Clipping being Marcb lS'Jo.' $144,813 7.5t 42a,t527 154, 1S5 l.TW.-lll we. except and knit Cloths Dress jpxxls, wo. en's and child ren's 57ii,l57 1,S5 1,047 Knit fabrics 37,556 76,'.03 Shawls 5,634 20,231 Yarns 22,153 H)2,3C4 All other 51,415 11V.55C their zl3, or ihnn thoy jol was pro-1 .porta of Ameri-' dialer free wool is I $115,000 n year, ami just bo roiuombereil, ' cludo that Hood of j that havo been slipped , i and which were repot tod i aaul Meoker. Tho sitnatiou, .o brielly summed up for tho1 ..eiit of woolen njannfactnre.s as dlows: LOSSES TO WOOLEN MANUFACTUIiEISS AM) WORKEnS. l'cr quarter, l'er year. Loss of export trado flo.ioO $G3,S00' Loss of home trado 11,4'J3,7G2 43,075,018 Total loss .... 111.5011,712 Hti.tK5S.84S i Free wool is robbing the Ameri can woolou manufacturers of a for eign, innrket to the extent of$15,l50 every three mouths, or at tho rate of 1 $(3,800 a year. Free wool has robbed tho Ameri can, manufacturer of a home market to the extent of $ll,r.l3,7C2 in three months, or at the rate of $lo,t75,01S a year. "I spoak not out of woak surmise , but from proof." LARD MUST GO. since COTTOLENE has come to 1 13 Ke IS rtlari. The .it f.irlnn with which the people have hailed the advent of the New Shortening ittolene evidenced bv the r.inldlv InrrMS- Ing enormous sales is PROOF POSITIVE not only of its great value as a new article of diet but is also sufficient proof of the general desire to be rid of Indi gestible, unwholesome, unappe tizing lard, and of all the Ills that lard promotes. Try Cottolene at once and waste no time In disroverincr like thnncinrlc nf others that you have now NO USE FOR LARD. REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES. Gemuae made only by N. K. FAIRBANKS. CO.,i br. LOUIS and CHICAGO, NEW YORK. BOSTON. I Totals f 1,237,307 $4,320,110 Taking the period since January 1, when the now law came into effect, this year, and compariut; the imports of woolen coods with those of the corresponding months of 1SU4 we! find that the increase this year for the three months was 11.500,000, the details being here given: IMPORTS OF MANUFACTURES OF WOOLENS. Three months ending March 31. Articles. 1S91. 1593. Carpets and carpet- i ing iUOfiS f473,537 Clothing ready made, and other wearing apparel, except shawls and knit goods . 154,761 315.S52 Cloths 11,723,097 7.400,040 Dress goods, wom en's and child- ! ren's 2.370.S1; o,713,12S Knit fabrics 93,403 203,935 Shawls 17,13y 60,027 Yarns 75,603 505.97S An other 1S2.754 4M.Q97 Totals H.7G6.73S $16,260,500 Free wool, it appears, has enabled the foreign carpet mannfactnres to Bell us more of their carpets. Free wool has increased the sale of foreign ready made clothing in the United States. Free wool has diminished the market for American manufac tured cloths by $6,325,000 in three months, or at the rate of over $25, 000,000 a year, a fact that should be noted both by onr woolen manufac turers and the wage-earners whom they employ. Free wool has increased the im portation of women's and children's dress gootjs by $4,420,000 in three months, or at the rate of over $17,500, 000 a year. This fact appeals not only to the manufacturers and wage earners, but also to all American women and children who, when buy ing every yard of foreign goods, are aiding and abetting in the destruc tion of American industries and in the idleness of American labor. Un less American women and children can afford to purchase two di esses instead of one, they should first buy American cloth, but how many of them do it! The increase in oar imports of knit fabric was $100,000 in three months; of shawls. $50,000; of yarns, $430,000, and of ull other woolen Roods, $312,000. It is thns clear that free wool is now increasing our im portation of foreign manufactured woolen goods at the rate of more than $45,000,000 a year, and to that extent lessening the demand for American made goods. Now let us look at the other side of the question and see bow free wool has enabled the American man nfactnres to sell their goods