THE PLA1NDEALER AUGUST 12, 1805. Tlic CtiurclicH. Uxritsr Citut-cu corner ol Lane and Koa streets. Sunday Service: Preaching, H a. m, and 7:S0 p. m.; Young rcople'a Union. 030 p.m.; Mr. 0. N. Anne, President: Sunday School, 10 c in.; James Chamberlain, Superintendent rraj-crMcctlue, Thursday evening t Kkv. 0. N. Awes. Pastor. Itcsldcncc, No. S2I Main Birect. MnxuoBiiiT Ciiuncu-comcr ol JIalu and Lano klrcets. Sunday Service: rrctchlnc, 11 a. m. aud 7:30 i. ui.; Sabbath school, 10 a. m.: Dr. Jawcs Barr, Superintendent; Class Mectlus at close of the morning r-crtlcc; Kpworlh Icnguo 6:30 i. nr. Clara lluiac, lrc-Jdent. Prayer Meet lug, Thursday, at730 p.m. X. 8, Beats.-., D. D., Pastor. Parso-use, comer Main and Lane. Pac?BYTERiAS tMittRcii -corner ot Cass aud Roso streets. Suudaj Service: Pupllc worship, a.ra. aud 73Q p. Sabbath School, 10 a. to.; V. I. S. C E.,7 p.ia. Prayer Meeting. Wednes day, 7C0 p. ta. 15, H. Utt.wor.TH, Pastor. Tub W. C. T. l will meet at the M. K. church every Thursday evening until after Slate Convention. All members should lc pres ent at even mcetlug. Tuk Loyal TcxrciuNcs Lkgio.n will meet nt the M. K. Church Wednesday nt 3 p.m. A. C. llCCKSEr.. supt. U. S. Department of Agriculture. Weather Bureau- l"orsm.r.o, Ore., Augutd it, 1SK. ii . k u nrr IS a. m. Pacific time S&Sia. luwoMticK j3 m jaclUc Maximum temperature. Si .Minimum temperature, Si. Kalnfall for the it hours ending 3 -. in., c. Total rainfall i-lncc; lit of mouth, 0. Axcwgc rainfall for this month for i7 years, .3. Total rainfall from Sept. 1, ls3l. to date, Averasc monthly rainfall from Sept. 1, ISM, to date. Accumulated deficiency from ecpt. 1, ISM. to date, &M. Averago precipitation for 17 wet eaons 5.VW. Thoj. Giu-imc, Olwcncr. PuctLak'f, Or., Auj-tut 12. 19J: Weather force-tit for the next X 10 a. iu. hours, for Kotburg and viclnlt J " Tuclay and Wednesday, fair weather, iIa llensrr teiaratu-v. I'Abic. axm Forecast Official. BRIEF MENTION. a Uresceut. A reliable tlcalcr, II. C. sUutoa. The l-oanl of tntstevs meet tonight Caro Bros, aro the boss merchant Wood taken on subscript ion nt this office. liartielt i-cars are now ripe cuoogh shipment. for F. Martin, of Kiddle, was in town yesterday. 3Iisa Maggie Aruu-troti-r, of Oakland, in in the city. Ed. I. 3Iohcr, of Gardner, was in the city yesterday. C. Clmis of Newport, Mo., was in the city Saturday. Call at Stanton's and esatniuo those floe bicycle saiU. l. itarcrs, ol tlurlerox, l'a., was in the city last Satnradr. Misa Eva Taylor of Portland, it visit ins friends in this city. A choice line of fall drcsa goods just received at ttie Novelty Store. There were registered in the Koieburj: hotels last week 350 names. Just Received at J. T. Bryan's, Roger's tlret-grads silver-plated ware. Smoked eye- glasses at J. T. Bryan's frotn 10 cents to 73 cents a pair. The ice cream ami candy you "c t at Neice's will advertise themselves II. B. Miller and wife, of Grants Pass, were nt the Van Honten last nidit J. it. Tibbet- ol JlarshUeW. was a guest at the Van Houten Faturday. Spectaclea and ere glasses in gold, nickel and steel bos at J. T. Bryan'g. Charles Bennett, of Baker City, reg istered at the Van Houten yesterday. E. Morgan, of Looking Glass, came over from that ville today on business. Blankets ! Good anility at low prices : also baby blankets at tho Novelty Store. A new hoc of belt buckled. Trilby stick pics, hair ornaments, cct., at the Novelty Store Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Gilmore, of south Deer crevk are in the city on bus-inert today. . R. V. Pratt and George Marsh of St. Paul, Minn., registered at the Van Houten Sunday. Do you read. If so, try the Oregoniau, only 13 cents a week, day included, 20 cents. Gentlemen, call at the Novelty Daily .Sun- Store for driving and working gloves; also a new line of hats and cajs. At Henry Eastons you can get 1G and 17 jwuudu of sugar for ii, nd other groceries proportionally cheap. For firsl-claass