The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, June 20, 1895, Image 2

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Subscription Rates:
One Year psyabls In advance 9a ea
Months, .. x eo
Months." so
Patience is often
only a form of
: -Ta Botae respects the whole world
-"''Sis a chesoat.
"Every day at thi season is a
day tor somebody.
The Enropean war clond has be
gun to hover again.
The only way to take time, easy is
to take it by the forelocks.
Kentucky promises a straight fight
between silver and gold.
' 'Nothing is so amusing to the mur
derer as our jnry system.
In Illinois, at any rate, Altgeld is a
bigger man than Groyer.
The best citizens aro those whom
the public schools are producing.
Enterprise is the sanshine that
puts a rainbow of promise on every
Although the oyster is not noted
as a sport, it keeps pretty close to
The New Woman wonld convince
us that there is no bifurcation of in
tellectual habiliments. Call.
As most of our desires are purely
artificial, it is unfair to complain of
the woman who pats rouge on her
Until the European powers learn
to agree with one another the Salt an
can hardly bo expected to agree with
any of them.
Perhaps Oscar Wilde consoles him
self on the treadmill with th9 reflec
tion that bo is tramping on Philis
tinism. CalL
One of the strongest proofs of re
turning prosperity is the fact that
the republicans have good prospects
of carrying Kentucky.
It is doubtful whether the discns-
Hon of the money question this year
will take the edge off the campaign
of 96 or sharpen it up.
There Is said to be a widespread
belief in Europe that France and
Russia have agreed to whip England
at the first opportunity.
lhe most unfortunate men are
thosa who will not be able to seek
the 3oaety of the Summer Girl at
the const or in the mountains.
The xevenne of the United States
continues to fall off under the YVfl
eon tariff act. President Cleveland
will be offering to sell another batch
of bonds soon.
Carlisle will not meet in debate
the free silver champion, W. J.
Bryan, evidently because his new
duties demands his attention, and
Bryan has nothing else to do but
The Florence West says: -It is
well understand that the Bosebnrg
PxiDDr.T.rTt is a party to the scheme
to defeat Hermann.' This is an
egregious 'mistake. The Plaixdeal
zb has not and will not enter into
any such scheme. The Plaixeealeh
knows, however, that the editor of
the West was in a scheme that did
defeat Mr. Hermann.
The proposed Coos Bay railroad
will connect the southwest coast
country with and make it a part of
Oregon. It is now a part of Cali-
. fornia in everything but name.
'Bosebnrg and Dooglas county need
the road, too. It will make that
beautiful metropolis of the Umpqua
valley a bustling city probably the
largest in the state south of Salem.
The English Hop Grower, news
paper says: Reports have come to
hand from all quarters, which need
not be quoted in detail as they are
very similar in matter. We may state
generally, howeyer. that the outlook
all around is satisfactory, that is as
far as the state of the plants are con
cerned. The warm weather caused
the vine to grow rapidly in all dis
tricts, thongh it has naturally been
checked by the last few cold days,
yet tying has engaged all the avail
able labor, and indeed in some parts
of the south it has been difficult to
procure sufficient hands for this pur
pose. Up to the present we have not
heard of any yards haying been at
tacked with aphis, but we learn that
some of the leading growers have
commenced washing on the old
principal that "a stitch in time saves
nine." On the other hand we are
told of yards being neglected, mainly
on account of the unsatisfactory oat
look in regard to prices and we no
tice the same report in respect to
some of the American gardens.
Sbonld this state of tbings conlinuo
good bops will bo scHwe in tho com
ing season and ba correspondingly
high in price.
The Florence West winces, It
sqnirms under the L'lainpealer's
imputation that it is u popnlist. Mr.
Alley says he ha never "voted or
workcl for any other parly bat, the
republican." That will do to "tell
the marine," He voted against
Senator Dolph the choice of the ma
jority in convention and tnns did
what ho could to break up the party.
He voted often, soomingly. for no
other purpose than to defeat tho
parly to which he boasts of hs loy
alty. As a precedent, should he
have the opportunity, by Mr. Her
mann getting the caucus nomination
for senator, he would voto against
him unless forsooth he should also be
Mr. Alley's first choice. The editor
of the West seems to base bis fealty
to party upon his individual prefer
ences for mens and measure?. If it
suits Brother Alley ho will stand in,
if not, he will kick Iilce a male.
The West charges the Puis
Dr.AT.irn with opposing Hon. Al. Iteed
for senator. The I'laixdeaixk wurked
for Mr. Itoed'a election to the.honso
in 1SSS and 1KX) for Senator. Better
post np a bit. Brother Alley.
This is the erandestand fairest
land that the Almighty ever permit
ted hia sun to shine upon. These
United States form the best govern
ment that God has ever vouchsafed
to mortal man. We are the most in
telligent and therefore the most en
lightened people on this green earth
We are the f reeist and happiest peo
pie that ever lived, and yet. if we be
lieved the stories and criticisms of
the populists, we would all emigrate
to Darkest Africa to escape from the
vilest oppression.
Recent telegraphic dispatches from
Washington to the effct that 'A. H.
Ricketts, attorney for California pro
testants against the issuing of pat
ents to railroad lands, has been nn
successful, are quite peculiar in view
of previous announcements that Mr.
Cleveland bad made special demon
Bt rat ion in the gentleman's favor.
Very likely old established rules wil
prevail, and the current of ad minis
tration affairs be disturbed only by
serious considerations.
