The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 15, 1895, Image 4

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-. Subscription Rate
Ono Year p&yablo In advance
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9 a oo
z eo
MONDAY, APRIL 15 , 1895.
Oh, not atar in distant skies
Tbo shining hills of heaven rise.
In loving hearts lira paradise.
And loving words aro keys that ope
Tho portals to that land of hope.
Oh. planning hearts that droop and sigh.
3V watch tho hitter days to by,
Heaven itself is close and nigh.
Ever about ns angels go,
Threading those tollsomo ways "below.
5o do not seo them do not know.
Bat hearts thatjhrob with loving thought,
And Ups that whisper, heaven taught,
Tho loving words the Master brought
These are tho angels we would know,
And these the shining feet that go
vuiriTip a paradise below.
Oh, not afar in distant skies.
Bat close at hand, the blessing lice
In loving hearts lies paradise.
Look up. sad soul! the world is fair.
And heaven and love are everywhere!
Dorothy Dcano in Minneapolis Housekeeper.
IT You Want the Beal Thing, "evr Go to
Kenllworth. Castle Tor It.
'Could I get some- slips of Kenil
worth ivy anywhere about tho ruins:' I
heard a woman ask of the lodgekeeper
at Kenilworth castlo ono day," said a
" 'You aro aa American, aren't you,,
madam?' asked tho keeper, with a smile, ,
'Why, yes, but what of that?' re-'
cponded tho lady, with some slight em
barrassmenti " 'All American ladies come and asb
me for Kenilworth ivy after they have'
searched in every nook and corner of
the ruins for it, explained tho keeper..
They have told me how common it is
in America and how much it is prized,
and generally explained that they have
promised to take some of the real thing
back from Kenilworth reins for friends
at home. They tell mo they expected to
find the rainsfcf Kenilworth castle over
grown with the beautiful "Kenilwcrth
ivy." and that it is generally supposed
in America that such is the case, and
that tho iw first came from hero or is
named after these ruins because of its
abundance here. '
"The womannodded assent to all this,
and the keeper continued:
' 'But what you know as "Kenil
worth ivy" doesn't grow in or about
Kenilworth ruins, as you've no doubt
discovered. And he smiled again, and
tho woman also smiled in an embarrass
ed way, for she had been hunting every
inch of the ruins over, looking for the
plant 'Prom tho desertion of the plant
which Americans give me I think it is .
what we call ground or wood ivy that
you treasure so much. It has a Email,
bright green leaf and bears a tiny white
flower. It grows on the "ground in the
thickets and under the hedges in cool
places, but I never saw it growing on a
wall as tho common ivy does. I don't
think there is much of it anywhere here
abouts, but it grows in abundance in
some places farther south. The Ameri
can ladies always seem very much dis
appointed when I tell them "Kenil
worth ivy" doesn't grow here in Keail
wcrtn, and I'd very sorry I can't give
you some, raa'am.'
"And the woman turned away, with a
little sigh, as she thought of tho hang
ing basket at home which was to have
been filled with "real Kenilworth ivy
and of the many friends to whom she
had promised slips of the 'real thing'
when it had grown. The ruins of Keail-wee-th
castle are covered with thick
masses of ivy, but it isn't "Kenilwcrth
ivy,' but just the common kind." New
York Sun.
Tho Atyn of Christ Work.
"Peace ca earth" was the aim of
Christ's work in this world, writes Ed
ward Bellamy in The Ladies' Home
Journal. The whole gist of his doctrine
and the burden of his teaching consisted
in counsels to men how to pat an end to
strife with their fellow men and live to
gether with them in mutual helpfulness.
All this teaching, which was the whole
content of his gospel, was grouped about
and crystallized in the golden rule,
whereon our modem world is founded
as on an everlasting foundation. To be
lieve in Christ and not to believe in the
golden rule as the only plan for social
organization, seems to us a moral and
rational impossibility an unthinkable
proposition. Just this, however, our an
cestors undertook to do, and it is fair to
admit that they were very frank about
it They made no pretenses.
An Apt Beply.
