The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, March 18, 1895, Image 2

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Subscription Rate:
One ir payable in advance . 8z oo
Jtosth, . x oo
Months, " 50
The Halsey News bus gone where
tho woodbine twineth.
. How a dentist lives from hnnd to
month. It requires ruany hnrd pnlls
to pnll throngh.
Henry Brophy, lorifr nitjhtwatch
at the capital, has been appointed
first warden of tho penitentiary.
"Under the Sherman act of July 14,
1890, there had been issned 155 mil
lion dollars worth of treasury notes
on Jan. 1, 1S95.
The deadlock continues at Dover,
K Petitions from all parts of
tho state are circulating asking for
Biggins' re-election.
One of tho striking differences be
tween democratic rule and republican
rule is that the former is debt-making
and the latter debt-paying. States
man. "Bingensm" is the new worn that
the Salem Statesman has coined for
nse when it refers to Hermann.
Klamath -Express. Bingensm is tho
ism that takes.
Xoran Bros, have disposed of their
interest in the Eugene Register to C.
J. Howard, L. S. Rowland and How
ard Rowland, who promise to give its
readers a first-class local paper.
On the first of January 1895 there
were in circulation $331,077,7S4 of
silver certificates, and but $53,361,909
of gold certificates, nearly five times
more silver certificates than gold.
In the Indiana legislature the 11th,
Senator Parker, a democrat, de
nounced Secretary Hoke Smith, as
the "most universally despised and
contemptible man in the democratic
YLy not reorganize the board of
trade? The time is ripe for business
men to bestir themselves and look
out for the interests of Rosebnrg,
now languishing for want of con
certed action.
The Corvallis Gazette hits the nail
on the head, thusly, in reply to the
claim of papers devoted to Senator
Dolph, criticising Hermann: The
state never had a tatter representa
tive than Hermann."
The Oregonian is reminded again
that the gross premium insurance
tax is a law, and the rates have not
been raised and they are not going
to be. The prospects for lower rates
are, however, bright. Statesman.
An $SOO,000,000 revenue and a
$1,000,000,000 appropriation is an in
novation in governmental policy not
likely to meet with favor in this
country. It is, however, one of the
results of a "campaign of education.''
President Cleveland while fishing
the other day accidentally got the
book fastened in his coat tail, and
thus caught the biggest sucker on
top of the round earth the sucker
of Dinklemann, Rothschild, John
Bull & Co.
"Florence is tho most prosperous
town in Oregon," exultantly declares
the West edited by Senator Alley of
Lane. But-it is yet a long way out
of the world. Hell is also the most
prosperous place in the universe.
Salem Post: The power of our
younc native senator is recognized
from where the restless surges beat
and lash against the Atlantic coast to
where the white capped waves with
musical murmnrings kiss the golden
sands on Oregon's shore.
Ugh! where is our Emelling salts.
Such adulation is fulsome.
The controversy so bitterly waged
by the pi ess, pro and con, when
boiled down, is "free ind unlimited
or restricted coinage of silver," for
in practice every silver dollar now in
circulation is taken for all debts and
dues public and private, not even
discounting silver where gold has
been stipulated fur.
In the income tax case now before
the United States supreme court, the
ablest legal talent has been employed
on both sides. Absietan. Attorney
General Whiting and Senator Ed
monds of Vermont have made elabor
ate arguments on tho constitutional
ity of the act, Tbo decision of the
court will be looked for with deep
interest by all.
Don't mourn over spilt milk or ne
glected opportunities. If at last we
would succeed we must keep trying,
Never yield to disappointment so
long as we aim at higher and purer
purposes. Republicans have more
to hope for from the republican
party than from any oilier. Fight
for the right within our own lines.
Republican measures have yielded
the greatest good to the masses dur
ing the last 30 years prior to 1893, by
giving good money, good wages and
good prices lo all business enter
prises, an' to tho people.
The caustic and bitter criticisms by
tho State Journal upon tho Oregon
ian has caused the latter to drop the
former from its eschange list. The
Plaisdealer differs frequently from
the groat daily, but that journal we
are inclined to think, is too wide be
tween tho eyes to cut off any papor
bocauso of a fnondly criticism of its
views. Courteous langungo nnd
maimers ruroly fail to win respect.
