IS ru I'stih ani irMtnons. Tho Elorouco Wost snys tlio gov eruianuLforcb on Iho jolty, woika at fftlTo nSoutif o&h Sitialuw.Siro ilrop pinfj 12-ton pobblos into Old Oconn'a tiosom lUony tho liuo of Iho jotly tho??, uml thinks ttuit Iho boisterous, waves will beat in vain iiyuiust thpso" piihbh'.i for eouturies boforo thoy can1 4?vg bmu.. Iu, tho mouutiiiio Undo Sam cau mvo a fow laoro of thot-o 12f ion pebbles dumped upou.thotjo tbore now, ami thus baffle Old Ocean's niguiy . powurn. xuo govorniupni. through tbo onurgotic labors of a livo . . . and vigilant congressman, will doubt less mnko a good barbor and safe bar ii tbo nioUth of tbo Siuslaw, as well as at.Ytiqnmn,Coo Uoy, Port Orfoid tflJnnd lofl tbo mighty Colombia. It "7 1 ... mi lm nopdd not tbo spirit Of prophecy to .!tpok down tbo vista of a fow comiug years tcfeeo tho' commercial promi nence Ihq several ports along our coast will maintain, and of tho im menso wealth of u foroign uud do bieitic commerce with Oregon. All jf-. -that is needed to sconro this antici pated grandeur for Oregon is to keep ", energetic, fwatchfnl and ex perienced men in congress. Such Oregon has now, and if sho will study her interest sho will keep them thro ptflong as they continue to look out for her interest aud press her claims with,statesmanliko ability. Tho peo ple of the stale should look to their . own iuterest. They onght not to caro a fig for tbo individual aspirant for tho place. j f iv cunnge tor too purpose oi giving lorn, Dick or Harry n pull at Iho public toat should cut uo figure. It' is their own interest thoy should look to, and return tocongrera a man who has been tried and not found wanting. The PrjkixDEALEn is not in favor of Mr. llgrmanu tyjeanso ;t Hermann, bnt hocansp Hermann tills tho hill llo has been tried, and, so far, comes up to the requirements. Air. Hermann will doubtless bo placed r.t tbo head of Iho committee tit 4&"vcr3 r'DU harbors next soke ion, by Tr and through tho unwritten law of administrative policy, where, as chairman of that committee, ho will bo ablo to accomplish moro than any. ' iUuvvjiian cocld. It would be uuwiso swap hordes iu this middle of tho utreaarwenrB now crossing. In an editorial in the Oregonian of September 17th. wa notice reference - is- -made to tho 'Beavei" money cemodin thoariy years in Oregon We havo'Mhis to say. Daniel II Lowsdalo coined the first fivo dollar piece that was over coined in Oregon. and it was .coined in tbo winter of V i- mm ' . - Cahfornis by tho wnter late in tho fall of ISia Wo think tho dies from which the coin was ca3t was mada by .Mr. Wailaco of Oregon City. The coin was cost in the cellar of tho old storehouse of I'ettigrore, and wo wero at tbo tima pretty well con versant with all the operations at , oa'diag its coincge. 31r. Pettigrove had sold his interest in Portland to D. II. Lownsdale, and wo spent many weeks with him iu discussing tho relative effects of tho discovery of gold on tho busint xi interests of Oregon. 3Ir. L-jwaod.ik- was cog:- -iaucg lor a couaineraoie limo over tbe question of tho coinago of tho goia. um mis is certain, that somo tinrcia January, ISitf, ho coined fivo dollar piece, and tho hand that writes thoso notes had that five dol Warjpieco Jam in its palm in 1819, . ... '- - , , .; -laownsaaie exercispu mucn .secrecy relative to its coinage, bnt there was fno necessity for secrecy for the coin JW9 o pare gold; without any alloy. I5 ' THE FAIR: ': ' jfc, Next Tuesday tho Second South flcrn District Agricultural Association lj begins it3 fourtb annual exhibit, : J Tbo association heretoforo bus been unfortunate. An inclement state of the weather for three successive ,years prevented a good and full ex bibit and tho attendance was light and tho receipts were small, whilo tho expenso was large. As a conse- quenco tho association is in a crip pieu conauion, linanciaiiy. m view of this fact, nnd tho