Toy's i Tor Hie Jaded and Goefl Hcallh for all Naaklad. JOt'S VEGETABLE SHRSAPAEILLA. f-itiaefcmn beibi, nnd eontaius no niacrnl drugs or deadly pois en. Joy's Vegetable BarsaparilUi robs the Hood of Ml Its impuri ties, nnd courses all these lapuri- ties through natarc'sown proper Chan nets. Joy's Vegetable Sraprllla cures Dys- Sepilt, h roslc r.lver Complaints and Kidney Affections. Joj'sTcjfctaHo harsaparllia prevents tired fcel ""js, stagRtxinsr sen sations, palpitalicm I of heaxL rush, of uoodto the head.' dizziness, tinging in ears, spe4skiare the eyw, fceadadte, bil-l lousncccash patron of ISowcIs, pains in tongQo coated, fool breath, jiimplea on facfijbodjr and limb, I dedtneomerva force dinr spoils, faint i spelk. cold. dkramT feet and hands, sour I luljs wugucj in somnia, and all dis ( cases oft lie stomach, I liver and kidneys, c I ClT3 Vegetable Sr--. partus is sold by all dm-cists. Kefuse a sahslitute. When you pay for the best see Uut you get the best. BRIEF MENTION. from "Wednesday "s Daily. Cay yoar cigars at Uie Roseleaf. John Long of Cleveland is in the city today. Boa. Jolmllall of Myrtle Creek is in the city today. Dr. Him j-. Little, Oakland's dentist, was here yesterday. Her-. W. G, MiUer.oI, Ddlard came down to the city today. Rev. W. G. Miller oi Dillaid camo down lo tha'cilytodjy." " A!. Dear from Oakland was in the city yesterday on business. Obe RaiVcr of Oak aeek came down to the city today on bjxsiucss. Quite a number oi oar citizens will spend the Fonrth at Boswell S "rings. Uou. John Hall, ex-commissioner of Bond as county, of Myrtle Creek is upon our streets today. X. E. Briit of Newburg, agent for the examination nnd adjustment of railroad land claims is in the city. Wanted, a situation to do chamber work; or general work in a small family. Address Hattie Thrash, Ten Mile. Tie celebrated ! panorama of scenes from the bible, is in the city and will bt, on exhibition Sunday and Monday night. Druggist ear that their sales of Hood's Sarsjpariila exceed those of all others. There is no substitute for Hood's. .Louie bar.di'X came in Irom Lie mine last night. Mr. Sandoz recently sold his mine, but will superintend the work for some time. Karl's Cover Hoot, the great Blood purifier gives freshness and 'clearness lo the Complexion and cures Constipation, 23rts., SOcts., tl.OO. County court convened today. The bonorablesC. II. Manpin and W. L. Wilson commisioners in their -heats and J adze Stearns presiding. Scilch's Cure is sold on a guarantee. It cures Incipient (consumption. U is the best Cough Care. Only one cent a dose, 25cls.,50ds., and 1.00. Dr. W. W. Wilds optician, ot San Francisco is stopping at the Mcdallen House. Call and see him Eyes ex amined and tested free of charge. When the hair begins to fall oat or lam gray, the scalp needs doctoring, and we know of no better speciSc Uian Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Kenewer. Mr. Winston, head of the i'inkerton detective agency of Portland, left here to day on a itcia! for the Ecenes of the train robbery last Monday night, actio in conjunction with Sheriff Cathcart's posse. The company is doing all in its power lo bring these robbers to justice. It is hoped thai success will crown their efforts. Last Monday evening Umpma Chap ter K. A. 31., had a gay old time, exalt ing to the Koyal Arch degree three worthy brothers on their way lo Jeru salem seeking work without fee or hope of leward. They were workmen who had been assisting to rebuild the temple of King Solomon, and were royally enter tained by their companions here. With celebrations at Boswell Springs, Millwood, Roseburg, Myrtle Creek and Canyonvilie, the tralriotic small boy and the citizens of the connty generally, ought to be satitlitd, and doubtless are. Let the American eagle bird soar autH scream, and let the racket created by the anvil and the firecracker subside not from early dawn 'til close of day on the glorious Fourth. A good audience urceted the contest ants for a silver medal. The class was composed of Amala Smith, Ruby Bailey, Lutie Sacrv, Clyde Faulkner, Edgar and Elvin Crnlchfield, They acqutled them selves admirably. The judges were 3Ire. 31. F. Rapp, i'rof. J. A. Underwood and Dr. Buekner, who awarded the honor . lo Jliss Auiata Smith. The medal was presented with a very appropriate ad dress by Maud Annes, the vice president of the Loyal Temperance Legion. Each contestant received a beautiful bouquet. Appreciation. Wjiebeas, The iwistor of the Firel Christian church of Roseburg, Rev. C. A. Stine, is about lo make his1 homo in Ashland, Oregon. And Wheixeas, He has been a valued companion and co-worker in this fiefd, therefor, JUt'Jced, That we part with Bro. Stino with regret and bespeak for him in his new field, that high appreciation in which he has been held in his associa tion with members of the Roseburg Min iElerial Union. Signed. G, N. Axsks, Pres. B, B. DiLWOKiii, Secy. LITTLE LOCALS. From Tuesday's Daily. F. W. Jordan of Dillard is registered at the VnnHouten. Don't forget the races on the Fourth. At the Fair Ground. W. T. Crcason nnd Charles Rice nro registered at the Central. 