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About The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1895)
Vol. XXVI. ROSEBURG, OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1895. No. 4jr. TELEGRAPH NEWS. A Rapid Advance in Iron. Nkw Youk, Aug. "G. Tho Irou Ago says today: ''Under great excitement tlm market iu tho Central West has scored its great fZeslndvaiieo in a brief iwiod in Itessotuer amd iron. Last Wednesday sales were made at $1-1 at valley furnaces. On Mouday, after heavy trauaictions, $15-25 was paui. subsequently fto.oO was , offered and refused, and now the ft,w sellers are demanding $lli. This repre . sents an advance of nearly $7 per ton above tlio lowest point touched early- in me year, it is a notuoio tact Uiat 60iuo of the latest producers oi pig iron for conversion into steel liavo liecu heavy llllVltm t-ltt 111! ifl till liti1lfct ltrif-a rn. corded for actual transactions. "Pittsburg has taken control of the " output of some of the furnaces in tlm Lebanon district, and their purchases also of -5,000 tons of basic opeu hearth metal in Alabainti. A largo part of the sales that have recently put up the price are for delivery during the first quarter of 1SXJ. Steel billets have partly fol lowed pig iron, so that now.$23 at Pitts- l... i. ... i r t - UUI 13 fc UJU1 IJUUWU1UU. UUJIUg movement keeps up well, but tnero is less excitement. "Tin plate bars are up to $25 at tho mill, which is crowding tho tin plate mills paetty hard. Sheet iron is excep tionally scarce. "In finished iron and .'steel every week is clearing away more and more the low priced contracts entered into early in the year. Tho latest advance in pig iron and billets ?iave not yet found expression in prices ."or the finished product, so that an advartco all along the line looks im minent. "Foundry iron has steadied again and momentum is being gathered for a fur ther rise, which ia regarded as imminent by many in that trade, hi spite of the fact that the largest singlo melting in dustry, the cast-iron pipe trade, ia swiftly approaching itsdull season. The Business Revival. Chicago, Ang. 29. The Times-Herald, a democratic organ, devotes several eel umns to mo euojeci or me business re Tival in Chicago. It prefaces the sym posium of interviews with the heads of leading business houses with the follow ing: "Chicago is enjoying a general boom in business. An era of prosperitv has set in with such activity as to awaken the brightest anticipations lor the future. Interviews with a large number of rep resentative merchants and manufactur ers today reveal the most encouraging condition of trade that has prevailed for years in a majority of tho branches con sulted. "All predictions for the future for gen eral prosperity are being fulfilled at an extraordinary rate, accordiug to men who keep in touch with the palsc of commerce." Will be a Total Loss. Sax Francisco, Aug. 30. Advices from the wreck of the steamer Bawn more, near Bandon, Or., are that 23 of the crew of CO liave been taken "off in safety. One of the crew was killed and another fatally injured. The steamer will Ije a total loss, as she is lying on the rocks in a heavy sea and pounding to pieces. The vessel was valued at $123,000, and her cargo at $fi0,000. There is some insurance on both. The loss of the Bawnmore can only be attributed to the losing of his reck oning by Captain Woodsidc, master of the steamer, and ia another instance of disaster and wreck arising from the failure of navigators to allow for the strong westerly set of the current off the Oregon coast, its force seeming to increase as the shore is ncared until the vessel is leing carried a knot in shore for ever- 12 knots of southing made. With the dense smoke from forest fires which has settled down on the surface of the ocean near the coast, added to the dense fogs which prevail at this time of the year' Captain Wood side was unable to make out the land, and, ignorant of the easting he was making, supposed the course, . S. W., the Bawnmore was steering would cam ber well off the land. Instead, just be fore daybreak "Wednesday morning the steamer struck heavily on the reef that extends out from the small unnamed cape just lelow Bandon, Or. The coast at tliat point is a dangerous one, the beach shallowing far off shore, succes sive lines of heavy breakers coming