The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 04, 1895, Image 3

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    -a' a
RlcfcirA Bits., at the Racket Store, 3 doom
oath ot T. O. Wish to announce tint wc have
just received a part ot our New Stock, consisting
ot Ladles' and Gents' Furnishing Goods, Tin
ware, Stationery and Notions, direct from New
. York, .where purchase toe tpot eatk and hare
-peshd a&rant&sc In baying and ire are coins to
jriTeour datoraea' the benefit ot the aa&e. Wo
trill compare the quality ot our goods and quote
jrra prices cheaper thin the cheapest, lower
than the lowest, tor cm.
Call and inspect the quality and prices ot our
goods and be convinced. Wc arc always ready
to show goods, quoto prices,plcascourcnstoers
and give them the benefit ot. our bargains in
' Call early before those beautiful ladles' and
gents' silk scarfs at 3) rents each are all gone.
" . -t l6st Respectfully.
Three doors South ot the Post OOee.
Tlie charches.
arnsT Ctrcacit comer ot-Laso andt Ros
streets. Sunday Service: Preaching, 11 a. m.
and 7:30 p. ci.; Young Fvople's Union, 630 pan.:
Mrs. G. X. Annex, President; Sunday School.po
c o. JamesChasiberlatn, Superintendent
Prayer Meeting. Thursday evening at 7:30.
, Rav. G. N. Ax t5, Pastor.
' - . Residence, Xa. St Main Street.
Mcthosist Chxtich corner ot Main and Lane
streets. Sunday Service: Preaching, 11 a. sa.
and ?:S0 p. el; Sabbath school, 10 a. m.; Dr.
James Birr. Superintendent: Class Meeting at
close ot the' morning service: Epworth League
fcSO p.Q. Clare Hume, President, Prayer Meet
lag, Thursday, at 730 p. o.
' " It. S.Bcaacss,D.D., Pastor.
Parsonage, corner Main and Lane.
PaxsaTTCam; Circxcn corner ot Cass and
Rose streets. Sunday Service: Puplic worship,
11 a-a. and 730 p. in.; Sabbath School, 10 a. n.;
-TD. S-'CIl; 7 w'n. Prayer Meeting. Wednes
day, 7:30 p."ra.
, R.B. DawoaTB, Pastor.
. TBS W. C T. C. will meet at the M. E.
church every Thursday evening until after
txse Convention. All members should be pres-
est ax every meeting.
T. K.
Keeps Uie Fischer and Vose pianos.
' r- - t. k. v
Keeps Chickering ihd
-T. K.
Sells taasical goods for less, than Port-
Uael prices.
Scarcely a day passes but discussion
of tho doe tax is board on tho street.
Perry Burt of Wilbur was in town this The general impression seoms to bo that
Fred Earl camo in lrom Drain last
Leo Tenlsch ot Eugene was in tho city
a ono dollar tax instead of tho $2.50 ns
now levied would return a larger rev
enue to the treasury.
Moses Rico of Myrtlo Crook died at
that place Saturday in his fifty-second
Hon. J. T. Bridges of Drain is in the P- Ho wtis n Mason and consigned to
city today.
Douglas county Pioneers' reunion tho
I5th ot June.
E. Dohack of Eagle Point was visiting
here this week.
The McClallen House was pretty well
his last resting placo by members of tho
Canyonvillo lodgo. Ho was n cousin to
lea Rice our townsman.
Miss Anna Dickenson, woman-like, is
determined to havo tho last word. In
tho case she has in court at Scranton,
Pa.,alleging damages for false.imprision
ment as a lunatic, she shows her lucid-
crowded last night
W. R. Thompson of Coles Valley was ness in battling tho lawyers.
....... i
in me city yesterday. Wanted to buv a larce tract of
C. P. Andiews of Myrtle Creek was mostly clear and improved, fairly
tho city last Tuesday.
R. P. Williams ot Grants Pass was in
Roseburg this week.
C. H. Friendly returned from Medford
last Monday evening.
Billy Wright is repo-ted quite ill with
an attack of neuralgia.
R. S. Bently of Oakland was doing
business in town this week.
and well watered. Also a medium-sized
farm. No notice taken of replies that do
not Bfato lowest prico and full descrip
tion, Address J. K. B., caro Plain-
Tho wheels in tho Imperial bicycle ato
exceptionally strong. Why? Becaus&
they have mora spokes than somo of tho
cheaper bicycles. Churchill, Woolley &
McKenzie have sample wheels ami will
McGeo of Myrtle Creek paid ba uleosed to oxnlain their superior
Koeeborg a business visit ednesday. qualities
. . . i
James Porter and C. II. Caiter of a mover with his family passed
Grants Pass were in the city Wednesday, through Roseburg Saturday on his wav
(Jal Wright is making improvements to Jackson county from Kittitass county,
on his recently purchased property on I Washington. Ho had been on the road
Pine street. I for five weeks. It had rained, ho said,
Jim Mirshs.ll. who started for Ash- r ho left. He was huutiug a
land is reported as continuing his travel ar-Ter climate.
to Mexico. Mrs. John Hall of Myrtlo Creek is
W. R. Benjamin went to Portland last verJr low with pneumonia, and Dr. Har-
night to attend the board of dental ex
aminers today.
