The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, March 18, 1895, Image 4

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y7 BENJAMIN, ....
JJI subscription Hale.
One Ytar payable in advance.
Month, "
9- oo
.... X oo
Month. " "
Tonight I almost envy yon
Your quiet bed that seems
Too narrow for tho coming in
Of any noiso or dreams. ,
So when tho earth Is not too hard
A moist and pleasant mold
Tilth dandelions hero and there,
Uko scattered bits of cold,
Then maybe I shall break my way
The earth and grasses through.
And smiling with my drowsy eyes
beau coma ro siecp witn you.
.-Bertha G. Darls in Kato Field's TTashlnston.
Some Noticeable Weapons That Are Ex
hibited In the Tower ot Iondon.
Whoever visits tho Loudon Tower
may enjoy a Yeritablo feast of swords,
bat amid tho numberless array of weap
ons there, arc one or two that aro espe- j
dally worthy of notice, There is tho (
sword of state, which is girt on tho
monarch's side after his anointing at
the imposing ceremony of coronation,
which girding is raoro honored in tho
breach, ono would snDnose. when tho
monarch is a lady. Tho sword is first
consecrated by the; primate, and by him
handed to the lord chamberlain, who ,
completes tho function. It is a two hand
ed weapon, with rich decorations on hilt
and pommel and scabbard. Of scarcely
less importance is the "sword of mercy," ,
bomo before tho sovereign in tho coro
nation procession. This sword is named
Cnrtana. bat though undoubtedly very
ancient it can hardly claim to be the
original Cnrtana forged by tho famous
This original Cnrtana was tho magic
weapon of Ogier the Dane, bold knight j
of Charlemagne's most warlike- days.
Oar own Curtana is in any case many ;
centuries old. It is square pointed, with 1
tho lock as though tho point had been
broken short; hence possibly its name.
A fhfb gold wire covers its handle, and
the scabbard is remarkably ornate. Two
other swords are carried at the corona-
tioa ceremony swords symbolical of
spiritual and temporal justice, tho first
with an obtuse point, tho latter sharp.
Cnrtana and these two justice swords
are not often called upon to make a pub- j
lxo appearance, it is Happily mere uan
a half century since they were last re-,
quired at a coronation, but whenever ,
the sovereign opens parliament in per-
ecu the sword of state first mentioned is
called from its repose.
Tho lord mayor's sward is even incro ;
fmifinr to the general public, and not
only London, but most other corpora-'
noes, have their sword and sword bear
er. It is a picturesque survival of the A tJ0 Features that have made the monthlj so papular are retained
middle ages, which one would regret to Mll m2ay xax Features added, such as General and Local .Market Prices, Crop
see abolished part of the ritual of state , Reports in their s?asoa, Condensed Farm News, and Letters Anion;: the Farmers,
customs, which ritual is by no means ,
meaningless. Pablio action must often T1 . . . .
be of a figurative character. sncMrt, Its Farm Features. .
mode by which the city of London some-1
t t
IZS.VrJ , -wflOMTe-
dered the nation good servicejjuscutmg
to them swords of honor. These avio
swards have been given to men like j
Lord Kapier, Lard Clyde, Lard Wolse-j
lev. Wellington received one in his day, i
and so did tho Prussian Blacher. Lon-1
don Standard. 1
A game with a history of mere thaniJPive EdltiOHS !
400 rears must necessarily havei same i
laterestangrecards. Golf has been great- conntry, Eastern. Middle. Central, Western, Southern,
ly liked by kings. In the time of James ' .....
I it was generally practiced by all Each Edition contains special Local Features charaefemtic t its section, per
classes. The Tmfortunato Charles I was fectly adapting it to the wanU ot the farmers of the different s.a'.. an that section,
devoted to coif. While on a visit in ,Thna each edition becomes to the Farmers as much thei r home agricultural paper.
