THE PLA1NDEALER .MONDAY, MAKCI1 IS, 1S95. Tlie ciiurciicN. BirnfT Church comer of Lane anA Res streets. Sunday Service: Trenching, U a. m. aad 7s p. m.; Young IVoplo't Union. 6:30 p.m.; Mrs. G. X. Anncs, President; Sunday School.'lO c m.: Junes Chamberlain, Superintendent Praver Mediae, Thursday evening at 7:30. Ukv. G. X. Axsas, Pastor. Residence, Xo. S2I Main Street. McrnoDtrr Chckcu corner of Main and Lane streets. Sunday Service: rreachtng, 11 o. m. nnd :3) p. m.; Sabbath school, 10 a. m.: Dr. James Itarr. Superintendent; Class Meeting at loc of the morning service; EpwortH League 6:30 p. m. Clare Hume, President. Prayer Meet ing. Thursday, at 7:30 p. m. N. 8. ItccKNcn, t. 1)., Pastor. Parsonage, comer Main and Lane. PKKsr.YTEitUK Ciiraru corner of Cass nnd Kre-e strcvt. Sunday Service: PupUe worship, 11 a in. and TK p. ru.; Sai.kuh School. 10 a. m.; y.r.S.C.t," p. to. Prayer Meeting. Wednes day, "20 r, n- K. B. nawoKTit, Pastor. T. K. Keeps tho Fischer nnd Vose pianos. T. K. Ghickerinc Keeps pianos. and Hardtnan T. K. Sells musical goods for less than Fort Sand prices. For Sale. A fino Jersey hull call for sale cheap. Inquire at this office. T. K. Keeps over forty different kinds of musical instruments constantly on hand. T. K. Has ordered a large shipment of Wash burce musical goods direct from the factor?. Special Offer. in Fruitrale addition, 50x100 feet. Price $20 each. D. S. K. Buick. . T. K. Keeps and Kingsley pianos, and other makes. Wilcox and White, Estey, Packard, Chicago, Cottage and Earhoff organs. T. K. Richardson-, Iwoscbirg, Or. Notice. All iersoas indebted to 0. K. Hill of Roseburg are asked to call and pay on or before March 4, IS35- By so doing they trill save cot. This is the last notice. G. K. IIiix. Novelty Store, lias jest received a larje line of ladies dress goods. We invite the public to call and examine oar stock and prices. We trill cheerfully send samples and prices to oar oat of town customers. Notice. At the regular meeting of the Board of Directors, Saturday, March 9th, it decided to meet the firs! Monday of June next to decide on the employment of teachers for the next tchool year. O. L. Wnxts, Chairman of Board. Eyes Tested Free. Call at A. Salrman's and have your eyes tested free of charge. If yon need gl&sees he trill fit yon and guaran'ee sat isfaction, or money refunded. He is here every day in the week and every week in the year, and guarantees a per fect fit. A General Clean up. The city council has ordered the abatc ment'of nuisances. As the result we ob serve several of our business men with shovel in band hearing out from their cutters the winter's accumulation of filth. It is well. Let the good work go on. It is not to soon. The health of our citi zens is of more concern than ought else. Notice to Taxpayers. The tax roll for ISO 4, is now in my bands for collection. Tax is now due and payable at my oSce. Ail taxpayers will be notified by poetal card of the amount of their tax. Please retain this card and eead it in with your remittance. If you fail to receive the notice please advice me. C. F. Cathcaet, Sheriff and Tax Collector. To Whom It flay Concern. ' -i in order to introduce our catalogue oil sheet music and music books, we make this offer: To any person in Douglas j county sending us name, style, number and price of piano or organ, bought of the Wiley B. Allen Mraic Co., eince July 3. 1EH, we will pay 2 in,sb?et music and music books. T. K. RlCHAEDSOS. Roseburg, Or. Died. John A. Strange of Wilbur died Sun day, March I7tb, aged 70 years, G months, and 5 days. 3Ir. Strange was z native of South CarclinJi. He came to Oregon -in 1671. Pis wife died April 10, 1S34. He has been ailfng several months with drop ECil afTection. He died silting in bis chair as if asleep, thus passing away without a struggle. He leaves nine children to mourn their loss. Lecture. Mrs. Unrub, president of the State W C T. TJ.. of McMinyille lectured to a fair audience at the court horse Sunday at 3 p. m., Social purity was the chief topic of her lecture. She claimed that the f.nrfard cf morals for men should be as I,?. that for women. Until that tandard is set up, holding men as rig- idlr to its requirments the social evil will flourish. Society now allows boys to "eow wild oats," while girls aro required la be models of purity refinement ana moral nerfecion. Conventionalities are nndermining the social fabric. Notice. United SUtrt LuJ Office. Eowburi, Oregon, March 11th, Wx) vf,v U hereby given that the ap- hereby gtven proved plats of survey of the following townships have been receive" finrcprnr General of Or'gon, towit Trt-nKt,in Vo. 20 S.. E. 10 west, town abip No. 30 S., R-10 west, township No. 33 S., R. 4 west, township No. 33 S., E. 6 west, township No. 34 S B. 7 west, and on Wednesday, April 24, 189 at 9 o'clock a. m.. said plats will be filed in tbia office, and the land embraced there in will be subject to entry on and after eaid dale. K. M. Veatcii, Register. B. S. Sheeidas, Receiver. BRIEF MENTION. Circuit court now in session, M. W. Pruner of Riddle is in town. James Short was in tho city Friday. T. Cox of Hudson wan in the city Sun day. W. C. SagaberdotScottsbutgisin tho city. Lane county is unanimous for a county fair. M. Volk of Portland is at the