The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 11, 1895, Image 4

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$9t; F. BENJAMIN, -C
Subscription Rate:
One Year payable In advance
Mouth. " x oo
Month." " so
35 T
Era Roller Mills,
Manufacturers ui
tlic Celebrated
Brands of Flour,
Bran, Shorts, Feed, Etc., Constantly on Hand,
Highest Gash Price Paid for Wheat
Sheriff Sale.
TS the circuit coukt of the state
of Oregon for the County of Douglas.
W. T. Crcujon,
Eiatl FUgens and
Albentine f
Defendants, j
The Quickest Way to 111 Up Wealth Is
This Business Era.
Tha reason of the modem difference:
in favor of bttsinosa as an instrument of
money making is not far to Ecok. It is
tho enormous growth in the scalo of ev
erything in which business can be done.
Tho enterprise of a merchant, of a con
tractor, of a mine dealer, OTcn of a shop
keeper, maynow cover the wholo world
and maybe carried on, moreover, main
ly upon credit It may be doubted
whether, except in those transactions
which are called "financial, " and which
really mean tho taking of heavy bribes
for pecuniary support, any ono transac
tion ever yields quite as much as the
came transactions would have yielded
60 years ago; whether, for example, any
cargo ever produces ton for ton an equal
margin of profit, or whether any cus
tomer in a shop pays quite so heavy a
percentage on tho goods he buys.
It is the magnitude and multiplica
tion of cargoes which yield fortunes,
the thousands instead of hundreds of
customers whom clever dealers may in
duce to spend money. Tho new system
of rapid turnover is, of course, precisely
the same thing tho dealer selling four
times what he did and using only tho
same capital This advantage of scale is
almost entirely wanting to the profes
sional man, for tho obvious reason that
he is hampered by limitations of time.
There are only 600 minutes in a hard
worked day, and the seeker after in
come, bo he as able as ho may or as de
cided or as rapid, must give somo of
those minutes to each client or patient
or contractor with a difficulty to meet
If he dyes not ho loses custom, and
with custom income rapidly slips away.
There are no doubt favanto lawvsrs. I rinriinr at anoint on the South. line ol lie K.I.
fWfn-c nrl nn mn'nwrcirlifMid' Stealer donation claim No. -O.SU0 chains-Jortn
doctors ana even engineers wnosoaa ffl degreea and so minutes East of the south vi
Vice IS sought at great expense, When corner thereof: thence South 6 degree East S.7)
equally g advi procurable an MSe
Cheaper, but Still the favorites must give mad a white oak. 5 Inches In diameter bear
their advice and lose their days in doing Northg leet distant: thence south ts decrees
mi ,.7 , T T , East iSt chains to a point from which a black
it or ther will sneeailv be deserted. Mt bears North ts decrees west ss lints dis-
X othinc can alter this first law. while tant; thence South SO degrees East ist chslnk
TT m r i t- I to a point on me tail une, ioi .o. 7, suon::i:
the exaggeration Of prof essla&al lees IS I thence South on said East lice 52 chains to the
kept down in the case of solicitors by fn of SSuS
positive Statute, in tnat Ol doctors oy an rIte Meridian: thence West SI chains: thence
etiquette difficult to define OX explain North on West tine of lot No. 7. 15.00 chain to
rH .77 Cl i the South line ol the FWtcx donation claim:
there seems to be no reason why a great .hear on uid south line North sa decrees and
physician should not charge according 5 minutes East ikk chaius uj the place of bc-
f , ... . . ., . , , - , j idnnicc, containing and 74-100 acres of land
to skill and in that of barristers ana Q0ie orie. Aisobesinning at a point on the
esciaeers. bv a comDetition. which. Section line 33 chains North of the corner to Sec-
rf8 rr Tv"j - VT! tions 3, 21.25 and Sits Township a; South, of
though never acknowledged, is none tie 4 tfnt 0f wiiiameiie.prineipai Jtcndian:
Iocs tmI n-nA rfTv-tiv- ran not we thence South 2) chains to the Section corner:
.lt theaceAVetaOchaInj:lheoce Northeast to the
wrasisiQBuer uuaccuuiuuu u. luaus, I place of beginning, containing 3) acres of land
rt An Tint V1?pta that. Iimwrer dri- I more or lew. Also becinnlnr at the same point
.- 3) chain North of the corner to Sections 23. -I.
