The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, August 29, 1895, Image 1

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    flffifM KllM A i IF YOJJ SEE IT IH
I Tke Plaindealor j
1 You Don't (JkttiikNkws.
: i ir i itt mi ii o m i 17 i nrnr . f
! . ft II H &ti T flH WIS M jTBHi M L B If! 9 Kfl 21 IftT M m MM m Km i mi ti n 1 - :
t : asasr' ' f p -mm p- : .t
........................... j j (k8i l&ll t ;
j. , 1 1 li U. :
f . , . . "NT . . II i
I' vnr yya;t unwuTTRO rniEOON. THURSDAY. AUGUST 20, iUg.q. - inu. 40. ,
3. tLMUattHV. ...... j j, x. lv,i,,h
, iBtueerllenuann
ABKrs,-w. Jw. (I. Ellis
tUvoir.. William 1. Uml
SeorolaryMf SUie... H. It- KIncaW
Stale Transfer. Phil Metsrhan
jmpL fwh. lnMraetfo -? M. im'.a
Stale lrtater W. II. Led
Alionqr GottenO. -A M. iatemti
Motubcr Board ol KtaIlE4lH ... A . i WooJcock
tF. A. Mwre
iQI'remcJudcwt- it. E. Wolvwton
(K. 5. Bon
SA. B. UonifU
J. U. BiWy
1. A. Macnim
Clerk ot KHnd (JomiBlidiwu- Lydcll Bkcr
JmlgS! i . C Fullciton
I'njSxutlcs AUomi-jr Geo. it. Brown
K.wlver 5.-. -R. S.Slieridn
Rcpifter . ,R. M. catch
Observer- .Tti.-w. Gioeoo
Henrr Bocklej
1. i7. 1 ,)l
J. T. KnJce.
C. A. Sehll.reJi
, r. W Benson
C. r. Cthcrl
W. A. r rater
.j. a. Underwood
J. A. sterling
A. r . t iearn
WW I. tbon
rretuivr,... ..
School SurrinJeut-
County Judg
(C. II. Mtupla
, VJU P. Heydou
..Dr. K. L. ilOler
Tbos- Saitli
cheep I Hi footer
rc0ct rncut.
., John Hamlin
fff.T. WrisLt
IJ. II.Shai
. jL l Kapp
I B. W. Strong
Li. F. Kico
. F. M.Xtt;lcr
W. ". Carroll
J. CI Sheridan
Truitec .
Kceonlof. .
Treasurer T. ..
The Circuit Outm ier IKtsstas Cocbit mt
three li&tn tear a follow: - The 3d Muo
ilar la 2!arefa, tke Mb Naadur In Jane, asd ih
in iloixrsr ui Deeenter. J. C. KuUeftuo 01
Koeebar jintec. tie.M. Knjwa, 8! KtteeMirs.
prosecanaic auotner.
Ooumv Cvtn mtrta the 1st Wi&erUy itei
tBcUt3li)nUrif Jaaoarx. Xarch, Xy. July.
September aw! -Vovonl-er. A. r. SJetim. h
OaJUaad. tadce: C 1L Maupin of KltlOG
iv! w "aiUob. ai Riddle, eoaasabskmers.
lrobAte Ceon s In smuki oxutSououjiy, A. F.
etcaras. tudse.
T AUElvL LOME. A. t.
. A. A. M.. KEui.-LAE
QwtiMES the 3d and Uk tnays m
J K- Wsas, W. M.
C V. KlKI.1 Sot y.
T-tJirQCA CHAiTEK, SO. II. K- .V. J.. HOU)
VJ ibircacvUrHicauoa at Maroate ktH
on the rt am! tMfd Taoday of each momxm.
VlsHin? eeaiparioas are omllally iBTlte4L
M. r. KAl'P, H.I'.
lsitau Casd, secictary.
meeteSMantof ereaiBEof ack wk at 1
o'clock tetMrkaft at SoMtnrc Mcebers of
the order in geel ididiae aietaiTitvd to atiexi.
' OA1 Mbis aall uat 1 iid aad fooftfa
Th3r!as o( ca aaonth. V iiUns btctfaren
are tnrtuu to UMM.
J. 3i. MATCHSE. C- V.
riniEMIfcii IMfiil" XO. J. A. O. U. W
XS- jatels tfae tcood aad ioanh Mnndays of
each raoatta alTJS . H. at OH FWlowi tuUL
il embers of Unler ut geoJ ttaadlBg are In
to attend.
second 'sail fsrS TSmuaay la" cacif
Attorney sit Law,
Koora Murvtcru Bulldlns, - KOSEBUKO, OK.
JT5"Ilnsiucss before the U.S. Land Ofllm ami
miuiits caj-os a specialty.
Late Kccdvcr U. S, Land OBec
rr.irn. rACE-TciiTis.
A ttorney s-at-Law,
Koouis 7 aud S
T o & Wilson Block.
Attorney and Counselor at Law,
Will practice in all the coarU of the State. Ol
fce in the Court Uoue. DousUi county. Or.