Napoleon's apt replies often excited
good humor in a crowd. A large and
brawny fishwoman once was haranguing
the mob and telling them not to dis
perse. She finished by exclaiming:
"Never mind those coxcombs with epau
lets on their shoulders. They care not if
we poor people all starve if they can
but feed well and grow fat "
Napoleon, who wa3 as thin as a
shadow, turned to her and said, "Look
at me, my good woman; and tell me
which of us two is the fatter. "
The fish fag was completely disccn
certed, and the mob dispersed. Ex
An Original.
Little llarjorio There are lots of lit
tle Marjories nowadays, but none other
stall like this one. She is original in her
prayers, as in everything else. Tho
other night she finished off her petition
"And, O Lord, make all the wicked
people good and wash all tho niggers
white!" .New York Tribune.
The unrolling of an Egyptian mummy
supposed to be that of a princess, dis
closed a curious cheat The priests who
did the embalming probably spoiled or
mislaid the body intrusted to them and
for it substituted that of an ordinary
negro man.
. A gentleman ci the conrt of Pepin
had a wonderful pair of breeches that
cot700. They were embroidered with
gold, and all tbs figures were traced
with chains of small pearls.
Darwin found grains of maize in the
ear (b on the seashore of Pern 86 feet be-
lorr the level of the sea.
Notice is hereby given to the public
by the undersigned that I do not allow
dead animals to be buried on my prem
ises, at Roseburg, Oregon, or garbage
dumped thereon or sand or gravel taken
therefrom, unless the party taking sand
or gravel first contract with me for the
rieht to so do.
Tresspassers will be prosecuted ac
cording to law. AAEON JKOSE,
Roseburg, Oregon. March 17th, 1891
Now is the time to subscribe.
his is the Place
to Buy
A full and complete assortment
of all goods usually kept in a first
class grocery.
Everything offered for sale is fresh;
and sold at very reasonable prices.
We have a very choice stock of
canned goods, including both fruits
and. vegetables, to which we invite
your special attention.
Our line of Olives, Gherkins, Pick
els, Sauces, etc., is also complete.
We carry the largest stock of to
baccos in Southern Oregon.
C. W. PARKS & CO., Grocers.
For a Few Days.
Boys Suits $i 50
Men's Suits 7 50
Men's Wet Weather Shoes 2 00
Men's Underwear 75
Latest Style Hats 2 00
Boss of the Road Overalls-Best 50
flackintoshes at Greatly Reduced Prices.
Ladie's Dress Goods Reduced 25 per cent.
These goods have all been received j
within the last month, and are the i
latest st3'les and not shelfworn. !
Don't delay this golden opportun
ity, and call on
The Boss Store.
Alexander & Strong
326 and 32S Jackson St
Bet. Oak ami Waihington.
tl rn j T n Q r D Largest and Best Assortment eTer
VY ilLiLi 1 ill fwil brought to southern Oitjtoa, and
A Large and Elegant Line of
We call the attention of our
friends to our beauti
ful stock of
Easy Rockers
5 Bed Room Sets
lAAAAiS Parlor and Dining Chairs
Rugs and Carpets
And all Household
Our Stock is
Unexcelled by Any House
South of Portland.
nitrvnuntTD s enrnnur the popular
nL-LYnnucn u omunvi home furnishers
nosEBuno, Oregon.
New Era Roller Mills,
MnuiifncturcrH ol LJjf Y VJlITE So Ccu,s Pcr 8nc,
tttc Celebrated 5 a ;---
nrnuilH of Flour, jT CELSIOR 5 Cc,,,s vcr HacU
Bran, Shorts, Feed, Etc, Constantly on Hand,
Highest Cash Price Paid for Wheat
Sheriff Sale.
TN the circuit court of the state
ol Oregon for tho County ot Douglas.
w . T. Creasou.
End l'lagcns and' Albcrsllue
State of Oregon
uouniyot uouglas.)
fit 1 Vl I. Mf.ll. l.t. I..m ifirt-. I lh.
Circuit Court of the Stt nf Ommn inr Ihn
County of Douglas, to-wit: On Monday, March
roth, 1S95. . T. Crcason the above named plain
tiff recovered a Judgment by foreclosure ol a
mortgaco against the.aboro named defendants
i.m.. riagens ana AlDcrsllnc Plagent, and
against tho following described mortgaged
premises, to-nit: Hctrinnln.. t nolnt In thn
center Of the county road leading from Peters
to Patterson's Mill, on the west line ot the R. D.