lizabos may develop itself, proiessionai a in Township k south of Range West
skill will ever again be the quickest of laid Willamette Meridian on the Section line:
a . -,t.n. T-rmdrm thence Ea7.7S chain to' the West boundary
80 Ccuts per SacU
95 Centu per Hnclr.
State of Orecon j
County of Douglas, j
Whereas at the rtitular March term 1XX5, of the
Circuit Court of the State ol Oregon lor the
Countr of Douclas. to-vtlt: On Monday, March
xSth, 1595, W. T. Creason the above named plain
un recorercu a judgment Dy loreciosure 01 a
mortgage against the above named defendants
Emit Platens and-kAlbcrsllne riagens, and
against the follou-ing described mortgaged
premise, to-uit: Beginning at a jwlnt In the
center ol the county road leading from IVters
to Fatterson's Mill, on the west line of tho R. I).
Foster donation claim No. 45. Township 26
South, of Range OVeit of the Willamette Me
ridian. l&M chains South of the Northwest in
terior "is corner ot said claim, said corner oeing
7.71 chain East of the Northwest corner of Sec
tion II; thence South S3 degrees and 30 minutes
East on the "n est line ot the said donation-claim.
4107 chains to the Southwest corner thereof;
thence oa the south line or claim. North to de
gree and 30 minutes East, vsao chains; thence
Norths decrees West 5U2 cfialns to point In
center of County road above mentioned from
which a black oak tree in road U inches diam
eter bears North 75 degrees West SB links dis
tant: thence along centerol County road North
67 degrees West 1 chain. North 71 degrees West
id enams. norms acsrrees ana u minutes itesi
12.50 chains: thence North a degrees and 15
minutes West to place of beginning, containing
St and S-100 acres ot land mora or less. Also le-
pjjQRTHERH) Pacific)
Is the Lino to TaLo
To all Points East and South.
It is the DINING CAR ROUTE. It runs through
Cempostd ol Olnbg Cirt Unsurpaised,
Paltman Dnxlng Room Sleepers.
Of La'.etl Equlpmtnl,
Best that can be constructed and In
which accommodations are both FREE
and FURNISHED to holder of First or
Second-class Tickets, and
A Continuous Line connecting with All Lines,
affording Direct and Uninterrupted Serricc.
Pullman Sleeper reservations can bo secured in
advance through any agent of the road.
THROUCH TICKETS To and from all rolnts In
America, England and Enrope can be purchased
at any Ticket OfSce of this Company.
trains, routes and other de
application to any agent, or
An Incident In W&lca TU1 JUuvercd
Kemark Aboat Her.
To a writer in The Woman at Home
Hme. Albasi has been giving some de
tails of her life. "My voice is a certain
amount of care to me, "she said. "You
thinfctbat it always eounus xresn ana I township as south, of Range West of Said wii
clear?" VTelL I watch over it and never llamette Meridian, being acres, the total
-ti. , T s,l U "crease being M and -KO acrra 4ol Und more
ouun v - "-1- 1 or less, ana oeing ana tying in isougiaa uiuniy,
fVi ttia rtit-c T am mrirA tn inncatthfl I Stale of Orecon.
TV! . . JT , . , f Now, therefore. In the name ot the state of
opera I do not talk above a whisper lor 0, T vein, on Saturday, the th day of
line nf the R D. Faster donation claim No. 43;
thence North on (aid line 5 chains; thence
Southerly in a straight line to the place of be-
Onnicg, containing .1 ana yt-juu acres 01 uou
more or less. Also Lot 6 In Section 21 in Town'
thin SS Sonth. of Kance 4 West of the Willamette
Meridian, containing MX3 acres of land more or
less. Also taeNorta nail 01 me onnwesiquar
terandtheSouthwestauarterof the Northwest
cuarter of Section IS. Township "JC South, of
KannlWestof said Willamcltce Meridian and
the East halt of the Northeast quarter ot Section
3S la Township as Sooth, of itange West of
saxi vtuiameixe Acntuan, sou wc .uiurnni
ccartrr ol the North west Quarter ot fceeiton a in
many hours beforehand, besides which
I believe in careful diet Tea I forbid
mvself. Bordeaux I find excellent And
sometimes, between the acts of an opera.
I take, through a straw, a cup of bouil
Ion made in the French way; which I
find very restorative."
Hme. Alhani could sins any tune
sung to her long before she could speak.