It is gravely doubted by Cuban
authotitia thut a Spanish war vessel
has fired on the Allianca. They be
lieve that the offending vessel was a
yacht commanded by Cuban li!ibnH
tors which made the ns.snnlt as n
Spanish crniser in order to creute a
public sentiment in the United States
unfavorable to Spain. There has
been no reply to Secretnry (iresham's
note demanding satisfaction for the
insult to the United States flag.
After the smoke of tho battle has
been dispelled by tho blast of criti
cism it is pleasing to note that while
some benign measures were slaught
ered in the conflict, the general re
sult is a matter of congratulation.
The total appropriations have been
cut down below that of 1893 about
$500,000 and the 'percentum of state
taxes lowered from 7 mills to i mills,
a saving of 450,000 in the matter of
state taxation. It is also notable
that tho state expenses of Oregon are
less per capita than almost any other
state in tho Union. Upon the whole,
we can but congratulate onr people
upon retrenchment in state manage
ment of public affairs.
Governor Atkinson of Georgia,
visited Washington just before con
gress adjourned. On being asked if
he came to witness tho death of con
gress, he replied- "Ou, no; I am
here to consult n physician. Down
in Georgia we have a very small re-
Igard for the present congress, and
the sooner it is dead the better it
, will Lo for the surviving peoplo of
the country." On being questioned
as to what proposition ontsido of the
Atlanta exposition is just now agitat
ing the people of Georgie, the gover
nor laughingly replied; uV'e are
just now engaged in feeding the ne
groes, fattening moles, and cursing
An interesting consideration to the
citizens of Rosebnrg and Oakland,
is. or should be, tha completion of
the Bohemia wagon road. The ex
perience of last summer justifies the
feasibility of it. The efforts of a few
men, under most discouraging cir
cumstances, overcame physical ob
stacles, and the road they made put a
quietns to the fears and doubts and
timidity of men of little faith and
less enterprise. As Bpring advances
and the time for profitable advance
ment of the road approaches, it be
hooves the citizens referred to, to
show an interest in the road and set
accordingly. Not a man that has
passed over the completed road fails
to speak id. highest praise of it. Ob
stacles that were pronounced unsur-
monntable, yielded to ability and
energy, and the entire feasibility of
the project is established. The nn
precedented activity in mining affairs
in California should hare its counter
part in Douglas county, for the min
ing region of Bohemia is known to
be vast and profitable. Capital 'will
camp in its confines if it can get
there on four wheels. Until it can it
will stay where it is. It will not drag
heavy mining machinery over moun
tain trails. It is directly and abso
lutely to the interest of the residents
of Rosebnrg and Oakland, to lend a
hand and put again in the field the
band of resolute men that made the
bills resound with noise of axes, fall
ing trees, and the shriek of explod
ing powder.
Tho press of the state, is indulging
either in caustic criticism of Sena
tor Dolph or in fulsom praises of G.
W. McBride. The Plattealeb will
join in no such pastime. Senator
Dolph was defeated by a constitu
tional fiat and Mr. McBride electeJ
in the way provided. The continual
upbraiding either of the "bolters" or
the firm stand by tho caucus major
ity will avail nothing now What
we want now is to make the most of
the final decision. Let by-gones be
by-gone. Bury the elements of dis
cord among captious politicians.
Let ns all go to work to show forth
what is needed for future action on
the line of retrenchment and reform,
and some good may be accomplished.
The expenses of ibe asylum for
1893, was $12.16 capita per month;
1894, $10.57; estimated, 1895, $9.00.
The expenses for tbo penitentiary
were, per capita for biennial term.
ending Decpmber 31, 1892, $237.95;
for the biennial term ending Decern
ber31, 1894, $222,95. showing n do
creaso per capita of $15.00. Tho
deaf mutes and blind charges have
been also materially reduced.
The Oregonian has been and is,
lustily crying out ngninst the extrava
gance of the 18tb bieunial legislature.
If the Oregonian will only look to
the record of the Portland members
it will find what tbey put in tho appro
priation bill, with the Urcgonian's
approval will foot np the biggest
half of that bill. It is an evil bird
that will befoul its own nest.
Dr. Price' Cream Baking Powder
World's Fair Highest Award.