Foster donation claim No. 43, Township 26
South, of Range r.Wcil of the Wlllametto Me
ridian, 1L0 chains South of thn Xorthrrt In.
terior "L" corner of said claim, said corner being
7.75 chains East of the Northwest corner of Sec
tion i; inenee toutb S3 degrees and 30 minutes
East on the west lino of the said donatlonclaim,
ls.07 chains to the Southwest corner thereof;
thence on the South line of claim. North fa At
cws and 30 minutes East, '.3.10 chains; thence
North 5 degrees West 31.22 chains to point In
center of County road above mentioned from
which a black oak tree In road 31 Inches diam
eter bears North :i .degrees West 9S links dis
tant; thence along center of County road North
67 degrees West 1 chain, North 71 degrves West
10 chains. North 30 degrees and 15 minutes West
lieu cnains: inence orth 2S degrees and 15
minutes West to Ilsce of Ix-rlnnlnr rontnlnlnp
M and 6-100 acres of land more or leas. Also be
ginning at a point o:i the South line of the H. D.
Foster donation claim No. . 21.10 chains North
S3 degrees and 30 minutes East of the Southwest
corner thereof: thence South 5 degrees East S.78
chains to stake from which a white oak 8 Inches
in diameter, bears North 70 degrees west 6 feet
and a white oak 5 Inches in diameter Uarj
North 6 feet distant; thence South 75 degrees
East 5J1 chains to a point from which a black
oak bears North 7s degrees West 35 links dls-
tanirinence boutn m degrees'Eait 5.31 chains
to a point on the East line. Lot No. 7. Section 21;
thence Sooth on said East line lia chains to the
half-mile comer between Sections -It anil "v
Township 2i South, of Range 4 West of Willam
ette jiertdtan: inence west 20 cnains: thence
North on West line of Lot No. 7, 15.G0 chains to
the South line of the Foster donation claim;
thence on said South line North decrees and
30 mluutcs East 1LS6 chains to the place of be
ginning, containing 22 and Ts-ICO acres of land
more or less. Also beginning at a point on the
Section line 20 chains North of the corner to Sec
tions 23, 21, 25 and 23 in Township s South, of
Range 4 West of Willamette.vrlnclpal Meridian:
thence South 20 cnains to the Section corner;
thence West20 chains: thenco Northeast to the
place of beginning, containing 20 acres of land
more or less. Also beclnnlnc at the tame mint
20 chains North of the corner to Sections Is, 21,
25 and 26 in Township 2u South of Range 4 West
of said Willamette Meridian on the Section line;
thence East 7.75 chains to the West boundary
Use of the R. V. Foster donation claim No. 43;
thence North on said line 5 chains; thence
Southerly In a straight line to the place of be
ginning, containing 1 and 94-1 W acres of land
more ones. Also Lot 6 in Section 24 In Town
ship 26 South, of Range 4 West of the Willamette
Meridian, containing M.C3 acres of land more or
less. Also the North hall of the Northwest quar
ter and the Southwest quarter of the Northwest
quarter ot Section S3, Township 26 South, of
1 - , . - 1 . r I . 1 1 1 .. ir .i 11
in;uiruu n ..1&2.C..CV MramiO sou
the East halt of the Northeast auaner of Section
26 in Township 26 South, of itange 4 West of
sara n uiamette Jiertaian, and tnc ortnwest
qcarter of the Northwest quarter of Section X In
Township 26 South, of Range4 West of Said Wll-
lamette Jienman, being :w acres, tne total
acreage being 404 and 23-100 acres iot land more
or 1cm. and being and lying in Douglas County,
State ot Oregon.