Scotia fa 85 as he was deeply en-1 Atshcd at 'a !,3te C3J,,taK
g--SaiS'.The Family Features,
sgouici a reDeuian mare- j
land, and the royal golfer threw down f
his club and retired in great agitation
to Holyrood House. When be was im-,
prisoned at ITewcastle, his keeper kind
ly permitted aim to take recreation on
.v ie nt :.t. t:. i : t j- i
guuujg uuu muiuu ;
said that Mary, queen of Scots, was seen !
playing golf in tho field beside Seatcn '
a few days after tho murder of her has-
band. In 1S37 a magnificent gold medal.
was presented to St Andrew's by Wil- .
tation cf golf balls from Holland be-'
cause it took away "na small quantitie
of Scotland," and at one time "golfo !
ana luteoau ana otner unprontaDie:
games" were forbidden In England be-,
cause archery, so necessary in the do-1
fense of the nation, was being neglect
ed in their favor. Exchange.
ica tuwauxa iiinnnt. y
Tho Hawaiian Islands have been fonnd e i-i 1 tl ti e a 1 c r . - -to
be richer in animal life than was for- Atncrica'i Ajrricuitarists,
mexly supposed. Atrmrpmltnf a year's '.
investigation by the British association,
through its committee, it has been found
that of birds there aro 78 species, of
which 57 aro peculiar to this group. All.
the land and fresh water shells are pe
culiar, and of 1,000 species cf insects '
700 are not found elsewhere. It thus
seems that theso islands havo by no
means been populated from the conti-;
nest; but have been centers of independ
ent creation. Independent.
; 1
Bow Me Was Wounded.
Pension Agent I see yon havo been '
drawing a pension on the wounded list '
when the record shows that you were
drummed out of the army for desertion.
Pensioner Yes. That is so. '
Pension Agent Well, how were yon ,
Pensioner My feelings, colonel, my
feelings. Atlanta Journal.
Xecotiatlons Hot Complete.
Customer (female and unfair) I or- f
dered ten yards of dress goods here yes-1
terday to be sent. Has it been cut yet? ,
Shopwalker !o indeed. The assist-!
ant said you hadn't been in yet to change
your mind. London Globe. .
Whenever you k-o ingratitudo you
may as infallibly ccucludo that tbcro is
a growing stock of ill nature in the
breast, as yen may know that man to
have tho plague upon whom you seo tho
Xiobrara, the name of a river in Ke- j
braska, is said to mean "wido water." ;
Notice is hereby given to the public '
by the undersicned that I do not allow ;
dead animals to be buried on my prem
ises, at Eoseburg, Oregon, or garbage'
dumped thereon or 6and or gravel taken
therefrom, unless the party taking sand;
or gravel first contract with me for the
tn en sir. !
Tresspassers will be prosecuted ac
cording to law. Aabon Hose,
Itoscburg, Oregon. March 17tji. 1891.
Now is the time to subscribe.
Kinr; of ell
Light Weight and Superior naterfal
Rigidity. Everyffla- i$NMBHk and Scientific Work
chinefully warranted ft. manship.
Sl 5 Styles
Highest Honors a! the World's 'Columbian Exposition.
3ead-twa.e8t stamp for our aj.jvise Catalogue A work ot Art.
Monarch Cycle Company,
What is the condition of yours? Is your hair dry,
harsh, brittie? Does It split at the ends? Has It a i
lifeless appearance?
orusnea t is it lull of
Is it dry or in a heated
yoursympioms oe a vara cam time or you will become bald. 1
SkookumRoot Hair Grower
U what you need. IUBrodscttenUnotanaccidenCbatthflreraltof sdeatiaa i
research. Knowlmro of the dtitases of tio hair anil scalp ltd to th dUcoT. i
error tow to treat lbm. "StooHim"contilcj ntither mlotralsnorotlr. It i
tha follicle, if aim, rrn7iZ
- . - . .
.. If" Seep the teal? clsan. healthy, and tree from IrrluUcr eruptions, br i
Jof SJjui c Soap, It destroys jwranKo njfc:, wAicV cc? oi i
If your drarrlit cannot
epaM, on rrcript of price.
tr la? : S far "131-
thb SKonkun
c TK2i4CC 57 Socth Fifth
. Agriculturist
fl.Tl Qftn fcO 8i
Weekly !
Only $1,0
topics, written bv Praclical ami Successful
Uons br ab,e aj,jiU cotnUins to make
j; Tho Latest Market and Cormncriwl .Vcricnltcrc are Leading Features, !n
which the.zriculturist is not excelled. KeliaWe Special Correspondents at the
General and Local Market Centers all over
the latest prices oa everything the Farmer has to el!. This Department alone is
worth many limes the cost of a year's subscription to any Farmer.