Attorney at Lav?,
llosrbHrsi, OT1011.
0ee over the rotace on Jackn atreet.
,.,ui M.r to J. JASKUI.EK.
Practical : Watchmaker, : Jeweler : and : Optician.
DEALKU IS . . ..
Cwouniiiu JLJrixvsilitiii XCyts OIiismok uiitl SSpootnolcH
Cutlery, Notions, Tolacii. Cigars ami Siuokure Articles.
Also L'roprietor ami Miinagor of ilosoburs's Famous Harguin Store
iVttomey at Law,
Phj'siciau and Surgeon
(C. 5. Examining Surpcoi:.)
OFFICE. Roout C and T MarstcrV Building.
T .1.1 1 M . L- t I .
Boardtni; Umiv.
7 Special attention to Surgery and tli
Diseases of Women.
Physician and Surgeon,
Office in S Marks A Oa.' Bteek, upttaiix.
CalU prosiptij- awere4 day or sight.
PcrnOFn pniMPR PurnUhed by the "Piano" Fly Wheel, U tlic grcatwt
a 1 UHtu.ruwtn imptovetnet ever made In elf-UlndlnC Harvotcrj...
j,, ""'rtc ro,,,
...t.atfkJ.lM& HUM
L ..t
at S -
THt CAUll 0 THIS U "Mil MOl!
Trip V W"5-rl n.t! ..-..1. '-tSp ..vr: crtlS. u.- .V-,.r:i
lilt. 3 tu 8 1 ,1?;,ori aebtirr liraii il !!!. bad!r a!tei trttcatu; I-
More Jonc Stc.i liters Sold In 'g.( than alt others combined.
...) Xhcii r-ir. N'-e!:'i
J - ClisiM finder rrn- iS-
From fc'aturduy's Dally.
S. C. Millet of Dillard is in the city to
day on busincFs.
K. Diill'in left tliis ruOrninB for Portlnnil
to puriuuncnlly remain.
.Mrrt. .1. G. Mnct of Portland catuo up
yostorday on tlio local on a visit t) her
patents, Mr. and MrP. Abraiiam.
Patrick Kervin, onu of lho prominent
mining men of tho cost, euperintendent
of 601110 of the Couistock mitiei, arrived
at Grants I'ass one day last week and ini
mediatcly left for Kerbyville. Cousid
crablo Biieculaliou iobeiui: indulged in as
to what is liirt inition there.
Tbu Coquille braaa band cnuiu ottt yos
torday evening on its way to Grauts Pasa
to attend the band contest theiu nest I nnlced
T...l I V.l. 'PI... I, .i.l
uiiiLLK commends their courage aud
zeal 111 their enduring much privation to
witueta the cunttut in which tlio K. of'
P. baud will wait oil' with lho badge of
lir. Page of Uaklaud came tip on tho
local veaterday by the rciucut of l)r.
Cblltnan tor coiifctiltalion with lum ' in .
diagnosing aud treatment of tho conipli
ated aiimcnts of Mr. Sol Abraham, who
was taken Middeiiiy ill latl Monday.
Us. ColTiuan reiKjrla today t!uil liis
A Salzniau. tho reliable joweler.
J. T. Bryan, lho lltwy Watchmaker.
For a good 5-ccnt eigar call on Mrs.N.
Pure fresh candies, fruits and ntitB at
the. Koselcaf.
For Sale' Old papers, at thia otlice,
at 25 cents per hundred.
Try the ico cream soda at tho Kandy
Kitchen. It is delicious.
The ice cream and candy you get at
Neice'a will advertise them.-ielviv.
Dr. CoUman has removed his oflicc to
tho Markers' building, rooms 0 and 7.
K. W. llayues, dentist, in Mark's
fbuildiug. All kinds of dental work guar
Smokers' articles of every description
and tho best brauds of tobacco at the
Small prolits aud ipiick alc.s is the
principle of success. That's .lark Abra
ham's policy.
The Kaudy Kitchen, iu tlio Taylor &
! Wilson building, is tho place to go for
pure fresh candies.
What's the use of paying ' ceuts
when you can 'gel a good square meal for
15 cents. Stop at tho Centra! hotel and
ahou;! . . - JaT
aKlC!,?"t tniw-v -i-.:
ia' ! 'i' in- n -l-r--
r- T' (i .-. .1 .
; r N 11 for
t I uM oran
: rr. caTstOiu "
. ..:!niait. Chicago.
La Fatcttc Lanc
Attorneys ifc Coituseloi's at Law
Vt ul pfrtior m ll tb coutu of Oregon. Of- j
! la tbe TTLr- Wilm UkI.
Call and sec samples on exhibition at the
Machine Shed of
Soseburs; Hardware Go.
patient is rotting comfortably, is cheer-, 00 convmceti.
ful aud hopeful, and is now out of datiger. ' If you don't waut to sull'er with corns
our lo,-.d i.rniio ronets t-lioultl ' 'minions, have your boots a..d ehoes
and eco 1
made at L. Iangcnburg's. Itepairiug
pruncR i 'icntly auu promptly done.
