The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 01, 1895, Image 3

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    New FIR7VC
A.TTXiNTxot irm.ic:
K.Jirtfs Kros al the Racket Store, J door
touth of r. O. WUh to announce that wo have
Jnt wcui cd a irt oi our Xw Slock, conslstlne
ol Ladle ad liwU- FHtnWilriK Good, Tin
ware S uawr Nottont, direct from New
York, ui.ere rarehtse far pi eark ana have
spcc:l edvantiwe In buytns and wo arc pains to
Sivoonr customer the JxaioBtot the tame. Wc
will ooespare the jwaMty or tmr poods and ixiotc
yea price cheap Ui.n the cheapest, lower
than the lowest, for&.
Ca ana inspect the quality aud prices of our
goods nl he eoartaced. We are alwavs ready
to fcow coed. prtcs, ve9cor customers
and s the Ueacflt or our bargains In
Ca" ..: x bewvre ifcoM Wnutol ladles' aud
peat uk scjrfe al a cnL each are. all pone.
Mot llwpeclfuUy.
lca.virs Santh l the Isl Office.
M ON DAY, APRIL 1, 1S95.
The Clmrclies.
Bamr CHrscH - corner ot ne ana r,
ilrerts Sauday Scrvfee: 1jwMr, U a. m.
and" A tu.: Yowk; IYoes UW, 6:3) p.m.;
JIM.G.X. Aaaa,r:ddct; SQBday Sehod,ia
c st J.jnes .CkaBthfriaht, Superintendent
Trarcr Meeting, Thcnday cveala; at 7:38.
Rsv. 6. N. Assss, Tastor.
KmMcace, Ka. at Main Street.
ilrra jdut CbtJrch comer oi Main and Lane
itret-JS. senday SKtioe: rrt&ehtag. n a. ra.
and a r Sabfeatfc school, m a. m.; Dr.
James Birr. Sarxrtateadeet: CJs ileeUns at
cLv c the Jeorulns; service: Kpwortti Leasee
cap. j. CUre Hae, fmOitart. r-rayer Jlcet
iss. HiarjdtT. at T3 . m.
X. S. Bocemx, . I)., raster,
rawesaga, caraer Main and Lane.
rxt-xntatiix Chckcb corner or Cass and
KoMstiCr t Sady Serrfee: PopMe worship,
lliia taC: J9p.Ht; Sabbath Sehfvil,;
Y.l S.C .Ti.m. Prayer tosUa '.Vedacs
day,30 jv 3l
R. K. Stl.wBTH, Patter.
Tee a T. i".
JRet at the M. E.
eveatss ontll aitcr
fh-rc.. 1 1 "tr
$U!(CMH-ai. AU
cztttcYoc -,mt.
T. K.
Keeps the Fischer sad Yeec pianos.
T. K.
acti H&rdman
T- K.
SeLs mosiexl )ls for teg tbaa Port
issd prices.
T. K.
Keeps over forlr rfatairai kiads of
Sisskal iastraa(s OMstnatlr on hand.
T. K-
H25 orJcrevi i large siiipzseat of Wasb
bcrce cissical goods direct from tbe
Special Offer.
Six choice taBdtag lets ia FrcitTala
addltioa, 00x103 feet. Pnct ? 20 each.
D. S. K. BctcK.
Keeps LsUad aad Kinzslev pixnoj,
and other niskas. W3ees and White,
Esiey, Piitartl, Chie&ga, Cottage and
E&rbaSTors&as. T. K. Skslvsdsox,
liescbnrg. Or.
At Last They've Arrived.
TL; new ftcct cf rbves has jtut ar.
rived from tbe east and Oibera is pre- j
pared to fcraish too with shoes at most j
rexsoaable prices. Examine bis stccV.
Snscessalo Lous Laageoljerg.
Novelty Store.
liis jSst received a kire lincofladie
dress goods. We ievrte tbe public to
all and, examine oor Mock and prices.
We -wijf cheerfully sesd samples and
prices to oar oat of town ccstomers.
Tbe IeJton "Water 3Iolor
Of capacities varying from 1 to 23 horse
power zSbrds tbe most coaveoient, eco-
nossisil and reliable power for all light !
service- One of tbee may be seen run
ning at this oSce. Sesd for circulars.
The Peltofl Water Wheel Co., 121 Main
St, Saa Fraacisco, Cel.
Final Coll.
persons are hereby
All persons are hereby aeursed
l .... .wl.. 4 clamant of NlPI T tfl'
Jebiedne to the fcite firm of S. Marks
X- rn - ntWwhe the same will be Dlaesd !
in hands for ooileciton. Please give this
call prompt sUeaUoa and thus avoid s.d
ditiosa! costs. Ashb Maeks,
Administrator of Estate i S. Marks
& Co.
Notice to Taxpayers.
Cttil May lh my office wi!l be kept
open until S o'clock p. w. each day to re
ceive taxes.
County warrants will be taken nntil
that time for the cocnty tax. All special
taxes mast bepid ia cash. No war
rants taken after May 15.
C. F. CamcAirr.
Sheriff and Tax Collector.
To Whom it flay Concern.
In order to introduce oar catalogue of
sheet music and music books, "we make
this offer; To any person in Douglas
county Bending bj name, style, number
and price of piano or organ, bought of
tbe Wiley 15. Allen Mosie Co., tince July
3, 1S34, we will pay ! in sh et music
and music bwkts.
T. K. KwitARDMlS,
Roseburg, Or.
