The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, July 18, 1895, Image 3

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JULY IS, 1S95.
' i Janeu ami m!
.;;'i '-r Hjukh'd o
Hf. tl'tTHIJjIl
dm . - or
dswlty jrU
cn. Toy's
cures Dys
Chronic SSVSi3
robs the
UooJ of oil
Its isr.r-trt-Itcs,
n;rvi r.'l
UCif ixpett-
llou. lAra
end Sidney
Jor's Tcpctablo
prevents tired feel-
"tapering sen
sations, palpitaUon
of heart, rnsh of
blood lo tie head,
dizziness, ringing in
cars, spots before the
eye headache, bil-
uuhu pains m
the bacmeJancholj,
toagoe coated, foal
breath, pimples on
faesjbodjand limb,
dcdineomerve force
dizzy spells faint
spells, cold, cliatnr
feet end hinds, sour I
risings, latigue, in- I
Bomnia, all Cis-
crsisof the stomach,
JHttws .-a-iau k-J by aa
Honey to Loan
la sums of $1000 to 5000 on
proved farm?. D. S. K.
well nn-
Special Offer.
Six choice boilding Iota in Fruitr&le
addition, 50x100 feet, rrice $20 each.
D. S. K. BncK.
"liverine," manufactured by the A a
vhar fc Chemical Co., the great Liver,
Kidney and Constipation cure. An in
fallible remedy for all curable lorms of
diseases of those organs. The creates
knows remedy for Indigestion. fry it.
For silo at M. F. Rapp'a drug store,
hosebur.:, Oregon.
fc. . Joy lullrirv-lrfnllrran I h.r-
jct OMipietcd the weoB.1 bottle of rour Vore
Ubte SampaiUla. I hive had Catarrh lor
Tears a UHra aluvKM ray eyes, heann; and
ttassoh. FrwiDcatlj- woald hare dull head
ache far dy at a time Since latins Tur
rcsfdr I hare leit do disancfahle syiai.tora.
TnBilnc roc Hill i-cbJifh this as 1 want any
one tsSiciinc froa aar of the above rrsptoias
to l testAlied. KindlT nd tae tiro raoic
uu.ucs or reiarn err.res. rsixncnj
Seattle, Wash.
i-vtrT ffliil brings a new batch of tcstlaon-
A Snap For Thirty Days.
For sale, or will exchange for Douglas
county property, 10 acres bea verdant
land, Beavertoa, Ore., 9 mi!e3 from Port
land, -t-roosi dcrelling house, barn and
1 1 , -V. ..
cnicscn nouse. n is ine nnest onion
land in Oregon and will produce $300 or
H0H warth onions per acre. For farther
particulars call on cr address
Ad. IIiehcx, Rasebnrg, Oregon.
Fireman's Ball.
Kescne IJook and Lad.lcr Company
will pve a social dance in the Brooks
new bailding Saturday evening. The
object in giving this dance is to raise
revenue to purchase new uniforms for
the company, ilr. Brooks has kindlv
donated the use of the building and the
Koseborg Orchestra have practically
donated the music, and there will un
doubtedly hi a large crowd in attend
ance. Everybody is cordially invited
Tickets only 50 cents.
Probate Court.
In the matter cf the estate of Wm
Cochran, deceased, it was ordered that
the sale of raid property by the adminis
trator, V. E. Cochran, be confirmed and
that administrator make and deliver a
deed of said property to the purchaser,
EobL Clayton Arnold.
In the matter of the estate of Hiram
Drollinger, deceased, court ordered that
sale of said estate be confirmed and the
administrator, Arthur Cloak, to make
and deliver deed to the purchaser A. A.
Bellows and Geo. West.
Free Pills.
Send ycur address to II. K. Bccklen Sc
Co.. Chicago, and get a free sample box
of Dr. Kinz's New Life Pills. A trial will
convince you of tlicii merits. These pills
are easy in action and are particularly
effective in the cure of Constipation and
Sick Headache. For 3Ialaria and Liver
Troubles they have been proved invalo
able. They are guaranteed to be per'
fectly freo from every deleterious sub
stance and to ve purely vegetable, ibey
do not weaken by their action, but by
civinz tone to stomach and bowels
greatly invigorate the system. Regular
size 25c. per box. Sold by A. C. 3Iar-
sters & Co., Druggists.
When She Would Marry.
This is what a young lady ia reported
to have eaid, apropos of marriage:
"Well, no, I don't know if I would marry
for money alone; but if a man had plenty
of money, allied lo a sweet disposition,
nd a unQelaclie that curled at both
ends, and nice blue eyes, and a social po
sition ; if ho had s distinguished status
in a profession, or even as a merchant,
and bis father was rich, and bis mother
and sisters aristocratic, and he wanted to
marry me, and he would promise to let
me have my own way in every thing,
and keep me liberally supplied with
money, if ho was liberal about diamonds
and other gems, and also about the mili
ner, never grumbling, and I really and
truly loved him, I shouldn't consider
marriage a drawback. I might take him
or better, but not for worse."
AU Free.
Those who hayo used Dr. King's New
Discovery know its value, and those who
hare not, have now the opportunity to
try it Free. Call on the advertised Drug
gist and get a Trial 1 Jot tie. Free. Send
your came and address to If. . Bucklen
& Co., Chicago, and get a sample box of
Dr. King's New Life, Pills Free, as well
as a copy of Guide to Health and House
hold Instructor, Free. All of which is
guaranteed to do you good and cost you
nothing. A. C. Marsters & Co. 'a Drugstore,
From Wednesday's Dally.
A reliable dealer, II. C. Stanton.
Caro Bros, are the boss merchants.
twin ot Myrtle Creek, is in the
uco. tsell ot Olslla Is a guest at the
uo to Miss L. A. Balrd'a for choice
E. H. Crano of Cleveland 1b a guest at
ine central.
M. H. Frescott, of St. Louis, is at the
Van Honten.
25 ounce can of baking powder, for 25c
at Allison's.