American Commerce Must Not Be
Interfered With.
Madrid, March 15. Tbo following ca
blegram has bcon received here : "Tay
lor, United States minister, Madrid
This department is informed that on the
Sth instant tho United States mall
steamship Alliauca, on her homeward
voyage from Colon to Now York, when
fix miles from the coast of Cuba, off Cape
May, was repeatedly fi od upou by u
Sp:inth gun boat, with solid shot, which
fortunatoly foil ehort.
"Tho windward passage, where this
oecured, is the natural and usual high
way for vessels plying U-tuct'ii twits of
the United Stalin 11ml Curilibean hcu.
Thiougli it several regular Iineuf Ameri
can mail ami cummeruiul HcameiH iiuis
weekly within sight of Cape .May. They
are well known and their voyage em
braces no Cuban port of call. Fond do
interference with ihem cannot tc-laimed
asti necessary belligerent act, whether
thsy pass within three miles of tho Cu
ban coast or not, and can under no cir-
cumetances can be tolerated when no
state el war exists, litis government
will expect prompt disavowal of the un
authorized act nnd due expression of re
gret upon the part cf Spain, and it must
insist that immediate and positive orders
bo given to Spanish naval commanders
not to interfere with legimate commerce
passing through that channel, and pro
hibiting all acts wantonly imperiling Hfo
and property lawfully under the flag of
the United States. You will communi
cate this to the minister of foriegn affairs
and urge the mipoitanco of u prompt and
satisfactory response."
(Signed) Chesuam.
A Big Mining Enterprise.
Mee is. Ball & tteamer, late of Tacoma,
Wash.,. have purchased twentv aces of
rich placer ground on Cow Creek, one
half mile below this city and are making
arrangements to put in a large steam
pump and plant on the ground at once.
They will put in a tvinn dam across Cow
Creek a short disUnco above the mine,
in order to turn n portion of the water of
tho creek down a ravene that intersects
their grounds, thus affording them an
abundance of water. The papers nre all
made out, the ground surveyed and
staked off, and everything in readiness
for operations just as soon as the plant
can arrive and ue put in. There is no
doubt as to tho success of the enterprise
as the ground has Ions been known to be
rich in gold. Ridulo Enterprise.
School Report.
Following is the report of Koseburg
Public Schools for month ending March
S, 1SD5.:
Number of days taught 19-'
Number of days attendance G635
Number of days absence 551
Number of times tardy 54
Number of boys on register 179
Number of girls on register 193
Total number enrolled . 377
Average number belonging 359
Average daily attendance 331
Number of new pupils 12
Number of pupils re-admitted 12
Per cent of attendance 92
F. B. Hamlin. Principal.
F. W. Rich, Simon Hansen and V. .
Collier all of Renville, Minn., witnesses
for the defense in the case of V. F.
Bee km an on trial for murder, are reg
istered at the McClallen House. A.
Korthof, F. Berly. W. Scliaff and J. N.
Jorgenson arc registered At the Depot
Mow's This!
Wc offer One Hnndre-l Dollars Reward (or
tar cue ol Catarrh that ra&not be currJ by
Hail's Catarrh Oure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO . I-rop., Toledo. O.
We the uadenicnnl hare known F. J.
Cheney (or ihe Ul IS yean, aad believe hlra
perfectly honorable in all bcslness transaction
and financially able lo carry out any obliga
tion made by their firm.
Wist 4 Txcai, Wholesale Drcsxistj, Toledo, O.
Wjlldixo. Kw.xax & JUrn.x, Wholesale Drug
gists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Care Is taken internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces ol
the system. Price 75c. per bo: tie. Sold by all
druggists. Testimonials free.
For OTer flttr Years.
An Old aad Well-Tried Remedy. Mrs. Win
tiow's Soothing Syrup has been used lor over
fifty years by Billions of mothers (or their
children while teething, with perfect success.
It soothes the child, softens the gnms. allays
ill pain, cares wind colic, and is the best
remedy (or diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste.
Sold by Druggists In every part o( the world.
Twenty-are cents a bottle. Its value is incal
culable. Be sure and ask (or Mrs. Wlnslow's
sooiniuc byrup, ana lake no other kind.