Sniffing the rich aroma that is
emanating frcm the buda of prom
ise of democratic good times which
we are told is blooming east of the
Mississippi river, the Puuxdealer
has elevated its business nose to
catch the full odor when it arrives on
this coast, and has thrown to the
breeze its business venture a Daily.
lne !T.uMKJtLES proposes to nolp
make business for itself by showing
to advantage, other people's busi
We do not believe there is a word
of troth in the rumor that Culona
Hofer intends to resign the editorial
chair and enter the ministry. Bat if
it should be true, nil we have to say
is that the newspaper world would
lose a very good editor and the
church reBp a mighty poor minister,
But come to think of it, the Colone!
after all, knows a good deal about
the ways of the "devil' Post.
Washington, June 18. A second
decree has been received from Rome
concerning the obligation of Cath
ones to remain outside of the
Knights of Pythias organization.
stales tnat mere appears to be no
further reason why the decree of last
December sbonld not be made pnblic
in all dioceses, and all archbishops
and bishopd are accordingly directed
to promulgate the decree without
further delay. Wheu the decree
was first issued, the head of each
diocese was given two months
which to publish it, or else make
known to Rome in writing what spe
cial circumstances existed why publi
cation should be. deferred. Most of
these heads of dioceses have ioce
published the decree, bat as unoffi
cial information reached Rome tlat
some bishops had not yet acted, this
second decree was issued.
Victoria, B. C, June 18. At SL
Andrew's Roman Catholic, cathedral
yesterday Morning, a decree from
Rome in regard to the Knights of
Pythias, Odd Fellows and Sons of
Temperance was promulgated. It
declared that Catholics shall not join
the ordeis in question, but that those
who are in already may remain.
They are not, howeyer, to attend
meetings or assist in demonstrations.
It was added tbst farther statements
wonld later be made to those con
cerned in regard to confessionals.
New York, June 17. Liquidation
was the order of the day in grain.
Big blocks of wheat were thrown
oyer, resulting in a 3 cent break, of
which ljc were finally recovered.
Trade was actiye all day, with total
tianeactions of 23,510,000 bushels.
Bear points were thick, among the
most important being the report of
heavy Russian shipments for the
week, lower cables with considerable
foreign selling, and good rains West,
insuring better crops. The public
kept aloof today, which was another
discouragement to the balls. In the
afternoon, however, the market
braced np considerably on .talk of
too much rain and prospects of a wet
baryest in'tbe the Southwest, coupled
with an improved export demand.
Constantinople, .Tnne 18. The
Turkish government has made a
resit reply to tho note of the powers
outlining reforms insisted upon for
Armenia. The porto accepts the
principle of the proposed refornip,
but requests several points to be dis
cussed before any action is taken.
The Turkish government expresses
the hope that the saltan's Hovereigu
right may not be prejudiced. The
impression which prevails here is
that this last reply is tantamount to
a refusal, and it ia feared that the
powers will adopt more urgent meas
ures to enforce their demands. The
British Mediterranean squadron,
which arrived at Boy rout June 1, haa
sailed for Tripoli. Reinforcements
of Russian troops have been sent to
the Turkish frontier in tho vicinity
of Armenia in order to prevont tho
passage of marauders and supplies of
arms and ammnnition.
Havana, June 18. Maximo Gomez
has attacked Alta Gracia, burned tho
railroad station "and many other
houses. The garrison, consisting of
25 soldiers, made a heroic defense,
osing 5 killed and having 7 wounded
The sergeant who was in command
of the detachment has boon promoted
to the rank of lieutenaut for bravery.
Owing to unexpected events, Cap
tain-General Martinez de Campos
has reconsidered his decision and
proclaimed tho province of Puerta
Principle under martial law.
Colonel Cancellcas haa had several
engagements with the insurgents at
Phillipinas, Ueltas, Cost as Passo
and Songo dos Boca?, routing the in
surgents, who had several killed
Among tho dead was Colonel Evers
Tolugo. The Spanish commander
also captured a quantity of arms
and ammnnitiou. The troops had
one killed and 12 wounded. Dnriug
the night of Juno 15 and 16 the out
posts of the Spanish troops at Puerta
Principle were fired upon by the in
surirents. One soldier was killed
and one injured.
.Louisville, ivy., June Its. It is
still an open question as to who will
win the democratic nomination for
governor, but it is not an open qnes
tion what the democratic state con
vention will do about free silver.
Nearly one-half of the delegates se
lected are either instructed to vote
against free silver or are known to be
opposed to it. Many others friendly
to silver are individually, and as rep
resentatives of the conventions
which chose them, opposed to the
policy of making any declaration for
free silver in the Btate platform
Neither General P. Hardin nor Cass
ins II.-Clay has anything like enough
instructed votes to win on the first
ballot. There are 787 votes, and 440
are necessary to a choice. One bun
dred and fourteen cnt ol ii'j coun
ties gi7e Hardin for governor 261),
Clay 201, Alford 2. The nninstrnc
ted vote is 3Ci, and those not beard
from have only 13 votes.
Omaha, June 18. Cjty Treasurer
Henry Bolten, whose accounts are
under investigation by bis bondsmen,
has suddenly and mysteriously dis
appeared. Until the investigation is
completed nothing can be stated pos
itively as to the condition of his
office. He was under a bond of
?1, 000 ,000.
