rinn.,nnwr,rnn i i IF YOU SEE IT ffl f : ir ruu uun 1 ticnu j j Tlie Plaiiidealer The Plaindealer j IT IS SO ! You Don't Get iue News. Vol. XXVl. ROSEBURG, OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL i, 1895. No. 9. I . 1 GENERAL DIRECTORY ST.VTE OF OHEGOX. C S. Senators.. (J. II. Mitchell J. N. Dolnh onrossQen jw fc' .ttorney-Genenil..-G. E. Chamberlain Governor- -.Sylvester I'ennoycr Socrcury oi Sitae. Ucorya W. Mcllnde State Tnwsurcr. .-.Phil Mctschan iupt rub. Instruction J K, B. MeElroy State Printer Frank C. Baker Slcialr Hoard of EqnaUxatlonA . C Woodcock SF. A. Jlooro C E. Wolverton it S. Bean A. B. Comps-n . B. Eddy (I. A. Maeruci Railroad Commissioners... Clerk ot Railroad Commission Lydell Baker SECW.ND JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Judgo- J. C Follertoa rrosocntias Attorney .: Geo. M. Brown c s. USD cmct, Koycnuca. Reoriver R. S. Sheridan XcgUtcr R. SI. Vcatch O. &. WEATHER tCEEiC. Observer- . -Thos. Gtoson rouons cossrr. Senator Henry Beckley Jj.T.Uridces. rJ.K. uinnucu Gopresen taunts -Jerk (C.A. Schlbrede F. W Benson -hcrlff- .a F. Cathcart treasurer.. W. A. Frater ..J. A. Underwood School Supcrladent .&sscssor- County Judge. Oomsiissioaers- I. A. sterling a. . eteami tV. tl Wilson JO, II. Maupln Vfll 1. Herdon Dr. K. U'iflller Tbos. Smith S'Orvsyor- ixroaer Sheep Inspector- rsjccisccx orrnxts. .John Hamlin .li.O. Siocum 'loajiablcs crrr or boseedeo. W.T. Wright J. II. Shupe il. F. Rapp B. O. Stronc frostec . U- F. lUcc Recorder Marshal,.. Treasurer r. busier W. F. CarroU J. A. Cox OBDKT SESSIONS. The Clreall Coart for Danslas County meets three times a year as foiknrs: The 3d Mon day in iUrcfc, Ike -tth Monday in June, and the lsi Monday la Dec-cater. J. C FuUertoa of Hosebare jaJe. Geo.M. Brown, of Rweborg, prowooilnj; allot cey. , CoamrCoirt meets tW 1st Wednesday after the 1st Maadar ol January. March, May, July. September sad November, A. F. Stearns, of Oaxlaad. jadce; C. IL Maupln of Elkton and W. L. Wilson, ol Riddle, conunissioners. Probate Court is in session continuously, A. F. Ssms.iuare. Soclctr Jlcctliifr. TACREL LODGE. A. F. & A. REG CLA R Av mceUns the 3d and ith Wednesdays in each month. TTilPQUA CUAFTER, XO. U. R- A. M HOLD u their regular coaTocauoas atMasonlc hall oa the rst and third Tnesday of each moath. Yisitiag companions are cordially invited. M.F.RAPP, H.T. Lusoex Cxso. Secrelary. PUILETARIAK LODGE. XO. S. L O. O. -. meets SiWrdar creaias of each week at o'clock in tadr hafi at Easeburs. Mcmbera of the order In good ssaadiar are invited to attend. Fease G. Micxui, X. G. X. T. Jewett, Sec'y. TTXIOX EXCAMPMEXT, XO. t, MEETS AT U Odd Fetlows hall oa second and fourth Th3risys e-f each month. Visiting brelhren are iavficd to altesd. FtASfG. Mtmi.l, Scribe. HjLtcr PastT, C P. -nOSERtJRG LODGE. XO. Ifi. A. O. V. W. meets the ceond and insrth Moaday of nchmoathat;p. ra. at Odd Fellows halL Members of the order In goo3 standing are in- Tlted to attend. nEXOPOST. XO.I3. G. A. E MEETS THE maad third Tharsdays of each month. TTQMEX5 RFIJE? CORPS XO. 10, MEETS sQ ieccchl and -fourth Thsxsdays in each :-J f w VllKT.iri'l'Cbft -br.ld' i Granre HallV Eostbarg. the rr Friday in Seoemtier, March ana J cne, ana tae intra raaay in aepieaoer. T OSEBCEG CHAPTER, XO. S.O.E. S MEETS the second and fourth Tnursdays ot eaen iLlDELTXE B. COXKLTXG. W. M. osebceg nrviaox xo rt b. of l. e taeeu e very mcooo us mzna cnnuT. T? OSEBUBG I- D. LODGE, XO. , L 0, 0. F. j meets on Tuesday evening of each week at the 01 Fellows hall, Tinting sisters and arethrcn are invited to attend. Miss Sij.h Wutbeelt, X. G. Fejjs G. Mifrr 1 T. E. pjc A LPHA LODGE, XO. 7, X. OF I.. MEETS every WesMsday evening at Odd Fellows n.n Visttias brethrca in good standing cor diaBy invited to attead. SE3ESE