To the Insuring Pnblic.
Having represented tho Home Insur
ance Company for over two years and
not having written a policy for them for
over one year, for the reason that 1 was
agent for 10 other com panics, all cf which
I considered better, and not wanting the
azencv, I was glad to be relieved of the
(pace in my office which its supplier oc
cupied. A would -bo gentleman who
goes bv the name of Low Down Carle, by
promising the company mora than his
ability will permit him to fulfill, suc
ceeded in getting tbo appointment.
I represent now 10 Fire Insranco Com
panies, seven uf which have a better fi
nancial standing than the Home, repre
sented by Low Down Carle.
One can imagine the great funding of
an Insurance company that has to ap
point such agents as L. D. Carle.
Wayne Jones.
Qreat Opportunity for Prune Farming
On a Large Scale.
1720 acres of choice valley and low
hillside land, all under board and wire
fence, several hundred acres in cultiva
tion, the very best of fruit land, has good
natural drainage, free from frost, good
house, wood, water, etc., threo miles
from railroad. The vicinity has fine or
chards and this is a rare chance for a
colony of prone growers. Tho properly
belongs to absent parties and 'must
be sold. Price f 10 per acre, cash,
balance in eight annual payments with
6 per cent interest. (Discount allowed
for cash).
Have lands of every kind throughout
the county for low price and easy terms,
D. S. K. Bi'ick, Roseburg, Ore.
17, 1895, at the residence of Mr. Clias.
McGee, West Rosebnrg; by Rev.
George N. Annes; Mr. Frank Gorrell.
and Mies Zelma Harness. Both of
Douglas county, Oregon.
I falf.ry t-.iVipMawciil3rrrcmiirt.
II 4MitArtrstobs1nncr. Liberal
commits!?! to local part-
Mm. "n I. T . r.l S
-f 4P com
iAn ana nararn.
tr want tou now. while
trnlt Indurtrr Is to
tmnort&nt. Good chaneo for
...f.wm.rt. Ontat and fall rsr
t,, mtnTOX nur-
I t. rr-thli8tr. Ed)
rracn. rort 'and. On. CTnisooosou
Four llnet or leu under thlt head tS eenU per
month: each additional line 5 cent nir mrmih x
adcertliemcnt taken for leu than S3 einti.
Notice to Trespassers).
Notico is boroby given that all persons
hunting upon, removing wood from, or
otherwise trespassing upon tho "Hushoy
estate," will bo prosecuted.
Kowsburg, Aug. 8, 1894.
D. S. K. Buick, Agent.
For Sale.
Under thU head yon con advertise for tale your
(arm, home, hone, cote, or anything e'le you may
with to dltpote of at a eoit of fi renlt per month.
Try it.
For Sale. A good home of ICO acres,
12 miles from railroad ; 40 acres cleared ;
good water, small orchard in bearing,
plenty of small fruit; fair Oregon house
und barn; 4 horses, 'A cows and plenty.of
farm machinery to run tho farm. For
prices and terms enquire of S. B, Hen
dricks at tho Review olTico or of' the
county surveyor at the court house.
For gala or trade, a good three-spring
luils. Will trade for grain or cows.
Apply to Ciias. Vanzile.
ForSalo. Old papers, at this office,
at So cents per hundred.
T. B. Cannon is authoiized to collect
and receipt for subscriptions due the
I'l.mnuk.vlek, and will soon call on all
delinquent within reach. Those whom
bo overlooks need not bo offcndedf but
can send in 'their offerings direct.
406 JnckNon St.,
One door south P.O.
Choice Teas, Coffee,
Tobaccos and Cigar;.
And every thine de in
the Uroccry line.
Highest Market raid for Country Produce.
Give him call and be convinced.
Administrator's Notice to Cred
itors. 'THE undersigned harin? been appointed by
x the County Court o( Douglas countr, o re
con, the administrator ol tho estate oi John
Nybcrj, deceased, notice is hereby given to all
persona Interested, la prctmt their claims
against said caUte. with proper vouchers, duly
verified within six months from" this dale to
the undersigned administrator at Gardiner,
Douglas county, Oregon.
Dated at Boaebnrp, Oregon, this lath day of
March, U35. D. W. H0LDE.N,
Administrator ol the estate ot John Nyberg,
Bkown a Tcstw.
