'l McCarty, 1 U. S. Art.
Kobert W. Patten, Co. K., 3 Wt., Iti.'t
Peter Hartman.Co. L., 1 Minn. Mount
ed Hides.
" Albert Junac, Co. C, 2 Mo. J.t. Art.
Theodoro Mickela, Co. E., S Ua!.. Inft,
George Viuelte, Co. I., 11 Iowa Inft.
Ira Flage, Co. 1J., 4 li. I. Heavy Art.
John M. Hasan, Co. I!., 21 Ind., Inft.
John T. Mulkey, Indian War Vet.
Isaac Grier, Indian War Vet.
Horace Heynoiili, Co. A., 1 Cal., 0v.
Joseph Kennedy, Co. II., 0 N. Y., Art
Chaa. F. EdmomK Co. D., 8 Iowa Inft.
Mathcw Kincaid, 1 Hat. Kan. Art.
Geo. W. Wagner, Co. H., 103 HI., Inft.
.Mrs. Hello Protzman, !anudrei.
Mrs. Geo. T. Griffith, waitress.
Mre. E. G. Howard, asst. laundress.
Ham Sing, cook.
This constitutes G3 members, the full
capacity of the home.
Ira Gengcr and L. J.ytrell killed h
huge black lear lni woek. Tlie b".sar
xvas clofe to Ira'a Jiotue w lien tiowl by
his dog. Lylrcll shot it. Ira feols
rather proud of the dog.
-.B ill)
Mr. and Mr?. Jack Chenowcth xvercin
town front Wilbur Satnnlay-.
Mrs. Minnie Chenowoth made u visit
to Hosoburg last xveek.
Dr. Pago was called" to Hogobun: last
xx'eck to attend upon the sick.
Ralph Stenrna was running ti steam
xvood-snw last week.
We have apain organized u braws lmnd
of 1 1 jtieces. They had their first prac
tice last Saturday ex-etiing.
As xvfe were iwesing the Depot, hotel
the otlwr ox-enii, xvp ligteneil to some
excellent music discoursed by our local
Mrs. George Stearns returned last
Thursday from Engeno where she has
Int'ti to place her son anl daughter. Hoy
and May, and Iter neice Winnie Young,
in the uniwrsity at that jilaee.
Leo Armstrong is carrying his injun-d
hand in a sling ami is around town
ag.iiu. His hand pains him a great ileal
but is doing as well as could be exjtect
Miss Heckley oi Hlkton is in town
visiting frieiuis and relatives.
Italph Stv-arns is rnnning a steam en
gine for E. G. Young A Co., who are
chopping a large quantity of grain to
feed stock this winter.
Mre. Ambrose Young returned Friday
from quite an extended visit in Iastern
A Pieehyterian dime dal will le
bold at the reakleiHX' of V. L. lloganl
.next Friday evening. All are invited
Ilex. Mosc delirored his farexvell ser
mon Snnday evening at tliel'rusbyterian
cbureb. He will soon , go to Portland,
Micti., to reside.
Mr. T. K. Riclutrdson ami several
other psrilea of Jtoseburg came over and
retartied ou liicyck last Friday.
Oar county co)erinieud:nt, James
UifclMwooil. lias returned to onr town
alter an ex ten Jed tour visiting schools.
He reports goo.1 attendance fur fchools
that inve beitn.
Mr. and M. V. B. Beck ley bare gone
to SeUttn to attend the Mate bur mid visit
relative. Mrs. licet ley sunt lite early
jiBrt oJ iaat week. Mr. Beckley ent
SomUy aMwning.
Mre BsubritKi in eoniitinv with her
sitter, Sin. Whitsker, left last tt-U en
route far , K'4ar.d to visit .'rieHti- and
reUtires, alter an abaeo of many
yara. They expect to 1 koov several
Mr. P. B. Beekier is having his reii
deuce mid yard (eaco improve! by re
painting. Messrs. Vail A. IMabop are
doing: the aort. Mr. Vail came near
meeting with a seriom accident one day
Khile Uie were untting up their swing
ing scaffold. One o( the large hooks that
is nsd on the roof to support the scaffold,
dipped and came down atuking him a
Kbmcing blow on the bead that caused
hint to faint, lie revived soon under
sood care and is at bis work aa usual.
Had it struck htm mil force it , no doubt
would have besu fatal. Trilby.
