The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, September 02, 1895, Image 2

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l'ublUlu-d Dally, except Sunday.
V. K. IIKNMAM1X . . Kdltor.
.'. Y. 1IKNJAMIN , Manager.
HuliHcrlptloit ltntca.
Out) Year, by inIL, ......13 00
Six Mtmllik, " 1 M
Tlirvo Months " ..... , 75
OiieMontli " . . S3
, Per Week, tleHiered by Carrier...... ..... 10
Tlic Weekly iMnliuIcnlcr.
T"oVcnrI .'. ...........r 00
Six Moulin 1 00
Tlirvo Months . US
SEPTEMBER 2. 1895.
Superior dairy products cau nl
. ways bo sohl at a roo1 profit, especi
ally whou sold direct to tho coastimer.
Bat dairying calls for regular habits.
Tho work connectod with dairying,
from tho feeding aud luauogoraout of
tho cowa to tho milking and Bonding
. of the butter to market requires
regularity. Xow as to tho cow. Tho
- only true tst of a dairy cow's value
is her perform anco at tho milk pail.
Select out thy best of tho cows for
' milk and butter, and breed them to
a full-blooded bull of a good dairy
btraia whose ancestors ou both sides
havo proved their values.
But I bo cow is only tho start. No
matter how good a dairy animal sho
may bo naturally, sho must bo woll
fed and cared for if tho most is to bo
mado out of her. This includes
comfortablo shelter, kind trvatmont,
good food in liberal quantities, pure
water and regularity in her caro and
management. But iu addition to
gool cows and good feed, in order to
luoko tho best success in tho dairy,
good implements or utensils for tho
proper management of tho milk are
- essential. All the milk pails, tho
strainers, dippers, as well lb tho pans
into which tho milk is strained and
set away for tho cream to riso should
bo of good tin. They will bo so
much easier kept cleau and aro so
much moxo convenient to handle in
.every way that they will bo found
tho most economical. Iu cleaning
tin milking vessels tho water should
not bo scalding hot. If too hot
water is used tho milk will bo iu a
tuauner cooked will bo mora
. difficult to clean tho vessels. Uso
- warm water into which a small
quantity of sal soda has been dis
solved and then rinse well. CleoDli
"ness in every detail from tho feeding
"""arid caro of tho cows to putting the
batter on tho market is essential.
ThetH) rules followed out iu every
particular by onr farmers will insure
good batter and fair prices, and less
complaint from tho consumer.
Money is the tool of modern busi
ness, and however much there may
be of it, however sound it may be.
When it lies idlo in tho vaults of
banks and in tho pockets of tho peo
ple, it is of no va!no to business.
The, tool itself is jest as good and
the business soil is as productive,
but unless they aio brought into
contact, through nn active co-operation,
the one produces nothing, and
out of tho other comes bankruptcy
and ruin. It must be apparent,
therefore, that tho question of para
mount importance today, is to re
store to tho government tho revenues
necessary to meet its obligations, in
cluding tho payment of its debts and
to restoro to tho people tho employ
ments to which they were accustomed
. before tho change brought about by
democratic control, had taken place.
Wiien this is dono tho money of tho
country will flow ugain through tho
chaunols of .trade, business will pros
.por, confidence will bo restored, and
tho scarcity of money now so much
complained of, will Iargoly, if not
entirely,, disappear. Tho govorn
mont, through democratic policy,
has become involved, and has
chaugod from its character of debt
payer tn that of debt contractor.
This, with tho paralysis of onr pro
ductive industries followed the elec
tion of 18U2, aud must of uicosnity
bo attributed to tho promulgation
by tho party iu power, of thoir em
phatic declaration that tho polioy of
protection should bo awopt awuy by
free trado legislation
It ia interesting to know that free
wool is of bouolit to somobody. Tho
monthly 'circular of Messrs. OoldH
brough, Mort & Co., issued at Mel
bourne, Juno 34, said: "Tho pres
ent position of tho wool markot is
certainly promising, and tho indica
tions aro all in fovor of an improve
ment in values for tho ensuing soa
son, Uonoral activity is roportod in
manufacturing districts of Europo
and America and n good demand foi
wool prevails, whilo (ho production
of the last and tho ensuing Austra
lasian clip point to a very modorato
incroRso ia supplies. The American
demand promises to bo very promi
nent daring tho ensuing Aus
tralian season. An increased
quantity has boon pnrchasod on thoir
account during tho rocont London
sales and our American correspond
ents anticipate that a largo business
may bo oxpoctod in direct importa
tions. It is reported that thero has boou
outlined an agreement between tho
board of city trustees and the Hose-
burg Water Company to tho effect
that tho Company is to furnish tho
city good and efficient servico for ten
consecntivo years and that tho city iB
to pay tho Company $10C5 per year
for, said service. Tho Plain-dealer
does not wish to be too captions with
regard to (any action of tho board
Tho board may understand its duties
and obligations thoroughly, but a
contract to run ten years is too long
a lime to be bound ou auch terms.