Lewis Baker, Nicaraguan minister will
return the United States on a leave of
absence. Cause unknown.
Geo. Langenberg is agent for tho San
Francisco Daily Call. Only 15 cents per
week, delivered at your door.
Two kids impounded two cows last
Sunday eve, and received 25 cents each
for the job. Enterprising boys.
J. J. Farquar, wLo has raised 3500
ris of Canyonvillo and Dr. Bradley (if
Roseburg have been iu almost constant
attendance sinco last Monday. But
little hopes for her recovery have been
entertained, though it is claimed she is
somo better now.
Whenever you want anything in tho
grocery line, and want a puro and good
article, call on Mrs. X. Boyd and your
wants will be satisfied, both as to prico
and quality. Good crockery waro can
alto be obtained at tho same place, on
the corner well known as Mrs. X. Boyd's
boxes ot peaches from his orchard thinks I corner where the best of coffee is on
ha will not nave half a crop this year. sale.
Stock ,ts on the rise in Oregon. A Wavne Jones is special farm agent for
number of cattle buyers from the East the "old reliablo" Continental Insurance
are buying np stock for the Eastern mar- Company of New York, which has been
kets. I tested by passing through and paving all
Hub May Thompson spent Saturday of its losses in that great conflagration of
and Sunday hero Tisiting her parents. Chicago tn isil, by which oyer ono hun-
Miss Thompson has charge of the Oak dred companies equal to the State Insur
T. K.
Keens over forlv different kinds of
musical instruments constantly on hand
t T-K-
Has ordered & large shipment of Wash-
berce musical goods direct from the
Special Offer.
Six choice bonding lota in Fruitvale
T4dition, 50x100 feet. Price each.
: mt; D.S.K.BncK.
T. K.
Keeps Leland and Kingsley pianos,
sad other makes. Wilcox and White,
EstcT. Packard. Cbieaso. Cottars and
JSebefforgigs. T. K. Ricuardso,
Roseburg, Or.
At Last They've Arrived.
The ew stock of shoes has jest ar
rived from the east and Osburn is pre
pared to famish yoa with shoes at most
Msaoa&ble Dtices. Examine bis slock.
Saccocnor to Loots Langenberg.
Novelty Store.
Has jast received a large line of ladies
drees goods. Wo invite the public to
call and examine oar stock and prices.
We will cheerfully send samples and
prices tooarcatof town customers.
The PeKea Water Motor
Of capacities varying from 1 to 25 horse I
power affords the most convenient, eco-
t 1 J f .11 It-t,,
: n...wTmw. Pr. Davis will do your dental work a I
Bingxt'this office. Send for circulars. deal cheaper and as good again
ance Company ot baleni, Ure.
I A word lo the wise is sufficient.
For Sale. A good home of ICO acres
12 miles from railroad ; 40 acres cleared ;
I good water, small orchard in bearing,
plenty of small fruit; fair Oregon house
I and barn; 4 horses, 3 cow3 and plenty of
farm machinery to run the farm. For
prices and terms enquire of S. B. Hen
Idricks at the Review office or of the
I county surveyor at the court house.
Albert G. Osburn, successor to Louis
Laneenbers;. is a natural born American
citizen, he speaks the American language
and conducts his business in an Ameri-
I canwTaV.- Mr.- Osbnra carries a full lino
creek school.
H. H. Bnckner, son of Rev. N. S,
Buckner, left for Klamath Falls last
nicht to attend divine services at that
place next Sunday.
Karl's Cover Root, the great Blood
purifier gives freshness and clearness to
the Complexion and cores Constipation,
25cts.,50cts., 11.00
Churchill, Woolley & McKenzie keep
the Bean, Gould, Buckeye and Meyers
spray pumps, also the famous "Red
Jacket" force pump.
The populists of Douglas county will
meet Saturday at 10 a. m. to discuss po
litical questions and determine on a lino ofIld: , --d farnUbiD!r roods.
OI campaign worx. faner roods, etc.. besides a fine stock fo
Died, near Myrtle Creek, on Monday I goea tvnich have just arrived from the
April 1, 1S35, ot la grippe, George Le East. Examine, bis 6tock: he will treat
lio j, son ot nr. ana iirs. o . a rewion. i voa wen anj will be clad to get ac-
Aged about three years. I onainted with yon as he expects to make
There are now nine boarders at the Roseburg hu home in the fatnre
poor farm, all fine, fat and fnsky, not- Hood River, savs the Glacier, should
withstanding the want of proper atteo- not complain of hard times. Our prinri
tion reported by the grand jury. I pal crop is apples, and good apples are
A stimulant is often needed to nourish I selling at l a box. Apple buyers come
and strengthen the roots and to keep the I here and buy our apples and park them,
hair a natural color. Halls Hair Re-1 and pay trom so cents to i a txix inis
newer is the best tonic for the hair. again suggests the propriety ot raising
Captain Sweener.TJ. S. A., San Diego, keepers, and keeping them when you
hfirt rr.lirinBT have fiver fonnd necessary to have a place for them, in
t , i j j a t. iav. I which no two apples will touch. It
. . , ... r n .t j I means wort ; out mere ia monu-y iu u.
nW VTli and wif of Portland I
are in the city, the guests of the Churchill "cnange: ah invenmre genius nas
famUy. Mr. Weeks is a pioneer of 1849, D" "
and a brother-in-law of F. H. Churchill. n like hot ,n chu.rch. Ci?,es- l
,. . ,. . lis in tne snapeot aconinouxion dox, anu
coins fall through slots of different sizes.