dental work, with Liteet improvements iu the art, call at K. V. Benjamin's dental rooms, No. 1U, Taylor k Wilson block. All parlicJ desiring firet-clu&s luaibjr, sash, mouldings, window frames aud door frames, fruit boxes, etc., ut lowest cash rice-, call at Bear Creek millr. ,0. A. Bkicos. T. A. aud C. W. McLaiu of Looking Glats, are in tho city today looking after the prospects of tlic fruit market in tbir tlty. -They have come excellent apples', especially the Gravenstine variety. T. L. Thompson, of Coles vallov rami, oyer from that valley today and reports u serene) in itint vulloy. Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Stramn 1of thru this morning for a.two week's outing at Bandon and other points in tho Coquillo wjumry. A. great tnanv buildintri urn lidinr. burned in this vieiuitv lntnlv. v should seo Wayne Jones and nrrango your inauranco. F. Martin of tho OroiMu Fruit Union will ship ou Wcduosday, a carload of Bartlott iHars from tho orchards of Dean & Sons, Winston, Dillard, and Godfroy. The overland, southbound. laicd at PuddiuK river brid llirno hours this mornbg on account of neces sary repairs to tho bridge beforo crowing. Tho freight train colnir north todav had in tow engine No. 1779 that was disabled ucar Glondale Saturday morn ing by breaking tho axlo to tho main drive wheels. Miss Katio Buick. who went to Albanv to tako charge of tho telesraoh nfllcn thoro during tho oporator's abBonco, has returned to her old post of duty in tho western Lniou. There will Ixs a dance at Frank Iauhs's hall in Coles Valley, on Friday the 23rd inst. Tickets to dance 50 cents. Sunner 50c per couple, Everybody invited and a good time guaranteed. Tho large run of salmon at Itozuc river hai materially slacked off, but good catches were made List week with the seino, at the mouth of tho river. Tho 6can closes there on tho lath. T. P. Lees, of Dillard, lias a line lot of watermelons on his SO-aere natch. which are about ready for shipment. He also has about 5000 Iwxes of the finest and smoothest tomatoes ever seen. Thursday evening, while returning from the circus, Geo, II. Pitts was held up on Robert's hill by a masked high wayman and a double-barrelled shotgun, and robbed ol f 1.75 and a watermelon. -Miss Carrie Sykes, who has been visit ing friends at Corvallis for the past two weeks, returned to Roseburg Saturday. She was accompained by Miss Belle Raney who will bo thegaest of Miss Pauline BelGls during her stay in town. Dr. N. J. Ozias has performed a nice piece of surgery ou tho foot of Miss Mag gie Suthcrlin of Oakland. He took out a portion of the anterior tibial nefvo which leads to the first aud 6ecoud toe. The patient is getting along nicely, minus the nerve. There are a lialf dozen men at work on the telephgnu line between CoquilleCity and Marshtield setting josts and putting up new wire to take the place of the old wire ou the line. Tlic change will he completed in a few days. Bandon Record. The State Insurance Co. has some so licitors in the country that tho farmers say arc great talkers, aud they generally euccccd in toping them into their game. You farmers should tako warn mg and patronize some agent you know that lives in your own county. The wagon road is completed from Myrtle Foint to Eckley, giving the worthy citizens of tekley a chance to liaul their pro-luce out and their sup plies in. The people of tliat section have made strenous efforts for an outlet and deserve success Bandon Record, The minister who preaches against the extravagance of the rich is on Uie wrong track. It is impossible for the rich to bo too extravagant. Tho money they spend to gratify their whims is of much greater benefit to the world than it would be if hoarded. The miserly rich arc the ones who ought to bo preached at. Chas. Clereoger, an employee of the Electric Light (oorpany. on crossing tho Umpaqua bridge on his return from tho Soldiers' Home this afternoon, ran into the guard, put across