X. EZ4WX. rE.ru. rA6rTcrns. jgBowa' & Tusmr, Attornej's-at-Law, RoomsTandS Taylor Wilson Block. EOSEBDEG, OR. b. wir.T.Ts, Attorney and Counselor at Law, "Will pnrtiot in iU tie camzUvt tie SUteJ Of fice is the Ooert Hook. Donglss county, Or. c. A. SEHL3BHDE, Attorney at Law, ilettburg, Oregon. OSes aver the Postofflrr on Jackson strret. W. CAB.DWELL, Attorney at Law, EOSEBUEG, ORB00X. jj B. C0PFMA2T, Physician and Surgeon 02te:At Dr. Uoorers old stand on Oei Street nesj4ese OK. Lan & Jackson Streets. j. ozias, sj, a., Phj'sician and Surgeon, "OSEBUBG, OK. OSce in . Marks & Co.'s Block, upstairs Ctlie jem?Ur aaeweed day or night. AKE3 BASE., Physician and Surgeon. Graduate Rush Medical College. Diseases of Women and Children a Specialty OFFICE, RXHs9&K, Marsters' Buildln;. Ruicescz, Dooms Ktreet, second iiiace east Dr. Bunnell's. ROSEBURG, OREGOX. La Fayette Labe. JUDGE L. IJOOHXCT Attorneys & Counselors at Law Jtoclmrj, Oregon. Vi ill practice In all th eonits of Oregon. Of- tee intbe Tarlur-Wiljon block. MRS, 37. BOYB, DEALER 1M CHOICE- Family Groceries, DISHES, EJooks and Children's Toys. A FULL LIXE OF- .Praits, 5nla, French Candies, Confectionery Canned Goods, Coffees, Teas, Elc. IHXOliTED KEI WEST CIGAES. CHOICE BRANDS OP CIGARS "yiLL. P. HEYDON, Oouiity Surveyor. and Notary pnbllc. Orricr: In Court House. Orders lor Surveying and Fisld Notes should bo addressed to MU F. Ileydon, County Surf vcyor, Roscbur?, Or. TL ORA.WTORD, Attprney at Law, Room Marstcrs Bulldlnr, - ROSEBURQ, OR, rsp-Buslncfs before the U. S. Land Office and mtnins cases a specialty. Late Receiver TJ. S. Land Office. P. BRIQQS, TJ. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor and Tiotary Public. Orncx: County Jail Building, up stairs. Sneclal attention oaid to Transfers and Conveyances. Address. ROSEBURG, OR. JpTRA BROWN, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Cbxd: Dise&sts of Wenen & Sped<f. Office UP Stairs, in the Marks Building. Residence, 112 Cass Street, ROSEBURG. J L. MLTJLER, M. D., Surgeon and Homoeopathio Physician, ftoxaa-Mry, Orvyon. &2Chruaie diMues a pecialtf. J. F. BARKER & GO. GROCERS. TEAS Ik SPECIALTY. A special fcracd J imsdalterated Tea. Oar prise COPPEE la hariag a large sale. Xcw stylta oi Glass and Delf Ware At aatocahicg low poses. Osr own easaed Tosa atx ara Ttry popular. THE ROSEBURG Does Up ALL COMPETITORS! Wc are always in the Lead, and mean to keep there. The Golden Harvest Is upon ns, and farm- era are smiling because Woodward loois to their interest. BUGGY HARNESS -Foil Trimmed- TEAM HARNESS These are all Leather and Warranted. SADDLES At Eoduced Prices. Consult your parse and be sure and tee Yt oodwarri before buying. W. 6. WOODWARB H. 0. STANTON Has jut received a new and extensive stock o DRY : GOODS COXSISTISG OF Ladies' Dress Goods, Ribbons, Trimmings, Laces, tc, Etc -ALSO A FIXE STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES Of the best quxllty and finish. GROCERIES Wood, Willow and Glass Ware, Crockery, Cordage, Etc, Also on hand in large quantities and at prices to jail ue unu. auo a large swee 01 Custom-Made Clothing 'Which is offered at coat price. A fall and select stock 01 SCHOOL BOOK8 Constantly on hand. Also the LATEST NOVELTIES IN STATIONERY General tgtnt tot every variety ol subscription books and periodicals published in tb United fit tea. Persona wishing; reading matter of any kina wui do to give me a call. The Old Reliable RUSS J40USE 1 lMM 1 i 215 Montgomery Et, extending from Pine to Uuih Sti., San Francisco. Cal. Badness center of tbe city, convenient to all banks, insurance Co. offices and places oi amusements. Containing 300 rooms. J. 8. VOIINC, Prop. Teehs: fUO, 12.00 and t2.Kj;per day. Free co sen 10 ana lrou ug aoia. A. SALZMAN, (Successor to J. JASKULEK. ) radical : Watchmaker, : Jeweler : and : Optician. -..DEALER IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELKY. AND FANCY UOODS. Ciroiiuine JL5iuv;11Ijiii ISyo A COMl'I-ETK 8TOCK OK Cutlery, Notions, Tobacco, Cigara and Smokers' Articles. Also Proprietor ami Manager of A SQUARE DEAL- 'Ml h 1 u o We are ST- Here to Stay. If Business Is Not Good. TfirPlaurdealSr's Are the Rooters for the Business Hen of Douglas County T T "T TT II WT I T. Tt AT T T T and Wl I J I j He AT) 000 PIECES SHEET MUSIC Mailed to any address Catalogue of this immense We have also secured the agency of the Wiley B. Allen Co. T. K. RICHARDSON, THE THIRD JBK00K5IDE. Tlie Howe Farm, east of town, has been plat ted and is now on the market 3, 20, 30, and 40 acres, ranging in price from $25 to $100 per acre. Any one wanting a fruit, vegetable or chicken farm or a suburban home can terms. All lots sold in First than doubled in value. The the future. More fortunes ing town or city than any tumty. For information or instate Uihce, or on Gr T. BEWEItf & ESTABROOK. GlSNISltAJL. Blacksmiths Stephen Street, between Oak and Cass, Slacbluc Worlc a Specialty. HOHUllVRG, on. Glnsscn tiiicl tipoolnclcM llosoburg's Famous Uargain Store. ' I ' s I ' I ' I 10 n vi Is what we give to every cus tomer, for we believe the best advertisement possible is a cus tomer pleased with what we have sold them, they will come again and again, and their friends will come too. , We are not here for a da' or for a month. We are Here to Stay. Wouehberg) Abraham) .Roseburg, Or. 1 Don't Squeal, But Root. Advertising Columns It is now well understood that K. Ricahrdson is the best es- Organ dealer in the State. has secured the American for One Cent Extra. stock sent free ou application. ADDITION in Lots and Blocks containing now be accommociateu on easy Brooksidc addition have more prospect is much better for are made in lauds near a grow other way. Sieze the oppor conveyance, call at ouy Real BKKD&N,, Propr. and Machinists ) LGOTTOLENE What is It Itis the new shortening rnlftnp- tlie place of lord! sj or cooking butter, o m hn,u- Costs less, goes. farther, and Is easily gjdigested by anyone. AT ALL GROCERS. Refuse All Substitutes. Made only by Jtr N. K. FAIRBANK & CO., il ST. LOUIS and ' CHICAGO, NEW YORK. 9 BOSTON. A Sovereign Remedy fjCpyghs. CoIdaLaGrippe rial! AfPectioas c? IhiThroat Chest ari Lungs. 50cts$122 SEMO VOS PR1HIR. ABiETiNEM.OnjyilteCal Sold bv A. C. Marters & Co. IW-L,ISouaLAS ; WS erUff-ftsE1 ISTHE BEST. I WfiVknT FOR A KING. I . cordovan; rRDW1.DiHHUlD ZHT. ?4?3SJ FiNECAlf MfaJBAJSa 3.S?P0UCE.3SOLE3. ssoS2.V0RKlNSHtyi S2.l73pOYSSOiOClSH!!fl L7VDIE3 ' srTjnrcpraT!m!t- W-L'DOUGLAS Over One .Million People wear tbo W. L, Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All ourshoes are equally satisfactory They Zl ve the best value for the money. They equal custom shoes In style and fit. Thtir wesrlnz qcaiiUes are unsurpassed. The rrls are unIIora,stampcd on sole. Vrxa Si tc S j saved over other makes. If jTXirdniK cannot supplj-ysawe can. Sold by dealers everywhere. Wanted, agent to take exclusive sale for this vlclnitv. Write at once. 11 rr This extra ordlnarr Rr- Constipation, Dlciness, Falling gn-salions.Jfcrv-ons twitching of the eyes and other parts. Strengthens, invigorates and tones tho entire system. Hudjan cures Debility, Nervousness, Emissions, and develops and restores weak: organs. Fains in tho JaTenctor is mo most wondorfnl rtlscoTcry of tho age. it uas been en dorsed by tho men of Karoro end America. Hudjan la abfo'f Hudjin stops Preaaluffssss of tho Uls chargo in 20 days. Cares LOST MANHOOD cacx. losses bT dnv or nlbtstoppcd e quickly. Over 2,000 private endorsements. Prcmaturcncss means impotency in tho tint etKo. It is a symptom of seminal weakness nnd barrennea. It