THE PLAINDEALER SEPTUM BKU 2, 1S95. The CUurcticH. IUmist Ciicncu corner ol Lano ami Hos ttmU. Sunday Service: Preaching, U a. w. and 7:S0 p. ta.; Young IVople'i Uulou, 0:30 p.m.; Mr. G. N. Anne, President; Sunday School, 10 c. tu.; Jainea Chamberlain, Supciiutvuiteul ITaycrMcollnB, Thursday.cYcnlns at 7:S0. Ukv. a. if. Anses, Pastor. Residence, No. 82J Main Street. Mcthomst CiiCECH-corncr ol Main and Lane streets. Sunday Service: Preaching, XI a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sabbath school, 10 a. m.; Dr. James Barr. Superintendent; Class Meeting at clow ol tho morning service; Epnrorth Lcaguo 6:S0 p. m. Clare Hume, Prc&Idcnt. Prayer Meet ing, Thursday, at 7:30 p, m. N. S. Wucknkr, 1). D Pastor. Parsonage, corner Main and Lane. (nunVTSr.uN Oiiuncn corner ol Cass and Hose streets. Suuday Service: PupUo worship, a.m. and"7S p. m.; Sabbath School, 10 a. m.; V. P. S. C. K., 7 . m. Prayer Meeting, Wednes day, 7 JO p. ra. It. B. Dilwortii, Pastor. Tiik V; C. T. U. will meet at the M. K, church crvry Thursday evening until alter State Couventlon. All members should be pres ent at every meeting. Thk Loyal TutrKOJiNCK Leoion will meet at the M. K. Church Wednesday nt 3 p.m. A. C. Bl'CKKKR. SupL U. S. Department of Agriculture Weather Bureau. KOSEBTK3, Ore., August S3, IsM. Raeoxctkb 5s m- Peinc time SWH. Maximum tcmivraturc, 77. Minimum temperature. S6. Kalntall lor the II hours ending 5 p. m., trace. Total rale tall since 1st ol month, trace. Average rainfall lor this month lor i7 years, 25. Total rainfall from Sept. 1, IS9I, to date, 2JJC Average monthly rainfall from Sept. 1, 1S01, to date. ifiJ. Accumulated deficiency from Sept. 1, 1XM, to date. 6.(0. Arcraii precipitation for 17 wet scavjus SS.00. Tilo. Ginsj.v, Observer. PoarUND, Or-, Angust it. 1S3J; 10 a. m. Weather forecast for the next 31 hours, for Roseburg and vicinity: Saturday and Sunday, showers, and cooler. PaiSCE. Local Forecast Official. Roseburg Heroines. TbU morning ulwnt S:30 a fire was discovered in the bath room of Mr. Veatch'a residence in West Roseburg. Mrs. VealcJi raised tho alarm, but as Mr. Veatch being absent, and the other men near by had also gone to ilieir rarions daces ol business, no one re sponded but Mrs. 11 U. Houston, who flew to the rescue. The hose in the house could not be made to work, so Mrs. Houston ren back to her home near by seixed filty "feet of hose and jomped tho fence with it, ran in and at taclied it to the hrdraut and tnrned on the water and in a few ruinates had the lire under .control before any men ap peared on the ground. Some good screaming was done on Ihe ttart, but that, these brave woman found was not equal to a Babcock or even a Roseburg extinguisher; so they pro ceeded to get a genuine move on them selves and went to work with a cool cal culation that muscles and brains ere needed, and as is always the case in an emergency with a woman, she is equal to the occasion ; and in this case their brayery and presence of mind averted what might have been a calamity. Fruit Evaporation. At no time of the rear is tho value of the fruit evaporator better appreciated .than during hot weather. The early lruit ieei-3 poorly, and unless marketed somewhat green can not be disposed of before it decays. But with an evapora tor on the farm the fruit can be evapo rated when it is at its best, and it will then be worth mora than can be got for it by sending to sell on commission in the city. The cost of an evaporator can easily be saved by the sating of fruit in a single season that would be wasted if it were not used. The Crescent in the Lead. LAST WEEK'S