THE PLAINDEALEE ISCTJ1D EVERT MONDAY ASD tnCSDi.T BT THE PUIHDEALER PUBLISHING COMPANY w. r. BESJAM1K, fa. t:. besjamcc, - Editor JUnngcr. Subscription Rates) One Yir pyblc m alvancc oo Montht, " " 1 00 , Months." " SO MONDAY, APRIL 15. 1S93. REPUBLICAN MEETING. Republicans will notice that Uie president of the club has made n call for a meotins next Friday. Don't fail to tnrn oat and help send solid men to the Portland convention. Oar enemies are active, vigilant and aggressive, which requires at our hauls prompt attention. Gresham is tho clown iu the diplo matic circus, The next Congress should pass the Nicaragua bill. If it does not it would fail to do its duty to the people it represents. "The latest ministerial business conception was tho suggestion that a-sociable be given for the purpose of raising money to tako his bicycle ont of soak. The United States ought to en force the Monroe doctrine. Xo trans atlantic power should be allowed to gel another foothold on the Ameri casNorth or South. Tho moral wave that has been dashing against the head lands in Portland has been stilled by the oil of public opinion so copiously poured upon it, and all is serene again. American women in Pekin. China hare been assaulted by Chinese sol diers while the native guards for police proetclion looked on and grinned. Trouble is anticipated by our diplomats. After a careful canvass of the sub ject, it may be confidently stated that so far the fruit prospect in this county is quite flattering. With half the bloom killed a big yield is almost curtain. Oscar Wilde and bis prurient writ ings are being gratuitously adver tised and some enterprising book maker will doubtless, though surrep titiously, reap a rich harvest from the sale of his condemned works. Economic philosohers and sad- eyed be wallers of present financial conditions could serve tbeic country, (and their creditors) better by at taching themselves to one end of 1 miner's pick and dig for gold, If Cleveland allows Great Britian to extend her claims'over more terri tory on the Oronoco river valley in Venezuela without a vigorous and determined protest, he ought to be kicked to death by Kansas grass hoppers. Capital is no business fool; says a converted free-trader of Cbatanooga, Tenn. It knows when it can and cannot operate, and only when it can do so at a profit will it operate. What good then is there in making war upon it! The Kiddle Enterprise wants Bid dleburgers to wake up and do all they can for the advancement of the common interest Yes, sound the gong brother Conner, they're a sleepy folk, and well they maybe, yon've a quiet place for snoozing. The solemn and ponderous disser tations on tho necessities of the oc casion that have resnlted from the Jregonian's" invitation, mystify the masses', and induce the reflection tbet things are rockier than the most deplorable deplorer thought they were. Preacher J. C. Bead is now on trial for robbing the first National bank of East Portland. The defense is insanity. Insanity is becoming a popular dodge, and, we are sorry to say, is usually effective in clearing rascals from deserved pnni6bment. Whither are we Americans drifting? An eastern paper, the Herald, has the following card as an advertise ment: Wanted, a Catholic man in his own diocese. Beferences re quired. Eighteen dollars per week. Write to Joseph B. Gay, 56 Fifth Ava, Chicago, 111. It seems a par ticular denomination is required for the work desired. Some of our erstwhile rebnblican friends are going, they bay, to the populist party, which promises them free silver. Such remind us of those who two years ago went over to the free trade democrats. They went and got free trade and with it they got the freedom to wait for wdrk and starve while waiting. And now they want free silver, as if by putting the populists in power, all they would have to do would be to reach forth their hands and get it (silver) in un stinted quantities. Like drowning men they clutch at straws. The re publican party that gave Ihem good money, and made coined silver equal to gold, and paper tnonoy as good as gold gave them the best system of currency ever devised by man. Uncle sam Well, ncow, that there can't keep still. It'a like everything else there" in it, strong. Miss Columbia "Your boys?" What do you moan by that? Usclk Sam Why don't you know that the Autoharp ia an American inven tion? Like the Cbickering, ilardman and test for Tone and Durability. Jnst received a new stock of Guitar? and other Mu sical Goods. "Wo keep in stock tho 10-cent Mnsic and also tho latest and most iwp nlar Songs and Instrumental Music. T. K. IUCIIAKDSOX, Itoecburg. Whenever you hear a man finding fault with his local paper, open itand ten to one he hasn't an advertise ment in it; five to one he never gives it a job of printing to do; threo to one that he don't take the paper; two to one that if he is a subscriber he is a delinquent; Even up. that he never does anything in any way that will assist the publisher to rnu a good paper and forty to one ho is the most eager to seo the paper when it comes out. The supreme court of Oregon has just handed down a decision that while of interest to the general tax payer is of peculiar interest to the sheriffs and newspapers. The suit was one to set aside a tax deed. Tho supreme court holds that the tax deed is invalid for the reason' that the first notice of sale was published Juno Gth and the last June 27tb, the sale be ing held on July 3d, making but twenty-seven clear days. Tho law requires the publication to bo for four weeks successively; this means twenty-eight days. Statesman. RISE JX SILVER. The rise in the price of silver dur ing the last few days is another item of proof that legislation on the coin age subject does not effect the prico of either gold or silver. Tho price of silver having advanced several cents per onnca in the absence of 1 legislation, is proof that silver, like all other commodities, is subject to the effects of other causes. Dealers in diver, the same as deal rs in wheat, coal, iron, cotton, sugar, whisky or salt, will bull and bear the markets when ever they can, and make a cor ner