in, through which only a life lwat can live. The consensus of opinion among the coasting-captains now lying in Portland is that nothing can prevent the Bawn more from proving a total loss. The Bawnmore left Portland August 18 for Comax, having arrived there August 15 with a cargo of crude petro leum for the Portland gas works. After discharging thu petroleum tho steamer went to tho "Portland flouring mills nnd took on 500 tons of flour. She is n tank steamer used for carrying oil from tho Peruvian petroleum fields and is owned by Grace & Co., of San Francisco. DIown up at Sea. Nkw Youk, Aug. 30. Special cor res pondence of tho World from Havana, August 24, says: There is it rumor that tho Spanish Bteamer Vilavcrde, chartered by Gen eral Campoa ns his private yucht, has been blown no at sea. She went from hero to New York ostensibly to go in dry-dock to bo cleaned and painted. She left New York on tho 21st inst. to re torn to liny ana. It is said she had on board a ton of dynamite, bought by General Catnus for nee in the campaign against the insurgents. This dynamite exploded with terrific force, tho story gocj. tearing the ship into fragments. Claim of Insurgents. Chicago, Aug. 30. Joaquin Vergas, ex-Mexican consul here, has received letter from a friend near to tho high Spanish officials in Havana. It is dated August 23, and has this to say of the in surrection on that Island : "Tho insurrection is strong and daily gaining ground. As a proof, ever since the very beginning the government forces are the ones who are on tho do-' fensive, whilo the insurgents arc the at tackers. Spain began active measures to quell the rebellion February last, with an army of over 70.000 regulars and yol- nnteers. Of these, through battle and disease, she has lost in six months About 1S,C00. In some localities the troops hare found themselves in such a perilous situation that many of the soldiers have suicided, whilo others havo lost their reason. 'The Cubans have .fought with nn equal bravery and havo so far conducted themselves with manliness and honor. For instance, wounded Spanish left their comrades on tho field to die. They are taken in and cared for by Cubans and when restored are set at liberty. But this humane conduct is not likely tojast, for Campos' party is surely working on the Cubans to get them to institute a veritable reign of terror. If that hap rens the torch will be applied broadcast over tho whole island and no Spaniards will be then spared." Are In No Hurry. New York, Aug. 30. Tomas Estrada Palma, president of the Cuban revolu tionary committee in this city, says no attempt will be made to obtain belliger ent rights until next December, when a Cuban minister will be sent to the United States. Mr. Palma believes Spain has now reached the end of her rope. He claims tho cost of sending reinforce ments is so great that Spain cannot tar nish any more men, and will have to give Cuba her freedom within the next few months. An Important Expedition. New York, Aug. 30. The World saya: Another expedition has landed in Cuba, near Santiago. The news was received yesterday at the headquarters in Hub city, and even after midnight dispatches about it were still coming in. Although tnny expeditions have gone to Cuba, the lauding of this party is considered an event of special import ance, and a jpecial force of Cuban print ers was it work last night putting some of the particulars into type for a circular in Spanish, to be distributed broadcast today. The expedition left Philadelphia on Wednesday night of last week with a steamer bought by the revolutionary party in this city. It was commanded by Francisco Don Sanchez Echeverra, who had with him 50 men, 200,000 cart ridges, 300 rifles and a large supply of medicine and provisions. This body of men will join General Antonio Maceo's forco. Echeverra be longs to one of Santiago's best-known families, is 50 years of age, tall and athletic. He came to this country al most two months ago from Vera Cruz, Mexico, where ho went after being ex pelled from Cuba for participating in the revolution in Santiago. Heavy Exports of Oold. New York, Aug. 30. Handy & Har- nian Bhip $100,000 and Stcinwcnder & Steffen $150,000 in gold tomorrow. Nes- slage & Fuller have increased by $50,000 their engagements made earlier in the week. Hard & Band ship $200,000 in gold