can bo stopped In 20 days by tho mo of IluJynn. Tho new discovery was mado by tho Special ist of the old fainou3 Hudson Medical Institute. H is tho strongest vltnlizcr made. It is very powerful, but harmless. Bold for 81.00 a pack nroorS packages for S3.00 (plain scaled boxes). Written guarantee given fora euro. Ifyoubuy Fix boxes and aro not entirely cured, six more will be sent to you frco of nil charges. Send for clrcularsand testimonials. Address QI10D3ON MEDICAL INSTITUTE, .function Stockton, Market A: Kills Sts. hail l-raiiclsico, Cbl DfcasflHw n 1ST PI 1 J Cures CORNS, BUNIONS and WARTS Jfc, W SPEEDILY and WITHOUT PAIH. W FOR SALE BYALL DRUGGISTS. W 5 LIPPUAN BBOTHEBS, ftep'n, T 6 Llppmtn's Block, SAVANNAH, OA. WERE THE CATTLE STOLEN? "Good Indian" Discourses Upon Bad Whiskey and Cattle Thieves. Elk Creek, March 18, 1893. Editor Plalndkaler: Please find en closed an article that recently appeared in the "greatest country newspaper in world," over tho aignattire of "Ranger," in which tho writer makes several asser tions that are so palpably erroneous. I deem it my duty to contradict them. It is immaterial who was the writer of the article referred to by "Kanger" aud over (he eignaturo of Albert Pool. The asjcitions contained in it were his and I believo aro correct. As to ' Ranger's" accusations of being :i better hand at sampling Old Nat's poor whisky than gathering wild cattle, I plead guilty and throw myself on the mercy of the court, but at tho same time should liko to en quiro on what grounds docs Ranger base his assertion that Nat's whisky is poor. Now, respecting his assertion that the business of slaughtering those wild cat tle was conducted with "small profit." How is "Rang-r" aware of that fact? Was ho personally engaged in the nefari ous business, or did the cattle thieves, if any exist in this section, throw open their bosks or his inspection? Such a course is unprccendented with gentlemen of that profession, an.l P, therefore forced to the conclusion that "Ranger" himself had personally experienced its unprofit ableness. Now, respecting I113 statement that all of the Thomason cattle were driven out of this section years ago: My wife, as Thomason's widow, Is head of tho family and guardian of the property, contends that when she sold those cattle to liqui date some debUcontractea by the family, a number were left on the range which they were unable to gather, and sices that lime over nine years ago) she has lo3t several head the progeny of cows she subsequently acquired, end I my self have sncn no less than fonr old cows and one bull with the family's mark and brand on in the wild band. My wife's assertion concerning those cattle is con firmed by pcveral old residents in thii vicinity. Now I do contend that if, as Ranger' asserts.thosc cattle were driven off the range, it was without my wife's knowledge or sanction, and they were stolen, end if "Ranger" has and knowl edge of the matter and fails to inform us who the parties are that drove those cat tle off ho is an accessary of thieves. It is true that a great many DL cattle now owned by Mr. Dixon and his part ners aro running in this section aud it is likely that some of them have been stolen and efanghtered, bnt of that I have no peisonal knowlege, and though I may accept as the truth what Brown tells me he. heard. Jones say.itiwould scarcely-paraffor cvidenceiin'atconrFof Justice. Befora clo3ing this rather lengthy a'rticle I would ask "Ranger" one or two questions which I trust he will have the manhood to answer over his own signature. On what grounds Mr. Ranger, do you base ycur assertion that Nat's whiskev is poor? How do you knoA- the bu3ines3 of slaughtering tliae wild cattle is not profitable? Who are tho parties, that drove the Thomason cattle off