on any article if possible. HOME MARKETS. If we have not our own homo mar kets the United States cannot expect to sell in Europe, where tho manu facturers are able to make cheap goods to send to this country and un dersell ns at a profit. If goods made in Europe can be sent here and sold at a figure to pay tho man ufacturers, those manufacturers can also surely undersell us in their own country. What then must be done to secure our own home market and keep foreigners from glutting it with their low-priced goods, thus reduc ing the wages of our laborers and artisans? The only remedy ia to sweep from power Cleveland and his free-trade satelites, and give the reins of government into the band s of the party of protection, the repub lican party which the people will speedily do in 180C. A Rhyming Family. Gustavus Holmes, a cousin of Oliver Wendell Holmes, was also a poet. Here are a few lines from one of his volumes: O, dear, it makes a fellow cots To farm and batch like poor me, Gas. I've tried my beet to set a wife And quit this biscuit-baking life; Bat fate's against me, hope has fled ; And I am le.'t to mix my bread. So here I am, Gustavus Holmes, Watching my yeast until it foair.p, Watching my bread until it bake?, And knowing not the taste of cakes. m S. Card of Thanks. To the many kind friends and neigh bors who devoted bo much cam and at tention at the bedside of Mrs. Hall dur ing her late illnwo, we render our most sincere thanks. Johx Hall ami Family. Oor reporter observed a number of ministers in close conversation with a layman on the corner of Main and Washington fcireeU a few layn ago. It was supposed- by the that a nor mal wavo was about to ba eel rolling over the citv. lint upon inquiry by tho reporter it was found to be a ministerial combine to keep up marriago fees which Mr. K wan trying to cut. Ho failed however, and Mr. K vowed he would call in a minister Item the county. He thinks that these hard times tnarriag feesthould come down with wool, whea and wages. Autoharp music'fl got iuto my less ; I my boys have invented, it's got -the "git A. B. Chasa Piano?, lliey will sUutl tho NEWS ITEMS. Fiv inches of snow fell in Wisconsin cn the 11th, last Thursday. Morrison tho democratic ex-cougress-man says tho silver question w second only to tbo tariff. Fourteen hundred fortunate ones of tan Francisco whose ircouie is over MOOO will pay an income tax for IS04. Tho ccast defenso vessel Monterey de parted the llth from Ssn Francisco on her leisure cruise destination unknown. The people of Chicago are moving the legislature cf Illinois to allow llicui to establish a state government cf their own. John T. Jones, ex-assistant refiner in the Carson City refiner and welter, has been, arrested for taking $77,000 from tho mint. Forest Blakely of North Umpqua came down from that section Saturday, He thinks the fruit is not injured by late frosts. Tho senate of tbeTennesseelegtsIaturc adopted a joint resolution asking con gress to enact a law for free coinage of silver. Under date of April 13th a private cablegram Japati states that the terms of peace bare been definitely fixed the 12th of April. The Litter Day Saints at tho Kansas City convention have decided to hold their next convention at Kirtland, Ohio, April C, 1S90. The Lexlox commission of New York is beaiing fruit. Bills reforming the city government of New York will snrcy pass the legislature. S. B. Hilda, senator, of Vesi Virginia, declares that he ill not be a candidate for the presidency bat will work for free coinage of eilver. San Francisco is urging tho party managers to fix upon that city for the place of holding the next national re publican convention. Albert H. Horton, chief justice of the supreme court of Kansas has resigned and Judge David Martin of Atchison has been appointed by Governor Morrill. Up to date the counterfeit postage stamp makers have not been caught. The headquarters of the gang, it is be lieved, is at Hamilton, Ont., Canada. Postmaster-General Wilson is of the opinion that the increase of business in his department is a barometer of tho in' crease of business throughout the coun try- The floods iu Hungary have proved very destructive. Two villages havo have been entirely submerged on the Danube, and many of the people have been drowned. The Japan ultimatum. China must agree forthwith to Japan's demands for terms of peace or fight. Japan has re duced her claims for indemnity one hundred million yen. President Cleveland will pay his in come tax in the District of Columbia in stead of at New York. His tax 01. his salary after deducting $4000 of income will be $020. the - ier cent on his salary Japan's Actual Demands. Washington, April 11. An authori tative statement of tho terms of cace being negotiated between Japan and China have been secured from official sources. The statement is made in or dor to clear up much misapprehension arising from speculations. The terms are a follows: First Tho independence of Corea. Second The permanent cession of the islands of Formosa to Jnpan. Third An indemnity of 300,000,000 taels ot Chinese coin, worth $ 1.33. Fourth Tho permanent occupation of 1'ort Arthur and immediate contiguous territory. Fifth A new Japen treaty, opening the interior of Ciiinu to commerce. Tito money indemnity is expressed in Chinese taeis instead of Japanese yen. Tho tael is. iu reality, a tvuight instead cf a coin. It is cousidore 1 as silver money. While it Iacq value as $1.33 would 1! equivalent to $31K),000,000 in silver, it in unit! the actual valno would lw between 210,000,000 ami $220,000,000 in gold. Tho fifth term as to a new treaty include various trade features, fcuch as free ncceta to Chinese rivers. Thcro is no demand for territory on tho mainland outside of Port Arthur and its contiguous surrounding)). Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Forty Years the Standard. Sheriff Salo TN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF TUK STATE a of Oregon, for tho County of Multnomah. Aslier Mnrka tbo mlmliiNtrutor ot the estate lit itanuicl Mark, deceased, and tbo administrator ol tho part nership estate ot Snraticl Marks and Ashcr Marks and llymnn Wollen bcrp, riailitlltt. vs. John Jones, Jaeob W. Jones nnd Mute A. Jones his wife, Cbas. Jones, Kinnlliio Landers ami Henry ljindcni her husband, and Malissa Klsher ond Adam Fisher her hus-1 muni, nocsea jmnnnm, name Dunham, Carrie Dunham, Myrtle Dunham, John Dunham, Nancy Dunham, Umlsa Cockclrcase, Kil wnnl Coc-ki-lmuo her husband, John TerK Abraham lcrls, J. e. KIUhUKh Ihu administrator ot the estate o Ioulni Jones. deceased. and W. 1. Dunham. Defendants. J State ot Oregon, ( County ot Douglas. I M Whereas Asher Marks, the Admljtrator ot tho estate ol Samuel Murks, deceased, and tho ad ministrator ot the partnership estate of Hamuel MarUund Ashcr Marks and flyman Wollenbcrjr, tho above named platntlfTs, at tho regular March term, isos, of the Circuit Court of tho State of OrvKon, in nnd for tho County ot 'Douglas! to wit; On Tuesday tho 2nd day of April A. D. 1'A5, recorded u judgment by foreclosure of three (3) certain mortgages against tho above named defendants ns follows, to-wlt: First for tho sum of seven thousand ono hundred nnd sevcutv tlght and GO-100 (PlTS.ffl) dollars with interest thereon at the rate of 8 wr cent per annum from thc'.'nd day of April, lNKi, and for tho sum of three hundred (MWI dollars attorneys fees, and against tho following described real nron erty, to-wlt: 11 All of the donation I.1111I rlalm if,. and his wife Uiusla Jones, being lots numbered:, 3 nnd 4 of section 'J; tho southwest quarter, the ......... ,, uuuuncii iiiianer unci lots nunibervd 5 nnd Dot section 10 In township 27 south of range 6 west, containing 317 and 70-100 acres. Tho south half of tho donation land claim of hdwnrd Morgan. All the donation land claim of John Lphnliprr. Lit l in ...u 9, tho northwest quarter, the fractional south west quarter, tho west half of the northeast quarter and lots 1 and 2 in section 11, tho north " t quarter of tho northeast quarter, tho north half of -tlio northwest quarter ami all o lot 8 In section 15, nnd lot 6 in section 12, nnd lot 11 In section 13, all in township 27 southiof rmzc 6 west Willamette Meridian. ' Also n vwut of the donation Imlil fll... Jacob Jones in said township und range de scribed n follows: Beginning at the routhucst corner of Imbler's land and running thence cast 11.M chains; thence north 51ls degrees west 4.25 chains; thence north 3t5'$ degrees west 12.75 chains to section line: thence west on the sec tion lino between sections 4 nnd 9, C.25 chains to the meander post on the south bank of the Umi qun ricr: thence south 22 degrees east 13io chains to the place of beginning. Also a Portion of the southwest nnnrter nr h southeast quarter of section 11 described as fol lows, to-wlt. Beginning at the northwest cor ner of tho southwest nunrter nt itu. , quarted ot said section running thence east 13 chains: thence south 12 and 23.100 chains: thence west thirteen chains; thence north twelve and 23-100 chains to the place of begin nlng. Also anortion of the dnnntlnn Inn,! rlilm ol Isaac Jones desciilml as fnllmva. t- n..- ginnlng at the northeast corner of said claim, running thence west twenty-nine and 47-100 chains; thence south thirty-one chains: thence essl twenty-nine and 47-100 chains; thence north imrij -one cnunsioine puce ol beginning. Also all of the Interest of said defend nnf Itt and to tho remaining tortlnn of the inn! !. Jones donation land claim. Also a tort ton of the William M. Knton dnnn. tlon land claim described as follows- tn-uii Beginning at a ioIbi on the cut side of the South rmpqua river ten and 97-KU chains west of the corner to sections 9, 10, la, and 16 In said towninipana range, running menccrau to sec tion corner aforesaid tea and 97-100 chains: thence north six and S7-10O chains: thence nest t tho said river: thence by the meanders of said river to the place of beginning. Alnta per- uou vi isaiu ciaiiu ucscnucu ns ioiiows. lo-wir Bcgiunlng at point on the ?outh Cmpqua river ten and 97-100 chains west of the corner to sections 9, 10, 1.V and 16 In said towuihip nnd range, running thence cast to said comer ten and 97-100 chains; thence south twenty (20) chains: thence west to said river; theucc by the meanders of said river to the nlacc of brclnnlnr containing In all one thousand rlvc hundred aud nicety-to(12C) acres more or Ics. all of said land being situated in township 27 south of ransesix (61 west Willamette Merialan. A' all of the following rarcels of land In said County and State in township 33 south of range six uj west ot niiiuneue Jienaian, to wlt tots 7 and Sin section 23. lots 1.2. X 4. 5. $.7 and Sand the west half ot the cast half of section 25 and lots 12. u and II In section 25, containing In aU four hundred and thirty-five acre more or Ira. all of said lands being in vougias t.ouniy, uregon. Second, for the sum of eleven hundred and thirteen and 35-100 UlllXtt) dollars with interest thereon at the rate of ten (10) per cent per an- ucmirom iae -nn uay oi .pni, i;.-sana lor uie sum oi tiuu attorneys ices ano against me following di-scrit-cil mortcsged premises, to-wlt: All the right, title and interest which the said defendants or either of them had In or to the foUow I nsr described urcmlcs on the 15th day of September. LvL the dale af the eseentlnn of said second mortgage, or at any time thereafter, io-wim. .iu iae real properly neretuwriore de scribed in raid first murteagc and In addition to said real prorty as aforesaid me following; to-wit; The north half ol the donation land daim of Joseph Lane and PoUy Lane, his wife, Certia cateNo. I2J. Notification No. designated as Claim No. 61. being parts ol sections numbered ianauintotrnsnip.