31. Tipton of Oak Creek is registered at the Central Hotel to-day. J. A. Sterling, our irrepressible as sessor, is on duty again. Mrs. C. A. Sehlbrede wan visiting friends at Oakland Saturday, James Chamtarlin and James Byron of Olal la nro in the city to-day. 3Irs. Burnett and sister of Yoncalla, are at the " an Houten to-day. Dr. Henry Little, tlio Oakland dentist, is registered at the Van Houten. Mrs. Larowe and daughter og Myrtlo Creek, are registered at the Central. C. W.Cottam of Oakland, Cnl., was a passenger on the held-up overland last night. G. W. Wuniiecott, ost muster of 3fyrtle Creek, is registered at the Van Houten. The installation of officers of Fhile- tarian Lodge, No. 8, I. O. O. F., next Saturday night. R. Remington, Ester Davidson and Mrs. Stewart of Comstock are registered at the Central Hotel. A social dance will bs given at the armory on the night of Jnly 4th. Music by the Roseburg orchestra. The diplomas for the graduates of the Roseburg public school at the last term liave. been received and ready for ap plicants. Call at this office. At the an nual election of the firemen Monday night H. T. McClallen was elected chief engineer for the ensuing year and James Perry assistant engineer. James McCarty on Stevens St., takes tbo cake for huge potatoes and plenty in the hills. Twenty-six large potatoes from one vine is pretty good. None as yet brought to market equals them. R. W. Benjamin returned from Myrtle Point Sunday evening where he had tarried for a month to practice dentistry. The molars of the people in that vicin ity sometimes need pulling, out the pull of their purse is lighte. 3Iarried Pentler-Nichols. At the Court House, by his honor. Judge Stearns, Tuesday, July 2r 1895, A. T. rentier and 3Irs. Prudence .Nichols, all of Yoncalla. The bride was kissed of course by all present, clerks and nil, and lest wishes extended for her eon tinned happiness. W. C. Sanderson, p. in. has a very in teresting article in the National Tribune this week, descriptive of the great re sources of South Douglas. 'and oppor tunities afforded home seekers. Tbi will be the means of attracting a great many people to this part of Oregon. Riddle Enterprise. Deputy Sheriff Shambrook, A. O. Rose, Claude Cannon and several others left here this morning for the scene of the late train robberv. Nothing has vet been heaoj from them, but doubt lew they have, with the assistance of the citizens of the south end of the county, captured or killed the robbers by this time. Geo. W. Wonacott's water wheel, erected in the South Umpiiia river be tween this place and 3Iyrtle Creek for the purpose of hoisting water on mining grounds, is running-ami is said to work like a charm for mining operations on & limited scale. The boys, Ed and Will Wonacott, cleaned up an average of live dollars a day last week. Riddle Enter. prise. The South Ends and the Centrals played ball Monday, and respectively ran up a score 16 and 31. TEe Centrals are happy and tbo South Ends corres pondingly despondent, but willing lo try conclusions again. Tbo players are as follows: Centrals Pitchford, Farqnar, Boyd, McCarthy, While, Josephson, Wright, Dunn and Marian. South Ends Ren fro, Radabangh, Burtis, Faulkner, Chapman, Cbecseman, Josephson, Eccleeton and Hamell. The Chicago Tailor, 31illiken and Wim berly go to Whistler's bend on the North Gmpqua tomorrow to camp, bunt, nsn and rustic to lor a month, more or less. Good bye gents, don't forget the flag on the Fourth. It won't do to let your patriotism ooze away while cut off from civilization. Of coarse yon will throw the banner to the breeze and sing Hail Columbia or the Stars Spangled Banner, with Brother Wimberly, chap lain; Toby, chorister; and Milliken, color bearer. Won't that be gay? On the 10th day of this month our cor respondent and reporter will be 74 years of age, and we will wager a brass band against an elephant, than he can outrun any one in Douglas county within four years of his age, one mile and repeat, the best three in fire. The race lo come off on the anniversary day of hifl birth, and Charley Fisher of the Review to hold the stakes. Now, gentlemen, here is a chance to start a circus with a little agility, and a wholesome expansion of the lungs. Professor J. "W. Nogel, theeye special iet of Salem, Or., has finally ljeeu in duced to come to Roseburg, and will lw here Saturday, the 0th of July, and re main until the 20th. The professor comes highly recommended e an eye specialist. ' In speaking of him the Lelmnon Express says : "The professor filled quite a number of prominent citizens while he was here with glasses and treated quite a number of tuple's eves. His work lias given good satis faction, and when he returns he will re ceive a great deal more worjc man on this occasion. The professor can Ixj seen at the Van Houten. One taking observation Saturday eve ning, would hare thought that a bicycle tournament was in progress in Roseburg. Men, women and children glided by with the rapidity of a whirlwhlnd. It was dazzling to the eye, and at times ex cited visible emotions. At one time it was in doubt which was the bicycle, and which was on top. there was such a rev olution of legs and wheels that one was at a Iocs to distinguish rider from bike, We would suggest that the one becom ing so entangled in the mechanical con trivance she was trying to propel and ride, give an exposition of her athletic acquirements at some lime In the near Marc, and wo will guaranteo a fall 10 cent attendance. S. BUSINESS LOCLAS. A Saknian, tho reliable jeweler. J. T. Bryan, the Busy Watchmaker. See the Novelty's new advertisement. L. Bel6l8, watchmaker, Roseburg, Ore. Go to the Rosoloaf for tho bost cigars Complcto lino of cultlory at Salzmnn's. All packago coffee at Allison's goes for So cents. For first-class dentistry go to Dr. Littlo of Oakland. Get Salzman's latest price on granito and tinware. Ice cream and ico cream coda at the Kandy Kitchen. Prices on wall paer are just right at Marstcrs' drug