the bridge to pre vent teams crossing wtiiic ino ondgc is under repairs, and was thrown from his wheel and severely injured about the bead and breast. tlios. Nubbleueltl s shoe shop was burglarized last Thursday night and a joir of shoe taken iu exchange for old ones. The burglar probably thought "an even exchange is no robbery." Mr. Stubbleficld thought upon discovering that the new shoes were missing, that the mau for whom they were made, had come in and finding him absent, had taken the shoes and left Ms old ones for reioir; and until the owner called for his shoes was not aware but that the owner had them. Rev. N. S. Buckuer returned from his month's "outing" Saturday evening, and occupied tho pulpit in tho M. E church Sunday. Ho took forthe subject of his discourse this jwssago from Rcva lation. "He that once coineth shall in- herit all things." He delivered a good practical sermon exemplifying in touch iug phrase, the toils, the aire, aud the struggles man had to undergo, and the efforts he must make to .overcome the snares that beset his path iu this life, in order to inherit denial life. It w;; constant struggle from the cradle to the grave1, but man, looking to God for help and putting all his dependence in Him, would come off conqueror, and enjoy happiness iu the future world. Wanted. A team of horecs. Slust bo good driv ers, well broke, not over 3 years old, of medium weight. Also a second baud two seated buggy. Apply Ht Ibiti ortico or of Dr. S. Pope, Brock way. THE FIRST TO HANG. Justice in Oregon In Good Old Pioneer Days. Tho first whito man executed for mur der in Oregon, to tho best of our recol lection, was Adam . Womplo, who was tried, convicted, eontenccd and hung for tho murder ol his wlfo iu 1S5I. Wemplo crcsBod tho plains iu 1815, wont to tho gold mines in California iu tho spring of 1810, and roturnod to Oregon in tho fall of tho samo yoar, bringing with him a pretty good sum of "gold. Shortly after his rotum to Oregon ho married and Bot tled in what is now called "Cooper Hol low" in Polk county. After a few months of marriod life ho manifested Bymptoms of jealousy, and from that or Bomo other unknown cause ho murdered his wifo, fastened tho body securely in tho house, sot firo to it, and mounting what ho thought to bo tho best marc in Oregon attuo timo, he attempted to make his escape It was thought ho would nover bo overtaken, but in two or three days his mare came back, and a party started in the direction from whonco the maro came. Tho party had not ridden far into tho mountains before they found Wemplo coming in to gtvo lumBell up. An ac cusing conscience and want of food had broucht him to tho conclusion to sur render himself to the legal authorities. He was tried, coudemued, and executed, but had the insanity plea been entered in his behalf as it is in these latter days tho lesult might have been dif ferent. We bad known him intimately from the time of his starting to Oregon until tho sentence of death was pro nounced agninit him. He was pecu liarly eccentric in his character, and in conversation with friends, wo frequently alluded to him as that "crazy Wemple." We could give many instances of his eccentricities which would lead most anv man to believe that Wemple was "soft in the upper story." We know him at one timo to walk 70 miles to Oregon City to buy a tin cup and 50 cents worth ut sugar, when ho was ol- fnred a good horse to ride, he declining tho offer for the reason that tho horse would bo loo much trouble to him. Wo knew him sometime: to go without food for 30 hours, eating fir balsam rather than walk one mile to our houso to get his meals. S. The Eddy Case. Salem, Aug. 10. Attorney Drake has been in Salem today in consultation with his client, Secretary ICincaid, relative to the decision of the supremo court on the question of hold over commissioners, anil it may be that a rehearing will yot be asked before drawing warrants for tho railroad commissioners. .Mr. uralco