4 THE PLAINDEALER ISCUU STMT XOJ53UT XKD THUXSD1T BT THE PLAINDEALER FUBUSHIRC CWPANY t W. F. BESJAMIK, C. Y.'BXXJAMIK, Editor Manager. Subscription Rate: Ono Yvar payable In advance ....... 9 oo Months. " " x oo Months." " 50 THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1895. Public education is the bulwark of American liberty and most not be suffered to pass under the control of sectarianism. All religions should bo tolerated and protected in the United States, so long as they keep their sectarian grasp off the ship of state. No union of church and slate should be allowed. Bat few cases remain to bo disposed of, and those aio being pushed alone as fast as possible Tbo following business has been transacted sines last report. Cathcart & Churchill rs. E. C. Talmer; foreclosure of lien. On trial. J. A. Kirkendall vs. Sol Abraham, et injunction. Argued and submit tod. Watkins & Tandy vs. C. F. Cuthcart, Sheriff; to recover property. erdlct for defendant. Lucky Queen Mining Company vs. Sol Abraham; to recover damages. Con tinned. A. W.Hart vs. C. F. Colvin ot al.; injunction. Argued and submitted. C. H. Maupin, Admr. vs. A. S. Peters; confirmation. Confirmed. A. T. Pintlor y. Electa T. Pintler; di vorce. Decree. Asher Marks, Adtur., et al. vs. John Joneo et al. ; foreclosure. Decree of fore closure. The receipts of revenue for Starch is reported below the expenditures. If such a shrinkage continues the Cleveland-. Carlisle - Wilson - Gorman government will have to sell more bonds to 'Hhe English yon know." The people of the United States went off in 1S92, after a will-o-the-wisp democratic free trade, and have found that it is not what fancy painted it They fear also that the nromises of DODuhsm will not im- prove the conditions. The "Peak Sisters." Friday evening April 5tb. the V. C. T. U. will give an entertainment at tbe opera bouse. Following is the pro gramme: Welcome, Hazel Patterson ; History of the "Peak Sisters. Mits Walker; Chorus; Recitation, Amata Smith; Piano solo, Maud Annes; Reading, Echo Gaddis; Trio, Mrs. Woolley, Misses Burnside and Boa telle; Recitation, Edith Buckner; Chorus; Duetto, Misses Buckner and Smith; Reading, Mrs. Richards; Solo, Mildred Landers; Song, Bertha Sen! brede and Mabel BelSls; Recitation, Miss Bradley; Chorus; March; Tableau Assisted by Mrs. Lynn aad Mrs. Apple- hof. Admission 15 cents. There are three things that go to determine man's character, viz: Pre natal influences, his education and training in youth, and tbe Burroand- ing circumstances in his daily life. The latter, generally, having the strongest power over him. In seven states of the Union the Catholic population is in excess to tbe Protestant, viz: New Mexico, Cali fornia, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York and Lonisi ana.; New Mexico has the largest Dercentace. 751 per cent and Ar kansas the smallest per cent of voters, viz: lot 1 percent So figures the Portlander. Perhaps it knows. Secretary Gresham, it is said, will retire in tbe near fnture from Cleve land's cabinet. His wife's desire to return to her home in Illinois and his taste for law practice it is claimed, are tbe motives for surrendering his portfolio, rather than the many snnbbs he has received both from his party and foreign governments. A poor excuse is better than none. The republican party is too de cisive in its measures, too vigorous of life, too clear in its enunciations of the principles upon which it is based, viz: American protection to all American industries. A sound money system. A vigorous foreign policy and the maintenance of Amer ican soil free from foreign domina tion, to fear going into desuetude inlH96. If democracy were indeed, as it claims to be, tne mend ot tho poor man, it would give him a preference over the rich when it wants to bor row money. Just let the old maids and safety bank depositors have chance to empty their old stocking legs of coin hid away, and depositors to draw their bank checks for small bonds and the government could quadruple the loans she has recently made through Wall street bankers. That would help the poor greatly. The PursEnsxEE is a bimetalist and holds to the opinion