IF YOU DON'T READ IF YOU SEE IT W f j The Plaindealer f ' . ' K ! Tlie Plaindealer You Dos't Get hue News. IT IS SO. Vol.. XXVI. ROSEBURG, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1895. No. 4. GENERAL DIRECTORY KSJLTXOFCfcCGOX. U.S. Senators ! (J. 11. Mitchell 1 J. K. Dolnh Congressmen .-. . Attorney-General..... 5 Rlnper Hermann - iJL Ellis 0. E. Chamberlsln uovcrnor Sylvester Pennorer Secretary ol SUto -Ueorrc w. JlcBrtdo PhllMeUchsn E. E. McElroy EUte Treasurer. Supu rnb. Instruction. Sute I'rlntcr Member Board ot EjualUationA. C. Woodcock fF.A. Moore, tesnprose Judges- Jc. K. Wolverton CR. B. Bean r A. B. Compsdn " (1. A. Macrnm Clerk ot Railroad Coxamlsilon Lydcll Baker MCOXD JCDICUX. 'DISTRICT. Judrc J. C. Fullcrton ProsecaUng-AUorney 3eo. M. Brown c. s. uucp oma, sossbcro. Rcoolvcr.,.. .,, R. S. Sheridan Scgiftcr ,, , R. M. Vcatch C, . W BCEEAC. .Thos. Gitxson . DOCGLAS COCSTY. .-Uenrr BecUey Observer- Senator....... Representatives Sj. t uiunoeu J. T. Bridrcs. C A. Sehlbrcdd F. W Benson C F. Cathcart "Uerk. treasurer.. ,V. A. Frater School Soperindcnt . .J. A. Underwood I. A. Sterling County Jcdfe- A. t. steams tW.iL. Wilson Conmlssione U. ilaupln Surveyor.. Will r. Heydon Dr. K. L. iflller Thos. Smith uoroner Sheep Inspector ... , , rtEaxcr orwexss. Justices i. ,, I John llamlln Nonstable: 2 U, C. Stoeum " citt'.ot Iiosescso. jj.U.Sl , v. . .. v . ..... V--J t W.T. Wright . anupe .rrostct,. Kapp Straus Bice Recorder- F. 31. Zlrler Marshal Treasurer- AV. F. Carroll I. A- Cox .". ; COC5T SESSIONS. The Circuit Court lor Douglas County meets Ihrecliracsa fear, as follotrs: The So, il on toy llsrefci the nth ilonday In June, and the 1st Monday xu December. J. C Fullerton o! Rosebcrc joUre, Geo. it. Broirn, ol Eoseborj, prosecuunrauot acy. CountrCo-irtjaeeaihe 1st Wednesday alter thelstMondsy'of January, March, Slay, July, September ayd November, A. F. Stearns, ol Oakland. Jndge; C H. Man pin of Elkton and W. L. Wilson, ot Kiddle, eojamlssloners. Probate Court is In session canUtraously, A. F. Steams, iudxe. Society Electing. T.AUEEL LODGE, A. F. A. M., REGULAR J-t meeting the 3d and 4th Wednesdays in each month. TTMPQUA CHAPTER, SO. 11. B. A. M., HOLD u their regular convocations at Masonic hall on the tot and third Tuesday ot each month. Visiting companions are cordially invited. M. F. RAFP, H. P. laipoie Caxo, Secretary. PHILETAEIAS LODGE. NO- S, 1 O. O. F.. scea Saturday eTenlngof each week at o'clock In their hall at Eosebcrg. Members ot the order la jood standisx are in vited to attend. FCJLSE G. Mien I.I. N. G. X. T. Jttrcrr, Sec'y. USIOS ENCAMPMENT, SO. 9, MEETS AT Odd Fellows' hall on second and fourth Thazsdays ol each month. Visiting brethren aro invited to attend. Fiask G. Minn 1 1, Scribe. IIxtcT Paxst, C. P. pOSEBDBG LODGE, SO. IS. A. O. C. W. J meets the aecood and (osrth Mondays.ot cich. month at 73 p. 23. at OH Tellon ball, Members ol the order in good stasding are la Tited to attend. PESO POST, SO.r9, G. A. MEETS THE A- first and third Thnqdars of each month. VirOMEySEEHEF COSTS SO. 10, MEETS second and fourth Thursdays in each month-. FASMT ALLIASCE Kegalar Quarterly Meetinrs vfil he held at Grange Uali, Ecaeburg. the grrt Friday la December, March and Jnse. and the third Friday in September. p OSEBOEG CHAPTER, SO. S.O.E. MEETS the second aad foarth Thuadays of each smth. JIADEUSE B. COSKLISG. W. 51. pOSEBUEG DIVHOS SO C6, B.OF Lt, meets every Kcoad and fourth Sunday. "p OSEBU2G E. D. LODGE, SO. -O, L O.O. F. meets on Tuesday eveninrof each week at the- Odd fellows halL Vitltias sisters aad Brethren are Invited to atlead. MISS SlXtH WIXEZZLT, S. G. Txxsx. G. Mirsi u. R. See. A LPHA LODGE. SO. 7. K. OF P., MEETS ervery Wednesday evening at Odd Fellows HaH. YUiting brethren in good standing cor dially invited to attend. ezozcr x. asms. run. rxGE-Tcrrrjc. jgsoww & Tusxnr, Attorneys-at-Law, Eooms7aadS Taylor &. Wilson Block. BOHEBUEG. OE. B. WIT.T.T3, Attorney and Counselor at Law, Will practise in all the eosria of the State. Of toe is the Court House. Doogbs county. Or. Q A. SEHIiBEHDK,. - Attorney at Law, , .Hotthury, .Or0n. OSes OTtr the FoxtoSes on Jaekaos street. W "W. CABDWELX, t t Attorney at Law, BOHTBCBO, OREGON. K. COFFMAN, Physician and Surgeon OScetAt Dr. Hoover's old stand on Oak 3 tree t . f i Psy?ac59ir- .La.c & Jackam Street. JaTt J. OZIAS, 31. D., .Physician and Surgeon, . : . BOSEBORG, OB. OSee" in S. Marks i Co.'s Block, upstairs. Calls promptly answertd day or night JAMES 2 ABB, 'Physician and Surgeon. Graduate Bush Medical College. Diseases of Women and Children a Specialty OFFICE, Booms 9 & 10, Marsters Building. BX2IDE5CZ, Dpuzlas Street, second place cast 4 , Dr. Hum; ell's. ,.' . EOHEBUBG, OBEGOK. IFATKTr Layr. JCdge L Locohast TT ANE ct L0UGHABT, Attorneys & Counselors at Law Jtoitbnra. Oregon. y ill practice in all the court of Oregon. Of. too in the Tartar-Wilson block. MRS. VS. BOYB, DEALER IS CHOICE Family Groceries, DISHES, Books. and Children's Toys. A FULL LISE OP- Fruits, Kuts, f reneb Candies, ConfectioBerj Canned Goods, Coffees, Teas, Etc. IMPORTED XI WEST CIGARS. . CHOICE BBiNDS OF CIGARS TKjTILL. P. HEYDON, County Surveyor, and Kotnrjr Pntjlic. Orncxt In Court House. Orders for Surrprlnp and Flald Notes should bo addressed to will P. Ileydon, County BntJ vcjot, noseourg.iir. TO. CRAWFORD, Attorney at Law, .Room t, Manters Bulldlntt BOSBBURQ, OB. nsTBuslncss before the U. 8. Land OfuOQ sad mining cases a specialty. Late Receiver U. S. Land Oflice. P. BRIGG3, V. 8. Deputy Mineral Sarreyor ana JSotnry Public. Ornci: County Jail Building, up stain. ZW Special attention paid to Transfers and Conveyances. Address. ROSEBURG, OR. jjYBA BROWN, Jt U., Physician and Surgeon. Cfcrnic Disease of Wenea a Spsd&itj. OfScc, Up Stairs, in the Marks Building. Residence. 112 Cass Street, ROSEBURO. j Is. MTTiTiEB, M. D., Surgeon and Horaceopathio Physician, ttsJChrunie.dim a ptelalty. J. F. BARKER & GO. GROCERS. TEAS A. SPECIALTY. Aapaeul bund jiunadolteratcd Tea. Oar pris la harias; a large sale. ?r styles e4 Glass and Delf Ware At iitirnliMng lo yncf. Our cm esaaad xiirriini, an Ttry popolar. WOODWARD THE 33 TJSTIajS Does Up ALL COMPETITORS ! We are always in the Lead, and mean lo keep there. The Golden Harvest is upon us, snd farm ers are smiling because Woodward loo to their interest. BUGGY HARNESS Full Trimmed TEAM HARNESS These are all Leather and Warranted. SADDLES At Rod need Price. Consult your purse and h sure and see ood irxnl before buying. W. 6. W00DWARI H. C. STANTON Has just received a new and sztecsiv stock o DM:G00DS consibtiso or Ladies' Dress Goods, Ribbons, Trimmings, Laces, Etc., Etc ALSO A PIKE STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES Of tb beat quality and nbh. GROCERIES , Wood Willow and Glass Ware, Crockery, Cordage, Etc. Also on band is larg q untitle and at price to nn use tunes, juso a urge sioex or Custom-Made Glothing Which is offered at cost price. A fall and select stock of SCHOOL BOOKS Constantly on band. Alsothe LATEST NOVELTIES IN BTAT10NEKT, Oeneral agent for erery rarletr oi subscription books and periodicals published in the United Blates. Persons wishing reading matter of any kind will do to girs me a call. The Old Reliable RUSS I40USE 215 Montgomery EL, extending from Pine to Bush tits., San Francisco, Cal. Business center of the city, convenient to all banks, insurance Co. offices and places ol amusements. Containing 300 rooms. J. S. YOUNG, Prop. Tmxb: 11,40, 12.00 and UMJper day. Free coach to snd from the hotel. A. SALZMAN, (Successor to J. JASKOLEK. j Pnwticai : Watckvakcr, DEALER IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELHY. AND FANCY GOODS. 