Me- CUlIcil. W. It. Well-, i.i ultilla wus in town last Saturday. A. W. Hurt of Drain came up on busi ness Friday. J. L. Dewey came down from Gleudale ye-tenlay. J. M. Dilliard was registered nt Depot hotel Friday. Jesse and W. K. Davenport wore in tha city Saturd.ty. Hev. Leonard of Wilbur was in tho city Saturday. A. S. Buel of Looking Glass was in the city Saturday. John Von Pessl of Cleveland wsb in town yesterday. Will Goldman, a knight of the grip sack, ia in town. Hon. 0. C. Brown was taking in the sights Saturday. Hon. Henry Beckley of Elkton was in the city Fiiday. E. C. Palmer and Walter Kent cf Drain are in town. G. llooyer and wife of Olalla were in town last Saturday. Fr&xier Ward and family were trading in town last Saturuay. C. W. Conway and Thos. Nicholson of Elkton are in the city. W. H. Juucou of Camas Valley was visiting in town Saturday. Geo. K. Benton of San Francisco is stopping at tho McClallen. J. R. Dixon of North Umpqua was trading here last Saturday. Wm. Brosi of Happy Valley was seen on our streets last Friday. L. G. Matthews, deputy assessor came down to the d'y Saturday. John Banks and J. W. Shuey of Oak land are at the Van Houten. Richards Bros, have hail constructed a fine show window in their store. R, B. Dixon the cattle kin on North Deer Creek was in town Friday. W. R. Smith and Jas. E. Medley of Oakland aro guests at the Van Houten. G. W. Puckett of Canyonville is in town on business before the circuit court. Hon. P. Cooper and C. A. Blackman of Roberts Creek were in the city Friday. II. L. and J. E. WelJen of Br. kway were dung business in town last Friday. M. Fickle's little boy, who was so badly scalded fhe weeks ago is improv ing. X. N. Lamberscn and Frank Wilton came in from Pillard on business last Saturday. Hon. Joe Bridges of Drain was in the city Thursday and returned on the local Friday morning. Frank Williams stricken with paral ysis was brought to the city Friday for medical treatment. ino i xaisdeaixe twice-a-week is daily receivinj subscribers. This shows its growing prosperity. Mr. Walderman of North Umpqua left Roseburg Saturday with eight St. Ber nard pups for Portland. J. L. Clough and Luke chapman of j Canyonville are in attendance at the cir- cnit court, as jury men. Rer. Father Sbabot of Montreal, Can ada, conducted the services at the Cath olic church in this city yesterday. A. M. Hunt of Happy Valley was in town last Friday. He has recently erected a shingle mill in that locality. Last Saturday was a lively day in town. We counted 35 vehicles and 26 saddle horses belonging to farmers that day. Bring your job work to the Puusde al ee office. We are prepared to do the cheapest and best work eonth of Port land. D. Looney, the marble man. Is making , t .u e t eonntr in the interest of the firm he ren Rowland A gee, who has been book keeper at Portland 3 of 4 months for L. McGregor, r turned home Satutday for a vacation. Karl's C!over Root, the great Blood purifier gives freshness and clearness to the Complexion and cures Constipation, 25cls., oOcts., $1.00. Mrs. N. T. Day after making a three weeks' visit with ber daughter, Mrs. Isi- dor Abraham, returned to her home at Wilbur last Friday. A street fakir was on the streets Satur day selling his Giant cement to mend old boots, shoes, umberellas and "eich." Only 25 cents a stick. G. W. Rapp has bought the grocery store of A. Schloeman and will hereafter cater to the needs of the people of Row burg at reasonable rales. Shiloh's Cure ii sold on a guarantee. It cures Incipient Consumption. It ia the best Cough Care. Only one cent a dose, 25cts., 50cts., and $1.00. Remarkable indeed. A man was no ticed rushing around town Friday to find a man to whom he owed $1 50 in order to pay him. It is usually the other way. Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego, Cal., sav?: "Sbilch 'a Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine I have ever found hat would do me any good." Price 50c. 31 r. McFadden of Edenbower was in the city Saturday. He thinks the freeze of Wednesday and Thursday nights did not injure tho fruit in his neighborhood. Farmers are apprehensive of a failure of the peach crop this year, owing to tho late freezes. Tho oldest inhabitant says he never saw such freezing in March be fore. Harvey Jones of French Settlement was in tho city Saturday. He tbinka tho freeze Wednesday and Thursday nights did not damage the fruit crop there. If you try the candies they make at Niece's you will not go anywhere else for candy. The taffies, creams, chews, butter cups and everything are first-class and equal to anv thing in Portland. They aro on to their job. Mr. Ronaldson, an enterprising farmer from Robpulican City, Nob., is in tho city spying out the fatness of tho land. Ho seems to bo woll pleased with wlmt he has seen of our country. Dr. Davis haR practiced dentistry in Rosebnr neatly 14 voire, and wo know tho Dr. to bo a Bkilled workman. Par ties patronizing him will save tnonoy. Dental parlors oppoaito Siocutn's hall. . Services on Clover Creok ut tho Dixon school houso on next Sabbath at 11 a. in. Servicos tho following oyentng at tho U. B. church in this city at 7:30 p. in. To theflo services all aro cordially invited. W. Reynolds, Pastor. J. J. Webb ha3oponed a second