ThiPeKofl Water Wheel Co., 121 Main p11 and get his prices and he convinced. K. land on Telvel bm (he n;cke,9
SL, SanFrandsco. Cal. Geo. Langenberg has been deli venog drop 03 4 Ch:neso g03Z. It is needless
the Uauy san rranasco win iree ior to say that it will never be popular with
Haal Call. few days. Una is an invitation ior you mln wh0 believes that "salvation is
AH" BersoBS are hereby noticed to to Buoscnoe. we ju -u'ra"'H'uua free" and pracUces it by never patroniz
nske imasediate eettlement .of their in-J at the hews Stand. hog the contribution box with more than
debtedsess to the late firm of S. Marks Lee S. Wright baa a large collection of a nickel.
. m Ml t 1 3 I T i si.-. I
& Ua; otaerwise ma same wm oe Piau coins, among mem a xvoman u. w,o . . . . R
- - . st.;. i . t l.w r i ro
iahxaoslorcouecuon. r.eass Rive ia yesrlloU. une Sliver nan aonaroi 1Co, v T.nptn-r nrPflched a irood disconrso
call prompt atteaUoa and thus avoid d- the year of his father's birth, and ono of . . , ,.Be o ono accord and of
loow, iue jcm m!nd. and orccented several illus
Our reporter was made the recipient ol ir-Hons of the foace of unity of thoaght
. a . r :t J a . ili- i ..... ... .
abeauuiui Doquei oi whu uuus and mind in the accompllsnment ol any
week. Such flowers as would almost rfvcn work pertaining to state or church
Without unity of thought, mind and ac
Subscribe for tho Piaindealkb.
A. Salzmau. tho roliablo jeweler.
J. T. Bryan, tho Busy Watchmaker.
L. Bolflls. watchmaker, Roseburg, Oro.
Go to tho ltosoloaf for tho best cigars
For a good 6-cont cigar call on Mrs.N.
For first-clasB dentistry go to Dr. Littel
of Oakland.
Harness of all kinds at low prices at
G. W. Woodward's.
Eastern oystera on tho half sholl,tat
tho Kandy Kitchen.
l'uro fresh candies manufactured at
tho Kaudy Kitchen.
Frices on wall paper are juat right at
Maratorn' drug store.
Key West, imported and domestic
cigars at the Rosoleaf.
Alabastino, kalsomino and white wash
at Marsters' drug store. i
Old newspapers at the
office, 25 cents per hundred,
If you don't seo what you want ask
for it at Marsters drug store. -
Tho latest novels only 10 cents uach,
at Geo. Langenberg's newstand.
Pacific Coast and Eastern oystera in
any style at tho Kandy Kitchen.
School books, n full and completo
assortment at Marsters' drug store.
Hats I hat! hats I Tho latest. Where?
Just arrived at Osburn's now store.
Myrtlo Creek flour, only 80 cents per
sack. Delivered frco. . A. C. Hoxie.
Seo steel wrought iron ran go add in
another column. Don't get humbugged.
Royal Rose.and Myrtlo Creek flour at
Johnston Grocery, delivered free of
F. W.
For good substantial blacksmithing
cheap, go to McKinney & Manning,
Lace curtains, window shades and
portierres, beautiful patterns at tho Nov
elty Store.
Meals at all hours at tho Kandy
Kitchen, southeast corner Taylor & Wil
son blcck.
A large and choice selection of tho
latest designs In wall pajrat Marsters'
drug store.
See new lino oi mens, boys, and child
ren's hats at Osburns. Next door to
Review office.
"Take ono free," our line of hats are
about down to this level, call and Bee,
Novelty Store.
Don't forget that J. T. Bryau, the jew
eler, has established his shop at Strong's
furniture store.
Ready mixed paints in all shades and
colors, and any size packages at Mars
ters' drug store.
Farmers will please hear in mind that
stable room for bating tcainb of patrons
is free at the Depot hotel.
You get tho best cigar where you get
the best candy. At Nicce'a candy fac
tory. Don't forget it.
Take your families to tho 'McClallen
House. Mrs. McClallen will see that
they are well cared for.
Just take a look in our show-window
today and see our line of hats in latest
shades and styles, Novelty Stoie.
Protect yourself agaiust cold
Uayncs, dentist, in Mark's
All kinds of dental work guar-
Letter from Wm. H. Mills
; I of the S. P. Co.
'ynless Found More Valuable
-.;. f Timber or Agricultural Pur
poses" than for Mineral.
jfln reply to tho inquiry of "Prospector,"
wo submit the letter of Mr. Mills to the
committee of the miners, meeting held at
Cauyonville. It fully explains tho posi
tion of tho company, which occurs to us
to mean that it will soil its now patented
mineral land for $2,50 per acre, provided
it is not worth more for agricultural pur
poses. Mr! Mills ovldently intended the
letter to be exhaustive of the subject.
