THE PLAINDEALEB. ISSCXB KTEKT XO.NDAT AND TIHJtSOAY BT THE PLAINBEAIER PUBLISHING COMPANY Y. F. BENJAMIK, C Y. BEX JASHX, Ktlttor Manager. Sabscriplion Unto: One Year py.blo in advance Si oo Months, " . i oo Month." " ,5 MONDAY, AriUL 1, 1S95. Habeas corpus hits boon restored in Hawaii. The United Stales praud jury indicted 0. P. Huntington at San Francisco March 26 for a violation of the interstate eomraerco law for issuing a pass outside tho stfcto. Governor McCocnell of Idaho says Senator Shonu who has been elected TJ. S. senator, is a staunch friend of silver and an ardent supporter of the republican theory of protection. Why don't our democratic papers when referring to tho Maine states man, call him Tom Reed when prior to tho 53rd congress they called him Czar Heed? Echo answer why? It is a historical fact that early in tho twelfth century, about A. D. 1120. the relfctivo value of gold and silver was 9 of silver to 1 of gold. This relation has been changing till to day it is. 16 of silver to 1 of gold, coin value; but of bullion value they stand 29 of siver to 1 of gold. The Attorney-general is of the opinion that the railroad commis sioners elected two years ago can legally hold office and that the gov croor cannot appoint a new set to 11 a vacancy because there is no vacancy. Tho three pilot com missioners, fish and gane warden will hold over. A relijrous war is imminent m Manitoba, Canada. It appears the Dominion government has taken steps to re-establish separate schools which were taken from Catholics in Manitoba in 1899. This movement by the government has called out strong opposition by the protectant dement, What tho out cotno will be is hard to predict. When Governor Lord was elected he gave out that Marion county would not be given all the plums in gubernatorial pudding. But how is it? Why, look at the list. A. Bush, John Minta, S. B. Axmsbv, A. N. Gilbert, B. F. Meredith, Henry Brophy and A. Hope, Jr., are all cared for. The. asylum and reform school bxTo Salem men. That's why Salem is called "Salem hog." CENTRAL HOTEL! Boas?d iA $$BSS per Week. CZ3EALS, I5c. BEDS, 8 5c. THE - DA VIS -AMBLER -MERRELL L 1J J. 13 P AMY I- MANUFACTURERS OP, AND DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OP Fill AND CEDAli LUMBER. Uncle Sam Well, neow, that there Autoharp music's got into . my y legs; I can't keep still. It's like everything else ray boys have invented, . ; it's got the "git there "in it, strong. , . Miss Columbia " Your boys ? " What do you mean by that? , Uncle Sam Why don't you know that the Autoharp is an American . invention? Like the Chickering, Hardman and A. B. Chase Pianos, they will stand the test for Tone and Durability. Tust recieved a new stock of Guitars and other Musical Goods. We keep in stock the io-cent Music and also the latest and most popular Songs and Instrumental Music. T. K. RICH ARDbOiNi , Roseburg. BEFORE FREE TRADE. The following advertisinent wo find in tho Oregonisn of July 5, 1S76, which is now before us: roc saix. We the enderssjmed offer for sale SQ, 0M pounds of wool, more or less, spring clip. Ako5003 pounds of lamb's wool. Ssd wool to be delivered at lioseburs depot ten days after sale. We will re ceive sealed bids at Itaseburx up to 2 o'clock on the 18th day of July, IS7C. Said wool to be sold to the hb;h est re sponsible bidder iu United States gold coin. We reserve the right to reject any or all bids if not satisfactory. Address Xat Webb, Rosehurs. July 1, 1S7G. J. D. itonXErr. P. Pcteus. P. Coorcn. Natt Webb. Shall tlv ISSUE IN MANITOBA. System "G rovers," the last bonds sold by Cleveland for $1-01 are now selling on the Xew York market at SI 20, a profit of 1G cents on every dollat of the 62,400,000, an even profit of ?10, 000,000 on tho whole amount. And tho people of the United States must pay interest on the ten million dollar j profit for thirty years. That's the way the people get it in the neck. A democratic administration comes high, but the people would have it Ogden Standard. THE ITALY OF AMERICA. The governor of Washington ve toed the