is tenacious on the point he has raised, that the election of all state officers is a prcrega'ive belonging to tho eoplc, and he would like an opiniou independent of concurreut legislative exposition of the constitution. The secretary relics more ou the fact that tho commissioners failed to file an oath ol ollico or renew their bonds. The advisability of asking for a rehearing has been left with Mr, Drake. His Peculiar Death. Mcuiono, Or., Aim. 10. B. Simpsou was pushed from a sidewalk here this afternoon and his neck broken. He had been having some trouble during the afternoon with W. M. Gainey, but noth ing serious resulted from the altercation AUer liauiey iiau trotie iiouic, ciiupson mistook William Crane for Gainey and came at him with a board. Crauc, in his own defense, pushed Simpson back wards aud the latter fell from the walk to the Btreet, a distance of about two feet, resulting as above stated. Situ5on had been a resident of this county since 1S32, and was about CO years old. No blame is attached to Crauc. Silver Dollars go Begging. It is stated that there are 50,00,0i0, standard silver dollars stored in tho mint at Philadelphia. They are piled upthcro because tho people do not want them, preferring bills. Every one of them is worth 103 cents, because the govcrmeut is pledged to maintain their parity with gold, which it would not bo with afrec coinago 10-to-l act in force. If the people will not take silver dollars known to be good for their face value, what reason is mere tor minKing tuey are hungering and thirsting for 50-ceut coins. Ship Your Pears Now. Barllet pears are now nie enough to ship and should be got rid of at once, as pears now bring a good price in tho East F. Martin, of the Oregon Fruit Union has plenty of boxes and wrapiera and will give instructions how to pack the fruit. Boxes at Hunter it Humes' ware house. There ought to bo several car loads shipped from Roseburg within week or ten day-, An Effectual Threat. Au Irish glazier was puttiug a pauu of class into a window w hen a groom, who was stauding by, begau joking him, tell iug him to mi nil and put ;u plenty of putty. Hie Irishman bore the hauler fur some time, but at last silenced his larmeiitor by, rrali now, iw oil wn ye, or else I'll put a pain iu yer hca without any putty I" Tliu cato o( Oroijun va Samuel llruw 11 BfiriiluJ tu Ibc b'uiicu)fCourlt.lit! luiiifu lire. No ducitJiuii yut. State Normal School, Drain, Oiiuoo.v. First term begins September 10th. Entiru new faculty. .Send for catalogue. Louis Baiizee, President. Of Interest to Fruit arowers. Mr. F. Martin, representing tho Oregon Fruit Union, is etopping at tho Van Houten House, Rosoburg, and will be ploasod to furnish any frnit growers in this county with any information they may need in regard to packing grcou fruit, if thoy will forward thoir namo and address or call ou liihi ut the abovo namod hotol. State quantity and varie ties. A Snap For Thirty Days. For ealo, or will exchange for Douglas county proporty, 10 acres boaverdant land, Boaverton, Ore., !) miles from Port land, 4-room dwelling houso, barn and chicken hoaso. It is tho finest onion laud in Oregon and will produco $300 or 100 worth onions per acre. For further particulars call on or address Au. Harmon, Roseburg, Oregon. Notice. Notice in hereby givou that tho liens upon marcs and colts taken br Hancy Bros, of Elkton for services of the stallion, Black Monarch, are recorded in my namo with tho county clerk of Douglas county, and that said lions must bo settled by paying same to me by Septem ber 1st, or they will bo foreclosed. W. R. Vinson. Notice. Grain bags and twino for tale by Sol Abraham, and tho highest market price in cash will 1m; paid by him for grain, delivered at his warehouse at Roseburg. For Sale Cheap. One Schnttler j wagon nearly new. also one set of double work harness. Inquire at this office. For Sale or Rent. Tho Palmer sawmill. For particulars address, E. C. Palmer, Drain, Or. "Jr. A. P. lawyer. sir: Alter suffering four vears with female weakness I was pun-uaded by a friend to try your rastiUi-a. and after uilne them one rear. I can say I am entirely well. I can not rccom- menu uiem to nigiuy. Mrs. .m. nnoi.