Martin Marks went to Eucere citv to-
aay on business.
R. L. Marsters of Looking Glass is
registered at the Central.
W. T. Croason of Oak Creek is regis
tered at the Central hotel.
AlCroxton returned Tuesday from a
Dusiness trip to Portland.
W. W. Wetrler, of Portland, is razist
ered at the Van Houten.
A. S. and A. V. Buell ot Looking Glass
came over on business today.
G. J. Hamilton, of San Francisco, was
a guest at tho Van Houten, Tuesday
anieu .1 second hand butrirv. An-
piy to u. w. itapp at People's crocerv
J. tt. Webb late of Caro's firm, is now
wacK walker between Koseburc and Oak.
J. K. Graff, of Sacramento, was in the
city yesterday, a guest at the Van
E. A. Anderson, of Marshfield. was in"
me city yesterday, a guest at the Van
Chas. Cleveugr who has been down
to Albany tevera! days returned Monday
' 11 fctimson passed throush the
city with two car loads of horses, on his
return to Los Angeles.
Misa Gertie Benjamin, who baa been
visiting Miss Audry Riddle and other
friends at Riddle for several weeks, re
turned homo Tuesday nigh.
Karl's Clover Root will purify your
Blood and clear your Complexion, regu
late your Bowels and make voor head as
clear as a bell. 25c. 50c and $1.00.
Sbilo's Cure, thegreat Cough and Croup
Cure, is in gret deruand. Pocket sire
contains twenty-five, only 25 cents
Children love it. Sold by Drnnrists.
A. N. Towne, second vice president of
the S. P. R. It. Co., died July 1C. of
heart failure. Mr. Towne was regarded
as "a great licht in the railroad world."
We acknowledge a visit at this office
today of three charming young ladies,
Mrs. A. F. Catching, of Portland. Mrs.
James Wright of thb city and the better
Iialf of ye editor.
.Sdls & Renfrows' great svndicate
shows passed through town today. They
exhibit at Ashland this year, skipping
Rosebnrg, probably on account of the
high license. It is just as well.
Attorney General C. H. Idknien, hav
ing concluded his labors in the cele
brate! Pennoyer-Willis case, on trial for
the forty-eleventh time, returned to
Portland on the 10:40 overland.
Commandant Byars of the Soldier's
Home, made a business trip to Oakland
Monday and returned Tuesday evening.
He reports that fanners are measurably
jabliant even under "democratic good
Wm. R.Wells, the nasby of Olalla, was
doing business in town tcday. He says
when the government pays him bis
earned reward for catching mail robbers,
he will catch another batch of the gentry
now at large.
Mrs. T. S. Hawkins, Chatanooga,
Tenn., says, "Shilo's Vilalizer saved my
life- I consider it the best remedy for a
debilitated system I ever used." For
Dyspepsia, Liver or Kidney trouble it
excels. Price 75c
w.T. Fogel, who has been on a busi
ness trip to Myrtle Creek and Canyon
ville, returned this morning. Mr. Fogel
reports that the grain crop is good, but
that the fruit crops in some places will
be light, especially the peaches.
Ed. Settle of Oakland left that city
this morning at 7 a. m. on hit "bike"
and arrived here at 8:20 a. m. making
the distance, 18 miles, in one hour and
20 minutes, or one mile in 4 minutes and
4 ninths of a minute on an average.
D. Looney has taken out a patent for
killing squirrels. He has a brand new
Marlin.and wishing to test its killing
capacity, he hunted for something to
shoot at. Presently he discovered a
squirrel and blazed away. On going to
pick up his victim he found it fast in a
steel trap. That is the best wav; first
trap your game and then shoot.
gTATr or Ohio, city or Tolcso,;
Faaa J. Chxest mikrimih th.t i, i. ih
tenlor Mitaer of the firm f F. J. i-itr.rr a.
Co., doing butincai la the City of Toledo.
County and State aforesaid, and that tald firm
win par the rain of ONE liCNDKED VOL
LARS lor each and every case of Citikih
that cannot bo cured hr the wo of Hiil'
8 worn to before ma and nibscribed in ray
presence this 6th day of December, A. !., ISM.
h'otsry Public.
Hill'i Catarrh Cure is taken internally and
acts directly on the blood and mucuoi sur
faces of the system. Send for testimonials,!
Csr-bold by Druggists, 73c.
The Hook and Ladder boye were out
for a run yesterday evening. They had
built a bonfire on the- vacant lot above
the Odd Fellows building, and when the
blaze was once under headway, turned
their Babcock extinguishers upon it, just
to see how quickly and easily the fire
could be put out. The flames were
quickly extinguished, hut tlie tesl only
proved how inadequate tho Babcqck
would be in case of a genuine fire.
For Over Fifty Veara.
An Old and Well-Tried Hcmodr.-Hrt. Win
ilow's Boothlog Sjrap has been used lor over
fifty years by millions of mothers for their
children while teething, with perfect success.
It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays
all pain, cores wind colic, and Is tbo best
remedy for diarrhoea. Is pUiiaui to the taste.
Bold by Druggists in every part of the world.
Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is Incal
culable Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow'i
Soothing Syrup, sad take no other kind.
!oo!f gt Tfjls..
M Easton'a you can get 15 poundo of
granulated and 10 pounds of extra 0
sugar for $1X0. And anything in the
grocery line at lowest cash pricesrrdeliy.
ered free.
Dr. Price's Creaai Baking Powder
World's Fair Hfeaert Medal U3 Pistes,
The Pennoyer-WIIIis Case.
This case has occupied tho nttouliou of
tho courts for tho last five yoars. It was
put on trial last Monday before Judgo
Hanna of Jackson county, having been
remanded by tho 6upretuo court to bo re
tried ujkhi its merits. After taking testi
mony and being ably aigucd by tho at
torneys, tho caso went lo tho jury Tues
day afternoon. Thero was bucIi an un
animity of opinion with tho jurymen
that uopn tho first ballot tho vordict was
for the defendant, W. R. Willis.