tomorrow. Crossmnn & Bros, have decided to increase their shipments to $1,500,000. Somo gold has already been engaged at tho sub-treasury and- it is likely that all shippers, except Handy & Harman will got gold at the sub-treasury. Thcso withdrawals will bring the cold reserve about $400,000 below tho $100, 000,000, but it is likoly that the govern ment bond syndicate will placo somo gold in the sub-treasury before the close of business today, to maintain tho re eervo at about $100,000000. Steel Canal-Boats. New York-,- Aug. 30. A half dozon canal-boats arrived in IhlB harbor last night. They sailed from Lorraine, O., with a cargo of steel rails. Tho tug Do fiance met the fleet abovo Yonkcrs, crawling along at a pace of not more than iyx kuots an hour. On tho pro peller in chargo ot tho expedition was Captain Haynus. From Cleveland to Uiis port tho fleet met with a hearty rc coplion. Tho boats aro construct- d of Btoel plates, a quarter of an inch thick abovo tho water lino, and increasing to a half inch on tho bilge, and are painted black. It is expected that thev can trnvel with less Insurance, Uko more freight, last longer and cost less to main tain than the old wooden boats which were pulled along the canals by mules. The propeller is fitted with compound condensing engines. Bears Fed With Human Flesh. Buba-Pes-!!, Aug. 30. Two Hunira- rian traiuera and' exhibitors of perform ing bears havo been arrested in De- breeztn, in tho Haiduck district of Hun gary, charged with having fed their animals human flesh. In the course of their examination the men admitted they had killed four bovs. cut their bodies into pieces and fed their bears with tho flesn. The confession of the prisoners has arroused popular indigna tion to the highest pitch. Waller's Case. Paris, Aug. 30. Estafetto protests against tho statements Uiat some Anieri can papers relative to ex-Consul Waller. saying that if Frenchmen sold arms to enemies of the United States, Americans would never tolerato any interference in the part of the cabinets of Enrono. Moreover," continued Estafctlc. "wo need pay no attention to the idle com plaints of these American pajiers. In deed, Waller ought to hayo been im mediately shot for his glaring treason.' A Bad Runaway. From tfAtunliy'i bull-. Yesterday morning Mr. ami Mis. C. Flint, Miss Wissing and Miss Jennie Baick left with Mr. T. Hinkle for Tioga for a few weeks outing. They left the city with high spirits and anticipations of having a grand good lime fishing, hunting and camping on tho hills and valleys among tho picturesque moun tains and along the streams of that sec tion. All went prosperous until near the ferry across the North Umpqua river, about IS miles east of this city. In de- cending a tolerable steep declivity of the road, the neckyoke broke and the team became unmanageable and ran with all Bpeed they possessed Mr. Fliut says at the rate of 40 miles an hour. In its mad career tho the carriage struck a tree on the roadside and the occupants went out as if shot from a cauon. .Mr. Flint and Mr. Hinkle were badly bruised about the head, face and body, though without breaking any bones. Tho women escaped almost miraculously, receiving only a few slight bruises and a severe "shaking up." Mr. Ed. Uixon, who lives near by. came on the scene and secured assist ance to tho wounded and bleeding men and women who were taken to Mr. Dickman's where they were cared lor as beet they could, till a physiean could be had from this city. Dr. K. L. Miller was summoned and went out yesterday evening and rendered such medical as sistance as tho nature of their injuries required, and today at noon, these pleas ure seekers, but pain finders, returned showing evidences of rough usage. Tho reports j csterdsy evening were to the effect that Mr. Flint was unconscious and this morning that Mr. Hinkle was in a -ery critical condition, caused great anxiety to learn tho facts iu tho case. Our readers can judgo of tho great relief to this anxiety when Dr. Miller drovo into town with Mr. Flint sitting by his side, looking somewhat dclapidated, but yet able to smilo while giving nn ac count of the incident. The S tatc Fair, which begins at Salem September 25, and closes October 4th, will probably be the best fair ever ever held in the state. Prizes and premiums amounting to $30,000 are offered, nnd