store . Key West, imported and domestic cigars at the Rosoloaf. ' Alabastino, kalsomino and whito wash at Marstcrs' drug store. If you don't see what you want i ek for it at Marstcrs' drug store. Ico cream m ado for pnrtioa on bliort notice at Nieco's candy lactory. Myrtlo Creek flour, only 80 eonU iwr sack. Delivered free. A. C. Hoxir. Don't eat slalo candies. You can Duy it fresh and good just as cheap at Nieces'. Salztnan sells his goods for cash. Buy of him and you pay for no bad nccouutB. Society or family parties can get ico cream aud candies iu any quantities at Nieces'. s Royal Roso aud Myrtle Creek flour at Johnston Grocery, delivered freo of charge You gel a No. 1 broom at Allison's for 25c, 35c and 45c. Try them and bo con vinced. For good substantial bluckmuitbittg cheap, go to 3IcKinucy & Mauuing, Oakland. t - -Sea now line oi mons," boys"! and child ren's bals at Osburns. . Next door to Ke view office. 15 pounds of granulated sugar aud '.lb pounds of extra C for $1.00 at Allison's. Delivered free. Ready mixed paiuls in all shades as d colors, aud any size packages at Mas ters' drug store. Get your coffees and T'a at Allison's grocery, tno best is always the cheap est. Try them. Jack Abraham is in receipt of a choii-o line of balbriggan underwear just the thing for hot weather. Fresh candies niado daily aud equal to anything in the state, also ico cream in any quantities at Nieces'. Protect yourself against cold aud pneu monia by wearing a chest protector. Fine ones at Musters' drug More. Now is the time to spray your fruit trees. Lime, sulphur aud blue vitriol for that purpose at Marstcs' drug store. Jack Abraham still cairies a complete stock of men's aud bos' furnishing at lowest cash prices don't you. forget it. Bring your job wort to the Vlainueal eb office. Wo are prepared to do tbo cheapest and beat work south of Port land. Jack Abraham has acceded tho agency ol Ncander, Pershing & Co.. . for taking orders for tailor made suits clothing. Dr. F. W. Haynes has just returned from the East and opened dental parlors Mark's btrilding, where ho uill bo pleased to welcome arsons drsiriug den tal work. Urn on tne J. U. rioot tx. lor prices on their up to date berry crates. Made of sugar pine, neat and durable. Just the thing to get your berries to market in first-class condition. Bicycles. One thousand dollars invested in Crescent Bicycles direct from the West ern Wheel Works of Chicago, eight wheels wero sold and all are giving the best satisfaction. This factory is turning out 300 bicycles per day and arc 1,000 short on Coast orders. They aro fur nishing ns with four wheels per week until they get caught up with their orders. In 1SU4 this factory turned out 50,000 wheels. Since then they have in creased their capacity to 75,000. They belong to no trust or combine. They ship no wheels to any one on consign ment. All wheels are sold outright be fore Ihey leave tho factory. The Crescent wheels need no recommendatiou. They sell on their merits and are fully war ranted for twelve months. Call aud sec our Gent's Special, 25 iwinds, price $50; Crescent No. 1,23 pounds, $75; Ladies' Crescent No. 5, 24 pounds, $50; Ladies' No. 4, 22 pounds, $75. Cash or on in stallment. Cable & Ricii.iuubO.v. Established in Roseburg 15 Years We aro prepared lo do your work at hard times prices. Wc make a specially of graining, sign and carriage itaiuting. Do you needi-our Buggy Paiuted? Do you need your Parlor Decorated? Do you need your Dining Room Grained? Do you need your Kitchen Painted, Kalsomined or Papered? 11 eo, can on loiies ft uonioti, who are ready (o do it for $2.50 and upwards, according to class of work required. Wo refer yon lo our work which speaks fjr itself. We are neither stran gers or scabs but first class Practical 3fechanics. Can bo found at A. C. Martters' diug store atBny time. Final Call. All persons are hereby notified lo make immediate settlement .of their in debtedness lo tho lato firm of S. Marks A Co. ; otherwise tho samo will bo placed in hands for collection. Pleaso givo this call prompt attention and thuB avoid ad ditional coots. Aeiibu Maiikh, Administrator of Estate of S. Marks & Co. Bicycles. The Cresent is taking tho lead for strength and spced,clling like hot cakes Hie Cresent is tho only high grado wheel that is selling for reasonable prices. Caiile & Riciuhdso.v, Roseburg, Or, Special Offer. Six choice building lots in Fruitvnle addition, 50x100 feet. Price $20 each. D. S. K. Bcick. The U. S. Gov't Reports show Royal Baking Powdci superior to alt others,. TRAIN ROBBRERY. Highwaymen Hold Up and Go Through the North-Bound Overland. From Tuesdays Dally. As the overland nothbound passen- iir mini down Cnw creek cnilVOIl last nicht. hist before entering tho open country, about 10:20, 5 miles south of Riddle, tho train was held up by trcc robbers by placing bombs on the track, Tho bombs did no very considerable damago to tho engine, but .sufficient to dieablo it and stop tho tram. Tho roblcrs also disabled tho head- light by putting two shots through the front glass. They then coiniK-Hed the I employes, Al Aorman, brakesman; Jap. Waito engineer and Ev. Gray, lire- man, to aid them in relieving tho pas- gers qf their cash. Of ono passenger, it is reported, they got $400, of another fW, of the rest of tho passengers the amounts I were small and not reported. Tint mltluini nlcn wmit. t! mmidi tho mails takine the registered mails ol Portland. Tacoma and Seattle. What they got from that is unknown al present. Immediately upon stopping tho train one robl)er on eaclj