SALES. Mrs. X. G. W. Perkins, Myrtle Point. J. E. Hunt, Oakland. Anton Lau, Oakland. Adam Castor, Rice Hill. L. A. Martin. Wilbur. V. K. Spoon, Brockway. Cable & Riciiakdsos. Chicago Tailor has just received a full lino of fall earn pies. Suits from f 16.00 upwards. Tanta " 5.W " Don't fail to. call and sco him before leaving your ordrr clscwlierc. Miltos B. H. Tonv, Chicago Tailor. Tho new buildings going up in Rose burg, business houses and residences, some alout completed and others in course of speedy construction, gives ovi- dence that our business men have Eomo hopes of tbo future of our city. Money may be scarce, but tho cry of hard limes is not Bounding upon the car bo much as one year ago. Every decade of years a time oldcpreeaion occurs, which after a brief season la dispelled by a renewed business activity and cheering times. NT. Day of Wilbur, jvbo has been spending several weeks with bis danghtor here, returned home Saturday. BRIEF MENTION. Now is tho time to subscribe Oysters at tho Kandy Kitchen. Fresh oysters this oveulng nt tho Knudy Kitchen. Born, August SO, to tho wife ot James Dolnn, a daughter. Miss Bollo Willis loft this momine on tho local for Eugono. Miss Echo Gaddis left on tho local this morning for Salem. Just Received at J. T. Bryan's. Kocor'a firat-gradn silver-plated waro. Smoked eye glasses at J. T. Brvan's from 10 touts to 75 cents a pair. Born, August 31st, to tho wifo of l J. Connolly u daughter, and ull is well. Four hundred and twenty registered ut the Roieburg hotols tho past week. Spectacles and oyo glasses in gold. nickel and steel bovs at J. T. Bryan's. Fresh oysters, tho Grat of tho season. at tho Kandy Kitchen, Taylor & Wilson buildlug. Tomorrow night tho Readick troutw will produce "Complications" for tho baud benefit. Do you read. If so, try thu Daily Orvgonian, only 15 cents a week. Sun day included, 20 cents. - Coryallis proper has only 1?J3 popula tion, so says tho Times. Rosobnrg can beat that nearly two times. F. C. Dezendorf, attorney, and wife, have returned from tho country and will occupy H. S. French's cottage on Main street. Now fall stock of goods Is now arriying at tho now storo of J. Brooks. Ladies will lako duo notice. See add in todays paper. Remember tho cojiedy tonight is "Jerry the Outcast," with which will bo introduced a number of songs and spe cialties. Last Saturday Roseburg presented a lively appearance. In taking a stroll wo counted G7 toatns and vehicles from tho country iu town. "Complications," that most laughable of comedies, will be produced by the Readick-Carlton company at band ben efit Tuesday night. Bishop Wilson of tho Columbia Con ference of M. E. Church South, will preach at Rey. Crutchfield's church this oveuiug, at usual hour. Lucky No. 33 gets the watch this time, held by Miss Lucy Buell of Look ing Glara, daughlor of O. II. Buell. Novelty Stoke.' The woman new may dare aud do, And weild the pen and gavel ; But the old man still must foot the bill And keep on scratching gravel. At the K. of P. band benefit Tuesday night, at tho Roseburg Theater, tho band will play tho selections played in the contest at Grants Pass, and other choice music. Talking with a man Saturday, recently from Kansas, he expressed himself as highlr pleased with Oregon, and says he, I wish I had cou-e hear ten years ago, I might have been worth something." Lewis ilatney, a resident ol Indepen dence who spent last week in Roseburg, left Saturday on his wheel for Medford. lie is looking around with an eyo to business, and may possibly locate here. Douglas county eaches are Ja great luxury to the dwellers in the Willamette