the attractions are numer ous and unique. There will 1m bull races and a grand Sunday sermon. lorso races and a sacred concert, bicycle races and a talking match lietwcen Ingalls nnd Bryan, lwlloon assensions, parachute jumps, etc., etc. Besides all this, there will Iks n magnificent displnv of tho products of the country. CAMAS VALLEY. Rev. J. Coon preached to a pleasant little congregation, last Sunday at tho Ulirtsllan church, after Sunday school. Mrs. Bain was tho guest of Mrs. A Crouch a few days ago. Small potatoes aro common iu Camas valley this season. Rev. Coon and lady, and Mrs. Kennedy and two little sons were the guests of Aire John Wyley last Sunday evening Budd Isles, tho butchorman, was in tno valley a few days ago. Cabbago heads are plentiful Uila sea boh. Wo do not always have so large a crop. It. Cook, who is still in llin innrrtiitti tilo business, smiles as usual from be hind his counters ready to wait on cus tomers, transient or local. Ed. Trowbridge and lady were eccu tating a buggy nde tho other evening. David Noah got his ankle sprained very badly a few days ago. Annie Crog has been visiting atJier grnmiiutiier'a the past week. i lie roads aro unusually dusty this season. WagonH are constantly lumber ing along, while the gray clouds of dust rise iu tho atmosphere and grow deeper in ine road bed. The apple crop is not very- bountiful t Ina season. Grain, wheat and oats aro not turning out as well aa the straw Indicated. Tho sun shines dimly throuch the at mosphere of fog and smoke, and imparts a licat resembling that of a furnace. Miss Dolly Davis completed her five month's term of school in the upper dis trict last Saturday. There were several visitors aud with some routine work and recitations the evening passed of quietly. Miss Dolly expects to go to Ashland to attend school Boon. The unanswered question will soon bo decided. What shall tho harvest bo in Camas valley for IS95? We havo not heard from tho Coos bay railroad for tome time but when the rainy season sets in we expect to hear how soon it will be built next year. Doea not history repeats itself in small as well as great events. The temperance union mtt at the church laet Saturday evening. The pro gramme would have been rather short if it had not been for the timely addresses of Dr. Easter and nephew, that was both instructive and entertaining; a recitation by Miss Pearle Kirkendall, showing what a good temperance lec turer can do to arouse the people to a realization of the sins of intemperance; the passing of the pledge around by our president, who presided with a dignified and landyliko manner over the whita ribbon band of Camas valley, and a negro spelling class, accompanied by a te he he and a te he ha ha, and the usual dimissal to meet again iu two weeks. The evening passed off pleasantly. There has been three threshinc ma chines very busy in the valley for some time. Of course, each doing the best work, and possessing the handsomest and jolliest crow of men. And in only exceptional cases has a man been in danger of getting a black eye for yelling more straw, for the business rush of tho season has seemed so distilled through the nature of each individual, that all havo worked in harmony, each striving for the best record. And the ladies, who are the only true judges of beantv and chivalry in the opposito sex, havo been too busy cooking and preparing pro visions to locate tho most perfect genllo- man. Therefore, envy nnd jealousy are dead iu the rush of business apd the sons of husbandry nt nightfall sleep the sleep of the inst. N. E. M. Camp Meeting. Thero will be a camp meeting held at Pine Grove, six miles east of Koseburg, by the U. B. church, to commence the fourth day of September, 1S95, to con tinue over two Sabbaths. Rev. P. B. Williams of Portland aud W. Stewart. P. E., from Coos river with other minis terial brethren will bo there. Thero will be a boarding lent where all that comes wilhout provisions can bo accommodated on reasonable terms. Now. wo invito ono and all to como to this feast of tabernacles. Pray for tho holv ehost to descend on us. E. M. Marstebs. At the evening social meetim? of teach- ers Thursday evening, they had a very pleasant timo in social converse, singing, recitations and impromptu 5 minutes speeches. Miss Pearl Wright o and Master McKenzie presided at tho