Tho main facts in this caso nro about
as follows:
One Roberts npplied in 1870 for u loan
of two thousand dollars of tho school
fund. Mr. Willis who was appointed lo
cal attorney for tho stato school board,
was requested to examine tho titlo of lands
which Roberts proposed to glvo in se
curity for tho loan. Willis did so and
certified that thero was no Incumbrance
on tho land excopt a mortgago for $000,
and that tho land was good for tho se
curity of tho loan, and, as alleged by tho
state school board, upon that cerliflcato
tho loan was inado. Tho testimony
oflered in evidenco showed that tho loan
was made three months after Mr. Willis
certified to the efficiency of the security,
and after ho had. iufurnied tho county
treasurer who held tho money, not to pay
ine money lo Roberts until a mortgago
on the land offered In security for $2800
to S. Marks & Co. had been caucollcd
Mr W. X. Moore, tho county treasurer at
that timo, corroborated .Mr. Willis' testi
money to the effect that Mr. Willis had
verbally notified hint of tho existanco of
an uncancelled mortgngn upon tho prop
erty; bnt that upon Wm Friedlunder,
one of tho firm of S. Marks & Co.. tollinir
him that the said inoitgage had been
cancelled, he accepted the profercd
mortgage upon tho alrcadv over bur
dened mortgaged land and paid to the
said Roberts tho $1000. It appears tho
mortgage had not been cancelled and the
said mortgago to the school board be
came worthless, and action was institu
ted to recover from Willis.
The points of law involved wero in
part the liability of an attorney as
against that of tho agent uho executed
the contract. Mr. Moore wa3 the agent
of tho state board wbilo Willis uaathe
attorney who examined the titlo and
certified as to its liability, but subse
quently and before tho loan was com
pleted, informed the cnstotliau of tho
money that there was an uncancelled
mortgage upon the laud and not to com
plete the 'can until the mortgage was
The World's Fair Tests
showed no baking powder
so pure or so great in leav
ening power as the Royat.
Mist Minnie Gazcly lixs returned from
San Jose, Cal., where she has It-en visit
ing for several months.
The Catching Bros, are at work on a
drier for Lewis Chapman, on Days creek.
Mrs.Lixzte Gegax and sis'cr, Mis.
Olive Green, have retnrnol to their
homes after tcveral week' visit with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. X. Cornutt.
Mr. Britt and family have gono to
Newbarg for a month's visit with Mr.
Britt'a brother.
Mrs. Dona Catchlug is quite til at her
father in law's, Mr. John Catching. She
came out of the canyon for tuediral treat
ment by Dr. C. E. Bogue.
Father Fullcrton of Roseburg is spend
ing a few days with his daughter. Mrs.
Addie Nichols. He will 20 from here to
visit his son John, nho lives up near the
bad lands.
Miss Gertie Benjamin returned to
Roeeburg this week, after scyeral week's
visit with friends in this vicinity,
The W. C. T. C. of Riddlo gave a pie
social at the residence of Mrs. Fickert
Saturday night. The affair was a com
plete success and all had an enjoyable
Mre. Jackson Kissed through Kiddlo
ilonday on her way to the Jackson farm
near Canyon ville.
Mre. Jennie Crosby and children of 1 orders. In 1SW this factory turned out
Medford are visiting her parents here. 50.000 wheels. Since theu they have in
Miss Nilla Riddle has also returned from j creased their capacity to 75,000. They
a visit to relatives and friend j in Med
ford. Mr. and Mrs. Schuyler Ireland are vis
iting their brother, Mr. George Fratcr,
at this place.
Mr. Ball is looking for
machinery to
near Riddle,
go ahead with his mines
on the Irvine bar.
Harvest is in full blast up this way.
Pears and peaoh plums arc getting
ripe, but the peach crop is alinoot a fail
are in the. valley.
Prof. Robinette is driving the stage
now from Canyouvillo to Riddle.
Was Put off a Train.
United States Judgo Bellinger believes
that it is worth $300 to be put off a train
by a conductor. That is tho amount of
damage he allowed Mrs. Birbara Leland
in her case against the horthern Pacific
railroad yesterday. Mrs. Leland wanted
$2500, but she did not get it. It is usual
in damage cases to ask for several times
the real damages.
"When I was on tho road." said au ex-
conduclor, commenting on tin verdict,
"I never put a person off for trying to
ride on a scalper's ticket, even when or
dered to do so by tho officials. I knew
very well that it was good grounds for a
damage case to put a porson off .1 train.
It made no difference tome whether or
not the ticket read 'transferable.' I
havo seen these cases tried in tho courts,
and the railway companies lose, too
often. They always loec, and havo to
pay damages.
"When I ran across a ticket which I
had been ordered to tako up, I would try
to do so and collect the fare, giving a re
ceipt, and an explanation that upon pre
sentation at the head passenger office tho
money would bo refunded. But if tho
passenger roared' too hard I punched
the ticket and said no more.
"Railroads put other silly regulations
on their tickets. Those for round trips
must 1)0 signed before they aro good for
the return. Now that is foolishness, and
every time a paesengor is put of n train
for failure to do this, ho can collect dam
ages. On passes thero is prinlod a state
ment that tho holder forfeits all right to
collect damages In case of on accidont,
which is absurd, and has bcon so decided
by the courts." Telegram.
Seo the Novelty's now advertisement
L. Belfils, watchmaker, Rosoburg, O10
Complete line of cutllery at Sulzinau'a.
All package coffee at Allison's goes fur
25 cents.
For first-class dentistry go to Dr. Littlo
of Oakland.
Get Salzinnu'a latost price on grunilo
and tinware.
Ico cream and iuo cream soda at the
Knndy Kitchen.
Harness of all kinds at low pricep at
G. W. Woodward'a.
Prices on wall paper are just right nt
Marsters' drug store.
Key West, Imported and domestic
cigars at tho Rosoloaf.