3sTsjawa.acfLasntJ mm. WwiLjrtsa.':3s'-. Gouuino JBrozilian Ji2yo A COMriJvTK STOCK OK Cutlery, Notions, Tobacco, Cigare tuul Smokers' ArticlcB. Also Proprietor mid Mauagor of Kosoburg's t'liiiious ItarKniir Store. A SQUARE DEAL ' I ' l -a I ' I - .1 We . are Here to Stay. If Business Is Not Good 4 The Plaindealer's Advertising Columns Arc the Rooters for the Business Hen of Douglas County. SHEET MUSIC. 40 000 PIECES SHEET MUSIC UUU AT 10 CTS. PER COPY. Mailed to any address for One Cent Extra. . Catalogue of this immense stock sent free ou application. We have also secured the agency of the Wiley B. Allen Co. T. K. RICHARDSON, THE THIRD BK00K5IDE. - The HoiUC Farm, east of town, has been plat ted and is now on the market in Lots and Blocks containing 3, 20, 30, and 40 acres, ranging in price from $25 to $100 per acre. Any one wanting a fruit, vegetable or chicken farm or a suburban home ean now be accommodated on easy terms. All lots sold in First Brookside addition have more than doubled in value. The prospect is much better for the future. More fortunes arc made in lands near a grow ing town or city than any other way. Sicze the oppor tunity. For information or conveyance, call at ony Real Estate Office, or on & T. BBX-DK1V, Propr. BEWEK ESTABRCOK, Blacksmiths and Machinists Stephen Street, between Oak and Cass, axacblae work a Specialty. rohubiirg, ok. : Jeweler : ant. : Optician. GIhhhum and SJpoctncles ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' f ! ' I f 4 5 0 7 8 U .10 11 VI Is what we give to every cus tomer, for we believe the best advertisement possible is a cus tomer pleased with what we have sold them, they will come agaiu aud again, and their friends will come too. We arc not here for a da' or for a month. We are Here to Stay. .Roseburg, Or. Don Squeal, But Root. It is now well understood that T. K. Ricahrdson is the best es tablished and most reliable Piano and Organ dealer in the State. He has secured the American agency and will soon receive ADDITION tjiIi.l-iSiailiCIUIii:4liai8E3l j Tnose wno nave a Good I Digestion have little sympathy 1 for the dyspeptic. They Ui can eat everything that comes along. While & they can eat rich food " without fear oft the Si dyspeptic's bad experi- encesf, they ueverthe- . less greatly appreciate a delicate flavor in their pastry. j Cottol ening, always FroiJi duces the finest flavor cd pastry, which is en- E tirely free from the fM many objections which Kll the use of lard always jl ra produces. Test its gjjj iviioi 1 1 in 1 u:i l jitiiiit" umh vaiue- oy one mat. my gijl Itefuso all substitutes. cii Ptnd threo cents In stamps to U.K. & f. V ralrtanic fCo..Chlauro. for hand. J TihRpmlnMtnnthnAtlMAnmiilrln. f P. I fYttnpnAltMhva!l tmwrii f r N. K. FAIRBANK & CO., If rtg ST.I LOUIS and 5a V'VSCHICACO. HZVl YORK, BOSTOtl.JjjS IsjeasasaEEasissS ureaaraticno AbicungBalsani iATARRH; toia mineneau andS?reFv It ra!orauiIcsa2; ISHHSJOT BREATH.' By MAIL i r . . . & j. j. 1 VJ rcr. PRVVER OROYUI-E.CAL Sold by A. C. Marters & Co. W. L. Douglas 5 CUAE1 IS THE BEST. ts9U WriVbnTFORAKINS. 3. cordovan; 3.30POUCEJSOLE3. 32.$l.7?B!JY5Sffl3&SffiE& LADIES- sEsorpacATALncuc L-DOUCLA9 Over One Million hnl(Miiia W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoes are cauallv satisfactory T. I ..... . ucy kivc mc vai vuoc ior ine mcocy. in style ana lit. Ths prices sre unllorrn, jlsraped on sole. j-r-J3i jikjj uvea over otner mslces. If your dealer cancel supply joa trc an. Sold by dealers everywhere. Wanted, agent to take exclusive sale for this, vicinity. rite at once. This extra ordinary Bo JaTcnator is tho most wonderful dlscoTery of tho age. it hu been en donodbytho Itsdlngsdcn tlflo men of Etxropo and America. Hndjan is Esrir VC8- Hudisn stops Preaatureness of the dim chargo in 20 days. Cores Constipation, inxzutcn. Falling Een-sations.Xerr-onstwltcMns of tho eyes and