-7 toutn ot range c nest, and Claim No. 3 being parts of sections 36 in township 26 south of ranee west Willamette Meridian, situated in Douglas County. Oregon, containing 320.07 acres. Also lots numbered ?, 10 and 11 in section 25 In township No. 24 south of range No. 6 west ol Willamette Meridian, containing 3U0 acres, ail being In Donglas locmj, viregoK. Third, for the sum of elzht thouvind one hun drvd and !tv-evcn and SOJCD fl'liTO) doUars wiia interest tnereoa ax me rate ot ten II (j) per cvui tiiomu i rum uw -uu aay oi April, and for the sum of poo attorneys fees ami against the follow in; de-cribed mortgaged prem ises, to-wlt. All the right, title and Interest which the said defendants or cither of them hail In or to the following described premise on the 16th day of December, WO, the date of the exe cution of said third mortgage, or at any time thereafter, to-wit: AU ths real property herein before described In said first aud second mort gages and In adJltion to said real projrty as aforesaid the following described real procrtv. uwu: The north half of the donation Und claim of JOMpn Lane and l olly Lane bis wife, being Certificate No. 125. Notlacation No. 3TM9. deslir- nated as Claim No. Si, being parts of sections I and 2 in township 27 sonth of range 6 west, and claim No 3, being part of section 3 in town ship 26 south of range C west Willamette Meri dian, containing 2.0I acres. Also lots num bered S. 10 and 11 In section 25 In township 24 south of range 0 west of Willamette Meridian, contain; 3LS0 acres. Also the fractional south east quarter of section 10 In township 27 south ol range 6 west of Willamette Meridian, con taining 155.12 acres. Also the fractional west half ot the southwest quarter of section 2, and fractional sostheast naarter of section 3 In township 27 south of range C west containing 10) acres more or less. Also an undivided to- inims interest ol tn and to tfio tollowlng de scribed premises, to-wlt- Tho cast half of the donation land claim of John Spcj.ce, being tba casfhall of the northwest quarter of section 2 in townshlD 27 south of ranze six west, and the cast hall of tho southwest quarter of section 35 in iownsnip:si somn ot range g west ot vtll lamctto Meridian, containing 1G3.47 acres more or less. Also lots numbered " 3. 4. i and 6 in section township 26 south ol range C west ot Willamette Meridian, containing 167.92 acres. The southwest quarter ol the northeast quarter and the northeast quarter of the southeast quar ter ol section 2 in township 27 south of range 6 wet ol Willamette Meridian, containing K acres. Tho northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section 2 township 27 south of range 6 west of Willamette Meridian, and the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section 35 township 2ft south ot range 6 west of Willamette Meridian, containing Ki'iT acres. Lots 1 and 2 ot section 1 in township 27 south of range 6 west oi iiiameao .ncnuiaii, containing i.xt.7 acres. The cast half of the northwest Quarter of section 35 in township 26 south of range ft west of Wll lnmettc Meridian, containing W acres. Hie northeast quarter nnd tho southeast quarter of the southtast quarter of section 35 in township 26 south of range G west of Willamette Meridian, and the east half of the northeast quarter and the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section 2 In township 27 south of range 6 west of Willamctto Meridian, containing 322.03 acres. auo mo west nau oi mesoutneast quarter and the east half of the southwest quarter of sec tion 2 In townshln 27 south of ranca 6 rnt nf Willamette Meridian, containing KO acres. Also the west hall ot the southeast quarter of section 55 In township 2o south of range 6 west of Wil- iniucuc jiuNuuuj. wuwiiuiii, c ncriTi, anu nil the right title and interest of said defendants or either of them to any and all real property uhucu uj mviu ui cituci ui mem, situated in said townships 2G and 27 south ol range 6 west of itiamcue Jicriuinn. Excepting from nil of the forecoln? deierlhl premises In said first, second nnd third mort gages are the following tracts and parcels, to wlt. Those ccrtnln tracts heretofore con- vcjeu as ioiiows, town . Dunvermay. deed dated March Hth, im, 13 acres. J. M. i'ltzgcrald, March 16th, ls, Ifl.iVi acres. M. Kohrcr, August 27th. 18s?, 10 acres. Richard Bauer and ilenrv Ben August27th. 1S6. and January 1st, 189, acres. William Harvey, August 27th. ls. and January ist, laov, va-ni acres. Hugh j. McPhad- aen, August na, a acres, uonnld A. Kcr cusou. Auirust I3lh. ISSH.i 5 acres. J. II. Mintw August 2Dth, 188S, a) acres. George W. Orcott, October 3rd, 1SS.", 10 ucre. W. M. Wells, Novem ber 21st. IW. 10 acres. 8. D. Stephens. Jnn,rr 3rd,lS!9,27.orncrc. Edward and Johanna Glt tlngs. August 8th, ISStf. 18.23 acres. Peter Mink lcr, M arch 8th, lfW3, 13.5G ncres. Also to be cx- ccpica tncreirom are tne louowing tracts and parcels of land, to-wlt: Beginning at a point on the north boundary of Isaac JoneV donation claim No. C5, towush!p27 south of ranged west, 21.41) chains cast of northwest; corner thereof, same being northeast corner of land nrrvlmnlv conveyed by John Jones ct nl. to Adam Heflncr; incacu ensfc muii uutiu nuu ui sum uonnlloll claim 7.1X chains to olnt; thence south 23 chains to point in center of county road; thence north fi2 degrees 30 minutes west alone II on nf said rood 7.83 chains to point being southeast corner of said Ilcflncr's land, thence north along tne east line oi sain innu ix.t cuains to plnco ol lieglnnlng, containing 15.01 acres more or less. Commencing at the southeast corner of the land now owned by John Jones, Ixmlsa Jones nnd Jacob W. Jones, E. M. Moore nnd John Lehn hcrr; thence west 33.13 chains; thence north 25-tO chains to the county road: thence south 72 de grees enst nlong the center of tho county road 35.23 chains to comer; thenco south to place of beginning, being In sections 13 and 14, township 27 south or.'rnngu r. west of Willamctto Meridian, containing 64.25 acres. Commencing at the northwest corner of tho tract of land recently purchased by J. M. Fitzgerald from John Jones ct al.; thenco south along west boundary of said Fitzgerald tract 21.10 chains to land now owned byK. M. Moore: thence west along the north boundary of raid Moore's land 17.75 chains to corner; thenco north 32.25 chains to middle of county road; thenco easterly along center of cnld road 13.70 chains to place of beginning, contain ing SO acres mors or less. Also tho following, commencing at a point 31 chains south and 1.60 chains cast of tho northeast corner of the Isaac Jones donation claim in township 27 south of range u