Attorneys (or Administrator.
NoUec is hereby given that there is a mort
gage or trust decu covering all the property ol
theMctory Flarer Mining Company, securing
the payment o( llOCO la Coupon Bonds. That
the nnderslsned Is one of thf owners nf .M
Bonds, holding and owning SXtfO) of the same,
and that neither the undersigned nor any
bolder or owner oi any of said Bonds will be re
sponsible (or any wore, labor or service done or
performed (or the Victory Placer Mining Com
pany, or (or any material of any kind whatso
ever furnished to said Company (or any purpose
whatever, or (or the transportation of the same,
or (or any work, labor or services done or per
lorood upon, or (or aay material furnished for
me ooxmrucuon. alteration or repair, eltncr in
whole or In nart. ol anr buUdlnr. wharf, dttrrt
dome, tunnel, fence, machinery aqueduct or
other structure or structures, repaired, built.
constrncuu, or pueea upon tnc property of said
Victory Placer Mining Company, for any jnew
machinery or malarial famished raid Company
orplaeed upon their said property.
Dated this 5th day of March, liV
mllt-W J.T.C.NASH.
Sheriff Sale.
tn the cincorr court op the state
x ot Oregon, (or the County ol Douglas.
James Pitcher, PlainUfCV
vs. f
Annnie Consolidated Mln-f
Ing Co., Defendant.;
State or Ostcox. I
County of Douglas.) 53
Whereas at the regular December term.
o( the Circuit Court ol the State ol Oregon, (or
Douglas County, to-wit. on December 1th, ISM,
James Pitcher recovered a Judgment against the
above named dclendant (or tec sua of f-jlL33
and lols costs and dlsbursmenta herein taxed,
and against the following described attached
property, to-wit:
The Emma Mining Claim extending 1XO feet
north CI degrees east, said claim being located
on the north cast slope of Grouse Mountain,
about too feel from the main tunnel on the
Anna Mining Claim In a northeasterly course.
Horse liarcn Creek on the north cast. Grouse
Mountain on the south west, a rockey bluff on
the east, distant about 710 feet (torn end, centers
ana comers ocingcusuncuy marxeu oy tuxes;
also the Maszie Mining Claim, described as fol
lows. Commencing at the south east corner of
Anna Claim, running ISCOlcet easterly and par-
kuca miiu wut uiajia; mecce wj icet sonineriy
to a Cr tree: thence l&u feet westerly to a fir tree
about - leet through, blued on (oar sides;
thence northerly U (set to Anna (our comers
ana piacc 01 Dcginning.
Also Lacr Mlnlnr Claim described as follows
Said clalmiTjOJcelSCdegrecs north of cast and
750 feet 31 degrees south ol west, (rom center of
saia aura, wmcn cuum is utuatea on the head
waters of Horse Haven Creek. Grouse Moan lain
on the south west, distance about one-
nail muc from said center: a rockr Lluff an the
cast, distant about two and one-ball miles; west
end center a lone pine tree marked W. c. U. east
ena center a lonetnr tree marked E. C. U. end
line running SI degrees west ol west and 31 de
crees east of south. Corners distinctly marked
by stakes, also the Umber and water rights and
privileges belonging to said claims being sit
uated in Bohemia Mining District, Douglas
County, State o( Oregon.