Douglas County Building aud Loan
Stockholders are hereby notified
the annual meeting of the stockholders
ct the Daeglas Cocnty Building and
Loan Association will be held at tho
council room in city hall, in the city of
Roseburg, Douglas county, fitatc of Ore
gon on Wednesday. April 17th, 1805, at
7:30 p. m. of said dav, for the purpose of
electing seven directors and three audi
tors for the ensuing year, for the consid
eration, adoption or rejection of a resolu
tion instructing the board of directors to
fileEapplemental articles of incorpora
tion providing for the increase of the cap
ital ttock thereof for oce hundred thou
sand dollars to two hundred thousand
dollars, said increase of capital htock to
be desfcuated ae tho second series ot
stock of said oorpo ration, and for tho
transaction of sweh other business as
may legally come before tho meeting.
Dated at Roseburg, Oi., March 27. 1695.
M. F. Rait, Secretary.
Tbo amount of taxes for 1894 collected
last week was J105G.01. Total lor tho
year to dato J3771.01.
A man by the name ol Storey ol Ore
gon City is reported to havo died at Ciyil
Bend last Wednesday.
Kcad "Farmere" ailiclo on "Fnrmn
and Hard Times," in to days papor. It
s iiiq nail on the head.
A man may bo as honest as tho day is
lutg, and still do a groat deal of mischief
a tho night, Texas SiftiuRS.
Awisorulots that ol tho St. Louis,
Mo., board of education, which expels
any pupil found smoking cicarolteB.
Let plonosre of Douglas county bear
in mind that our next annual reunion
will bo at Roseburg tho 15th of lune.
On Saturday thero occurred tho sever
est snow storm in Denver, Colorado, that
has visited, that place since March 1S54,
says a dispatch.
Karl's Clover iloot, tho Rrcat Blood
purifier gives freshnoss and clearness to
tho Complexion and cures Constination.
23cls., 50cts., $1.00.
Churchill, Woolley & McKcnsio keep
tho Bean, Gould, Buckeye and Meyers
spray pumps, also the famous "Red
Jacket" forco pump.
Elmer DaMotta has bought C. L.
Hadley'a interest in his tonsorial parlors
and will continue to shave, shamnoo and
shear you in the future.
Two hundred and ninety-five names
registered at tho hotels of this city the
last week. This is a pretty good show
ing for these hard times.
Shiloh's Cure is sold on a guarantee.
It cures Incipient Consumption. It is
tho best Cough Cure. Only ono cent a
dose, 25cts.,50cts., and $1.00.
When you pass X. Rice's store, don't
fail to walk in and view his second hand
articles of every kind and dtscription
which he is almost giving away.
Married. March 31, 1S95, at tbe resi-'
dence of the bride's parents at Olalla,
Mr. John E. Fellem aud Miss Emily M.
McCclloch, by W. R. Wells, J. V.
Under tho new Parish Council's Act
the elections have retr rued many women
tcor-law guardians, a large percentage of
whom ate Rritish white ribboners.
Captain Sweeney, U. S- A., San Diego,
Cal., savs: "Shilth's Catarrh Remedy
is the first medicine I have ever found
hat would do me any good." Price 60r.
Assessor Sterling would be pleased to
have all prune growers of Douglas county
write him and give him or his deputy
tbe amount of prunes raised by them in
The W. C. T. U. will give an enter
tainment at the opera house Friday even
ing, April 5th. called the "Peak Sisters."
The programme will appear in Thurs
day's paper.
Geo. Langenberg has been delivering
tbe Daily San Francisco Call free tor a
few days. This is an invitation for yon
to subscribe. Leave your inbicriplions
at the News Stand.
The Editor of the PiauDEAtxc tend
ers thanks to the Faculty of tho Medical
Df part men t of Willamette University for
an invitation to attend the Alumnnal
reunion at Portland, April 1st.
Dr. Davis has practiced dentistry in
Roseburg nearly 14 years, and we know
tbe Dr. to be a skilled workman. Par
ties patronizing him will save money.
Dental parlors opposite Socum's ball.
At the regular meeting of I'hiletarias
Lodge L O. O.F., Xo. S last Saturday,
H. Parry, W. T. Wright and Joseph
celii were elected representatives to the
granJ lodge which meets at Salem in
3Iy. .
Daring a hold np of a passenger train
March 27th on the Cincinnati Southern
a fight occurred and two robbers were
killed and one fatally wounded who
claims he
was a tramp, but that is j
Tbe tenth annual State Sunday School
Convention will be held in Portland May
7-9. Arrangements are being made for
the entertainment of all delegates, and
the attendance is expected to break all
previous records.
Geo. Lanecnbcre is azent for tho San
' Francisco Daily Call. Only 15 cents per
! week, delivered at your door. The Call
I proved itself a staunch friend of the rail
.. ' road coys dunes meir tasi ironoies wiui
1 .. ...... t ,
Uie 1 - Company .
On and after April
1. 1S35, 24.00J
pounds will be tbe minimum weight
cpon which car load rates, tariff or spec
ial, will apply on the Southern Pacific
ConranT's line in Oregon, except when
otherwise specially provided for.
The ladies cf tbe Baptist church will
give a social at Mrs. C. E. Happersett's
next Tuesday evening. Refreshments
will be served aud a good time assured.
Everybody is cordially invited to at
tend. Mrs. A. T. Momax, Sec.
Wanted lo buy a largo tract of land,
mostly clear and improved, fairly level
and well watered. Also a medium-sized
farm. No notice taken of replies that do
not state lowest price and full descrip
tion, Address J. E. B., care Plain-
The wheels in the Imperial bicycle aro
exceptionally strong. Why? Because
tbey have more spokes than somo of the
cheaper bicycles. Churchill, Woolley &
McKenzie have sample wheels anJ will
bo pleased to explain their superior
"We women," said the severo lady
with the large spectacles, "We women
should unite for tbe abolition of shams.
Do you not agree with me?" "La nte,"
said the fancy work woman, "didn't you
know shams went out of fashion ever bo
long ago?" j
The Roseburg W. C.T. U. held their
annual election last Thursday evening,
which resulted as follows: President.