valley, and weil they may be, for no county in the state can compare with Douglas in size and lusciousness of her peaches. A. W. Miller, the accredited agent for tho Oregon Industrial Exposition, is in tho city today looking after the mineral department and soliciting samples of minerals, for exhibition next October at the exposition. Again today the youtli of Roseburg take np' their line of march to tho temple of knowledge. Prof. F. B. Hamlin and his corps of assistants begin today Uieir labors educational. District No. 4 is tourtttnate in the engagement of an able faculty of teachers, who enter upon their work with renewed energy after several weeks' vacation. Wo congratulate the patrons of Ihe district upon the good prospects for the coming school year. Harry Gilvin, brakeman on tho north bound freight, met with a serious acci dent at Gtendale yesterday. The break age of the air brako caused a sudden stoppsgo of his car. Ho threw his hand over tho drawhead to steady himself while he leaned forward to look ahead, when tho recoil of tho car forward struck tho ends of his Angora over tho draw- head and crushed them. He came on to the city and Dr. Bradley amputated tho fractured bones and Mr. Gilvin is nllright, save tho tips of two fingers. Rev. N. S. Buckner being indisposed, Reverend Annes occupied the M. h Church pulpit Sunday, and delivered a most eloquent and impressive sermon from John, Gth chapter, 2Sth and L'Oth verses. "What shall I do to work the workB of God," was the main and highly important question. And tho answer, "Believe in Him whom He hath sent," gave rise to an impressive lesson of what constituted belief. It was not merely an ascent of the mind, but nleoa determi nation to co forward influenced by a spirit to do tho will of God, and making it manifest by faithful works, thereoy attaining the end everlasting life. Tho disconrso was listened to by all present with marked and serious attention. LIST OF CLAIHS ALLOWED At the July Term, 1895, of County Court. E. II. Thrush, lumber $45 U5 A. W. Johnson, road work 25 00 O'eo. Mathews, road work 53 90 1. B. Nichols, lumber 17 00 Dunbar & Uorslino, luuiler ..... 41 55 Siuslaw Lumber Co., lumber . ... 25 00 Dayia-Auiblor-Merrill Co., lumber 17 00 Geo. W. Thompson, road work.... 39 15 W. A. Webber, bridgo work 20 00 ChaB. Anderson, road work 8 00 P. Benedick, coffin for pauper.... 17 50 Geo. Kohlhagon, meat for paupers 1 00 E. W. Kuykendall, colli 11 for pauper 15 00 J. II. Hawkins, medical uttund- anco 10 00 II. F, West, runt lor paupers 5 00 Irwin Hudson Co., stationery 15 00 Stuart it Thompson 7 50 Churchill, Woolloy & McKenzie, Mdso 52 00 Maupin it Nicholson, lumber 18 95 W. J. Clifton, work on court yard 75 Phivbo Kitchull, board of paticrs 31 50 J. M. West, road work 2 75 Isaac Johnson, care ot pauper 22 00 E. II. Fairfield, wood 15 00 A. J. Bellows, wood 32 50 Frank Gorslino, wood 2 00 D. O. McCIallou, meal for jurors. . 3,50 S. C. Rartrura, assessor of damages 12 50 M. C. Ruckle, assessor of damages 12 50 J. H. Wiles, nssosborof damages. . 12 50 Geo, W. Cutsforth. axeman 4 00 W. F. Briggs, surveyor 8 00 L. S. Shipley, lumber 21 00 O. H. Buell, J. P. reports G 00 T. J. Davis, J. P., drawing jury list 3 00 Geo. A. Smilh, drawiug jury list. . 2 00 John Staudlcy, drawing jury list . . 2 Ol) S. C. Bartrum, assessor of dam ages 3 00 J. II. Wiles, assessor of damages . 3 00 F. A. McCall, assessor of damages 3 00 E. H. Pinkston, road viewer G 00 A. J. Dear, road viewer G 00 J. H. Batty, road viewer G 00 W. P. Heydon, surveyor. .' 