The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, June 10, 1895, Image 1

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    ivKwrt ifrT-r-n -i" " " ' "I'm
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I TJde Plaindealer
The PlaMealer
fjou Dok't GettheNews.
fcbsL$URG, OREGON, MONDAJtTNB io, 1895.
Vol. XXVI.
No. 29.
rrm na-r.T'tn '507 TlUf' i'J ' :
WW! II I U 1 1 1 I I 3 I . "
"-faSBBaasa laaaaa 'Iftaaaa -V 3 laasaa; IHHHI F aaaaa A NJTIK Viaaaar i in ItMkW X H WM IKSM-YIHr- I ttX
JJ. H. Mitchell
i J. X. Dolph
K-rctary-ot Stale
(Rln per Hermann
W. K.
William r.Lonl
n. It. Klncatd
VbXl Metachan
Sort. ruh. Instruction .M. Irwin
.State rriutcr W. II. Leeds
Attorney ucncral C M. Idlcman
Member Board ol Equalisation-... C Woodcock
4 (F..
auprcincJudrc. C
ill S--j?' ' - R-
4 rr. A. Moore
it E. Wolverlon
IR.S. Bean
Railroad ConuulsUiHicrw...... iJ.- K-Tjiij
--' . A.-Mtcrom
Clerk of KKilrtHul Commission . LjdeH Bker
J. IL Fullttluu
R. a. Vcalch
..Thos. (jioton
benslur Hcnrr Bcckle;
- J. K. tfluadtU
ErrrcK-uUtiTcs . T.'Bridcw.
"Jcrl. . F. W. Benson
herltr- C. F. Clhcart
treasurer. V. A. Frster
8cbool Supcrindcil.
J. A. Undenrood
A. F. Stcsras
County J ndce , . . ,
(W. U Wilson
P. Herdon
r. k. u-juucx
Sheep Inspector.
.Tnos. brallb
rsxascT orrtcsts.
John Hunlin
:omubic5 jz .-
1 s 1
t Ctt or uatuo.
IW.T. Wright
J. ll.Sb.upe
it F. Rspp
B. W. Strong
1. F. Bice
Recorder F. M. Zlgler
. t. v;jrou
TrCMnrer J. A.. Coi
11 e&rsaoss.
The Circuit jCourt fai Donxlas Countracets
jl v,ln ftrcb1il'lth Moirliv tt June: ud tae
1l Mondsy lu 'loccrcr. J. C. Fulldoa;I
Roseban; jixtcc. OcoTM. Brown, of Rose burr.
prcsecntinc :ioj uct.
ConntTCoartmcetsthe 1st Wednesday after
the 1st Mondar of Jannary, March, May. July,
September and November, A. F. Stearns, of
Oakland, jadfc: C IL Maapln of Elkton
and W. L. Wilson, of Riddle, comraisslontrs.
Probate Conn is In session continuously, A. F.
E teams, lodrc
Av taertlnn the si and ith Wedcesdara in
each month.
J. R. nut, W. M.
C W. Kick, Scc'y.
vj their rcsnlaroonTocations al Masonic hall
cn the first and third Tuesday of each month.
Visiting companions are cordially inslted.
M. F. RAPP, U. P.
. meels Saturday creninsol each Trctk at 7
o'clock ki ti:irjill 5 Sosebo. Mnbers of
the order in PuJ stssdlae arelniitrf to attend.
Tdum&MtlL 011 wcaQd-uc fauna
Tharsdays of each month. Visiling'brelhren
arc m vi tea to aina.
Fsaxc-G. Micetu, Scribe.
IUxxt rjiuT, c. P.
S nrrts the arniad-aml fourth Mondays of
esch month atTa) p. m. at Odd reuom halL
Members of the order in good standing are in
vited to attend.
TngTsJays of each Boath.
iccosd asd fourth Thutsdays in each
FARM ' ALUA5CE Regular Quarterly
MeeUisrs will be held at Grange Hall.
KofSbarg; the first Fridar la December,' March
and June, and the third Friday in September.
te3jeaaOtsad feaahThurvdirs et eatch
meets crcry second and loonn bonoay.
Lv BtionTt2eadaTcrenlnreIeuth -week-Bt
Use Oil FoThnrs balL 'ilirtiac sisterslABA
raelhrea areinvita! to aitesX " ' -" -
m MtsssxxH nuiiuT,
e Fcass: G. Micrm. R. Sec
OL ex err Wcdnesdar evening at Odd FeDon
. visiung oreisren in gooa siannmg cor
j la riled to aUend.
EosaHaisUnEcildlnx, R03EBURG, OB.