hum! store in tho old Floed building nt tho corner of Main aud Washington streets. Second hand goods of all kinds will Imj bought and sold, and the patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. S. B. Cobb loaves today for Grants Pass where he will establish :ui assay office. Mr. Cobb is an experienced assayor and doubtless will fill a long felt want of tho miners of Douglas. Joseph ine, Jackson, Coos and Curry counties. Rev. R. B. Dilworth preached an in structive and interesting discourse at the Presbyterian church yesterday. "Sho done what she could," was his text, nnd he urged upon all to do what they could for the cause of God and tho spread of morality. Don't think that small things are un worthy of notice. If you do your horse may not, as was illustrated on Jackson street Saturday. A billy goat frightened a team which floundered around nnd came near running uway, after braking tho wagon. Prosecuting Attorney Brown returned to Roeeburg yesterday, after having been in attendance on the circuit court for the past two weeks. Mr. Brown is a gentle man of first-class ability, and is making many lriends in Knzen. En go no Register. W. S. Jefferson of Yoncalla was in tho city Saturday. He reports that the lato frosts have slightly injured the fruit and grass. He also thinks the Puukoealcr has coruo up to the stand ard of a good local paper. Thanks, Mr. Jefferson, thanks. Quilp 'How did Fiblwr get the repu tation for truth and veracity when he is the biggest liar on o irth ?" Questor "On that's easy enough ac counted for. He tells every young ladv he meets that she ia the prettiest, woman of his acquaintance. See?" The Fireman's Fund Insurance com pany is recognized all over the Pacific coast as being the leading company. Its policies are accepted by the U. Gov ernment without question. Place your insurance in tins old anI well I - r rs 'uo company, ... wnnon, resi- , aent agent. j The Victor Pacific Mining Co. have I per uay pump lor their placer mines on Cow creek. This company under the management of W. II. Taylor, president, and J. W. Dyrenforth, secrectary, are ! pressing the work of the mine. Wilt; I employ 15 to -0 men this summer. Judge Fnllerton sentenced at Eugene the 14th J. M. Bennington to 10 years in the pen for forging a check for $33. The Judge als-i sentenced Johnny Gray to 2 years for fortn a check on the First Natinmi binfc of Eucetie. and at- ! tempting to it: Frank Millet was ' sentenced to tay a tine of $23 for simple ; larcenr. i Mr. A. II. Reich, a Portland sculptor, . has been :n Rosebqrg last week in the! interest of the Roseburg Marble Com- j pany. He retnrned home Sunday morn-1 ing after a thorough examination of the , quarry and is fully satisfied with the valuable deposits of stone found in this ' locality. He regrets lo have lo leave ; here but hopes to bo able to make a i longer stay in the near futnre. If you cant find anytLing fust claa3 In the dry goods line anvwhere else, call on WollenborgA Abraham at the Square Dl store. There vou will find the most fashionable goods of the best qual- ity and at prices that will astonish yon for cheapness. New goods received al-i most daily, and we are determined to outdo all competitors. The Square Deal store is the place to gel your money, s worth. P. H. Harper, in company with J. Newton and D. E. and II. Usher, all of Vancouver, Wath., passed through the city Friday by team on their way to Southern Oregon, on an observing and prospectipg tour, with the view of set - tling permanently if the climate, people and country proves sufficiently attract ive. Their initial point of observation is the Rogue river vallev. They were pro- vided with a camping outfit, being thus ' independent of hotels. Our assecscr is at work uow taking the census along with the assessment: It is hoped that Mr. Sterling will do this thoroughly. Take all thu time, Jimmy, necessary to do both branches of work well. You need to constitute yourself a i detective. Fctret out every dollars worth ot ptopcrty ami every man, woman, and child, acre of land, town lot. horse, cow, sheep and hog. Don't be bashful. Pump every man for all he has. It will be easier on those who have not, even that which ho has. Make a big long list, James, wo are entitled to it. Koeeburgers ought to trade wholly at home. If your merchant or grocer has not the goods you want, request him to order it for you from the bigger marts. In this way you will place tiiem under obligations to purchase your produce in return. There should be a reciprocity of interest between tho countrymen and townpeople. You can mutually benefit each other by such a course. Bo friendly, patronize the one tho other. Build up Roseburg and Roeeburg will build up tho country. Make one hand wash tho other. Scratch our back and wo'JI scratch yours. We desire correspondents from every heiehborhood in the county. Stato as briefly as possible every item of interest, such as condition of crops, fruit; tho deaths, diseases, births, marriages and religious and social gatherings. If you have decided opinions on the currency question give us that with ycur reason therefor. Ideas, not I ho garb or dress, is what wo want. .Injthis way you can briug tho advantages of your local ity to view, which will benefit your