San Fiiancisco, March 12, 1895.
Gentlemen: I reply in this to your
esteemed favor of March 7th. Itshould
bo known at the outset where lands are
k'r.own to be mora valuable for mineral
than agriculture, the Government itself
cannot patent such lands to tho railroad
company. Mineral lands were not sub
ject to tho grant. It was not in the con
templation of Congress to give to tho
railroads lands known to be more valu
able for minora! than agriculture, the
words of the grant excluding such lands
from its operation. The secretary of the
interior has estabished machinery de
signed to determine .the character of tho
land before patent is issued. After such
hcariug au-1 determination, if U16 land is
decided not to be more valuable for min
eral thau agriculture, and if it is an odd
numbered section within the granted
limits, then it is patentable to the rail
road company. Subsequent discovery
of mineral in the land does not invali
date the title of the company. The
mineral passes (kith tho title. If you
will please consider this carefully, you
will sec that the inquiry in your letter as
to what the railroad company will do
with mineral lands, if the government
gives it title to such lands, has no rele
vancy. Tho question should have been.
What will tho railroad company do with
land patented to it in which minerals are
subsequently found? Tho land patented
to the company becomes its pnvato
property. It does not, however, desiio
such land for the mineral found therein.
It cannot of itself mine fcr mineral. It
cannot sell the land for a mineral vain a
uon. 1 tns is tne conclusion ot experi
ence. Mining is an extra-hazardous en
terprise. It cannot be absolutely known
that ground presenting indications of
mineral contains mineral iu sufficient
quantities to justify tho expenditure of
timo and labor in mining for it. In the
great majority of cases such indications
are deceptive. Mines are not always
found as tho itsult of exploration, but
the hopes of rinding mineral incites ex
ploration, and thus it is that prospecting
proceeds continually in any region sap
posed to be auriferous. Such prospect-
j ing is done only in the bopo of acquiring
I the full value of the mine. No one
would spend money and incur the extra
j risk of finding nothing unless they ex
and ! peeled to own tho raining property in its
pneumonia by wearing a chest protector, j fully developed state. It is for tbisrea-
Fine ones at Marsten' drug store. 1 son that mineral laud as snch is practtc-
Now is the time to snrav vour fruit . al,-v valueless to the railroad company.
tree. Lime, sulnhirand blno vitriol for I Inspecting such land is profitable to the
that Purnose at Marsters' druc store. : company because it incites industrial
, ' movement and industrial activitv creates
l. u. uaauua 13 aauionzeu 10 late or- njt xrtation
ders for monumental work for E. AV. '
Achison & Co. D. Looser, Mgr. T,,.e company will pursue a policy con
cerning us paten' ed units which mil be
wherever it finda the land to contain
timber, it will at the outs it place a tim
, bcr valuatiou on such land. Wherever
ents. It is impossible to determine what
price would bo asked for valuable timber
land own"d by tho rompauy, and it is
unroHPni nblo to ;t&k (lint a qU'Sliou of
that elmnictcr eh jttlil ! determined be
fore nn examination nf ti n hind it If.
If an individual mviiH.I 11 piece of land,
holding a patent ioiii the j:ovrriniient
for that land, no miner uotild assume
that ho had a right to demand that the
individual owning it should sell it for less
thau a reasonable valuation or indeed
Bell it at all; and tho right of ownership
is not different when the title vests in a
railroad corporation. What I have
sought to imprcssa on the mind of tho
mining community everywhere is that
where lands patented to the railroad
company justify prospecting, a low acri
cultural valuation will bo placed upon
them to as to encourage tho prosecution
of a raining industry. We have not up
to this time received an average of $2.50
an aero for lands upon which minerals
wero suppoeed to have been discovered,
and my observation hero justifies fully
the conclusion that ninety-five out of
every one hundred prospects explored by
miners prove to be failures ; that is to
say, not more than five per cent of the
mining enterprise succeed, or, to state
this in another form, there are not more
than five paying mines in each one
hundred prospects. Tho desire of the
nomadic miner that the lands shall be
open to exploration ; that whole regionB
shall be reserved on the theory that they
are mineral ; that settlement by thrifty
and industrious people on such parts of
them as may bp valuable for agriculture
and suitable for homes should be re
tarded, is wholly untenable. The theory
is inconsistent with the prosperity of
communities, inconsistent with the
rights of the agricultural classes. But
the railroad company does not resist the
prospecting of its lands for mineral, and
if a prospect justifying further expendi
tures is found, no matter how valuable
that prospect may appear, the land will
bo sold at a minimum valuation. You
will perceive from this that the acquire
ment of title by th railroad company
does not arrest the process of prospecting
land for mineral. The controversy be
tween the railroad company and the
miners is narrowed to a very small com
pass. First, but one-half of the area
embraced in a railroad grant is prima
facie granted, and next, ninety-five per
cent of all tho land, even in the mineral
region, ir obviously more valuable for
agriculture than for mining. The area
comprising the profitable gold mines of
California, notwithstanding an ex
penence approaching halt a century, is
infinitcsimally small as compared with
the entire acreage of the state. The con
tention, if any there be, relates only to
such portions of odd numbered sections
as are obviously agricultural. Thus the
area of land about nhich there is a con
tention as to its mineral or non-mineral
character is very small : and as to that
portion, if the railroad company should
acquire title, it will encourage the pros
pecting for mineral for precious metals,
and if any are found, it will part with
its title at tho double minimum valua
Trusting this uill fully and satisfac
tority answer your question, I have the
honorio remain,
Your obedient servant,
Wm. H. Mills,
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
flRS. N. BOVD'S.