Alabastino, kalsomino aud wbito wash
at Marsters' drug store.
If you don't see what you want rsk
for it nt Marsters' drug store.
Ice cream made for parties on short
notice at Nieco'a candy lactery.
Myrtle Creek flour, only 80 cents per
sack. Delivered free. A. C. Hoxik.
Don't eat stale candies. You can buy
it fresh and good just as cheap at Nlecee'.
Salzman sella his goods for cash. Buy
of him and you pay for no bad nccounls.
Society or family partiea can get ice
cream aud caudies in any quantities at
You get a No. 1 broom nt Allison's for
2oc, 3oc and 15c. Try thorn and bo thi
viucod. For I substantial blacksniithing
cheap, go to McKiuuey & Manning,
See new line oi meue, boye, and child
renV hats at Ostiums. Next door to
Review ullice.
15 tuund- of granulated sugar and 10
iwunds of extra C for $1.00 at Allison's.
Delivered freo.
Ready mixed paints in all shades and
colors, aud auy.sizo packages at Mars
ters' drug Htore.
Get your coffeca ami T'a at Allison's
giocery. Tho best ia always tho cheap
est. Try them.
Jack Abraham is 111 receipt of a choice
line of bnlhriggan underwear just the
thing fur hot weather.
Frvidi candies uiadu daily and cijuat to
anything iu thu state, also ico cream iu
auy quantities at Nieces'.
Now is the lime to spray your fruit
trees. I Jine, aulphur aud blue vitriol for
that purpoeu at Marete-a' drug store.
ack Abraham Mill cairies a complete
stock uf men's aud Ui)a' furnishing at
lowest audi prices dou't you forget it.
Biing your job work to tho I'lainukal
Kn otitic We are prepared to do the
cheapest and bet work south of IVrt
laud. Jack Abraham Iish accepted thu
agency ot Neander, IWhiin: A Co., for
taking orders for Uilor made Miila
Dr. J. W.trange arrived from Myrtle
Point last night and will u iu his office
for a few weeks. His many iiaUents
will le pleased to know this".
Dr. F. W. Ha) nee has just returneJ
from the East and opened dental iarlors
in Mark's bnilding, uhcto he will be
pleased to welcome persons desiring den
tal work.
uan on ine j. u. hook Uo. for prices
. . 1 ... ... n .
on their up to date berry crates. Made
of sugar pine, neat and darable. Just
the thing to get your bcrriei to market
in first-class condition.
The U. S. Gov't Reports
show Royal Baking Powdct
superior to all others.
One thousand dollars invested in!
Crescent Bicycles direct from the West
ern Wheel Works of Chicago, eight
wheels were sold and all are giving the
best satisfaction. Thla factory is turning
out 300 bicycles erdayand are 1,000
short on Coast orders. They are fur
uishiug us with four wheels per week
anlil they get caught up with their
belong to no trust or conjbino. They
ship no wheels to any one on consign-
' ment. AH wheels are 6old outright be
fore they leave the factory. The Crescent
wheels need no recommendation. They
sell on their merits and are fully war
ranted for twelve months. Call and see
our Gout's Special, 25 pounds, price $50;
Crescent No. 1,23 pounds, $75; Ladies'
Cre9cent No. 5, 21 pounds, $50 ; ladies'
No. 4, 22 ounds, $75. Cash or on in
stallment. Caulk Sr Richardson.
Established In Roscburs: is Years
We are prepared to do your work ai
hard times prices. Wo make a Bpecialty
of graining, sign and carriage painting,
Do you need your Buggy Painted ?
Do you need your Parlor Decorated?
Do you need your Dining Room 1
m. 1 . . . . ,
Do you need your Kitchen Painted,
ivdieoiuineu or rajiercil L
ti ho, canon lonea a Uonloii, mm
aro ready to do it fur $2.50 aud upiyaids,
according to elaea of work reipiirod.
Wo refer you to our workwhich
speaks fjr itself. Wo are neither Btran
gers or scabs but first class Practical
Can he found at A. C. Marsters' diug
ctorc at auy time.
Final Call.
All persous are hereby uotirted to
make immediatn settlement .c their in
debtedness lo tho late Grin of S. Marks
& Co.; olherwiso thosamo will bo placed
in hands for collection. PIpaso give thia
call prompt attention and thus avoid ad
ditional COStB, AailCIl M.UIK8,
Administrator of Estate of S. Marks
To the Public.
On and after this dale, I wish it under
stood that my terms for all undertaker's
goods are cash with tho order. 1 find it
imposBiblo to do liusinesa ou a, credit
baslB, and bellvo that J can do boltor by
my patron and myself by selling strictly
for cash. P. Hii.NumcK, Undertaker.
Rosoburg, Or., April 12, 1805.
Tho Crescnt is taking tho lead for
strength and 8peed,;Belling llko hot cakes.
The Cresoul ia tho ouly high grado wheel
that is selling for rcosonablo prices.
Rosoburg, Or.
Eloquent Address by Rev.
Q. N. Amies.
The 119th Anniversary of Amer
ican Independence.
Mr. rresuienl and fellow cilizem: We
havo passed another milopost in
our national history. The great nation
ai train is gently gliding along on its
eventful career; impelled by the unut
terable strength of light, intellect and
equality. The machinery In nf th
grandest order, and so ingeniously
wrought in its finer mould, that discord
and confusion do not appear; controlled
and guided by tho most scientific engi
neer, and directed by a conductor who
nover falls to punch a foreienor'a lickfit
or give the right change back, and ho
uovor lurgeia to occasionally attach a
new palace car.
Thero has been but a few strikes, and
hold-ups have never been known. Onr
greatest happiness today is, that we are
uu passengers ot ine nrat class, possess
uS a ruyauiy wnicn Deiongs lo every
Amorlcan citizen. Thur in mir 1nrv
and in safety, our hearts beat with emo
tion and with prido aa we behold a na
tional grandeur, equal, if not superior, to
mu Kicmcai nations 01 tuc cailli.
r . .1 ... - . .
uo men upon mis iestai day, as
w e are irntnprpil in Hub i.-.Ii. n.n,..