"My sister," she added, "will tell you
that she distinctly remembers my first
soprano note a real note, long sustain
ed. "We were playing together in our cot I tcntativea.
in the early morning before the house
hold were astir, and, baby though she,
too, was, she has not forgotten the effect
made upon her. At 8 years old I actual
It entered the musical profession. Ah,
do not laugh! It is tree. J made a little
'toumee of somo xaoBths duration and
was much petted and spoiled wherever
I went Then afew years later Iwaa
sent to be educated at a convent and
engaged to take the soprano solo at a
There is a good and a true story of
how one day Adelina Patti, when
walking down Begent street ono mom
ing with her first husband, the ifarquia
de Caux, stopped at the windows of the
stereoscopic company. There were
eh own, side' by side, photographs of her
self and the debutante, Mile. Fmma Al-
Mar. 1-35. at 1 o'clock in the afternoon ot said
day, at the Court House door in Roseburg,
Douglas County, Oregon, sell at public auction
to tne urn est uiaaer tor casn in nana, aii ui
right, title and interest which the said defend
ants or either ol them had '.n or to the above
described real property. 20th day of July, 1W2,
Or at any time therealier, and will apply the
nroeeed of such sale, first to the costs and ex
cuses 01 sucn saie, ana 10 uzc mis iuju uu
ursements herein taxed at S2L0O, to the pay
ment of tlS, attorney fees, and to the pay
ment cf the sua of till COO due plaintiff, to
gether with interest thereon, at the rate of ten
rtrr cent Tier iinn from the 25th dar of
March, 1S3S, and the overplus, II any there be.
tkt mtr to the said defendants. Emll Flacens
and Albentine Flarens or their legal reprc-
Cr. CA111CAK1,
Sheriff. Douglas County, Oregon,
By D. K. SHXXBXoo:,J)epnty.
Sheriff Sale.
. State of Oregon, lor DongU County.
SoIAnrahan, , 1
riamua, I
v. I
L a Beardsley. Peter Hume, i
E. B. Prehle, Martha Boggess, I
ana i. a, cnenaan. u-
ecntzix and Exeentor of the J
Estate of T. R. Boggess, de-
ceased, me uregon ana iaii-;
icmia uunocr unnpauy, at
Corporation, T. W. Brown. S.
W. Condon. District Attorney
for Douglas County and Ada
ueamiiey, .
ieienoanis. j
State ol Oregon, I
county oi voagias.)
Wbmas the Plaintiff above named at the
, .i. ..1.. Man-h tmn li'i nf the OirTnlt Court-
banL Patti stood close to the window I of the State of Oregon for Douglas county, to
and was unnoticed by a young man l.L
lounging in'the background. "Look," I L. cTBeaidaiey. for the sum of xmsn with
x.. 1: j i i i a avn . I intmit themn from the 7th dar of October.
ua. trr " V"U r3". J.,lri of per cent pe annumifor
uux, air uu favwsau us xuiaini, i iioauj allsrney xees, lor piainun emu anu
She's the new prima donna, and every-1 2Jr"?' "hJuS
ooay u raving over ner. ram wiu i lowing described mortgaged premises, to wit
rru.n. i Lot entailer nineteen ii?) in uroos ana :mw
certain!" And Patti. turning round sud-1 AiMitinn to 'the citv of Koscburg. in the
denlr nnm thn crwrfrra-. marln him a county of Douglas, State of Oregon, according
swift little courtesy. "Thankyou, sir,'
she exclaimed, ber eyes sparkling with
"mischief. The man was rooted to the
spot with amazement Patti stopped just
an instant to enjoy the effect she bad
created and then tripped off laughing
through the crowd on hcrVway home-
Pickled olives are a tonic for the
nerves, as is celery. While the latter is
an excellent digester and should be sup
plied in crisp, tender pieces to those
whose digestion is faulty, yet every
where it is an excellent appetizer.