Weekly Crop-Weather Bulletin for
Western Oregon.
Weather: Light spriukes of rain oc
curred on tho L'Oth and 21st, in most
places not being more than a few crops;
it was not to do any damage,
nor to even lay the dtiBt. Tho wind blew
from the south lor several days, which,
together with the rain falling oyer the
forest fires of Western Washington, de
creasing there the supply of smoke, the
smoky condition of the atmosphere has
been much relieved during tho week,
but the past few days it has !ecu in
ctcasingagain, especially in the southern
rounths, aud within a few days dense
smoku will again provail over tho cntir
portion of Western Oregon, except aloug
the immediate cozst. The teinperaturo
was lower than during lho preceding
week ; this is especially true of the inaxi
mum temperature which averaged from
CO to SO degrees, as again.-t 70 to DO de
grees of the preceding week ; the mini
mum temperature ranged from 10 to l0
degrees.. JTiieeasoii of high tempera
ture for any length of time is now about
over this year, aud for several weeks
longer temperatures such as have been
osperieuoedVJuriug the past week may
be expected. General or desti active
frosts do not, as a rule, occur much be
foie October 15, except on the higher
elevations, where froat may occur, to do
damage, from aud after Septemlcr 20.
The gential movements of the atmos
phere, i. e,, the course of tho storm area,
indicate the near approach of the com-
. ... , t .1 - . .
t ui ine rainy Eeaou. -is a
. It may j up. Men's tiuc calf shoes at $1.10 aud , tciler.l, iUiw. rMm (io nol bl0lll0 heavv
unity oc- up. Call and tee lh, at Kichar.Is Itro-' , ai, .Hvril ,ml,i tlw lllUor p;u. of Oct0-
r! 1
7" ILL. P. HEYD0N,
Cotiuiy Siirve yor.
iiutl koiitry lulillc.
Orf ice: in Court Uotuc
CMm lor M.rvr iii- and Field Koles bouU
be adancd l W ill V. Heydoa, County Sat;
Tejwr, Rotcbarr. Or
U. H. Deputy Mineral Surcyor
aud Notary xubllc
Of nix: County Jail BiuMiag; up ttaiis.
ZS fciil att'jiition paid to Transfer aa4
AddrtM. KO;EBCEi OR.
nc la.
ypTRA BROWI,. K. D.,
Physician and Surgeon.
OScc Cp itain, in the Marks BaUdlng.
.KctMesce, IT CaMStrcet. s KOcEBORG.
TJARSir - AMJANi X. -Kesnlar Quarterly
-t Meetitc; s will be held at Graace iIxli
Kesebor;, the first Friday in Doceaber, Harch
and June, and the third Friday in September.
a- sb teeoad and tounh Thursdays of each
o.-th. BEKTHA C.IRO. W. Jl.
TV -MtseTeTTeaBdaadfoerth aoadsy.
T OSEBO&3 K. D. LODGE. SO. , I. 0, 0. F.
AV meat1 qb TnewSay ereaw; of each il
the Odd Fellows haU. Vlutiac ttsioi and
orcthren are invited to attend.
-i- cTery Wednesday evening ti OAJ Fellowj
HalL Vi-itia; brethren iu sod staU2g cor
ilnSj United to attend.
Tue CtiurcUcf.
BArTisT Cuccch corner of Lane and Koi
atreeta. ssnday Sezrtce: Preacfelng. 11 s. ra.
aad 739 p. m.: Yoag people's Cnlon. J6 p.3.
Mn. G. X. Ase, Precideut; Scaday School, 10
c. n.; Jiem Caamberlsln, Saperintendent
Prayer Meeting. Thurrfay eTenln; at 73.
Rzr. G. X. Axxzs, Pamr.
Reaidenoe, So. i-i Main etreeL
HrmwuT CHWSCH-ooTDCr of Main aad Lane
cimrtx. Scndar Stsrrice: ProaehiBg, 11 a. m.
aad 739 p. m.; Sabbath tchooi, 10 a. ja.; Dr.
Jasies Barr, Spertateodea:; CUn Keetin; at
close of the narato? frerncc; Epworst Leagne Clare Uaaae, President. Prayer Meet
in;,Thutl4ay, at73 p. bl
S. S. Bccisrr, D. D., Partor.
Partenage, earner Mate, and Lace.
' PfcEiEYTEElA Chcbcm OOfDer of Caj and
Rose itreeti. sanday Service: Pwpiie worship,
s.a. an47 p. a.: Sabbath School, a. ta.:
Y. P. E. C. E.. 7 P. m. Prayer Mtetisg. ".TeJnev
lay,70 p. m.
K. B. DR.WOLTH, Paator.
The w. C. T. V. wfll tseet at the M. E.
church CTryThr4ar ereoisg ntll titer
etate ConventioB. AH membst LottM fee pres
ent at erery meeting.