this range ? Come out like a man and answer those questions trntniuily over yoar own sig nature. Never mind if th article is a little ecarillous and extends to the length of commenting on vour neighbors domes tic affairs and convivial habits. The greatest country newspaper won't object to it for a trilling matter ot that sort. Tell the truth aud thy whole truth, even il by so doing you not onlv shame the devil but make old -Sat himself blush, John F. Elliot alias Good Indian Obituary. Mrs. V. V. Williams, whose funeral notice appeared a shoit time since, was born in Putnam county, III., Dec.S, 1S31 Iler maiilen name was Susan Francis .Mitchell. Her father, Frederick Mitchell, and his family crossed the plains in 1S32, parsed ihe winter at Mil waukee, Or., and in the spring of 1S53 moved to Douglas county. In June, 1S34, at hcrlfathers'd residence in Look ing Glass, she was nmrried to Mr. I AV. Williams. In ISM Mr. Williams and his family went to Wasco county where they remained five years, at the end of which time they returned to Doughs countv and bought back the 'farm wlikh they had previously owned at looking Glafs. .Mrs. Williams was tho mother of thirteen children, ten of whom are liv ing. Alfonso Williams died at Looking GIubb in 1SG4, aged 5 years. Mrs. W T. Wright died at Uoscburg in 1SS0, and is buried at French Settlement cemetery Mrs. . J. Shoemaker died and was burrieil at Cove, Union countv. The married daughters are Mrs. A. J. War ren of Spokane, Wash., Mrs. Edmund Marsh of PottOrford, Curry county, Mrs. F. U. Hamlin of Roseburg, and Mrs. Jus Newland of Olalla, this countv. Tho re maining children, who live at the familv residence in Looking Glass, nro l?eaure guard, JeiTerson, Lwra, Fannie. .John and Charlev Williams. The funeral services were conducted by the Hev. E. Norcross. The body was buiied in Looking Glass cemetery by tho side of bet husband, who died but a few fltott months before. A l.irgi- rcimreia- tiou of sorrowing natives and sytnpa thizing friends were in attendance. Oh. mother! We miss thy kindly fnce, Thy svmpalhv, caro and love; But wo know thou hast gone to thy reward In tho realms of iwaee above. For Over I'ift)- Years. An Old and Well-Tried Kcmcdy. Mrs. Win slow's Soothing Syrup lias been used lor ovc fllty years by millions of mothers for thei children whilo teething, with perfect success. It soothes tho child, softens tlio gums, allay: all pnlu, cures wind colic, mid is tho bes. ronicdy for dlarrlmm. Is pletu-aut lo tho taste, Bold by Druggists In every part of tho world Twenty-five cents a bottle. Us vnluo is Incal culable. Ho aura una rsic lor Jlrs. wlnslow Soothing Syrup, ami taLo no other kind. If you aro in need of any thing in tho hat lino it will pay you to examine tho new stock at Oaburn'a now storo. SHE WAS OVER EIGHTEEN. And So the Groom, Aged SoTenty-flrc, Kaslly Got a ZJcense. Christmas morning Connty Clerk Fcs Biorwasin his offico attending to certain1 imperative work when tho iron door, which was slightly ajar, was polled slow ly open, and a man, whoso hair wa3 as whito as tho driven snow, with a beard fully as frosty in appearance, camo into tho room and walked np to the connter. 'Say, yon young man over there," began tho ancient gentleman, "is this ero tho placo whar they giv' np o'tin- cates fur tu git mar'ed?" 'This is tho placo where marriage licenses, aro issned," said Mr. Fessler, who added, "Do you desire a marriage license?" "That's 'boat tho sizo uv it," said tho old man, and ho shambled over to tho license window. 'You will have to produce a witness who can swear that the lady is over 18 yoars of ago. " This wa3 tho information given to tho antiquarian. "Well, you jistwaitaminit," here- plied and then disappeared. Within a few seconds be reappeared, and with him camo n lady whoso hair w3 a3 white a3 his own, and whose appearance indicat ed that sho was bnt littlo behind him in tbo race of life. 