in the markets of the world. We all know how great a boon free wool was to be when tho wall of protection was shattered and onr manufacturers were enabled to rush onl their goods by carloads to these markets of the world, where the people ere ill clad or half clad, waiting with their money in their sacks' month to ex change their gold for American manufactured woolen goods made of free wool What is the result? Here are our exports of American woolen goods daring the same two periods under the Gorman Tariff from January 1 to March 31, 18'Jo; also daring the corresponding months in 1895: EXFOBTS Or AMERICAN WOOLEN GOODS. Jan. 1 to ilarch 31. 1804 18.)3. Carpets $74,141 131,013 Flannels and blankets 2,701 3,012 Wearing apparel... 81,778 74,241 All others 37.530 40.205 Nervous Nltuck. E. XV. Joy CosirANY Gentlemen This l the first time 1 have attempted to write lot three years. Hhc w nervous and mc!. , that I have laid in UI (or most ul t he time" , A friend who hail taken jour SArMtparilln ' cut me two bottle. The second one is iuol ' cone, and 1 have gained 2l mnds. ml surely feci a new vtoman. 1 wa wtlr. thin, no am bition. Had riven n j.. as 1 had tried st, many 1 remedies and doctor, hut found no Iwnok' 11 ' yoa care to publish thi jou havemv rvnvit Alameda, ; Headache. BilUousnei and Tondd Uer"!l appear when you take Joy" Vegetable Sars.- panua. BUSINESS LOCLAS. ofmm A Saliman. the reliable jeweler. J. T. Bryan, the Busy Watchmaker. ! See the Novelty's new advertisement, i L. Beltils, watchmaker, Hofrebur, Ore. i Go to the Koseleaf for the best cigars j For first-class dentistry go to Dr. Littel of Oakland. ! Harness of all kinds at low prices ai G. W. Woodward's. Prices on wall paper are just rilil at ( Marsters drug store. Key West, imported and domestic cigars at the Koseleaf. If you don't see what you want ask for it at Marsters' drug store. Ice cream made for parties ou short notice at Niece's candy lactery. Royal Rose and Myrtle Creek flour at Johnston Grocery, delivered free of charge. F. V. ilarne, dentist, in Mark's boildinz. All kinde of dental work guar antced. For sood substantial blacksmithing cheap, go to McKinney & Manning, Oakland. See new line ot mens, boyg, and child ren's hats at Osburas. Next door to Review office. Ready mixed paints in all shades and colors, and any size packages at Mars ters' drag store. Jack Abraham is, in receipt of a cho:ce line of balbriggan underwear just the thing for hot weather. Protect yourself against cold and pneu monia by wearing a chest protector. Fine ones at Marsters' drug store. Now is the time to spray your fruit trees. Lime, sulphur and bine vitriol for that purpose at Marsters' drug store. Jack Abraham still carries a complete stock of men's and bos' furuishiDg at lowest cash prices don't you forget it. Bring your job work to the 1'l.xinde.xl eb office We are prepared to do the cheapest and best work south of Port land. Jack Abraham has accepted the agency ot Neander, Pershing it Co., for taking orders for tailor made tails clothing. E. Da Gas, phys'ciau and surgeuii. Office upstairs in MarBters' bl':k Reeidence oposite of U. B. church. Calls in town and country promptly answered. Call on the J. G. Flook Co. for prices on their up to date berry crates. Made of sugar pine, neat and durable. Just the thing to get your berriej to market in first-class condition. A Sovereign Remedy & (pugha Colds. LaGrippe wdall Affections o'lhiThroat. Chest and Lvngs. 50cts.$122 TCR TRtttlR. ABiETiNE?liD.(5.0njyilIe.Ca!. Sold In A. C. Mnrters & Co, W. L. Douglas Ct'CUnG1 IS THE BEST. 9u WiiVtriT roa a kino. . CORDOVANS rscKCH a uoMcuxa our. 43.5? FlNE&UJMftN6W 3.50pQUCE.350LE3. 52o2.'W0RKl?,tJMEV,--cxniAriNC- a S2.1.75B2YSSCHaiSsa aATJIES' W-L.