Tun Lotai. TcspEEAycx Legion will awe: at
the If. E. Cbsrcb V.tdneaday nt S p.m.
A. C. Bccksee. iupL
JJ- It. MILLER. M. 1J.,
Surgeon and Hmnujopathic
BoeSnr0, Oregon.
iTChna diaeufa a Icciilt J.
tn) UI
... : tl.... 1 1 1...
rHi'tiv tlie Kiu'niiitiiiiR nt IliniiH-miU of I Just riCfired our uric tiock of tlntf !utU
vtsiturs at Atlanta, and U lecoguied as and Straw hats at 7 cents and
the peerless prune of Aruiciica
V )eais Ik such an opporlu
cm again, amino oxlraonliuary cilott uuckci siore. : ber, but it is probable- that September
iMieo-a-aty lo laku advantage ol it. j I.ngoubcrg is till .m tup. Ho j will have more than the average rainfall.
T. Hinkle came in Ibis foieii'-n Iroiu ' carrivs. a full Mock of clioku imiaiv, inn-1 Cro:s: Harvest of cereals is over anil
I Itaiidun wuli his load of preciotti freight : , sical iustruutyuts, u'oliu, guitars, ccord-
. .'. Ni raian and wife. Mrs W. I", eons etc., violin ntungsot U-fl jimlity
! ltiittiiiii and Master Ulili'or-I ltciisou. alwayf on hand.
K. W. 111011 nnd wife and Matter Wal-, Ten rents Rived is tea rui earned,
laee in llieir Lu'gy came in toon afler, i av ten cents by stopping at Ui.; Cen
haying epeut four weeks by the se nis-jtral hotel. A gooI -jpaar; men I for 15
lyeatiDi:. njuviuatrngan.. peraa.bttl.iiitii;jcMits, bed" the kiih. Hoard awl !olg
oti lho beach. Uv their Mpiiearance ! iusaHilv :.50 to.- week.
Real Estate Bought and Sold
Fanns, large and small, to Rent,
Stock Ranges, Timber Lands and Mining Properties
Prune and Hon Lands of best Quality, iu choice locations
iriariTltie5lEafc fees. There
prices and easy terms. Inquire of is only a"few!ays left mfiT3irtrjraake'
eas' terms, inqi
3D. S- KI. buick,
"nictyralitig" i: the ui3j'ritr
Lieutenaii'. Henry Lueriscn :eft last
nielli on the oveiland for au exteudetl
lour East. Mr. Luoreseu witl visit a.
initial points, St. Cloud, Minneapolis
and Princeton, Minnesota; Kvausville,
Indiana, and Princeton, Kentucky, and
I iioso having second IioihI f-u cf,
furniture, etc., fwr sale can receive tlie
higliest cash price by calling upon -V.
Rice, the furniture aud supply dealer.
il-J3 JaekKon Mreet lto.-ebt:ni. Or.
Frank Bigger, tho genial proprietor of
tlio Central Hotel, is doing a flourishing
tiirctbiitgi-t now being completed. There
will Ite littlu threehing to be done after
the cluse of tlie current week. Though
the seasou has been drier lhaii utial,
vet there is a fair degree of satisfaction
u.xpre!eii by the eorrcspendents over
tle ccneral results of the vcar's labor.
j The rrn ie doing very well. It would
! l. .-T-l t ... 1 - (
many other incidental i-oinlsby the way. business notwithstanding the general de
He will be gone about three mouths. ' pressioa. He sets .1 good table, his
The Phi.vdealei; joins with his many 1 prices are low aad he makes every effort
friends hero in wishing him a prosperous
jiiurney and safe return.
to please his patious.
Parlies desiring monumental
All parties having subscrbed their j will do well to call on I). Looney, at tho
names to lho IiM to attend the field day ! Koseburg marble works on Oak Mreet
iports at Grants Pas on the 27th ! opiesi!e the hardware store of Churchill,
Woolley t McKenzie. These, works are
turning out sonic tine specimens of 111011
nmental work. .
and 'HiU inst., will pleaee
call on Charles K. Ilapiversetl and
Watclimaker and Jeweler,
4x1 Jackboti Street,
Ai Luereen Capar Factory ROEBl" E0
Kcpalrluc eutruHtccl to
my care win be PROMPTLY and
carefully tlouc.
CrA-.-C ri! aav Cll.
Apcial btand ji utuJulttitUd Tea. Our
la haying a large talc- Uew atyles ul
Glass and Delf Ware
t astonialdcg low prtcea. Our own canned
Tomaxoei are very popular.
Haa just rteeired a nw and eateciite rtock o
Ladies' Drew Goods. Eibboiif, Trimniin??,
Laces, tc Etc
Of tis bet iu!Ity aa3 flnUh.