Springfield, III., Jane 18. Gov
ernor Altgeld today issued a call for
a special session of the general as
sembly to meet Jnne 25, to pass rev
enue laws to relieve the deficiency in
the state treasury, and to pass laws
regarding sleeping-car charges and
regarding justice courts in Chicago,
Kiel, Jane 29. There was a heavy
downfall of rain all this morning, and
for a time it seemed likely to jeopardize
the success of the fetes attend ins the
opening of the Baltic canal. Happily
the clouds cleared away and a brilliant
sanshine accompanied by a pleasant
breeze followed. As a result the streets
were alive with people, and everywhere
the greatest animation prevailed. Many
streets are decorated with triumphal
arches, and with greeting to the emperor,
the whole city presents a strikingly effec
tive appearance. Flags of all nations
were hoisted aloog the Alsterat noon
and sentries, at the doors of the principal
hotels, to guard the imperial guests
Naturally the chief center of attraction
was the seaport, where the display of
warships attracted' many thousand spec
tatore. Those of the United States, Great
Britain, Italy and Austria, were especially
admired. At 8 a. m. the war vessels of
14 nations were represented and hoisted
their flags to strains of anthems of their
respective countries. Official in trod uc
ttons of foreign admirals and command
era to the port captain and ttie military
commandant of Kiel, occurred on the
Mars and concluded with an official in
tercbange of visits. Tho Mars hoisted
the flag of Admiral Knorr, who subse
quently, accompanied by his command
ers, visited the foreign squadrons, and
many officers of various nations started
for Hamburg to meet the emperor.
Dallas, Tex., June 10. Dan Stewart
wno uas returned irom ew York, says
everything has been arranged for the
Corbett-Eilzsimmons fight. Fitzsim
monshas put up the last installment of
his mouey. It is possible he will train
at Galveston a portion of the time, a few
weeks before the battle, to come to
Dallas. Corbett will train at Asbury
Park up to about the 10th of October, and
then come to Terrell, 40 miles east of
As to the amphitheater, Stewart said
it would be located within 100 yards of
the west or main gate of the fairgrounds
that it would be octaqonal in shape, 300
or 400 feet, and would have eight gates
and a seating capacity of 40,000,
He will reserve 500 of the seats for re
porters of American and British papers
and such representatives of the press of
fenrope as had proper credentials from
their papers.
"The general admission," he said,
"will be $10, the reseryed seals 20,
boxes with five chairs OO."
Havana, Juno 20. -Colonel Enrique
Moja, one of the leading men in Puerto
Principe, bna s opunjy jojucl ! revo
lutionists. Colonel Mola is a member of
one of the best families in tho province,
and Cubans regard his open accession to
tho cause as ol great importance, saying
ho will carry with, him a largo following.
Ho was very nctivo in the last revolu
tion, and was on the staff of Maximo
Gomez, who placed him at the head of
tho force in Puerto rnncipe. Ho has
been employed on a sugar plantation
since tho last war.
Arms for tho rebels have been success
fully landed on tho coast near Manza-
New Youk, June 19. The Pacific
Mail Steamship Company has filed a
petition with Judge Brown, of tho United
States district court, asking for exemp
tion from liability for all damage occa
sioned by the wreck of tho Colinm, und
offers to surrender to tho court for tho
banontof those having claims against
the company its interest in tho wrecked
essel and all freight money earned in
the lost fatal voyage. Samuel II. Ly
man was today appointed trustee to re
ceive tho transfer ol tho interest nnd
hold it for tho bonofit of creditors who
might prove claims. The court directed
an order commanding all persons claim
ing damages by reason of tho wreck to
present their claims to Commissioner
Thomas Alexander on or before October
1, next.
Nkw York, Juno 10. General Kulael
Qaezada, just from Florida und Now Or
leans, say6 that tho' prosj'ects for frco
Cuba were neyer so bright. Duspilo the
proclamation of President Cleveland,
sympathizers will continue to receivo
arms and enlist meu, and try (o find
means of getting them out of the country,
shipping them first probably to Mexico,
Denveii, Juno 10. A suit was insti
toted today in the United States circuit
court, by Thomas D. Kelley, of Galena,
III., for a sixth interest in tho Little
Johnny mioo at Lcadvillc, said to he
worth $50,000,000. Tho plaintiffs son,
J. Kelley, was one of tho original
patentees of Hit. Little Johnny. Ho
died at Lcadvillc in ISSti. It is claimed
that his heirs were induced by fraudulent
representations to sell his interest fur
M'Cook, Neb., Juno 19. Grasshoppers
have appeared in such quantities between
Eckley and Otis, a distance of '.'5 mile?,
as to cover the Burlington railroad track
and cause much trouble Tho engines
have been provided with elect brushes
with which to clear the track. At Yuma
Col., they have invaded the grain fields,
doing much damage. They seem to be
working their way southeasterly.
Memphis, June It). Passengets on (ho
Illinois Central report that an unknown
negro was lynched at Abbey villo, Miss.
last night for an attempted criminal as
saull on the wife of a section foreman
The negro was hanged to a telegraph
pole and riddled with bullets.
Memphis, June 19. A special to th
Scimitar from Abbeville states that the
negro lynched was Will Chandler, and
his intended victim was Mis Johues,
daughter of a prominent citizen, and not
the wife of a section hand.
Foar Wobth, June 19. Mrs. H. B
Babcock, a blood niece of the muHimilt
ionalress, Hetty Green, of New York, is
dangerously ill in this city. Her hue
band is also rcriopsh-ill, and the family's
relations have been advised of their true
conditions E. II. R, Green, president of
the Texas Midland railway, and a ccusiu
of Mrs. Babcock, has been appealed to
for aid. Her condition has excited con
siderable comment.
New Yobk, Jnne 19. Police Iu5jctor
EcLaughlin has been sentenced to two
years and six months' imprisonment in
Sing Sing. One week was allowed him
to settle np bis affairs. The police com
missioners last night reinstated Mc
Laughlin to bis rank in the police force,
from which the board dismissed him up
on the finding of the jnry that he was
guilty of extortion in that office.