-DOUGLAS Over One Million People wear the W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoes are equally satisfactory Tbey give the best alae (or the money. Thcv cqtul costom I hoe In style and tit. ThrJr wearlnj: quallUes are unsarrasie. The price arc uniform, stamped on sole. From Si to S3 si el over other makes. dealers everywhere. Wanted, agent to take exclusive sale for this vicinity. Write at once. The Nation Educational Associaticn meets in annual convention at Denver, Col., in July next. A special rato of 70 from Roeeburg to Denver and return has been fixed for this occasion. Special tickets at this rate will be sold ou July L'nd to5th inclusive. They will be good going only for 'continuous passage com mencing on date of sale, They will be good for return from Denver from July 12th to 15th inclusive; but if detioeitcd with a joint agent of terminal lines at Denver, will be made axailable for re turn on any date up to and including Avgust 25th next. COPYRIGHTS. C.kZ 1 OBTAIN A PATKTTT? Tor a turn re aarwer aa4 an bonest opinion, wrua to 31 L"S S ot C'.. who ct had nearly Cftr Tears" exrnenee In the patent bnsuie. Comiasntea tlocs ftrtctJr eocMentlal. A Unndbook of In fonsuinn eotxtmcs I'ntrnta and bow to ob tain tcea fer.t tree. Also a eazatogaa of Decaan Ical and tamiac books mt free. l'atents taken tbroucb llor.n & Co. leeelTe r pecul tn tho !clentlBe Amertenn. and tfacs are broszht widely octnraUie public with ocl ort to this InTrr.tor. This splendid paper. itned weekly, e'ecaat ly tllnstrst ed. has by far the Urre-t r-rrajt a of any Klestlnc work tn the world. S3 a T -r. Mrr" cfpfes sent free. rial!c!Icz IVS t;on. monthly. 1120a year. SlcsVa enpics. certs. Krery number contains bean ttfcl plates. In color, and cbocoerspbs of new fcouss. W'th p in, cnablinc bonders to show tha Utet rtjfi ar. 1 eenrecontrrtt, Addreiia mcss x i o. new yc:.k. aui buojdwat. ' An agreeable Laxatlvo and Kzktb Toxic SoIdbyDruiririsUorEcntbytaaiL ScSfc. and SLOP per package. Samples free. Tf flft Tho Favorite TKT3 rCSTM JELV forthoTccthoad BreaUi,Sc. tor salo by M. h. Rapp. Druggist. JERRY J. WIL50H, WatcliiiinKvr and Jeweler, .tn Jacknon Street, At I - rx ii ' ' if r' tor.- lli -EBt'RI,. ToUls 1D0,173 tlSO.lJ When the American wool grower was protected under tho McKinley Tariff our exports of American woolen goods, from January to March, 18'Ji, amounted only to 8106, 173, or at the rate of less than 800, 000 a year. This paltry trade was to be done away with under free wool, end ship loads and cargoes of woolen goods were to take the place of this pitiablo little barter. This was To the Public. On and aftr this date, I wish it under stood that my terms for all undertaker's goods are cash with the order. 1 find it impossible to do business on a credit basis, and ielive that 1 can do better by my patrons and myself by selling Btrictly for cash. P. Rkxeihck, Undertaker. Roseburg, Or., April 12, 1893. We Employ! Young ; Men to dlntrltmto ments la tart payment forbhlxta irrade Anno bicycle, which wo wml them on approval. No t work done bsUI the bicycle arrives and proves j Young Ladies ifel!10 It boytorjfirlt apply theymnstbewcUrecom t mended, write for particulars. ACME CYCLE COJIPANY, ELKHART, IND. Mb.AU itepulrltiK c-nti tinted to my care vill lc PHOJIPTI.V and carefully done. UK fc- l.f X iS BIr. 9m v? .VST- aw. ;ii I I . CATARRH 04 I.IHslH,ftasWlnMMHBH Hsssff f rlsCTH Try tho Cure! Ely's Cream Balm Clcnnsc3 tho Nasal PassaRoe. Al lays Inflammation. Heals tho Soros. Restores tho Senses of Taato, 8moll and ncanng. A parliclolnnpt'llrilintoenclino'drll nnd l"i osrrrralilr. Prlef !:() nt IlriiHRlnln nr by 3 r. 1 1 . i:l,Y 1JUOT U VldfA Wcrrcn bt.Ncw York, D A. DaMOTTA'S IA1PORTE-D 5TALLI0N, MONAHCII, will iiinki'tliuhcnsoiiRt Jaiucn Doiim 8 tlHMes in Jirooklilc. iicair.A Da.Motlu's slnlik") In ICofcubiirK every Sutuplay. TKItMS : y,, J10, Jl.V ill lakucrnlii In vayinciit. his is the Place to Buy Groceries. A full and complete assortment of all goods usuallyjkcpt in a first class grocer'. Everything offered for sale is'fresh; and sold at very rcasonableprices. We have a very choice stock of canned goods, including both fruits and vegetables, to which we invite yourjspecial attention. Our line of Olives, Gherkins, Pick els, Sauces, etc., is also complete. We carry the largest stock of to baccos in Southern Oregon. C. W. PARKS & CO., Grocers. 