side of tho ears with guns passed along on the outside, while the third, with revolverin hand, entered the ear with the trainmen before him whom ho compelled to request the pas- H;iigera to throw up their hands ami await his further orders. If they coiri- plied they were promised no harm fhould happen them, but if they re- eisted their time would Ihj short. This admonition was strictlv olieved, said 311'Wira. Frank Platner mid Washington 3Ioore, two of the interviewed Jpassen- gers. Ever.' few minutes during the process of relieving tho passengers of their money by the man inside, those on the outside exploded bombs which struck terror into all on the inside. Thev were of relieving the' passengers of their money and going through the mail. The sheriff of Klamath county, A. A. ritch, was on iKxirti with two con. victs for the pen. He was relieved, of; his gun and what money he had. While tho robbery was going on many strange phases of character wero exhib ited. Sotno trembling with intense fear. while others were quite cool and collec ted, but realizing their helpless condition they quietly submitted. A few wero sufficiently cool and collected as to to crete a portion of their money, krepiug some lo readily and unhesitatingly hand s.ut to the robber nhen demanded. One thus raved five dollars in silver which he slipped into his shoe and gave the robber ninety dollars in gold. Had ho had the presence of mind he ought to have bad, he could have saved tbo gold. A newly married pair was ol-tervetl holding up their hands quaking with fear long after the robK-rs left the car. While it was a lHld.and.dastardly affair J the robK'rs exhibited some redeeming traits, nomen and children were un- molested and men who appeared to le workiiigmen were allowed to keep their money. I The conductor evaded them by lock- ing himself up in the water closet, and thus saved a severe shock to his nerves and a considerable amount of- money. Discretion in this case was the better part of valor. Wash. 3loore, well known in Itose- burg, who was a passenger in the smok ing car, getting on at West Fork, only a few miles from the holdup, says: The first intimation we had that anvthing was wrong was a terrific ex- losion at the rear of tne train, quickly followed bv other explosions. Some thought, at first, that it was torpedoes placet on the track hv the track walker to give warning of danger ahead, but I knew better. Torpedoes would le ex ploded by the engine and could scarcely heard where we were. 1 told some ot the 1 ova it was a hold up, and in n lew moments alter the train stopped we were all thoroughly convinced that such was thecal, and when the command came hands up, you liet all hands went up. I had thrown a few dollars in among the lvanuts and oranges and held two-and-a-half 111 my uplifted hands ready to lork over, but the robt-cr ou lookiii4itniy clothes concluded that I did not liave much, and told me he lidn't want uiv nionev. All the time the robber was going through the car, two men with guns could le seen through the windows1, one on each aide of thu air pacing up and down beside it, keeping their guns K-aring on those inside, and every moment or two exploding bonibs. The inci'ie man, who Ktrawi iu ij nuin.i rushing business, kept up a lively con- creation with the 1kvh while dumping their trold. silver, watches and other valuables into the two sacks provided for the occasion, one slung over each arm, remarked 011 entering the car that ' this is a hard combination," butnever thelets he proceeded to make the smooth guve," as he termed tho well dreswl portion of tlte-passengers, " shell out." 31 r. 3Ioore thinks there were at least hve men. concerned 111 the robK-ry, lough he caw but three. They held the train about two hours. Alwuthalf an hour was spent on the mail car iu going through the mail, and from half an hour to an hour with the tuwsengere. On leaving the train the trainmen were told to wait an hour" before going ahead, which order was obeyed. Tlio exnress car "was not robbed, tho combination of tho safe having bcon re moved before leaving San Francisco, Tho express messenger iolitely showed tho robber through tho car, and con vinccd them that tho safo could not bo opened, and unlocked thti express box for bis inspection. Thero woro no valu ablcs in it except a 'gold watch, tho robber tossed back. Afterwards ho repented of his liberality and returned and took it. One vounc follow, a t aeecuset. stuck i.: i.. irn :.i i.iMu,oi n,n iiuau u ui mo n.i.uipn iu ho could sco," but a gun iu the hands ol ono of tho outsido mnu was ,'pokod against his head and 011 bearing tho . 1.. if .1 .1 -... r - 1. luugic nuiua you u 11 eon 01 u keep your head inside,"' lio withdrew it so suddenly that he fai'ted lo make any important discovery. Tho flange of tho rivpit fronl vheel of the pilot was badly damaged by it bomb, and when tho train nrvoed forward idler tho robbery it had to move slowly and cautiously, to avoid derailing the cngino till it reached Riddlo, whero tho cngino was roverBcd lo Roseburg, for upon wire- to Roseburg for, an engine they wpro in formed that tiosui table engine wasjavail " 6ii trie streets today, tho hold up is the topic of convocation, and every othcr man liasVdozeii'o'r rnoro stori- to tell concornlni! the affair.. Quito u number i rin-HflnimrH aro now In the citv. and they, as well as the train men, tell in- terestlne Incidents of tbo robbery. All Lpo 0 u,0 remarkable coolness of the robbors,-which is partly accounted for by a r0mRfk made by an old lady ivho sat nenr tlio end