Sr. Loi'i3, Mo., June 19. Ten prison
ers, four of them murderers, tunneled out
of the county jail at Popular 111 u IT, Mo.,
last night, and all but one arc etill at
Sax Jose, Cal.. June 13. The ther
mometer ranged 100 in the shade al uoon-i
today, tho highest joint in a year. As a
result fruit is ripening fast.
Sons and Daughters of Pioneers.
List Saturday a society of Sohaaml
daughters of Pioneers was organized in
Koseburg, the first of the kind organized
in the State. Now let all &Jns '.uml
daughters of pioneers send, in their
names to W. W. Canlwell, President of
the society, that they may lc enrolled
on the list of membership. S'cnd in
your names without delay, as their if a
probability that there will be meeting
called sometime this fall to jt-rfect the
organization, and have a time of con
gratulation with one another. "This
society being auxilliary to the society of
old pioneers, will le a means of per
petuating the memory of pioneers and
also of bringing out scenes and incidents
of pioneer life, which in the future may
prove interesting historical facts and
Pennsylvania Forest Hires.
BruDronD, Pa., June IS. The forest
fires in the vicinity of Kitcrsville and
Keil qua are now confined to a stretch
ofUuitory eight miles long and thrco
miies wide. Large embankments have
been thrown up about Keshuijua, and it
is believed that tho town is Bafc. Mil
lions of feet of logs and lumber havo been
destroyed and hundreds of acres ol stand
ing timber west of this city. The sky is
overhung by smoke, and tho fires appear
to be raging fn tho woods in Sugar Run
and Weedspoint.
K. W. Joy t'oxi-ANY ticiillcmcii I hae
tuBcrcJ (ram kidney trouble fur tun or three
years. I would have to cct up in the night to
Told ray urine froth ten to fifteen times. My
llccp was disturbed, ami I became very thin
and uorrous. Jo amietlto; bowels constltmtcd.
I have taken two Tiittles uud Ruined mteeii
pounds. Sleep well. Huvu to get up about
three times during night, and am Very much
better in every respect. Will continue to take
your Vegetable Sanuiparllla, for believe It will
entirely cure mc. (Signed.)
Stockton, Cal.
Wahiiinoton, Juno 18. Henry Smylht
United Slates minister to Hayti, is in
Washington on leave of absence from
his post. Mr. Smyth has been ill from
au attack of West Indian fever, but is re
cuperating. Baldness is either hereditary or caused
by sickness, mental exhaustion, wearing
tight-fitting hats, and oyer work and
trouble. Hall's Tlonowcr, will prevent it.
Hystom ol llcftued Torture That Kill In
Three Yean.
Though tho death penalty was praa
tically abolished in Belgium over 86
years ngo, tho punishment of those con
victed of capital crimes is so awful that
uono has yet boon able to endure it mora
thau thrco years. Another onrious tblni
is that littloBolgium until recently had
two pnblio executioners, while but one
was sufllciont for her vaster neighbor,
tranco Doibler, otherwise known ns
M. do Paris." Tho king of tho
Belgians rdcontly ordered tho retire
ment on n ponsion of 1837 francs of tho
"executor of high works" (as ho is
euphoniously tormod), who was sta
tioned at Liego. Tho oxooutionor at
Brussels still holds his plaoo.
Tho dntios of public oxecutioner in
Belgium aro singular, but not arduous.
Tho courts still continue to scntonco
malefactors to death, bnt tho guillotine
has boen roplacod by a scaffold on which
is posted a copy of tho sentence. Much
ccromony is observed In affixing this
documont. A troop of gondarraes, with
their imposing holmets plumed with
horsehair, is drawn np about tho place
of execution, which thov jrravoly coord
with sabers drawn, whilo tho red robed
executioner mounts tho steps, nails np
tho decreo of tho court and after a mo
iu out takes it down again.
But tho condemned, man might more
rnorcifnlly havo perished by tho ax or
ropo. Ho is placed in a dungeon bo
constructed that from tho moment he
enters it hovwill novcr hear the sound
of human voicos nor boo a living being.
His iood is passed through a sliding
panol in tho door of his colL
hot ono of theso prisoners has been
ablo to survivo this confinement more
than thrco years. Tho authorities have
striven in vain to prolong their lives by
varying their food as much us possible,
bnt thoso who aro moderately or lightly
nourished gradually wasto away, while
tboso who aro generously fed go mad
and dio raving maniacs. New York
A Time When Feminine Styles Were Pre
ferred by Men.
In point of fact, tho early medimval
mnn and woman looked as much alLko as
tho fin do sieclo wheelman and his hi
cyclo girl. Tako tho king and queen in
a pack of cards. They aro early media?
val. Notico tho surprising similarity
in their costumes tho same wide robes
and angular folds, tho same stained
gloss stiffness. Novices at cards may bo
excused for being at a loss sometimes,
at least nntil they have learned to look
for the king s beard.
Willi the wano of tho ago of chivalry
there camo a singular exaggeration In
tho toilet of men. They deliberately
imitated tho womon. They allowed
their hair to grow long, cultivated curls
by tho hot irons and ointments and ac
tually wore chaplcts, liko diadems, to
curb their flowing locks. In the texture
and color of their garments they showed
tho samo effeminacy, for they began to
ancct omnant reas ana nines ana to
wear costly trimmings and jewelry.