Mrs. Clara Berry, corresponding secre
tary, Mrs. Ida Marsters, recording secre
tary Mrs. A. F. Stearns, treasurer, Mrs.
Win. Smith.
If you have a piano that needs tuning
d-j not give it over to the first man that
comes along, but wait for M. O. Warner,
tho reliable and well known tuner,
whose work in this town for the past
six years has given general satisfaction,
aud whose prices aro reasonable.
The fitatc convention of tho W. C. 1.
I u. win rc ueiu in jioscuurg uu .uaj 10111,
it - .l 1 ; t, I f . ,ril.
ICtu and 17th. Iho committco on ar
rangements consists of tho following
members of the local union: Mrs. L. C,
Williams, Mrs. Ida Marsters, Mrs. A. C,
Buckner, Mrs. R. B. Dilworth and Mrs,
A. F. Stearns.
Mr. E. B. Halo of Redwood, Minn.,
ono of tho witnesses in tho Bcckmnn
trial, is bo well pleased with our country
nnd climato that he contemplates coming
to Oregon soon to reside, and induce as
many of his friends to como as ho can to
do likewise. Welcome, Mr. Halo, and
all whom vou may persuade.
Wayno Jones is special turui agent for
tho "old rcliablo" Continental Insuranco
Company of Now York, which has beon
tested by passing through and paying nil
of its losses in that great conflagration of
Chicago in 1S71, by which oyer ono hun
dred companies equal to tho State Insur
anco Company of Salom, Oro. failed.
A word to tho wiso is sufficient.
For Salo. A good homo of 1G0 acres,
12 miles from railroad ; 40 acres cleared ;
good water, small orchard in bearing,
plenty of small fruit; fair Oregon houso
and barn ; 4 horses, 3 cows and plenty of
farm machinory to run tho farm. For
prices and terniB euquiro of S. B. Hon
dricks at the Reviow offico or of tho
county surveyor at tho court houso.
Wollonburgcc Abraham invito their old
customers, nnd those intending to bo so
to como and inspect their, now stock of
goods just received. Dressgoods, hats,
caps, shoes and boots, gentlomen's fancy
and dress suits, calico and plaids all
offered at tho lowest prices. Wo keop no
old goods on hand, but uro receiving fresh
supplies almost daily. Come to the
Square Deal store.
A cool head and presence of
mind in a case of great emergency ia
far more practical than a whole fire bri
grade, as was well demonstrated by Mrs.
Bitxers's prompt action Friday eveniug.
She applied the houso hoso and extin
guished a fire almost before the alarm
cell bad ceased ringing. -Most persons
wonld haye run out crying, fire ! fire ! !
and awaited tho arrival of tho citv fire
Born to tho wifo of Frank Bigger at
tho Central hotel in this city March 3d, a
fine baby boy weighing ten pounds
avoirdupoiso. Tho mother and babe
(and father too) arc doing well. Mr.
Bigger emigrated from Kansas to the
Sound country not long since, thenco to
Roseburg a few weeks ago and leased tbe
Central Hotel. Here a littlo Bigger
has mado his advent. Tho next will bo
still Bigger.
J. D. Toller of Glondale was in the
city last Friday and left for homo Satur
day morning. Mr. Toiler came to Ore
gon in 1S41, married a Miss Thompson
who came to Oregon in 1S43. He has
been engaged in mining for the past 40
years, and it Is very interesting to hear
him talk of his mining experience. He
has promised to give a sketch ot his life
and experience, which, when received,
will find a place in tho ' columns of tho
Albert G. Osburn, successor to Louis
Langenberg, is a natural born American
citizen, be speaks the American language
and conducts his bns:ncss io an Ameri
can way. Mr. Oabnrn carries a full lice
of ladies' and gent's furnishing soods,
fancy go-jis, etc , besides a fine stock fo
shoes wnich have jast arrived from the
East. Examine his stock: he will treat
you well anil win tw glad to get ac
quainted with you as ho expects to make
Roseburg bis home in tho future.
It is gratifying to know that the milk
of human kindness continues to flow,
even daring these hard times. Even
old bachelors who have steeled- their
hearts against the darts of Cnni I arc
susceptible to the influence of kindness
and fraternal love. It is retorted thai
our townsman, t. JJrockway, lira re-
ceived frem the east a rat and
upon wmcn ue now mvisues ms alien-:
uon. me wiuows anu maiucns 01 uose
burg may now "hang their harp! on tho
willow trees." Burb's heart is now con
soled since tho death of Mark, and the
tun shines as brightly as ever.
Call on Mrs. N. Boyd when you want
j something to satisfy a capricious appe
itite. Purchase and trv her "Breakfast
j Delight," made from the best Sonora
j wneat. Try her "Sky Baking Powders"
j in 10j 15 5 cent lackages. This
1 bak;ng poWder 0f lae highest quality
; aE j tIie bcat uow jn .c jjrS- jwj
has on hand a superior article of home-
made pickles, and also imported ones.
The cirgais you purchase of Mrs. Boyd
aro of superior fragrancy and the best in
market. All kinds of canned goods going
at the very lowest prices. Fresh and
sweet bacon, beans and iotatocs alvavs
on sale.
The Continental Insurance Company
of New York has refojcJ to join tbe new
Compact entitled the board of Fire
Underwriters of the Pacific, believing
that the board is not a benefit for the
peaple bat for the insurance companies
in keeping up rates. This company has
the best financial standing and loss pay
ing record. It was letted in tho great
Chicago fire in 1S71, paying oVery dol
lar of its losses amonnting to over two
million of dollars. Its record of almost
fifty years is prompt and liberal in the
settlement of all honest claims. Its
motto is for the interest of tbe people as
well as the company. You owe your
patronage to this company and should
see Wayne Jones, Agent, when you take
Trip to the South.