5ow, tnerelore, m the name ol the State of
Oregon. I will, on Saturday, the 4lh day ot
Mar. 1335. at 1 o'clock In the afternoon of said
day, at the Court Uou door In Roseburg,
uocgia loamy, uregon, ten at pumic auction
to the highest bidder for cash in hand, ail the
right, title and interest which the said defend
ants or cither of them bad in or to the above
described real property, 20th day ot July. 1SJ2,
or at any time thereafter, and will apply the
WrtJ.i.-,. nf . -I - 1 a a ' A Armf ,r . I- nn.,. ml
penscs of snch sale, and to the costs and dis
bursements herein taxed at I2LCO, to th pay.
aent ot JL53, attorney fees, and to the pay
ment ot the sum of I1114.CO due plaintiff, to
gether with Interest thereon, at the rale of ten
per cent per annum from the 25th day of
March, UOS, and the overplus, it any there be.
pay otct 10 toe saia aeicnoants. .cui riagcus
and Albcrttiuc Plagens or their lecal retire-
sentattves. C. F. CATUCART,
Sheriff, Douglas County, Oregon.
By D. R. Siuxbkook, Deputy.
nnnR .i. wiKinnAQ 2
J ' V 1 V , Y Y 11 1 WW Y Y m
., e
5 Of all Siren and Styles.
Turning and Fruit Boxes
Sherif f Sale.
Window and Door Frames
X Made to Order. ' A SPECIALTY.
Elite of Oregon, fur Donglis County.
Sol Abraham, 1
Tf. I
L. C. Beardsley. Ttter Ilume, I
E. B. Preble, Martha Boggesa, I
and T. It. Sheridan. Ez-j
ecntrix and Executor of the j
Estate of T. R. Boggess, de- y
ceascu, tne uregon ana Cali
fornia ;Luzaber Company, a
Corporation, F. W, Brown. 8.
W.Condon, District Attornty
for Douglas County and Ada
State of Oregon, (
county ot Jjougiu.)
Whereas the Plaintiff above named at the
regular March term. 105. of the Circuit lYmrt
ot the Stale of Oregon for Douglas county, to
wn on me iiiu nay oi Aiarcn, jsso, recovered
Judgment against the above named defendant,
L. C Beardsley. for the sura of 1079.97 with
interest thereon from the 7th day of October,
1893. at the rate of 10 tier cent nrr annnmwfnr
wiw aiiorucys .ccs, lur piainuu s costs ana
disbursements taxed at 117.35, and also Judg
ment aim uteres ui loreciosure araiDfti inn lni
lowing described mortgaged premises, to wit.
Lot number nineteen 1V In Rrooks and geld
ing's addition, the same being the Rrookside
Addition to tho city of Roseburg, in the
county of Douglas, State of Oregon, according
to the oolcial plat and survey of said addition
nf record In the office of the County Clerk of
Dooirlas county. Orecon. containing nine ni
acres more or less, together with the tene
ments, hereditaments and appurtenances there-
unio Belonging or in anywise, appertaining.
Now. therefore. In the name ot the But nf
Oregon, I will on Saturday, the fourth day of
May, 1995, at tbo hour ol one o'clock In tho
afternoon of said day, at the Court House door
In Roseburg, Douglas county, Oregon, sell at
public auction for cash in hand, all tho right,
title and interest which the said defendant, L.
C. Beardsley had in or to the said described
real property on the 7th day of October, 1893,
or at any time thereattcr together with
uc lencmenu, nereaiiaments and appur
tensces mcreunio Belonging or In any
wise appertaining and apply the proceeds
arriting from such sale first, to the payment of
tho costs and expenses of such sale. Second,
to luu tuns nun lutuurBeiucnis incurred ncrelu
by plaintiff taxed ntM7U. Third, tn tho n.r.
mcnt of H0O.0O attorney fees. Fourth, to the
)'jiuit.u. vi uj ijij.ji wnn interest
thereon from the 7th day of October, 1S33, at
the rate of 10 per cent per nnnum, and the
"'"l"u-i ii any mere dc, pay over to the said
uucuuiiii, i. i,. ucanisiey or nis legal reprC'
sentatives. c. F. CATUCART.
Sheriff, Douglas County, Oregon.
By D. R. Smambbook, Ccpnty. "
Of capacities varying from i to 25
hore power affords the most con
venient, economical and reliable
power for all light service. One of
these may be seen running at this '
office. Send for circulars.