MM ij i linn iiiifmi iiinT it i n ii r rr 1 1 mi
sinirg ctscs a rpeciuty.
caczsr Jt. esuw.
ms. rAGr-TviTis.
Rooms 7 and
o & Wilson
r V ' . .
ltorney and CJouueelor atLaw,
Una rtactfc iar all lb
toS fa the Ccurt House. 1
i cosrU of tkt State.
, Doaglas county. Or.
A Jt
Attorney at Law,
Attorney at Law,
: Rdtei5rl 7 -iameTs'-
RonceFlridoigruth of Jlrs.
gafc&iff isl-siUntiun to Surgery and
ijtscajes 1
tot Women.
If. J" -"-Afr,
Physician and Surgeon,
2 ptfWWj -ft
Oftce fit & Marks' & Co.'s Block, upstairs.
Cags promptly ausircrcd day or nlgbt.i
LXXiTXTK Lac Judge L. Locohabt
Altorneys & Counselors at Law
osebnr(r, Oregon.
ytiU rrartire fiall th eoaris of Oregon.
Cceic the Taylor-Wflsos block.
. nhDEALmiN
Family Groceries
291 DISHES, .
Books and Cjiildrctk'si Toy.
FroiU, Nuts, FrwchCaadies, Cosfeetioaerj
Canned Goods, CoITecs, Teas, Etc.,
W1"" P EXYD0N'
County siiryeyos
ant Netary Public.
omn: In Court House.
Orders for Surveying and FleU,Notea should
bo. addressed to Will P.' Hoydon, County 8ur
veyor, KoeeDurr. ur.
V. s. sepMty Mineral 8rrcyr
nad-Ketary Pabllc. "
Orricx: County JUlJ8ul)dlDr, up tln.
Addas. K03EBUKG. OR.
wcr, up sum, in in hum Huuainx.
jg L. MHiLKR, M. D.,
Surgeon and Horuceopathio
Roitkxtrff, Ortm.
aTCkroalt dlsowes , txtlsltr.
mmm & co.
A tpcial btasd jt ssajaltrate4 Taa. Oar
Is haslaf a larf aalr. Vrr ctyies ef
Glass and Delf JTare
At utoiaishjK.9 Ttera. QartsviL msiH
icsu xa an very fepuar.
1 -jDoes
We are always in the Lead, And sscab to
The Golden Haxretk is spes cs, and farm
ers are amtling because Woodward -loois
to their interest-
Full Trimmed
These are all Leather and Warranted.
At Sedaced Prices - -
Cemssllytrar vsrte-aad b ten and tea
Woodward before bnyieg.
w . m WiMi'MAiti:
Saa Joat sksst1 W4svd-&Uasrf r stock
Ladies' Dress Goods, ibbou, IrimBsiijij
rW V, JtS3 MFI &n.TMU&
Of lha beat quality and &alah.
t- i. ... 1 . .
nooc ntiiow ana uius nare,
Alaon haB4iB.Iarf siusUUes and at rrleea to
' ' ! ult tte tlnai iAIjo a Urrjatytk of
Custom-Made 1Iotiiiiig
Constantly on txa3. Also the
Oecenl scent for r err varletr ot anbaerleUm
books and eeriodleala TmbUahad la tha UaltM
Bute. Feraosswiahlaj readier saatter of any
kladjTt fi to rirm'ti: i7
Mineral, Railroad. Aricuitural.
, , llOSGSt.S.W. Waehfattmj p.C.
For many years In the General LandOfflcri
V . . wmm I... ... I i fH...l 1fl...1
Railroad and Agricultural claims, and Late
uniei 01 me Mineral uiri-ion.
Corrrpohdencc itcd.
1 ,
ftotle la hereby'riTen to all whoa It but
em that X k4T a ppotsted, D, Wi Btetm of
pool preclaet' Deputy Istpeetor of Block fer said
prcasci; potiomce aaortss, uasuaa; also A. 3.
Chapman of Wilbur, and Ralph Smith, at Bos
burg, to act daring my absence, and others vll
kaofCo" e SI UtSlr XlOSlrS
-wsetmrs; , Kay tat, 1JS7. '
TH08, 6MXTH.
loiractox of Btotk r Soaglaa eesatyOr.
TA -
(Successor to J. JASKCLEK.)
rr ft ' tt ' lUi m' 1
Gonttluo liruzlliitu JLJj-o
iiCUllorySutlous Tobacco, Ciaraaiul Smokers'. Articles.