Also the following named mining claims situ
ated In the Bohemia Mining District, Douglas
County, State ol Oregon, to-wlt: Anna Quartz
Mining Claim, Little Joe Quartz Mining Claim,
Henry Mining Claim, Mystery Quartz
Mining Claim , Grey Eagle Quartz Mining claim,
and more partlcularlly.dcscrlbcd as follows, to
wlt: Anna Mining Claim, being situated in Bo
hemia Mining District, exterior boundaries
Fairvlew Mountain west two and one-hall miles,
Johnson Meadows cast seven rail. Ttwirv
Butte north one mile. Old Knott Mill south one
ana one-naii nuies; uenry jitniog Claim being
located lu Bohemia Mining District near Grouse
Mountain, exterior boundaries alone flat ridge
north east one and one-hall miles, south west by
a lone fir tree with top cut out, north by Rocky
Butte.-south by ihe Knott lUlLgMystcry Min
ing Claim being located In the Bohemia Mining
District, exterior boundaries on the south by
the Johnson Claim, north by low divide be
tween Bohemia and Grouse Mountains one-half
mile away, east by south end ol Grouse Moun
tain, west by Bohemia Mountain. Orey Eagle
Mining Claim being located on the east side ol
Grouse Mountain and about one-half mile
also the mill and mill site which arc of record
In tho office ol the County Clerk of Douglas
County, Oregon, In VoL 3 of miscelaneous min
ing records of said County, together with all the
dlrx, spurs and angles, also afl the metals, ores,
gold and sUrcr bearing quartz rock, and earth
therein, and all the rights and privileges and
franchises thereto Incident, appendant and ap
purtenant or therewith usually had; also the
following described attached personal property
to-wlt: One stationery engine, one boiler, two
concentrators, one 5 stamp battery, one Iron
vice, one set pipe dies, ooe.steam .pump, about
SO cords of wood more or less being all tho wood
at the mill, one cable tramway and appurte
nances running from mill to mine, 15 picks at
mine, 6 shovels, 1 sledge, 15 drills, 3 jacks 0
pumps, 2 ore cars, 400 leet ore track, is sacks
ore. 2 anvils, 1 vice, 1 bellows, 1 grind stoue. IS
sacks concentrates, 7 wrenches, 1 giant, 1 water
wheel, 9 chains, and whereas all of the said
property, both real and personal, was duly at
tached ou the 17th day 01 September, 18JI, and
an order ol sale of all of said property was duly
made and entered at said regular December
term, 1SVI, ol the Circuit Court ol the State o(
Oregon (or Douglas Cour.ty, to-wlt; on the 4th
day ol December, lb9l.
Now thcrcfore;ln tho namo lof IthctStato'of
Oregon. I will on Thursday the th day 'of
April, 1895, at 1 o'clock in the aiternoou '0(
said day on the premises ol said Anna Mining
Co., sell nt public auction to tho highest bidder
(or cash In hand, all the right, title and Interest
which the said dclcndant had In or to the eaUl
personal property on tho 17th day ol September
1801, orot any time thcrcrftcr, and II a sufficient
sum be uot realized (rom the tale of said perso
nal property to satisfy the Judgment of said
James Pitcher, costs nnd acrufng costs.
I will oil Thursday tho 18th day of April, ISM
at the Court Ilottso door in Koseburg, Douclas
. r 'J . " iluullli auwwu ior cash
In hand, all tho right title and Interest thu said
penscs of such sale and to tho costs and Mt.
IjlirnmentK lierrln nf Jf.l c...,.i . .
payment 10 the plalntlfl'tho sum ofjfiiua with
interest thereon at tho rato o( 8 per rent tViJ
annum (rom December 4tli, 1KM, aud tho 'over,
plus II any there bo I will pay over to U10 defen
daut or Its legal representative.
Sheriff Douglas County, Oregon
real property on tho 17th day of September. 1M1
or it any tltuo thereafter, and will apply ihn
proceeds o( such enles. llrst tn lhn ri.i V-.i
nSarsaparllla is carefully
prepared by experienced
pharmacists from Sarsa
parllla, Dandelion, Man
drake, Dock,ripsslseTra,
Juniper Berries, and other tvcll known
vegetable remedies. Tho Combination, Pro
portion and Trocess are Peculiar to Hood's
Sarsaparllla, giving It strength andcuratlvo
S power Peculiar to Itself, not pos
sessed by other medicines. Hood's
Cures Scrofula, Salt Tihcum, Sores, Bolls,
Pimples and all other affections caused by
Impure blood; Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Sick
Headache, Indigestion, Debility, Catarrh,
Rheumatism. Kidney and Liver Com
plaints. It is Not What
wo Say, but what Hood's
Sarsaparllla Docs, thai
Tells tho Story Hood's
Hood's Pills arc ccntle, mild aad cflecUroi
I.ouir TlmbcrH
11 Specialty.
nMiaiii saiisi iiism iW:IBIll(1111lllII1BllIIIIII11IIII
The Roseburg Lauhdry,
ioz Main Street, opp.
At KcnHonnble I'rlcc.