131 Main Street, San Francisco, Cal.
The) ortherh) Pacific)
Is the Lino to Take
To all Points East anil South.
Ills the DINING CAR ROUTE. It runs through
Compoitd cf Dining Cars Unsurpassed,
Pullman Orawlng Rocm Sleepers,
01 Latest Equipment,
toukist m,i:i;i'i.m; c.vits
Rest that can bo constructed and In
which accommodations ore both FREE
and FURNISHED to holders of First or
Second-clou Ticket; , and
EtxuA.vr day coi;:iii:s
A Continuous Line connecting with All Lines,
affording Direct and Uninterrupted Service.
Pullman Sleeper reservations can tc secured in
advance through any agent of the road.
THROUGH TICKETS To and from all I'olnts In
America, England anil Europe can be purchased
at any Ticiet Office of this Company.
xun iiuu.-njiiun concerning rates, nine ol
trains, routes and other details furnished on
application to any agent, or
A. 1). ClI.".lI.TO..
Ass.tant Geucral rasscmer Agent.
No. 121 First St., cor. Washington,
Southern Pacific Co.
Elprr- tntias itavc Tertian., diily.
'-oath , " North
6:15f.M. ; Lr. - Ar. i .MAJA. X.
3CDX.X. . Vs. Rosebure - Lr. 1130 r. it.
10:t5 a.m. i Ar - ian Franeiiw Lr. I 7:00 r. .
bore trains Stan at &H stitllnn Frnm 1'nrt.
land to Albany inclusive. Also Tangent,
Shedds, Halsey, llarrlsburg. Junction City,
imng. x.ugeneanaaii stations irom Koseuurg
to Ashland Inclusive.
' Ilokcbur Dlall-Daily.
S JUa. jc. i Lv.
Ar. I izior. m.
Lv. ! Tao a. x.
Pullman Buffet Sleepers
Ailichol to allThroa;hTiXiis.
West Side Division.
Between rorilaml nntl CurvallW.
Jlall train dally (ciccpt Sunday).
7:33 a. it. , Lr.
12:15 r. M. , Ar.
Portland - Ar.
Corvallls Lr,
5 r. x.
1:00 r. x.
At Albanr and Corvallls connect with trains
ot Oregon I'acific railroad.
Express train daily (except Sunday).
t:t)r. . , Lv.
7i3r.x. !.Vr.
i'ortland Ar. P-ii a. x.
McMinvillc Lr. i b.M a. x.
Through Ticket to all lo!nt in
tbc Eastern state. Canada and
Europe can be obtained at low
est rate from :corgo lit t c, Accut
Manager. Asst. G. F. A rajs. Agca
Dr. Gibbon's
U-,,J comer of Com
mercial, San Francisco,
CaL. Established in
li-'A. for tho treatment
of Sexual and Seminal
Diseases, such as Uom
orrhra, Gtttt, Strict
urr, .Syphilis, in alllta
forms. ." (no. Weak-
-nrMM, Itnjiotrncj, and
..Lost lannooa perma
nently cured. The sick and afflicted should not
fail to call upon him. Tbc Doctor has traveled
extensively in Europe, and Inspected thoroughly
the various hospitals there, obtaining a great
deal of valuable Information, -.vhich he is com
petent to Impart to those in need of his services.
The Doctor cures when others faiL Try him.
DR. GIBBON will make no charge unless he ef
fects a cure. Persons at a distance CURED AT
HOME. All communications strictly conflden
lal. All letters answered in plain envelopes.
Charges reasonable. Call or write. Address
DR. J. F. GIBBON. Box 18o7. San Francisco. Cal
Try the Cure
Ely's Cream Balm
Cleanses tho Nasal Passages. Al
lays Inflammation. Heals tno Sores.
Eostoros tho Senses of Taste, Smoll
and Hearing.
A partlclo Is npplled Into each nostril and
la agrerable. Pries COc. nt Druculsls or by
tall. ELY BROTIIERS-Jifl Warren SLIcw York.
DeardorffH ouse
Two Doors North of Depot Hot!.
Tablo Hupplietl witlj the best tbo mar
ket nflbn.H. Muala :tt 'nil hours, 23 cents.