west; iiicnco liortu is chains; thence west 6.67 chains; thenco south 15 chains; thenco east G.C7 chains to plaeo of beginning, contain ing 10 ncres moro or less. Also the following, commencing at a point 10 chains south aud 6.17 chains west of tho northeast corner of the Isuac Jones donation claim In township 27 south of rangoGwest; thence west 13.31 chains; thenco south 11.65 chains, thenco north 70)$ degrees east 1.31 chains; thenco cast 12 chains; thence nonn lociinins to pineo oi beginning, contain ing 20 acres mora or less. Also the following. commencing at point 1G chains south and 18.51 chains west of tho northeast corner of tliu Isaac Jones donation claim in township 27 wmtli of range G west; thenco north 70J degrees west G.G7 chulns; thence south 15 chains; thence south 70) de rccs lust C.G7 chains; tliencu north 15 chains1" to place of licgluulng, containing 10 acres more or ices. Also me louowing, com mencing at tho northwest corner of the parcel of land deeded by John Jones ct al to It. ti. I'ngue In townshln 27 south of ruiik-u i; west, said oar- eel being n part of tho donation claim of Isaac Jones, from thence north 70J-J degrees west 0.G7 chains; thenco south 15 chains; thence south 04 degrees eobt G.G7 chains; thenco north 15 cuains to piaee oi Deginniiig, containing acres more or less. Also the following, commencing at a jvotnt 75 elmlns south of the northeast cor ner of tho John Lclmhcrr donction claim Iu township 27 south of range G west: thence north 30 chains; thence west 20.25 chains; thence south 10.W chains to bank of South I'mpquaritcr; thence southeasterly following the meanders of said river to nloco of beginning, containing 40.15 acres, aiso tne louowing, commencing at a point 45 chains south and 10 chains west of the northeast comer of the donation land claim of John 1-ehntierr In township 27 south of range G west; thence north 20 chains; thence west 35 chains; thence south in chains to tho north bank ot tiicboutli UmiKiua river: thence south easterly following the ineundcrx of said river to tno souiiiwest corner oi mat certain parcel oi land conveyed by John Jones ct nL to i'chrotcii it Bauer: thence north 10..7) chains: thence cast 10.25 chains to the place of beginning, contain- Inir 72.JJ ocrvx. Also a certain tract oi land tho some containing 5S.1G acres off of and from the cast side of the donation Innd claim of John Lclmhcrr, being Claim No. 52 in township 27 south of range o west, said tract being in width 10.15 chains east and west and extending north and south so as tocomprlso .Vsli. acre. Also it tract of laud containing 25.74 acres off of nnd from the west side of the Isaac Jones donation claim, being Claim No. GjJ, situate In township 17 south of range 6 west, mid tract being 7,'ji chains in width cast and west and running north and south Mien a distance as to embrace and comprise 2S.74 acres. A1m beginning at the northwest comer of tho Isaac Jones dona tion claim No. G5 In townshlD27 south of range G west: thence south along the west line of said claim 10.15 chains to the center of county road; tncnee along tne center oi saia county roau south 70 degrees XO minutes euu G.30 chains; thence south b2 degrees SU minutes cnt 13.M chains: thence south 70 degrees 30 minutes cast 15.50 chains: thence north 15.03 chains to the northwest corner of land conveyed by John Jones to McPhadden A Ferguson ; thence south 70 degrees A) minutes com 1324 chains; thence cast 13.10 chains to a point on the east boun dary of Isaac Jones donation claim; thence north 16.25 chains to the northeast corner o raid claim: thence west along north boundary ol said claim 75 chains to place of lieglnnlng, con taining 119.2! acres more or less, being lu town ship 27 south of range G west of Willamette Me ridian, being the remaining unsold portion of the Isaac Jones donation claim In township 27 south of range G west. Beginning nt a. point one chain north of corner or sections i2, 23, 26 anu 27, lownsmpai south ot range n west, run ning thence cast to the Interior angle corner of the James McKluucy donation Innd claim, fol lowing thence south to the north boundary of the south half ot aforesaid donation land claim; thenco west along said boundary to tho river: thenco up the meanders of the North I'mpqua rlrcx to a joint west of the place of beginning; thence cast to the place nf beginning and being In sections 22. 23. 2 and 27 In town hit) 26 Kiuth of range west of Willamette Meridian in Dong- las county, Oregon, ana containing 20 acres. Also an undivided two-thirds lntcrestof in and to all the following described real property it uatc in Douglas county, Oregon, to-wit The south halt ol the donation land claim of James McKluncy aud wife and desbroated as claim No. 17 in township 26 south of range 6 west and con taining 311 JO acre. The amount of land hereby released Is the whole of the above described 20 acres and two-thirds of 321-fO acres: or 214.53 acres, aggregating 231.55 aero. Also commenc ing at a point 16 ehnlni M iitn and 6.67 chains west ot tne northeast comer of tho I-aac Jones douation claim in township 27 south ot range G westnf Willamette Meridian, theuet. west 6.67 chains: thence south 15 chains: thence eat G.67 chains: thence north 15 chains to the place of beginning, containing 10 acres more or 'cs. sit uate In Douglas county. Ores-m. Beginning at a point on tne norm line in Isaac Jones dona tion claim in township 27 south of range 6 west, 12-02 chains west of the northeast comer: thence south 16.47 chains to northeast comer oi land previously convejed by John Jones ctal. to Wm. M. Wells; thence west G.67 chains to north west comer of said land: thence north 16.62 chains to a point on north line of donation claim; inenee aioug norm line ! saiu initiation claim 6.57 chains to tdacc of becinnlne. con taining 11.03 acres more or les. Beginning at apoimxicnains norm nnu iu.u cnains ioutn sO degTces 3S minutes west of the southeast cor ner oi the John Lehnherr donation claim No. 52 In township 27 south of range west of Willam ette Jicnaian, uougias county, uretron; thence norm J ucgrecs x minutes west ccatns: thence north to degrees 39 