Short Stcriea, Lateit Pashioss, Pancy Work.' Tho Good Cook,
Talks with the Doctor, Puzzlo Contests
and Young Polks' Page,
mml.inn tn mnVG thia Dturttnent of as much value and interest as
Spetsal Family I aptrs.
Qnesticns answered oa Law, Medicine. Veterinary and other topics FREE,
THE MAGAZINE FORM. Each issne comes oat with a neat cover, the
cumber of page varyins from 23 to SO.
An Ideal ITarm and Family Weekly.
FREE SAMPLE COPY sent on request.
American Agriculturist,
S Columbian Building,
v: not its. rsfc
Marvelous Cures
in Biood PoisGn
and Scrofula
P P r pcrt'ci I'jo Wood, baill up
tho ncttk etui Ce'ullittlKl. din
rtrtcst: lo wc-l.e-.erl nerrtv rir-M
llxaei. citiK tb? atler.t licitii bi-1
lteilns sl laMitudo Cm pm-allAl
For rr.3Trr ,
rtf-aiarr aniS fn!rr
lor Moorf lWJI'inlnr'. ni"-r...
In all Wood and kla Cleatrp. Ilk5
blotchCJ, pliarHtt, oM rlironlr liKftk,
tetter. mlA ttttl. Vo'. tr It,
Xcaemt-'C mr tr. wiih' ..t f--t.-.
contrs11ri.loa.tbit v. V. IM f - wt
Mood purifier In thTrr.rM. tnil nocji
EMltlre. pcdj' eid pomiu.ei.t cures
i &U one.
iMi-Af whes o protein fn ir la 'a-d
nml whoso Wyl lo ar tmp'ire c'.n-i-ti-ja.
dielora"-"' lrrejrulir!l-,
?iof P. V. - PrKL r o-u
Vmsaru-LD, ".. Av.-. jkh. ih'
iciDr3mliUi hliV-ii tHj r
Toarraedltlco Iroaiuy -to i-rjooei
J;:jowlrdS7. I waaflettoi.v.linr.-jrt
jleii. plcorl and rhecrwfl'm tor
t.rsT.w33tre-'teIbj-tl!3 ynry t""
phvpilar.i oai rp-ot UnxAtttUrior
bri. trrd cr ry fcn')Trn rnn"l7 T '-'-
ontfindipternlitr. I hare on!y latnn
oa ooulo ol your P. P. r., c-u caa
cboerlall? ea7 It h loan zirvtm
cwjd tuan anyrtfnT I hsxo (tp-ri-ixw.
I en rceonuaacrl j r,ar racimo lo sil
anHcrtm of thi rIoto aika'ch.
M3. 11. H. YKAKT.
GpriBEflcld, Qrcea Count;, Ho.
a g
LakcsnJ Halsted Sis., CHICAGO, ILL.
Does it fail out when combed or 1
dandruff? Does your scalp itch ?
condition ? If these are some of i
mr w.-M.,-it?T..j J2-ryTSr!T i
...... - - . . wm. yiuuwurmHMU .
ssnnlT to'j trnd direct tons, ana mvfflfDnrud
Grower, 5100 per botUo ; for tiOX Eop,tOc
phot haip rtonvvpo rn 9 N
Avenue, New Ycrl, Nr. Y.
lo extend its tuefulnets and make it a
pnieticnl necessity to every progressive
Farmer and his family, the American
Agriculturalist is now published weekly
; instead of monthly v, at
a Year !
Gardenias;, and other
Farmers, supplemented
it invaluable to those wh
with Iuuilra-
10 "farm it for a
the United States us to report
To belter adapt the Agriculturalist to the
special interests of cadi taction, five editions
are isned for five different sections of the
most of the
"IT $2.50
mum ro m nrnuw
Arc entirely rcmorrd by P.P.I.
PrlcUj Ah. Toto lloct and Potaa
tlntn, iho ercatot biocd purlOor ca
Acr:Er. O.. Jalr 31, 1051.
Karens Lirraxs Bco.. 3aTanB.
rsootbi trcitn?nt jt ttio Hot Spncpi.
Head tfcrco bottles C. o. D.
Abcrdceo, Erov7a County, S.
Cspt. 3. U. 2oXic3lcc.