that to ef fect the largest circulation of eflver possible, would be to call in all gold coins of less denomination than the ten-dollar piece and all bank and treasury notes below tbe denomina tion of ten dollars. This would cre ate a vacuum that silver would rush in to fill, asjsnbsidiary coin. Then coin silver as fast as the demand for it was sufficiently great 10 call it into circulation. The Portlander, an A P. A. paper. published m Portland, Oregon, says "There weie, in 1890, 16.910,311 men of voting age in this country. The protestant churches had 13,974,635 communicants, of whom 4,558412 were males of voting age. Tbe Bo man Catholics had 6,257,871 common 1 cants, of whom 1,912,632 were males of voting age. Of tbe whole mass, 16.910,311 voiers, thero were only 6,501,091 who were members of churches." This, if true, shows 10,292,440 were not members of any church. Sodom wouldhave been spared from de struction with a much less popula tion 01 ngnteous men. 00 mere is hope for America yet; for 6,500,000 righteous men ought to save Amer ica, especially in as much as most of our rulers are members of some of the churches. The scriptures say that, "When the righteous bear rule the people rejoice." in This coming eeason, from present indi cations, is going to be more active general mining in this section of South era Oregon than ever before. Already the bills have been fn!l of prospectors for weeks during tbe favorable weather that lias prevailed. From every section comes good reports, and considerable capital is being induced to take hold of both quartz and placer propositions, There is a strong indication that the uo developed mineral wealth of Southern uregon m going w reveive iuu aneuuou from capital that it so jnstlv deserves this summer. Riddle Enterprise. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder J.vtritd Gold Medal Midwinter Fair. Sia Fricdsco. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT. Deafness Cannot be Cured bT local armlieaiions as ther cannot reach tlio deceased portion of the car. Thero is only one wy ui care aeausess. ana uiu u oy consuiu Uonal remedies. Deafness is caused br an In Mamed condition of the tnocoos lining of the Eoslaehian Tube. When this tube is inflamed 1 hare a ruinblias sonndor imperfect hear- . ana irnen 11 is enarciTciosea. ueainess 11 the result, and unless the ln&amation can be taken oat and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing -will be destroyed forever; iat 01 line bt the sucoos surfaces. sine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh -which is nothing but an lnnaned condition o We, win tire One Hundred Dollars for anr ease of Deafness lauscd by catarrh) that cannot ne cured by uairs catarrh cure, send lot, clr culirs, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. I I I , I... T Expelled From the Church. Sr. Locrs, April 1. Tho council of the Baptist church met vesterday and an nounced the result of its findings in tho case ot Rev. C. C Manton, who was charged with tuloltry and falsehood Mars ton deserted a wife in Washington state, acd took up with a Mrs. French, with whom be is traveling in Iowa as his wife, while he delivers lectures on Temperance" and "Purity and Chastitv of the home." Mars ion was expelled, and the church asked to revoke his ordi nation. Notice. Fir wood, 2 or 4 feet, delivered board cars at Drain, at 2 per cord. J. T. Bridges. on At the approaching convention of the daughters of Bebekah which meets at Salem Monday, May 13. There will be important chances asked for, as provided by the code of the Sovereim grand lodge at Cbatonooga last year. It is. desired that the Be be tabs of this state be authorized by the Grand lodge of Oregon, to organize a state assembly. In the matter of the estate of Chas. Hollyfield, deceased, W. A. Perkins, administrator, hat been directed by the court to complete the contract made by deceased and J. E. Heald with the S. P. Company for the delivery of 5000 railroad ties and the manufacture of timber from 500,000 feet of saw logs at tbe mill of said company. Reston Notes. Rain, beautiful rain. Tho eun-ehino has disappeared, and Oregon's gonllo mists are with us