The Place to Go to Get Your Honey's
Call on Mis. N. Boyd for string beans,
two cans for 25 cents; canned peas the
same ; canned blackberries, two cans for
25 conts; canned apricots the same;
canned equnsb, two cans for 25 cents ; to
matoes, two cans 25 cents. Price' bak
ing powder DO cents, 1 pound can ; choice
two quart pitchers, fine big dishes to put
the best of fruit on with cakes when you
bake them, nico goblets and dishes of
all kinds for family use, and pie plant
and asparagus to, put on and in them;
prunes, plums and dried apples, the best
in the market, money purses and buck
skin gloves, pipe stems and tobacco;
cigars and fire engines ; eggs freshly laid
ready for hatching; Sky baking powders
and base ball gloves ; shaving soap and
shoe brushes; clothes lines and chewing
gum; wax dolls and brooms; children's
jumping ropes and axle grease; tooth
picks and saurkraut; baked beans and
mackerel; corn poppera and cijenne
pepper;- coffee escence and crange cider,
rocking horses and high chairs, shrimps
and pig3 ieet, broadswords and maple
sugar, mouse traps and canary birds,
flower baskets and wbisp brooms, and a
whistle. to go with .them; root beer and
breast pins; gunpowder tea and fine salt;
sugar and home made pickles. All the
above articles Mrs. N". Boyd sells for
cash at bed rock prices. Call on her as
soon as you read this and make your
purchases, thereby making yourselves
and children happy- Don't forget the
Mrs. N. Boyd corner, where everybody
goes to get good bargains.
Tr-fl 1 1 QfnrA ?3 tint cnllint. ttAnf 'a
, ... , ,.i.! 11 .1 ' liberal to mining prospectors,
furnishing goods at cost, but we sell the , , ......
best goods lower than any house in town.
Havo you noticed the side combs and
. t . .1 . ,r
oiueriiairornimenin0iauira are wear-. u Gd(U ,an(, 8uitabe for agriculture,
ing, they get them at the Novelty Store. utK)n w,ich a ,ermanenl home conld be
When yon have a social or birthday founded, based upon the more enduring
party you want everything nrst class. industry of agriculture, it will seek to de-
Get ycur candv at iece s or you will not . vote the land to that use. Minim;, how-
ibe-nit. ever profitable to thej world, is unprofit 1
Jack Abraham lias accepted tne . apie to liio terir.ory in winch it w prose- jg
agency of Neander, IVrshiug & Co., for cuted. .Mining for precious metaU alone
taking orders for tailor made suits of 1 has never built a -great cornmou-wea th
clothing. ; and never can. The regions of Califor- 0 g
"The Gold King."
Tho Pay ton C oraedy Company opened
Its week's engagement last night in
four-act comedy drama entitled, ''The
Gold King." The play was of the sen
sationat order. I he company it is
among the best of those that have played
here this season. Senter Payton is
clever comedian, and he is ably backed
by the sonbrette work of Lucy Payton.
Between the acts some verv clever
epecialties were introduced. The little
Payton sisters executed soma good dan
cing in the hornpipe style. Wocdland
lists' mi nair. nm ccuect ts.
(Stional costs.
& Co
Aeuxb Marss,
Estate of E. Marks
Notice to Taxpayers.
Unto May 15th my office will be kept make our retent Minnesota visitors weep
open ixntil 8 o'clock p. m. each day to re
ceive taxes.
County warrants will be taken until
rthai time for the county Ux. All special
'itm - rsnst beoud in cash. Nn war-
nuts taken after May 15.
Sheriff and Tax Collector.
Kitchen Demolished.
Lewis Gibbons has one of F. M. Gab-
bert's farms rented near Myrtle Creek
and so lives in the house on the farm.
There was, .as part of the bonse, a'
kitchen a kind of a necessary append
age to every house. This kitchen like
many others, was well, simply a
kitchen not very valuable, but it con
tained the usual quota of kitchen furni
ture consisting of cooking stove, dining
table and in one corner was a cupboard
in which was gtored the usual supply of
dishes. Near the corner of this kitchen
there grew a sturdv oak. This oak was
wanted for wood so Mr. Gibbons con
cluded to begin the month of April by
cutting down this tree and making fire
wood of it. He forgot that it was "all
fools" day, but the tree did not. With
an arm strong anu an ax sharp, tne
chips were made to fly fast nntil the
force of gravitation drew the tree earth
ward. As the tree waved, and tottered
and fell it seemed to remember that it
was the first day of April, and as a result
went down upon the corner of the
kitchen containing the cupboard which
in turn cotainined Mr. Gibbon's dishes,
and great was the fall thereof,. The tree
was not very valuable, nor would it
make a verv large supplv of wood. Mr.