7 rll uhvn it nqy t-xcrn: I itro
IT mt1r to tLo wc nd'jrral r repjrtle?
cf P. P. 1. lor!pQj i ( ttio Ula. I
(jffere'l for rovcral years Wtti no nn
rivhUr lad tfu-.ejrrcotLlo rraptlon on
rsr 1 t.!ol everr Snoa remo-
C7 be. it T3la,imt!t P. V. P. wasaaed.
cso aci now ciiiirfi ca;u.
fijvtnnah. Qa,
XSUlzi Ctinccr Cared.
Srsrirj. Tzr., January 14. lfSX
KE'-.. Urr.'IAH Hao., Itavaanab,
Cii Oenllcm-nl uavo tried your P.
P. p. I.ircrttasoof tlnsskln. unaily
tou-rn - rl:ln "-cnocr.of thirty yrnrs'
nlarilins. and sriat rollcf: IS
'mritoatbolloort and remoTei ell Ir
ritation from tho seat ol tho dlxcaso
-.-.d prt'7enH az.r nr.readlns of tho
orc I .avtotenflroornlibottles
a-.rl fwl cocfidont th.itRaotricr eourso
I'll! r Decs ara'. It has n!o rolleviy;
iro fmm lsdlf: -atlon tnd ctocjcli
treetlai. VonrMr
Attorney at Law.
ffi d ElOGd CL'tSStt u
st.uoufe QlobeDemocrat
Eight Pacs cacli Tuesday
aid Friday, Sixteen
Pages Every Week,
is, beyond all comparison, the bigges't,
best and cheapest, national news and
family Journal published in America.
Strictlyj Republican
in politics, it gives alljthe news and
gives it at least three days earlier
then it can be had from any of the
Metropolitan weeklies.
It Is Indispensable
to the fanner, merchant or profess
ional man, who desires to keep thor
oughly posted, but has not time to
read a large Daily Paper.
Write for free samples to
Louis, Missouri.
By special contract, we are enabledto offer
The St. Louis Globe-Democrat twice cve week
in connection with The Plaikdealer for only
S2.25 a year, provided you subscribe before April
1, 1895.
Considering the character of the two papers
the greatest of national Journals and the best of
your home papers this offer has never been
equalled. Do not delay but send in your sub
scriptions at once.
!. -
Portland University
1 . Location beautiful, healthful aud free from all places
of temptation.
2. Best instruction in College, Preparatory, Normal
and Business Courses ; also in Theology, Music and Art.
State Diplomas to' graduates of Normal. Diplomas for all
3. Board in West Hall, Club Houses or private fami
lies, $100 to $200 per year for board and tuition.
4. Fall Term opens Sept. 18th. Catalogues sent free.
Address . C. C. Stratton, D. D., President,
or Thos. Van Scoy, D. D., Dean.
We get out a
class of
Job Printing
that is
to the
- 4 General Run."
Mining Application No. 54.
United States Land Office, Itoseburg. Oregon,)
March 18, lh'Ji f
Nollco la Iicrcby given thut tho Gicen Mount
nln Mining Company, a corporation duly Incor
porated under the general law of the Statu ot
Oregon, with its principal office or place of
tmslncsi at Portland, Multnomah county, Ore
gon, by Its dulyoualtacd and acting president,
W. O. WU.son, whoso post office address 1 Clove
land, Douglas Counts, Oregon, lias, ou tho 17th
n( August, 18S7. tiled its application or a patent
for three hundred feet in a southwesterly direct
ion from tho discovery cut, and twclvo hundred
feet lu a northeasterly direction from Hald dis
covery cut, in the aggregate fifteen hundred
linear feet of tho Orcen Mountain Quartz
lode, hearing gold and silver quartz, together
with surface ground M hundred feet In width
situated In Green Mountain Mining District,
County nf Douglas and Htuto of Oregon, and
designated by tho Held notes mid official plat nn
lllo lu thin office iu Burvey No. 5 and Claim S3,
onuusurvcyed lauds but lu .BcctIon3 X! and S3,
Township 32 south. Iiange 1 west, when the pub
lic survey Is extended, said Lot No. : being
illscrlbcil as follows, to wit:
lteglnnlngnt a point three hundred feet south,
I'-'i degrers west ol discovery shaft or cut at it
No. 1 at tho center nf southerly end of said
Claim No. :v, from which the southeast corner
of iccllnn 31 Wid :ri, Township 32 south, Kange !