0 0 -THE- BacA IV ssBsWi. ssKwsBiw r JltlK NO "OLD SAWS" IN OUR STOCK. Among the other Good Tilings we sell this year will be the PLgN Q a t BJ N D E R JONES CHHIN MOWER. Call and Inspect Them. CHURCHILL, WOOLLEY & IMENZIE ACKSTS I'OR w STUDEBAKER WAGONS and OLIVER PLOWS. ALEXAilDER & oTROttG THE POPULAR HOME FURNISHERS.... 320 and 328 Jackson St. Bet. Oak auil Washington. WALL PAPER : Largest aa.l lkst Assortment ever southern Otcon anl A Lr;c and Elegant Line ol CARPETS. We call the attention of our friends to our beauti ful stock of Easy Rockers t Bed Room Sets UUmjijl Parlor and Dining Chairs VVVVVJ Rugs and Carpets And all Household Articles Our Stock is Unexcelled by Any House South of Portland. ST0 ALEXANDER X STRONG nol'lf rSfigiis ROSKBURO. ORKliON. WYLIE PILKINGTON, auctcsor to G W. NOAH.) General Blacksmith ing ATWM XKOjaEIJiI..I!;xiV (ii . FROTTINQ AND RUNNING PLATES A SPECIALTY. ItEI'AIKIMi OF ALL KINDS 1'KO.MITLY DONE. HIiop an Corner WnHbluvttou uud Kattc HlH., ItostliurK. THE PF1THM WATER MOTOR. Of capacities" varying from i to 25 horse power affords the most con venient, economical and reliable power for all light service. One of these may be seen running at this office. Send for circulars. THE PELTON WATER WHEEL CO., 121 Main Street, San Francisco, Cal. sl- lq" Qlobe Democrat igkt Pages each Tuesday aid Friday, Sixteen Pages Every Week. ONLV.. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR is, beyond all comparison, the biggest, best and cheapest, national news and family Journal published in America. Strictly Republican in politics, it gives all the news and gives it at least three days earlier then it can be had from any of the Metropolitan weeklies. It Is Indispensable to the farmer, merchant or profess ional man, who desires to keep thor oughly posted, but has uot time to read a large Daily Paper. Write for free samples to GLOBE PRINTING CO., Louis, Missouri. By special contract, we are enabled to offer The St. Louis Globe-Democrat twice every week in connection with The PlaindealER for only $2.25 a year, provided you subscribe before April i, 1895. Considering the character of the two papers the greatest of national Journals and the best of your home papers this offer has never been equalled. Do not delay but send in your sub scriptions at once. JOB PRlttTIMG We get out a Poor class of Printing Job Printing Pays that is Superior Poor to the Profits, "JGeneral Run." PLAINDEALER PUB. CO. r 1 i BEWARE ) of imitation trade marks and labels. Insist on ARM AND HAMMER SOPA Costs no more than inferior package soda never spoils the flour, keeps soft, and is uni versally acknowledged purest in the world. Made only by CHURCH fc CO., New York. Sold It rrocera eTerywhere. ATrito for Ann and Uimmir Book of ralnabls Recipe. FREE. SUMMONS TN TOE CIRCUIT CO0RT OF THE STATE J- of Oregon, tor.tLe County o Douglas. W. P. Lord, II. R. Kincaid and Phil Jlctachan, Board of Commissioners for the aale of t&liool and University lands and for tho Investment of mc iudus nnsiug tiiuiciiuiu. Plaintiffs. Suit in equity to foreclose a Mortgage. J. W.Lincoln, Karah R.Lincoln, i Gcorpio C. Burnham, Henry Landers, Daniel B. Williams I and Francis Cray, Defendants.. To J. W. Lincoln, Barah R. Lincoln, Gcorgie C. Burnham and Daniel B. Williams above named defendants: In the name of the State of Oregon, you and each of you arc hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled cause and court, on or before tho first day of the next regular term of said court, to-wit: The fourth Monday, tho 2ith day of June, ISO-"). And yoa will take notico that if yoa fail so to appear and answer said complaint for want thereof the plaintiffs will apply to the court for the relief prayed for therein, to-wit: That the mortgage mentioned in the said complaint, upon the following described premises, to-wit: A strip of land off of the cast side of the original land claim of David Noah and wile, in Sections :3 and Si in