Another Advertising Triumph.
"I love J onr daughter, sir," said lie;
"My love will never falter,
And with yonr kind permission I
Wii! lead her to the altar."
"Not quite to fast, aspiring youth :
IWoje the knot is tieil
On certain most important points
I most be satt&ned.
Yon do not smoke, nor drinfc, nor chew ?
Qaite right and qaite fnrpriejQg;
Hut now, young man, I want yonr views
On mattering advertising."
The soitcr blnhed '"0! bonotodsir!
I trust there'll be no friction ;
Bat that good advertising pays '
Is my most firm conviction.
"From boyhood, sir, ? notiowi that
From seasons dull ami trying,
The men who advertise with skill
Come oat with colors flying.
"My business, too, at first so smalt,
Now rapidly is growing,
And well I know to printer's ink
All my saceess is owing."
"Enough, enough, O, wise young sir;
You need no sugtj advising;
Get married, sir, but don't forget
To keep on adx-ertising."
Elda Woo-bj. the Camas mountain
stage robber, is now behind the lwrs.
Sheriff Cathcart brought him in fnn
Grants Pass Sunday morning. lie is
hoarding at Hotel de Cathcart and
Douglas county pays the bill. He will
have a preliminary trial tomorroxv at 'J
a. m.
TIat tiiu people of this place appreciate
good work is evidenced by thu fact that
since his return Dr. Stratmu has been
kept more busy than ever liefore. He
has the latest appliauces,whtch" combined
with an extended experience and skillful
work enables him to do the le8t of den
tal work.
At the residence of Mrs. A. M. Har
ness, September 29th, 1S95, Winfred
Wright and Miss Nannie Haraesfl xvore
united in Marriage by H. J. IJovington,
J. P. Miss Nannie is now Wright and
Wright is Harnessed, and when last seen
were pn'Jing together without balking at
tho tr :mo:iial wagon.
It y ii; have daily mail service, try the
daily i' for a mouth. It, will
cost oniy 25 cents.
A County Judge Indicted.
UitAxrs P.xbs, Or., Sept. 28. (Juite a
sensation x-as sprung today in court cir
cles by nn indictment being returned by
the grand jury, charging County Judge
J. M. Chiles with malfeasance in office.
The indictment xvas baEed on an infor
mation that the judge had been engaged
in speculating in county xvarrants. He
pleaded not guilty when arraigned, and
intends to make a fight. He does not
deny having bought the xvarrants, but
claims to have done so xvith money left
with him. He claims to hax'c bought
the xx-arrants for 90 cents on the dollar,
and to have turned them over to the
ttersons who furnished the money, and
to have made nothing out of the transac
tion himself. On the other hand, it is
claimed that he has bought xvarrants ex
tensively, and has been deriving a hand
some profit out of it himself. The affair
has stirred up considerable feeling here,
and the end is not yet.
Harrison No Candidate.
IxDi.vN.xfous, Sept. 2S. Colonel John
C. Nexv, in an authorized intcrviexv in
the Indianajwlis News today, said :
"General Harrison does not desire to
run for the presidency, and is in no
sense a candidate, and the stories that
he has withdrawn in the interest of any
one arc without foundation. In fact,
xvere his advice solicited, he xvould se
lect neither Mr. McKinley nor Mr. Heed
as the republican candidate for the
The News editorially considers Mr.
Nexv's statement highly significant,
owing to New's knoxvn close jwlitical
relations xvith Mr. Harrison, and sums
up as folloxx-s :
"The situation is, then, just this:
Mr. Harrison is not a candidate for the
nomination, and so, of course, has not
withdrawn in the interest of any other
candidate. He xvould not advise the
nomination of either Heed or McKinley.
He stands iTimsclf just precisely xvhere
be always stood. If the party demands
his services, it can have them."
A republican officeholder, who held
resjonsible positions in Washington
during the Harrison administration,
said today that he had known for sev
eral mouths the ex-president's prefer
ence for the republican nomination is
Senator Allison, of Iowa.
Struck by an Engine.
EiuEse, Or., Sept. 2S. Henry Walker
who resides 25 miles east of Engene, niet
with a serious, if not fatal, accident this
morning. Ho had been in town drink'
ing all night, and as trying to make his
way to the river bottom near town,
where hw family was camping. He was
jest crossing the Southern Pacific track
when thu ; .05 California express came
along, and ho was struck by tho engine
and knocked from the track, recciviug a
broken arm, two ribs, a severe wound on
tin; bead, and internal injuries.