It may Ivo for tho best,but it does not
so appear to us. Fivo years is long
enough for any such franchise to
run. At tho ond of ten years on
those terms the city will have paid
tho company $10,t50 about one-third
of tho cost of a plant whilo 'ho citi
zens will havo paid about $20,000 for
tho uso of water on private account
Chicago has under contemplation
tho construction of u canal from
Lako Michigan to connect with tho
Mississippi rivor, cut deop enough
and broad enongh to turn the llow of
tho lakes west instead of east. It
will lower the lakes, it is thought,
about six inches.
D. S. K. Btiick has been appointed
pent of the Oregon Industrial Exposi
tion at this place, to receive and forward
fruits, grain, mioerals, woods, vegetables
or manufactures designed for exhibition
at tho industrial fair next October.
All samples will be forwarded to
Portland and returned if desired, free of
cost to the person famishing tho sam
ples. It ii hoped that persons who have
good fruits, vegetables, grains or miner
als will denote them to the fair, lor
after exhibiting them there Uio epeci
mens will be put into the immigration
ball at Portland to remain on permanent
exhibition, as ram plea of Oregon pro
ducts, where they will bo visited by
thousands of people from the east; thus
bringing our state and its products into
prominence, and ultimately to increase
our population with a class of persons
such exhibits will attract.
Master Oscar Kerrigan, who has been
been visiting bis cousin. Miss Carrie
Sykes, for several weeks, retnrned to his
home in Portland Sunday morning, after
having enjoyed lloseburg's hilarities and
a parting surprise party on tho ovo of his
RoseburglMarket Report.
rotatoes, now, per bushel.. . (i .00
Eggs, per dozen .12
Batter, per pound .20
Lbeesc, per pound 16 Q .20
Flour, per sack ,S5
Bran, per ton 15.00
Sugar, granulated, 150. l.oo
Sugar, extra C, lCfij 1.00
Rice, per pound, 14 & 1.00
Canned fruit, 2fc cans
Peaches, per doien 2.00
Tomatoes, per dozen 1.50
Coffeo, green, per pound.... .25
Costa Rica, roasted .25
Moca and Java .40
Teas 35 Qi .75
Apples, dried, per pound. . . .00
Prunes, dried, per pound... .00 ,0S
Beef, on foot, per pound
Cows ,015
Steers, .02
Sheep, per head 2.00
Chickens, per doz. cash. . 2.50
Bacon and ham, ier fl. . . .10
Shoulders .OS
Lard in bulk .03
Lard in cans .10
Sir'oin steak .10
d 05 (2 .00
billon 05 f? .00
Potior home .12
Stews 01 .03
ricKlnlcy a Leader.
Han Fiiancisco, Sept. 1. The Evening
Post sent a loiter to 11. o chulrman of
every republican county committee in
California, asking who lie considered
tho logical nominee for president by his
party, and who tho best candidate for
vico president. Several declined to ex
press a choice McKinloy has fifteen
supporters, four favor Allison, thrco (or
Reed; Harrison tins two and Don Cam
eron one. Reed is second choice of two.
For vico president, flvo favor Reed and
tho otlior votcB are : Lincoln four ; Estcc
two; Folton ono; Elkins two; Morton
two, aud three favor a Pacillc coast can
didate unnamed.
The Old Roue.
Ukuli.v, Aug. 31. Quito a Eonsalion
lias been caused at Hamburg by the at
tention which tho Princo of Wales has
paid to a young American widow, Mrs.
Roach-Nlccolet, a beautiful lady bicy
clist who lins been a great deal in Bat-
lorsca paik, Loudon. Tho princo has
frequently taken her to the theater and
waUs with her at the wells. He took
her to Frankfort opera yesterday.