Special rates to families, and particular
attention utvon to im migrants.
Vt. L. I). DEARDOUFF, lropr.
Notice Is hereby given to nil uhom it mny con
cern thail luvoappointel D.W. Btcnrnndf Cala
pools precinct Deputy Inspector of Ktock for said
Srtclnct; postolRce address, Oakland; also A. J.
hap man of Wilbur, and Ralph Smith, at Rose
burg, to act dnring ray absence, and others wil
be added as parties inspoctcd make their desire
known to mo.
Roseburg, May 1th, 1SS7.
lnsrcctor of Stock rn Douglas county.'Or.
sthoufe (jlobe Democrat
Eight Pages each Tuesday
and Friday, Sixteen
Pages Every Week,
is, beyond all comparison, the biggest,
best and cheapest, national news and
family Journal published in America.
Strictly Republican
in politics, it gives all the news and
gives it at least three days earlier
then it can be had from any of the
Metropolitan weeklies.
It Is Indispensable
to the farmer, merchant or profess
ional man, who desires to keep thor
oughly posted, but has not time to
read a large Daily Paper.
Write for free samples to
Louis, Missouri.
By special contract, we are enabled to offer
The St. Louis Globe-Democrat twice every week
in connection with The Plaindealer for only
$2.25 a year, provided you subscribe before April
i, 1895.
Considering the character of the two papers
the greatest of national Journals and the best of
your home papers this offer has never been
equalled. Do not delay but send in your sub
scriptions at once.
We get out a
class of
Job Printing
that is
to the
" General Run."
Sheriff Sale.
Real Estate Bought and Sold
Farms, large and small, to Rent,
Stock Ranges, Timber Lands and Mining Properties,
Prune and Hop Lands of best quality, in choice locations,
in quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable
prices- and easy terms. Inquire of
U oaioKs nssnr
- ot Oregon, for Douglas Cotrnty.
Stephen Mlnard, 1
Plaintiff, j
Wm. McBee and C. A. McBee, I
Defendants. J
State or Oexcon,
County of Douglas.)
Whereas at a regular term of the
Coart of the State of Oregon, County of Douglas,
to-wit: On Saturday, December and, 1894, the.
plaintiff above named recovered judgment
against tho above named defendants for. tha
sum of Four Thousand Six Hundred Thirty
three and 15-100 (ltX15; Dollars and coats and
disbursements taxed at 8iS0, for 1300 attorney
fees herein taxed and against the following de
scribed mortgaged property, to-wit: Beginning
at the corner nf Sections l.V ID. 21 and 2 In
Township 28 South, Range 6 West of Willamette
juenaian, running tnence j.asc isza zeei; usence
North 1 degrees 10 minutes East 1570 feet; thence
North 43 degrees 5 minutes East 663 feet; thence
North 32 degrees and 41 minutes East 400 feet:
mence .Nonn 17 degrees ast 330 leet; tnence
West 2732 feet to the j Section corner on the line
uc.hccu oecuons is ana 15, uownsnip s bouu.,
Range G West of the Willamette Meridian,
thence South 2640 feet to the place of beginning,
containing 125 acres, in Douglas County, Oregon,
together with the tenements, hereditaments and
appurtenances thereunto belonging or In any
wise appertaining, and whereas it has been de
creed by the court that the mortgage of plaintiff
Vl a" fAaAnl (- a. a-. aV a. -a. a- -a 1 1 -k X ff a. a . a . M
v3 iwieviuacu, uuu an uc Tigus, uus ana in
terest of said defendants, Wm. McBee and C. A.
McBee. or either ot them, had in i in th ..(ri
S remises on the 4th day of October, 1337, the
ate of the execution of said mortgage, or at
ta.1 . uiuc tiacxiaAiM.., sum iu mo manner pro
vided by law, and the proceeds arising there
from be applied to the payment of the costs and
expenses therein, and to said indebtedness, and
that said defendants, Wm. McBee and C. A.
McBee, and each of them, be barred and fore
closed of all equity ot redemption in and to the
said premises.