other parts. Btrensthcrs, Invigorates and tones the entire system. Hadttn cures Debility, xtcrToasncss, Kmlsslons, anddevelopts and restores weak organs. Fains in tho back, losses oy day or night stopped MANHOOD quickly. Over 2,000 private endoremcnts., Prcmaturencss means impotency la tho tint staTe. It Is a symptom of seminal weakness and barrenness. It can be stopped In 0 days oythousaoflludysn. Tho new discovery was made by tho Special IstsoftheoldfamousHudson Medical Instltuts. It is tho strongest vltallzcr made. It is very powerful, bnt harmless. Sold for 51.00 a pack ncoors packages for 53.00 (plain Bcalod boxes). Written guarantee given for a euro. If you buy six boxes and aro not entirely cured, Eli moro will be tent to you freo of all charges. Bead for circulars and testimonials. Address O HUDSON MEDICAL INSTITUTE, ' Junction Stockton, market & Ellis Sts. San Francisco, ! EAST pi 1- Corn Paint CurcsCORNS, BUNIONS and WARTS SPEEDILY and WITHOUT PAIN. FOR SALE BrALL DRUGGISTS. L1PPHAN BEOTHESSj tfrop'ra, Uppmjn's Block, SAVANNAH, GA. Of m a r Bohemia Mining. District. For moro than a quarter of a century tho mines of this district have attracted tho attention of the mining men, bat un til the last few yearn bnt littlo perma nent work, outside of prospecting, has been done. The mineral belt is thirty miles long by fifteen miles in width, and contains mineral veins of largo size aud great value, in gold and silver. At the intersection of the Calapooia rango with tho Cascade mountains, tho mines have been worked with shafts and tunnels and the fact is demonstrated that mil lions of dollars of the precious metals are here to be found and only need the magic touch of capital to malce them the great est producers of wealth on tho PaciGc coast. The mountains are covered with a heavy growth of valuable timber, and tho water course, fed by perpetual snows and never failing springs, famish endless water power lor milling purposes. A good wagon road leads to this most promising camp, a distance of 33 miles from Cottage Grove, a (own of commer cial importance- on the Southern Pacific railroad, and at no distance day a lino of daily stages will bo running to this most promising camp. The mineral bearing veins carry cold and silver in pavinz quantities, the gold value predominating j in many- of llio properties. The veins are large and well defined, and in every instance the quality.'and quanlify'of the ore increases as we go down, a facl most ' A. , i imping 10 interested parties. ltie value of the ore is over twenty dollars in gold to the ton and the silver value is usually about ten dollars to the ton, making tho average value of theso im mense ledges thirty dollars to the ton of ore. No section of the country offers better inducements to capital, seeking safe and profitable investment, and to the prospector this is A regular paradise as sections of this vast area, rich in mineral, has never been visited by white men. Eugene Register. Care of One's Clothes. Tho well-groomed young woman is she who always looks well, and suitably dressed for every occasion. Her hair is always just right, and her shoei, gloves and bonnets are always sightly. It is because she is always in trim for any thing that may turn up. She is perfect is to detail, and has atjleast one gown for every occasion. The woman who lacks the first requisite may have 20 gowns for each occasion, and not loot as well as Miss Well-Groomed does. This is her secret: She buys good things, expends a great deal of thought on their selection, nnd baa them well cut. She does not ap prove of exaggerated styles, because they make her conspicuous, which is bad taste. She Las ono perfectly correct din ner dress, a simple and beautiful bath gown, a fancy waist for theater, a couple of cloth street gowns, and either matinees or jackets for tho house. Her