On the Retired List.
W.Mti-JiTON, Sept. 23. Tomorroxv
I.teutenant-General John II. ScboGeld
goes on the retired list after an eventful
career in war and peace. For more than
seven years he has been in command of
the army, and since February 8 last, has
held the exalted rank of lieutenaut-gen
era! by.a special act of congress.
Miles His Successor.
New York, Sept. 23. Major-Gcneral
Miles, it has been definitely learned, has
teen formally told by President Cleve
land that ho has been chosen as successor
to General Schoficld, in command of the
Steamer Humboldt Ashore.
EuncK.x, Cal., Sept. 23. The steamer
Humboldt in on tho rocks off Point
Gorda, and will ho a total loss. Tho
passengers were all safely landed in
boats before 11 o'clock this morning,
with their small baggage. Tho purser
saved the express treasure bag, bat the
mails arc still aboard, and will probably
be lost. Tho vessel has pounded up to
within 100 feet of shore, and is going to
piece?. The captain and croxv are on
the beach, but tho passengers have been
sent to Petrolia, and will arrivo here to'
morrow morning. No fatalities or acci
dents arc rc)oited.
Another Fatal Parachute Jump.
Monrovia, Cal.. Sept. 28. A most
f horrible accident occurred hero this nfter-
noou at 4 :30 o'clock, which resulted in
the immediate death of Nellie W. Hagol,
wife of I-. G. Hagel, tho aeronaut. Tho
couple had been traveling throughout the
Btatc making balloon ascensions and
parachute juni. This afternoon Mrs.
I fagel made an ascension, and when at a
height of 1000 feet she pulled tho rope
which cut tho parachute loose. She shot
down about 100 feet liko a flash. The
air caught the parachute, and it com
luenccd to open, but suddenly it becamo
apparent that sho xvaa falling. She camo
doxui like a cannon ball. Sho struck on
her back, her head coming in contact
xvith tho ground first, and her skull xvas
crushed. Tho deceased was 03 years old,
and a native of Illinois.
For Sale.
A fine organ at a great reduction.
Part cash, balance on time. Inquire at
this office.
Now goods at Caro Bros.
Buy your cigars at the Roseleaf.
Wood taken on subscription at this
Fresh oysters this evening at the
Knndy Kitchen.
A cottage to rent. Inquire at this office
or of owner at 403 Washington street.
Daily Oregonian only 15 cents a xveek.
Leave orders at City News Stand.
For dress goods, clothing, hats, boots
and shoes call on Wollenberg & Abra
ham,. Daily and Sunday Oregonian, reduced
to 20 cents a xveek. Delivered at your
Everylwdy is pleased who buy their
jexvelry and have their xvatches repaired
at Salzinan's.
Beer at tho Hosebnrg brewery ten
cents per quart, fifteen cents per pitcher.
Free lunch of all kinds.
Do you read. If so, try the Daily
Oregonian, only 15 cents a week. Sun
day included, 20 cents.
For choice family groceries, call at the
People's grocery, corner of Cass and
Pine street, G. W. Rapp's.
Remember that cheap watch xvork is
very expensive, halzman does good
watch xvork at lowest prices.
For a good bat, stylish and cheap, call
on Wollenberg & Abraham, whose stock
embraces all grades of head gear.
Dc Sawyer's Family Cube Invigorates,
trenrthens. recur: rates, rebuilds, restores and
brines new lite Ask your druezist for a tree
sample, som oy A. i. Jiamcrs & .
For fresh fruits, nuts and candies,
good tobacco and cigars, call on G. W,
Rapp, Teople's grocery, corner of Cass
and Pine.
ascs unfricndlr to women are nosltirclr
cared by Dr. Sawyer s t'asUlIcs. Ask your drug
cists (or a free tamnlc package. It heals and
cures. Eold by A. C. Marsters fc Co.
Slow Jerry, the reliable jexveler, has
just received a large invoice of spectacles
and eye glasses. Give him a call and ex
amine goods.
All parties desiring first-data Iumbjr,
sash, mouldings, window frames and
door frames, fruit boxes, etc., at lowest
cash prices, call at Bear Creek millr.