minutes west 35.02 chains; thence south 4 minutes east 16.11 chains to mint on north lank of South l"mtiua river: thence along said bank in a southeasterly direc Uocfollowtng the meander line of said liver to a point 11.22 chains south 1 degree west and 10.11 chains south SO degrees 30 minutes west of the Dlace of beginning, thence Irom said indnton said river bank north 1 degree cast 11.22 chains and thence north fj uccrevs 31 minutes east 10.41 chains to place ot beginning, containing 75.50 acres. Also a ngm oi way ju nas wiue run ning on the cast side of the above described tract in a northerly direction from the land con veved bv John Joues ct al. to K- Bauer and II. Schroten on January 3rd. lvS. to the countv road running from Knscourg to Cole alley, Douglas county, Oregon. Also the following de scribed prcmics. to-wlt Commencing at a tialnt 3) una ins nurt h of the southeast corner o! the John Lehnherr donation claim, same being no. si townsmp soutn oi ranre t wen ot vt n lamctte Meridian. Douglas county. Oregon: thence south 9 degrees a) minutes west 10.15 chains, thence north 2 degrees 35 mlnutis west 20.23 chains: thence north 533 chains; thence north ?9 degrees 30 minutes cast I0.9S chains to a tiointonthc cast Ilnie id sold Lehnherr dona lion claim 210j chains north of the point of be- glnnlns; tncnee soutn a.oi.cnains to tne place of commencement, containing 27. CO acres. Com mencing at a t)!nt ncrth 70 degrees X minutes west 1.35 chains from the Stone monument 1 ic ing the northwest comer of the J. Huntley do nation claim No. 56 townhlp 27 outh of range 6 west of Willamette Meridian: thence along the ccnterof the county road north 70 degrees 30 minutes west C.47 chains: theuee north 15.05 chains; thence south 7J degrees 30 minutes cast 6.65 chains; thence south II.?) chains to the place of beginning, containing 10 acres of land more or less in Douglas county, Oregon. Begin nlng at a point on the west line of the right of way of the Oregun and California railroad In rccUon 12 township 27 south of range 0 west is cnams cnt ami ii-vi norm oi inc north west comer of the J. Huntley donation claim No. X being alv the northeast comer of land John Jones conveyed to M. Kohrer: thence west on north Hue of ludirer and Orcutt's tracts 1267 chains to the northwest comer ot land John Jones conveyed to Orcutt. the deed for which Is recorded in ol. S3, page .6. thence north on east line of land conveyed by John Jones to -Mrs. vt ens inc uecti lor which is record ed In VoL S3, page l.W. C;l-97 chains: thence east 12.13 chains to railroad richt of wav: thence along west side of said right of way south 3.97 chains to tbo place ol Beginning, situate in loug las county. Oregon, nnd containing 5 ncres. Be ginning nt a point in the center of the tounty road from Koscburg to Coles Valley 10.15 chains south of the northwest corner of the Iaac Jones donaUon land claim No. 65 in township 27 soutn ot range i west, inenee soutn on wei line of said claim 35.67 chains to the southwest cor ner thereof, thence east on south line of said clslm 7.9 chains to stake, thence north 32 chains to point lu center of county road bcici: northwest corner of land heretofore sold bv John Jones to J. 11. Miuklcr. the deed for which Is recordeil 'n Vol. 20, page 303, of the reconls of deciisoi I'oiigtas county, uregon- thenco along the center of county road 9 chains to ulacc of beginning, containing 27.11 acres -iluste in Douglas county, Oregon. Beginning nt a stone on the east line ot the J lA-hnherr donation claim No. 52 township 27 south of range 6 west 13.82 chains south ot the northwest corner of Isaac Jones donation cintin No. 63; thence north along the lane II K! chains to center of countv road, thence alone center of countv road south 61 degrees east 12.71 chains: thence south 8.C7 chains along the west line ol Isaac Joues dona tion claim to place of lieglnnlng, containing 13.56 acres more or less, situate in Dnuzla county, Oregon. Beginning at n joint .v. 06 chains norm oi toiiiueiist corner oi jonn leiin herr donation claim No. f2 tn township 27 south of range G west of Willamette Meridian; thence west 10.9S chains to stone corner at Innc: thence north on cast side of lane 15. 13 chains to a stone rnrncr: thence cast 10.9S chains to corner on do. nation line; thence south on donation lino 15.43 chains to place ot beginning, containing 16.91 ....... Mn.mjil- li.vv wlllt.lfr III lt.llrl-i- ...niti,,- Oregon. Beginning at a point on north line of the Isaac Jones iionniion claim .no. t.i in lown hln27 south of ranee 6 west of Willamette Me ridian, 12.23 chains east of the northwest corner thtrcof; thence east along said line 9.S6 chains to the uortheast corner ol luud herein described: thence south 19.27 chains to stake In the center of the county rond lending from Ko-cburg to Coles Volley: thence north 62 degrees 30 minutes west along the center of said county rond 10.59 chains ma state; incncc north 11.00 chains to point of beginning, containing 15.27 ncres more or less situate in Douglas county, Oregon. Be ginning nt u point in the ccnterof the county rond known as the Koselmrgnnd ColesV alley rond south it degrees 45 minutes vn-l 1.10'- chains and south wi links ami i.i, cnniii south 02 ile grves 30 minutes east, nnd 5 chains south 70 de ere's 30 minutes east of the section corner be twecn sections 11. 