The Wool Clip.
Boston, Sept. 1. Tho Industrial
Records today says : The National As
sociation of Wool Manufacturers will
publish the result of its investigation
concerning tho wool clip of tho United
States for 1S93. Tho product is 209,206,
726 ounds washed aud unwashed in
eluded iu forty million biles of wool
against 375,210,712 pounds in 1804. Re
duced to a scoured basis, the total prod
uct is placed at 125,710,0)0 hjunds.
Tbo number of sheep on tho 1st of April
is estimated at 39,079,50S.
Royalty In Danger.
ButsscLs, Sept. 1. Tho queen of Bel
gium, who has been staying at Spa, the
Belgian watering place near Liege, was
thrown from her borso whilo jumping a
ditch outside of town. Sho fell in the
roadway and cut her head, which bled
severely. Sho remounted, howover, and
returned to Spa. She is now confined to
her bed, but her condition's not thought
to be serious.
Bi.'iuutz, Sept. 1. King Alexander of
Scrvia nearly lost his life while bathing
this morning in the Bay ol Biscay. He
went swiimnig with an instructor at the
uatoriuui and both were carried olT their
feet and away from shore by thocurrent;
the swimming master was drowned in
spite of all efforts to save him, and Kin
Alexander only reached the shore with
the greatest difficulty.
Clear at Last.
Dk-nveu, Sept. 1. Henry J. Tyson,
whoin July, 1SS0, was sentenced to
death for killing John King in May of
that year, was today released from cus
tody after one of the most remark able
legal wars ever waged for a condemned
man. Both men lived in Omaha, whence
King and Mrs. Tyson eloped to Denver.
Tyson followed and killed King. He
was convicted of murder and twice sen
tenced to be hanged. Today Judge But
ler accepted the plea of involuntary
manslaughter and sentenced Tyson to
one day's imprisonment.
Tobacco and Fruit.
Tbo tobacco crop requires very rich
land, and it is very exhaustive of fertil
ity. Many farmers who go to growin?
tobacco, thinking that it is all profit, Cud
that it takes most of the manure made
on a largo farm, with some mineral fer
tilizer besides, to produce a good crop.
Whether this manure used for fruit
growing would not produce greater profit
is a question that tobacco growers the
last year or two havo been anxiously
We don't bear so much silver talk on
the street corners u wo did four or five
months ago. The peoplo havo about
concluded that after 1S90 tho republican
party will adjust tho financial and the
tariff question in the Interest of all the
Dress Goods and Trimmings,
Clothing for Men and Boys,
House Furnishing Goods, Etc., Etc.,
And it will pay you to see and get prices, whether youi
wish to buy or not. Yours truly,
I ELY EBOTIIKR3. ft Warren
V. P. S. C. E.
J. W. Huudsackcr, Statu Supt. of the
Y. P. S. C. E. for Oregon, will deliver
an address of csecial interest to all En
deavors at tho Christian church in this
city next Wednesday eyuuing. Every
body cordially Invited.
Wood taken on subscription at this
A cottage to rent. Inquire at this oflico
or of owner at 405 Washington street.
Daily Oregonian only 15 cents a week.
Leave orders at City News Stand.
Wanted A Eecond hand buggy. Ap
ply to G. W. Rapp at Peoplo's grocery.
For dress goods, clothing, hats, boots
and shoes call on Wollcnbcrg & Abra
Daily and Sunday Oregonian, reduced
to 20 cents a week. Delivered at your
Everybody is pleased who buy their
jewelry aud have their watches repaired
at Salzman's.
For choice family groceries, call at the
People's grocery, corner of Cass and
Pine street, G. W. Itnpp's.
Remember that cheap watch work is
very expensive. Salzman does good
watch work at lowest prices.
For a good bat, stylish and cheap, call
on Wollcnberg & Abraham, whose stock
embraces all grades of head gear.
Dr. Kawyeu's Family Cube invlcoratei,
atrcticlhcns. recuperates, rebuild, restores and
brings new life. Ask your druggist lor a free
sample. &oiu Dy A. i. Jiarstcra & io.
For fresh fruits, nuts and candies,
good tobacco and cigars, call ou G. W.
Rapp, Peoplo's grocery, corner of Cass
and Pine.