22 20 Plaindealer Pub. Co., printing S3 70 Review Pub. Co., printing 10 80 J. F. Barker, Mdse IS 10 Thos. Strode, care of pauper 34 00 A. C. Marsters, Mdse IS Go C. W. Whitcomb, medical services 15 00 J. L. Watson, taking testimony. 25 00 Frank Gorsliue, wood 2 00 Plaindealer Pub. Co., printing . . 2 50 SiearnsitChunowclh, Mdso 24 SO ''teams t Cheuoweth, Mdse S 75 C. W. Parks, Mdse 4 40 Jos. B. Carr, pauter 3 00 German American Ins. Co , iti- Buruuce IS 10 A. C. Marks, livery hire and feed 22 00 R. 1 Mepheus. bridge work.... 4 50 Roseburg Water Co., water 20 00 Stearns A Cheuowelh, Mdso 30 00 M. F. Rapp, .Mdse G SO M. F. Rapp, Mdse 12 15 Cooper Bros., lumber 13 15 Geo. Kruse, Mdsu 200 Frank Bigger, board for pauer. . 2 00 Fred PagoTustin, legal services. 53 45 Roburg Electric Co.. lights ... 10 10 J. M. Fletcher, drayage 1 50 G. M. Brown, rent 20 00 W. W. Canlwell, attornev fees . 40 00 L. S. Shipley, bridge work 3 00 V. S. Hamilton, Jldse 15 50 H. D. Graves, photos of prisoners ' 2 50 G. P. McNamee, bridge work. .. 5 25 Ad Harmon has been granted the ex elusive right to sell spirituous liquors at the race course during tho fair this month. O. Lucas, proprietor of the soda works, hai been grauteJ the exclusive privilege for a confectionary bland at the race track. This does not exclude others fromlthc general exhibit grounds proper Confectionery stands, eating houses, res taurants, soda fountains, fruit stands, etc., will bo allowed under tho rules laid down in the catalogue. Subscribe for tho Plain-dealer. A SovereignRemedy&Chs. Colds.LaGnppe and all Affecliois f thiThroat. Chest and Lungs. 50cts$122 5tW TOR ABIETINE?lED.0.OfWilIe.Cal. !we" tRmnlov 1 J Young Men to dlntributo our adTortlse- mcnt in part parmcnt for i high crado Acmo blcrclo. TtnlclJ ro semi them on approral. No work done until tho blcrclo arrlTca and prOTCS satUiactarr. Young Ladies If bora or drls nrylr thcx ratut bo well recom mended. Writs for particular. ACME CYCLE COflPANY, ELKHART, IND. State Agricultural College. Tho scientific cnulpmmt of this insti tution is tho host in tho statu; 22 in structors; 261 students; 209 graduates; four courses of study, Agricultural, Mechanical, Household Economy, and Bachelor of Science; military training by United Statefi officer ; society elevating; surroundings healthful ; tuition absolutely free; no incidental fee; expenses includ ing clothing about $141 per school vear. or further particulars address John M. Bloss, President, Corvallis, Oregon. State Normal School, DlUI.V, OllEQO.V. First term begins September lUth. Entire new faculty. Send for catalogue. Louis Bahzkk, President. Notice. Notice is hereby given that tho liens uou mares aud colts taken by Honey Bros, of Elktou for services of the stallion, .Black Monarch, aro recorded in my uamu with the county clerk of Douglas county, aud that said lions must bo tset'tled by paying Baine to mo by Seplein- uor ist, or tney win bo lorecloseu. W. R. Vinson. Populist County Committee Meeting. Notice is-hereby given that Ihe next county quarterly meeting will be held in 3toseburg at ten o'clock a. ra., Saturday, the 7th day of October, 1894. Precinct committee please lake notice. H. M. Mautlv, Chairman County Committee. Roseburg Soda Works. I have leased I bo Roseburc Soda Works and will put up a full line of carbonated leverages and bar svruiw. which will omparo favorably with anv in tho state. Soliciting your patronage, I am, lours itespectlullr, O. Lucas. For Sale Cheap. Ouo Schuttler 3! wagon nearly new. also one bet of double work harness. Inquire at this office. For Sale or Rent. The Palmer sawmill. For particulars address. E. C. Palukk. Drain. Or. miKOtlmu uautcrt or helo wanted