again. low inches of now snow fell on tho Coast Range tho other night, but soon disappeared. Tho Plaikdbalkk Is a welcome guost in this part. Mrs. Molllu Laird nnd family, of tho Sugar Pine mountain liavo moved to tho Eighteen mile houso to spend tho sum mer. Wo are glad to seo her in our vicinity again. We aro sorry to Bay that little Bonnie Ilnrdmnn is quite sick. While playing, be accldently rait a rusty nail through tho palm ot his hand. At last accounts wai 8oaio better. Sunday school was organized at Sit- kum the other day. Mrs. Win. Aber- nethy aud Mrs. II. Laird orguuizers. Tho hills aro decked with wild llowere, and wo know spring is here. Arthur Wood in of Reston has gono to Coos county to learn telegraphy. Tho dance given at O. . Gurney's last week was a grand success. C. M. Siegela of Looking Glass made a flying trip through Reston en route to Ten Mile. What's the attraction. Chollv? J. D. Laird and G. G. Goblo came over tho old Coos bay road today. Also Miss Ida Wright and her brother. Walter Laird. C. Kirk and C. Harry, all of Coos county. Miss Lottio Xewland was visitiug at Reston the other day. Call again, Lottie Our school will begin April 1st. 0.1. Hittlo teacher. Joe caver, of Floprnoy, is tho guest of John West todav. Misses Mattio Cocierill and Stella In- man gavo a play party not long ngo, Gamed were playod until 11 o'clock, when every one rat down to a bountifully supplied table. After supper we all re turned to our respective homes wishing they would have another pirly soon, Thoso present were Misses Mattie Cockerill, Winnie and Nannie Tipton, Stella, Lva. and Lanral Inmann and Juni Wilson, Muster Fred Tipton, James Beasly, Fred West, Cliff Inman and A. H. Woodin. A wedding at Reston? Did you over hear the like? Who said so? Rumors say that Miss Rose Fisher will Boon return home from Roseburg where she has spent the winter. Thomas Cretreon of Coos county has gone to Drain. lie received word that his mother was very sick at that place Clarence Lstes and Thrash will start for Washington soon. Eves Green, In his search for news yesterday tbe only item of "latest news" our reporter found, was a brand new pair of shoes just off the last at C.A. Gibler's shoo shop, opposite the depot all for three dollars and a half. Look for ad in Puis dealer neat week. If you don't find it there, go to his shop aud find his new shoes. The K. of P. band has just received new uniforms. They are fine and will be first used Sunday afternoon on the occasion of their visit to tbe Soldiers Home to discourse soma of their sacred and patriotic music. Tbe Republicans in municipal elections have carried almost every ticket. Geo. B. Swift, republican, was elected mayor of Chicago by over 41.000 plurality. Other cities heavy gains. Shiloh's Cure is sold on a guarantee. It cures Incipient Consumption. It is the best Cough Care. Only one cent a dose, 25cts.,50cta., and $1.00. Cow Creek Notes. Born, March 5th, to the wife of Charles Cook, a daughter. Mrs. John Brock ley and son Freddie have gone to Grants Pass on a visit to Mrs. Brockley's parents. Fred Oithchild and P. McMillon, who havA been stopping at Tunnel 5 for some time, has moved to Perkins Flat near Glen dale. Mr. Fieland Cornutt and family bavo moved back to their place at Rowes' mill from which they have been absent near four years. Mr. J. Toller of Sbenanaswi Point, w at Roseburg on business one day last week. George L. Haynes of Roseburg spent one week in the Canyon, as tbe guest of D. C. Conrtney and family. A few days before the tunnel crew left Tunnel ." Charley Frances, the kid, had tbe misfortune to fall oif the Dads ere trestle in tbe creek, 31 ! got quite a duck ing. That was too baJ, Charley. II. C. Oden of Tunnel 4, spent several days in Glendale last week. Tbe freight train run by Mr. E. Elder 13 draped in mourning in memoria of the brakeman who was killed near Lelarid. Web Purdey was in Glendale on busi ne&s one day last week. We understand there is going to be oance at Glendale the 20th of this month. jluo a. r. iO. a fence gang that is run by G. W. Donnell, passed through the Canyon a few days ago for Riddle. From there they will finish fencing to