Township '-'7 South of Range C West, being a strip 5 chains wide on the end of the southwest quarter of Section 31; also the frac tional southeast quarter, being all of lots 1, 2, S, 4 and 5 of Section 31 that lie and arc situated in Section 3t, Township 27 South of Range 6 West, about 1S8.70 acres more or less; also the north east quarter of Section 31, Township 27 South of Range 6 West, containing 160 acres of land more or less; also beginning at a point in tha South Umpqua river 2X75 chains south and L85 chains cast of the section corner post to Sections 9, 10, 15t and 16, Township 23 South, of Range 6 West, thence South 88 degrees East 1 1. 15 chains, thence South 2 degree West lt.15 chains to near the middle of the South Umpqua river, thence down said stream to the jilace of beginning, containing 10 acres of land more nr less: also the right of way fur a wuter ditch from the above described land to section line running East and between sections !), IP, IS and 15 on the best practicable route, also, beginning at a point on the North boundary of Section 3, Township 28 South, of Range 6 West, at a point of intersection of said line ou the West side of the South Umpqua river 4 chains East of the quarter section corner, thence running West 9 chains, thence South 4 chains and 27 links, thence East 0 chains to the South Ump qua river, thence North along the West bank of said river to the place of beginning, containing three and five-sixths acres, and in the aggre gate, containing two hundred and ninety-three and (233 5-6) 5-6 acres of land more or less, and being and lying in Douglas county, in the state of Oregon, together with the tenements, here ditaments and appurtenances thereunto be longing or in any wise appertaining; may be foreclosed, and the said premises ordered to be sold and the proceeds thereof applied to the payment of the debt secured by said mortgage, as follows, towit: 1st. To the payment of the costs and disburs metns of this suit, such foreclosure and sale. 2nd. To the payment of the sum of one hun dred and twenty-five dollars ($125.00) as attor neys fees in United States gold coin. 3rd. To the payment of the sum of one thou sand, one hundred and sixty and ( J1160.S5) S5-10U dollars principal and interest to January 7th, IMS, with interest thereon from said 7th day of January. 1505, at the rate of 8 per cent per annum to the date of such payment. no. iiiai it mu amount reaiizea irom ine said sale of raid premises exceeds the amount of such costs and disbursements, attorneys fees and principal and interest and costs of such sale, that such overplus be distributed among said defendants as shall appear to said court to be equitable and just. This summons Is published by order of Hon. J. C. Kullerton, juuee of said court, made at chambers in the city of Roseburg, Douglas county, Oregon, and dated April 28th, 1?95. C. A. SEHLBREDE, m2t7. Attorney for Plaintiffs. CITATION. TX THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF 1 Oregon, for Douglas County. In the matter of the Estate of Highley Free man, deceased. To William L. Freeman, Ransome Freeman, James C. Freeman, John A. Freeman, Elizabeth Garrison, R. C. McCulIoch. William L. Free man, Sarah C. Marklin, Ruth Skinner, Highley Wallace, Robena Freeman, Metta Freeman, Elizabeth Freeman, Iva A. Sherman, Eva A. Sherman, Elnora J. Sherman, Ella A. Sherman. Lessis E. Sherman, the heirs st law and next of kin, and all others interested. Greeting: In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby cited and required to appear in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Douglas, in the Court room thereof, at Roeeburg, in the County of Douglas, on Monday, the iHt Day of July, 1895, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, then and there to show cause, if any there be, why l&n order of this Court should not be made authorizing and directing the adminis trator of said estate to sell all the real prop erty belonging to said estate and described as follows, to wit: The South half