slate text book publication bill. But state textbook publish ing has got to come. We print books for the fruit grower and termer, but it is objected to when we propose to print a spelling book, a grammar, or a reader. The object ion is not good. The common schools have a dangerous enemy ia the book trust that keeps thousands of poor children out of school. Capital Journal.. The Douglas county folk aro fre quently ridiculed for being so egotis tical as to think our climate will equal or approximate that of tho peninsnla lying between tho Adriatic and Mediteranian seas. But it is a fact, nevertheless that ail things considered, the evenness of temper ature, the freedom from cyclones 2nd blizzard?, the annual amount of rain fall, tho variety of grain, grass, fruits and vegetables, tho invariable cer tainty of a fair crop, the almost un limited , natural resources and the futnie prospects in store for Doug las, all combino to make it the grand est spot for a home that can be found on this green earth. GOLD QUARTZ. A 2Ich Find Near Oakland, Douglas County. Oakland, Ore., March 29. The rejiort has hut Touched here that a rich strike in ouarts has been uia !c cast of this place ou a spar of the Calauooia inoun tain. The exaetjlocalion of same ha3 no been ascertained further than that it is in the direction of the llohenua country and this tide of or wet of Uiu snow line. Messrs. Gardner and McIIenry ure I5i initios ma'.iug the lucky tirtd. Separate Schools Be Restored. WiNNtrno, Maich 27. The remedial order on separate schools does not come up in the legislature ntitil tomorrow uisht, but uev&itlnlees it ws the tojtic of the day. Both the government and opposition are hokliu;; frequent eauccsee, and what the out coine tvitl t-e is diffi cult to predict. One thine is certain that the Manitoba sovernmeat will re sent iuterfereuce by Ottawa in educat tional matters. The uewsiier organ of the goTerntaent has tho official ttate- In the Circuit Court merit, under the heading, "ilantobol i ),e following bo'iuess hss been trans Answer:" j acted since our hut report: 'We arc asked to restore the school! Helen.Beckmann vs. Win. F. Beck system that was in operation previous tot maun: Invorce. 1S90. Let Quebec and Ottawa rest, as- j dead. rcretl that the restoration never will be C. A. Sehlbretle vs. F. F. I.ttleraon made.- Manitoba lias too keen a sense j foreclosure. Continued. of jestiee, too much regard for truth and S Jams Daris vs. Southern Pacific Co. equity, torecosniioasarelievwsaristoe-i action fur damage?. .Motion tar new racy an clement of its population by no I trial denied. Duminud. Plsinti THE TIDE HAS TURSED. Wo found one good old democrat in town last week. 'Yes," he sayp, "I am a democrat and always have been, but I don't know what has be come of tho party It seems to he lost in the wilderness with no leader able to bring it out." Xe7er mind, good friend, when you are found in the ranks of the republican party yon will be brought out of the wil derness and led to tee the light of prosperity once more illume the land. A large number of car loads of po tatoes have been shipped from the Wfllametto Valley lately, ever the S. P. railroad for New Orleans and St. Louis and intermediate points. This turn in the movement of produce is cheering. We have been too long shipping to this Ftato tho products uf California and tho East. Let our farmers ba prepared to fern lib bore- after, not only potatoes but other farm products that may bo produced here in abundance. I-1 t:- keep the tide rolling eastward. M 11 T. a vaiiey paper say: it nas been a good many years since tne Willam ette valley has had as favorable out looks for an overwhelming crop at this season of tho year, both in grain and fruit as this year advances. ir0 ARE CVM.VA'S? If the definition of a -crank" .s given by Sirs, Cnrr.h, president of tho W. G. T. IL is correct; viz: "Tho person who does his own thinking xnen many wno diner witn tier are cranks a well as herself. .The shoe fits tho I'laixdealee, which duos its own thinking. That one is tho most cranky which does tho most think ing. 