Rose burg. jar. j. u. .Montgomery 01 Mchois was the guest of I). C. Courtney last Sunday, Steve Webber of Riddles was the guest of Pete Mceban at Gold Flat last week. Mrs. Sharkey, who baa been staying with C. Cook's family at Tunnel 6 for some time, went to Roeebnrc last week Slocchkv Bet. Olalla Items. Olalla is becoming famous for weddings acd cbarivaries. A social dance for Friday evening at the Olalla ball, is now on the program. Mr. Stanuley has suspended operations at the mines for a few weeks rest. George Gougly of the Coos Bay stage line was in our town Sunday last. Mrs. Austin, Mr. and Mrs. Willis of Roseburg, and Mies Mollie McCullocb of the O. S. II. were in attendance at the Pellem-McCulIoch wedding Sunday. Mrs. Lewis and daughter of Portland came yesterday to take up their resi dence with the family of our neighbor, D. A. Frock. Mr. S. Whipple and his esteemed wife of Camas Valley passed through this place nionday enroute to Montana, where he goes to accept a lucrative posi tion. Mrs. Cooper and sons are working their mines with reasonable success, the late rains have given them a plentiful supply of water for a good spring run. Messrs. Ralph and company are crowd ing their work and taking out some very nice gold with encouraging prospects ahead. Messrs. Wells, Beno and Fisher con template a prospecting trip to Josephine county next week. We wish them a pleasant and successful trip. Major Walsh went to Jtoseburg Tues day ou business connected with bis min ing interests. Mr. Bchyler Ireland will soon return from the company's mine in Josephine a . t a county wnen ma Drome r nenry win go to tbe mines to take his place. Wonder Who. Sheriff Sale. N THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon for tho County ot Douglas. W. T. Crcason, Plaintiff. vs. Emll IMagcns and Albcrstlnc l'logcns, Defendants. Stato of Oregon County of Douglas.) whereas at tho regular Jiarcn term ib, 01 nu Circuit Court of tho Stato of OreRon for tlio County of Douglas, to-wlt: On Monday, March ih, 1S95, W. T. Crcoson tho abovo named plain tiff recovered a Judgment by foreclosure of n raortRaco against tlio.aboro named defendants i-.mu viagcns ami Aiocrsuno nagens, aim against tlio following described mortgaged premises, to-wlt: Mlcclnnlncnt a -nolut in tlio center of tho county road leading from l'ctcrt to I'aucrsoa'x .Mill, on mo west line 01 tno it. Foster donation claim No. 43. Township tkmth, ot Itango -OVcst of tho Willamette Me ridian, 10.50 chains South of tho Northwest in terior "1 corner 01 saiu claim, nald corner being .TS chains East of the Northwest comer nt Sec tioh 21; thenco South su degrees and SO minutes Host on tho west lino of tho said donation-claim, 4S.T chains to tho Southwest corner thereof; thence on thu South lino of claim, North 83 de grees and 30 minutes Knit, 23.10 chains; thenco North 5 dcgreeH, West U1.12 chains to point In center ot County road abovo mentioned from which a black oak treo In road :t inches diam eter bears North 75 degrees West 98 links dis tant: thenco along center 01 county road Norm C7 dcarrecs West 1 chain. North 71 decrees West 10 cmuns. noun m aecrecs anu 1.1 minutes vt est 12.ro chains; thenco North 23 degrees and IS minutes West to placo ot beginning, containing 84 and 8-100 acres ot laud more or less. Also be- Inning at a point on tbo bouth line of the U. I), "outer donation claim No. 4.1, 23.10 chains North S3 degrees and VO minutes Kast of the Southwest ... 1 . 1 ........ . u ..... I. r .1 .... t-ti cuiuit iiiviwii luujku cuimi u uiKma r. U3 . o,iu chains to stake from which n whlto oak a inches in diameter, bears North TO degrees west 8 feet and a white oak 5 inches in diameter bears Norths feet distant; thenco bouth 7s dCKrees Kast K.SI chains to anoint from which 11 black oak boars North 78 degrees West 36 links dis tant; thenco South l negroes l-.iut 5.31 chains to a point on the East line, Lot No. 7. Section 21; thenco South on said East lino &2 chains to tho hitlf.mile enmer between Sections 24 nnd 2). Townshln 26 South. oIItanco4 West of Wlllam cito aienman: mence vtesi jj cnains; meia-u North on West line ot Lot No. 7, 15.C0 chains to tho South lino of the Foster donation claim: thpnrnnn said &mth line North 9 decTreS ami M minutes East 1LS6 chains to tbo ntacc Of bo- ginning, containing 22 and 7S-10O acres ot land more or less. Also oegiuning at n point on iuu Section lino 20 chains North of the corner to Sec tions 23, 21, 25 and 2G in Township H South, of Kango 4 west 01 vt uuimcue,-pnncipai jicnuian; thence souui -W cnains to ino t-ecuon corner; thfnr Vest20 chains: thenco Northeast to the placo of beginning, containing 20 acres ot land more or less. Also bccinnlni: at the samu point 20 chains North of the comer to SecUons ZS. 21. 