west, Willamette Meridian, on the 7th Standard
Parallel South, !)ugla Comity, Oregon, bears
south 5 degrees east M.S! chains distant, a llr
SO Inches In diameter heart north 41 degrees
west one hundred nnd twenty links
distant, it fir IS inches In diameter hears
sonth Bl degrees ea3t IM links distant,
thenco . north 03 degrees west aoo feet
to post No. from which yellow llr 3U Inches
in diameter bear south .V degrees cast 17 links,
yellow ftr'Jl inches in diameter bears north 1:1
degrees east 78 links, mathrouoC iuclio in di
ameter bears south i; degrees west Ul links;
thence north 05 decrees east l.VX) feet to pos( No.
3 from which ft fir 20 inches in diameter bear
south 20 degrees west 2H links distant, a fir 12
inches in diameter bean north CI degrees east 31
links distant: thence south .V degrees east 000
feet to post No. .", Irom which matherone 6
Inches in diameter bears south 2S degrees west
SZ links distant, matheroue G Inches in diam
eter bears north 20 degrees cast 13 links distant;
thence south 35 degrees west I.jOO feet to jost
No. r,, from which llr 12 Inches In diameter
bar north V degrees west 2f links distant, fir
ten inches In diameter bears south 67 desrets
wot 27 links distant, llr X inches in diameter
hours south K degrees cast 31 links distant,
thenco north .V degrees we3t 300 (hundred)
feet to plsce of beginning, magnetic variation
W dcgicei vast, containing J0.C5 acres.
The locution of this mine, W. J. Worley
locator, is recorded in the recorders office,
Douglas county, Oregon, in Hook of fleconl of
Mining Claims Volume 2, page 7. The att
Joiuing elalmauts arc It. S. Jones and A. 8.
Whiting o:t tho northerly end and P. Clarno
St Co.. on the Kmtherly end.
And any and all ;erons cialnilng alversely
auiy ortlon of said Ureen Mountain Mine or
surface ground, are rvouircd u file their ad
verse claim with thu ltegister of the United
States 1-and Office at l:cbur, in the suteof
Orcgoit, during the sixty days period of pah
lleatlon hcreofT or they will be tarred ty vir
tue of tho provisions of the statute.
It. M. VKATCII, Remitter.
Sheriff Sale.
A of Oregon for the County of Douglas.
Stephen Mlnard,
H it. McBte and C. A. Mellee, j
Dcfeutlaute. J
State of Oregon I
County of Doughu.i
Whereas at a regular term of the Circuit
ooart ol ttio btate ol Oreiron. County of DoeEhu.
to it: On Saturday, December 22nd, ll, the
planum aoove nameu recovereu juagment
agAjiit lhe above named defendants for the
sum of i'onr Thousand Six Hundred Thirty
threc and 1J-1CM ($ W-TUS) Dollars and eosU and
disbursements taxed at ?C2.."), for $30 attorney
feesberetn ;sxed and against the! following de
scribed mortgaged property, to-wit: Ueeinniug
at the corner of section' l, 16, il and 22 iu
Township 2S South, ltange C Wet of iUamette
Meridian, running thence cast IbSH feet, thenee
north 2 degrees 10 minutes east 170 feet, thenee
north ts degrees G minutes east 3 feet, thence
north 32 decrees and 11 minutes least HO feet,
thence north 17 degrees east 330 feet, thenre
west 2732 fee: to the section comer on the line
between Sections 1 and IS. Township 2S south,
ltange 6 West of the Willamette Meridian,
injure sou in lth'j icet totnc piace ox oegiiining,
foiitoinlng 125 acres. In Douglas Couaty.Onegon.
tccether with the tenements, hereditaments and
appurtenances thereunto belonging or In .any
wie apiicneming, ana wnere&s it nas Keen dc
'rvd by the Court that the mortgage of plain
tiff be foreclosed, and all the right, title and In-tvri-st
of said defendants. Win. McKce ant C. A.
Mcllee. or cither of them, had la orto the said
prtmlesn the Ith dav ot October. h7. the
date of the execution of said mortgage, or at
any time thereafter, .' sold In the manner pro
vided by law. and the pn eeds arising there
from be applied to the payment of the costs and
expenses herein, and to said indebted liens, and
that said defendants, Wni. McBee and C. A.
ilcIJce. and each of them be barred and foiv-
cioscd of ill equity of rcIempUon in end to the
sata premises.