Also Proprietor and, Manager of Itosolmrg's Famous Bargain Store
1 1 1
1 2
,di t
! Or
New Vork
Reaii Estate Bought and Sold
Farms, large and small, to Rent,
Stock Ranges, Timber
Prune and Hop Lands of best quality, in choice locations,
in quantities to suit .intending purchasers, at reasonable
prices and easy terms. Inquire of
loaebaasfA, Uoaastlaaas
1 1.
Tlie HOWC Farm,
,wa,ajptip now jonxnemarKec
A. 3 J .1. i
, .20, 30, ana 40. acres, ranging in price irom $25 to $100
Any one wanting a fruit, vegetable or chicken farm
or a suburban home ean
All lots sold in First
lhan doubled in value. The
the future. More fortunes
ing town or city tnau any other, way. bicze the oppor
For information or
instate Urhcej.or, on
G T.
Blacksmiths and Machinists
I ja I l T 1 4
Stefa&eh Street, between Oak and'Cass,
aCcMBe Work a Specialty
. . fill.' . T;
GlllMMUH uuu
10 T-p-r
8 y
Is, -wliat Aveugive- tO"every cus
tomer, forijwer believe.. the best
advertisement' possible is a cus
tomer pleased with what we
have sold .them, they will come
agaiuaud again, and their friends;
will come too.
' We are not here for a day
or for a, .month.
We are Here to Stay.
.Roseburg, Or.
Cash Store,
Lands and Mining Properties.
Coal am
Snf oA an -
east of town, has been plat-
T . 1 -r
m L,otsaua Jbiocks containing
now be accommodated on easy
Brookside addition have more
orosoect is much better for
are made in lauds near a grow
conveyance, call at onv Real
BEZiDSSItf, Propr.
TcJ a girl at a'tllatanoe.J
Fby must yon go four thousand miles away?
It throws our corrcHpondcnca but of Rear. .
I cannot cablo to you cv'ry day.
It's! much too publici, and if a rattier dear.
Tou writo for sympathy I iiTmpatllio.
You get my answer ten days' after date.
And then, with spirits sky hjgb, you despise
, My poor attempt your sorrW tdfttaW
Meanwhile to my hilarious last tut n
" Hero comes 7our lato trntalmlisj- reply.
But now thy .turn at dumps has" iustboguu.
I can't cnioy your .triumphs wylol slfh.
Jtd so our moods go seesaw up and "down.
' Our letters cress nrverselr. cold or fond.
.there's only one yfdrcss-roonw tclf ,to,tQni,
Ana men wo 11 meet ana cease 10 correspona.
' PnncB.
That eveniDeT plonconrT,0tti6 kda. was
to matco nis first ftppeejrahr(J(!lJdn thp
Btino In "Chattottbn. " The piece,
which, though not Xorgottcrj, had dropt
pod oat of flight rtn4;fpr.8Qxao xears-kw
filled a narrow sero a heinjetjp
preciation of hSino reading, now ezcitj
ed, on its first rilghT, almost the interest
that a crreat HOToltr mlcht. TheedvUa
;wero familiar dk.itwithoutiiirVtnji
seen it played -wero cnrions to assist ab
its interpretation a'procosa .in whlcn
certain beauties ot a, work, especially
tha most suhtlo points, disappear, aro.
scattored, Tolatilized, as ono may sar1,
in the heat of thcrfootlights, whilo oth
ers burst unoxpectedlytato view throtfgh
tho incdinm of .volco and eestmro.
Those whohad been present at former;
performances of tho piece were, happy
to bring bade, again two hours of their
"youth and to glow orico morp with tho!
warmtn 01 inetr nrsc artistic emotion.
In a word, tho old play, reappearing as.
it did in tho midst of thtf eWmodplace
trivialities of the dajyTjuTenated Mb
wholo audienco and arousedr ittTtoca:
It must bo. admitted, that it wonldibs
impossiblo to conceiro of a more perfect
Chatterton than young filoncourt made
Son and grandson of comedians, tho
youth had the blood of a true artist in
his Tein?, and"htrwa3 evidently bent on
proving it to ni thaV-Tenlng.
In tho tumult 'tnd exeitement of ihe
applause, in tho midat.ot the hundreds
of pairs of oyesond hands that were ex
clusively concerning themselves with
tho stago, I caught a glimpse from tima
to tixno of a handsomd face which look
ed out, palo and set, from the darkness
at tho back ot the house. It was Blon
court, the father, who bad come to be
present at the triumph of bis eonv Eri
dently. deeprjrTHOTed, baJ frequently
changed his place and appeared inw all
tho different parts of the t&eateYaoroe
Hm'crin tho midstof -heiirtinaSt'tirs-play
in tho boxes and at other momenb
was almost' loev In tho-crWied:glirer-ies.