of the Dona tion Land Claim of John Freeman and Highly Freeman, his wife, being claim No. 43. in township 2S South, of Range 7 West, Willam ette Mendian, in order to pay the costs and expenses of administration of said estate. This citation is founded upon the petition of the administrator of said estate, said petition being now on rile in this court. Witness, the Hon. A. F. Stearns, Jadge of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Douglas, with the Seal of said Court afSxcd this 22nd day of April A. D., 1S35. Attest: aiit7 F. W. BENSON. Clerk. SUMMONS- TN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE - of Orcgou, for Douglas County. Nettie J. Kern, 1 Plaintiff, vs. George E. Kern, ; Defendant. J To George E. Kern, the above-named defend ant. In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in the above entitled suit in the above-named Court.J on or before the first day of the next regular term of said Court, to wit: The 21th dav of June, 1S35. And you will take notice that if you fall go to appear and answer said complaint, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in said complaint, which is a dissolution of the marriage contract, now existing between yourself and the plain tiff herein, and that the plaintiff be awarded the care and custody of the three minor child ren, the issue of your marriage with plaintiff, to wit: Charles Kern and Lester Kern and Walter Kern, and that plaintiff recover her costs and disbursements herein. This summons is published by order made at chambers, at Koscburr, Douglas countv, Ore gon, by Hon. ;j. C. Fullcrton, Judge of said Court, which said order is dated, February 2, A. D., 1SS5. IRA B. RIDDLE. m9t7 Attorney for Platntiff. AdminstratrLx Notice. VJOTICE is hereby given that the under x' signed has been appointed Administratrix of the Estate of Ansel Ueatherlv, late of Doug las county, Oregon, deceased. All persons having claims against said Estate are hereby required to present the same to mc at my resi dence at Elkton. Douglas countv, Oregon, dnlv verified, within six months from the date of this notice. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate pay ment to me at said place. Dated this 23rd day of Mav. 1?3. SARAH M. WEATHERLY, Aministratrix. C A. Sehlerede, Attorney. mSto Administrator's Notice. NTOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed administrator of the estate of E. M. Bates, late of Douglas county, Orecon, deceased,. All persons having claims against taid estate are herebv required to pre sent the tame to mc at my store in Canyonvillc, Douglas county, Oregon, dulv verified, within six months from the date of this notice. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pavmcnt to me at said place. Dated this 23d dav of Mar. 1S95. THOS. WILSON, m23t5 Administrator. EAST AND SOUTH THE SHASTA ROUTE OF THE Southern Pacific Co. Express trains leave Tortlsnd daily. bouth I I North 6:15r.M. SrJOi.M. 10:15 a.m. Lv. - Portland - Ar. Lv. - Roseburg - Lv. Ar. - San Francisco Lv. 8:20 A. M. llSOr.M. 7:00 r. m. Above trains stop at all stations From Port land to Albany inclusive. Also Tangent Shedds, Halscy, Harrisburg, Junction City, Irving. Eugene and all stations from Roseburg to Ashland inclusive Itoseburjf Klail Daily. S:30a.m. 5:50 r. M. I Lv. Ar. - Portland - Ar. 14:3) p.m. Roeburg - Lv. ! 70 A. M. ihnim; uaus o?r otsDK.N uoirrE. Pullman Buffet Sleepers AND SECONU-CLASS CAllS Attached to all Through Trains. West Side Division. Uctwecn l'orilaurt and Coryallis. Mail train daily (except Sunday). 7:30 A. M. 12:15 r. M. Lv. Ar. - Portland - Ar. - Corvallls - Lv. 5:35 p.m. 1:00 r-.M. At Alhftnv RTti rnrralHa 1 i. 1 of Oregon Pacific railroad. Express train dally (except Sunday). 4:40 p. m. I Lv. : Portland - Ar. 1 8:25 A. stl 7P.M.Ar. - McMinvillu Lv.5:50a.m: Through Tickets to all l'oluts in tlic intern Mates. Canada and Europe can be obtained at low est rates iroui Ucorgc Estcs. Ascut ltoscburj. R. KOEULER, E. P. ROGERS, Manager. Asst. U. F. A Vers. Agcn PORTLAND OREGON.