Now therefore. In the name of the State ot
Oregon, I have levied upon, and will on Toes
day, the 7th day of liar, ''93. at 1 o'clock
P. M. of said day. at the Conrt House door In
Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon, sell at pub
lic auction to the highest bidder for cash in
hand all the right, title or Interest which said
defendants had in or to the above described
mortgaged property on the 4th day of October,
1587, or at any time thereafter, together with the
hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto be
longing or in any wise appertaining, and will
apply the proceeds arising therefrom, first to
the costs and disbursements of said sale, and tha
costs and disbursements herein taxed at S6ZS0;
second to the payment 'of $300 attorney fees;
third to the payment ot the sum of $4633.15, with
Interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent, per
annum from the 22nd day of December. 1894, and
the over-plus, if any there be, pay to the said de
fendants, or their legal representatives.
Sheriff of Douglas County, Oregon.
By D. R. Shambhook, Deputy.
Mining Application No. 54.
United States Land OfSce, Roseburg, Oregon,.
(March 13. 1833 I
Notice is hereby given that the Green Mount
ain Mining Company, a corporation duly incor
porated under the general law of the State ot
Oregon, with its principal offlce ot pUce ot
Dimness at Portland. Multnomah county. Ore
gon, by its duly qualified and acting president,
W. C. Wilson, whose post office address is Cleve
land. Douglas County, Oregon, has, on the 17th
of August, 18S7. filed its application for & patent
for three hundred feet in a southwesterly direct
ion from the discovery cut, and twelve hundred
feet in a northeasterly direction from said dis
covery cut. In the aggregate fifteen hundred
linear feet of the Green Mountain Quartz
lode, bearing gold and silver quartz, together
with surface ground six hundred feet In width
situated in Green Mountain Mining District,
County of Douglas and State ot Oregon, and
designated by the field notes and official plat on
file In this office as Survey No. 5 and Claim 38,
onunsnrveyed lands but in Sections 32 and S3,
Township 32 south. Range 4 west, when the pub
lic survey Is extended, said Lot No. 33 being
discrlbed as follows, to wit:
Beginning at a point three hundred feet south,
35 degress west of discovery shaft or cut at post
No. 1 at the center of southerly end of eld
Claim No. 38. from which the southeast comer
of section 32, Township 32 south, Range 4
west. Willamette Meridian, on the 7th Standard
Parallel South, Douglas County, Oregon, bears
sonth 5 degrees east 60.37 chains distant, a fir
30 inches in diameter bears north 44 degrees
west one hundred and twenty links
distant, a fir 18 inches in diameter bears
south 63 degrees east 10 links distant,
thence north 55 degrees west 300 feet
to post No. 2, from which yellow fir 30 inches
in diameter bears south 55 degrees east 17 links,
yellow fir 24 inches in diameter bears north. 43
degrees east 78 links, mathrone 6 inches in di
ameter bears south 53 degrees west 34 links;
thence north 35 degrees east 1500 feet to post No.
3 from which a fir 20 inches in diameter bears
south 20 degrees west 23 links distant, a fir 12
inches in diameter bears north 64 degrees east 31
links distant; thence south 55 degrees east 600
feet to post No. 5, from which matherone 6
inches in diameter bears south 23 degrees west
32 links distant, matherone 6 inches in diam
eter bears north 20 degrees cast 13 links distant;
thence south 35 degrees west 1500 feet to- post
No. 6, from which fir 12 Inches in diameter
bears north 55 degrees west 25 links distant, fir
ten inches in diameter bears sonth 57 degrees
'west 27 links distant, fir 8 inches in diameter
bears south 0 degrees east 31 links distant,
thence north 55 degrees west COO (hundred)
feet to place of beginning, magnetic variation
13 degrees east, containing 205 acres.
The location of this mine, W. J. Worley
locator, Is recorded in the recorder's office,
Douglas county,, Oregon, in Bookof Record of
Mining Claims, Volume 2, page 7JS. The ad
joining claimants are K- S. Jones and A. S.
Whiting on the northerly end andF. Clamo
i Co.. on the southerly end.
And any and all persons claiming adversely
any portion of said Green Mountain Mine or
surface ground, are required to file their ad
verse claim with the Register of the United
States Land Office at Roseburg, in the State of
Oregon, during the sixty days period of pub
lication hereof, or they will be barred by vir
tue of the provisions of the statute.