Dr. Strange of the offico of Strange &
Toye, dentists of this place, will go to
the south end of tbe county and vill bo
ready for work at the following time and
places: At Canyonyille from April 3 to
9. at Riddle from April 10 to 10 and nt
Myrtle Creek from April 17 to 24. Par
lies near theso places will remember tho
dates and call on him for their work. It
should" also be bourne in mind that by
patronizing Dr. Strange tbe services of
an experienced resident dentist is
secured. He is not a traveling man, but
lives here, is ono of us and guarantees
bis work and is here to mako good his
Deafness Cannot be Cured
Ijt local applications an they cannot reach the
deceased portion ol the car. There Is only one
way lo cure cicaincM, ana uuiu uy
imn mmrfiifw 1 tt' h i 11 1 1 n mil 111 1111
flamed condition ol tho mucous linlinc "I the
Ku&tacmatl Tube. WliCIl tills ltW!i inuiw
Inc. and when It Is entirely closed, Deafuc-s it
tbe result, and unless tho iuflamatlon can bo
taken out and this tubo restored to Us normal
n .nitrti.iintr kSktinri nr ltnrM'riccL ucnr
condition, ncariCK will ue ucsimjyu
nine cases out ol ten aro cauncd by ctjtnrrli
which Is nothlns but nn Inflamed condition o
.tin mn.AIll ttltrfllW
w,. win lrn Orifi Hundred Dollars for any
case of Deafness (auicd by catarrh) that cannot
be cured by Hall's Catarrh Unrc. Sena lor cir
culars, free. K. J. (JHKNKY & CO., Toledo, O.
loiu oy Druggism, i-k.
Tho storo of McGeo and son of Myrtl
Creek was burned last Friday night
Loss J13.000 insured for $8,000. Particn
lara of tho fire not reported.
Subscribo for tho Plaindkaijco.
A. Sakinau, tho rcliablo jowolor.
J. T. Bryan, tho Busy Watchmaker.
L. Bolfils, watchmaker, Roseburg, Oro.
Go to tho Rosoloaf for tho best cigars
For a good 5-cutil. cigar call on Mrs.N.
For first-class dentistry go to Dr. Liltol
of Oakland.
Harness of all kinds at low prices, at
G. W. Woodward's.
Eastern oysters on tho half shell, at
tho Kandy Kitchen.
Puro fresh candie3 manufactured at
tho Kaudy Kitchen.
Prices on wall paper aro just right at
Marstcrs' drug slore.
Koy Wost, imported and domestic
cigars at tho Roseleaf.
Alabastine, kalsomino and whito wash
nt Marstcrs' drug store.
Old newspapers at tho Plaikdk.WiKK
office, 25 cents per hundred,
If you don't seo what you watit ask
for it at Marsters' drug store.
Tho latest novels only 10 cents oach,
at Geo. Langenberg's newstand.
Pacific Coast aud Eastern oystors in
any stylo at the Kaudy Kitchen.
School books, 11 full and complcto
assortment at Marstcrs' drug store.
Hats! hat I hats! Tho latest. Whore?
Just arrived at Osburn'a new storo.
Myrtle Creek flour, only SO conts per
sack. Delivered free. A. O. Hoxik.
Seo steel wrought iron range add in
another column. Don't get humbugged.
Royal Roso and Myrtle Creek flour at
Johnston Urocery, delivered free of
F. W.
Ilayues, dentist, iu Mark's
Ail kinds of dental work guar-
For good
substantial blacksmithing
cheap, go
to McKinney it Manning,
Lace curtains, window shades and
portierres, beautiful patterns at tho Nov
elty Storo.
Meals at all hours at the Kandy
Kitchen, southeast corner Taylor & Wil
son block.
A large and choice selection cf tho
latest designs iu wall paper at Marstera'
drug store.
See new line ot mens, boys, and child
ren's hats at Osburns. Next door to
Review office.
"Tako one free," our line of hats aro
about down to tins level, call and see,
Novelty Store.
Don't forget that J. T. Bryan, the jew-
eler, has established his shop at Strong's
furniture store.
Ready mixed paints in all shades and
colors, and any sire packages at Mars
ters' drug slore.
Farmers will please bear iu mind that
stable room for bating teams of patrons
is free at the Depot hotel.
You get the best cigar where you get
tho best candy. At Niece'a candy fac
tory. Don't forget it.
Take your families to the McClallen
House. Mrs. McClallen will see that
they are well cared for.
Just take a look in our show-window
today and sec our line of hats in latest
shades and styles, Novelty Stoie.
Protect yourself against cold and
pneumonia by wearing a chest protector.
Fine ones at Marsters' drug store.
Now is the time to spray your fruit
j jreei Lime, sulphurand blue vitriol for
t,,al ,)nrp3S0 al Marstcrs' drug store,
T. 15. Cannon is authorized to take or
ders for monumental work for E. W.
Achison & Co. D. Looney, Mgr.
The Novelty Store is not selling gent's , echoing and re-echoing o'er the hills and
furnishing goods at cost, but we sell the through the valleys for years to come,
best goods lower than anv house in town. A nevr 'stera of farmiug must bo inaug-
Uhve you noticed the sale combs and ' ?,a,fea wi,h economy 115 ae of its Ieai3
other hair orniments the ladies are wear-! Seatur, and then fanners true to
ing, thev get them at the Novelty Store. ;
When you have a eocial or birthday ,
party you want everything first class. :
Get your candv at Njece's or you will not
j he in it
Abraham has accepted the
agency of Neander, Pershing & Co., for
taking orders for tailor made suits of
Greatly reduced rates at the McClallen
House. As we all know, D. C. Mc
Clallen is a first clasj hotel man. Give
him n call.