Days of 49 Whisky.
f For Sale at all
DeLaney & Meyer5
The Celebrated Koseburg Beer,
All Orders either at Heme or Abroad, by Railroad
or otherwise, Promptly Attended to.
A Carload of Wagons and Machinery
rropnetor ol
The City Meat Market,
And Dealer in
KO Orders taken and IKsllvM-vd Free
to anr part dl the City.
Farmers Who Signed Notes in Payment for Stoves
Want Satisfaction.
From tho Daily OreRonian, Portia, vl. Or., Nov. 11, 1S94.
Oregon- City. Nov. to.
vicinity. Eighteen farmers at Mcdalla bought the ranges
at $72 each, giving notes due November i, with the un
derstanding and verbal agreement tl at any length of time
to suit the convenience of the makers of the notes would
be granted b' the compairy even t o six or eight j'ears
for the company had plenty of capital and never disposed of
its paper. But the notes turned up in the hands of third
persons, and must be paid, and the re is trouble. Half a
dozen farmers were in town today to see if the grand jury
would afford them relief or satisfactii xi. There were nu
merous purchasers of these wonderfi il ranges through the
Molalla, Marquam and the Scott's Mills country. The
same kind of a range can be bought h ere for $50.
1 I beware I is the whole story'
3 ol imitation trade J
A I marka and labels. aboilt
1 IH l!3ftm (TP C Costs no more than other packag e soda never spoils
111 flour universally acknowledged p,urcst In the world.
i Made only by OnjR'CH & CO., Ife7 York. Sold by groa. rs everywhere.
5 Wrlto lor Axm and Hammer Hoot of valuable Kcrij is FREE.
Hpcclal Attention Given Spaylnjr
nnd oilier Surjrcry.
Will be In Koseburg March 'J3rd: lu Oakland
March Kth, nnd In Drain March 27th.
Caltlo Spayed for U per hundred.
An agreeahlfi I&xailvo and NravziToirrc.
Bold by DrngKista or sent by mall. 23a,oQ&
and SLOP per package. Samples tree
ITft lsTA JXhoPavorlto 5C0T3 E07TC13
A.W H.VforthoTeethandBreath,25c
For sale by JI. F. Bapp. Druggist.
Write for
Hotel Van Hoaten.
" .
r-tsnbK x tJKYAIN, Proprietors.
First-Class Bars. -f
J'oaltrer. Flsli ana Game,
In Kpniinn.
Roseburg, Or. 2
ViWms nf the h
swindle are numerous in this
For a Few Days.
Boya Suits . $i 50
Men's Suits 7 50
Men's Wet Weather Shoes...:., 2 00
Men's Underwear 75
Latest Style Hats 2 00
Boss of the Road Overalls-Best 50
riackintoshes at Greatly Reduced Prices.
Ladie's Dress Goods Reduced 25 per cent.
These goods have'all been received
within the last month, and are the
Don't delay this golden opportun-
ity, and call on
The Boss Store.
326 and 32S Jackson St.
A Large and Elegant Line ot
We call the attention of our
friends to our beauti
ful stock of
Our Stock is
Unexcelled by Any House
South of Portland.
he Long
is Here
your special attention.
Our line of Olives, Gherkins, Pick
els, Sauces, etc., is also complete.
We carry the largest stock of to
baccos in Southern Oregon.
C. W. PARKS & CO., Grocers.
S Of alt Sizes and Styles. Z
1 Turning and Fruit Boxes
nt Window nnd Door Frames
Z Made to Order.
Of capacities varying from 1 to 25
horse power affords the most con
venient, economical and reliable
power for all light service. One of
these may be seen running at this
office. Send for circulars.
121 Main Street, San Francisco,
styles and not shelfworn.
& 5TR0AG
Bet. Oak and Washington.
Largest and Best Assortment erer
brought to Southern Oregon, and
Easy Rockers
Bed Room Sets
Parlor and Dining Chairs
Rugs and Carpets
And all Household
Prepare for it wisely. We offer
unusually good reasons why you
should buy from us.
Everything offered for sale is fresh;
bought for the Holiday Trade and
sold at very reasonable prices.
We have a very choice stock of
canned goods, including both fruits
and vegetables, to which we invite