-. uroniou, ueilici urancn Co., jucn. old by -A. C. Jlantcn) 4: Co. aituationt uanitxi or hclo wanted adrtrtitrintM inttrtcd fit tilts column free of charge. Uthcr ait offK lines or tea under this head SS cenlt per monn ,- taca aaatuonai imc s cent per luonuu .o afrtrstnt talenor lei! than ij eenU. l or Sale. pOK SALE Old newspaper--, : Apply at Plaindcalcr oOcc. j cent pvrlOO. Jack Abraham, GENTS FURNISHER AND HATTER. JackMMi St., Kojcburg. care making I'jisdrhciu W A TC 111.. I I a I J for the dome of thousht at prices that r-rjilyic competition and ipuUrlic our lt.VT. UNDERWEAR, vwy ayi at prices to null tho time. Neatnt 'tries In Collar- and Cun, and the latest novclucs b Neckwear. Call and Inspect goods and prices. SECOND T T "XT r- no or ALL "" GOODS KISOS. tzi MAIN STRUICT. GIYE ME A SHARE OF YOUR PATRONAGE - IK) YOl KEAL1ZKT1IAT THE If you are in a position To do Business Let the People Know it. The little Special Notice aud the regular Business Ad Make the Mighty Merchant and his Patrons Glad, The Ami The Plaindcalcr is read My Everybody. Advertise in it. It will Pay. (il-Wl'lU.N YUC WANT l.O'JD JOlV'l'lt Is i U444aUU444UU444UUUi44U44U44U4i4U44U4444UU Roseburg Soda Works. I have leased l ho Roseburi Soda Works and will put up a full lino of carbonated beverages and bar syrups, which will compare favorably with any in tho state. Soliciting your patronage, I am, Youra Respectfully, O. Lucas. FOR Pure Drugs OO TO A. C. HARSTERS & CO., DRVGGIHTH. OILS HND GLHSS STATIONERY AND WHLL PHPER CHOICE PERFUMERIES AND TOILET ARTICLES. The Finishing Touch. In putting the finishing touch to vour toilet do voual- n-nt-e cr. -"U4- " J -"- VJU1 SUUCS itlC ; in keeping with the rest of i ,... ..- - 'pt, i IllflV hp Viftrfr tlioii rlio nt-tini- garments and still be appro - priate, but if they are not up to the raiment in style and quality the effect is unpleas- Mrs. Grace Osburn's W ALlVCK fine line of Shoes stand 0niA;ijnirj7 their merits, is infinite in va-' W lllSIvb Y riety, excellent in quality, m YEARS OLD. aud moderate m price. 2,3 Jaclt80n Sreet MISSlW OF THld AOVE'KTISKMKSTTs TO DON'T GHASE OUT OF TOWN FOR SOiMETHINQ FOREIGN! Plaindealer the eager Public gatheriug in throngs , .: Leave their Business Orders where the Trade bekuigs IK) IiS TMU BEST JOB PRINTING AT LOWEST RATUS. ffKT, lR7.Nl:. A.N' Y0C'H).Mril.MlI)tr0r f JEA B. BHYDLE, Attorney at Law, DEPUTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY, Omen: Taylor & Wilion Block, Soonw T and 8. ItOSEBUHd, OBEOON. Jg D. STBATFOBD, Attorney at Law, Kooma 2 and 4 Taylor & Wilson Block. CU3EBTJSO, Oft Jg L. BRADLEY, M. D. Physician & Surgeon. UfflCe Hours, from l.' to B r.K. Taylor Wilwn Brick. BOSEBD&S. JR. B. DuGas, . Physician & Surgeon. Pcrmantly located at noseburj, Ore-p-a. Office In Man-ten" Building. Calls oromntlr ann-rered In Town tit C.nnntr. nlgbtorday. W. BENJAMtf, DENTIST, Huora 10. Tajlor & Wllwu Block. BOEEBUD9. HOTEL Van Houten, JAS. CALLAHAN, PropF. WILL BE CONDUCTED STBICTIY FUST-CUSS. The Dining Room will be under tb personal supervision of Mr. Callahan, who will guarantee all old and ntw cus tomers the best the market affords. Come and seo me. CfllGEL HOTBL OAKLAND, OR. KATIE CHURCHILL, Propr. Board andlodging per week $2.50. Meals, 20 cents. Beds, 20 cents. CtA-ve SUC The Surprise FRANK SCUWENKER, Proprietor. JOHN McCURDY. MUolozb. The Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars. BEEK OX DRAUGHT. Oak Street, bet. JacUson. GO TO- ; A. I. I ttOITlpSOn S i . . . . . . , And get a Dr,nk 0 fl T l3TviTirYOTrin;AlltOlUET If you have anything You want to Sell Let the People. Know it. The sure road to success Always leads Through the Printing Office;t.T TUK'FlAlXbEALEfa-.