This, too, W03 tho ago of the sighing,
wailing lover, fainting at his mistress'
frown. Every knight who could write
or sing posed aa a minstrel and re
hearsed his love affairs. At every gath
ering of tho nobility thero was a child
ish prattlo of love, cloying and monoto
nous for very sweetness. Tho sexes
seemed to havo changed places. It was
tho lover who was a shy wallflower,
who bloshod and went about woeful
and woo worn from his secret passion.
As wo look over tho poems of tho min
neslngers, thoso hards of love, tho lady
s&nis always unapproachable, listening
with contemptuous mien to tho gentle'
man's geutlo advances. Whilo ho suc
cumbs to nervous exhaustion she goes
about her business perfectly healthy,
either indifferent or cruelly conscious of
her power. W. D. McCracken in LIp-
I'eoplo Who Vanish.
Among tho periodio waves which
striko our great centers there is none so
strange as that of mysterious disappear
auces. Snch a wave selects its victims
from all classes, ages. Men, women and
children aro impartially its prey. Some
times tho absentees return in a dazed
condition uuablo to tell of their where
abouts. Others present a mystery dark
er still, lor tnoy uover return nnd are
no moro heard of. Font play, u crazed
fever for wandering, premeditated
flight, aro called to account as causes.
but somoof theso mysteries have neither
apparent canso nor crrd. It is a queer
aud weird featuro of our modern life
that theso mysterious disappearances can
so easily tako place and their subjects
bo neither traced nor recovered in spite
of our crowded civilization. Bnt per
haps it is becauso of it. Baltimore
Tracked by lilts of Dog.
A wornau novelist told a funny story
the other day nban. tho numerous let
ters sha recoived'ffom.ambitious young
writers, asking her to put their works
on tho market. They would "gladly
give her a percentage of tho sale if she
only would." Among such letters was
ono from, n young lady who had chosen
a highly'Sramatic plot for her story, in
developing which tbe good young hero-
ino is carried off by tho wicked villain
They aro pursued by the good young
man. 1 ho good youngheroiuo had a pet
dog that followed Tier and snapped at
the villain's heels. Tho villain became
enraged and t-bot tho faithfnl brute.
Fragments of the little animal aro found
scattered all along tho road by the good
young man, who by tho assorted bits of
dog by tbo wnysido runs down tho vil
lain. Philadelphia Press.
lie Knew the Sei.
"How does Midgely get tho reputa
tion of boiug such an angel?'
"Oh, bo just looks unhappy and
speaks of his wife always in such high
terms that all tho other women are will
ing to swear sho's a tartar." New
York Recorder.
Pcmalc Highway Robber.
Sax Jowc, Cal., June l'J. Nora Belde
rain is in prison in tiiis city charged
with highway robbery. The woman
hired a horto and buggy from Louis
Pfau in this city and drove to Los Gatos
where fliu picked up two young men
They t-tartcd for Santa Cruz, and when
alKiut six miles on tho road a farmer bv
the iKinie of Hanger appeared on th
roai. as noon as jush lieUlerain saw
him she jumped out of the, buggy, and
whipping out a revolver, commande
him to throw up his liandn, whicl
Hanger did. Shu then went through
his pockets and secured 40 cents, all the
young fellow had.
can f it.vxcisco, Juno iu. rnreo in
spectors iu ttio local custom houso hay
been suspended for neglect of duty,
They aro William Casey, Jr., A. D. Mc
Donald nnd II. Cadoza. It is said other
snsponslons will follow.
Washington, June 16. Today's state
ment of the condition of the treasury
Bhows: Available cash balance, $183,
315,301. Gold reserve. $99,689,52!".
s Kut, Too ! a the
Nov Iy Stor .
Our Dollar Bulla In Children'"
Clothintf aro movltitt fast, ntul
the better grades aro not over-
looked, for our lino of Olilldrun'H witl
.... .
Youth's Clothing can not bo beat.
Don't We know that our goodH
Everybody (Dress Goods especially)
Come and prices aro n big temp-
At Once. tation to you, but if every
body came at ono timo wo
could not wait on them, so soma of you
cotno today, while the assortment is'atits
More (By Notions wo mean
New Things all thoso htlo ncccstnry
in or ornamental things
Notions. that co to raako up tho
toilet of woll-di eased wo
men) than it has evor been our pleasure
to show before. Numberless new kinks
of fashion are for your use.
There Is Comfort
We havo knit un
In Good
derwear for ladies)
and gents. They
are low ini. price,
and oualilv the best. Wo initmt also
mention a complete line of Hosiery.
There is money saving iiuthem for you.
What is the use of sewing
in warm weather when you
can get a nice waist for 50
cents and upward in price at tho Novelty
Store. Also ready - made wrappers,
cheaper than you can buy the goods.
Camping Season
And we are on
Is Here.
hand with a full
line of Tinware,
Cooking Utensils, etc., such as you will
need on an outing. The prices aro right,
and you will eay so.
DrnflfnMo 'Il.a( llio nlinvn in I
4 Thlnes money Bavins for
to Remember. you.
That a dime saved
these times is that much earned.
That our stock ia complete.
That the Novelty Store is in the Taylor
& Wilson block.
State or Onto, Crrr or Toledo,!
Lccas Cocstt, 1
Frank J. Chizuy mazes oath that he Is tbe
senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cueket fc
Co., doing business in tbe City of Toledo,
County and State aforesaid, and that said nrm
win tar mc sum ot um, uu.mihlu j.
T ARS fnr rkrh and crrrv case of C'aTABRII
that cannot be cured by the use of Haix'b I
-r ivt" , I'irL'vrv i
Sworn to before me and subscribed in my
presence this 6th day of December, A. v., lb.
I seal
Notary rublic.