It was &s though he' wished to
measuro on OTery side this splendid suc
cess, -in whichohe also had a shaarea'JEie
audience recognized biw,rand pointed
him out to each other. "Look at Papa
Ljllonconrt Isn't h,e happy t9nlghr,
'fhouchl And soma at tim.-whua.ftp:
LiwjrnQlDg- turned "in hft directionr "u
though to includo thocxesjkAtstin the
triumph of his child, aftdsspil-v
It is n fact that noJWaJsat
lived as that of a cdmWiaii.JltamJi(e
drops out of the public gazo'&jaU
over with him. No Sao Jafa
further thought. Hisls tWiitefjtfio
6poken' word, which, however lmmtU
fu), is carried off in air; .of thM$u3s
cnora inai vanunes as sewasy
aro struck. But in this case,
his son, Bloncourt cgaldibtMSio'
riblo destinr that Yri'aisiiVilsii
Hb' was welcoming a Uflw.gioJTWThich'
was rising at the fading.of hi&own and
would merge his artistic, career, in an-,
other full of hone and tiromlse. So th'e
poor man's' 'ehroito-'w"1 dei and
strong. ronld:sefe "thatT'bts lipk'occa-5
Eionally.trembled; and'IirsIftBWtwiteK
edwith nerrousnegs. BetWoenrichJac
be roamed about in.theKlobbi
ing near Uio- 'differfflft
hear -what, was being ,tainand, Jthe4
uaiiu ciasps axiuieiiciiaiions ivenj press
ed upon hinv he lilushed asd ui&rank
away with the awkwardspsraaeni
barrassment of "nffident youth.
Passing close by hlnntt one Of tbeee'
moments, I could notffeaa'ttrtfsTni'
pathotio impulse whi dreBte Tard1
this deep, silent joy. "yon-chUtffe
a very happy man, " I iaidj fWMgf&!
hand. "It's an iraracne'TriCi,'
Tho hand I took in mwawasi;cI3i
and moist, and it drew itself: aarply,
almost angrily, away. its. .possessor
smiled grimly as he looked at me.
So you compliaierrt.'tooi do you?
Isn't there a single soul to understand
what I am suffering? Ah, come. I am
suffocating, tet us get but of here."
And ho dragged me with him out into
the street. An icy wind wis'whislUng
round the corners, but the old comedian
did not appear to notice its rigor.
Au, tnat is good, good I 'taepjctiaim-
ed, drinking in tho IcofaiafaMitH de-
licht "I thnnitht I sWmilfT trfi4raj?r hi
side there. For two .hours I have endur
cd their applauding and their stupid
congratulations, rwhieri are a mockery
to me. You aro astonished that I say
this to you? Well,- itis so. I am, jeal
ous: ram jealoterof thy own child
fairly green with envy of him. That is
A frightful thing' fofsayv isn't it? But
wny did ho iako my part away from
me? It was mine. LasoJliav'p!ayed
it. It is exactly in my. line, and igny
uimself promised it to mo. A week be
fore ho died ho said to me, 'Bloncourt,
when they put or "Chatterton" again,
I count on yon to play it, ' and I was
waiting with such impatience for them
to bring it out. Paris was-befaiMnzito-.
forget me in tho long period Thad been J
lnacnve, ana 1 nopestai8. creation?
would confer a second youth upon me
a renewal of past successes. I studied
hard night find' 'day? M Finally I was'
"Ono morning the boy comes running
to mc and throws his "arms1 around my
neck: 'Ob, father, how happy I anil I
am going to playCbattcrtpn.' Ho knew
as well as any ono th promise" that had
been made me, but in his joy he had
forgotten it. Qhildreu,aro,so selfish in
their happiness! This ono dealt me tho
K. V. Joy Company ticiitk-mcii; I htuc
junt completed the second bottle ot your Vczo
table arttilUl&. I ha.YC:iiii(l Uitarth'for
years which affected my eye. liCsrlnc mid
HtoiuBCh. Frciincutly irouM have ilull licnd-
acue lor utiys, at ft Uuiei Since taking your
bottles b- return cxprcsH, i(SIgnal)
"Scuttle, Wasb.
Every mall brings u new batch ot tcitimon
lals for Joy's Vegetable 'arsaparllln.