ailrrrtiirnrnU txicrtcd in Uii nluis tree of ekarae. tMkrr aili of Are linn or let under (am head -5 eenU per wm. tucM fsaauionai line ccnu per nunin. .10 eutrenuemcni latenjor leu man is centt. For Sale. rJOR SALE Old netrtpapcra. i3 tents per 10O. Apply at I'lalnilcalcr oEcc. Wmitt-tl to lixclinutc. yANTEll TO EXCHANGE One 3 Inch and ...... ; .v. uam iiaj. .iniu, lumber or nud. Both waroDt In good order. CI1.VS. VANZILE, at Hone place. JKA. B. RIDDLE, Attorney at Law, DEPUTY UISTUICT ATTORNEV. Orricc; Taylor A Wilson Block, Rooms 7 and S, ItOaEBURO. OREGON. D. STRATFORD, Attorney at Law, Rooms and 4 Tajlor & WiLun Block. ROSEBURG. OR jg L. BRADLEY, M. D. Physician & Surgeon. Office Mour, I rum 11 to 3 r.M. Tajlor A Vllon Brick. ROSEBURG. J W. BENJAMIN, DENTIST, , Room 10. Tarlor A Wlbon Block. ROSEBURG. ?mtmmmtmtmmmmTmmtmmmmmmm & DO YOU KKAL1ZK THAT THE MINION OF T1US ADVERTISEMENT IS TO INVITE YOUR PATRON AG K T If you arc in a position To do Business Let the People Know it. ir-c-s The little Special Notice aud the regular Business Ad Make the Mighty Merchant aud his Patrons Glad, The And The Plaindealer is read By Everybody. Advertise in it. It will Pay. g-W 1 1 K NY U U WANT QUOD JQll l'ltlNTIXU DONE. AND YOU SOMETIMES DO. YOU Notice. Grain bags and twino for sale by Sol Abraham, and the highest market price in cash will bo paid by him for grain, delivered at his warehouse at Roseburg. FOR Pure Drugs OO TO A. C. HARSTERS & CO., DRUGGIHT8. OILS HND GLHSS STATIONERY AND 1a7I-L PHPER CHOICE PERFUMERIES AND TOILET ARTICLES. The Finishing Touch. In putting the finishing toucn to.vour toilet do voual- ways see that your shoes are in keeping with the rest of your makeup? The shoes may be better than the other garments and still be appro priate, but if they are not up to the raiment in style and quality the effect is unpleas ant. Mrs Grace Osburti's fine line of Shoes stand on their merits, is infinite in va riety, excellent in quality, and moderate in price. DON'T GHASE OUT OF TOWN ? FOR SOMETHING FOREIGN! Plaindealer. the eager Public gathering in throngs Leave their Business Orders where the Trade belongs DOES THE BEST JOB PRINTING AT LOWEST RATES. NEW FEED STORE, CAYVLFIELD & CAWLFIELD Ilavejust opened a first-class Feed Store a&4 bare on bond a large Invoice ol the beet Rosebura; and Valley Flour, Baled Hay, Gmla and Feed ol all kinds. All purcbaiei delivered free. Cor.. Cass and Rose Street. HOTEL Van Houten, JAS. CALLAHAN, Propr. WILL BE CONDUCTED STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS. The Dining Room will be under In personal supervision of Mr. Callahaa, who will guarantee all old and new enf tomers tho best tho market affords. Come and see me. CflDBGHILL HOTE OAKLAND, OR. KATIE CHURCHILL, Propr. ' Board and Lodging per week $2.50. Meals, 20 cents. Beds, 20 cents.. n Call SECOND OF A-ND HAND ALL sells GOODS KLND8 I227 MAIS STREET. CIVE ME A SHARE OF YOUR PAUWHACE The Bureau Saloon Formerly Merchants' Exchange. Has Been Renovated and Fitted Up In First-Class Style. Ckoice Wines aid liqiars, Best Clears. COnMODIOUS CLUB ROOrtS. ACCOMMODATING BAR TENDEBS. Give me a call. GREEN McKINNEV. GO TO- A. T. Thompson's And get a Drink of OLD WALKER WHISKEY 14 YEARS OLD. 213 Jackson Street. The Surprise. FRANK SCHWI(KR, Proprietor. JOHN McCURDV. Mixologist. The Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars. BEEH ON DRAUGHT. Oak. Street, bet. Jackson & Roar, If you have anything You want to Sell Let the People Know it. The sure road to success Always leads Through the Printing Office SHOULD CONSULT THE M.AIXDKALKRgjgg JJoy yonr cigars at the Roseleaf.