Now therefore, in the name of the State ot
Oregon, I have levied upon, and wilt on Tues
day, the 19th day of starch, 1S95, all o'clock
I . ii. 01 said day at the Conrt House door in
Koseburg. Douglas County, Oregon, sell at pub
licsue:Ion to the blsbest bidder for cash in
hand all the right, title or interest which said
tieleiHlauu nau in or to the above ueecrined
mortgaged property on the 1th day of October.
17, or at any time thereafter, together with the
hereditaments and appurtenances therennto Le
kmjring w In any wise appurufning, and will
apply the proceeds arising therefrom, tirst to
the costs and disbursements of said sale,
and the co-'.5 and disbursements herein taxed at
ti.i.aO: second to the paymenfof 330 attornev
fees: third to the j-aymeut uf ihe stun of f4SCU.l .
with interest thereon a; the rate of S per cent,
peraunuat from the 22nd day of December, IsttL
and the over-plus. If any there be, pay to the
said defendants, or their legal reoresentatives.
sheriff of Douglas Countr, Oregon.
By D. It. Shamebook, Deputy. Ilit3
Sheriff Sale.
JL State of Oregon, fjr I).U2l4 County.
Sylvester Pcnnoyer, Geo. W. Mcltridcl
and Phil Metchans, Hoard ot Ckc- 1
m us lone d lur trie sole ot school
aoti university lands, and for the i
investment 01 tne lunas arising
U riher,lMary L. IL-her, L. S. I
a. ;. .'iiicrs ana &01. 1
State of Oregon,
County of Douglas.)
Whereas 11 1 the recnlar December term. lfI.
of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
Douglas County, plaintiffs above named recov
ered a judgment by foreclosure of a mortgage
against toe noovc named defendants. J. I., risn
er. Mary U Fisher. L. S. Ijsmb. A. C. Marsters
and sou Abraham, and against the following
itescnuca mongagei premises, to-wit: me sw
Unfll...VLll..ltt,..CL'l .V... Of I '
tne w of the SE 1 1 of Sec. 25. also the N vi of
tbeNKTtcf bee. 36. all la T. 28 S., It. 7 West,
cuniaiuii.g : sj arres in uougias county, Oregon,
tvgether with the tenements, hereditaments and
appurtenance-, thereunto belonzinc: or in anv
wbe apjivrtalmng. and whereas at tho regular
December. 1-91. term, to-wit: Oa Fridav, De
cember 11th. l01,au onlerof sale was made for
sain morigagea premises, and whereas. It was
decreed in .sid order ol sale that the defendant.
L. S. Lamb, is now owner in fee simple ot said
premises and that the defendants A. C. Marsters,
sol. Abraham and J. L. n.hcreaeh have a valid
claim against said premises in the sum uf SSl
each, with Interest thereon at the rate of 8 per
(ui. icruaiiiii irociineuin uay 01 October,
1:92. and that said claims arc subsooucnt iu cf
feet to lien of plaintiff, that said premises be
sold according to law and that the purchaser be
placed In Immediate tnesion thereof, that
the dfcndantsJ. L. Fisher, Mary I- Fisher. Ii
s. Lamb. A. C. Marsters aud sol. Abraham be
barred of all equity of redemption iu said prem
ises. Now therefore I will on Saturday the gjrd
day of Hirch, 1S95, sell all the richt, title and
interest J. L. Fisher and Mary I.. Fisher had in
or to said premises on theSthdavof Mav. ISM.
and aU all the right, tltie and interest f any
and all the ierMins claiming by under, or
through the said defendants, J. L. Fisher and
Mary L. Fisher, fmm and alter the Mh day of
May, l?0, and will apply the proceeds insing
therefrom, tlrst to the payment of the costs and
exicnscs of the foreclosure and sale of said
proerlv; second the sum of UIO attornev lees;
third to the payment of $1117.10 with interest at
per eent. per annum from December 1 1th. 1H9I.
and if alter the application of tho proceeds of
said sale aforesaid there Is any sum remaining
there bv paid the defendants'. U Fisher. A. C.