Woc'I, Willow aud Glass Ware,
Crockery, Cordage. Etc,
Alao on bani in lares quantitie' abd at rriccx to
cult the tuaea. Aim a Urge atock of
Custom-Macle Clothing
Whidiii offered at coat prica. A full and
seleel atock of
CcairUDtly on baal. Abothe
Cenetal agiot fur ertry niietyot tutwiipUoD
bnka and perivdieaU publlibtd in the United
KUUu. PeWonawiiblns reading matter tit any
kind will do to cive me a call.
. is! fl S I 1 a. .
troropt anjwr aDd an honest opinion, wrlta lo
5l L'SS 6c CO., wbo have bad nearly flrtr.Tcar'
experience In the patent hurlneai. Coaniunlca
tlOTsetrtctlrovnfldentlat. A 11 anilboolt of In
formation concerninjr Patents end bow to ob
tain them tent r:ee. Also a citaiogue of mccaan
leal and scientific books teat free.
J'tfiia intra tDroaen siunn a jo. receiTi
tpecul notice in t bo icl e n tlflc A 111 crirn n. end
tbtu are crougtit maciy beinieino puiiiicwiiu-
Of capacities drying from r to 25
horse power r.frrds the most con
venient, economical and reliable
power for ail light service. One of
these may be seen running at this
office. Send for circulars.
121 Main Street, San Francisco, Cal.
the collection, and the money must be
deposited with the company "h agent at
this station before tho cam leave Poit
lanil. So don't delay but call nt once.
At sheriiTsale today the Depot Hotel was
stil l to satisfy judgement for plaintiff in
case of (. F. tidfrey vs. John Gotsel
' Goisel lid tn projerty for
judgment for tlamages and
also lot 5 and G blcck 54 ll, Kailroad
addition to Koieburg was bid in by John
Golo!i. defendant. O. F. Godfrey plain
ti:V 'ti a'taciimcut for debt for amount of
jiiJiii-n' and costs.
Board of Hqualization So tice.
otlce is hereby given that the Hoard
of Equalization of Douglas county, Ore
gon, will meet in the otfice of the county
couit, of said county, in 11. e court Louse
in the city of Uoeeborg, Oregon, on Mon
day, the -Oth day o: August. IS'Jv, aud
amount of ' Wl'' cotl,'u,lc 'a 'etitou until Saturday,
coN and ' -uoU6t to publicly examine the
assessment rous ami correct an errors in
valuation, ilesciipliou or qualitiea of
land. Iota or other property. Now,
therelore, all parties who may be ag
grieved by reason, of valuation, descriji-
. lion, or otherwise, as to their asess
1 ment. will take notice ol the meeting of
I said lo:ird of Eittializaliou at
said time aud place aud make
due complaint to said Hoard oi Equaliza
tion, otherwise their as-essment will
ttanfl as made by the Assotsur.
J. A. SlMtLINlI,
Assessor for Douglas count v-.
be materially lienefitted by rainfall.
Pcu bes aud rears are riening rapidly.
The weather is moderately favorable to
tlieut. jet a greater amount ot sunshine
would lie beneficial. Prunes are ripen
lug and within tlie nest 10 days prnre
driiug will be in active operation.
Hops continue to be. in a iatr state.
The weather i in their favor; warm,
saltry weather produces greater activity
among the lice, and there has been an
absence of theai this year; lice arc pres
ent, however, et most of the hopyards
are in good couditon, Active prepara
tions are now in progress for the picking
of the hops, which will commence within
the nest 10 day
Jwing to the long jcriod ot dry
weather the grass has dried np, more eo
than eual,siy asjajrcsiiiltttreiilaiiyH:
tetests are alTecled quite" materially.
SJetcral corresjiouden's repurta decreased
milk supply from the cows.
S. S. O. I). A. A.
Holuied rates for the Second Southern j .
Oregon District Agricultural ratrlo be
held September 17, IS'.Ci. Tho S. P. K.
K. .'. will tell excursion tickets from
Cotusloik and stations south to Aehl.iud,
where they have agent's, to Kosobure;
sn.l return at one aud one-third faro for
rutin 1 trip, tickets void for return alter ! Tho wheel, lho wheel! Oh, steedof steel
Septcm'.ier J.'d, lSKi, aud will be good j Vutt swiftly wing yuttr way
only vii regular trains. If any uirs are i On every hide, Inlh far and wide,
w.i!,u d Irom Porlliiid they cau lie had f Yutir triumph is today.
at Uu- eiistoiuarr low excursion tales j I'uick as a llasb. you by us dash.
luued weekly, elegantly llluct rated. has by fartlin
isr?'-ct nrcnisiion oi any acieniiuc wurt iu ujv
world. 83 ayear. tarnple cple rent free,
lialldlri; IVlltlon, niontbly. tl-Wa year, filnalo
" iiles. ctcu. crcry number conuuns oeau
t'fol plat., in colorr. and pbotflerapbo of new
ttrt flitrin aai tccurffcmitracl. Addrcfta
TltQ IlotVC Far-tit. east of town, lias been plat
ted aud is now on the market in Lots and Ulocks containing
3, 20, 30, and 40 acres, rauging in price from $25 to $100
jer acre.