'Now, look here, son, " said the old man, "this 'ere lady is tu be the bride. I don't thick she is tu giddy not fur tu kno' her o'n mind, do you?" No further questions were asked. The affidavits were drawn. George H. Wil son sworo that he wa3 over 21 years old, whilo Mary E. Ausman made affidavit that she was more than 18 years of aga "Say, son," remarked the old mana3 ho took tho lady by tho hand and start ed for tho door, "say, son, I'm 75 years old, and she's 72." They were seen goingdowa tho Dela ware street stairway hand in hand, ap parently as happy as though their foot steps had not passed the border line of threescore and ten years. Indianapolis Sentinel. THEY LOVE PEACE. Cut They Will Fight to Protect the Queen and Their Wires From the French. Although no great power ha3 been able to find an excuse, good in diplomacy, for interference in behalf of the Mala gasy, it is not an exaggeration to say that tho public opinion of Europe is unanimously opposed to the French plans for tho subjugation of the island. Much sympathy for tho islanders is ex cited by tho description of the annual ceremony cf the bath received in Lon don this week. Madagascar is not with out her old man eloquent The prime minister, addressxnK the queen, said: "Wo will defend you and our father land to tho last breath. We have guns, cannon, powder, shot and all the neces saries of war reaay and prepared. Ihavo heard what women say. They say the French aro bad and wicked, and they know a good deal about it But rest as sured we will nevac j again , allow,OHr wives ana aaugnrers to oe taxes ny ma French. You. cur queen and mistress, love peace. So do we, but not at the price tho French ask for It Wo will therefore resist We will fight till we die rather than submit" Strangers in Antananarivo at the an nual feast were surpriseaVto see tho pop ulation given up entirely to the merry making which accompanies tho bath which the queen and all her subjects take once a year. Nobody-was disturbed anparently by tho knowledge of an in vading army being gathered to deprive them of their independence. London Letter. X Wondcrfsl linguist. Tho death is announced at Bourne mouth, England, of tho Rev. Solomon Carsar ilalan, ono of tho greatest lin guists of tho age. In addition to French, German, Latin, Spanish, Italian and Greek, ho was master of Hebrew, San skrit, Chinese, Armenian, CopticSyriac, Ethiopic, Sahidic, Memphitic, Gothic, Georgian, Slavonic, Arabic, Persian, Tibetan, Japanese, Anglo-Saxon, Welsh and many other lanKnages. His last work, completed juit before his death, Original Isctes on tho Book of Prov erbs, "contains nearay 16,000 illustrated quotations culled from the eastern fa thers. In tho Bodleian library at Oxford is n volnmo contai ning a psalm written by him in moro th an 80 languages. He was tho son of Dr. Caisar ilalan of Ge neva and was bornin 1812. New York Post Frosress- In the South. The south has. made wonderful indns trial progress in tho last 14 years, and in no year has it gono forward with as much rapidity as in that which has just closed a year of depression. Since 1SS0 tho railroad mQeago of tho south has been moro t'aan doubled. Tho yield of cotton for 18A4 is nearly twice tho yield of cotton in, 1BS0. Tho yield of grain has been 450,-000 moro bushels than in 18S0. Fivo times tho amount of coal was mined iit 1894 than in 1880, and the amount of capital invested in cotton mills between tho years mentioned shows a liko increase. So through thd entire list Chicago Times. The Fall In English Wheat. The fall in tho production and price of wheat and other grain in England is shown in a manner which startles Brit ish