Diseases unfriendly to women are tiosltlrcly
curcu uy ur. sawyers rasuiies. ask your ur
slsts for a free sample package. It ncals
cures. Sold by A. C. Marslcrs & Co.
Slow Jerry, the reliable jeweler, has
just received a large invoice of spectacles
and eye glasses. Give him a call and ex
amine goods.
All parties desiring first-clats lumber)
easb, mouldings, window frames and
door frames, fruit boxes, etc., at lowest
cash prices, call at Bear Creek mills.
C. A. Bkiggs.
Experience and moncr cannot imnrorc Dc
Sawyer's Family Cues, because it radically
enrcs Dyspepsia, Liver complaint and Kidney
ui uiv-ui . . cum uj . ij. inrBtvia u.
Dr. R. W. Benjamin has opened den
tal rooms in tho Taylor & Wilson block,
room 10, where he is now prepared to do
first-class dental work.
UiDlo Dr. Sawyer s Pastilles are eflectual for
umaic weakness, pain on ton ol We neaii anu
loner part of the back. It strengthens and
cures. Bold by A. C planters & Co.
I have several hundred nice red cedar
posts for sale at three and one-half cents
a piece. W. R. Wklls
Olalla, Or., Aug. 3, 1S03.
Children with Pale, bluish comilexion. in
dicatinc the absence of the requisite nil globules
in the blood should take Dr. sawyer's Ukatlne.
told by A. C. Planters & Co.
Call on the J. G. Flook. Co. for prices
on their up to date berry crates. Made
of sugar pine, neat and durable. Just
the thing to get your berries to market
in first-class condition.
Dr. A. P. Sawyer: I have had Hbeumalism
since 1 was 'JO years old, but since ninc your
Family Cures have been free from it. It "also
cured my husband of the same disease
Mrs. Robt. Connelly,
Brooklyn, Iowa.
Sold by A. C. Planters A Co.
Dr. F. W. Hayncs has just returned
from tho East and opened dental parlore
in Mark's building, whero be will bo
pleased to welcome persons desiring den
tal work.
I'alc, thin, blood!es t-eople shoukl umj Dr.
Sawyer's I'kaUne. It is the crcatat remedy in
the world for making the weak strong. Sold by
A. C Jlarsterj A Co.
For a good 5-ccnt cigar call on Mrs.X.
Subscribe for Uio Daily Plaindealeh.
It is the only livo paper in Southern Or
egon. It furnishes tho latest news up to
Dr. A. 1 Sawyer.
Sir: After snftering four years with female
weakness I was puruadetl by a friend to trv
your 1'asUUcs, and after uing them one year, 1
can say I am entirely well. I can not recom
mend them to highly. Mrs. M. S. Brook,
Bronson, Bethel Branch Co., Mich.
Sold by A. C. Marslcrs & Co.
The J. G. Flook Co. is prepared to do
any kind of mill work at the lowest liv
ing rates, and those who aro preparing
to build should consult them. They can
save you moniy.
6t-,NrYerk. Friceeocta.
M. F. Rapp,
Jackson Street, RoMburg, Orezon.
5 S
Patent Medicines,
Toilet Articles.
Of capacities varying from i to 25
horse power affords the most con
venient, economical and reliable
power for all light service. One of
these may be seen running at this
office. Send for circulars.
121 Main Street, San Francisco, Cal.
. , . 1
U 3
i- 1
1 1
Cleveland Distilling Go.
Manufacturers of anil Dealers in
Goods delivered In quantities of one pdlon or more. Orders from Town and Country
Solicited, and will be promptly attended to.
o SKTb-o,. VON PESSL & DOERNER. Proprs.
Hosebiirg Brewing Go.
Are now
Prepared to
Supply all parties
With their
Celebrated Lager Beer.
Marble and Granite Works.
Estimates Furnished on all kiuds of Cemetery Work.'
mce nnt Salesroom, 7" On street.
and Children.
1 I . I 1 I . , I 1 . , . 1 . I . , .
4 5 6 7 8 "J 10 11 1?
Is what we give to every cus
tomer, for we believe the best
advertisement possible is a cus
tomer pleased with what we
have sold them, they will come
again and again, and their friends
will come too.
We are not here for a day
or for a month.
We are Here to Stay.
.Roseburg, Or.
Dealers in all kinds of
Marble and Granite Monuments
and Headstones,
Portland Cement Curbing
.For Cemetery JL,otss.