M.r.ater and Sol. Abraham the sum of J2T0 each
with Interest at the rate of n per cent, yer nn
nura. lro:il tlie Mil nf Mav. 1VJ0. and tlie
ovendoi If any there be, 1 will pay over to the
uouniy uietK to oe uisiniuiel ov order ot tte
Court. t F. CATHCAKT.
flbtt Sheriff.
Final Notice.
of Orcgou, in Douglas Comity.
In tho matter of the estate of Josephus
Iirock, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
administrator of tho above entitled estate 1ms
tiled liU final account in settlement thereof,
and the Court by order duly made and entered
ol record, has flped Monday, May iitu, lsX, at
one o'clock p.m., for hearing objections If any
there be, to said account, nnd the final settle
ment ol said estate. DALY 11R0CK,
J. V. Hamilton, Administrator.
Attorney for tllo Estate. LlMti
wc will send you Sjw$S?
a Brilliant Gem &ffiVft
of unusual color, iclJtlt
, 'e iiii3 s':t
and a copy of
"Th; Great Divide," so you can sec
what a wonderful journal it is, pro.
vided you name the paper you saw this
in. It's a real Jewel we'll send you.
The .
P. l7t S S 3tt? O o Ti jrVflssrea?
This Space
New York
Real Estate Bought and Sold
t9?ar jittSL
Farni5, large and small, to Rent,
Stock Ranges, Timber Lauds and Mining Properties,
Prune and Hop Lands of best quality, in choice locations,
in quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable
prices and easy terms. Inquire of
SCtN;5;;3 an lv-JJSnjt ku e Usaw CoWa.aB.'Cry, Oacoaa.
Itlanuf.ictnrcrs ol
tlie Celebrated
liranils of I'lonr,
Bran, Shorts, Feed, Etc, Constantly on Hand,
Highest Cash Price Paid for Wheat
is the I -inc to Take
To all Points East aud South.
It is the DLNING CAR ROUTE. Itruns through
Compelled ol Dining Cars Unsurpassed.
Pultaan Draninj Room Sleepers,
01 Latest Equipac-d,
Best that can be constructed and in
which accommodations are both FREE
and FURNISHED to holders of First or
Seeond-elas Tickets, and
A Continuous Line connecting with All Lines,
aC'onilng Direct and Uninterrupted Service
Pullman Sleeper reservation eon be secured in
advance through any agent of the road.
THROUGH TICKETS To and frost nit Points in
America, England and Xnropecan be purchased
at any Ticket Office of this Compan v.
lul. information concerning rates, time of
trains, routes and other details furnished on
ftpt'heaLou to any agent, or
Asstant General Passenger Agent,
No. 121 Firwt St. cor. Washington.
i)r. (iiblion's
l?o IZK.tltXrsT.,
Ult ,.oriu;r . Con.
, mercial. San Francisco,
! I'al.. Establishetl iu
1S., f(T tho treatment
I o b'exual and Seminal
f Diseases, such as ."
iurrlint. Ulrrt. titrirt.
C . .. v . . . . 7. : f in .int.
,iviCJSwfonus, fteminal We.ik-
!MCESVrM., uiiMlenry, and
. v.o:aiSSsi..'Jv.Lc-.t Manhood ierma
nen ly cured Tho sick and .1 fflictcd should not
fail to call upon him. The Doctor has traveled
extensively in Europe, and inspected thoroughly
the various hospitals there, ootaining a great
deal 01 valuable iannatfou, which ho is com
petent to impart to those in need of his services.
The Doctor cures wiuu others fail. Try him.
TJR. GIBBON will maie no charge unless he ef
fects a cure. Persons at a distance CURED AT
HOME. All communications strictly confiden
lal. All letters answered in plain envelopes.
Charges reasonable. Call or write. Address
DR. J. F. lilHItON. Box t5C7. San Francisco. Cal
Kuliee t iereby given tv all whom It may con
cern thai I hive 1 ppainte l U, W. 8tarns ot Cala.
pooii rrecinct Deputy Inspector cf Stock for said
precinct; posliiiEi-e a.Vlrrs?, O.tbUnd; also A. J.
Chapman (.f Wilbur, ant Kulnli Smith, at Rose
bur. to act daring my ntsence, and ulhcr wll
be added as i rtiua inspected make their desire
Vnownto mi.