agriculturists by tho returns of the board of agriculture for the year just closed. Fivo years aco tho sales of Brit ish whoat reached 3,500,000 quarters, tho averago price being $7.'S0. Last year less than 2,CO0,000 quarters wero produced at $5.o5. Barley and oats havo also declined. Tho Czan Is Liberal. A Moscow corrcepondent tolls a story of tho now czar w!hich is quito in ac cordanco with all that has been heard of his character. In tho list of officers recommended for promotion recently prescutcd to him mention was made of tho ago and tho religion of tho nomi nees. Tho emporor struck out tho col umn about rcligicin, saying that it was no concern of his. Iluckleit's Arnica Salve. The Best Salvo in the world for Cuts Bruises, sores, "Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Fover Sores, Totter, Chapped Hands, Chillbains, Conas, and all skin Erup, tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give porlect satisfaction or monev refunded Prico'Jo conts per x. For sale at A C. Marsters & Co. Bring your job work to tha PiutsnEAL ek office. We are prepared to do the cheapest ajid host work south of Portland, AN UNPROFITABLE ROAD. Railroad That Cannot Compete With Mexican Unrros. Tho recent report of tho Sonora branch of tho Atchison, Topcka and Santa Fo system, a lino extending from Benson, A. T., to Gnaymas, Mexico, is not en couraging. Tho road runs along, at the foot of immense mountains, through a waste of sandy deserts and uncultivated prairies. There aro few towns or villages of any importance situated near this road. It was constructed at an enor mous cost, and it was tho dream of tho projectors to make Gnayma3 a danger ous rival of San brancisco. Tho ocean route to Australia and the Central and South American ports is hundreds of miles nearer Gnaymas than San Francisco, and the former port was intended as a depot and entrepot for all imports and exports from those coun tries. But. tho scheme met with a mon strous failure. Tho traffic between this Mexican port and the United States scarcely brings in sufficient revenue to pay tho actual expenses of its train serv ice. Indeed there has been some talk of abandoning that part of the road run ning between Nogales and Gnaymas, a distanco of nearly 300 miles. A peculiarity of this road is the fact that no freight agent has ever yet been able to mako a tariff that would com pete with the burros that have a lino ot commercial travel running parallel with tho Sonora railroad from Hcrmosillo to Nogales, Benson and Tucson. Two dozen burros are capable of carrying about as much freight a3 a box car. This mode is cheaper even if it is lon ger, but who in that country reckons time? Moreover, custom duties are reg ularly saved by the burro routo in both directions. Cincinnati Enquirer: , THE WEDDING FEE. The Grocm nnd the Justice Got Mixed Over It, bat Both Are Now Wiser lien. A few days since a couple from Bur lington, Vt, visited Plattsburg in search of a magistrate who would tie tbo nup tial knot When the mamage ceremony was over, tho groom wanted tho justice to kiss tho bride, saying, "Squire, jou kiss her first" The squire did as ho was requested. Tho groom asked him how much his bill was. The squire, highly elated, said, "Well, young man, seeing as it is yon, I will call it $5." "All right;" said the groom, "you have had a kiss, haven't yon?" "Yes," said tho squire "Well, then, you give me a re ceipt, and I will give you 2, and that will mako it square.' Tho justice hesitated a moment and said, "How do you mako that out?" "Well," said tho groom, "you have married us, haven't you, and you have charged me $5?" "Yes." "And you havo taken the first kiss from tho bride?' "Yes." "Well, I have charged you 3 for it, and that leaves two due you." "Very well," said the