Mrs. Lynuc, a pupil of the late Prof.
bperauzi 01 .Milan, Italy, gives vozai ana
piano fi.rto lessons. Terms reasonable.
Residence at Mrs. Parties.
If you don't watt to suffer with corns
and bunions, havo your boots shoes
mado at L. Langenburg's. Repairing
neatly and promptly doue.
nothcr installment of those ?1.50
shoes, the best ever offered in tho place.
Staple goods of all kinds at prices to suit
the times, at II. C. Stanton's.
VniiTiit innn If poti vnllr vn twelpil W'llPIl
.wU ... '
t-Aii Km- f-nilv fnr vniir iirl- vnt it nt
JV" " J - - J " O - - -----
V,on' Tim In.lipq nro ill I CPS of cam v
,n,1 l,r vl thin" wl.Pii IhPV iwn. it
f o
If you want the best of dentistry go to
Dr. Strange aud have it done by an ex
perienced and skillful dentist. All work
guaranteed and at very reasonable pricoj.
Dr. F. W. Hayncs has just rcturno.l
from the East and opened dental parlors
in Mark's building, whero ho will be
pleased to welcome persons desiring den
tal work.
L. Langeuburg is still 011 top. He
carries a lull stocK 01 cnoico music, mu
sical instruments, violin, guitars, accord
eons etc., violin strings of best quality
alwavs 011 hand.
Juaf try Nicce'o candied. If you do
and you aro any judgo you will not buy
candies any other place. Thero is no
dish rag tasto and you don't need any
hammer to crack them cither.
I). C. McClallen has gone back to the
McClallen Houso. Everything is 111 hrst-
clasH condition. Mrs. McClallen has
charge of tho kitchen and diniug room.
Look out for something good to cat.
Those having second hand stoves,
furniture, etc.. for Halo can rcccivo the
highest cubIi prico by calling upon N
Rice, tho furniture nnd supply dealer,
221-23 Jackson street Rosoburg, Or.
As I may bo ab3ont from tho city a
few weeks I will aay to my friends that
I havo conlldouco in tho professional
skill of Dr. F. R. Coffman who will have
chargo of my practice till my return.
Dr. N. P. Bu.n.nel
What Can be Done to Remedy the
1 Tho farmer should bo the most inde
pendent, and contented of men of all
classes and pursuits iu life. By iiidiurty
and economy ho can, from tho products
of the soil secure to himself and those
depecdetit upon him, nil of tho actual
noce33arios for tho coinfoi Is of man. But
it requires toil, persuyeronco and an in
telligent conception of farmingoierations
to bring about that success that will re-
liovo him from tho depression consequent
upon "hard times" that inny bo looked
for at least once in every decade of yoara.
Tho cditior may sit in his sanctum and
with pon and poncil portray tho beauties
of tho farm and the farmer's life. He
can picturo tho waving grain, the lowing
herds, tho bleating of tho flocks with
out oven having had tho least personal
oxporienco pertaining lo tho labors of
agricultural life. But let him by por
soual knowledge and actual labor test the
beauties of farm life, and ho will realize
that it is not all of pleasure and profit to
follow such pursuits. Aud yet tho
farmer that loves to follow, as a moans
of subsistancc, tho cultivation of tho soil,
and tho attendant InborB consequent up
on such cultivation, will surely reap a
harvest of contoutmont and joy, such as
is denied to man in many of the other
pursuits and professions In which ho
must bo necessarily bo engaged, to gain a
standing as a man among men in tho
turbulont sea of life.
Lot ono conversant with things per
taining to farm lifo as existed for years in
the past, let him cast his oyo altout him
and scan for a moment those who havo
been successful farmers and those who
today, stand almost defiant of hard limes,
and you will find they are those who
have studied thu raarkots, have been
diligent in work, have looked ahead for
a time when depressions might como;
have been observant of the rules of econ
omy, and have mado their homes such in
reality. Such a farmer might well be
envied as one of creation's highest pat
ems of manhood.
Now, while directing ilio attention of
farmers to their condition in life, let me
ask the farmers of Douglas, have you
ever for one moment cast about in your
mind the amount of money that is sent
out of the county for various commodi
ties that can easily bo produced at home?
No country under tho sun is better
adapted to tho raising of vegetables of
all kinds, no country whero dairying can
be carried on more successfully, and yet
thousands upon thousands of dollars are
sent to California for vegetables, butter,
checso and canned fruits, when that
same money retained at home and kept
here in circulation would dispel in somo
degreo the bitter cry of hard times. Let
farmers reflect upon this condition of
affairs, let them resolve that henceforth
and forever they will supply their homo
market with those things that contribute
to tho sustenance of man, aud by so do
ing they will find that raonoy will flow
into their purses, the monoy that goej to
flit tho coffers of tho30 living within
other territorial limits. 1 should like lo
hayo an estimate from the merchants of
Roseburg, giving the amount of their
payments yearly for California products
that is agricultural that can be pro
duced here at home, as cheaply, and in
a? much profusion and perfection as they
can anywhero on the Pacific coast,
lis not the amount of money alono sent
out that is to ba considered, but the
thought that farmers living in a country
with the most fertile soil and salubrious
climate, are so negligent of their own
interests in failing to supply their own
market, is a thunght worthy of reflection.
Oregon hereafter must supply her own
markets with the productions of her own
soil, or tbe cry of hard times will keep
: tueir own interests win not tail to 11 re
warded with success. Farmer.
The World's Fair Tests
showed no baking powder
so pure or so great In leav
ening power as the Royal.
, W. F. Beckmann Sentenced
triujy all ociock p. in. court was
called and W. F. Reck nun was ordered
1 lo slaud up, when Judge Fnllerton pro
pounded the usual question to tbo pris-
iouer: "llavejon anything to say why
1 judgment bhould not bo parsed upon
. y0U. x this his attorney E. B.