25 and 26 in Township 26 South of Range 4 West of said vt lliameiie wormian on tnc &ecuon line; thence East 7.75 chains to tho West boundary Hue ot the U. 1). Foster donation claim No. 43; thence North on said line 5 chains; I hence Southerly iu a straight line to tho place of be ginning, containing.! and 94-100 acres of land more or less. Also loi tm &ecuou .1 in iowii- ship 26 South, ot Range 4 West ot the Willamette Meridian, containing 34X6 acres of land more or less. Aim tno onn nan 01 ino.NortnneslQ.tiar tvruiul the Southwest nuarter of the Nnrthitcst quarter of SecUun 25, Township VG South, of xtanKC-t hciioi ?aiu t iuauit.-iu.-u Jicnuiau uim tho Eat half of tho Northeast ouarter of Section 26 in Township i6 South, of Range 4 West of said .Willamette .Menuinn. una tnc .Nortnuesi Quarter 01 tno.Norunrcai Quarter 01 tecuon a in Township 26 South, ot Range4 West of Said Wll- umcuo iienaian, wins zu acres, uc toiai acreage being 404 and 2X-10O acres tot land more or less, and being and lying In Douglas County, State of Oregon. Now. thcreloro. in tbe name 01 the state ul Oregon, 1 will, on Saturday, tho 4th day of Mar. istt, at 1 o ciocc in tnc aiicrnoun 01 saia day, at tho Court House door in Roseburg, uouzias Loaaiv. urrcon. sen ai nuuuc auction to the hlshcst bidder for cosh in hand, ail tlio right, title and interest which the said defend ants or either of them bad in or to the above described real pnij-erty, 20th day of July. 1W2, or at any time thcrcalter, and will apply the proceeas 01 sncn sate, nrsi 10 me ctrns anu ex- 1nscs 01 sncn saie, anu u inc cusis ana ui lursements herein taxed at 121.00, to tbe pay mem of 1120, attorney fees, and to the l ay gether with interest thereon, at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the 25th day of Jlarch, ISo, and the overplus. It any there be. pay over 10 ine saia ucienaanis, tmii risccns and Albersuno l'lagcns or tbeir Iecal repre sentatives, u. r. diiiUAur, Sheriff, Douglas County, Oregon. By D. K. Suaxekook, Deputy. Sheriff Sale. CENTRAL HOTEL! Board Lodging .Olvo mo a Call $3.50 per Week MEALS, 15c. BEDS, 15c. I.onir Timbers it Specialty. Write for rrlccH. THE DAVIS AMBLER MERRELL LUMBER CORP AMY. MANUFACTURERS OP, AND DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF FIR AND CEDAR T.TTrVfRF,R. n - - - sU.3E:5rI2r- The Roseburg Laundry, 202 sxaln street, opp. Hotel Van Koutcit. jpi RST"CLHSS A 1. 1. WORK GUARANTEED, JtfORK . . . r-i&ntK BKrAi Proprietors. At Slcnsonulile I'rlccs. DRINK THE CELEBRATED i' Days of 49 Whisky. A For Sale at all First-Class Bars. DeLaney & Meyer5 MANUFACTURERS OF i' The Celebrated Eoseburg Beer, ALE AND PORTER. All Orders either at Home or Abroad, by Railroad or otherwise, .Promptly Attended to. MITCHELL LEWIS I STAYER GO. A FULL LLVE OF TNDTnE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE JL Sutc o( Oresoo,forl)ausb3 County. Sol Abrahaa, 1 ruinim, i vs. I L. C BirJi3ey. Tetcr Unme, I ., E. II. ITcble, Martha IkSKr. I and T. l:. Shcrivlan, Kx- ccatrix ami Exccotor oi I be ilate ol T. 1.. Jiojoross, us f caKtl, tne Urcgon ana tail fomla ;Lombcr Company, Corporation, F. W, Hrown. S. V. Condon, DUtrlct Attorney (or IXniKla County and Ada Ilcrdjli?r. Dele n Jan U. j State of Oregon, County ol.uoagiaJ'-l H'hcra) the Plaintiff above named at tbe n-iraiAT March tern. l&HS. of tbe Circuit Court. of the State ot Oregon for iKiuslas county, to wtt on the 3rd day of March, ISO, n-covercd indisnent ualiul tnc above named deienoant, L. C Heardsley. for the cra of fJTJ.7; with interest thcrron from the Tth day of October, 1333. at tbe