With patriotic low. chiael ingi-rinti-inii in
the tablets of our hearts that will never
laue, and that will tell to irenerationn
yet to conio that here 011 this beantiful
sjKt of earth and in tho presence of
tbese monuments of tho native forest.
their fathers and mothers in tho voar of
our Lord, 1895, on tho 4th of July, celo-
oraieu ine mrthday ot our countrv, and
pledged anew their devotion ami" natri-
otiaui to all its holy principles.
mat nero Deneaiii these heavens, and
in tho presence of tliHn hili shiun
checks aro blushing with forest gailands
and whoso prospective richness makes
an nearta happy here tihlav, the
coming goneraiions may celebrate the
nation a birthday on this BDot of ground,
when this littlo city of Rosebnn; has
grown old and whon these spreading
uaa irccB ure gianta. And then our child
rcu'a children will ttand upon the same
earth where their fathers stood, with
thceamo heaveua above their hPfuta
with the same hills and mnnnlaino all
arounu; ana with tho same stars to
iwinKie in the vaulted sky, all wit-
nowes 10 ine happy hearts that beat in
iuu ami aumiration lor American liber
ty, lustitutionif, and and ihe
musical winda shall nlav unon n litn of
a iiiouand btringa and chant a national
tiiuuiph, and the t reezea move the stara
ami etripes of that old flap as she grace-
fntti- Mnf.-i!.l I.,.. I... 1. ..t .
..j uuiwiuo laienuiK ui urapery,
tinseled with the "red, white aud bine."
tiitcuaic uui uicaniugiesa words, or
looiisn ceremonies or glittering pastimes,
but they havo a meaning, which ran be
understood only by such as we aro to
day ; these strains of music, these songs,
this Declaration of Independence, and
an luia mo auu iroiic, naa a signitlcance
e ecunnog aa an time, vt e cannot look
upon tho flag of our country or partici
pate in these ceremonies and festivities
without deep emotion. Our hearts to
day aro thrilled, and they beat in sym-
yawij uu me nearta 01 a nappv people,
although flooda and fires and hard times
havo visited some nortiona of onr land
and brought Eorrow to many hearts, yet
uii euersy corny to our rescue, and
the nation is safe. New visions appear.
new hopes dawn npon us, and verily, it
is a "new world."
Oar oves behold today that whi. li nn.
latnere ana mothers never saw; and yet
wo have au increased yearning after the
euccesaof a glorious career, and we are
stirred by the same ambition that
aroused them to gain a national indepen
dence. During the Rsvolutiouary war the old
lories of Englaud ridiculed tht. idea of
the independence of tho thirteen colo
nics; they scorned the very thought of
such a thing coming to pass, they de
clared that it was the weakness and
lolly of ambitious men, that caused them
to dream of independence and the na
tional dignity of a republic. But the
founders ol this great republic knew
well hat they were doing, and acted
only with reganl to tho feelings and
wants of an oppressed anil down trod
den people, and the reeult proved that
it was not a story of fiction, spread by
the enthusiasm of an ignorant people;
no, not this. But by the wisdom of the
wisest men thero was placed in minia
ture a perfect nation. Tl ey cst all
intereets in one mold and sharpened
their siyords with determination and
put their trust in God,
Our forefathers did not mould a gold
en calf, but built a golden house for
babi atton. more contly than the golden
house of Nero; yea, they formed a golden
chariot, in which the greatest men of
thought aud genius might be brought to
face the nations of tjie world and work
out fo ua a glorious destiny. 1 need not
ask the American people only, but wo
aBk the whole world was there ever 9 na
tion in the ago cf centuries which has
had greater statesmen, more bravn nn.l
successful generals, and scientific minds
inau nai our own
republic durlri hpr
youthful years?
The name of Him f illw.r nf mil nontdfit
is tho svmbol of onduran fri;i.i.i ;!
a,a I'Uiuhlo trust in in all-wieo provi-
' ? ."V1 w an ,nvi"-
the name Geonre Waahineint, i .ai.
nces, prosjierity and glorv.
What nanio to the dowit-truddeu and
oppressed is sweeter than that oi Liu-
SV"1. l,rh3m Lincoln was the sol-
idior's watchword, the freed mail's pros-
',wlly and the notion'- martyr. These
names am honored ami revered l,'0 wido
Worlli OVUr. a USUI!!. of men wprn nornr
honored or revet ed hef jro, in the history
of all time. None can read the history
of this grand repuhli.- without being
awed by tho Bubliniity of tho character
of those men who figured in those great
ovents. And from these characters
therearhos a spontaneous aroma of gen
uine cxcellcnco, and princely maiii" 1
all worthy to bo the patron saints of the
Amorlcan boy. Such are the names of
our great men, and so hudi aro theso
names held in esteem, that thev are not
only wnlteu on the tablets of all Amer
ican noaila, but they ure written and
remembered in tho history and hearts oi
tho nations of tho earth.
Theso names havo travelod tho world
over m different ways and havo lift an
impression in evory land. Happy for
ua who hvo today, that tho purposes of
Ihcso nion were accomplished, knowing
a 1 .weI1, know U,at tU0 iufluenco
which haa been oxercised by such minds
over tho nations, has been most san
guine aud successful. They have
changed and mouldod nnclent govern
ments, governments which Blood long
before tho beginning of Iho Christian
era, and havo led thorn ua a child would
load n lamb.
Tho' United States possesses a power
to reform abuses, not ouly on this con
tinent, but in other lands, ns we have
witnossod within tho last fow years in
tho international conference over tho
Islnuds of Samoa,.