, answereti, "Nothing to Bav.'
' The
iodiM then proceeded. UAvin '?
have been charged with murder
in the
, first degree, alleging that you
Helena F. Beckman with malice
thought, on tbe 10th day of September,
91, at your home in Douglas county,
Oregou. You have been defended by
ablo counsel before a jury of your peeis.
Upuit the trial extenuating circumstances
' iaH en
shown by witnesses m your
1 If
' '
K-'iiaii; that you are uu old man who has
, ,
! -,ul"
in its hour ol peril;
-'UJ UJtu wruienj ineu u .pi.cum.
......r..i i:i t.... ........ t.i.... -...n 1
1'crticiui me, uiiu iiuiiwuiauiuiifUK uiccu
I initigatiug circumstances you have been
found by a process of legal investigation,
guilty of murder iu the second degree,
tho punishment for which infixed by tho
law of thi3 state. However painful it is
to me, it only remains to pronounce tho
sentence thus fixed. It is that you bo
confined in the tcnitenliarv of this state
during the remainder of your natural
At thu late meeting of the new board
of tnistees of the Oregon Soldiers Home
Commandant Wallace Baldwin resigned
to tako effect May 1st. and tho board
voted tho following resolution of appre
ciation of his services :
WHEKEAs, Wallace Baldwin, com
mandant of thb home since its opening
has been energetic, honest and faithful
iu tho discharge of his duties aliko to tho
btatu and the members ot tho home
thereforo lie it
Ilesoked, 'flint tho thauks of tho
board of trustees ho and they are hereby
tendered htm for tho faithful and honest
ditjcharco of thu trust rciiosed in him
nnd that he carries honco Iho good will
aud confidence of oach and every mom
bar of thu board, and further bo it
JMolvttl. That 11 con v ol theso reso-
iutions be presented lo Commandant
Baldwin nnd spread upon tho records of
tho board.
Signed and introduced by B. F. Alley
and adopted unanimously by a rising
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Forty Years the Standard.
N. S. Perduo was in Roseburg last
.I.E. Allen mid wifo of YoniaUn 1110
in the city.
lion. W. A. Perkins of Drain, is in t e
city todtiy.
Rov. James Moore of Y-inc.dla i in
tbe city today.
F. A. McCdll of Edonbower was in the
city Saturday.
Willis Kramer was in from Myrtlo
Creek last Friday.
Bon Scott of Marshfiold was visiting in
tho city last weok.
J. W. Hedgpoth was in from Deor
Creek last Friday.
Francis Fitch of Medford was in the
city last Saturday.
F. F. Greely was in from Grauts Pass
last Friday on business.
Cartwright the ox-postmaster of Yon
calla is in tho city today.
Mr. S. Mynatt of Roberts Creek was
trading in town Saturday.
Mrs. James Cameron of French Set
tlement was in the city Saturday.
A. Stuart, recently from Indianna, io
looking fnr a location in this vicinity.
The Buell brothers of Looking Gloss
camo oyer from that bailiwick Saturday.
MeBsrs. E. A. and J. F. Goodman
of Looking Glass wero in the city Satur
day. The brothers Roland and Norman
Ageo of Civil Bend wero iu the city Sat
urday. Mrs. James Cameron of French Settle
ment was doing business in the city Sat
urday. Jeff Williams and wife, old timers of
Laoking Glass were trading in town
Robert Lehman of Calapooia made the
Pi.ALNOEAi.Eit a pleasant business call
T. S. Younger of Cottage Grove, and
interested in the Annie Mine, was in tbe
city Saturday.
W. H, Byars is the new commandant
at tho Soldier's Home, yice Wallace
Baldwin resigned.
Master Fred Day came up from WilbuJ
last Friday on a visit to bis sister, Mrs.
Isadora Abraham.
Wm. Kahler of Jacksonvilleone of the
pioneers of Jackson county, died of par
alysis, March 28th.
L. L. Hurd of South Deer creek and
Jo. Davis of North Deer creek were in
the city Saturday.
W. W. Wetzel, mail agent between
Roseburg and Portland was in the city
last Friday on business.
Rev. J. A. Crutchfield went to Rice
Hill on the freight Saturday to hold Di
vide service at that place.
Robert Anlauf of Comstock was in
the city last Friday on business connect
ed with his school district.
1. iH-nedick was putting in a new
side walk in front of his shop last Satur
day. Evervbody go and do likewise.
W. F. Harvey of Edenbower who was
crippled by a fall some months ago is re
ported able to move about on crutches.
Altred AicUullocu ot Ulalla, wbo was
in tbe city Saturday, reports the health
and crop prospects good in his section.
Licenses to wed were issued to W. P.
Holiday and Mary Orr, and to B. A.
Stewart end Mrs. J. A. Sullivan last
Mrs. U. ilajory, wno uaa been on a
visit to friends m Roseburg the past
week, returned to Coos bay last Saturday
W. E. Spoou. a teacher of the Look
ing Glass school, professor of Psychology
from the Oregon state normal school was
in tbo city Saturday.
Wm. McBeo of Winston was in the
city Saturday still advocating the "initia
tive and referendum." Billy isa "stayer"
when he sticks his stake.
Hon. J. H. Shupe, who has been
quite sick at his homo for several days, is
now reported much better biing, able
again to take nourishment.
Richard Pitzmann. recently from Illi
nois but now of Oakland, was in Rose
burg last Friday. Says he likes Oregon
better and better every day.
Dave Houston came iu from "Tin
Cup" last Friday on his way to " Dinner
Pail." Hope be will bo greeted with
good dinner on his anival at the desti
nied point.
The 29th of March was the anniver
eary of Miss Ella Boyd's birthday. She
was tbe recipient of many nice presents,
and was warmly congratulated by her
young associates.