fact also, that a ifair is ono of the best means of gen weral improvement and dovolopment of u county, wo appeal to tho gener osilj', liberality, and, wo might add t patriotism of tho citizens all over the county to givo the association all tho aid in their power at tho approaching exhibit. Come, overy mother's son of you, and bring yonr mother with r. ,you. Let overy ono lay by for four ob'vajays nntako a :rcspito from Toils Da tho farm and in workshop ';(;nd'-kitchen. Como nnd. see tho luscious frullb, tbo lino stock, tbo nttractivo rncos. tho prolty womon on whools, and hear tbo best band in Oregon disconrso its oxcollont music. Yos, couio one and all and bavo n grand good time, and go homo with a con8oion(raos3 that yon bavo giyen your inito for tho tip-building of this tvorfhy; fi&litiiiiou o'f trauil old ,Dongla8.,y- When tho Grand Army of tho Ito- pnblic meets in n Southern city, nnd a Southern orator who fonght in tbo Confederate ranks rises to say that "tho monstrocity (slavery), out of which carao tho folly of secession. out of tho way, and tho nation hav ing actually had its now birth of froo dom, thoro is nothing now bnt igno rance and prejudice to provent tbo Araoricau in Minnesota from taking tho bund of tho American in Georgia and calling him brother," overy American who rcmombers tho post strngglo can answer that ho has lived to soo and hear great things. Ore- conian. Tho county court is still wrestling with tbo tax roll. Equalization is u kuotty question that tries tho uu- known qualities of tbo board. It is moro difficult than tho twelvo labors of Herculos. Hercules could kill tho Lernaen hydra monster, tame the Nemoun lion and cleanso tho Augean stables, bnt ho never undertook to equalize a tax roll. Tho storm of the last threo days has speut its fury. Old Plnvius has emptied his lost enp, out off, a la Koseburg Water Compauy, his hy drants, and Old Sol sends down his cheerful beams and damo Nature's face puts on a pleasant and bowitcb in" Hiuiio airaiu. Tho Kiddlo Enterpriso is of tho opinion that music from the raw ma terial in tho cat is not as agreeable as tuo muiiniactored article: to at is tho twang of a guitar or banjo string is moro pleasant to the oar than the voico of a tom-cat tt midnight. Douglas county has 5,781 males and 5.100 females; 72S foreign born males and 255 females. Total popu lation of tho county by tho census of 1S00 was 11,861; of the stato 325.77U, The population of 18S0 was 138,009. TSILCOOS NOTES. Showery and cool with just a little trait (or a variation. Several bears bsvo been killed within tho last month. Trout fiabini: in Fiddle creek is fair. A lew one pounuers lor breakfast are good for the health. Onr oltlo arc in fine, condition. Tho lake border, or marshes, furnish fine feed for stock. Much batter of lino quality is produced br our people. At present prices the business is not very renumerative. We need an open canal between Tenmile and Fivemilo lakes. This scheme would enaoie our larmers 10 ueiiver null: or cream to the creamery at Gardiner and pat us on a cash basis. The canal must be cot. It would be lesa than one-half mile in length. Our business should all go to Gardiner. Dy tho way, Gardiner is tbo gctn.tOKn between Coos Bay and Yaunina. It is a iict that tho business men of thin pluco will pay cash fur labor or for anything else needed by. them in their business. There aro towns over this way where it breaks iho hcarls of their alleged busi ess men 10 part witu a dollar lor any thing else than store goods to be sold at a handsome profit. You sometimes hear murmurings against tho Gardiner .1K YOU KKALIZK THAT THK If you are in a position To do Business Let the People Know it. The little Special Notice and the regular Business Ad Make the Mighty Merchant and his Patrons Glad, The And The Plaindealer is read By Everybody. Advertise in it. It will Pay. 11 V'llKN VQU WANT GOOU JOB 1'lUNTlNU