of tho car while tho robbery was going ou. "Come In," she said, "you ncod not be afraid; thcro is no one in this car who will burKyou." In Alcmoriam. An old aud respected friend, James Dixon is now no moreen tho land ol tho living, yet now that ho has gone lo that bourne from whence none e'er return, his memory will bo fresh and green tn tho hearts of his many relatives -I a ( ami menus, wuo aro leu to mourn n their, bereavement. The subject ol our sketch was born in the town of Ovid, Seneca county, Now York, 1803. He lost a good and kind mother, in 1812, by death, Bo'at a, tender age he missed a mother's ca'ro. After this sad event he was bound as an apprentice to a Mr. Hodges, aud remained with him until he became bankrupt, then our friend was freo from his engagement, and had to make his own way in the world, His father, at that time, lived on a-farm in Indiana on the "New Purchase," near tho Wabash river. In 1818 himself aud and brother, rafted lumber from the Al leghany river to Louisville, Kentucky. After several years at the rafting busi ness and not being very successful, he worked for Colonel Redmond, for the meager Eum of $0.00 per month, for ono year Afterwards he remained on the farmstead in Indiana, and to change the monotony of a rural life, took flat-boats full of produce lo New Orleans. He was f?" 8!llU? ?! timo being in Indianua, where be bought SO acres of land, aud had ten chil Jren born to him iu that slate. After residing there for 10 years he removed to Mis souri, and remained there eight years, frum thence moved to Oregon, crossing tho plains with his three eldest childrou, arriving at Portland in November, 1851, suffering untold hardships on the route. He worked (or C. A F. Caruthers, also for tho lato Father Wilbur. Our late friend returned lo bis old home'iu Indi ana, arriving there in 1652; via. Pauama. Ho sold out his property and started back to Oregon, with a well rigged outfit being only four months euroute, whereas, on the former (rip it took over seven months to perform the journey. The dread cholera raged throughout the camps that year, and that disease and the exposure took off nearly V0.000 per sons of all ages. In tho autumn ol Ibo3 he settled on tb0 North Umpqua river, Douglas county, purchasing a farm of G40 acres from Wm. Rowland, of Kentucky, a famous hunter in his day, who alterwards settled on the Son h Fork otCoquille river. Ho lived on this place many happy years, toiling hard earlv and late, and to use bis own words; "I can say by the blessings of God I prospered under His supreme care with my family around mo until my dear wife died, and was called from hence by her Maker, and we were parted to meet no more on earth." His beloved wife died on March 10, IS7S, they having lived together flltyfour years, in peacelal happiness, and sne now sleeps her last sleep ncath Utnpqua's green turf beside her loved son, Thomas, who we regret to say was killed by the Indians near Stein's mountain On the same stream's green clad slope lies in terred his lamented brothei, Raphael, a pioneer, iu. Uixon was a thorougu Union man during the iate strife, and de voted to the principles ot the parly that held it together. His religious views were free from bigotry, tbo' leaniog lo warde'the doctrine of brotherly love in (ue cburch in Christ. He was a temper ate IMr8on m lIie mode of lile. honest in nj8 dealiugsand unfailing in true friend I gujp We rtwt to iv that our late and es- teemed friend died at Wilbur, Douglas cgrty, Or., June 21, lSUS, af tcr a linger- nims nf .-v.-nil montlis. at the patriarchal age "of nearly 02 "years, and was buried bv the side of his lamented wife near the North Uuqiqua river, KLttlY. In jiui glade they peacefully He V Shutout from earthly sight. But thou, O Cod, who reln'nt on liUh Hai Riven them Heavenly light. Wc botr eubminhcly to thy will. For thou art great above. We feel thou wilt thy word fulfill. And grant ut thy pure lote. A Feujow-Pioxeek." - k " . The World's Fair Tests showed do baking powder so pure or so great In leav ening power as th Royal. A Reverie. Curve her a statue, my baud, let u lit vr-her Out ot the marble that U whiter than snow; Then thall wc mltshcr black hair which Is bluer Than wingof the raven, than bloomof the floe. Paint her a picture, my heart, that is dutiful: 1-ct every Hue be a rounded as those; Then were there never a pigment eo lcauttlul Tomatch with her mouth but the heart ot a row. ing her a song, kiii! of mine, to delight her: Fashion It netcr Irom second-hand words. All have been sullied In services slighter," All save the nongs ut the angels and birds. W. U. T. iho organization ot a U . U. 1. U. was effected at this place last Sunday ant' the following officers elected for the en suing year: 3Ira. O.C. Feikert, presi dent; 3Ira. J. W. Gilmore, recording secretary; 3Irs. W. C. Conner, corrcs I ponding secretary; 3Irs. N. Cornutt I a treasurer. Meeting held every Thursday evening. Riddle Enterprise. CntnrrU. Joy cuMrASY iteiuicuiuii; 1 uavo just completed tho second liottle of your Vcgc tauio barKapaiuiR.