Hall's Catarrh Cure in taken internally and
acts directly on the blood atnl mucuos snr-1
faces of the system. Send for testimonials, I
free. K. J. CHENEY Jfc CO., Toledo, O.
bold by Druggists, Toe
Notice is hereby given to the public
by the undersicned that I do not allow
dead animals to be buried on my prem
ises, at Rosebnrg, Oregon, or garbage
dumped thereon or sand or gravel taken
therefrom, unless tho party taking sand
or gravel first contract with me for the
right to so do.
Tresspassers will bo prosecuted ac-1
cording to law. Aaron Rose,
Boseburg, Oregon, March 17th, 1S91.
Tired Feeling
Means danger. It is a serious
condition and will lead to disas
trous results it it is not over
come at once. It is a sure sign
that the blood is Impoverished
and impure. Tho best remedy is
Which makes rich, healthy blood,
and thus gives strength and elas-.
ticlty to tho muscles, vigor to
the brain and health aQd-yjWitjv-to
every part ol -thofcftiri
Hood's Sarsaparilla positively
Makes thef
Weak .Strong
"1 suffered with tired feeling
and run down condition, and I was
generally out of order. I am now
taking my third bottle of Hood's
Sareaparilla and the tired feeling is
gone and I feel like a different
man. I recommend Hood's Sarsa-
Sirills to all who suffer as I (lid."
. Ft BldsZCKEB, Shaw, Oregon.
Only Hood's
fiOOd'S PUIS nkr.eMyine'fTpf5?
fij S
CD $
n & I
h JTi
t Si nl
5 P 3 a I a
I I 3 M
f 'tot
f A CD w jh 5
Tho Cleveland, OitUh tonmiltiii till
tho republican lungtlos WfiVefltf lbti$f; I
It is thought that It will b if6 idfjf&tt
convention held in tfio I'OUnlry- Mikilhtiifa$&kKx
national convention
GJR.O OldlC,
.o6 JacltHon Ht.,
Out-door fcouth I'.O.
f hoitc Teas, toilets,
Tobaccos and Cizars. J
And every Ihlnc ciscni
best Jlaruet Paid for Country' Produce.
Give Iilm a call nnd be ccaTtoCcd.
. A Sovereign Remedyfa-(pvghsi
coids.iaijnppe arJall Mtrecliorvs
cflhcThroat. Chest and Lungs.
Sold by A. C. Mar ters & Co.
W.L. Douglas
Over One Million People v. ear the
W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes
AH our shoes are equally satisfactory
They give the best value for the money.
They equal custom shoes in style and fit.
Th:ir wearing qualities are unsurpassed.
The prices ore uniform .-stamped on sole.
Fram to St saved over other makes.
It your ceiKr cmao: supply yoae an. told by
dealers everywhere,
Wanted, agent
to take exclusive sale for this vicinity
Write at once.
, An agreeable Laxstiro andKistvE Ttorc.
old bv DruggisLa or sent bvTcalL-5cflc
and llQQ per package. Saaplcatrec.
JSLV IllJr JoHbo Teeth aad Breath, 23c.
For sale ly M. F. Itapp. Druggist.
To tbe Ladies of F.oseburg:
Buy one of the Beveridge
And Take Lite Easy.
Suited to Families. Boarding Houses,
and Hotels.
Housekeeping Made Easy.
Gcu'l AjJCIlt,
At UotU au HouU.n. T.OSEBUKG.
MOJiAItCK-WJll mate the season at James
Dolan'a,8tabcs"aa JBrookside. Will be at V. A.
DaMotta'ff-staMesn Koscburjj every S aturda v.
I- J - ,
flrcenn. fnr ltinrl.-, lYinntr-
In tho matter of tha Et.Ute of Highlcv Free
man, deceased.
To William I- Freer.. an. Rausome Freeman,
James C. Freeman. John A. Freeman Elizabeth
Garrison, K. C. McCuIIoch. .William I- Free
man, Sarah C. Markliu, RuthJBklnncr, Highley
Wallace, Roberta Freeman, Metta Freeman,
tllzaocla trecman. iva A. Merman. Eva A.
Sherman, Elnora J. Sherman. Ella A. Sherman,
Lessis E. Sherman, the heirs at law and next
of kin. and all others interested. Greeting:
In the name of the State of Orccou: You
are hereby cited and required to appear in the
County Court of thcBtata of Oregon, for the
county ot uougias, in iae,iuu room tnereor,
I at Koseburg, in the County of Douglas, ou
Monday, tile ist ijay of Jnly, 1895,
at 10 o'clock iu the forenoon of that day, then
and there to show cause, if any there be,
why "an order of this Court should not be
made authorizing and directing the adminis
trator of said estate to iell all the real urou-
eii- uduuKius 10 taui i-muic ami ueMrriDcii as
follows, to witi Tho South half of the Dona
tion Land'Claim of John Freeman and Highlv
Frceman, his wife, being claim Xo. 49. in
townshii 'Js South, of Ramro 7 West. Willam
ette Meridian, in order to puv the costs and
expenses of administration of said estate.
Iunis cuauou is lounuetmpoii me petition of
the administrator of said estate, said petition
being now on file in this court.
W ituesi". the Hon. A. F. Stearns. Jud -c of th.
I County Court of the Stite ot" Oregon, for the
County oi Uouglaa. with the Seal of said Court
ainxcu in is :nu iwy ot April a. V., Ko.
F. W. BENSON, Clerk.
Administrator's Notiee.
VTOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned
-LN has been appointed administrator of the
estate of E. M. Bates, late of DoucIhs ponnt-
I Oregon, deceesed,. All persons having claims
against said estate aro hereby required to pre-
.iw ciiiki, ivm.uiu. i-iu.U IU 1111 OllVllie,
Douglas county, Oregon, duly verified, within
I six montns irom the date of this notice. All
persons indebted to said estate are requested to
mnkn ImmodlAtn trnvrntnit ti mi. t ..inn..
""'-' Administrator
Atiniinistrator's Notico.
that tha umlprslr-m.!
administrator oi the
Oregon, deceased. All ncrsnn. hT., ,.,Y';."
againstsam estate ra hereby required toi.rcsent
ino same to me atCanvonvUle. Donirln.
PJn.'lnlyyerlfl'Jd, within six mouths from
the date of thlsnotice. All Krson indebted to
uaicu uns zm nay ot Mav. isos.
Notico" la hereby given to all it
tcrr, that I htve arpolnte-1 D. W. Btoams of Cala.
pooia precinct Deputy Inspector ot Stk for raid
taiSSn'oT Wilbu;. and llal'Smiih'!
iZ:SZr'lm?SI?r '"'""nee, and others wil
taSwtu,"r " SPCCtta make ,belr
Hoseburff, May ith, 1SS7.
Inaptctor of Stack tsr Dqu?1m wutyS)r.
,i; tttbUti
tat. too
fl-rn'f 'hijrnfrony't lyauTt, jrii,i;iuiJ4
Plaintiffs. trjffor?oas a
i Ft fitnw ffi-a-y.
fttJ. V r.fteW steW rC-ntncotHLnrU'C,
titithhitKtttTid iMfxti. WnHirm'-s aboVe named1
stun- ihfc wMtaffff CTr aW,rt Jrfet?
to-lt 'tins Krartrr Jfowtay, tntr ry of
Aim j mi will nit rrorjw rrrnr tr rvp jsjr fn "t
upon tho MWwiM' rfe!b$1 pTtrarfc W-Trft,
A utrlp of lmnl iitTiil IJiMl sM-cf yrfr6T7Jfl
land claim of ltll n1 wli 1 ti ffirml
S3 anil SI In TowruhltiSr; Willi MRtnGWtii,
bclnja strip o chain wi'W tmitte wt orfh
fotithwcat quarter of tfeell'ri " It-
tlonal iontheam inrtrr, wn? nn m ki i,, jt.
4 and fl of Hr ctloti si lliaf lit" nnft ntf H rifw l
rt!onr.t.TownnllIliZ7Hotllhff HHttte ft WMf,
tlonal iontheniil ilnrlrf, blnif (ill ol Ifrf I' tfi
about ISS.TOacret iiiorfur mw utr itmiM
cast quarter of Bcctloti SI, TowMilj 77 frmti uf
Bangc 6 West, containing Vo acre of fnvl Wi
ln bcslnnlnr at a fcolHt 111 th pr,fjfh
Urnpnuariver 23.75 chain mtli am lA'tchaifti
cast of the section corner innt to Kcc!lnfl0,
15, and 16, Township 2M Houth. ill Httigit 6 Wesf,
thence Houth 88 degree Kant 1 1.15 chain, thtne
Souths degree West 11.15 chain to near Ifw
middle of tho South t'rapqua river, thenev
down tald stream to the plce of Winning
containing 10 acre of Inna more or lew; at
the right of way for a water ditch from His
above described land to section line mnnlnx
Kast and between? sections 3, 13 and 18 on
the best practicable route, also, btglnnlnst at a
point on the North boundary of Hectlon ?
Township 2S South, of Kange 0 West, at
point of intersection of said line on the West
side of the South Umpua river 4 chain East
of the quarter section corner, thence runplnx
West ' chains, thence South 4 chain arid Zt
links, thence Kast 0 chains to the Houth Ump
oua river, thence North along the West bank ol
said river to the place of beginning, containing
three and five-sixtha acres, and In the aggre
gate, containing two hundred and ninety-three
and (233 5-C) 6 acres of land more or less, and
beinz and lying in Douglas county, In the state
of Oegon, together with the tenements, here
ilitsmtnta and appurtenances thereunto b-
longing or in any wise appertaining; may M
fttrwlmed. and
e said premises ordered to be
sold and the proceeds
ecds thereof a
thereof aDDlied to tbe
payment of the debt secured by i
saia mortgage,
as follows, town
i.f Ti tho Yutrmpnt m toe costs ana (llsuurs-
metns of this suit, such foreclosure and sale.
2nd. To the payment of the tarn, of one hun
dred nnd twenty-five dollars (M25.00) as attor-
m coin.
sum of one tbou-
sixty and (1K.85)
&5-100 dollars principal and Interest to January
7th, 1S35, with interest thereon Irom said 7lh
day of January, ISO, at the rata ol 8 per cent
per annum lo me uam ui tutu pa.iucuk
4th. That if the amount realized from the
bald tale of said premises exceeds the amount
of such costs and disbursements, attorneys
fees and principal and interest and costs of
such sale, that such overplus be distributed
among said defendants as snail appear to said
court to be equitable and just.
This summons is published by order of Hon.
J. C. Fullerton. JaJse of said court, made at
chambers in the city of Kosebunr. Douglas
countv, Oregon, and dated April 2Gth, 1SD5.
Attorney for Plaintiffs.
Sheriff Sale.