piano. A quartette was sane bv Mr. Shupe, Sirs, and Miss Russell nnd Pro testor tJamlin. After which Messrs. Benjamin, Ford, Shuoo and Professor Barzeo made short addresses. Now is the time to subscribe. TEACHERS' INSTITUTE NOTES. Thursday, Aug. 29. The morning session of the Teachers' Instituto opened at 0:30. A song was sung after which the work of tho day commenced. After a few introductoiy remarks by Snpt. Underwood, Prof. J. B. Ford of Myrtle Creek took tho subject. History and Geography. In the course of his remarks he suggested that pupils be made acquainted with characters; and connect some incidents with these char acters. Ho also advocated systemizing and condensing of subject. History, he thought, should be preceded by geo graphy, after which both should be in terlinked. Did not uphold the plan of compelling tho child to follow too many explorers. Take a few of tho most important, about three from each country. He thought loo much memorizing of history was useless for future nse and destructive to the mental faculties. In bis estimation, history was the most im portant of all the schoolroom studies, Mr. Ford, having exhausted tho time, a short recess was taken. After recess Prof. Hamlin introdaced the subiect. Pbvsiolozv. Ha tlmrmhi it o ( was a very important BuMecf and that much attention should ho- paid to It in tho schoolroom. Mrs: tfarzeo suggested that nhvsioloev be taught in the lower grades. Mr. Bees suggested that a human skeleton be introduced in the school room. At least a skull. ttev. Dilwortbxaueed much meiriment by advocating the use of a skull in the schoolroom, and upholding Mr. Rees In his views. A teacher wilhout a skull in the schoolroom, was in his estimation. a ioor article. Prof. Ford made a few remarks on the subject and was followed by Mrs. Rus sell. She thouaht much attention nlmnlrt bo paid to the position of the pupil while Bitting m the schoolroom. Also that mucn auentiou be paid to the Drow.r spelling of physiological terms. MrB. Kapp made a few appropriate re marks on the subject, and was followed by Mr. Bees. He advocated the disuse of tho text book, and that more atten tion be paid to oral lessons. Mrs. Hamlin took up the discussion. and thought more attention ehould be paid to the laws o! health. . Miss Cora Alexander was" followed by O. C. Brown. He advocated the use of charts, as did Mr. Cornutt. Prof. A.C. Strange took as his subiect. Results to be secured In the school room. He bandied it with otpxI nVilt His dlscouso showed that much fore thought had been used in its composi tion. He thought that much attention should be paid to the literature rfacpil before pupils, and thought the average newspaper contained matter which should not be perused by the young, as its influence directly affected the mental faculties and moral character of its youlhlul readers. In his address, Mr. Stranee exhorted the teachers present to be very careful of tho charge entrusted to them. The prosperity and happiness of the coming generation depended largely on the im pression they made upon the minds of their pupils. His address was well re ceived, as was evinced in the interest taken by his hearerp. The meeting adjourned to meet at 1 :30 p. m. AFTEBXOOX SESSION'. The afternoon session of the institute opened with an instrumental solo. Mrs. Russell introduced the subiect. Methods in Reading. Prof. John Rees thtoucht the becinner could learn large words as well as small. Irof. Barzee advocated the a b c method in reading. Without n knowl edge of the alphabet the reading would be deficient. Mrs. Russell advocated supplement ary reading. Tho discussion was taken up by Prof. Davis. Prof. Reese and others. Prof. Barzee spoko briefly on the ob ject of Normal schools. The Normal is simply to tho teacher, what the nublic school is to pupils a means of training. 