Tho power of independence aud a dem
ocratic form of government in reforming
all abiiBes, and making alterations and
auiondinenta as timo and circumstances
require, is perfectly tho fruits and spirit
of our constitution, and haa given ua nn
uiiapcakablo ndvantago over tho Btatea
of antiquity, as woll as over now born
Wo. naa nation. cbooso those season
when political reforms are eafu, expedi
ent and desirable, it the mimi nf 011
people are violently agitated by :lillcal
alnii-, or kiuillfd by partisan .et. w
come t-ioiliiu nn the (iloiious Fourth
Joiv, up into ii-Kii'e wnii dille' 1 ..nM
ritiiiiinv ihruii lioiuv'iB, lor lnvi"
tho calm- ifrcai broth -1 ! oil, a I nil
onu co'iiiuou interesl, i-'rmni; ;..r one
destiny and mipellid by the Fame rpi i
of dovotion to finish a glorious woik and
to accomplish a ercat end
This was fully demonstrated til tho
centennial of tho baltlo of Bunker Hill
whon Gen. Robt. . Lee, the greatest
gonerai that ever commanded a cooled
orate army, stood up and again honored
the flag of Ina country
European military critics declared
that Leo was one of the greatest military
men on earth, and that his chivalry out
weighed Caesar's, yet ho again breathed
out sentiments of loyalty and truo nam
olism, and that acene baa left a glorious
influence upon the great masses of our
people, and today the shouts of the bat-
uo cry are not heard, but the swift widc
ed dove of peace haa brought the olive
orancn, and tho star spangled banner
waves over a united and hannv neonlo.
over "the land of the free and the home
of the brave."
Men who once met as enemies on the
field of mortal combat, now meet aa
friends and neighbors, thev can worahin
at the same altars and eat from the same
tables. The amoke of battle has cleared
away, peace has returned to our borders
and prosperity to our people. There is
no north, thero is no south, but we have
one common countrv for na all.
ine progress ol our countrv'a devel
opment ouimea6urea all other nations,
nuu me resources 01 this great country
are ocinj; ueveiopeu as never before
This nation is unfolding her hidden
riches from pleasant valleya to moun
tain peaks, on coral beds and Alaska's
anoree. Wealth ia filling the people's
stores ; and no difference what tho hue
or color is, what tongue ho may ppcak,
or song be may sing, he may have
enough if he will for 'UncIo Sam ia rich
enough to give ua all a farm," and wo
can all farm if wo will; the field ia invit
ing ana an may occupy.
American clear grit has brought oil
from the flinty rock, and haa tamed a
llame of fire. Tho blaze of American
ambition haa kindled a light on ten
thousand hills and her altara are burn
ing with true devotion and piiiiotism
an aiong iuo line.
It has annihilated distance, tuanned
the continent with railroads and brought
tbo hidden treasurea of Oregon to the
front, it has developed geniUB, strength
ened science, given wings to steam and
chained the lightning's flash. Franklin
saw fiery steeda grazing midst the fleecy
clouds ; he threw hia lasso o'er their
heads and brought them into bay.
Morse stroked them with his silk-gloved
hand and led them to tho eea; Cvrus
Field took the reina and drew tiiem
taut, jumped into the golden chariot
and cracked his whip around jheir fiery
heada and bid them go. They plunged
beneath tho purple flood and passed
around tho world. On and on thev
speed, champing their bits of steel and
sending out from their iron hoofs living
flames of tiro lo illuminate tho world;
and scatter aa they go tho leaves of the
treo of life for Ihe healing of the nations
telling the news of the day and speaking
the business of commerce, or tho story of
war, treasuring up even tho voice of man
for a thousand years and telling tho fu
ture the story of today.
Lord MacCaulev once said to a com
pany of Americans, "Your constitution
is all sail and no anchor, you have noth
int; to Ston VOU." Ho meant that our
democratic principles would , sooner or
utter destroy tibcrtv and civilization. He
further said, "the fate of the L'nitiil
States was certain, though it may be de
ferred by a physical cause." But our
nation has lived 119 years and in spite
of all such prophesies, and inspifoof the
spirit from which they came, our gov
ernment not only lives, but there is not
a government on the face, of the earth
that is cqnally as healthy and mak
ing such rapid advancement aa ours.
Let us briefly look at our pasthistorv
as a nation.
No fact can le morestroii''lvcorrolor-
ated by the history of the past, or more
fully confirmed by the experiences of
till nmtiUtll 1 1 O tills nnti.n 1 . . 1
....... uu.-: tt.tiiuu mis iveix
and is now blessed with thosiecial prov
idences of an over-ruling power bv
which a divine mission might Ihj per-
foinied, and could we read a truo nvnnl
of the nations of the earth prior to i!m
discovery of America, whilst empires
arose ana ten, crowns and kmiMoms
passed away, one would lie iersuaded
to believe tliat the creat Creator hn.l
held in reserve a whole continent in
which a nation should be lorn In a davt
and in which ndisious HK-rtv ami
freedom from the cruel hand of tvrants
should spring forth and claim her rights.
An unseen hand moved theinachinprv
of passing events, and shining in the
heavens was seen a little star. Cloud
auer ciouu uineii beneath the concave
of the political sky, sending ont the
lightening flash and glare of war's dread
plain, until darkness and death seemed
to settle down upon the land aa an
eternal night. But after seven long years
of mingled hopes and fears, pravers and
pleadings with the God of nations, the
gray dawn of a lietter day appeared, and
beams of light came streaming over the
eastern waters', and there soo;; aioe a
brilliant luminary adorned with the
st,ara of heaven whose rays penetrated
the darkest corners of the earth.
The light of new bom stars nddisl
glory to the light of nations) and by" the
added splendor our country has accom
plished, iu a century, what kingdoms
and empires failed to do iu unwritten
this was the chosen snot on which
Liberty's glorious t,eiunlo. should "be
reared; this was thu people whoso hands
were to build the mighty aud gorgeous
structure. Column after column arose
in magnitude and splendor, until the
eaiousy ot tyrants was aroused, and.
moved with hatred, they sprang forth
from their covert places aud attaelied
the workmen J'.iid tho temple. So fierce
liio eouibat that the very stones
themselves cried out for help, and tho
sous of lilierty sprang (or arms; and the
story of ISi" tells thu world that the
enipie was saved, the temple was
saved ami today it stain s in lirand
beauty tle glory oi all the earth.