peo- pie and help make the Plainiiealek medium of ueneral prospority of the county. Queries upon historical, social or political questions, etc., will be an swered briefly. ' BUSINESS LOCLAS. A. Salzmau, tho roliablo jeweler. .1. T. Bryan, tho Btmy Watch maker. J,, liullils, watcliinuker, ltom-t'iirg, Ore. Go to tin Ito4tlo.if for tho host i:i.i ru For a good . wm cigar call on Mm.N. Bovd. For lirat-class duuUHUy go to Dr. Little of Oakland. Harness of all kimlx nt low priivn hi G. W. Woodward'. Eastern oysturs on tho half shell, tho Katuly Kitchon. Pino fre.sli candied luuntifuclured at nt the ICaudy Kitchen. Prices on wall pucrare just right at Markers' drug store. Key West, imported and domestic r.igurs at the Hoseleaf. Ahthastine, kalsomine ami whitewash at Marhters' drug store. Old newspapers at Hie Plaikmcai.ek otlice, 25 io nt s per hundred, If you don't nee what you want oak for it ut Muratcra' drug store. Thu latest novels only 10 cents each, at Geo. Langenburg's uewstnud. Pacific Coast aud Eastern orsters in any stylo at tho Kaudy Kitchen. School books, :i full and complete assortment at Marsters'drug store. Hats! hat! hats! Tho latest. Where? Just arrived at Osburn's now tttoro. Myrtle Creek flour, only 80 cents per sack. Delivered freo. A. C. See steel wrought iron range add in another column. Don't get humbugged. Thu best of values in a new line of gent'n overshirls at tho Novelty store. You can savo f 20 on steel ranges by buying of Churchill, WooIIey fc McKen zie. Royal Rose and Myrtle Creek flour at Johnston Grocery, delivered freo of charge. F. W building llayues, dentiit, in Mark's All kinds of dontal work guar- antecd. For good blackemitbing cheap, go to McKinney & Manning, Oakland. .Meals at all hours at the Kand) Kitchen, southe-nt corner Taylor & Wil son block. A large and choice Kclectioti of the latest designs in wall aier at MarsterV drug store. See new line ot mens, hoys, and child ren's hats at Ostiums. Next door to Review office. We can show the ladies a nice line of hosiery and summer underwear at the Novelty store. Don't forget that J. T. Bryan, the jew- ,t i i.:. .i ... c, 1. ciur, lias csiauiisjjcu ma niui uv 7uuu; : furnUuro 6lore. Ready mixed paints in all shades and j to the drug store of Dr. Hamilton, sup colors, and auy size packages at Mars- posed to be fatally wounded. Thompson store. You get tho best cigar where you get the bet candy. At Niece'o nndv fac tory. Don't forget it. Just itnnK ot it : .Men a cotton hose, double heel and toe for five cents per pair. .Novelty store. Hats in all the latest eyles just arrived at Oaburns. The new stock of shoes' will arrive in a fuw das. I Take your families to the McClallen j House. Mrs. McClallen w ill see that they arc well cared for. l( you are in need of any thing in the jla jne jt pj,y vou t0 CXamine the new stock at Osburn's new store, Protect yourself against cold and pneumonia by wearing a chest protector, Fine ones at Marsters' drug store. Now is the time to spray vour trait j " Irw. Time, sn nlmrnn. h ue vitriol for : that purpose at Marsters' drug store. When you have a social or birthday riirtv vnn Yi-ant irrvlliifir. fire? f1n4t i ." " , . ... , " ,, . Rl Mnile it Niwfl'ii nr mil will nut it " j . , ', , , , . Jack ,t ,4W i aCP !scncy of Neander. Urshtng & Co.. foi orders for tal,or "udo 8U,ls of c,otu,nf:- Uieatly reuucetl rates at the .McClallen j House. As we all kiiow, D. C. Mc - Uallco is a first tiasj hotel man. Otvejjoin in harmonious, active and detet him a call. , mined work for the cause of Christ the Mrs. I.ynne, a pupil of the late Prof, city would soon lie ablaze with Christi Speranzt of Milan, Italy, gives vocal and nily and refilling benefits. piano forte lessons. Terms reasonable, j - Residence at Mrs. Parties. ! The IT. .?. finvH Rennrts It you don't w.tul to suiter Willi corns and bunions, havo your boots aud elioes 'made at L. Lingcnbur'a. Repairing! neatly and promptly done. Another installment of those il.oO. shoes, the best ever offered In the place. Staple goods of all kinds at prices to suit the times, at II. C. Stanton's. When Old Sol cumcs down most un mercifully, don't forget tho line of straw and other wide brimmed hats for men, ladies aud children, at the Novelty store. Young man keep your eye peeled when vnn hnv namlv fnr vnnr tirl ?nf it nl Niece's. The ladies aro judges of i-atnly and know a good thing when they ee it T(.n t.'i,0n,nnu pn ........ losses in Roseburg than other otiip.iny and has held the patronage of many o or.r leading citizen for more than 25 years. Dr. F. 