Ice cream and ice cream
Kandy Kitchen.
soda at the
., t , j . .
blow with a laugh. Ho told mo they
had first thought of mo for thp part,
but I was too mature, too marked ah,
thoro is enough in such n disappoint
ment as that to mark, one indeed 1 I am
sure that in fivowiuntcs 20 years passed
over my head. If tho boy had nttered a
Avord of regret or of towlcrncss, I should
atttirslv rtora antrt irk fiii Tin litl
tljat part You will kill mo, ' and I am
snro ho would not, because, with it all,
the child loyes ma Bnt pride held me
back. We talked of tho part Ho asked
my advico about it It had been lying
on' my table for two Months. So now
we read it together. 1" gave blrrrmy
conception of how it ought to be played.
From time, to timo Jie would break
completely away from mo and study a
line out for himself, and with asm-sty
of 'ihsighi into tho tastes of the pnplip
that Ilio longer possess htfwonld nnda
point to be mado where I saw none' at
all. Positively ono would hav&'to-tm'
dcrgo it himself to knqw, whatl suffered
during that inforviow, ,bnt it was all as
nothing t(J tho martyrdom I have en
dured this evening.
,!Ob, I ought hot toharo come, bntl
could not sfajr away. I was irrcsisHbJy
drawn hy curiosity and perhaps I am
ashamed to eay ifrr-by tho' secret hopo
of surprising among, the bravoda regret,
s-remembranco.for me, of ;hpar(ng.some
ono in the audience Eay, 'Ob, if too eld
er Bloncourt were playing that!' But
no. I have heard "nrithingr not a word.
They have had all thoy'obuld- do'fo ap
plaud. Bnt really thd boyjdocs not act
welL Ho is; actually had. I certainly
thought they wero; goingto hiss.when
ho camo on. He can't oven, walk well
Ho has no idea of stage deportment. In
all that great, thoughtful, complex par
has he made A single- original effect'
No. He has simply thrown himself
headlong into it, with all the heedless
ness, of ycrath. Impetuosity is made to
do. duty for talent. For instance, in the
great sceno witn rutty wnen unatter
ton" And hero the' noor man becan to il
lustrate to me in detail his Eon'sdefecrs,
imitating his intonations and his ges
tures. From the point of view of tho
science of noting it all struck me as be
ing very profound, very just, and I was
surprised to find so many-false notes in
the harmonious wholo that had so pleas
ed me, all of which did not alter the
fact that we were interrupted every few
Moments by the Eound of applause, like
the pattering1 of hailstone?, that reached
us from tho auditorium and was inten
sified in sonority by the quiet, empty
"Go on applaud!" said tho unhappy
comedian, turning palo at each burst
"Applaud. Ho is young. Hobo young,
that is everything. I am old. My age is
written on my face. Ab, how stupid it
all is!" Thon an a lowvoice, as if talk
ing with himself: "What I feelis al
most incomprehensible. Here is a boy
who has stolen everything away from
me my name and my glory who has
not even waited for mo to clio to step
in to Toy shoes and in spite of it I cad;
not help lovine him. He is my son,
after alL I have nourished him, cared
for him, taught him, and when I hear
them applaud him I feel a movement of
gratified pride in spite of myself. There
are some clever touches in the young
scamp's work. The mistake was teach
ing him my own calling. I should have
diverted his talents in soma other direc
tion. Then X could have been proud of
him to my heart's content. I should not
hare had tho grief of seeing my 30
years' successes wiped out by his first
(day of triumph."
At this moment tne crowd commenc
ed to nour out of tho theater. A mur
mur of approbation, an atmosphere ot
success passed from group to group and
by way of tho silent streets was going
to communicato itself throughout all
Paris. Tho old comedian was leaning
acaiust a pillar, his ear strained to
catch the commentaries of tho last
straggling spectators. All at ouco he
gave a spring. "Goodby,"he called
out to me hurriedly. I tried to hold him
back. "Bloncourt, Bloncourt, where are
you going?" He turned his face toward
me, his eyes glistening with tears.
"Where am I going? To hug the boy,
parblen!" From tho French of Al-
phonsoDaudet in Short Stories.
Graxels of the Glacial Axe.
Some 10,000 or nioro years ago the
conditions which had brought about the
great ice ago wero beginning to change.
Tho elevated land began to sink, and a
higher temperaturo slowly, followed.
The longHvlntcr was" gradually draw
ing to a close, and tho great springtime
of, tho world was beginning to hasten
its influence upon an ico covered laud.
Tons, rather mountains, of icb began to
melt, and tho water filled tho river val
leys to overflowing. Gravel, sand and
mud wero borno nlong by these raging
waters and deposited wherover tho con-
'ditious were favorable. Ice rafts covered
tho surface of tho flood, bearing rocks
and bowlders from moro northern lands.