'htornol vigilanco is the price of Tho liberty,'" and the same vigilanco is winter season has been so delight fully mild that no man can possibly find an excuse for not having his grain crop all iu, bis orchard well cultivated, and bis berry crop looked after, and there are few cultivators of tho soil who aro iu need of an ex cuse. The work is practically all done. Everything seems to have worked harmoniously this year. means the most woitliv. As a civilised people, attempt! as to realize ia ;i iiikls ure? tlie idols of the nineteeth ceatury, Manitolnns will sot silently submit to the demaad that tbev should- turn back the wheels of progress 300 years. It is a struggle as to whether tho iJold of tho nineteenth century or slw daik age? shall prevail. Anyone nuo betwves thet all citireiu are eqaal ii. the tight of law, ami hat ii good enuttg'i for one is good enough for another. "nt stand by the act of IfOd. And lb., w our answer to Quebec: We tia-l iuA allow th state to support religion ; we shall not allow the church to control the felate; shall not retarn to the dvilkation of the dark aes; wiaii not recognize itomese better or iu anyway different from others: shall hold to the principle of equal rights for all, ami that the prin ciplc sliall he dearer to us than confed eration itaeif." oil): TlillDi-T.s a tlpeclnlty. Write for l'rlcvH. OSEBURG LAUNDRY, The so: 3ZnIu titruut, opp. Hotel Van Slutitcn. J , l RST"CLKSS AI.I, O WOUIi UUAIIAKTIVI'.U 1aOF2I ' At Ieasonafle 1'rlccs. FISHER cc BRYAN, Proprietors. DRINK THE CELEBRATED :' Days of 49 Whisky . A ? ; For S.ile at all First-Class Bars. MANUFACTl'KKRS OF The Celebrated Roseburg Beer, ALE AKD POSTER. All Orders either at Home or Abroad, by Railroad STAYER .00, For a Few Days. , ' Boyu Suits S1. 5 ' ' " . c..: 7 5 - "1 juen s oiui-a 1 Men's Wet Weather Shoes 2 00 ' Glen's Underwear 75 Latest Style Hats 2 00 ... Boss of the Road Overalls-Best 50 nacki'ntoshes at Greatly Reduced Prices. Ladie's Dress Goods Reduced 25 per cent. These goods have all been received within the last month, and are the - ' latest styles and not shelfworn. - " Don't delay this golden opportun ity, and call on The Boss Store. Alexander .& otrpag THE POPULAR HOME FURNISHERS- 'j2; and C2d Jackson St. Lit A H l.I. LINK OF Plows, Harrows, Wagons & Buggies AND HARVESTING MACHINERY. BEAN BPS AY PUflPS ARE THE BEST. WAUKEGAN BARB WIRE. HUNTER & HUME. WALL PAPER Bet. Oak and Washington. .lll'',','lll Largest aad Eest Assortment eTer brought to Southern Oregon, and AT I.V3IIJIvlt V.IRn ? Ulil'OT. e o I"oullrv, VIsli ana Cmuc, SX (. iiVef Jaf. Sterling ?. foo:Uti Coun'.r; to recover tnoaev-. On owtion. oi Sterljug cam ountintwd for tlie lensi M. II. J. Grtbhe rs. Gru: esecutor ; to recover money. Veolici for plaintiff for $2023.63 nod costs. Nancy H. Mendall ve. Solotiou ilen dell; divorce. Onl-r for defendant lo pay for uee of pUintifflft) ami ?12.50 jcr rsuoth dariog jeodncy of fcit. .'.brahatuson lire, v. JIary riiillii; to recover money. Dieuiiieed. Georgia Yoan vs. E. J. McLanghlin, ot al. ; to recoer rconey. -lodgment for (aintitr. C. D. Drain, Adair., vs. Anna F. Smith, ot al. ; in equity. Pisiniseed. Slate oi Oregon vs. Wai. F. Uockrnan ; murder No. 1. Sentenced for life. e a m o H O 13 0 B e e a e B s in Seasou. J. BITZER,. The City Meat Market, Large ami Elegant Lice of CARPETS. easBsieBeBvsoasitisiaisB W e call the attention of our friends to our beauti ful stock of Easy Rockers Bed. Room Sets Parlor and Rugs and Carpets And all Household Articles Dinincr Chairs 43- Autl IX-lcr in , PRIME BACON, HAMS, LARD, AMI FRESH MEATS OF ALL KJiOS. Roseburg, Or. U fit'. . OlE . Tho "rosewaler" policy ia ccin mended by the Cottage Grove Leader with the pertinent remark that it can be studied with profit. The Leader might hare added that it hue been studied with profit daring tho last two month1; has now been adopted by most of tho progressive papers of the 6late. There is very little of the old snap-and-snarl spirit manifest in the editorials of today in any section, and