'V. Ifajnes has just returnel from the East and opened dental parlors in Mark's building, where, ho will he pleased to welcome persons desiring den tal work. L. Laugcnburg is still on top. Ho carries a full stock of choice music, mu sical instruments, violin, guitars, accord eons etc., violin strings ot best quality always on hand. Just try Niecu'd candies. If you do and you aro any judgo you will not buy candies any other place; There is no dish rag tnetn and you don't need any hammer to crack them oither. D. 0. McClallen has gono hack to the McClallen House. Everything is in first class condition. Mr. McClallen has charges of tho kitchon and dining room. I,ook out for Hoiuelhing good to eat. Tlio'ro luivin.' second hand stoves, furniture, etc., for silo can receive the highest cash price hv calling upon N. Rico, tho furniture, and supply dealer, 221-23 Jackson street Roseburg, Or. As I may ha ahont from tlio uily a a j few weeks I will nuy to my friends that 1 havo confidoucu in tho professional skill of Dr. F. R. CofTuiau who will havo chargo of my praclico till my return. Dr. N. P. Bunnel. In the Circuit Court. Tlio circuit court convened nt li o'clock thin morning. PnMit, Hon. .1. U. 1 nl lerton, Judgo; F W. Hnncon, i lprk ; ('. F. Cathcart, ulieriff; with the iimu.iI imin hor of deputiep, li.tllilfH, etc. The drawing of the grand j try re sulted as follows: Jbs, ,.Medli. foie iinin, ThoH. Nicholson, John I'Miikx, J. A. Uunter. 8. J. Chtnowerth, J.n. Mllli keuaud, W, P. 'I'otten. The docket is the highest f ir several terms. The case of Jane Davis vi. S. I. R. R. Co., the first tn tw tried, U o,n nf great importance as it will 'ffect and pmliahly settle the liability ! i-cnnmm i-.irrierrt under the lawtnof this Htate. The plaint itr is represented ' K. It. I'reb'-i and thoS. P. Co. by Bruimuith, MnArihur, Fehton, Bron ingh A Willl. A,.l;iiurrer wns to have lueu Hrgued tin's inoruing but was withdrawn and ilw caw f-l for trial at 1 o'c'o.'b. U to 2 p. m. lour juryman beu'ii nccepied. the uocRtr. Thos. Hirst el al. vs. Emma Naiherg etal.; partition. Continued. Maria Schroten vs. S. A. Cutuiuiugs; confirmation. Cnuflrmcd. A. G. Young et al. vs. Chenoweth Park Fruit Association; foreclosure. Dis missed. Feudal Sutherlin vs. W. G. B. Dixon et al.; confirmation. Confirmed. J . P. Martin va. Perry Duncan ; to re cover money." Settled and dismiend. G. Grubbe, executor, vs. Nolen Urithhe; to recover money, Default and judge ment, and order of sale of nii iclied prop erty. FondalSuther in vs. P. A. Harris etal.; confirmation. Confirmed. It. A. Fellows vs. S. D. Evans: in equity. .(. II. Shupe appointed referee. S. 0. Miller vs. J. Mote; to recover money. Settled aud dismissed. Remlnescent. fho Oregoniau of tho 14'.h inst., under thu head of ruiuiuescent refers to a little affair between the Gale brothers, Tommy aud Henry, and Bud Thompson and says that Thompson came out without a fcratch. It may uot te an ia to correct this statement. In tno early seventies the Galo brothers were publishing a re publican paper in Roseburg. Bud Thompson started the Pl-msoealer, democratic, double-dyed at that time. Hot words in print stirred bad blood, and one very pleasant Sunday morning between 10 and 11 o'clock, the Gale brothers camo walking up Main street and met Thompson at the crossing of lKioglas street. Hot words iinmedittely ensued. There were soyeral shot lired. Tommy Gale received a bullet between tho chest acd abdomen. Thompson re ceived a shot Kelt back in the lowor jaw, and all of them were prostrate after the melee was over. Henry Gale appeared lo be the lesstliurt. Tommy was carried wis led into the postoffico bleeding pro fusely and minns two or three teeth. They all finally recovered, Tommy Gale carried the lead to his gravo however, and it is quite probable his days were shortened by the effects of the shot. Bod Thompson afterwards went to Prine- I ville, and after his murderous affair in ( that place, he, by the advice of friends weni to California. As Eye Wi 1TXKSS. Chnrch Services. Rev. N. S. Buckner preached Sunday morning from 1st Cor. vs. 53, Chap. 15. Mr. Buckner dwell upon the im portance of labor in support of the church. He said we should Lo fitted to do God's work, not our own. As dis ciples of Christ we should forsake every thingnot to "hunt an! fish." We should, as Christ said to the rich young ar i t . . t . i a ai mou nasi anu give 10 the ioor." This the Christian will Jo if s be hive the love of Go-I in his heart by the noly ghost. None, he thought, could ! map out the proper wav of life but Chris- . 1 1 - w ' tians who aro well grounded in the faith, Faith was tho indispensiblo article for ! "Ivation-faith in Christ who suffered dleJ tQ MVB IlumauitJ. , pie in the church he said work for pay. j me.but acti.e, eai nest weakens for God J uere cllicient in his cause. He thought 1 i,t if ihe clturches ( itoburg would show Royal Baking Powdci superior to all others. Scottsburg Items. Mrs Alice Reed, wife of John Reed of I Montesano hut formerly of Gardiner, died in Gardiner on the 11th inst, at the resiueuce of her mother, Mrs J. H. Itiitler. Mrs. Reed had been visiting her relatives in this vicinity for tho last few weeks accomp'inied by three child ren, one having remained with tho 1 'tlier. ! to llltll. The svl news was telegraphed Mrj. Reed was hurried, in tho e-tisunru' cemetery, a Urge circle of relatives and friend nccompanying thu I rL'"a'n8 to their I mt reatiug place. Tho syiiip.ilhic-s of the community arc with the mother and sisters nud other rela tives, in the sad bereavement. Hon. Henry Ueckley was in Scottsburg on the 13th. An Insane man was brought up from Coos county in chargo of tho fberiff on Wednesday, and passsil on by stage to Draiu. Scottshurg and vicinity was visited by a freeze recently. From Olalla. En. Plaisuealek: I read Mr. Kes- tor's letter in the Plmnoualkr stating that he took no part in dances whatever, and that "Thankful" hnd belter confino hereelf to tho truth in the future I think that if .Mr. Kesler will look in the Review dated sometime before the last dauco was given in the school house, he will find there that Hie directors wero going to give a school dance in the near future. If tho dance was not given ami Mr. Ivueter was not one of the school directors, I will take buck nbat I said. Otherwiso I will not. 1 wish to say richt here that I do not put any thing in the items that I write that is disrespectful, or that I think is fnhe, or meaut for any slur. Thankful. Farmers will pleaBu luur in mind that stable room for bating teainb of patrons is frro at the Depot hotel. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Forty Years the Standard. NEWS ITEMS. It is reported that tho coronation of the czar will take place in Moscow in the Intter hall .f May. 1'lin .M.nilmii- 11 I.-f. new '.iiiMing in M11W V.kil 21 -Mt'H liijl. . Hie Ii ihftt hrtl'ita In bui.'.lii C i'i ' I!) .1 1 ite order of the .'i-tui.i!-'',i veil- er.l pntnl elerkN are not Ut be wiven pHS.nix mi rHilionlH oilier llian on (ficlr regular ruuAes, w he'ii nlfdnty. Nouiul.iiJi s iucrkraiii U made nl fac tories by the ton, and at a niuall town about fifty mile from Clevelaud, Ohio, 825 tuna weio made last fall at one fac tory. Kato Fields Washington. An addition to a cotton mill at Gtlffiti, Ga., is to bo made costing $125,030 with 5000 spindles and 200 looms. Ai Lang ley S. C. a new mill with 12,000 spindle has been decided to be built. Several other cotton inanufacturies by Northern Capital is in contemplation. Baltimore, March 14. Seventeen- year-old William Bocttler, a press boy at Dreicbaler's printing office, was electro cuted today. Ho stood on a zinc floor with his right hand resting on the elec tric motor, and turned tho lever with his left hand. Ho was killed instantly. riot occurred at New Orleans on March 12tb. It appears a lot of non union colored men took the places of white men at ahiploading at the docks. Tho whites made an attack npon the negroes simultaneously at points mileB apart, resulting in tho killing of several negroes. Washington, March 14. The report of the bureau ot statistics ehows the number of immigrants arriving in this country during February. 1895, was 6,908, against 0,002 during February, 1894. For the last eight months the to tal was 130,129 as against 199,129 during the same period last year. San Fbaxcisco, March 14. The attor ney for the A. R. U. Strikers stated in the United States court today that the man named O'Brien had confessed that be was paid $400 to wreck the train near Sacramento last July in which four sol diers were killed and for which wreck Worden is under sentence of death. Governor Lord was for many years chief justice of tho supreme court of Ore gon, and does anyone for a moment suppose ho would have signed the branch asylum bill had it not been constitu tional? There is 110 hotter conatituional layer in the state than the governor, and as the question was in the courts before he retired from the bench, the fact that he signed the bill almost as soon as it reached him is a pretty good indication as to what wilt be the decision of the su preme court no matter in what shape the question comes up before it. The wishes of the people of the stato will ite carried out In spite of the narrow selfishness of the Salem enjoinera. Union Republi can. An agreeable variety has been intro duced into the stories of aged persons who milk all the cows, clean all the barns, chop cords of wood, etc., before breakfast. From WarrenEburg, Mo., comes a relation of ono William Long, aged CG, who seeing a raccon run up a 60 foot tree, shinned up after the em blem of the Old Line Whig3, caught him in the top, and brought him down in trinmpn. Missourians have been known to lie (I hope Champ Clark has gone home, and will never see this.) But assuming that the story ii true, it would seem that Long's family were awfully hard up for meat, and not particular as to the kind. Ex A report of the inspection of the sev eral branches of tho National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, made by Gen. J. C. Breckinridge, Inspector-General of tne Army, has been sent to con gress. The dutv of inspecting the sev eral branches of the Home related to over 15,000 men, and disbursements amounting to $4,753,173. There is prob ably nothing, the report says, which more deserves consideration than the decorous and comfortable houseing cf the soldiers. The men who have by their conduct in war and by their present disa bility earned a perfect title to all the con sideration now shown them, deserve something better than sleeping on floors or overcrowding in basements. It has been said that there are more younfc men in the penitentiary in this country learning trades than there are ontside of them. The principal canse of j tilts is, we are educating our young men for gentlemen ; trying to make lawyers, doctors and clerks out of the material that nature intended for blacksmiths, carpenters and "hewers of the wood." It is a mistake, and a big one, 10 teach boys and girls by insinuations that to labor is disgraceful, or if labor is neces sary for a livelihood to follow a genteel occupation, and that to do nothing for a living is more becoming the society