rate of 10 per cent pvr annoxiIor flOXCO attorneys f-, lor plaintiff ccwti and diitnnements taxed at H7S, rjid alto jedc- meet and decree ot loreclorare asairul tec toi lolns described mortad premises, to wit: Lot number nineteen (131 in Brooks and ;Rdd inz'a addition, the same being tbe IJrookjidc Addition to the city of Kovjburs. in the county ot Itangias, if late of On-run, according tu the oSieial plat and inrvcy of said addition ot record in the oSce of the County Llert of Douglas county, Oregon, containing' mna pi acres raoro or less, together with the tene ments, hereditaments and appurtenances there unto belonging or in anywiM appertaining. Now, therefore, in the name ot the State of Oregon, I will on Saturday, tho fourth day of ilar, lsbs, at tbe hour of one o'clock in the afternoon of raid day, at the Court House door in Itoacburg, Pooglas county, Oregon, sell at public auction for cash in hand, all the right, title and interest which the said defendant, U V. Beardiley had in or to the said described real property on the Tth day of October, li33, together with the tenements, hereditaments and arronrtcnaeea thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining and apply the proceeds arming from such sale tint, to the payment ot the costs and expenses of inch sale. Second, to the costs and disbursements incurred herein br Plaintiff taxed nttlTJj. Third, to the pay ment of 1100.00 attorney fees. Fourth, to the navment of the sum of 1773.77 with Interest thereon from the 7th day of October, 1333, al the rate ol 10 per cent per annum, and inc overplus, if any there be, pay over to the said acienaant, l. l.. jjcarusiey or nis irgai rerr tcnlativcs. C. F. CATHCAKT. Sheriff, Douglas County, Oregon. By D. K. SuaxBsoox, Iepnty. Plows, Harrows, Wagons & Buggies AND HARVESTING MACHINERY. BEAN SPSAY PUHPS ARE THE BEST. WAUKEGAN BARB WIRE. HUNTER & HUME. AT LlMni-.lt YARD NEAIt DIJPOT. , a I Kli 7PD sV I'onitry, fiui ana Game, 3 J DI 1 CKv , ii(jjfr In Season. Proprietor ot Driver Valley Notes. Snow th3 2Slh. We welcome the I'lain'ocalcr. Smith Ujtiley o: Ilcs;bur was here on bniioefB lat week. Bob Hall made hit) regular trip to Nonpariel'Sar.day. Wonder il we may expect another wedding soon. James Medley has returned from Hose bars, where ho lai been attending conrt. 3Irs. W. N. Amoa wilj soon return to ber home in Arizona. Robert liall nnd Joe Jamas mada a flying trip to Shoestring last week. Rowland Cockeran haa purchased the bicycle lormerly owned by Professor Wright of Roseburg and now seems to bo trying to break the mud record of tbe West. R. P. Dear and family, Mrs. Thomas and Uncle "Doc" Hall of Oakland were the'guests of Geo. Hall Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Quant and daugh ter, and Mrs. William Amo3 and child ren were visiting T. J. Medley last Sun day. One of the "Home Comfort" store agents passed through Driver valley not long since but did not succeed in swind ling any of our wide-awake (armors. We would say in conclusion that the suggettion inado by our correspondent, "Bumper," from English Settlement that tbe bounty be withdrawn from dem ocrats and placed on coyotes is a good one and we hope will soon be executed as they, (the democratx) are scarco here also. Wavkhly. Dr. Kirkpatrick and Dr. Paine of Eugene were in tho city last Saturday. They visited the Soldier's home and ex pressed tbomsolves well pleased with tho surroundings at tho home. Sold and An iagreeabte razatlvo mwKxkto Toaia luyjLrugKisnorBcm: 07 mail. rjOtWC 1X0 per package Rsnrplea free. Tho Favorlto TOOTS CO'UiUS TTaf -SF JBLV ll.VfCTtboTceUiaadBreatb.ac, For sale by M. F. Rapp. Druggist. L Kotjaj.rrtepoitlan. lccisjtT0l rritor. b;rsaiAgesio3egiintrs.UDcrjLi. ixxmijsioTi to local part- tin ozente Largest . wawers of elosn. sSWK. Wlr Con hsnJy.rellablefTi VC. 2leA? tUK. UK Uwn and arci. We vaot toq now.irhilo 1 the fruit tndaitnr is to Important. Qrxxl chioco for fldrsncmeot. Outfit and full par TlfaUrs free. DROWN BKOS. CO.. nur- rrrmen. rortisna, ore. nuscoaseu rrl.iilc. 