Any one wanting a fruit, vegetable or chicken farm
or a suburban home ean now be accommodated on easy
All lots sMd in 7irst Brookside addition have more
than doubled in value. The prospect is much better for
the future. More fortunes are made in lauds near a grow
ing town or city than any other way. Siezc the oppor
tunity. 1
For information or conveyance, call at ony Real
Estate Office, or on
on application
On height for exhibition, regular taiill"
rates will lv charged when shipped to
Uosebiirg, but on presentation of certifi
cates siciicd by lho r-cciotary ot the -ml (
S. U 1. A. A., that lho articles havo
beeu on e.hibitiju aud have not changed
hands, the freight will be returned free
between oiut.s named. This will in
clude live, stock of all kinds for exhibi
tion unlv and will not include race
horte-. Consignees or exhibitors will bo
It qtiilod to Blirreiider lo the ciiiiiKiny's
ngrnt, at point of return. nbipiiicni e.-
peiKe bill, showing charges Iu the fair,
accompanied by certificate ii the neric-
Ury .1! the Astuciation, the latter MitliiK
fuith that the piHpetly has lieen on ex-
btbiiiou, .mil ii'l ikangcil bauds, when
the roiUiic.uuicui will be lorwardeil lo
original shippit g point free f chaige.
Rosehutg's Wards,
lieluw in a diagram of lho wards of
this city. Alllenilory east oi .lacksou
street aud north ol Oak street i ward
S'o. I; all Ihst west of Jaekbcu' and
north of Lano is ward No. 'J; all that
west rf Jackson and south of Lano is
rirst Wnnl
A gleam and you arc gone;
lloth man aud horse keep out yotircourse,
As you go llyiug on.
1 And how we like, when on her "bikts
The eycliug maid will whirr;
No languid miss could lide like this.
The wheel was made for her y
WIki Hwilily goes, cheeks liko the tose,
Au! Hinilc!'- would we could win tiiem,
lUoomois she wears, Imt then, whmraros?
She looks so btuiinitig nt them.
riic t"i:llii Wjjttir .vim,r
Of ctpacilies varying ffoiu 1 lo ." horse
power aliV'iils the mos't eoiiveiitent. eco ami reliable power tor all light
fcrviee. Oneoftheti! may bo teen run
uiug at si otlice. Send for circulars.
The Peltoit Water tVheol Co., l-'t .Main
Ht., San I'rancisco, Cal.
Understood Their Business.
Kelerriog to the IviKhing of four
murderers at Vreka, MotKl.iy morning
the Yreka Journal savs:
"The mob coniprUed men Irani differ
ent sections of the county, and were well
organised. A squad of 7-" came along
Fourth street from Scott Valley and
i-bast.t VaKey load.-, and others came
trom the north end ot town bv the Haw-
kiusvillc aud l ittle Shasta roads, while
a number foltowetl tho Vreka railroad
track aud wagon road from the Montague
direction, a number coming in on a
hand car.
Knots of men are congregated on the
main street, discussing the summary
lynching, seeming like pioneer days
when Judge Lynch attended to all cases
of murder, while citizens waking tip lor
breakfast were thundcistrtttk with tho
sonsati m o( the night, no one dreaming
or suspecting such an vecurrem e. While
evcrvthiug was appatentlv quiet iu
Vreka and our people deeired the law
uplibhl, there weio great mtitteriugs on
theoutsiJe bv people, who feared the
gtti'.ti might escapo puuish'ttent for their
deeds, i'he law abiding ciii.ens didore
this action, on aceount oi the elfcet it
will hao abroad and otitile id "be
sLite, bv giing n.- a ru.ii.e for iawlcss-
uesv1. While no signs oi att outbreak
were vis-iWe. then: ; much escitomen
Ihrotig'ioiit the county, which ueedet
only oru.miz:itioii and a leader, ami we
miMst say the work was executed in a
thoroughly systotn.dtc inauner, the mob
being estimated to comprtso all lho w:i
from KK) to .'500 men, well masked, and
evidently ruled by sigut. and signals."
Front ItUKiluy'n Daily.
J. T. Goodman of Looking Glass is in
tho city today. -
John McClalbni, ono of Douglas coun
ty's solid men is in town today.
Nort Eddiiis is running the stage line
office during the absence of P. C. It earn.
Mrs. Shelby and daughter of Portland,
aro in the city, the guests of Mrs. L. F.
W. T. Turner and wife of Oakland
p-aEsed through Uoseburg today, enroule
to Grants Pass.
Hon. John Hall and Hez. Dyer of
Myrtle Creek came down from that vil
lage today on business.
The Teachers Institute is now in ses
sion hi this city. A large nunibcr of
teachers is in attendance.
Fred Floed formerly of this city but
now of Portland customs houso lorce,
was iu the city Saturday aud Sunday
Mrs. J. A. Simmons of Portland,
mother of Mrs. I. it. Riddle, came up
on the local Monday evening to visit
her daughter here.