in which they expect to more and havo re spect. Hang such society! It is rotten to the core, and there are many men's sons and daughters who are uow being educated to play the part of ''leading lady" and "walking gentlemen" in the great drama of life, who will light out for a poor houso or penitentiary belore they have played their part and the curtain drops. Go to work ! Kiddle Enterprise. The Continental Insurance Company of New York has refused to join the new Compact entitled the board of Fire Underwriters of the Pacific, nuliecing that the board is not a benefit for the people but tor tho insurance companies in keeping up rates. This company litis the best financial standing and loss pay ing record. It was tested in the great Chicago fire in 1S71, paying eteiy dol tarof its losses amouuting to over two million of dollars. Its record of almost fifty years is prompt aud liberal in the settlement of all houent claims. Its motto is for the interest of the people as well as tho company. You owe your patronage to this company and should see Wayno Jones, Agent, when yon take insurance. Four 11 Ik Successes. Having the needed merit lo more than make good all tho advertising claimed for them, tho following four remedies have reached a phenominal sale. Dr. King's New Discovery, for consumption, Coughs and colds, each hottlo guaranteed Elec tric Bitters, the great remedv for Liver. Stomach aud Kidnoys. Ittickleti's Arnica Salve, tho best in the world, Htid Dr. King's New Lifa Pills, which are a per tcct pill. All theuo remedies are guaran teed to do just what is claimed lor them and the dealer whoso name is attached herewith will be glad to tell you more of them. Sold at A. 0. Marsters & Co.'s Drug Store. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report il K Absolutely pure LITTLE WILL BE DONE. Until Republicans Have Full Con- trol of the Government. Senator 1'latt, of Connecticut Bays that very little can ho accomplished in the way of legislation to relieve the distressed conditition of the couutry until after 1896, when he hoped the- republicans would be in power in all brauches of the government. He said: "If measures, consideration of which has been blocked, should be brought foward at the next congress, they doublesH would come in a shapeless mass, calculated to do mis chief. The financial situation may im prove ; we hope for bimetalism, and we hope for improved .business conditions. If we should succeed in securing bimet alism that would settle the trouble and diminish the friction which'now prevails with reference to the silver question." The World's Fair Tests showed no baking powder so pure or so great In leav ening power as the Royal. Postal Order. Washington, March 14. The postmaster-general has issued an order that hand-stamped alterations of or additions to price lists, invoices, catalogues, or other forms of the same nature, as well as like changes in circulars or other printed matter, converting the same into orders for goods or makiogany announce ment of the character of a peruonal com munication, are held to be equivalent to writing or typewriting and will therefore be subject matter npon which they may be impressed, when mailed, to letter rate postage. Mere business cards, however, or other hand-stamped editions, clearly of an ad vertising character, may be impressed upon a third-class matter without sub jecting it to a higher rate of postage. Slnrvelons Results. From a letter written by Rev. J. Gund erman, of Dimondale. Mich., we are per mitted to make this extract: "I have no hesitation in recommending Dr. King's New Discovery, as the results were al most marvelous in the case of my wife. While I was pastor of the Baptist chnrch at Rives Junction she was brought down with Pneumonia succeeding La Grippe. Terrible paroxysms of coughing would last hours with little interruption and it seemed as if she could not survive them. A friend recommended Dr. King's New Discovery ; it was quick in its work and highly satisfactory in results." Trial bottles free at A. C. Masters it Co.'s Drug Store. Regular size 50c and $1.00. The Armor of the Oregon. WtsifTVvrnv ATomt, 14 TT, nan. ifo- partment accepted 315 tons of Harvey - ized nickel steel armor for the battle ship Oregon, made by theCarnagie Steel company, as the result of a trial of an 18 incli. plate at Indian Head today. The plate received two shots from a twelve ton gun. The first was sent at a velocity of 1,046 feet per second and smashed to pieces on the face of the plate, which was scaled a little at tho point of contact, but was not cracked. The second shot had a velocity of 1,926 feet. This pene trated nine inches and then broke up, but it cracked the plate from top to bot tom. The plate, however, was pro nounced to be of good quality. Eggs For Hatching From thoroughbred fowls bred for health and profit not inbred. Buff, White and Brown Leghorns, Light Brah- mas, Black itngsuaws ami ttiacK .Minor ca?, the great eg-producers summer and winter. Eggs for sale at Barker's i grocery store, Roseburg, at $l.C0 per 13. j Address Umpqua Poultry Yards, Rose-1 burg. Or. Fhso To'-les, Prop. The reiton "Water Motor I & Co. ; otherwise the same nill lie placnJ Ot capacities varying from 1 to 25 horse in bauds for collection. Pleas-j