All rivers which had glacial sources
wero greatly influenced by tho final
molting. As tho southern part of tho ico
"shoot rested over northern Pennsylvania,
tho Delaware and tho Susquehanna wero
typical rivers of tho age. Tho rocks and
gravels which line their banks show
how well they havo kept tho record, lu
tho Delaware valley brick clay and
gravel aro laid out in beautiful terraces,
especially at Stroudsburg and the Wa
lter Gap. Hero tho waters rose some
-UU .cot, ntid nn artihcial tlam is sup
posed to havo formed the river into a
broad lake. Tho Iudiaus, it is said,
have a curious legend about this flood.
They tell ns that tho "Miusies" wero
tho first race which dwelt here, and tbo
region romnl aliont tney can "Jimi
ink, meaning that tho "waters aro
gdno"' a vagno remembrance perhaps
of tbo postglacial floods. Lippincott s.
Two of a Kind.
iJack What's an iridescent dream?
'Tom It's an opalescent pliautasy.
Jack And what's that?
Tom It's what my landlady mostly
gets for boarding ine.T-Dctroit Freo
Press. ' :
Notice is hereby given to tho public
by the undorWned'tliat 1 do nbl" allow
dead animals to ho buried on my prcni-
ises; at Roseburg, Oregon, r pirbage
dumped thereon or snnd or gravel taken
therefrom., uulcss the party taking eaud
or'gravel first contract with mo for the
right" to' bo do.
Tresspassers will he prosecuted ac
cording to law. VAitoN Rose,
Rosehurg,' Oregon, March 17th, 1891
Buy your cigars at the Roaeleaf.
Now is the time to subscribe.
Umbrellas and parasols at the ovelty.
For a good B-dent cigar call on Mrs.N.
Boyd.. '
Go to tho Novelty store for ' children's
clothing. .
Pure fresh' candies, fruits and nuts at
tho Itoseleaf. -)-'' - !
A fine line-of gent's furnishings at ihe
Novelty store. - '
"Buy your fumishinj: of Jack Abraham
and save money.
For Sale' Old papers, at tliis office,
at 25 cents per hundred. -' - "
Try7 the ice ctearn eoda' at the Kandy
Kitchen. It is delicious.
School books; a full, and. complete
assortment at Marstere'dnijr'Btore'. " "
HatsShatlTiltsTrhV.lapsTI Whera?
Jtist arrived at Oaburn'g newstorei "
,x, . . ...
Dr. Coflmah has removed ,hia" office"'til
the Mftrstere building, rooms G'and'7. i
Smbkera' articles of every desenptipn
and theT)est brandi of tobacco at" lire
Boseieaf. " -J"
Small profit's anof (inick' sales is "the
principleof success; That's-Jkck Abra
ham's policy.- ' ' ' -' '
The KanuV'kitch'eu, Vu the' Taylor &
Wilson" building, is the place to" go for
pare fresh candies.
Try the
Ksndy Kitchen '.
Ice cream Boda.
We, have no Seconds orjohlot goods,
pur stock is best' in quality" for the
money. Novelty'store.
Ifyou.are iii-need'of any Uiingin the
hat line it . will pay you to; examine Uie
we stock atOsliurn's new store.
Wall rmper infill designs from IK "cents
up, Hanging Ilirown in. ijaii On A. (J.
Marsters, who is prepared to execute
our orders.
What's the use-ot paying ,U3 cents
when you can get a.good square meal for
13 cents. Stop at the Centra! hotel and
be convinced.
If you want's good Builof -clothes for a
little nioncy call on 11. C. Stanton, ex
amiue samples; ifil the "prices and leave
our order with him'.
Mrs. Lynne, a pupil of tlie late Prof.
Sneranzt of Milan, Italy, gives "vocal and
piano forte lessons. Terms reasonable.
Residence at Mrr. Parties.
If yon don't waut lb suiter with corns
and bunions, have your boots 'aod shoes
made at L. Iancnbnrg's. Repairing
neatly and promptly done.
E. Du Gnu, pliyEicinn and surgeon.
Office upstairs in Marsters block:
llesideace opposite U. li. church. Calls
in town and counlry-promplly . answered.-
Why patronize traveling dentists when
Dr. Davis will do your dental work a
great deal cheaper and as good again.
Call and get his price1; and lo convinced.
Just rfceirnlour utictlock of tlravhatt
and shots. Straw hat; at 7 cents and
up. Men's fine calf fluies nt $1.40 and
up. Call and see thou at Ilicliards Bros.'
Hacket Store.