12, 13 ami II, township 27 south of ranged west of Willamette Meridian; thence south 70 degrees 30 minutes vast 13.26 chains to point In center of county road being southwest corner of laud convejed by John Jones to Mcl'lmddeli. the deed for which Is re corded In Vol.22, jingo 135 reconls of deeds for Douglas county, Oregon; thenco north on tho Imuiidary of suld Mt-l'haddcn nnd K. Glttiugs Innd 27.52 chains to the north line of Isaac Jones doiint on claim: thence west on said north line 11.67 chains to slake; thence south 21.43 chains to jilnce of beginning, containing aiJVV acres sllliaieti in iniugini county, uregon. iicginning nt the northwest corner of tho donation innd claim of Iaac Jones No. 65 lu townshl 27 south nf rtin(.i6 went, llolll-las I'ountv. Oregon? Ihptme cast 12.23 chains; thence south 11.50 chains to the center of the county road lending from Kosc burg to Coles Valley; tnencu west nlong tho ccn terof said road 12.13 chains; thenco north 10.15 chains to Ihu place of beginning niul containing 14.67 ncres. Beginning ut a point in tho center of the county road 523 chains cost of the corner stone nt southeast comer, interior "L" corner, of the Isaac Jones donation claim No. 65 township 27 south of rntigoG west; thenco west 5.21 chains: thence in center ol road north o degrees so Mlm.liM ...... f 1 id ..1. ..!... V. ...... i. n I. Tint chains; thenco cast 0.40 chains; thenco south 15.15 chains to tne place oi beginning, contain ing 10 acres more or less, being that certain parcel of land sold by John Jones ct al. to Wil liam M. Wells, the deed for which Is recorded in Vol. 23 paze 137, record of deeds for Douglas county, Oregon. Also that piece, or parcel of innu commencing at a point on inc norm line oi tho Isaac Jones donation claim No. 6e, township 27 south of range G west 65.33 chains cast of tho northwest comer thereof; thence koutli 16.17 chulns to stake; thence west 6. ID chains; thence north 10.61 chains to the north lino of said do nation claim; thence cast G.ll chains to place of beginning, containing 10J ncres moro or less, being that Mecc or narccl ot laud sold by Jones etui, to Florence M. Wells, the leedo! which is recorded in Vol. 23, page 130 record for deeds for Douglas county. Oregon. Beginning nt a iHiint on the north line of the General Joseph Lane donution claim No. 63 township 26 south of range 9 west 9.32 chains west of the southwest corner of the John Aiken donation claim No. C3; thence cast 23.85 chains on the north line of Ucn. Ijtnc clnlm ton jHiint In the ccnterof the county rond leading to Koscburg, snld jiolnt being also the northwest corner of the Wm. J. Martin donation claim No. 50; thenco south ulong the center of said countv road aud tho cast lino of the Ucn. Lane claim 42.50 chnlns; thence west 25.50 chains; thence north 2 decrees 23 minutes cast 42.14 chains to the place of beginning, containing 103.J3 acres, less so uiucn oi sum iani ns is in cluded In the right of way deeded to the O. & C. K. K. Co., nnd being 3.36 ncres, the amount of land conveyed to Bamuel Marks nnd Hyinan Wollenbcrg, being therefore 100.52 acres. Begin ning at a point in the ccnterof the county road from Koscburg to Winchester on the cast line of the Ucn. Joseph 1-nne donation claim No. Gl, 42.50 chains south of the northeast comer there of; thence south In tbo center of the road and on east line of said claim to the southeast comer of land deeded by T. J. McCubbin and w ife to John Jones, the deed for which Is recorded la book of deeds No. 19.'juges 265 and 2&tt of the reconls of uougias county, uregon: inenee west on line thereof 34 chains to a stake from which nit oak tree 4 Inches In diameter bears north 52 degrees west 20 links distant: thence north IS deirrces 22.93 chains to a point from whicli a rock 18xl2x 21 bears south 35 degrees west 80 links; thence north 2 degrees east 16.32 chnlns to the south west comer of Innd deeihsl 1 John Jnnes tn Samuel Marks and Hyinnu Woflcnberg.-tho deed lor wnicn is recomcn in hook oi Heeds ol Doug las county. Oregon. Vol. 23. time 107: thi-nw cast 25.50 chains to the jilnce of beginning, con taining uo.un acres, situate in township 26 nnd 27 south of range G west of Willamette Me ridian. And whereas said deertedid order that the pro ceeds of said sale be applied to the payment of said judgments und to the costs nnd exjicnses of said foreclosure taxed at $62 and this sale, and to said attorneys fee as hereinbefore jnovided, and that each of said defendants be burred of nil equity of redemption in nnd to the said real projierty herein described. Now therefore in the name of the State of Ore gon, I have duly levied noon in nursuant of nn execution and order of salo to mo directed is sued out of ald court In said cause dated Ajiril 10th, 1895, and will on Monday the 20th day of flay, 1895, at 1 o'clock I. M. of said day at the Court House door in Koscburg, Donglas County, bidder for cash iu hand all the right, title or in terest which said defendants or cither or them had in or to the above described mortgaged real property on the 3rd day of August, ISSxl, on the 15th day of Sejitcmbcr, 1888, and on the 16th day of December, 1SS9, respectively, or at any time thereafter, together with the tenements, heredit aments nnd appurtenances thereunto belonging or In anywise appertaining, and will apply the procerus arising irom saiu saie 01 said real prop erty, first hereinbefore described to the costs and disbursements of said sale and the costs and dis bursements, herein taxed on said foreclosure. to-wlt: The sum of 62, to the sum of f7178.G0 said first mortgage herein described. And will apply the proceeds of said sale of said property, first hereinbefore described, re maining after their application as aforesaid to- gciner wim tne procceus 01 sale ol jiropcrtv; secondly hereinbefore described to the payment of the sum of 111135, with interest thereon nt the rate of 10 percent per annum from the 2nd day of April, is95, and to the sum of JICO attor ney fee for forccloslnz said second morteaze sn as aforesaid foreclosed And will apjdy the proceeds remaining from the sale of said real properly nercinociorc uescribeil in said tirst and second mortgages, after applying the proceeds thereof as aforesaid, together with the third hereinbefore described morteneed real nmnertr to the payment of the sum of "JM57.50. with in terest mercou at me rate 01 10 per cent per an num from the 2nd day of Aoril. IS35, and for the sum of inoo attorney tco for the foreclosure of said third mortgage. And I will at said time make sale of said real proierty hereinbefore docribed in the follow ing described parcels nnd tracts: That is to say that the real property first hereinbefore de scribe.!, being that described In the said first mortgage foreclosed will be sold separately and avne tract. And the following tract of land which is described In said second mortgage in addition to the real projierty described In