Among other healthful appetizers water
cresses are in the very front rank. All
greens arc antiscorbutic but water
cresses are especially valuable for this
reason. New York Dispatch.
to the ofidal clat and survey of said addition
of record In the oScc ot the County Clerk of
Douglas county, Oregon, containing nine pi
aer more or less, toselncr witn tne tene
ments, hereditaments and appurtenances there
unto belonging or in anywise appertaining.
ow, inereiore, in me name 01 uic cute ui
Oregon, I will on Saturday, the fourth day of
Mir. 1K33. at the hour ol one o'clock in the
afternoon of said day, at the Court House door
in Roseburg, Douglas county, Oregon, sell at
public auction for cash in nana, ail me ngnt,
title and interest which the said defendant, I
C. Beardiley had in or to the saia aescnoea
real nroTjcrtr on the 7th dar of October. 1833,
or at any time thereafter together with
the tenements, hereditaments ana oppur
tenace thereunto belonging or in any
wise appertaining and apply the proceeds
arrtsinc Irani such sale first, to the payment ol
the. eoitt and expenses of such tale. Second,
to the costs and disbursements Incurred herein
br nlalntftr taxed at II7.S5. Third, to the pay
ment 01 fiiJUw attorney lees, xuunu, in iuc
payment of the sum of f79.37 with interest
thereon from the 7th day of October, 1M3, at
the rate of 10 per cent per annum, and the
overplus, 11 any there be, fay over to the tald
aeicnaani, u. c uearusiey or bis iexni repre
sentatives. C.T. WiaUAKl,
Sheriff, Douglas county, Oregon,
By 1). K. Ehaxbboox, Deputy.
' WW.
A genius has arrived at the conclusion
that a gold coin passes from one to an
other 2,000,000,000 times, before the
Stamp or impression upon it becomes ob
literated by friction.
The battle of Bsrnct was ono of the
most decisivo ever fought It was in !
1471 and closed
in England.
the age of .baron rule
Pascagoula,tho uamo of a Mississippi
.'river, means the "Bread Nation, "
Notice iff hereby given to the public
by the undenrigned that I do not allow
dead animals to be buried on my prem
ises, at Roseburg, Oregon, or garbage
damped thereon or sand or gravel taken
therefrom, unless the. party taking sand.
or gravel first contract with, me or jthe
right to so do.
Tresspassers will be prosecuted ac
cording to law. aarox Kobe,
Rosebnrg, Oregon, March 17th, 1891.
No More Back Ache
t 1
lnfonoatloa concerning rates, time of
tall furnished on
Assistant General Passenger Agent,
No. 121 First St. cor. Washington.
Southern Pacific Co.
Expreaa trains leave Portland daily.
South j
6:LSr. X.
320 A. Jf.
Lv. - Portland - Ar.
Lv. - Roseburg - Lv.
Ar. - San Francisco Lv.
S.-jO x. x.
11:30 r.x
7:00 r. x.
Above trains ston at all stations From Port
land to Albany inclusive. Also Tangent,
Shedds, Halsey, llarrisburg. Junction City,
Irving. Eugene and all stations Iron Roseburg
toAsniana inclusive.
Itoacbnrc 71 ail Dally.
i0 r. x. I Ar.
- Portland
Rovbun: -
4ssr. a,
730 a. x.
Pullman Buffet Sleepers
sccond-ccwi M,ci:rixf: cuts
Attached to all Through Traltis.
West Side Division.
netween Portland and CorrxUIl.
Mall train dally (except Sunday).
12:15 r. X.
I Ar.
Portland -Corvallts
10 r.x
At Albanr and Corvallls connect with trains
ot Oregon PaciSc railroad.
Express train dally (except Sunday).
i:ir. x. iLv.
725 r. x. !Ar.
Portland - Ar. i
McMinville Lr. I
: a. x.
i JO A. X.
Thro a gli Xlcketa .to all Point la
the Eastern state, Canada and
Enrope can be obtained at low
eat rate Iron Gcorsro lis tea, Agent
Manager. Asst. U. F. A Pats. Agen
Dr. Gibbon's
Uw" comer of Com'
mcrclal, San Francisco,
CaL. Established In
l&t, for the treatment
ot sexual ana seminal
Diseases, such as Uon-
orrhtn, Qltct, Strict.
re, au It
forms. Seminal ITtnk-
neaa, Impolencj, and
Lost Manhood perma
nently cured. The tick and afflicted should not
fail to call upon him. Tho Doctor has" traveled
extensively in Europe, and Inspected thoroughly
the various hospitals there, obtaining a great
deal of valuable information, -which he 1 com
petent to Impart to those In need of his services.
The Doctor cures when otners lau. try mm.
DR. GIBBON will make no charge unless he ef
fectr a cure. Persons at a distance CURED AT
HOME. All communications strlctlr conflden
laL All letter nwerrd In plain envelope.