Gibbons .will have the wood, not only
from the tree, but from the demolished
kitchen, and he will also purchase a new
supply of dishes.
J. J. Webli has opened a second hand
store in the old Floed bnilding at the
corner of Main and Washington streets,
Second hand goods of all kinds will be
boucht and sold, and the patronage of
the public is respectfully solicited.
The Preacher Sued.
Los Angeles, April 1, Judge Clark to
day overuled the demurrer interposed by
the Rev. J. C. Campbell in the suit
charging Iiim with slandering Miss Tesa
L. Kalso, tho librarian of the Los An
geles public Library. The basis of the
action was a prayer offered by the de
fendant before his congregation in the
First Methodist church, in which he said:
"O, Lord ! vouch pafe Thy saving grace
to the librarian of the Los Angeles city
library, and cleanse her of all sin, and
make her a woman worthy of her office."
The reverend gentleman in his de
murrer took the position that his state
ment was privileged. The court held
that a slander can be perpertrated in the
form of a prayer as readily as in anv
other form of speech, and no communi
cation made by parson or priest to bis
congregation is priyiliged because of
snch relation, unless, perhaps, when-
made in the discbarge of his pastoral
duties with one subject to this discipline
of the church, and then only unless made
without malice. .
The World's Fair Tests
showed 00 baking powder
so pare or so great la leav
ening power as the Royal.
Trip to the South.
Dr. Strange of the office- of Strange &
Toye, dentists of this place, will go to
the south end of the county and will be
ready for work at the following time and
places: At Canyonyille from April 3 to
9, at Riddle from April 10 to 16 and at
Myrtle Creek from April 17 to 24. Par
ties near these places will remember the
dates and call on him for their work. It
should also be bonrne in mind that by
patronizing Dr. Strange the services uf
an experienced resident dentist is
secured. He is not a traveling man, but
lives here, is one of ns and guarantees
his work and is here to makb good his
The Bible in the Public Schools.
Scbastox, Pa., April 1. By a decision
today of Judge -Gunster, in a Waverly
borough, school case, the reading of the
bible in the public schools of Pennsyl
vania was practically declareJ illegal.
In his opinion Judge Gonster said that
denominational religious exercises and
instruction in sectarian dectrines have
no place in our system cf common school
education. They are not only not auth
orized by I3W, common or statutory, but
are expressly prohibited and forbidden by
the constitution, the fundamental law of
the commonwealth.
The Omaha Catholic Church War.
Omaha, April 1. Father Karminski
and 12 members of St. Paul's Catholic
church were arrested tonight, charged
with burning that church building last
week. The first warrant was served on
the priest. At tho time of the arrest he
was in bis room at the hotel.
If you try the candies they make at
Niece's you will not go anywhere else
for candy. The taffies, creams, chews,
butter cups and everything are first-class
and equal to anv thing in Portland.
They are on to their job.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking- Powder
Forty Years tbe Standard.
A Temple of Art.
Greatly reduced rates at the McClallen , R'a. Nevada and other mining countries
House. Aa we all know, D. C. Mc-' wei?t of tne KM"' meridian, dependent
Clallen is a first class hotel man. Give j uPn minim; alone. Imva never become
inn. n r-.ll ' permanently o:mloiH, and eaunol do sc.
M.s.Lvnne, a pupil of the late Pro, . J'oev,r gre:U the q-untity of mineral,
Speranzi'of Milan, Italy, gives vocal and '"""I ,".Un;'. ;!lKinnin8 of its ex- j
T.,rm r.VKnnT,,1.. """ VB"HK I'"I cr- ,
Thl Ticket will admit ONE LAPY
Free it accompanied uith ua,- paid 9 ',
reserved seat. Or. in olher words, 8 1
one paid merrcd seat ticket will nd- I
mit one lady and jrentleraan. r tuu S
ladies i( purchased at the advance H
alc. This Ticket must be preeE:cd O ,
with (.'ash Ticket aud will not be a
honored with tickets sold after the 9
opening of the doors'. HI
1 8IBeB0BBeaSHeBE0
Monday eveuing, April Stli. at tbe op
j era house, and every night during tbe
week. Popular prices, 10-C0 and SO
To Whom' It flay Concern.
In order to introduce oar catalogue of
ebeet music aad anslc books, we make
,bis offer: To any person in Douglas
county sending as name, style, number
And pries of piano or organ, bought of
His "Wiley B. Allen Music Co., tince July
3. 1SW. we wiH pay $2 in shet music
Aad music books.