Dr. F. W. Haynes has just relurneJ
from the East and oiieedjdjmtal parlors
m .Mart s buiidrnsr,'" wiiere lie will be
pleased to welcOTie persons desirihg den
tal work.
L. Langenbcrg is blill on top. He
carries a lull stock ol choice music, mu
sical instruments," violin, guitars, accord-
eons etc., violin strings of best quality
always on band.
J. J. Webb, the second hand furniture
dealer in the Floeil building,, can furnish
goods in his line on the moat reasonable
terms. Give him a call and examine
goods and prices.
Ten cents saved is ten cents earned.
Shyu ten cents by stopping at the Cen
tral hotel. A good, square meal for 15
cents, beds the same Board and lodg
ing only $o.30 per week.
Those having second hand stoves,
furniture, etc., for sale can receive the
highest rash prico by calling upon N
Rice, the furniture and supply dealer,
1-23 Jackson street Koselmrg. Or.
Duv yourherry lxxe"ajid crates at
homo and save lite freight You can
get them at Utintera' box factory for less
than Cortland prites. Call and boo my
stock. J. Hcnter
Frank I5iggcr, the genial proprietor of
ilio Central Hotel, is doing a flourishing
business notwithstanding the general de
urossion. Ho eela a ir! table, his
prices are low and he makes every effort
to please his patrons.
J. J. Webb has opened a second baud
store in the old Floed bmuhns at the
corner of Main and Washington streets
Second hand goods of all kinds will be
bounht and sold, and the patronage of
tho public is respectfully solicited.
Parties desiring monumental work
will do well to call on D. Looney, at the
Koseturg marble works on Oak street
opposito tbo hardware store of Churchill,
Woolley & Mckenzie, lliese works are
turniug out some fine specimens of mon
umental work.
Our readurs will consult their oru in
terests in having their dental work done
bv reliable, experienced aud resideut
lentista and that Dr. Strange & Toyo
who are here to stay, guarantee all their
wotk and make good thtir guarantees
All their woik ie tirst-clasi and as pain
less as consistent with giod work.
Albert G. Osburn, successor to Louis
Langenberg, is n natural burn American
citizen, he speaks tho American languago
and conducts his .business in an Ameri
can wav. Mr. Osburn carries a full line
of ladies' aud gent's furnishing goods
fancy goods, eto., besides a fiue stock fo
shoes wnich havo just arrived from the
East. Examino bistootj he will treat
you well and will bo glad to get
quuinted with you as he expects to make
Itosehurg his borne in the future
pcfiis.ljOfcr.,. .
Six choice, building ilofsiiin Fruityale
addition, 50x100 feet. Prico f 20 each.
P. S. K. Buck.
To her all things unreal seem. " ,
Mnrougn nor Diacn eyes ner brighl aoul
..peeps j ,.,
And 'sees the world, as In a dream,' " .
And what is Mexico today? - ' -
A, natlon--avcj,ln-wdnr4y
Where slumber holds, eternaTsway , .
n newer or no t no eyelids close.
Ha Fan child in" CrerUadV;
It was apretty-litUftwrBdmill. with
its big rotmd.towexacapp-.bT a, weather
yane.its.iong.arms.or niaaeswnicn-m-
ucuio iuu wesi wiaa hkb jpeBaua.pi a
elescopes oratf tTraonji
uch was iaaSTIFolerhaxde
And when it was;working'alPth-iTifii
mills, around the .neigliborhccftokesj
like white, sea glla.pursuedilJbijiw
prey. It-was situate4t.n,tha-,;
theGnigne at, the end of; a little crt
patnway naraiy wide enougnlQr &9
t;ill -- - '-t fjr -T4 TI
iuiii aonKey, ana in wnicn one .mjgx
search in Tain for traces of numan foot
nrints. becaaE04i':WiSSaik under iu
janltjof jhrnbhery, .so jmddyra.d;zs:-
gea tnac tne woman or. tna rui aiwars
to tnu Tines wnen on aex.yr.w-vj
nfnfs rm fnnf J ""
And a handsome warK-tct7a3
un taay Quae. mm. oo9 was-sffT
ii.!- l a if , l r. fT J -. -.