as a result there is more harmony in tho stalo than over before. Kosewater is to be tho win ning policy of the next decade, nnd papers like tho Leader that aro doing bo much to spread it, are going to find a profit iu it in more ways than one S. F. Call. tho prico of success iu the next o!tc tion iu Oregon, What aro republi cans doing towards that success? Oar populist friends nre busily at work Silently and without tho sounding of trumpet thy aro or ganizing clubs throughout the bSnte, aud seem animated with mi assur ance o success. A state convention of republican clnhs it to be hnld iu Portland in Hay. Aro the republi cans of Douglas county taking the necessary step to bo represented iu that convention? In (hute times of political turmoil nud strifo republi cans shonld bo alive to Iho require ments of tho situation, aud not loo their hold ou the voters of Oregon, aud thus suffer defeat by a failure of vigorous co-operation. Republicans take a thought of your duty as it j presents itself to you Oregon's Women Convicts. i.iLsx, March 36. In r. inedinai-Hzed roosi comfortably furnished, on the feo qpd floor of the Oregon penlentiry urc confined the oniv two female convicts uf the state Emma Kioe aod lxU'if ia clair. Both nera sent from Moltnoinii county for tertns of tvro vean each Thoah thrown In i-te9 reUtioiui lv i t- tus cnSnet to U Mmi narrow l,;n.. thee charac-um xn; widely li!T;-ri i.t. Tliey are not iejnirel to wear rtri; nur la tor. liotii have twiimon k1i! fl-nt-ation, acid I In? my mean of .!,wi Eton llierlnvf) ii reading IxwUifu.-ni i.l from the risoa lihrarr. Km ma Iti .3 yean old. She is bear iei; her -n- .t Deration with aparent ease ; iioivin co cvideaces of a twiquered spirit. She is buoyed witli the that she has a friend on the outside, and that, within twenty-four Honrs after recrotng tne prison threshold, rite will become a sec ond wife. 1Mtie is only 22 years old, of a different tempeniieut, and prison life is Hearing heavily upon her. She fre quently is heard to matter: "Oh, if I only had wort to do to keup my mind eojaged anil be prefuted to earn some thing wlien I get oot. ConGuetl to this room with nothing to do but think, think, the mind can Uit iluarf here." 'Hie Sinclair woman has been serving; time since February 1. She ia of a de cided Murtde cnile, has an intelligent face, and ia a tit subject for miisiouaties to uork iikhi. I'. W. Iii'atcli. If ywt try the candies they make a "iee's you aill not go anywhere else for cindy. fhe tallies, creams, chew?, Oulter cupj aua v,eri:iiuaru urun and e-jaa! to -n. t'.in in Portland.. They -re cn t3 ta--r ;) . COLD COMFORT RANGE. Farmers Who Signed Notes in Payment for Stoves ayi bO.TCR'XCSC IT WILL WOT cunc, 3oldbyDroBsi5taorEentbyinall. iScWc Alol.ul ana guoperpacieagc fcaapie3 ixcc XnTff 1IA ThoFnvorltoKCTaKTOa SSi. H.W IcrthoTcctbaad Iireath,23c. For sili l y M. F. Rat-p. lrureist. Want Satisfaction. From the Daily Cregouian, Portland, Or., Xov. II. ISiM. Oregon Citv, Nov. io. Victims of the home-comfort- ! v.Tought-iron-cookmg-raugc swindle are ntuuerous iu this vicinity. Eighteen fanners at Molalla bought the ranges at eacn, trtviup- notes due jovcmber i, with the un- dertar,ding aud verbal agreement that auv length of time it) r .tit tne convenience of the makers of the notes would !L- . r..iiicd b the compauy even to six or eight veais- for th ( injiany had plenty of capital and never disposed of its r,--r. Hut tne notes turned ud iu -the hands ot third . 