- 1 navo nau vaiarru lor -years which aaccted my eyes, hearing aud stomach. Frequently would have dull head- aclio lor layg at n time, blnvo taking your remedy I have felt no diiagrccablo symptom. ono suffering frum auy ot tho nbovu symptoms to. bo bcnctlttcd. Kindly "send nro two more lrusnnir vou will uuuuan ill is as 1 waut anv bottles by return express. (Signed) Jill. FKEDEItICK DE KIUIIMOND, Seattle, Wash. Every mail brings n new batch of tcsttmon lals for Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparllla. What? Have you. 10 exchange for 000 acres grazing land In Gray county,-Kansas, a few miles southwest of Dodgo City Apply to L. H, h., PlaINPEAlek office. THE RECEPTION Tendered Hon. Dinger Hermann by the Citizens of Roseburg.. A grand oration waft tendered inr con gressnian, 1;. iierui-itm. i-ni.ty eve ning at thu court buns. At 8 o'clock the houbo began to lid with . ilizu-nn eager to embrace the o Hirluiit to m.t and heal- Mr. Hermann and congiatnluto him and welcome him home, Tho K. of P. band discoursed some of its choicest music. At 8:20 Mr. Hermann was ush ered into tho house escorted by a largo number of prominent citizens aud took seats inside tlio bar, IX K. K. Buick pre siding, who mado a few appropriate in troductory remarks. Several prominont citizens were intro duced to tho audienco who made brief addressos of welcomo to our distin guished fellow citizen, who has just re- ics jdBiis labor at the nation's capitol for'tlUiiisl ten years. We mention Hon. F. P. old acquaintance of Mr. Hermann, spoko eloquently In commendation of Mr. Her mann's labors in congress. Jud&e L. Laughary followed briefly but, pointedly to the efficiently labors of our returned congressman. A. bi. urawioni leiici- tioua. reforrcd to (ho appreciative judg ment of Oregonians who " kuow a good, thing when they get it aud try to hold on to it." That aphorism was a climax to his reference to Mr. Hermann's long and efficient work iu bchall of his con stituents. Hon. C A. ro referred lo tho fact that Mr. Hermann had received hiB nominations from first to last as tho unanimous choice of his party a pbaso of politics almost with out a parallel in tlio history 6f parties ...a. suwufcu. -u. iuo uuanimouH ueuumcui. ui an 111 ex tending Mr. Hermann a hearty welcome homo. Judge G. W. Riddlo briefly but heartily concurred in tho sentiments of Thurston, Gen. Lano, Nesmith aud others who wero prominent iu bringing Oregon into the union with its untold resources and natural advantages; of its mighty river, the Columbia; ot lite grand progress of the state from a howl ing wilderness a few years ago to be one of tho first states iu importance in the fuluro development of tho coast states. He mentioned the wonderful commerce both by sea and land which i.t passing lo mid from the state; that milli ms of feet of (umber aud shingles and tons of salmon aro shipped overland lo Dululh, thence down the lakm and canals to Atlantic cities. He also Bpoke eloquently of the great importance of the early construction of tho Nicaragua canal and that when completed it should be tinder tho control of tlio United States; that the stars and stripes should float over each terminus of that international water way. State or O1110, Cuv or Toledo, LCCAS WCSTV, 1 Frase J. Cllsrjtr mates oath that he U the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Ciiekky a Co., doing business la the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, anil that raid firm will pay the sum of USE HUNDRED DOL LARS lor each and every case of Cataeiui that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catabku Cube. FKANK J. CHENEY, faivora to before mq and subscribed in my presence ims but uay 01 ircccmocr, a. u., isx. Hi A. W. GLEASOX, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly on the blood amp rraicuus sur faces of the system.- Send for testimonials. irce. r. J. choey Oi cu., oieuo, u. Xw-aoiu oy uragstsie, 3C A Fine Hotel. The splendid new Depot hotel al Glen- uaic is now tne eating house" lor pas sengers on tho S. P. overland. It is the finest and best furnished house on the company's lino lelwcen Portland and San Francisco, and also sets the best table. Trains slop ample timo to enjoy a good meal, and Mrs. C. Clarke, the amiablo and obliging manager and pro prietor, will Bee that the wants of all guests aro provided for, supplying at all times the very best the market affords. Nervous Sliock. E. W. Jov CoxrASY Gentlemen. Thi is the first time I have attempted to write for three rears. Have been to nervous and weak that f have laid in bed for most of the time." A friend who hail taken Tour barsatarilla scut me two bottles. The second one is nil nc. and I have gained JD i-oiinu. aud surely eel a new woman. I was vale. thin, no am bition. Had given up, as 1 bad trlcu so many remedies and doctors, but found nobencIiL If you care to publish this yon have my ctinjcnt Alameda. Cl. Headache. Bll!iou?ucs and Torpid Livcr'dlb- appear wnen you use Joy egciaoic barca ptrllla. New Box Factor5'. The Enterprise has K-en how ling long and loud for the establishment of a lxix factory here in South Douglas county, and at last its howl has prevailed. Pickett A Overstreet, the Canyonvilie lumbermen, are putting iu machinery in connection with their saw mill for the purpose of niaimfreturing a first-class fruit box, and they should receive the patronage ol our irttit-growers to a num. Riddle Enterprise. KWucy, K. W. Joy Company tteutlenicn I have tilfli-rcl fnim 1-filllov Inilllill. ftir llvi. itr lhrro years. I would have to get up iu the night to - tUKl iu mini; Hum .in u miia.-ii tuuvn .-.' sleep was distnrbed. and 1 became cry thin ami nervous. .-o appeiiie; uoneis i-vmupaim. I.h l.kt-ii two liotll.-s and rained fifteen pounds. Sleep well. Have to get up .about three times durlug night, and am very rnucn hrlter In everv n-snect. Will continue In take your Vegetable b'ar&aparllla, for believe it will lUllillJ Jill. OIKllll.J .