shoes for the ptrret are regular walking shoes of calfskin, laced, with flat heel and pointed toe. Every night they are blacked, twice a week limbered up with oil ; the heelsXare straightened as eoon as they run down. Her slippers are kept in like good condition. Her buttons, hooks and eyes, "ribbons or bows are always well atlended to, and not hanging by threids. Her skirts aro beautifully free from tuud; her coat and hat never show a speck of dust. Her gloves are dark'in color, with every button intact. When she wears white gloves they are clean. All this is man aged by attending to things which need attending to at once, an J at no other time. When a skirt .is. Uken off, brush it, put the -hat in its box, the gloves away in their sachet, the shoes where they will be attended to. and make up your mind that no work is too much in order to look well-groomed. It will repay you. "Honest Old Abe." And here's another story of the mar tyred president, as told by Secretary Herbert at the Scotch-Irish Society ban quet in 1'hilidelpliia last week: "I heard recently an anecdote which I do not remember to hare seen in print. It is attributed to ex-Senator Hendersou. Very early in the civil warestretnists be gan to urgo President Lincoln to issue a proclamation to abolish slaverv. Mr. Lincoln was slow in making up his mind. At first ho doubted tho exiediency of taking such a step, then he doubted whether public opinion was ripe for the measure. While the matter was still under i onsideration ex-Senator Hender son wcut to see the president at the Wnite Hou&e just as Mr. Summer was leaving. t Mr. Lincoln said: 'Hender son, did you meet Sumner out there at tho door? 'Yes, sir.' 'Well, that man comes here onco a day. There are three of them who have entered a combina tion to compel me'to issue a proclamation emancipating tho slaves, They want it done now, whether I think the time has come or not. Ben Wode comes early in the morning,.Sumner Comes at noon, and Thad Stevens comes at night. I've got ten soXhato the night of them. Every time I lay eyes on oe of them I think about the boy who was put to reading the Bible at school and got Mumped when he came to tho names of tho men. who walked tho fiery furnace. He read along gibly until lie'camo to tliuse names, tlien ho halted. The teacher scolded him, but it was of no use. Ho trounced him, and still the boy could not get out tho names. Then the teacher shouted: 'Shadrach, Meshak and Abeduego, ou dunce; skip them and go along,' and tho boy read along very smoothly for a page, and then all at once broke out crying. "What's the matter?' soid tho teacher, aud the boy blubbered out, 'Hero comes them infernal three fellers anaiu.' " IIucklcti'H Arnica Salve. The Best Salvo in the world for Cuts Bruises, pores, Ulrer?. Salt Kheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Ohillbains, Corns, aud nil skin - Krup, tions, aud positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded Price25 cents per boi. For aulu at A. 0. Marstera & Co. NEW FIELDS FOR NOVELISTS. Why Does Not Some Writer Use an Eskimo as Heroine? Tho division of the earth among con temporary novelists has not as yot in cluded Greenland, where somo new writer can lay tho scene of a story in which tho heroine will wear sealskin trousers and calm her troubled heart with mighty drafts of train oiL Neither has any novelist seized upon China, whero great things may yet be dono by a story teller who really knows tomothing of that modern and multitudi nous sphinx, the Chinaman. But with these exceptions thero is very littlo desirable territory which is not pre-empted. This of course greatly hampers now novelists who are com pelled towrito novels dealing only with English men and women at home. England is tho common possession of evory body; and oven tho American writer who does not wish to imitato either