give this power affords the most convenient, eco- call prompt attention and thns avoid d nomical and reliable power" for all light j di'ional mists. AsiiKit Mares, service. One of these may be seen run-' Adminis-trator of htjt 4 S. Mart ning at this office. Send for circulars. ' . The Pelton Water Wheel Co., 121 Main or. Price's Cream Baking Poweer St., San Francisco. Cal. World's Fair HIefaut Medal aad Didssuu , Its Fame STATUE OF THE tlEPUBUC COURT O? HONOR WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION. ipmu""itii; I '- i.ii'TnTx Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder It received the highest award at the fair from a jury headed by the Chief Chemist of the U. S. Department of Agriculture. Dr. Price's was officially commended for highest leavening power, purity, keeping qualities and general excellence. C Baking Powder Lego Still in the Swim. Lego u'aim a sm jll space in yoor col umns to make a short reply to X in the Flainokaleu of March 14th. X makes a feeble attempt to criticise the article of Lego in your issue of March 7th, but fjils to controvert the position taken by T-:o, with tho exrention of making the declaration that thv free coinage ot silver would result in disastrous consequences to agriculturists, and to all classes in the various pursuits of life. He might have excepted the banker. X u much con cerned because Lego does not give rea sons and argument in the presentation of his views expressed. We might retaliate in the samo terms, but as X in his article is devoid of reason and argument in the presentation cf his declarations, we deem it a waste of time, and a tresspassing on your columns to elaborate our views to any great extent, merely to gratify his curiosity. We will give the views of one as eminent and distinguished ab a HUles man, and one as sound on financial ques tions as X could po3siblv be, even in his own imagination. Lego presents the views of the Hon. J. G. Blaine, given a short time before his demise, and i-o give X an opportunity to make the declara tion that Blaine Was advocaiiog a policy that would bring disaster and ruin uj-on tho country. We copy from the Congressional Record. Mr. Blaine said: "On the much-vexed and long-mooted question of a bimetallic standard, my onn views are sufficiently indicated in the remarks I have made. I believe tho Htruggle. now going on in this i nuntry ai'd in other countries for a single uold standard would, if snccessfnl, produce widespread disaster in and throughout the commer cial world. The destruction of silver aa money and establishing gold as the (! unit of value must have a ruinous etfert on all forms of property except throe in vestments which yield a fixed return in money. These would be enormonsly en hanced in valne ami would gain a ili proportionate and unfair advantage over every other species of property. I be lieve that gold and silver coin to be the money of the coiu-titutiou, indeed the money of the American people anterior to the institution, which the great or ganic law recognized as quite independ ent of its owu existent:. No power was confered 011 congress to drclare eiiher metal should not be money. . Congress has, therefore in my judgment, no power to demonetize either, any morn than to demoneliza bolh. If, therefore, silver has been demonetized. 1 am in favor of retnouetizing it. If its coinige ha? been prohibited, I am in favor t having it resumed- If it has been rr- 1 stricted, I am in favor of haying it en- larked." These are tho views tfJ. G. Elaine, once tho ideal of the republican , party, and now his memory is held in high re gard by all American citizens. Although the view's of as humble an individual aa Lego may be, yet, the views of the dis tinguished statesman just quoted from may have a tendency to lessen the parti san prejudice that may possibly exist in the mind of X. X prays to his God to deliver us from thu calamity that the free coinage of silver would bring upon us. Possibly, the God to whem he prays may be the idol, gold, which is designed ere another decade of years to be hurled, from its base, and the servant of the peo ple, silver, assume its wonted soverignty. Friend X, please give us some of your reasons why gold should te the sole and I only standard of viluj in monetary affairs. Lego. Final Call. All perrons are hereby iioti'icd to . !- ... . r .. . j muse imuicouiR reiiiement or inetr in ; debtedness to the lute firm of S. Marks Will Live. The World's Columbian Expos ition marked the climax of hu man achievement. It will live in memory of the crowning glory of modern times. No other devel opment of the closing century can compare with it in practical benefit to mankind. "Who that exhibited is not proud of it ? Who that failed to exhibit does not regret the omis sion ? The former are the people of to-day. The latter are relics of the past. No honor so high as that em. bodied in an award at the fair. Competition was world-wide, the fruits of ripest experience and noblest endeavors were submit ted for examination. Honest tribunals, composed of eminent scientists, examined and passed upon the claims of exhib itors. Their judgement based on f inquiry and justice, proves con clusively the value of any article they commend. Their approval was stamped on