C. A. BniGcs.
Kincrirnre and raoncr cannot ImDrove Da
SAwrrit's Family Ccbis, because It radically
cures Dnnerwla. liver comnlaint and Kidney
difficulty. Sold by A. C. Marsters & Co.
Seo new line oi mens, boys, and child
ren's hats at Osburns. Next door to
Review office.
Lame. Dr. Sawyer s Pastilles are effectual for
female weakness, raln on ton ol the head and
lower part of the back. It strengthens and
cures. Sold by A. C. Marsters & Co.
I have several hundred nice red cedar
posts for sale at three and one-half cents
a piece. W. R. Wells.
Olalla, Or., Aug. 3, 1S05.
Children with Pale, bluish complexion, in
dicating the absence of the requisite red globules
in me mocxi snoam laxe nr. sawyers liiaunc.
Sold br A. C. Marsters & Co.
Call on the J. G. FIooS Co. for prices
on their up to date berry crates. Made
of sugar pine, neat and durable. Just
tho thing to get your berriei to market
in first-class condition.
Dr. A. P. Sawyer: I have had Uhccmatlsrn
since I was 'JO years old, bat since ufing yonr
Family Cures have ticcn free from It. It also
cured my husband of the same disease.
Mrs. RobL Connelly,
Brooklyn, Iowa.
Sold by A. C. Marsters & Co.
Dr. F. W. Haynes has just returned
from the East and opened dental parlors
in Mark's building," where he will be
pleased to welcome persons desiring den
tal work.
Dr. A. P. Sawicr.
Sir: After suffering four year with female
weaknes I was punuaded by a' friend to try
yonr Pastilles, and after using them one year, I
can say i am entirely wen. i can not, rccom
mend them to highly. Mrs. M. &. Dronk,
Branson, Bethel Branch Co., Mich.
Sold by A. C. Marsters & Co.
Subscribe for the Daily Pl.xinde.xler.
It is the only live paper in Southern Or
egon. It famishes the latest news up to
Pale, thin, bloodless people should use Dr.
Sawyer's Ukatinc. It is the rreatcsr remedy in
the world for making the weak strong. Sold
A. C. Marsters A Co.
Fresh oysters, the first of the season,
at the Kandy Kitchen, Taylor & Wilson
The J. G. Flook Co. is prepared to do
any kind of mill work at the lowest liv
ing rates, and those who are preparing
to build should consult them. They can
save you monjy.
A Salzman, the reliable jowclcr.
Take Notice.
Next Saturday, the 2St, being the day
of Atonement, the Caro Bros.' business
house will be closed on that day until six
o'clock in the evening. Of this take duo
notice and govern yourselves accord
To the voters of tho city of Roseburg,
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for city marshal, at tho election to bo
held tho 7th day of October, 1S95.
The undersigned hereby announces
himself a candidate for the office of city
marshal, at the coming election, Octo
ber 7th, 1S95. F. W. CARROLL.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for city marahal at the ensning munici
pal election, October 7th, 1895.
M. F. Rapp,
Jackson 5treet, Roseburg. Oregon.
5 8
Patent Medicines,
Toilet Articles.
f' i i i i i
i 2 3
Dress Goods and Trimmings,
Clothing for Men and Boys,
House Furnishing Goods, Etc., Etc.,
And it will pay you to see and get prices, whether you
wish to buy or not. - Yours truly,
Cleveland Distilling Go.
Goods delivered In quantities ot one callon or more. Orders from Town nd Country
Solicited, and will be promptly attended to.
omcc and .OSEBDK(K VON PESSL & DOERNER, Proprs.
Are now
Prepared to
Supply all parties
With their
Marble and Granite Works.
Estimates Furnished on all
omce and Hntcnrooiu, 7n oak Street.
and Children.
i j ' i ' I ' I ' I 1 i ' I ' I '
4 6 G 7 8 II 10 11 1
Is what we give to every cus
tomer, for we believe the best
advertisement possible is a cus
tomer pleased with what we
have sold them, they will come
again and again, and their friends
will come too.
We arenot here for a day
or for a month.
We are Here to Stay.
.Roseburg, Or.
of and Dealers in
Lager Beer.
E. W. AGHISON & C0;a Proprs.
Dealers In nil kluds ot
Marbic anil Granite Monuments
and Headstones,
Portland Cement Curbing
ITr Cemetery LotM.
kinds of Cemetery Work.