Charges reasonable. Call or write. Address
DR. J. F. GIBBON. Box 1SJ7. San Francisco. Cal
IN lil
Ely's Cream Balm
Cleanses tho Nasal Passages- Al
lays TnflnTnmfttiOTL. Healfl tb.0 SOTOS.
EestorcB tho Sonsea of Teste, flmoll
and Hearing.
A partlclo la applied Into each nostril and
Uacreroble. PrireSOc. rtt Drnaalataorby
snail. ELY BltOTIIERSa Wtrrcn H:Jic Tort.
s-ko"fc Q lobe Democrat
Eight Pages each Tuesday
Jiils. AllJl '? a1 arm nr CawrAaaa
anu rniinj, iaicuii
Pages Every Week,
is, beyond all comparison, the biggest,
best and cheapest, national news and
family Journal published in America.
Strictly Republican
in politics, it gives all the news and
gives it at least three days earlier
then it can be had from any of the
Metropolitan weeklies.
It. Is-Indispensable
to the farmer, merchant or profess-'
ional man, who desires to keep thor
oughly posted, but has not time to
v . read a large Daily Paper.
Write for free samples to
Louis, Missouri.
By special contract, Ave arc enabled to offer
The St. Louis Globe-Democrat twice every week
in connection with The Plaindealer for only
$2.25 a year, provided you subscribe before April
1, 1893.
Considering the character of the two papers
the greatest of national Journals and the best of
your home papers this offer has never ben
equalled. :Do, not delay but send in your sub
.scriptions at once.
We get out a
class of
Job Printing
that is
to the
"General Run."
Sheriff Sale.
A of Oregon, for Douglas County.
Stephen Mlnard,
Wra. McBco and C. A. McBcc, i
Defendant, j
Statu of Oregon, (
County of Douglas.) BS
Wlicrcn at n regular terra of tho Circuit
Court of tho Stato ot Oregon, County of Douglas,
to-wlt: On Saturday, December 2!nd, 1891, tho
plnlntirr abovo named recovered judgment
ngnlnst tho nbcivo named defendants for the
sum of Four Thousand Six Hundred Thfrty
tlireo and 15-100 ($1033.15; Dollars and conts nnd
disbursements taxed at ?G2.50. for 1300 attorney
fees herein taxed and against the following de
scribed mortgaged property, to-wlt: Beginning
at tho corner of Sections 12. IS. 21 and 2! In
Township 28 South, Range G West of Willamette
Meridian, running ttiencoEast 1825 feet: thence
North 2 degrees 10 minutes Kast 1570 feet; thence
North IS degree 5 minutes KastGKJ feet; thence
North SI degrees and 41 minutes Kast dOO feet;
tncneo .Norm 17 degrees East 830 lect; thence
West 2732 feet to tho H Section corner on tho line
between Sections li and IB, Township a South,
llungo C West of tho Willamette Meridian,
thence South 2040 feet to the tilaco of becinnlnir.
containing 125 acres, in Douglas County, Oregon,
together with the tenements, hereditaments and
appurtenance thereunto belonging or in any
wise appertaining, and whereas it has been de
creed by the court that the mortgage of plaintiff
no loreeioseci, anu an 1110 ngnt, title ami in
terest of ald defendants, Wm. Mcllcc and C. A.
Jlcllee, or either of them, had in or ti the said
tiremiseson tho 4th dav of October. 1SS7. the
data of the execution of said mortgage, or at
any time incrcaiter, oe tola 111 ineTnanncr pro
vided by law, and tho proceed arising there
from be aMtlled to tho riavment of the costs and
expenxes therein, and to said Indebtedness, and
mai Mini (iciciiuanix, wm. .Mcuceanu u. a.
Mclice, and each of them, bo barred and fore-
clo;ed of all equity of redemption In and to the
ram premise!.
Now therefore. In the name of the State of
Oregon, I haro levied iim, and wilt on Tues
day, ine 7in uay 01 nay, 1995, at 1 ociock
I". 31. of fold day at tho Court House door In
Uosebunr. Douclas L'ountv. ((reran, rcll at nub
ile auction to tho highest bidder for cash in
hand all the right, title or interest which raid
defendant had in or to tho abovo described
inortgager property on the 4th day of October,
1W, or at any time thereafter, together with the
hereditament and appurtenances thereunto be
longing or in any wise appertaining, and will
apply tho proceed arisinir therefrom, first to
the cosU and disbursements of said rule, und the
costs ami disbursements herein taxed at $02.50;
second to the payment of $000 attorney fees;
mini 10 tne payment 01 tne sum ot iniii-i.), witn
interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent, per
annum from the 22nd day of December. 11, and
the over-pins. If any there be, pay to the said de
fendants, or their legal representatives.