Mr. Harto or Mr. Howells is compelled to lay the sceno of his stories in London or in some one of the many littlo Eng lish colonies to bo found in continental cities. Tho English novelist who wishes to writo a story characterized by some little novelty is reduced to inventing Dodos or other fabulous creatures, an attempt which fails moro frequently than it suc ceeds. This state of things is so plain to ev ery writer that I wonder that no ono has rushed in to occupy tho Greenland or tho Chlneso field. A Greenland story would at onco at tract attention because of its novelty, and wo who have never been to Green land could warmly recognize tho truth of its local color, and tho profound knowledge of Eskimo character shown by tho writer. An advanced Eskimo maiden with a wild desire to wear petticoats instead of trousers and to drink tea instead of train oil could hardly fail to charm the reader. I am afraid, however, that the ad vanced Eskimo maid would not survive beyond tho first four or five chapters, for I understand that whenever an Es kimo woman exhibits symptoms of, ad vanced thinking sho is immediately sot adrift on an ico floe W. L. Alden in Idler. BATHING IN THE DEAD SEA. Aa Easy Matter to Float on the Surface or tho Thick Water. Tho Dead sea, or moro properly tho Salt sea, is also called in Scrip rnro the sea of tho Arabah; in tho Apocrypa, the Sodomitish sea;in tho Talmudical books, eea of Salt and sea of Sodom. The namo Dead sea seems to have been first used in Greek, and tho Arabic namo 13 Bar Lut, or tho sea of Lot It has a length varying from 40 to 46 miles and is only about threo miles across at its broadest port. From the analysis of tho United States expedition it appears that each gallon of tho water, weighing 12 pounds, contains nearly 3 pounds (3.319) of matter in solution, an immense quantity in view of the fact that sea water, weighing 10J pounds per gallon, con tains less than one-half pound. Of this 32 pounds nearly a pound is common salt (chloride of sodium), about two pounds chloride of magnesium and less, than ono-baif pound chloride of calcium (muriato of lime). Thero does not ap pear to bo anything about it inimical to life, and tho story of a recent tourist confirms this. Ho says: "As for tho Dead sea, it will, in con tradiction of the name, forever preservo a green and living memory in my mind. No fish can survive in it, wo all know, but for a place for a swim, or, above all, for a float, commend mo to it beyond all tho Winnepesaukees in tbo world. How it bears you up in arms! How it annihi lates tho tiresomo ponderosity and dig nity of tho laws of gravitation! How it introduces you into tho inner conscious ness of dainty ariel and thistledom and all otherairy, fairy creatures! Tho moro you weigh tho less yon weigh. Thero is tho real hydrostatic paradox. An ele phant in tho Dead sea would feel him self a gazelle. Then what a mirror its steely surface was that morning, and how beautiful its reflections of the moun tains of Falestino on tho ono hand aud of Moab on tho other!" Brooklyn Eagle. Electric IJshts. A Vienna professor gives it as his opinion, after much research on the subject, that all delicato persons and thoso who suffer from nervousness should never remain long in a room lighted by electric lights, its effect on tho nervous system being such that aft er awbilo they generally become uneasy and depressed and find it impossible to concentrate the attention for any length of time. Young persons, on tho contrary, and thoso with strong nerves find tho influence of tho light extremely beneficial, especially when tho brain is overworked and tired, tho effect being much tho same as that of strong coffeo L a, increased activity of tho nerv ous system. Through Algerian Spectacles. In a delightful paper beforo a club recently Mrs. Fannio C Barbour, the writer and