-in. tun .vrin ti. i-i.r..n-ii, Stockton, Cal. JOV'ri FOR THE JADED. JOY'S VEGETABLE SAJtSAPAKILLA. G. Sherman Easter, the Canyonvilie leweler. has invented what lie cans a "snore diverter." It is composed of a hood and a section of flexible pipe When the snorer grows utiK-arable the hood is low'eniover his head and the Eliore is colKitU'imi into tne ceuar. There hasn't be'eii n rat seeiuiii Canyon- vi Iu since the diverter -was put 111 operation, Riddle Enterprise. I'or Over Fllty Ycitra. Au Old aud Wclt-Tried Kcmedy. -Mrs. Win clow's Poothing Syrup has been used lor oci fifty years by millions of mother, for Uieir children while teething,' with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allnys ill naln. cures wind colic, and li the bc&t remedy for dlarrha'n. Is pleasant lo the taste 8old by Druggists In every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a liottle. Its value is Incul culablc. Be sure Rnd Rsk for Mrs. Wlnslow'i Soothing tiyrup, aud take uo other kind. To the Public. On and after this date, I wish it under stood that my terms foi all undertaker's goods are cash with tho order. 1 find it impossiblo to do business oil a credit basis, and bclivo thai I can do better my.patrous aud uiysolf by. soiling strictly for cash. P. Benedick, Undertaker. Roseburg, Or., April 12, 1805. m r- Dr. Price's Cream Baking- Powder Awarded Gold Medil Midwinter Fair. Sin r-rxneuco. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't, Report Rfy Powder ABSOWTCKV PURE CANYONVILLE. aro at work paintiuir Paintcis the Overland hotel . Dr. P. A. Harris is buildiug a new barn on his property. Canyonvilie can boast of tho liucst bicycle track in Southern, Oregon. Ed. Gillespie of Riddle paid his re spects to his beat girl at this place last Saturday. Thoa. Wilson, tlio merchant, is having a now sidewalk laid down in front of his residence B. A. Stewart is buildiug an addition to his house, north of town. 11. J. the stage between this place aud Kiddle and handles the ribbons to perfection. Deputy Sheriff Sbambrook arrested Andy Poole cf the "Bad Lands" last week, and" look him to Roseburg. Miss Jennie Duncan, daughter of Mrs. Stilly Riddle of Riddle visited this place, Monday. If you want to interest a man iu con versation, let him talk about himself. Geo. Puckett, one of Canyonville's BoUd citizens, was in Grants Pass this week, attending to business matters. Pickett A Uvcrstrcet, tbesaw mill men, will start a box factory iu connection with their mill in a few weoks. little girl came to stay with Mr. aud Mrs. Mark Briggs last week, aud will take up her residence with them perma nently. Kari Kimmel, ono of our most promi nent and enterprising buaiaess men con templates building a fine brick building at this place this fall. A warrant was Eworn out last week before the J. P. of this precinct by a miner named Campbell, for the arrest of a halfbreed Indian living on Coffee cieek, who had threatened his life. Constable Briggs, armed with the warrant and a "body guard", went after his man, but failed to apprehend him. The balfbrted had skipped to the Klamath reservation. A proposition is on foot at Canyonvilie lo establish a home for persons who ore suffering from an attack of gossipism The Riddle paper ha3 decided to give the proceeds of its next Christmas edition to the enterprise. A site has not yet been selected, but a submarine location about four hundred miles hoi lb" of the "Bad Lands" has been suggested. Kojiko. RIDDLE. Where will you celebrate the Fourth, is the question. - - Eruest Riddle 6 bindiug grain for J B. Riddle. A man by the name "of iluggins has been entcrtaiuiug us this week, with talks and panoramic scenes of the Holy Land. 3Irs. Owens of Califoiuia delivered an address lucsuay evening, on young peo ples' Christian endeavor work. Rev. Baldwin preached for us last Sun day. Miss Elaie 31ii!er and brother Elmer, from the mountain house, were visiting G. K. Quiue's family the lut of tbo week. Quite a parly of young eople went to the Nickel mines Suuday with a four horse team. They ale their dinner on the tppol old Piney and report a very coed time. Some of our citizens celebrate at Myrtle Creek, some at (Jauvutivilie, and quite a number will attend a picnic on Glen brook farm, about a mile from G. W, Riddle's icsideueo. Mrs. Freelaud Cornutt and children frum near Glendale, are visiting Noah Comutl's family this week. Mrs. Olive Green ami her little daugh ter, and Mrs. Gegax ot DuiiEuiuir, are visiting their parents here. Quite a commotion was rat-ed in tho town of Riddle Tuesday morning, oyer the hold up of the north l.-ouml oveiland at the mouth of the canyon. Several articles were found near the place of the robbery and it is bored ibey wilti be a clue to find the robbers. Mi?a Clara Riddle's school near Riddle, closed on the 2d. Slilley Riddle's family lire camped iu a tent and do their eootii.g 111 the apple house. He will build a boiiec in a short l time. - - .it- 1 . . Mrs. Ada L III uli, fctate orj jauizer of the a union at 1 u -p it ,na ..rv iniP.I - t'., lias organized this place with fifteen members. The ,. . . , , .... , . , , UlJlOll met last lhureday ami held all interesting meettug. Ihey will hold their next meeting July ltth. All mem bers are asked to attend. Exid. Dr, Price's? Cream Baking Powder Forty Years tho Standard. The Best Wheel. The Columbia bicycle leads them all, All that human iugo.iuity can do to mako a bicvclo perfect is represented in the Columbia. Wayne Jones is the Rose burg agent for this, famous wheel, and will take pleasure in showing and ex plaining its many merits. If you want the l3t who 1 for your money, call on Wayne Jones. Awarded HighestjHonors World's Fair, 'Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. DR by 'MMtPerfect Made.'