Roseburg, Or.
that they naa not ocen corn ana nveu in llon n0 gooj conld ne tccomplshcd in
Oregon. any department of life. 'Twas a good
The rain storm that began yea'erday ecrmon and if ihv thoughts presented
noon terminated in a light fall of snow were fully carried out in our lives great
last night, and today the air is quite I good would result. Next Sunday the
chilly but "tbe beautiful" has disap- cause of missions ill be presented by
peared except on the Coast and Cascade Rev. N. S. Buckner and much mlorraa-
I . ... . r , 1. . r t 1- J
ruces. Ition to tne jj. r. cnorcii miteiim nuns 10
c ... nn.r ih. .nn nn hn expected. A general invitation is
seen at T. K.'b music store. It ta a mus- tended lo. all
leal box of an unique make, tbe flrstr Tho Continental Insurance Company
music box invented in America, Call of New York has refused to join the new
and see this American wonder, called Compact entitled tho board of Fire
Begina. Underwriters of the Pacific, believing
At Roseburg Rebetab Lodge No. 4l that tho board is not a bcnem ior tne
last Tuesday night Mrs. Jnlis Abraham people out tor tuo insurance companies
-M;-R.rh Wimberlv were elected in keeping up rates. This company has
li ttnd the Rebekah State the best nnanciai sianuing anu lose i.uj-
rvmiinn .Mrfi m.t t Salem Men- ing record. It was tested in tho great
davMav 13 Chicago fire in 1871, paying svery dol-
- 1. ,
Tn oTMnrt pnramriment of Patriarchs I lar Oi
of the I. O. O. F. will meet at ba'.em
piano forte lessons
Residence at Mrs. Parties.
If you don't waut to suffer with corns
and bunions, have your boots aud shoes
made at L. Langcnbnrg's. Itepairing
neatly and promptly done.
Another installment of tlioio $1.50
ishnient. Whatever a mine may con
tain, the extraction of u part of its con- i
tents if n subtraction from tbe whole.
.Mining, therefore, peswwes tho inher
ent attribute of teing in it'-clf a species of j
tho impoverishment of any countiy in
which the mineral is fonnd. For this
shoes, tho best ever offered In the'jplace. I re ison t, railroad company desires Its
Staple goods of all kinds at tuiit ; Jtnds iifed for agricultural purposes.
11 11 r c-. t . . . . ...
uie nines, ai n. u. ommuu h. ( 1 1. opposite tendency to mining is
If you want the best of dentistry g- to ' found 1:1 the industry of agriculture.
Dr. Strange and have it done by an ex- j jn v;ow ( coiibideratipns, I beg
perienccd and skillful dentist. All work ito t,nswerJ your question by saying:
guaranteed and at very reasonable prion J Lands patented to the railroad company
its losses amounting to over two
million of dollars. Its record of almost
Dowdss Couity Building aud Losn U.jaw t.v uih nt. and thn Grand fifty years Is prompt and liberal in the
" ... , ... . , , . !: ,
ASSOCISUOn. T1- f I n n. P. trill meet on. settlement. 01 an iiiiucov i.i.uid.
I v- - - I ... .. ... r . 1
Stockholders are hereby notified that Wednesday Mav 15th and hold a three motto is tor mo interest om"i
the snnual meeting of the stockholders days session. as tne company. . .
n 1.. rv,n PniMtno. n,1 iwf r.i,u,v fnrnwlv nf Oak- patronage to this company and should
VS. M0 AUUJlW VWUMV wv.j& a-- XkVLTC wi"F - . w. .j I - . 41.
TAMofdalion will be held at the land but now of the Soldiers Home, left e wayne ooues, .pn,
ymnnt rnnm !n citv nail. In thn rilv rjtw AiVvmv on 11 furlonch Wednesday insurance
RrtMrranr. Domrlas countv. stale of Ore-1 nivht. Dnrine the rebellion be was
ofmoiiWectnssdav.ADril 17th. 1895. at hMoital steward, headquarters army of Report of Edcnbowcr School
7-m n. m. of said dav. for the nnmose of ih Vntomtc. Ihose averaging aoovo uu i
electing seren directors and three audi- The Western Union telegraph office the examination for the month ending
im fnr thn ennnintr year, for tho congld- Urill hn ri-moved from the oresent nuart- March 2U, IHUo: winio nrmuugo ji,
etion, adoption or rejection of a resoln- era in Richardson's Music store to the Vie Stephens, Mitlie North, CaBsio Per-
Won instructing tbe board of directors to Douglas county bank in a few days, to guson, Willio Berks, Elma Stephens
flt-Mnnfompntal articled of Ineornorii. m,l, rnrnn fnr bfiltfir difinlav Oi the Irene Uansen, Ueorge ucrss, iimj .mm
nHKnojiri. Ltrttwur if ! mnntanMr tecelvinsf. htflffe. Willie JohnEOD, lean lNOrlU,
IWS w- 0 " " t ugq wwi m ww--v ' I - - .
JtM stock thereof for one hundred thou- -m... , rn. ui.i. (n 11 i.m'Iv. Tho Chester Ecker, Floyd Stephens
-sand-dollars to two hundred thousand M-ni1lnn. Van Honten. Central and Northup,
hilars; said Increase of capital stock tojrjepot
John Johnson, Percy North,
80 the public accommodations John Giyens Liie Given, All.o ler-
fbe designated as the second series ol for thg hungry and weary traveler nt fair guson, Ida Harvey.
1 4: n .1 fn- . . . ,1
-etock of said corporation, and lor the -jjg are oxcellent. Freo busses to and
ctransaction of such other businees as from tbo McClallen and Van Houten are
may legally come before the meeting. rnn M trains.
(Dated st Roseburg, Oi., March SI, 159j. Dr. price's Cream Baking Powder
M. F. Rait, cecretary. ' World's Fair Highest Award.
AnniE Pakiiott, Teacher.