said first mortgage will be sold separately and togeth er as one parcel and tract, to-wit: The north half of the donation claim of Joeph Lane and Folly Lane his wife. Certificate 'No. 125, Notification No. 3063. designated as Claim Nn. CI lwmi- npn of sectional and 12 In township No. 27 south of isofcs west, anu maim no. 63, being parts ol section 36 in township 2S south of lunge G west of Willamette Meridlac. situate in Douglas county, State of Oregon, containing 320.07 acres. Also lots g, 10 and 11 in section 25, township 26 south of range 6 west of Willamette Meridian, containing 31.50 acres. And the following described parcels of land described In said third mortgage so as aforesaid foreclosed in addition to the real property in cluded in slid first aud second mortgages here inbefore described, will be sold separately and together as one tract of land which said real property is described as follows, to-wlt: The fractional southeast quarter of section 10 in township 27 south of range 6 west of Willamette Meridian, containing 155.12 acres. Alsj the fractional v.-jst half of the southwest quarter of section 2 and the fractional southeast quarter of section 3 In township 27 south of range 6 nest, containing 160 acres more or less. Also an on. divided two-thirds Interest of In and to the fol lowing described premise, to-wit The east half ot the donation lana claim of John t-pence, being the cast half of the northwest quarter of section 2 In townshlji 27 south of range 6 west, and the east half of the southwest quarter of section 35 in township 26 south of range 6 west of Willamette Merieian. containing 1C3.47 nm-s mnn m I.-.. Also lots numbered 2, 3, 4.5 and 6 in section 36 townsmp 2i soutn ot range 6 west of 111am ctte Meridian, containing 167.92 acres. The southwest naarter of the northeast munor n.t the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section 2 tnwnshlp 27 south of range 6 west of Willamette Meridian, containing to acres. The northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section 2, township 27 south of range 6 West of vtiuameiic .viertuian.and the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of secUon 35. townshln 26 south of range 6 west of Willamette Meridian. containing 3.0. acres. Lots 1 and - ot isection 1 In township 27 south of ranee G west of Wlllam. elteo Meridian, containing 65.G7 acres. The east half of the northwest quarter of section 35 tu tuwiisnip u.-soutn ot range o west 01 Willam ette Meridian, containing HI acres. The northeast quarter aud southeast quarter vi lucitiuuiwi (juncier vi aectioii tfo in town ship 26 south of range G west of Willamette' Me ridian, and the Cast nnlf of tho northeast nunr ter nnd the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section 2 in townshlji 27 south ol range b west 01 niiiamctic Meridian, contain' lng 322.09 acres. Also the west half of the south. east quarter and the cost half of the southwest quarter of section 2 In township 27 south of rangeG west of WUlamettc. Meridian, contain. lug 160 acres. Also the west half of the south cast quarter of section 35 iu townshlji 2G south of inuceu west 01 vtiuauiciic .Mcriuian, contain lng 80 acres. Dated this 15th dav ol April. IS35. f. K. CATHCAKV, i-hcriQ of Douglas County, Oregon. The total amounts of exports of bread' sttills, provisions and mineral oils for the last nine months ending March 31, for 1S94 and 1S93 weie respectively $258,- 8 1 1, S3Sand$ 13 1,977,722, a decrease of $21,494,000. satfed ingwitfe G. W. KRUSE THE GKOCKK, 406 Jackson St., One door south r.O. Choice Teas, Coffee?, Tobaccos and Cigars. And every thing else In the Grocery line. Highest flarkct Paid for Country Produce. Give him a call and be convinced. CAiGiBLERS BESUHOES. Perfect Fit. Lofvcst Frice. Satisfaction Guaranteed. V-ftLObK AjITD SBx;. Jmh deal CENTRAL HOTEL! Board Lodging $3.50 per Week. MEALS, 15c. -ttUIve me a CallSk' THE -DAVIS-AMBLER -MERRELL LIMBER CORP AMY I.onn Tim Iters 11 Hpcclnlty. MANUFACTURERS OP, AND FIR AND CEDAR LUMBER. The Roseburg Lauadry, 202 Main Street, opp. Hotel Van Honten. p;j RST-CLHSS A 1. 1., WORK GUARANTEED. MORK At Reasonable Prices. DRINK THE Days of '49 Whisky. A f. -f For Sale at all DeLaney & Meyer, MANUFACTURERS OF The Celebrated Eoseburg Beer, ALE AND PORTER. All Orders either at Home or Abroad, by Railroad or otherwise, Promptly Attended to. TpE MITtfpLL, IM$ (?0. A FULL Plows, Harrows, Wagons & Buggies AND HARVESTING MACHINERY. BEAN 5PSAY PUflPS ARE THE BEST. WAUKEGAN BARB WIRE. ATT I.V3IBER VAItP KliAlt DEPOT. a I R1T7RD 2 J 1 udt.. Proprietor of The City Meat Market, And Dealer in PRIME BACON, HAMS, LARD, AND FRESH .MEATS OF ALL KINDS. 3Lft- Orders taken and Delivered Free to anr part of the Cltr. iiE9Eanessz8E5ei0Heic!iB9oiiiiaiiBiaitiiii5 4 Our Stock Consists, 01 OT"cs THA?i Hardware and Nails. THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF Stoves and Shelf Hardware IN SOUTHERN OREGON. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE consignment of Fishing Paraphernalia; , Croquet Sets and Sporting Goods, also an excellent assortment of Pocjcet Knives, Razors, Etc If you are interested in nice goods, call and see us. CHURCHILL, WOOLLEY & HKENZIE "AGENTS FORI STUDEBAKER WAQONS wsew IT WILL. NOT CU nnrt Vm)iFsl3.ore?.t y mail. 25a, Mc wa $1.00 per package Samples free TboFavorito TOOTS f OTOSS forthoTccthaad Breato.SSc For salo by M. F. Itapp. Druggist. Subscribo for tho PLA1NDE.VUB. BEDS, 15c Write for Price. DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF r-lsncK x DKirtii, v ropnexora. CELEBRATED First-Class Bars. f LINE OF HUNTER & HUME. Poultry, Fish and Game. In Season. Roseburg, Or. and OLIVER PLOWS. Mineral, Railroad. Aricultural. H. G. POTTER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 1106 G St., X. y. WashitiKtOD. Uf. TLZV'Z,.. ia the Gcneml I-aud Office.. S'Jn 1 "J Tr ' Contest. Mineral ts. Mln eril y "i"i'"la? 1 Agricultural clalmL aSa Latt thief of tho Mineral Division. tsh & Correspondence Solicited. At tho Boss Store a large shipment of mon'8, boy's and children's clothing just received. Call and ba convinced of tb bargains in these goodg.