DONK, AND YOU SOMETISIKS DO. Ycili 44U44444444UUUU4UU44Ui4i4UU4U4U4U44i4U44U44U combination but Upon iiivcaiitatioii you will find tbo croaker to bo the man at fault. Gardiner pays belter wages and batter prices generally lor forest and farm products than any other place within 100 miles and will pay coin, sil ver and told, as you prefer. Her busi ness mull are not doini: business for health's Diiko exactly, but llicy are "ill ing that utboiB si mil live as well us tliey. We want to reucb Cinrdiuer with our milk. Wo inuat cut them or tbiuw up the sponga iiiik'BH a creamery is estab lished on the slioro of our placid (when tbo wind docs not blow) lake. What a royal reception wc gave to Bmgnr Hermann at Florence! Every body, or nearly everybody, went. Bin cor'a fence's nro high, strong and tight. Thero Is no man in tho alato who can got over tbo fenco hero. S'cott Mourns. THE PORTLAND flARKET. Portland, Sept. 17. The following prices were current in the produce mar kets yesterday: Flour 12.85 & $2.03 per barrel. Oats Good whito arc quoted weak at 272So per bushel; milling, '.'830c; gray, 2oQ2Cc. Hay Overstocked ; timothy, $U9.50 per ton ; cheat, 4.50$5 ; cloyer. No de- uariey teeu Dariev, K2$(3Goc per central; brewing, 80Q85, according to quality ; chop, f 1G per ton. roinioes ew uregon 3j5o per sack. Butter Firm ; fancy creamery, 12,!; He per pound; fancy dairy, 1012'1:c; fair to good, 8)..'10c; common, C($ 7c Onions Now California, $1.251.50 per ctl. I'oullry Uuickens. out, $33.2o per dozen; young, $1.252J0 per dozen; ducks, f303: geese, $1G; tur keys, livo, 10c per pound; dressed, no demand. Kegs Oregon, He per dozen. Cheese Oregon, fall cream, 10(3 11c per pound; half cream, 70c; ekim, 4(3 Cc. Oregon vegetables Cabbage, 1 Q l.'c per pound; radishes, 10c per dozen bunches; green onions, 10c per dozen; Oregon wax beans, 2(?3,'2c; cucumberp, 75c(3$l per box; cauliflower, $1 per 'oz. Fresh fruit Apples, 50cf2per box; chernea, 50G0c; Oregon, $1 per box; prunes, 4050c ; peaches, ft0G0. liernes 15iackbcTies, 23c cr pound; raspberries, $1.50 per crate. Wool Valley, HQ 13c, according to quality; Eastern Oregon, Sgllc. Provisions Oregon: Smoked bams, lljc ir iound. TUU VAKKLT. Hogs Gross, choice heavy, f3.50(3 3.75J light and feeders, $3.23G50; dressed, 4,'-c per pound. Veal Gross, small, 50c; large, 3 4c er ionnd. Beef Gross, top steers, $2.50t3; fiir- to good steers, L30(2.G0; cows, 2.25( $20; dressed beef, 45,Je. Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers, t.7502; ewes, t.75; dressed mut ton, 4c creparattond AbicJineBalsam fxthearttf R int Catarrhal 4ndSortEytx,R ft3&ralulecad fwCURE. TABIETLNEiHEftCo. (OR PRlllEIL, OROYJJi.CAL, MlAilOX OF filla AUVKRTlaEMK.NT 13 TO DON'T GHASE OUT OF TOWN FOR SOMETHING FOREIGN! mm?m zrz ; Plaindealer. the eager Public gathering in throngs Leave their Business Orders where the Trade belongs does the BEST JOB PRINTING AT L0WEST RATES COTTOLENE What is It Itts the new shortenlng-g Ttaklng the place of lard (IP or cooking butter, or Tboth. Costs less, goes g farther, and Is easily Tdigested by anyone. m AT ALU GROCERS. g Refuse All Substitutes Made only by SET H. K. FAIRBANKS, CO.; jglT ST. LOUIS and , CHICAGO, NEW YORK, BOSTON. . "5 GrWHlJDVM- '1 fnin TP Thl exti ordinary Be JnTfnalcr Is tho most wonderful discovery of tho age. It hM3 been en dorsed by tho men of Europe end America. Hotfyan is wIy Tcse Uble. Hadrin staja frtsitoaess of tho dis durgo in 20 days. Cures Cocttipattoa, Tit rr'. jw FalUng Sen sallcnu.Kciv onstwitchlnz of the eyes and other parts. Btrencthenj. invigorates andtoncithe cnUrcfyttan. Hodyan cures ueoiiity, Ii'errousaeii andderelopca end rctcres veikorgsns. Piini In the LOST EAHHOOD lAcr, usset oy day or sigbt stopped quickly. Over 0CO private endorsenects. Prcmatnrenes means impotency In Ura first ctacc. It Is a synptaa of seminal treakness and barrenness. It can bo stopped in