Sheriff of Douglas County, Oregon.
By 1). It. SitAHBnooK, Deputy.
Mining Application No. 54.
United State land Office, Roseburg, Oregon,)
March 1S,1S'J5 J
Notice I hereby given that the Gtcen Mount
ain Mining Company, a corporation duly Incor
porated under the general law of the State ot
Oregon, with it principal offioo or place of
Duslite at Portland. Multnomah county, Ore
gon, by Its duly qualified and acting president,
W. C. Wilson, whose post office address Is Cleve
land, Douglas county, uregou, nas, on mc iiu
of Aiiznst. 1SS7. filed Its application for a patent
for three hundred feet in a southwesterly direct
ion from the discovery cut, and twelve hundred
feet in a northeasterly direction from said dis
covery rut. m-thc aggregate niteen nunurcu
linear feet of the Green Mountain Quartz
lode, bearing gold and silver quartz, together
with surface ground six hundred feet in width
situated intirecn Mountain Mining District,
County ol Douglas and Mate ot Oregon, ana
designated by the field notes and official plat on
flic in this office as Survey No. 5 and Claim 35,
onunsurveved lands but In Sections 02 and Si,
Township S2 south. Range 4 west, when the pub
lic survey in extenuea, satu uoi .o. s oeing
dicrlbed as follows, to wit:
Bczinnlncat a Dolnt three hundred feet south.
35 degress west of discovery shaft or cut at post
No. 1 at the center of southerly end of said
Claim No. 3 from which the southeast comer
of section 32, Township 32 south. Range 4
west. Willamette Meridian, on the 7th Standard
Parallel South. Douglas Coantr. Oregon, bears
south 5 degrees east Co 37 chains distant, a fir
30 inches in diameter bears nonnn degrees
west oco hundred ami twenty links
distant, a flr IS inches in diameter bears
south CS degrees cast 10 links distant.
thence north 55 degrees west 000 feet
to post Jo. 2, from which yellow flr 30 Inches
in diameter bears south 53 degrees east IT links,
yellow Ilr21 inches in diameter bears north i:s
degrees cast TS links, math rone 6 inches in di
ameter bears son in sa degrees west, oi lines;
thence north 35 degrees east 1500 feet to post No.
3 from which a Cr 20 inches in diameter bears
south 24 degrees west 2S links distant, a flr 12
inches lit diameter bears north 61 degrees cast 31
link distant: thence south 55 degrees east CCO
feet to post No. 5. from which matheronc 6
Inches in diameter bears south 2S degrees west
32 links distant, matheronc C Inches In diam
eter bears north 20 degrees cast 13 links distant;
thence south 35 degrees west 1500 feet to post
No. 6, from which fir 12 Inches in diameter
bears north 55 degrees west IS", links distant, fir
ten inches in diameter bears south 57 degrees
west 27 links distant, fir S inches in diameter
bears south K) degrees cost 31 link distant.
thence north 53 degrees west 300 (hundred)
leet to puce ot beginning, magaetic variation
19 dectccs cast, containing 20.65 acres.
The location of this mine, W. J. Wortey
locator, i rccoraeu. in tne recorder a omcc.
Douglas county, Oregon, in Cook of Record of
Mining Claim;, Volume 2, page T2S. The ad
joining claimant arc 11. S. Jones and A. S.
Whiting on the northerly end and F. C'lamo
t Co.. on the southerlv end.
And any and all persons claiming adversely
any portion of said Green Mountain Mine or
surface ground, arc required to file their ad
verse claim with the Register ot the United
States Land Office at Roseburg, In the State of
Oregon, during ice sixty days period ot pub
lication nerroi, or mey w in De oarred py vir
tue of the provision of the statute.
a. ii. r lun, i.egutcr.-
Doors North of Depot Hotel.
Tablo mippliel with the best tho mar
ket nflbnls. Meals at all hours, 25 cents.
Spccialp-atos to families, nnd particular
attention uiven to immigrants.