C. L. Cox of Camas Valley was in the
city last Friday. Reports R. Cook, mer
chant at that point, who bos been quite
sick all winter, as being up and able to
attend to business.
C. H. Friendly an old-time resident of
Oregon was in tho city lass Friday. He
left for Medford Saturday morning. He
put his name on the list of subscribers
to tho
J. F. Thomas of Lebanon, who has
been prospecting the :oal mines near
Camas Valley, was in tbe city Saturday.
He reports that lie has found excellent
coal and that ho will try to develop it the
coming summer.
Mrs. Langdon Porter of Wisconsin
who has been visiting her son Arthur
Porter at Leland, Josephine county, dur
ing tbe winter is now visiting her brother
James Wright of this city for a few weeks
beforo her return home.
Tom Waller, once a remdont of Mon
mouth, and a citizen of Albany for the
past two or three years, was in tho city
Saturday looking out for a location
which to move his family. The proba
bilities are that he will go into busines
iu Rosobnrg.
Mat Short and hm brother, G. W.
from Oklahoma wero in the city Fridav.
G. W. is nn old bachelor and not yet uu
impressible to the "holy flame," and if
any rich widow would like o odd a
Short name to her own the opportunity
iB now preseuted. Ho is prospecting in
tho matrimonial lino.
Gone to The Pen.
Sheriff Cathcart went down to Salem
with W. F. Beckman Friday night whero
ho will have an opportunity to ponder
ovorthn way of the transgressor tho re
mainder of liis life, for Iho killing of his
wife, Helena, September 10. 1S94, on Oak
creek this county.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World's Fair Highest Medal and Diploma.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report
Absolutely pure
Two of the Directors Pay It An
Offical Visit.
Friday afternoon Directors S. C. Flint
and W. F. Benjamin made an official
visit to the school in this district. Their
visit was confined to the fifth, sixth,
seventh and eighth grades, on account of
want of more timo at their command.
They will visit the other grades in the
near future. In fifth grade, taught by
Mies Kidder, there are seventy-four
pupils on the roll, with an average of
about sixty. A class in mental arith
metic was at tho black-boaad. Most of
them seemed to be quite proficient in the
line of work before them. A large num
ber of specimens of drawings by the
pupils were shown which indicated con
siderable skill in that line of work.
In the sixth grade, taught by Miss
Limbocker, there are forty pupils on the
roll, with an average of about thirty.
The teacher, from the short time al
lowed for observation, seemed to be do
ing good work. The black board is in a
bad condition and greatly needs repairs.
In the seventh grade, taught by Miss
Bradly, there are forty-three pupils on
the roll. A grammar class was reciting
correcting false syntax. This class
showed a good state of advancement, and
recited promptly the sentences given out
with reasons therefore. The eight grade
taught by the principal, Mr. Hamlin, had
fifteen punils on the roll. This fact
shows a small percentage of advanced
pupils, and that the school needs reor
ganization by the directors if possible,
The fifth grade with eeventy-four pupils.
about five times that of tbe eighth, is a
disparity of numbers that does not tally
with the labor and the rennmeration of
each. The directors are of. the opinion
that this needs to be investigated and
that if practicable, the labor should be
more equally apportioned.
The U. S. Gov't Reports
show Royal Baking Powdei
superior to all others.
For Thirty Days at Cost.
Wholesale Prices.
Jack Abraham is now offering gents'
furnishing goods at jostfor 30 days
This day, Monday, March 25th, he has
received a large addition to his stock,
consisting of all sorts of underwear,
shirts, socks, hats, overalls, fino collars,
gloves and everything a gentleman needs
to fit him out in first class style. Don't
fail to call on Jack and take advantage
of his liberal offer, for these sales at cost
cannot last forever. Jack takes pleasure
in showing goods to his patrons, and
now that he is in need of money he will
be more accommodating than usual.
Come right along and make your pur
chases while yon have the opportunity
to buy at cost.
Curiosities About Coins.
Certain passages in the Illiadof Homer
lead to the inference that coins of brass
were struck as early as 1,151 years be
fore Christ. Tradition affirms that the
Chinese had bronze coins as early as
1120 B. C, but Herodotus, the "Father
of History," ascribes th9 "invention"
of coins to the Lydians, about nine cen
turies be I ore Christ, and there is no sat
isfactory evidence that coins were well
known prior to that date. Tbe original
process of coining was very simple. A
globular piece ot metal, having a defined
weight was placed on a die engraved
with some national or religious symbol,
and struck with a hammer until it had
received the impression. One of tbe
most ancient Asiatic coins was the Per
sian Daric, a gold coin struck during the
reign of Darius nearly five centuries B.
C. The first coinage in Rome was about
the year 600 B. C. The metal used was
bronze, and the unit of value was one
pound in weight. The coin was called
an "as," was brick-shaped and stamped
with the figure of a sheep or an ox. Sil
yer was first coined at Romo in the year
275 B. C. The first Roman gold coin
was issued only about 74 years B. C.
The Saxons coined the first British pieces
about the year 279 A. D. The first colo
nial coins issued in this country were
struck in Massachusetts ia 1652. They
wero 3, 6, and 12 cent pieces.
Did You Ever
Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for your
troubles l if not, get a bottle now and
get relief. This medicine has been found
to be peculiarly adapted to tbe relief and
cure of all Female Complaints, exerting a
wonueriui direct influence in giving
strength aud tone to the organs. If you
have loss ol Appetite, Constipation,
Headache, Fainting Spells, or are Ner
vous, Sleepless, Excitable, Melancholy
or troubled with Dizzy Spells, Electric
Btltors is the medicine yon need.
Health and Strength are guaranteed by
its use. Large bottles only 50 cents at
A. O. Marsters & Co's. Drug Store.
Almost a Fire.