Kosebutj. May tth, 1$5:.
ln.rctir tit Btoct tiir Duuilas county.'Or.
fvo Doors North of Dcjiot Hotel.
Tublo supplied with tho best tho mar
ket afFonls. Meals at all hours, 25 cents.
Special rates to families, and particular
attention aivcu to immigrants.
W. L. D, DEARDOIUT, Ttopr.
Reserved for
Cash Store,
oiler iVliUs,
Southern Pacific Co.
Express trains leave Portland daily.
south I
I North
Lv. - Portland - Ar.
Lv. - Rosebnrg - Lv.
Ar. - San Francisco Lv.
3:20 a. x.
1130 r. x.
7:00 p. x.
Above trains stop at all stations From Port
land to Albany inclusive. Also Tangent,
Shedds, Ualsey, Harrisburg. Junction City,
Irving. Eugene and all stations from Roscburg
to Ashland inclusive.
Rosebnrg JIail Daily.
!:30a. H.t Lv.
5:50 r. jr. ! Ar.
Portland - Ar. I 4:30 r. jt.
Rosebnrg - Lv. ! 7:1)0 a. sr.
Pullman Buffet Sleepers
Attached to" all Through Trains.
West Side Division.
nctwecn Portland anil Corrallls.
Mail train daily (except Sunday).
7:30 a.m. (Lv. - Portland - Ar. I 5:35 r. 31. I Ar. - Corrallis - Lv.l lp.v
At Albany and Corrallls connect with trains
of Oregon Pacific railroad.
Express train daily except Sunday).
t:40r.M. Lv. - Portland -
Ar. ::25A.ii.
Lv. I 5-.S0 A. it.
1 r. M. I Ar. - McMinville
Throush Ticket to nil Points tn
tlc Eastern Mates. Canada and
Europe can be obtained at low
est rates from George Estc, Agent
Manager. Asst. G. F. & Pass. Agen
X t Vl. I'annlv nrTV...-.!..
Sol Abraham,
L. C. Bcardsly, Peter Hume, E. B.
Preble, Martha A. Bogges and T. R.
Sheridan, Executors and Executor
of the estate of T. R. Ecwgei, de
ceased. The Or. gon & tUlifornia
Lumber Co., a corporation. F
Rom, S. Y. Condon, Dut. Atty.
for DougWt County and Ada Beard -It
To L. C. Bcardsley, the above camedd&fendant
In the name ot the State of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
pliint Med against 3 ou in the above entitled suit
un or before the first day of the next re-ular term
of s-iidcourt, for said County and State, apniinttd
to he held and to commence en Monday the lth
day of March, A. I). 1S0J, that bung the first
day of the term of said court legularly following
the expiration the tine prescribed for the publi
cation of this summons in and by an order herein
made by the Hon. Judge ot said court and bear
ingdatu the 31st day ot Decembtr, IS94, lor the
service of this summous by the publication there
of for 6 consecutive weekr, and if yen fail . to
appear and answer said cotnpliict, the plaintiff
herein will taVe judgment against you and a de
cree as follows:
1. For the sum of JD70.97 with intrcst at tha
rata of 10 per cent, per annum, from the 7th dar
of October, 1S3J, and for the further sum at S160
as attorney's fees and further for his coats and
2. That tha fallowing described premises.
T?"Wlt:. Number Nineteen (19) in Brook's and
. ,7e." s Adaiion, the same being the Brookside
Addition to the City of Roseburg. in the County
J Douglas, btate it Oregon, according to the offi
cial survey and plat or said addition of record ia
the office of tte County Clcik of Dcuglaa County,
together with tho tenements, hereditament! and
appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise
appertaining, be sold by the Sheriff of said County
?J"r?Fla?tLmA"l' b0 VVM to the
payment of the above amounts, and that jou aud
all persons claiming unccr you or subsequent to
f of the mortgage sued on herein
shall Debarred and foreclosed of all right, claim,
or equity of tcdemplion in the said premises and
that execution tune against you for any de
ficiency which may remain after applying all the.
proceeds of tha sale oi raid premises properly ay
phcablo to the satisfaction of wid judgment
'3ltb ttorney for the Flaintiff .
0. B. Cannon is agent for the iro
man's Fund anil Homo Mutual Insurance
Companies. Thoy aro both raciflc.Coast
Companies and therefore deserve your