Hon. G. W. Kimball, why has lieeii
down by the sea at Bacdou for several
weeks, returned Saturday evening much
improved in health.
Miss Mabel Elliot of Portland is visit
ing friends .in Uoseburg on her way to
Grants Pass to attend the musicals (here
today and tomorrow.
l!ev. II. P. Webb, of the M. E.
church, died last Friday at Wilsbury
Mr. Webb was the local minister of the
M. E. church ot this city a few years
ago. where be made many warm friends
who will regret t learn of his dt-ath.
It it probable a considerable iortiou
of the hop crop in Lane county will not
be picked. From present indications a
renter could ;:ot "help but bMe toosuy,
besides his virk. list year was a ks
iug vculuns to many of the growers, aud
come will :io-v ho unable to secure pick
ing monev. Gmrd.
Prof. J. V.. Horner, one of the faculty
f tlie Corvallis College.
ami formerly prineijial of the Itoseburg
fehool, Dia-.le the Pirx" trreitdly
;md iricusant call tolay. Mr. Horner"
one of the jirominent educators of
Oregon, and made many -warm friends
while here in iktv. gone bv.
last night at the Uoseburg Theater
Frank Keadick supported by the Carlton
Company of players, produced the thrill-
ng drama, entitled "Destiny." .V largo
and appreciative audience were present
and applause was frequent and hearty.
Tonight the compact will play "An
Actor's IJomarsce,"' a charming English
comedy. Popular prices. No extra
charge for reserved seats.
A stick of timber passed through
frTnflT.e' Xmmm('XIsli
ington, to Denver, Cttorjwt67 Itdi
niensions were --ls."G inches and 8 feet
long, containing SPrt feet of timber, and
was clear of knots. It was truly :t giant
piece of wood of the lir specie, snch as
the forests of Washingtwi abound in and
can be dtiplieaterl in Oregon when
called for.
.Mr. X. T. Lay oi Wiibur. an uhl pion
eer of Douglas eouutv. is in the citv
to'lay on business at the Lnd oflice,
looking after the titles to his lands.
Mr. Day i- oho of the solid men of this
eouutv. reliable in every thing in which
tie takes a part , otli svial or political.
Ifaving passed through the trying
scenes of the early ettlcmviit of thi
countrv, and having a gfl memorv.
his reminiscences oi thoee tiines and incident.-,
are very entertaining as well as
infftructive. We hope that, at sonic
dav in the near future, we shall be
ibk' to fur:ii.-!i mir reailers a narration
of those pioneer times from his pen.
The teachtrs' ; now iu session
B Itf I ii 1 t.v ..?l.uf Hi !.'ir.! Tl-
subject ol" grammar na- under discustatvn
this afternoon, ui wiiicli Profs. Itarzce,
Horner, HIuudeM, McC.hee, Kev. Dil
worth, Mrs. IJarzee, Miss t liukeabeard
and Mrs. Husse'l m!e s.nne inteiostiug
remntkt. Hhow'ttg the ititlk-uititrs and im
pcdiuienls in tho way of te.ietniig this
branch. Mr?. Hamitn ic-td an estviletit
pap.ron itie t:r-ject. g 'liig kimw t. w .
to a great extent. lo ovcrcojm- the lt
era! :t;mlity to this e-jeet.H '.v
liois. Mr. Ddwoith answen-il tho tpus
tion proiuUiHlel, what is ttiu ilittereuc
between grtiuituar and language, in a
verv lucid manner.
foonl Ward
Promptly aecured. 'irmlo-iUrm. Coprribta
nd Latrala reglitercd. Twity-D"o yearn -x.
perlenee. We report wbetbtr patent rai tie
outllpaU-ntlsUoiroi. 3'ivnae llonli I'rcr.
H. B. WILLSON & CO., iUoiMi. at Ijiw,
Ojp.U.B,I.octo. VA3HINQTOM, D.a
Days of 49 Whisky.
A .....
i- For Sale at all First-Class Bars. '
lhiril Watil
I'uiirtlt Ward
ward No. l; all that oast of Jackson aud
South of Oak is ward No -1. Kaeh ward
will bo entitled lo two councilmoti; and
lho city at largo a mayor, a marshal, a
wordi'i and treiitmicr at the coining
municipal election.
Call at Stanton's aud examine thotiu
fino bicyclo suits.
itiicUlcti'.s Am lira rijilxc.
I he 15ct Salvo in tho world fur Culs
Urtiiccs, sores. Fleers. Salt Klieum,
I'Vver Sore.-, Tctler. l'hapved Hands,
Chillbains. Corns, and all skin Krup,
lions, and positively ciiioh Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to gito
perfect satistattion or money icfuudcd
Pricc'-'o cents per 'mv. For sale at A.