W. L. D. DEARDOKFF, Propr.
hora lt may con-
of Cat'
Notice la hereby riven to all
tern that I hiveacrolnted D. W. fitem
poo! a precinct Deputy Inspector of Stock for said
prtcinct;powiiice aaarft, uaaiana; alio A. J.
Chapman of Wilbur, and Ralph Smith, at Ro
burg, to act daring my aiience, and other vll
be added a parties inspected make their deilr
ttjowd to tne.
Roseburg, May 4th, I8S7.
Iniftctor of Stock tor Douglas county .Or.
Notice is hercbr ctven that there is a- mort
gage or trust deed covering all the prqpcityof
the Victory Tlacer Mining Company, securing
the payment of 1125.000 in Coupon Bonds. That
the undersigned is one of the.owners of said
uouui. uoiuiug anu owning .v,ra ot tne same,
and that neither the undersigned nor any
holder or owner of anv of said Bond will be re
sponsible for any work, labor or service done or
periormea lor tne v ictory riaccr Mining Com
pany, or for any material of any kind whatso
ever furnished to ald Company for any purpose
whatever, or for the transportation of the same,
or for any work, labor or serrlecs done or per-
iormeu upon, or lor any material iurnisned lor
the construction, alteration or repair, either in
whole or in part, of any building, wharf, ditch,
Hume, tunnel, fence, machinery, aaueduct or
other structure or structures, repaired, built,
constructed, or placed upon the property of said
ticiury nacer jjimuc lomnanT. lor nnv new
machinery or material furnished said Company
ur luaceu upon mcirsaiu property.
uateu inia stn uay ot Jiarcn, imu.
mil M0 J.T.C.XASH.
Administrators Notice to
tons interested that tho undersigned R. A
woodruff, has been by the County Court of
Douglas County, Oregon, appointed adminis
trator of the estate of 'Mason oodruff. deceased.
and all persons having claims against said es
tate must present the same with proper vouch
ers duly verified to the said administrator or to
n:s attorneys at KoscDnrg, Oregon, within six
months trom the date of this notice.
Dated April Mh, 193.
Ilnows & Tvstik, Administrator.
Attorneys for Administrator. aSt5
Administrator's Notice to Cred
'THE undersigned having been appointed by
x the County Court of Douglas conntv, Ore
gon, the administrator of tho estate ot John
Nyberg, deceased, notice is hereby given to all
persons interested, to present their claims
against said estate, with proper vouchers, dulv
verified within six months from this date to
the undersigned administrator at Gardiner,
Douglas county. Oregon.
Dated t Roseburg, Oregon, this ISth day of
Administrator of the estate of John Nyberg,
Attorneys for Administrator
Portland University
i. Location beautiful, healthful and free from all places
of temptation.
2. Best instruction in College, Preparatory, Normal
and Business Courses; also in Theology, Music and Art.
State Diplomas to graduates of Normal. Diplomas for all
3. Board in West Hall, Club Houses or private fami
lies, $160 to $200 per year for board and tuition.
4. Fall Term opens Sept. iSth. Catalogues sent free.
Address C. C. Stratton, D. D., President,
. or Thos. Van Scoy, D. D., Dean.
Final Notice.
ot Oregon, in Douglas County.
In the matter of tho estate of Joscphus
lmrcx, deceased.
Notice is hcrebv civen that the undersicned
administrator of the abovo entitled estate has
Med his final account in settlement thereof,
and the Court by order duly made and entered
of record, has llped Monday, May 6th, 1S95, at
ifiiu yj nut. jut oeniiUK uujt-utiuus 11 HUJ
lucre oe, in faici account, and tne nnai seme
nitut ol said estate. DALY BROCK,
J. W. Hamilton. Administrator.
Attorney lor the Estate. I2StS
m.H7iTn Tn l rrTT7ai
IIILHI 1 IKnilM.HMIl ire.
H uav r.niu,iiuuiL niwu5 am
Srompt answer and an honest opinion, write to
IIINN .ten., who have had nearly nitTvcan'
experienco in tho patent business. Communica
tions strictly confidential. A Handbook ot In
formation concerning Vn tents and how to ob
tain tbcm sent free. Also a cataloguo of mechan
ical ana scienuno dooks sent zrco.
Patonts taken through Munn & Co. rccelvo
medal notlcoln tho Mclentinc American, and
thus aro brought widely before tho public, with
out cost to too inventor, -xois soicnaia paper.
Issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by far tho
largest circulation ot any scientific work In tho
world. S3 a year. Samplo copies sent tree.
copies, J5 cents. Every number contains beau
tiful plates. In colors, and photographs ol new
houses, with plans, enabling builders to show tho
latest apsigns ana sccurn contracts. Aaorcss
For Salo. Old papers,
ut S3 cents por hundred.
ut thia office.
This Space Reserved for
New York Cash Store,
Real Estate Bought and
oar coaciMCMMoaf.
Farms, large and small, to Rent,..
Stock Ranges, Timber Lands and Mining Properties,
Prune and Hop Lands of best quality, in choice locations.
in quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable
prices and easy terms. Inquire' of
aCoNod n n-fi-. JU County, Ovelon.
t j -
Changed to a
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To extend its nseinlneas and make it
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and potassium KIDNEY TROUBLES
Marvelous Cures
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and Scrofula
P. r P. purines ttio blood, builds up
tho weai anil debilitated, circs
strenstb. to weakened nerves, expels
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nappinea wnere Mcsnes. giocmy
Are entirely reaxOTea by P.PJP
Pricrlj Ash. Poks Boot sad Potu
atoa, lbs gretteit blood poriaer oa
Aazasxcr. O.. July 21,1891.
Msssrs Lippjum Bxos.. Saraniiaa.
Oa.: DiAit Srss? I boojrhr. a bottle o
yoor P.P. P. at Hot Sprlnp.Ark-.ina
It has done ae-oore rood tsaa tareo
months treatment at the Hot Srutags.
Bead throe bottles C o. 12.
.Aberdeen, Brown Coooty, O.
Capt. J. D. Joluutoiu
lb all tficm it may emeerm I here
by testify to the wonderful properties
ox f. f. r. lor erupuona 01 mo sua. 1
leeirnss and laltnde flrst prevailed ?2&, H? S,:.
my raco. I tried every known reme
dy bru tn rla. until p. P. p. was naed.
and am now entirely ecred.
(Signed by) J.JXJ O HUSTON.
SaTasnaa, Ob
SUn Cancer Caivd.
TtJlfaoryresi l Jlaycr ifStjuhiSt-
SEQtrnf. Tb., JaanaxTlt. 1503..
Xesass. UP?Uix Baoa., Strannsh,
Otu: ilenUratnl hae tried your P..
r. P.furartlseajoot tho skin, osuallr
tnown -a sttn uncer.oT thirty years
rtcDtUcfr, and .oond creat relief: it
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ritition trom tho feat ot the disease
cad prevents any srrr-adinir of tho
c-'f. t hare bkenflva or six bottles
anafel another course
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CAPT.' w. M. BUST, Law.
M q M Diseases Rouen ki
Uppxaaa's XUadcSaTsxmaSsV
For primary, secondary nnd tcrtlnry
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In all blood and sMn diseases, llko
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contralIctinn.tliit V. V. thel-est
blood pcriller 1m tht tt rrld. and makes
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Ladlca "Jboso ryatorcs m w';cncd
and whose bl"oll3it: ar edi
tion, dao to menstrual lces. lttltl3?,
tro onacllsrly fioilicd ty '"so Tton-5e.-f3l
tnc'.o aj'i bloo.i'!ncrroo
rrttcsof P.P. P -Pricily A3h, Poki
Iiootr.r.drotr-1 i.r 1.
Iciusjeatnt"? t!ul-'t t-rr ut
vourcicdlclao (-nro. p r, rvraoail
ItnowledKO. Ivc.i-irfeote truar.err
i . rears
i.. trtru i-r-.-'t-nr.TririU'xlr i:h-
outflttdlnKrllf. Iha- oil.-foleri
oaa to"l3 tf r'"Tf. P. V., fill csrt
ehorfally ci" U t-is deno i-or:rir3
Kood ta3n3nythin,T t have cvrrtnsca.
I cm reconanca 1 out rKdici-.o to tUl
auKcrcra ot th nbovo "llseisos.
MRS. 3i.- 51. YDAUT.
PMlnsSelifi Green County, Ho.
, pt03ri--y .t.c? rhoKiratlsr; tor
s, v.s3tri:itnlbyt!" . rvfce"S
ins raa siv r.t t ' r i'rl
Now is the time to subscribe.