In the midst of the ruined temples
of the past, the temple of Lilierty lifts
up ner towering neau ami loos down
upon the perishing and decaying mon
archies of ull ages of time, "It fetaiitls
today and will fvw..r vinn.i .w ",.
sheltor !r, tnu t:U(J of storm)" 5M!
a river in a dry place." And when we
speak of this our hoar to are inspired to
sing our national song :
" Our country 'tis of thee
Sweet land of liberty
Of thee I sing;
Land where mv fatheig died,
Land of the Pilgrim's pride,
From every mountain sido
Let freedom ring. "
No nation liears the character and
wields the influence that these United
States oxerciso over loth civilized and
barbarioua nations. From this nation
has gono forth a proclamation of peace,
and a year of jubilee has been declared
for all men. A lesson has l-on taught
that will not soon bo forgotten; a lesson
that war should cease; that nil interna
tional difficulties should be settled by
arbitrntion between disinterested pow-
urs i
e ljoliovo that God aud this people
hayo been witiatiud and that right has
boon awarded in questions which have
been, before the world since tho close of j
our civil war, Tho power of thia in
fluence has been extended over the i
islands of tho seas, and the gentle
breezes of heaven has carried the frag-,
ranee of this gardened nation westward,,
and tho islands of tho sea, Japan, '
Hawaii and the oriental world asks for
ho influence, position, and power of I
su'ch a land.
It bus not only been the hospital for J
inu uownirouuen ana oppressed ot every
Highest of all in Leavening Power
land, but it is the irarden ami srl.!
house of the world. All nations are
coming here to tanc fessons in peace
science, literature and the arts.
But a few years ago the state of Wis
consin supplied Japan with a large
tiummty oi ueui sceus, ner agricultural
machinery and her free school system.
These nations are Cnterini? th iinnra
of our higher institutions of learning,
and ask for American civilization and
nr t ; ,
are the decendants of the heroes of the
irouiu jvuicricaiis aim manv ot na
revointions, and a broad national sent!
uiuiu Krowa more powenui aa tho -onr
go by, and those now living, who faced
each other and fought 90 grandly thirty
.. n n . 1 . 1 I 1 . , , - uguiui 1110 mastery, WOUU1 today,
if necessary, fight as grandly for the de
fence, peservation and triumphant nor.
iHHuauoii oi our country, should any
-r . .
iuiuiu country attempt to (10 What a
Spanish war ship in the Cuban waters
did a few days ago to one of our mer
chant vessels. She fired upon our flag,
but was soon compelled to dip the Span
ish flair, make an anoloev. and firo n
salute to "Old Glory." And in the
future, as the star of our greatness
rises in splendor above the nations of
the earth, patriotism will be as rich as
the gold in our hills ; and both will flow
in as rich profusion as our rivers flow
to the great Pacific sea.
Our conntrv and institutions niranlwl
by their baptism of fire and TKitriot
blood, hold the hopes and highest in
terests of mankind. With lilwrtv for
all under the constitution. lmnndlpRn
resources, a vast population, the best in
stitutions on earth, covering and pro
tecting the great highway of nations,
touching and moulding every civilized
people, and pushinc our influence into
every barbarioua tribe under the skv,
we must lead the progress of humanity
up the future dazzlins heights. Ami
1 ... , 1 , . . .9. . .
ici. ua 11013 ami pray to the "tiod ot our
fathers" tliat those who shall direct our
country a stejis as we rise in the strength
ui uui uiaiciiicsH union 10 mature
national manhood, will bv mst and
peaceful methods, extend ourinflnpnpos
iiiuui. our institutions on other con
tinents and all the islands of the
until the principled, on which' our lib
erties ana our institutions are founded,
become the governing principles of all
the nations of the earth forever.
tjod has men to us the irpnt troths
of liberty and equality, which have been
like the manna to Israel, tho vnrv
bread to feed the millions. Let ua not
fear that in our land thev shall evpr 1m
overthrown or destroved.
As We have, and vpt mnv nnssi
dark times, the day shall come when
lucre shall be no more oppression. Ttnf
when all over the world there shall be a
people agreeing in the principles of
democracy, having a common peace, a
common joy, and a common brother
hood. It may be that the apparent conflict
now raging letween capital and labor,
may call forth the faith. liatipni'O anil
wisdom of our greatest and wisest men ;
yet, it must be, that these great ques
tions will be harmonized in tho near
future and shall walk hand in hnml
until the nation shall be rold i n Tinritv
and reach n peaceful and glorious des"-
Our countrv is the fi
the world, and all eyes are turned in
thia direction, watching her rising sun
and waitin-- tn holm!,! bpr,-
Our free school system is revolution
izing the world, and it is bringing all
men politically, socially and religiously,
near each other. Bv" these inilnpni-ps
e are better able to understand tbo
present and gain a sure hope for the
Sons and Daughters of Liberty'"
Nns and Daughters of Tnhmtri-"
This is your work and iiiccess will" U t
require at yur hands. 1
Wliat joy and satisfaction it brings to I
our hearts to know that we are mould-1
ing a glorious work for the future, a1
worn, mat snail enauro tho forces of
coming time, and shall send out a match
less wisdom to all who desire to seek
for truth.
Can it be. tliat we as a nation. Hunt-
too highly or speak too highly of our
selves? Can it possibly be "that our
lciure is too nigniy colored or over-
We think not. Tho lanmi
of one of old is appropriate in our case
and we could adopt it as a national
motto 1 "God hath not dealt so with
any nation."