'lul must be paid, and there is trouble. Halt kunK-rs ferc in town today to see if the grand jury uiura tnem Tenet or satisfaction, mere were nu- purchasers of thre wouderfnl rtinges through the Marquam and .he Scott's Mills country. The same kind of a range can be bought here for $50. i per--" do, t-a wo .lid Our Stock is Unexcelled by Auy House South of Portland. . NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. HLEXAMDER fi STROiHG ROSEBURG, OREGON TIIE POPCLAU HOME FUESISUEKS he Long Winter is Here Prepare for it wisely. We offer unusually good reasons why you should buy from us. Everything offered for sale is fresh; bought for the Holiday Trade and sold at very reasonable prices. We have a very choice stock of canned goods, including both fruits and vegetables, to which we invite your special attention. Our line of Olives, Gherkins, Pick els, Sauces, etc., is also complete. We carry the largest stock of to baccos in Southern Oregon. .1. J. Wcli'i h opened a second li.ind ttore iu the old Kioed utiildim; at the corner of Main and Vt'asliiiiutoii tree Us. Second hand (roods of all kinds will be bought and sold, and the patronage ot the public ia respectfully solicited. iti:. Wo would liko to ask if there is not a law on the htatutcs of the elate of Ore Con, wherein the Hale of cirgarc-Ueo to minors, under eighteen years of age, is prohibited? If bo, why is it not enforced? 15oys who are under tliat age can be seen on our streets smokins them every day. New Kra. UKLFlbS fn this city, Saturday, March Will, Schiller llellile, sou of b. 12. and Jttyitle i'elfils, aged 11 months aud 1G days. OhMiotvKad the mournful tiding, "All iover, baby's dead," tu one by one the eileiil watchers Weeping gather 'round the bed. Oenlly clme the baby eyelids Over eyes once dewey bright, 'Hound the little form, most lightly fold the softest robes of while. Clasp the tiny waxen llnsera O'er .the still anil pulseloss breast, Once they were so warm and clinging, Clasp them now iu Mlent rest. .5. ' "V - WVr J, V - .CT .,. r. ,TSt A -Jf, r ."Eg t, . . . a t.iD HA.. B iz&imii bub t&m?v izz&s&'m jet ur .rv.jw Vermel fifSKaSl 1 . I is the whole story )m0M i Xf- - - --t-'lf' 1 it i oi Imitation traJo NSi I m Costs no more than other rackaeesoda nvcr sroils V 1 9 Ac (4Jk G. W. KRUSE the GKOCKII, t)6 Jackson St., One ilooruouth P.O. t lioicc Tea, CoHces, Tobaccos nml ClRars. And every ttiiiiR clu In tlieliruvcryllnc, Highest JIarltct t'ald for l ouulry Produce. Glrc lilm a cull ami be convinced. Administrator's Notice to Cred itors. I'lH". unilrsli;iivil bftvlm; bctu iipiiulnlcxl bv tlio County Court ot llonglai coimtv, Orc Ko:i, the n.lmlnistraior of tho estntu tit John NyberR,, nutli-e Is hereby Riven to nil ixreoiu lntereiito.1, to jiron-nt their clnlms f?nliiBt aa Ul ctHte. with tiropcr vouchen, ilulv vurlfiol within lx mouths from this .lain to tho tmdcrMgneil uilminlstrntor ut Unnlhier DoukIiw county, Oregon. ' IJatwl nt ItoehuiK, OrcKon, this 1st), day f March, IWj. I). V. IIOI.UKM Administrator ot the etato of John Nybcri lcceacd. uv-fbi Unow.v .i TUbTl.v, Attorneys for Administrator (fl 111 avSytiiSl. (lour universally a cknowledir;.l purest In the vforld. Made only by CHURCH & CO.. New York. Sold bv eroccrs cvervwher. 4 UYfto for Arm uud Hammer llouk of valuable RecipcuFSUiU. J G. FLOOK CO. MAXUFACTCREIUS OF DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDINGS AND BRACKETS ! Of nil Sizes aud Stvles. $ Turning and Fruit Boxes WittUow iind Dour E-'ramcH Made to Onlcr. X SPECIAtTV. uh.'ii;,ubi Aliucrnl, Aricultura!. mem H. G. POTTER, ATTORNEY AT LAWV 1106 li St., N. W. Washington, I. C. Tor many yearn In tho (ieneral Ijiml OflUe. Examiner of Contests. Jliimral s. UinenUva Itailroad and ARrh-iiUnral claiia.x, and Late Clilcf of the Mineral Division. gF ("orrespoiidenco Solicited. Nursery Co, People with hair Hint is continually falliug out, or those that aro bulil, uhii stop the falling, aud get a gootl jtrowth of hair by using UruTflHair Kenjcr. W. D. ilcOEE, Proprietor. XlE now liavr a lan: stock of line, lanre. ! TT healthy trees ol all kinds, lucludiim Apple, Pesr. rsaeh,' linuu and Cherry, which warn itiwramCHaCHV in naiiio auii ireo irooi in wetsvROd'K&Btosolilat vry nnfonaMo rates. AH persons ttestriuir trees should apply to fi. L. JPODRIDQE, Agent, THE CANYONV1LLG, OR. WATER MOTOR. Of ciipaoitics var3'iug from i to 25 horse power affords the most con venient, economical and reliable power for all light service. One of these may be seen running at this office. Send for circulars. THE PELTON WATER WHEEL CO., i2i Main Street, San Francisco, Cal. a aeHOB05eaeB9aBeaeaaiBsioisieasaaeieiiaii9iii