traveler, gave a description of her visit to somo Algerian ladies. Through tho interpreting friend who ac companied her the hostesses convoyed thoir polite pity at her extraordinary costume. "Where,'" they asked in plaintivo pity for tho unfortunate American, "aro her Turkish troasers?" When told that she came from Amer ica, they asked whero that was, and on bearing that it was across a great sea complacently remarked: "Not so great as our Mediterranean. Thero is no sea like that'' Food For 3Ian and Ernst. "Wo read sometimes, " said Mr. Bill tops, "of people 'eagerly devouring' a newspaper, but horses sometimes do that literally. Twico lately I havo seen horses eating newspapers. Perhaps this might conio under the head of 'taking in every word. " Nov.- York Sun. Hewn re of OInttnentn for Cntarrli tliat Contain Mercury. as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell aii'l completely dcrm;e thewhole svstem when entering It through mucous suftaces. Such articles should never be used eicept, on prescriptions front reputable physicians, as the damage they will do Is ten (old to the good yon rim possibly derive Irom them. Hall's Catarrh' Cure manufscturnl by F. J. Uhcnev &. Co., To ledo, O., contains no mercury, Hnu ls taken in ternally, noting directly upon the Wood and mucous surfaces ot the system. In burins Hall's Catarrh Cure be sun- you get tho.cenulne. It is alien Internally, and made i Toledo, Ohio, bv F. J. Cheucy t Co. Testimonials free. Sold by Druggtsts, price "5 c. per bottle- -. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Awxried Gold Medal MldwiaUr FIr. Sa Francisco. NO DOG IN HER HOUSE. A Boarding: House Keeper Tells Whyjfta Has Made This Rule. Persons with dogs and other -pets meet with a cold and clammy reception in Now York boarding houses. 'They may occasionally steal into fashionable flats, whero tho landlord or agent .has no direct mean3 of circumventing them, but when it comes to tho boarding'henso things aro a little moro definite. A nice-looking married couple went into a Twenty-third street boarding bouse the other day and were made com fortable. After tho first dinner the lady was observed scraping together some dainties from tho board to take to her room. The landlady, who is a woman of great decision of character, heard of it, and her knock was shortly afterward heard at tho door of tho new boarders. Tho latter were immediately notified that cither they or tho dog must vacate at once. "If I cannot keep my darling Xeno phon, we'll move," protested the owner of tho dog, who practiced tho principle of "Love me, love my dog." "Then you'll havo to move, " said the landlady firmly. "I'm not keeping a dog kennel." "How in the world they ever got that dog in hero without my seeing it," said she, after tho obnoxious Xcnophon had been disposed of, "is moro than I can understand. I've had all I want of dogs. A gentleman nsed to keep a small but ferocious bulldog in his room where I once lived. Ho was tho ugliest brute I ever laid my eye3 on the dog, not the man. That dog wouldn't let anybody but his owner tamper with him. The man used to lug him around with him everywhere he went One night when tho man camo in, he was feeling so ob livious to earthly things that he left his dog locked in the vestibule. The next boarder who came ingot no farther than the vestibule and landed down the steps with a square yard of trousers missing. He was soon joined by another boarder, who wanted to come to bed. They rang the bell until several of us came down to see what was the matter. On opening tho door the dog sprang for us as if he hadn't been fed for a week and wanted anything that came bandy, bnt we slammed tho door to again just in time. As we could not awaken the owner we had to leave the dog there till morning, and thoso who wero outside had to go to a hotoL In tho morning