. 40 Yean the Standard. HtH fttttttttttttTltttttttttB B4KING P0WD1R SEARCHING FOR THE ROBBERS. Superintendent Fields Quickly Gets a Move On. PoiiTLAsn, July 2. Superintendent Fields of tho S. P. Co. on being notified of the train robbery near Riddle lost no time in arranging to have parties go in rapid pursuit of tho robler8. Very soon after the hold-up two parties were on their way lo the scene. Superintendent Fields sent out the sheriff of Josephine county with five mon. Two of the men proceeded Btraight down the track, while three went along the old stage road. He also started out the deputy sheriff of Douglas county with three men. These wero placed on a special engine, which started for Roseburg and proceeded with all speed to Hie scene of tho robbery, reaching there about 7 o'clock this morn ing. Three detectives were also sent from Portland-, leaving on the 8:20 train. Other men left Roseburg with the deputy sheriff and his poose and all were ex pected to reach the scene at an early hour this morning. There are now not less than 20 men iu hot pursuit of the highwaymen. BIG CKW'ABD 01TEEED. This morning the following circular was issued, copies of which have been sunt all oyer the country : Poirriasn, Or., July 2, 1805. U. S. Marshals, sheriffs, constables, police and other officers : At 10:15 on the evening of July 1, 1805, the California north bound express, train No. 15, was stopped by robbers about eight miles south of Riddles, at the mouth of Cow creek can yon, Douglas county, Or. The mail car was robbed ot several packages of regis tered matter and a number ot passengers robbed of amounts varying from $5 lo $100. A gold-filled, hnnling case watch with a star 011 the back, bought from Do I5osky Bros., jewelers, Redding, Cal., was taken from Rev. D. L. Maiguarrie and $o hr gold coin; from Sheriff A. A. Fitch, of Klamath county, Or., a B cali ber Colts' revolver, blue steel barrel, black handle, and $20 in gold coin. It is supposed there were three men implicated, but only one man entered tbo cars, and is described as follows: From 5 .foot 11 inches to six feet in height, native born American, pleasant voice with a clear ring in it, light com plexion, light mustache, hair cnt close, light gray or blue 03 es, rather round shoulders, hands hard like a laboring man, weight about 170 i-ounds, high cheek bones, upper jaw projects over the lower one, bridge of nose swollen as though poisoned with oison oak, blue overall with jumper, light checkered vest or checkered cotton shirt, heavy stogy shoes, about number 8. The Southern Pacific Company will jay a reward of two thousand dollars ($2000) for the arrest and conviction of each of the robbers. R. KoznLER. Manager of Lines in Oregon. In addition to the abqvo reward there is a standing reward offered by Wells, JSargo & Co. of $300 for the arrest and conviction of every person robbing their treasure box. Tho government also offers a stauding reward for mail rob ners. 98 of all cases of consumption can, if taken fa the earlier stages of the disease, be cured. This may seem like a bold assertion to Lnose lamiiiar omy wiui inc mea feud ally in use for its treatment ; as, nasty cod liver oil and its filthy emulsions, extract of malt, whiskey, different preparations of hypophosphites and such like palliatives. Although by many believed to be incura ble, there is the evidence of hundreds of living witnesses to the fact that, in all its earlier stages, consumption is a curable disease. Not every case, but a large ttr cenlage of cases, and we believe.yii'A' percent, are cured by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, even after the disease has progressed so far as to induce repeated bleedings from the longs, severe lingerin? cough with copious expectoration (includ ing tobercnlar matter), great loss of flesh and extreme emaciation and weakness. Do von doubt that hundreds of such cases reported to us as cured by " Golden Med ical Discovery " were genuine cases of that dread and fatal disease ? You need not take our word for it. They have, in nearly every instance, been so pronounced by thebest and most experienced home physicians, who have no interest whatever in mis representing them, and who were often strongly prejudiced and advised against a trial of "Golden Medical Discovery," but who have been forced to confess that it surpasses, in curative power over this fatal malady, all other medicines with TT-ViirJi thrv are acauainted. Xastv cod- liver oil and its filthy "emulsions" and mixtures, had been tried in nearly an inese cases and had either utterly failed to bene fit, or had only seemed to benefit a little for a short time. Extract of malt, whiskey, and -various preparations of the hypophos phites had also been faithfully tried in vain. The photographs of a large number of those cured of consumption, bronchitis, lingering coughs, asthma, chronic nasal catarrh and kindred maladies, have bem skillfully reproduced in a book of 160 pages w'hich will be mailed to you, on re ceipt of address and six cents tn stamps. You can then write those cured and learn their experience. Address for Book, Wosld's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. El Dorado Castor Tlachine Oil 50 Cents A Gallon! Acknowledged lo be the best oil on the market. Also the best quality Lard Oil. We are headquarters for all kind of oils aud vou will make a mistake in not letting us keep you posted. Hamilton's Pharmacyij