K. M. VEATCH, Register.
x ing:
Notice is hereby given that there Is a mort
gage or trust deed covering all the property of
the Victory Placer Mining Company, securing
the payment of $125,000 In Coupon Bonds. That
the undersigned is one of the owners, of said
Bonds, holding and owning PO000 0tthe same,
and that neither the undersigned nor any
holder or owner of any of said Bonds re
sponsible for any -work, labor or service done or
performed for the Victory Placer viwtng Com
pany, or for any material .of any kind whatso
ever furnished to said Company for any purpose
whatever, or for the transportation oi the same,
or for any work, labor or services done or per
formed upon, or for anyjaaterial furnished for
the construction, alteration or repair, either in
whole or In part, ot any building, wharf, ditch,
flume, tunnel, fence, machinery, aqueduct or
other structure or structures, repaired, built,
constructed, or placed upon the property of said
Victory Placer Mining Company, for any new
machinery or material furnished said Company
unplaced upon their said property.
Dated this Sth day of March, 1835.
Qllt-10 J.T.C.NASH.
Administrators Notice to
-a- . MDI intMha1 that thAnniTaHlm.., T
Woodruff, has been by the County Court of
.'v.ubuu uiuut., vrcsou, appoint eu adminis
trator of the estate ot Mason Woodruff, deceased.
Tin all TUa-a-n. Ka--,-a. n,Hln. I a r .
. aaaa , ..iaalai.3 OgtUlaSb NUU C9-
tato must present the same -with, proper vouch
ers duly verified to the said administrator or to
nis attorneys at Rosebnrg, Oregon, within six
a""" aa. ai ua- tal I. A& ,C VJi UiU UUUCC.
uaiea April sin, 195.
T? 1 wnAnonn.
A. ' V4aaXUXf ,
Bsows & Tcsruf, Administrator.
Attorneys lor Administrator. a3t5
Administrator's Notice to Cred
' I TT V. 1-0-.1-.9 KaA. a-.-Ul-..aal
I 1 .-.a . aa. a. aaa. BUL-JUi.U W J
thn fTnnnt-r fTnrtrt nt nnn1.. a... t
gon, the administrator of the estate of John
Nyberg, deceased, notice is hereby given to all
persons Interested, to present their claims
ir. net 1rY mi,.. . . V. .-.-a. -v.
verified within six months from this date to
- uuueisignca aamuustraior at uaruiner,
Douglas county, Oregon.
Datr. fit TtrKphnTw. HMWin . I. 1D.V a a..
March, 1S35. D.W. HOLDEN.
Administrator of the estate of John Nyberg,
Attorneys for Administrator
Final Notice.
Tn ah .-1 .Mn. aaf -la. . - . - ,
j ua mo caiait. ui uocepnns
Brock, deceased.
notice is nereoy given that the undersigned
Stratorofthe above entitled, estate hrs
and the Court by order duly made and entered
of record, has flped Monday, May 6th; IsasTat
mtntolsaid esUte. DALY BROCK.
tr1L'K .v Administrator.
Attorney for the Estate. Est6
iSk ?S?f "? honest opinion, wta to
i!L?SN CO., who have had neriTtaty years'
f,JS?l5S,ll "io Wlent. business, ComSSS.
cfT coafldentui. A Handbook oiln
f!Jf?Vhi Pateota and How to oO-
J.J60.1.?10 catalogue ol mechaa
leal and sclontlfla books snt freeT
PMents taken through Mann A Co. receive
jpedal notice tn the relentia.erteaiiSd
put cpsi to. the Inventor. Thn SDleodld saner.
klT. elegantlj lUnstrate! jSfi
urjeat elrculaUon of any sdentlflc work to the
tZZ?JX?- scat. ixee.
rorla. S3 svetr. KjLTnniA
Bnlldlmr Sdltlon. rarmthhr irffft
honses, with plana, enahllngbulldSis foShow tSe
ta4SS5?1RaL!nd secure contralts. Address
For Sale. Old papera, at this office
at 25 cents per hundred.