Id. with a well rounded iosay a
hand, flashing dark eves, lins as
wild, cherries and-a.wcll .turneo li
She was smart in "Eer attire, and
was little in- her 'appearance to reveal
tho fact' that, fibawas a wiclcwvw&to
she came into the villago mounted .s9t
tne aonicey tnat carriea pet Dags ci
flour, alt the yonhgfenWs came but to
admire her fine" figure and the beautiful
limbs which appeared belowher hor$
skirts.. '
Even thedorikeyJtbirasfllf seemed
proud of hismistress; "Ho traveled along
at an easy gait, tossing- rriS'-riaaand
cocking his ears, as if to Eay fo3 etery-"
body: "Hero she is. "
ookather. This is la Meunieraotliesr
nardeau. Thero isn't another, (worrtn
like her in all the cottnfryP,i Arid tha
wa3 the truth. But she was'the'subject
of- a great deal of gossipu How the
tongues didwag on har; account!, It was
said that since the death of her .hus
band, a poor gooso of a fenow who had
taken her without a cent from a farm
and left her alt hia-preperty, she fre
quently tossed her cap over the blades
of her windmill. Whether this .was. true
or not, the blades certainlynever fold,
but ono thing is certain, Sra3; that' is
that she did hang up her cap there pub
licly on ono occasion, and it cost her
Jher life. Here is.her story: .
The first thing the Yendeans did
when they rose in revolt against" tirejf re
public was to make use of the wind
mills. Nothing could be, bettersnitad
for signaling or morejHmhksorae for
the enemy. Where the Blues could only
Eed white wings turning' Toun 3 In a
melancholy fashion, the Chonans rpce
sessed a perfect telegraphic , system,
which told them of the movements of
the republican army.
The windmill of Bernardeau wa3 one
of the principal vedettes on tire Loire:
Three days before the attack: -upon
Nantes, Cathelinean came to . tha, mill
of Bernardeau and asked for shelter. It
was the 22d of June, 1793. Bohchamp
was at Ancenis since the 17th'awaiting
the main body of the army. The weather
was magnincent, and tns endeans
camped in the open air. When Cathe
linean at the end of a littlejrgad found
himself face to face with the beautiful
woman of tho mill, he asked her if she
was a royalist
"One might easily becomaa royalist
to serve under so handsome an officer as
jou," said she.
Good enough! Then let me have
shelter here tonight."
The ineuniere.- cheerfully welcomed
him, and Cathelinean slept that
the mill. The next momihgwhen he
was leaving she sent to hiin from tho
threshold of the mill a. perfect Tolley- of
kisses, after which, she went, flpjito -tha
highest little window in the, mill and
waved her little white handkerchief.
Eight days afterward Cathelfn'ean,
mortally wounded, was. 'coming from
Ancensis in a carriage, and as he passed
ny tne ruin ue case a long ana saa, loos
at it According to the order, its blades
were arranged so as to announce' the ap
proach of the soldiers of Canclaux. -.
From the lith of October to the. 17th
of December, during the 60 days which
separated the two retreats of the-Ten-dean
army on the Loire, the mill: of Jiez
nardean continued its signals, of, intelli
gence with those of La Vendee., Butths
lvth of December was its last day.
Harassed by the Mayencais, that
crushed them at the battle of Mansthe
Vandeens reachetl Ancenis .and endeav
ored to cross tho Loire, but foe .waLttt of
sufficient rafts a considerable number
of them were obliged to abandon the
effort and to advance through the conn-
try, m the nopo ol escaping the enemy.
At sight of this old mill, vmcb. they
immediately recognized as an ally,
about 20 men took refnge in it just at
tho moment when Westermann came to
the heights of Hel Air.
Suddenly a puff .of blue smoke rolled
from one of tho upper windows of the
mill. The ineuniere herself commenced
the fight
Good shot!" she said. "There- is
one less now."
Westermann ordered a company of
hussars to surround the old milL He
was in too great a hurry to finish' with"
La Rochojacquelin to bother himself
with windmills. The hussars had hard
ly arrived at the mill before his .flying
artillery Degan to cannonade tne lew
rafts of tho Chonans, who were erideaV
oring to cross the'Loire. The officer who
was in command of the company sum
moned the occupants of the mill to sur
render. The ineuniere opened a little window,
fastened her race" cap on the point of
ono of tho blades and shouted out,
C(irifini(f(I on fourth page.
Tlie Peltoii WalerMolor
Of capacities varying from 1 to 23 horse
power affords' the most convenient, eco
nomical and reliable power for all light,
service. One of these may be seen run
ning at this olfice. Send for. circulars,
Tho Pelton Water Wheel Co., 121 Main
St., Sau Francisco, Cal.
Honey to Loan
In sums of $1000 to ifoOOO on well im
proved farms. D. S, K. Buic,
uuu i, in Biaju, uuu ils iiiue roniiQ wjta-
rftws- loaking- t)ve tne'fiillof AHfon
like tho telescopes of all'tTboifier--