Geo. Petrequin is making tbo assess
ment of RoEeburg and vicinity.a territory
of twelve miles square.
Dr. F. W. Haynes has just returneJ
from tho East and opened dental parlors
in Mark's building, where ho will be
ploascd to welcome persons desiring den
tal work.
L. Langenberg is &till on top. He
carries a full stock of choice music, mu
sical instruments, violin, guitars, accord
eons etc., violin striuga of Itest quality
always on hand.
Just try Nicco's candies. If you do
and you aro any judge you will not buy
candies any other place. Thero is no
dish rag taste and you don't need any
hammer to crack them either.
D. C. McClallen has gone back to tho
McClallen Houso. Everything is in firBt
class condition. Mrs. McClallen has
chargo of tho kitchen and dining room
Look out for something good lo oal.
Thoso having second hand Btoves,
furniture etc.. for sale can receive the
highest cash price by calling upon N
Rico, tho furnituro and supply dealer,
221-23 Jackson street Roseburg, Or.
As I may bo absent from tho city n
few weeks I will say to my friends that
I havo confidence in the professional
Bkill of Dr. F. R. Cotrman who will havo
chargo of my praclico till my return.
Dr. N. P. Russia.
The U. S. Gov't Reports
show Royal Baking Powdet
superior to all others.
will be devoted to their highest use; that
is, to that use which contributes to the
permanency of community life and
growth. Tho valuo of a railroad prop
erty aud the profit iot ita operation de-
pehd8upon the establishment of a per
manent prosperity. If minerals consti
tuting the basis of manufactures, were
under consideration, the case would be
different. In tho case of iron, for illus
tration, that metal is worked up into
higher forms. Artisan labor .-onfers up
on it value, and tliit employment of la
bor gives permanency to the populations
within tho region served bv a railroad.
Tho sarao would be truo of other raw
materials which are worked into wares
and value conferred upon ihutn by the
application of labor and f skill. Vheri
land would bo valuable for raining alone,
the railroad company would not in any
caso expect a greater valuo that $2.&0 an
acre. If lime conferred an additional
value, a just and conservative valuation
would bo placed upon it. -Mines now
discovered and being operated, and lands
where tho indications ot mineral am so
plain ns to justify expenditures in tho
way o' prospecting, are not patented to
tho railroad company, Tho company
makes lists of lands to have questions of
this kind determined, as their determin
ation depends upon careful, methodical
and scientific investigation. But if they
aro obviously mineral, tho testimony con
cerning them discloses that condition, the
department very properly withholds pat-
$lo,ooo Reward.
The above reward is ottered to anyone
who will f.iv, and prove to our satiif.ict-
l ion, that any merchant in Ko.seburg is !
Felling or can sell gentlemen's cood at a
lower price thau Jack Abraham. Jack
buys for cash, is at 110 expense for cierk
hire, and therefore can undersell all com-
pclitots. A splendid assortment ot shirts
just received, together with drawers
jand socks of the most finished
paterns. Ho is now selling ha'a I.r
spring and summer wear at reduced
prices to suit tho times. Everybody
knows what gents furnishing goDds arc,
and they also know whero to find them.
All know that Jack has come to stay and
accomodate the people with the best of
uoods and the lowest prices. Now is the
time to lay in your supplies while prices
arc down.
Wollenbcrg & Abrahan.
There is no place hue tho "square
Deal" store to purchase anything in the
line of dry goods. Gents' fashionable
shirts, the finest of linen shirts, all wool
blankets, covorlids, gents' and ladies'
underwear, and everything to array
their bodies in handsome attire always
on hand. You will make- a mistake if
you fail to call on Wollenberg & Abra
ham when in want of anything in tho
dry goods line, pnn.4 anil summer
goods received almost dally, and offered
for salo at astonishingly low prices.
Como at once, make a purchase, and
then you will go aw.iv satisfied aud be
sure to call ag tin.
"Liverino," manufactured by Iho An
chor S Chemical Co., tho great Liyor,
Kidnoy and Constipation cure. An in
fallible remedy for all curable lorms of
diseases of llioso organs. Tho ureatest
knows remedy for Indigestion. Try it.
For salo at M. F. Rapp'd drug store,
Roseburg, Oregon.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World's Fair Highest Medal and Dlrloma.
Not for a Day but for all Time.
Memories of the White City are fading all but one.
Majestic in its beauty the Palace of Art survives to remind
mankind of wonders departed. Triumphant over fire and
tempest the stately structure stands beside the lake dedicated
forever to the service of the people. ! As a gallery of paint
ing and sculpture it surprised and delighted the nations. As
the Field's Columbian Museum it will entertain and instruct
multitudes in the ages to come. .
A World's Fair in miniature is the museum to-day.
While it lasts'the public will have before them a vivid re
minder of the greater exposition of 1893. It will bring back
the vast panorama ofVplendid exhibits including the fine
showing made by r
Dr. Price's Cream Baking: Powder ,
The analysis of Dr. Price's by government experts
demonstrated its immeasurable superiority in .leavening
strength, purity and general excellence and gained for it the
Highest Award at the Fair.