Notiee of Sale of Heal Property for De
Iinqiient Taxes for the Year 1893.
tuc of a warrant duly issued out of and un
der the seal of the County Court of Douglas
County, State of Oregon, on 16th day of May,
ISM, and to mc directed and delivered, com
manding me to levy upon and mate sale of
the goods and chattels of the delinquent tax
payers named in the delinquent tax roll of said
countv for the year IS93 thereto attached, and if
none be found then upon the real property as
set forth and described In said delinquent tax
roll for 1S33, for said county, or so ranch as may
be sufficient to satis Iy the amount of delinquent
taxes charged thereon for 1KB, together with
the costs and expenses of making such sale
In pursuance thereof I have duly levied upon
the following described real property In said
county and state which said real property Is
owned, described and assessed as follows:
Beardsley. L. C. and wife, beg at a point 74
feet s from se corner of land conveyed
by Aarcn Rose and wife to Mrs. Steph
ens and now owned by Mary Lane,
thence s 71 feet, thence w 14S feet,
thence n 71 feet, thence s 15 feet to '
beg. also beg at sc corner of tract of
land conveyed by Aaron Rose and wife
to Mrs. Stephens, now owned by Mary
Lane, thence s 74 feet to nc corner of
land conveyed by A Rose and -wile tq
Ada Bemdsley, thence "w alons saia" -tract
Its feet, thence n 71 feet, thence
c lis feet to beg, t27s, r 6 w. JS2 15
And will on Tuesday, the :nd day of - July,
A. D.'iSo5, between the hours of 9 o'clock in
the forenoon and 4 o'clock in the aftemoqn.
to wit: At 1 o'clock in the afternoon sell at
public auction at the Court House door in Rose
burg, Douglas County, -Oregon, to the highest
bidder for cash in hand, all the above described
real property, or so much thereof as -will be
necessary to satisfy the amount of the delin
quent taxes charged therein for 'said Douglas
County, Oregon, for 1S33, and for the coats of
this sale.
Dated at Roscburg, Oregon, this 27th day of
Sheriff and Tax Collector lor
Douglas County, Oregon,
of Oregon, for Douglas County.
Nettie J. Kern, 1
vs. 5.
George E. Kern,
To George E. Kern, the above-named defend
In the name of the State nf (In-mn mn
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you In the above entitled
suit in the above-named Court, on or before
the first day of the next regular term of said
Court, to wit: The 2tth day ot June. 1S35.
And you will take notice that il you fall so
to appear and answer said complaint, for want
thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court
for the relief prayed for in said complaint,
which is a dissolution of the marriage contract,
now existing between yourself and the plain
tiff herein, and that the plaintiff be awarded
the care and custody of the three minor child
ren, me issue 01 your mamace with plaintiff,
i2 Y" .Vharles Kern and Lester Kern and
Walter Kern, and that nlalntiflr nnr.
costs aud disbursements herein.
This summons is published by order made at
chambers, at Roseburc. Douglas countv, Ore
pon, by Hon. ;j. C. Fullerton. Judge o"f said
Court, which said order is dated, Fcbruarr 3.
A. D., ISM. ira B. RIDDLE,
Aiiorney ior riatnun.
deceased1"18"" theEstate of John Schramm.
TT,S.hcirsat,,awaI"a lbe nt of kin, ol
nchramm,.- tea1' and to all persons
Greeting TD intcrest:J taid estate.
horJh5c'Jmieo ',he 6tae of Oreso"- You are
hereby cited and required to appear in the
count of Douglas, in the court room thereof, at
day, the bth day of Jul v, ISM, at 10 o'clock in
the forenoon of that dir. the'n aid thlre tS
Jbpw cause if any there be, why an order ot
d?wrt,hShou -1 ?Q.' maae authTrizanj
in?n Tffl?Ladm,inlstrator State, to
Esfat" ?iwit: prPrt' longing to sid
The southwest quarter of Section in
Sf tcWofaOrego,ns Situat0 in Douslas eoan'T.
This citation is iounded upon tho vcriHed
Kill10.1?; no7 ta m cou-rt, of John Von
wiVniS ""tnjstrator of said Estate.
.h.,ncs!" lS0 Uou- A- F. Stearns, Judge of
he County Court, of tho state of Oregonr lor
iuiuuy 01 June. A. D.. 1RK
F. W. BENSON, Clerk.
Executor's Sale of Real Property
r hV,ndc,rsis?5? ""-'""or of the Estate of M
K. Shupe by virtue of a decree, issued out of tho
nSiFon,t ot,Do8ta!" countyT State oi oret
??i?,wflU a and after Fridayauly 5th, lsat
sell at private sale, the follQwlns dSeribS.1
0. Younei ol Soo
aores heretofore sold to E.
containing 6l7.i7 acres.
au in T. Ut S.. R.5 w.
Dated this ith day of June. A. D., IMS.
li JON H. SHUPE) Exec-
thereof ihe t.liHf iff apfV wirte 6rrr hf
tho relief KfMflf'-r lhHttt fo-wM. 'frttf.M
NF" ,, And
Adminstratrix Notice.
N0?.., heby given that the under
of thni5i?,h&s-bJ:cn aPP0inted AdminisUtrix
iL lrQ Aneleathcrly, late oIiF
us county, Oregon, deecaed. vil r.erson
reuuh?HiC"?ms ""i1 iaid aute Sb Sby
deli tt0f i??-nt ,h,c sa!uo to 1110 at "7 raS
i.,iK0 u'"ou, Douglas county. Orecori
o "&ue22S&.wl,A,a tfe the date"
Sti Srw' AU .lrs'""3 iudebted to said
5,s'a'e are reoucsted to mote immediate pot
mnl t?.w, al saUl Place.
l1 -'av, ISO
v. a. fcauLBsaw;, Attorney. Bt""