'me tills paper. EJ-) what I sa?ed k dealing wilS G. W. KRUSE TUB GROCEK, 406 JnckHou Bt Ono Joor south I'.O. Choice Teat, Coffees, Tobaccos and Cigars. And ovcry thing else in the Grocery line, Highest .TJarfeet I'ald for Country Produce. Giro hlra o call and bo convinced. Young man keep your eye peelod when you buy candy for your girlj got it nt Niece's. Tho ladies are judges of candy and know n good thing whon thoy see it. The City Meat Market, And Dealer ia PRIME BACON, HAMS, LARD, AND FRESH .MEATS OF ALL KINDS. Orders taken and Delivered Free to any part of the City. leieiesessBCBeiisicHsaeat Roseburg, Or. 5553 OI OTIIGR THINGS Special For a Few Days. t ffH $1 50 : 7 5o . 2 00 75 . 2 00 t 50 mackintoshes at. Greatly Reduced Prices. Lad ie's Dress Goods Reduced 25 per cent. These goods havejall been received j within the last month, and are the Jk .ymoftk a.; x latest styles and not shelfworn 1' ' Don't delay this golden opportun ity, and call on The Boss Store- Alexander & Stroag THE POPULAR HOME FURHISHERS.... 32G and 32S Jackson St Bet. Oak and WuhTngtoa. tX rn J T DLTTDirr? Larget3dBeft JUKJrtaenterer VV JILL. F Al CiV brotiftht to Southern Oregon, and I CARPETS. IIHIIHUNHIIIIHMH S Large and Elegant Line of We call the attention of our friends to our beauti ful stock of t . j Easy Rockers t Bed Room Sets waaa a 2 Parlor and Dining Chairs Rugs and Carpets And all Household Articles Our 'Stock is Unexcelled, by Any House South of Portland. .NO TROUBLE TO SHOWOOOD3. " ALEXANDER 5 STRONG hoS1 ROSEBURG, OREGON. 1 Our Stock Consists than Hardware and Nails. THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF Stoves and Shelf Hardware IN SOUTHERN OREGON. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE consignment of Fishing Paraphernalia, Croquet Sets and Sporting Goods, also an excellent assortment of Pocket Knives, Razors, Etc. If you are interested in nice goods, call and see us. CHURCHILL, WOOLLEY & MKENZIE WACEST8 FOR m STUDEBAKER WAGONS and OLIVER PLOWS. he Long Whiter is Here Prepare for it wisely. We offer unusually good reasons' why you should buy from us. Everything offered for sale is fresh; bought for the Holiday Trade and sold at very reasonable prices. We have a very choice stock of canned goods, including both fruits and vegetables, to which we invite your special attention. Our line of Olives, Gherkins, Pick- ,.ft els Sauces, etcSs also complete. '" We carry the ?iargest stock of to baccos in Southern Oregon. C. W. PARKS & CO-, Grocers. Mineral, Railroad. Aricultural. H- G. POTTER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 1106 C. St., N. W. Washington, D. C. tor many years in tlio (Suncrnl Land 0(11 cc. Examiner ol Contests, Mineral w. Mineral v. s Knilrond and Agricultural claim, nnd Lata Chlel of tlio Mineral Dlvlttou. Correspondence Solicited. 1 Administrator's Notice to Cred itors. fpIIK undersigned having- been appointed by tho County Court ol Douglas county. Ore con, the administrator ol tho estate ol John Nyberg, deceased, notice is hereby given to all persons Interested, to present their claims against said estate, with proper vouchers, duly verified within six months from this date to the undersigned administrator at Gardiner, Douglas county, Oregon. Dated at Koscburg, Oregon, this 13th day ol March, IMS. D. W. HOLDKN, Administrator ol the csfato ot John Nyberg, deceased. Brown a Tustin, Attorneys for Administrator People with hnlr that is continually fallint' out, or thoao that aro bald, am slop tho falling, and get a good'Rrowth of hair by using Hall's Hair ltci -ivcr. If you have a piano that needs tuning tb not givo it over to the first man that comes along, but wait for M. O. Warner, tho reliable and well known tuner, whoso work iu this town for tho past six years has given general satisfaction, aud whoso prices aro reasonable. J. Q. FLOOK CO. MANUFACTCREBS Or DOORS, WINDOWS, or an sires anil styles. I Wn,.oWanl,DoflrpMM. Turning and Fruit Boxes Made to Order. . seat THE : PELTON WATER MOTOR. 5 Of capacities1 var ying from i to .35 . horsepower affords the most con I venient, economical and reliable 5 Pwer for all H ht service. One of these may be seen running at this; ' office. Send for circulars. - THE PELTOr WATER WHEEL C6.f I I mi Main Street, San Francisco, CaT, ! ""rWl .t..Mitltltl.(V 3