everybody had to go and como by the servant's entrance until tho owner of tho animal came down and got us out of tho fix." "What did ho say?" "Say! Why, ho abused us all as a Ect of brutes for keeping his dog locked np there and gathered it np under his arm and took it up stairs as if had been a piece of Dresden china! And the board ers who had been locked out left the house for good the next day. We got rid of the dog, but not until it had half de populated tho establishments" Chi cago Tribune. The Awakening TIser. Between tho drowsy sleep of the noc turnal animals and tho hypersensitive sleep of those which spend their lives in constant fear of their enemies a place must bo found for tho form of slumber enjoyed by the large carnivora and that of domestic animals. Tho former havo no enemies to fear except man, and tho latter, protected by man, enjoy to the full the blessing of natural rest Tigers aro freqnently found fast asleep in the daytime. Native hunters have been known to track them after a "kill" to the place in which they were lying fast asleep and gorged with food and to shoot them as they lie. When taking bis midday repose in districts whero it is littlo disturbed, the tiger does not always retire to a place of se curity, like tho bear, or oven the leop ard, which nsually sleeps on the branch of a tree. It just lies down in some con venient spot, either shady or warm, ac cording to tho weather, and there sleeps almost regardless of danger. They have been found lying in dry nullahs, under trees and oven in the grass cf tho hill sides unobserved until their disturber camo within a few yards of them. General Douglas Hamilton, When shooting in theDandilly forest, came upon a tigress, and two cubs lying fast asleep on their backs, with their paws sticking up in the air, under a clump of bamboos. When ho was within a fow yards of tho group, one raised its head and without moving its body quietly looked at him along tho lice of its body between its paws. Tigers kept in cap tivity awaken gradually, stretching and yawning like a dog. London Spectator. Ct lea's Cnlqne Tollsate. Utica enjoys tho doubtful distinction of being probably tho only city a the United States which has a 'tollgate within its boundaries or anywhere near it, for that matter. Tho old days of toll roads and tollgates havo passed away, and it is well that they have. Tho com pany which maintains tho Deerfield gate has a legal status that cannot bo done away with without tho consent of thoso who own the property. The last legisla ture passed an enabling act which makes it possible for tho parties interested to, do away with tho tollgate, and it Is something to which tho attention of the authorities may properly be directed. Utica Press. Pnzsled Him. "1 don't see why I loso so many places," said Jimmio, tho ex-office boy. "Dey ain't a smarter kid on do block dan me. Dey ain't a singlo ono of 'em kin smoko a cigarctto and whistle at de same time like I kin." Indianapolis ournaL For over 400 years Nov. 13 was ob served in England as a festival. It com memorated the death of Hardicanute and the accession of Edward the Con fesior, by which tho country was deliv ered from tho yoke of tho Danes. Amulets aro now worn by royal noble families in India that aro believed to have been handed down from father to son for nearly 2,000 years. Wayne Jones is special larm agent for tho "old reliable" Continental Insurance Company of New York, which has been tested !y passii.g through and paying all oi itt looses in that proat conflagration of Chicauo iu 1871, by which over one hun dred companies equal lo the State Insur wce Company if SaHn, Ore. failed. A word to the wise is sufficient. .Ifyou want Ihe best of dentistrv go to Dr. Strange and have it done by "an ex perienced and skillful dentist. All work guaranteed and at very reasonable prices. 4