a) dap by tho use of Hadyan. Tho new discovery was made by the Special ists of the old tenons Hudson Medical Institute. It is the strongest Titallzcr made. It is very powerful, bnt rnrndfr. Sold for SLCO a, pack acoorS packages for JJ.00 (plain scaled boxes), wrltlea guarantee given for a core. If yon bay six bases mid are cot entirely cured, Elx Bora will bo sent to yon fno cf all charges. Bend for circulars and testimonials. Address HUDSON MEDICAL. EiHTTlUXE. r- J auction Stockton,Iaritet A; Elll s L'l. San l-raiiclco, fj&io We JEmploy! gi Young : to dUtrtbcto I Sznenuln part parmat for i. hlph endo Acne t t bJcsxls. Ttnicrj wo sentl tbem on approral. Ko X j vorfc done nnUl tho blcyclo anTr&j aod prorea J satlatactary. 1 Young Ladies Tfe00 If bonorgtrls Bpplyieymnstbo'wcUrccom. tmcBded. rueforpartlcolan. ACME CYCLE COI1PANY, f j ELKHART, INT) INVITE YOL'K I'ATKOXAOEtT If you have anything You want to Sell Let the People Know it. Xhe sure road to succeSs Always leads Through the Printing Office )Tni:iSsni.TluT WLiXIlKALEll-SfflS: 9- Insist on Kl AliP HAER SOPA I fin packages.; 9 Costs no more than inferior package soda S never spoils the flour, keeps soft, and is unU versally acknowledged purest in the world. Vf Made only by CHURCH & CO., New York. 3j Sold 6y crocers everywiere. S Wido (or Ann and Iltmmer Book at ralaabls Itecipc FUEE. MERICAN . Agriculturist Only $1.00 a Year! AH tbo Leading Features that bavo made tho monthly so popular are retained and many New Features added, sucb as General and Local -Market Prices, Crop Reports in their season, Condensed Farm News, and Letters Atnomi tho Farmers. Its Fatn Features. Live Stock, Dairying, Horticulture, Poultry, .Market Gardening, and othe topics, written by Practical and Successful Farmers, supplemented with Illuatra lions by ablo artists, combine t make it invaluable to those who "farm it for living." The Latest Markets and Commercial Agriculture arc Leading Features, ir which the Agriculturist is not excelled. Reliable Special Correspondents at tio uenerai anu ixcai JiarKct ueniers all over the United States us to report the latest prices on everything tho Farmer has to sell. This Department alone is worth many times the coat of a year's subscription to any Farmer. Tp-j-rrp lilril'f'.irYnC! T To better adapt the Agriculturalist to tho j. xv m xjuxuiu aj.o , gpetjai interests of each section, five editions " " "" "" are issued for five different sections of the country, Eastern, Middle, Central, Western, Southern. Each Edition contains special Local Features characteristic of its section, per fectly adapting it to the wants ot the farmers of the different states in that section . Thus each edition becomes to the Farmers as much their home agricultural paper as though published at their own etatc capital. The Family Features, Short Stories, Iiatest Fashions, Fancy "Work, Tho Good Cook, Talks with the Doctor, Puzzlo Contests and Younff Folks' Psge, combine to make this Department of as much value and interest as most of tho Special Family Paifcrs. Questions answered on Lay, Medicine, Veterinary and other topics Fit EE. THE JIAGAZINE FORM. Each issue comes out with a neat cover, the number of pages vary ins from 28 to 3G. An Ideal Farm and Family Weekly. FREE SAMPLE COPY sent on request. American Agriculturist, 7S Columbian Building, - SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. SPECIAL2C0MBINATI0N OFFER. tiic i'laimlcaler, - . 92.001 American Agriculturists, 1,00) If Business Is Not Good The Plaindeeler's Advertising : ( (m ( Arc the Rootersfor the Business rien of Douglas County. f DRINK THE CELEBRATED Days of '49 Whisky. A f For Sale at all First-Class Bars. -f jlgg 8 ELTmicmiEH wlX sYy Tat? wods.Hisl i 1 A BEWARE , of Imitation trade marks and labels. JR. i i weeklv v Original, Progressive, Practical Onrrlcj only $2.50 DolU tor Papers. Squeal, But Root. Columns V - 2 Jon t ) )