An incipient tire occurred in one of
Sol Abraham's houses on Oak street Fri
day. Tho fire was caused by the children
taking a candle into a dark room to show
some kittens. The flame of the candle
caught in some clothing and soon tho
room was in a lively blaze, but by the
presence of mind ot Mrs. Jacob Bitzer, the
occupant, sho seized the hose aud turned
on the water and extinguished the firo
beforo the firemen got out of the engine
Card of Thanks.
1 lie undersigned desire to express
their heartfelt thanks to the friends who
so kindly tendored aid and sympathy
during their recent bereavement, the
death of their belayed son, Schiller.
Mk. and Mrs. L. E. Belvils.
Telescopic Discovery.
Sunday morning otio of our townsmen
turned his telescope upon (he hillside
eastward, when, all of sudden be ejacu
lated: "Holy St. Patrick! J. B iaat
home! What can bo the matter?"
"Whist ! You blackgard," said a son
of tbe Emerald Isle; "it's Sunday, and
the saloons are closed."
Sheriff Bogard and One of the Rob
bers Were Killed.
Maeysville. Cal., March 30. The
noitb-bound Oregon express train was
held up near this city at about 1 :45 this
morning. The result of the hold up was
tbe death of James J. Bogard, sheriff of
Tehama county, who was a passenger on
the train bound for home, and occupying
a berth in tho tourist sleeping car, and a
robber, six . feet in height, weighing
about 200 pounds, attired in a full and
complete bicycle suit, over which he had
a pair of slip overalls and in which there
weie two improvised pockets made of
fowling to hold pistols, two of which
were found on him.
Fireman A. Nethercott was seriously
injured, and probably fatally wounded,
having received two wounds in different
parts of the body.
The first intimation that the engineer
and the fireman had of the presence of
robbers was when, at the place men
tioned, one climbed over from the blind
baggage and commanded, at the point of
a pistol, that the train be stopped. This
demand was eo earnest that brakes weie
applied. The robbers could find nothing
of value in the express car safe, as the
combination was not in tbe hands of the
messenger. Tbe two railroad men were
then commanued to go into the cars.
The robbers bad a leg of an old pair of
overalls tied at one end, as they went
through the first car, tbe smoker, and
made the passengers, who were few in
number, put their coin and valuables in
it, tbe fireman being custodian, the
guard standing behind them.
The colored porter in the sleeper just
beyond the day coach became aware that
a robbery was in progress, and, Knowing
that Sheriff Bogard was in a berth, called
him. That heroic man was in his shoes
aud trousers, in a minnte and, armed
with his heayy revolver, started for the
door to the north. He crossed the plat
form between the sleeper and the day
coach, and, a.4 he entered the latter at
the south door, the robbers came in at
the north.
The sheriff stepped to one side, aimed
and fired. His bullet dropped the man
nearest him, but the second failed to
reach its target. One of tho" robbers
must have seeu Regard enter, and cn
doing so jumped down, and, running
alongside of the car, entered and shot
him from the rear. This deduction is
made from tbe location of the fatal
wound, which was in the main right
artery in the back just below the kidneys.
When the robber was shot he exclaim
ed: "lam done fori" Another asked:
"Are you killed, Aill?" and thereupon
they hastily left the car.
Ashland, March 30. When tho train
reached Ashland this afternoon it was
boarded by a reporter, who first met C;'
W. King, a butcher, who was a passen
ger from Sacramento to Butte City, and
was iu the forward end of the moker
and had his face powder-marked by a
fusilade from the robbers standing over
him. He said: "The robber? came in
the coach behind the engineer, express
messenger and fireman. The big robber
said, "Dig up jour htuff," to the man in
front of me. The passenger complied,
and emptied his money in the fireman's
sack; I threw up my hands and came
next, and as the big robber reached over
to hurry me in delivering my purse, the
short robber said, "Look out, Bill!"
"Sheriff Bogard just eutered tha rear
end of the car aud fired, the first robber
staggered and sank to his knees. The
short robber promptly shot the sheriff
over the shoulder of the sinking robber
as he was going down on his knees. The
crippled robber discharging both revol
vers toward tlie back or end of tbe car.
I think one went wild and ih- fireman
caught the other. The sheriff repeated
his first shot immediately and lhat ended
the shooting from the rear end ot the car.
The "short" robber then thot twice to
ward the rear of the car, I think from a
revolyer in each hand. One struck the
fireman in the neck. Tno "short" rob
ber asked, "Are you hit Bill?" and lis
tened attentively for a reply. The rol -
ber was on hi- knees and could not talk,
but groaned twice.
"Tho lonely brigand f coined lo realize
his situation. Everything was silenced.
The robber coolly surveyed tlw situation
and backed out of the car with guns
"There weio 10 shots fired. The fire
man came to my car moaning, utul re
peatedly sail. 'Oh. I'm fhot to pieces.'
Nobody could have shot the sheriff troin
behind. The reason tho rubber's b-tllet.
entered his back ws the peculiar twift
and turn made in the i-herifFn body in
aiming at the shoit robber."
A Household Treasure.
D. W. Fuller, of Canajoharie, N. Y.,
cavs lhat lie always Keeps Lr. King's
New- Discovery in the house and his
family has tdways found the very best
results follow lie use; that he would net
bo without it, if procurable. G. A. Dyke
man, DnjL-t, CHtskill. N. Y., save that
Dr. King's Jew Discovery is undoubt
edly tho beta Cough roniedy; that he
has used it in his family eight years,
and it has never failed Iu do all that is
claimd for it. Why not trv a remedy so
long tried and tested. Trial bcttles free
at A. C. Marsters it Co.'s Drug Store.
Regular size 50c. and ?1.00.
Highest Honors World's FaU.
A puie Grap Cream cf Tartar Powder. Fi;j
v;m Ammonia, Alum erary ether ade'tyrs',