31 r. Keen in a paper prepared, advo cated a more rigid manner of conducting the public school system of Oregon. Thought that the intellectual qualifica tions of tho parties nominated for school superintendent ehould be considered, not tits political views. It is too often the caeo that his popularity is considered apart from his qualifications. On request from Miss Alexander. Prof. Barzee explained the phonic sys tem; he, however, did not advocate its exclusive uso in leaching reading. tho time being exhausted, tlm ing adjourned to meet for an evening session at S p. m. J. B. Ford of Canyonvillo made the rr.AiNnEAi.En a pleasant call Thursday afternoon. BREV1THES. From Friday's Daily. C. Welburn of Elpaso, Texas, is reg istered at the Van Houten. Harry Williams of Eaat Umpqua atms down yesterday en boain eaa. Jacob Moto of Wilbur is in the city to day on business and pleasure. Narmi Strickland of Looking flHais-, fj registered at the Van Honten. John H. Rhatoon of Wanbect, la., is registered at the Van Houten. Geo, Byron qfOIalla is rejrisierea at the Central. He ii one of loajTaa county's teachers. A ghastly eight ir the photograph views of the four men hung at Yreka, Cal., last Monday night by an- eSragei mob. No clue to the whereabouts of tie two highwaymen who shot and f obbeS Mr. "W. Peart near Green'e last Ttwsaay night. Win. Peart, who was shot aud robbed near 3Ir. Greens' last Tuesday erenlng, left Thursday for Salem, whett kis uncle resides. A "genuine" Jew. from the hohr cilv of Jerusalem, is in town today seeking aid from the charitably disposed for he poor of his city. Mr. A. C. Strange of Oregon Citr; ona ol the teachers at the iBstirtsle this week, is stopping over a few days with fail brother, J. W. Strange, dentist-. At the house of Charles Peterson- August 15th, Arthur T. Kinsel and Ada Peterson were united in the bonds of matrimony, by Elder W. C. Ward, of uaKiand. Mrs. Jno. Howard has furnished her house on Main street at the head of First. It is one of the finest reaid in the city. It is now occupied by Frank Connoly, a railroad engineer o tne s. r. B. and M. Dembila. two Italian street musicians, were entertaining the citi zens yesterday evenins with their voices in songs accompanied with & violin and harp. They made pretty good music. The citizens committee meeting raHM for Thursday evening failed to meet, and, as a result, nothing was" done. X report will however be made not long hence, as the chairman will havo an nn derstanding as to what it will airree ta as soon as practicable, and then report. Mr. P. J. Lockwood and wife. oT Washington , D. C, is registered at the Van Houten. Mr. Lockwood is con nected with the National Camta! baat of Washington, and is inspecting out resources, advantages and liabilities as a basis for making loans on realties fa tliie country. Jack' Abraham, the. gents furnish ar and hatter, better known aa "LMe Jack" is going to leave us to eneaw ia business in Medford. He has shippe Lis goods and will follow them tomorrow or the day after. May be meet with aa bounded 8ucces in his new quSriaaB: We commend him to the crtizSffi of Medford as a reliable business man. The board of equalization of th ar- sessment roll is now in session wrestling witii this most Texatious subiect. AnJ after the board has done its' beat In trying to make an equitable adiustmeat all round, some will doubtless feel agrieved if their assessments be raised, and will bo not a little charry in de nouncing the board. This board Is one of good, fairminded men, conscientious and honest, and also of good business judgment and will show no favoritism. You may depend upon it. Professor Louis Barzee. nrinciral of the Drain Normal school and the lead ing spirit of the teacher's institute iost closed, is evidently well "on to his job." lie is an etiueator with that peculiar cast of mind that eminently fits him for n teacher. He is a readv sneaker, with pleasing address and seems deeply ia earnest, is positive in his views and zealous in their presentation. Those who place themselves under his tutilair may expect, without disappointment, tnat they will receive correct and val uable instruction. At the residence of the bride's parents in this city, Aug. 29th. Mr. A. G. Liv ingston and Miss Florence Happersett were united in marriage by Her. Mark aoble of Newburg. After the nuntlal ceremonies and the congratulations of friends, and the presentation of many valuable presents, the K. of V. band serenaded the happy pair. Mr. and Mrs. Livingston left on the OvpTTnml for Portland. Amid all the enjoyments incident to this felicitous event the Plai.vdealeii was not forgotten, and a ample of wedding cakes was fnrnhhm? the editorial, repertorial and composi torial corps, to which ample justice was done. All ioin in in -itIiinr tT Twin... . " y .v- " t pair a long life of happiness.