0. Marstets ci Co.
Fiiends of O.-car Wild.', v.ho bale
visited him m piiwm. wy that he con
tinues to enjoy good health, and is mak
ing the bit of the ilutton, although be
fully I'Apiessses the. wiih to die. 'I bote
wbo ate ititeientcd 111 tin- bittiio of the
disgraced man have been di:jeti-siiig what
Wilde will do when be leaves pi imiii.
Although nothing definite appc.un In be
decided, it if. gcnoially bcheied that he
will bo smuggled out of the countrv and
enabled to begin life anew under an as
sumed name, depending upon his pen
for a living.
The Nation's Pensioners.
Can wo ever coase to be !ebtuu lo
tins.- nieu? Is there anything iu reason
they are not worthy to receive at tmr
bands? Is there any obligation too last
ills' or Urn sacred. Is there aifv honor
too distinguished which a loving .poop!
can clow they ought not to revive"
What the nation is, or what the nation
may liecome, we owe to tJiotti. It there
is. one of these lighttlig pattlots r-ick at
lu-ai I ami difcoiuagcd, lho cheerful and
the sttoiig w b.i an; the b.'iichVuit ies ol
hi- vahir rhoiild comfort .old eoutvlo hint.
It tbcie is one sick and t nH'ciiiig Irom his
wounds, the lhl nkili ai.d the most ten
dei titif'ing blioiibl wait upon him. We
should can; for Ihn needy sttiviiorK of a st niggle in the true t-pirit it the
niailii who piouti.-'od that lho mn
should (.lie lor bun w ho Imho the btuiit
ol ll.e tutlie.
Mr. and Mrs. .bauiei Grahaiu Intv'o
lately liven vmiling the tMrrnls of Mn,
.MrSaigilwl wrro lately iiaitit-. I a
fraclureivtaluiwhs. LantvudiiK; i-kiulv
, : -v, ivy . -
, .l KeeilWrCiwrtwd to (ardiricr la t
The thresher oi P.nller, Weatltrtiv e. I
lhirehaid has ended Hi- feasou',- run.
Mi. "and Mrs. William. i:,rcliari huve
a lillie dauahter, Uirn hi the Ut met.
I'he slight show-rs t the pi-l wtek
did no dainace except, lo eauev an nn-ea-ittess
in the mind:, ol thoso wliofe
grain was not sitfely ImjiiscI.
W. Giubbe wasiin .it I'tuvm; laid
L gain informatiiHi ast.. Imps ;u,. tjcis.
Ho ep'c'.s t,. tegin piektng siHitr
Geo. Ket'd tun! wife will leruru ,0
Portland in a few day -.
Tho beach attraction ha. it. t watiCi'.
many eio slm g mc and iitiittig-
IVt-riis !lnet
I, lov i 'iteix Im'iiiIi-iiii'ji Hits t
I lie Hot tunc I tune ;tlli'ui't'l t write lor
IliriVl'MW. Ije tvii IKTMMIS uml weal.
that 1 lime hum in ''! lor iiiosl tin- tiim'
A triciul win
wilt Ml' two hoi
eono. nml 1 li ne iMltinl ai iiomidn. Hint surely
led in-w unman. 1 w:i- pile, tliin, uo m
bitloti. Il.ul ttteii tip. ii I linil (rii'il so miiuv
n'liifUvs mid de'ter. lull lenii't tu tMietit. If
A p.itty ftom Klkt.iu I iiely w.-uydou
x '"Y .V'-s '""ill. nr. ii t bait
Mitlerc'l inmi kilm-i itnublv for m oi threu
jcars. I HoHbl Iim- lo eel i:n mi n)t. u t -tit t
ou! till uriii. i. ... i..t. ... -
. I....1 . .1 - v...... i . uii.eii, to
Roscburp: Academy.
Second year will open September -d.
Ptio in Mil oiv liictiiiloH ik l.iuileie.irtiMi.
, , , ., ,.. V Mm care lo pul.lel. tin-jo'i li:neni eoiiveiit. ,llr W-etuMe tsi'r-nMriU-, I, , . vim
a Gri,niiiKiri:ib.H.l and a college-tilling ,sil.lltf. jius a. TI1.1.MAN, JlitireW cure im- ? V f r 1h'1' 11 wlu
nil- .er
HMR llt.-. U.M. K r.u,.H ...I.h!
I imvt- iiineii tno ine.n. , , ;.,ui.-. Ulteli S!w-;i well lie- u. eel up Hboiit
tlirw lorn- iliinie: nicui, .m.t .on . rt much
oi vi.i mn ikui ome in tiili;
ffhool, lupiIS may piepfTo trll...j .,.,lt,,.,.. Itll,o.t-,t-- .a tr"..!.! lixr-.r.-
cCfOIld iu Priucclotl ot WellHslev. ai'lH-ar wlieii joii tuKe .foj Vcgetuble Siirsu- joys l"OU llttilJAbUlj
lock lull, Cat.
Uo.-uiiiuii Ac.iu:m,
Uoseburg, Oregon.
Go to tho ltoseleaf for the best cigars. Complolo liuu of cuttlcry at SaUmaaV.