Here is a land of liberty; here are
great forests of timber, leafv groves aud
rolling prairies. Here are ficMa of
waving grain and fruits oi everv kind ;
here are mountains filled with gold and
great deep, bods of mineral of everv
Una ; here beneath these great spread
ing oak branches, are gathered the roost J
loyal people in all this fair land
This spot of earth, bovo ill others, we
o iqvo ner roiling prairies: we
lowlier lakes and rivers, we love her
mountains, hills, ami -v-.illwvj M'n
j 1 ... . ..a.. . . . .11 IV. 1 (
lwi- viinlnnl l.n.l........... 11-. 1 !
vmh love our
own cottage homes. Oregon, wo love
thee. No homes are sweeter than our
homes, and aa timo shall grow apace,
this little city, that glitters aa a gem in
the dancing sumbeams, shall not be the
littlo OIK'S 01 all thu fair citips of tlitf
land, but she shall gjow to be the most
beautiful gem set in a Iaudcoape the'
most loving of all the cat h.
So long as wo low these, and so long!
as we have the wisdom to keep the!
sovengn authority of this countrv as
the sanctuary of liberty, tho nacred
temple consecrated to 'our common
fatli, wherever the ehoseii race and
sons of America, low freedom, so long
will the nations respect our flag, and so
uuig snail tins nation be the sun around
which all others shall revolve.
Then let us gather- wisdom and
strength for the coming vears, that at i
the close of our life, our work shall 1h)1
wpII iliim !
Ncrvona SMiocic. ,
,iE'.-W.' .'"OY CMNY-Gcntlcinen: This is I
...v ..,3, ""'V, c Hiierapieo 10 write for
IhiV?"8' ,U,V? so nervous and weak
that I havo laid in bod for most of the time."
A friend who had taken your Sarsaparllla
bCUtniO tMI bottles. Thp ninl nnn !
Konc, and I havo gained 20 pound, aud surely
feel a i(ey wouiau. I was pale. thin, no uni-.
union, nan clveu up. as I had tried so many
?f?.,cd !n,.,,1.l':,,ors:.wU found no bcncHL If
j-uu nwv iu puuuMi mis vou nave mv consent.
.llnmntlu l-al
Headache, BIUiouaues and Torpid Livcr"lls
appear when you tote Joy's Vegetable Sarsa
parilia. Awarded '
Highest Honors World's Fair, I
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Made.
40 Yean the Standard.
Latest U. S. Gov't Report
The Palmer house is turning green.
J. Hedden's Btore ia being painted,
and it looks neat. '
MissEflie Giles contemplate return
ing to Chicago soon.
The Long Prairieites held a Sunday
School picnic on tbo 13th, and had a
pleasant day socially,
Mrs. R. M. Harvey held religious ex
orcises at the Long Prairie school house
on the 14th.
Tho rattle of the binder ia again heard
M. D. Thompson is cuttine oata.
Geo. Reed and G. W. Grubbe expect
to have beef for sale by wagon delivery.
We hear that E. H. Burchard con-
tinnea to improve.
Mrs. Asa Andrews has been viailins
her daughter, Mrs. Wm Sawyers.
Wm. Spaulding has gone to Drain
He was not alone and looked very much
pleased about something.
E- w. Jov
... .. . , . , " " - uu.ui.UlCU .
Co mpasy Gentlemen :
I hava
t ,r1?ncF trouble for two or three
.'JSH' Wt P In the nVhtto
,7n. e rom ten to fifteen times. My
i1. .w..dHntbea' I became TcrV tbii
I have taken "P, ZSe2tiS?"-
pounds. Sleep weST STfTtoSttS, about
&Vm? durin nI"ht. and am vc Sueh
better in everv mimii win it ..i:
Q ,
JOY'S FOR THE JADED. . auJatloa '-'
Board of-EquaHzatlon Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the Board
of Equalization of Douglas county, Ore
gon, will meet in the office of the county
couit, of said county, in the court house
in the city of Rosebnrg, Oregon, on Mon
day, the 26th day of August, 1805, and
will continue in session nntil Saturday,
August 31, 1895, to publicly examine the
assessment rolls and correct all errors in
valuation, description or qualities of
land, lots or other property. Now,
therefore, all partiea who may be ag
grieved by reason of valuation, descrip
tion, or otherwise, as to their assess
ment, will lake notice of the meeting of
said Board of Equalization at
said time aud place and make
due complaint to said Board of Equaliza
tion, otherwise their assessment will
stand as made by the Assessor.
J. A. Sterling,
Assessor for Douglas county.
The Best Wheel.
The Columbia bicycle leads them all.
All that human ingeauily can do to make
a bicycle lwrfect is represented in the
Columbia. Wayno Jones is the Rose
bnrg agent for this famous wheel, and
will take pleasure in showing and ex
plaining its many merits. II you want
the best who-1 for your money, call on
Wayne Jones.
A Sample Package (4 to 7 doses) al
Dr. Pierce's k.
Pleasant Pellets
To any one sending- name end addrta to
uj oh a postal card.
s cnuing- mem. out
Hence, our obj'ecl
TheyahsolutelycargSick Headache. Bil
iousness, Constipation. Coated Tongue, Poor
Appetite. Dyspepsia and kindred derange
ments of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels.
Don't accept some substitute said to be
"just asgood."
77ie substitute costs the dealer less.
costs yea ABOUT the same
HIS profit is in the "just es good."
Address for Free Sampie,
World's Dispeosary Medical AssBcfatfoa,
No. 663 Mala St, BUFFALO. K Y.
Will Last 100 Years.
iRpmimW i-W fot r
-""- uui iu-
stead of some time when pay
ing a dental bill. Twenty
five cents a year spent keep-
ing the teetlx clean wil1 keeP
them sond as long as you'll
need them. Be particular
"what you use though. Some
things go too deep and tn-
i jure the enamel. Our Super
fine Tooth Powder is iust
right in every way. Delight
ful to use. Cleansesnd
polishes the frergj.
strengthens the gVVe
give double the usual quan
tity for 25c.
f ' A i sflsfllssssssssssK
Hamilton's Pharmacy,