squire, "if that is so, I will take the other two now," and as he was in the act of kiss- . mg.the bridejic3ino.affCHn 'aBavujusttealeffhdeF that- ' knocked mm to the floor. Tho result was that tho groom was arrested, and when arraigned pleaded guilty and was fined $5 and costs. Both the justice and tho groom havo concluded that they are better and wiser men than before this happened. Albany Journal Queen or Old Clothes Dealers. "La Heine du Temple" was elected in Paris and is to bear tho scepter on Midlcnt day Tho correspondent of the London News writes: "Tho titlo 'Queen of the Temple' is euphonious. Her kingdom, the Temple, is an old clothes market in an iron building on the site of the convent of tho Order of the Knights Templars. The election took placo in the Cafe des Enfants do Paris. The electorate was formed of tho wom en dealing in old clothes. Of the 120 present, 101 voted for a Mile. Clara Hecquet, she being thought tho best looking and most amiablo o tho nine competitors for tho ephemeral royalty. Clara Hecquet is 10, has a fine figure and is n blond with regular features and an oval face. She was declared good as she was lovely and devoted to her infirm mother. Tho maids of honor are of tho number of the graces and wero also elected. " A Dream Totaled tho Way. Tho Psychical society will investigate a remarkable incident that occurred in tho Scottish mining district of Ben Har on New Year's day. A miner, Donald McFarlane, disappeared on Sunday. Thero was no trace of him after a two days' search. On Tnesday Robert Hal bert, an old man who has tho reputa tion of possessing second sight, and who is a brother-in-law of McFarlane, fell asleep and dreamed that ho saw the missing man in a particular part of Al mond water, which is sonio miles dis tant Mentioning this to the neighbors, they went to tho place, saw the foot prints of tho missing man in the snow, and eventually found the man himself standing in tho water, which is three feet deep, with ico frozen around him. He was dead. London Standard. i More Carious Than Dangerous. A few days ago Mrs. John Harriott went ont on tho prairio to look after Eomo young stock, and on her return home was followed by seven wolves When sho saw them coming, she ran with all her might. Suddenly sho stop ped to seo what they would da She started on again, and they again follow ed. Tho wolves followed at just a cer tain distance behind until she reached home. Inkster (N. D.) Tribune. More Than a Century of life. Mrs. Catharino Noland died in Litch field, Ills., last week, aged 112 years and 1) days. Sho was born in Wicklow, Ireland, Dec 25, 17S3, .seven years be fore Washington's inauguration. De ceased had for years to wear spectacles, bnt second sight returned, and when she died sho conld seo as well a3 in yonth. Sho was probably tho oldest wo man in Illinois end had lived in Litch field for 40 years. Ilcware of Ointments for Catarrh ttiat Contain Mercury. at itiTeury will surely destroy the sense of imill mid completely derange tho whole system wncn entering It through raucous surfaces. Such articles should never bo used except on prescriptions from reputable physicians, as the dacisce they will do is ten fold to the Rood jon ran posslblv derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure manufactured by K. J. Cheney A Co., To ledo, (., contains no mercury, and Is taken in teruallv, nettni: directly upon the blood and rnueout surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's rntiirrh l.'ure Im sure vou cet the ccnulue. It is ! nteen Internally, nud "made i Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testlmftnials free. Sold by Druggists, prico To c. per bottle. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Awarded Gold Medil Hid winter Fair, San Francises,