f THE PLAINDEALER ISSTJXD EVKST XtOXDAT AXD THURSDAY BT TKPLAIWEAIER NIUSKHN MfttPAKY W; F. BENJAMIN Kaot C.Y. BENJAMIN, .... Manager. t SabscrtpUoa Kate: Ono Year payable la advance S oo Hoatai, " r oo Months. " 30 THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1895. A CITY WITHOUT A GOVERNMENT. Kcdhot Elections Ewrj Tear, bat the Sleeted Never QuallTy. Tho town of Humboldt, Kan., Is an organized city of tho third class, with 1500 people, and for 18 years there Jiaa .not been a municipal officer in tho town, although tho city election has been held every year. Thereby hangs a tale, and as it contains a warning against tho vot ing of bonds and going into debt it thonld bo told. In tho spring of 1870 there was pro jected south from Junction City to Par sons a railroad called the southern branch of tho Union Pacific. Humboldt was sot a young town then, but bond voting was tho fashion, and Humboldt, which was old enough to know better, voted bonds to tho extent of $175,000 for tho road. Not satisfied with this dobt, in 187G tho town voted $25,000 to the Fort Scott, Humboldt and Western, a road known in tho west as tho "Old Fifth ParalleL This road was graded from Fort Scott to Humboldt, but it was never equipped. Tho grade may be seen today by passengers riding along tho Missouri Pacific But tho grade did not bring tho flood of trade that was ex pected, and tho bonds being sold to the usual "innocent purchaser" the town began to skirmish around the courts to keep from paying an unjust debt The inevitable came, and In 187G tho town, as a legal corporation, dissolved into thin air. Then when the officer of tho court camo to Humboldt in 1876 to compel the mayor to turn over the interest duo on tho bonds he found that, although there 1 had been aredhot election tho spring before, and although there was a man there called mayor, there wa3 in deed and in legal truth no mayor at alL The situation has remained the same for IS years. In two years more tho debt will be outlawed. Then Humboldt is coming up to breathe the free air once mora as a municipal corporation. At present the programme is written upon a "tangled web." Everyyear the mayor and dry council aro elected. The old ad ministration retires and tho new admin istration comes in only it doesn't It comes to tho threshold, but it doesn't enter. It does not "qualify." Tho council meets without tho oath of office. The mayor is merely chairman of a committee of citizens tho council and tho meetings of tho committee are held regularly. Ordinances are passed giving tha city marshal and tho street commissioner power to keep tha town orderly and clean. Tho council cannot handle any public mosey. Tho little money teed by tho council is raised by private subscription among the residents of tho town, and as it doesn't go through aay red ts$e machine and as every one who pays these volunteer taxes knows just how much he pays far everything tho mosey is not squandered. It is, in fact, a business administration. The city marshal is only a fiat functionary. As city marshal ho has power to do nothing except scare small boys who throw melon rinds in the alleys and to notify owners of pigpens to cleanup, but as constable of Humboldt township he can arrest men and esfcrcQ tha laws as well as the best policeman in the world. The street commissioner has no power, save with the consent of tho people, whose property he grades up or down. He is a sort of advisory board. The city clerk issues licenses to show which aro clearly fiat and his records of the pro ceedings of the council would have so weight in any court 2ono cf these ap pointive officers qualifies. The whole machinery of administration in the little tows is carried on by common consent The present mayor tho man who was elected, but who has not qualified and will not is W. T. ilcElroy, editor of the Humboldt Union. 3Ir. HcElroy has been in the little town for 30 years, and his paper is 29 years old. He thinks when the citizens get out of this hole the man who offers to vote a band on the tows site will bo banged. He says that the city stands ready to compromise with tho "innocent pur chasers" of the bonds for exactly what the purchasers are alleged to have paid, 25 cents an the dollar. This propositi an, he declares, has been made and rejected several times. Every few men tha an of ficer from Bomo court tries to find funds of tho extinct corporation is some bask in the country. 2ioi long ago the officer tried Iola. But so far tho courts have been usable to get the funds. The little tows seems to have tho best of tho con test and only time will release it from tho trouble. Memphis Commercial-Ap peal. tUCK FOR THE BATTENBERGS. The Bot Are All Dolnc Pint Bate, TTianV Tou, Jut at TM Wrltlsa Fortune is once more looking favor ably upon tho Battenbergs. Amorement is afoot in Bulgaria to place Prince Joseph upon the throne occupied for a few brief years by his gifted brother Alexander, and as the present ruler is rapidly losing his popularity, which was never great, the change is not at all improbable. Joseph's brother Henry, tho husband of Princess Beatrice, has been again received into high favor by bis mother-in-law, Queen Victoria, whom ho had offended by fancied slights upon her daughter. Today wo learn that the British ad miralty has adopted an invention by Prince Louis Battenberg, who is an offi cer in the royal navy. Last year, as re corded in Tho Sun, ho devised a new semapboro for signaling aboard ship, which, however, did not turn out to be of much practical use. His second in vention, described as a course indicator, has bad a better fata Tho admiralty, as the result of exhaustive trials, has ordered that the flagships, battleships ana cruisers bo fitted with it. Many ex perienced naval officers reported ad versely upon this couree indicator on tho ground that it was calculated to cngen dcr carelessness among navigating offi cers, but the prince's influence natural ly prevailed. New York Sun's Euro- peas Letter. 'ft !! Notice is hereby given to the public by the undersigned that I do not allow dead animals to be buried on my prem ises, at Boseburg, Oregon, or garbage ' damped thereon or sand or gravel taken therefrom, unless the party taking sand or gravel first contract with me for the right to so do. Tresspassers will be prosecuted ae- CO ruing to law. njwun imidii Roseburg, Oregon. March 17th, 1801. 0 M kinr of nil ' 7 Bicycles. Light Weight aad 1 Si 1 Rigidity. Every Ma- JfSKgCmK and Scientific Work- Highest Honors at the World's Columbian Exposition. icad t-occet stamp for our aj-roge Catalogue A work oi Art. Monarch Cycle Company, 5 R-un S;rc-B. rf-o Witush Aw. Lake BALD HEADS! What is tho condition of yours? Is your fiak dry, i uarsB, Dritue e Does it split at trie enasr lias it a 1 lifeless appearance? Does it fall out when combed er ! brushed ? Is it full of dandruff ? Does your scalp itch ? j Is it dry or la a heated condition ? If these are some of 1 yoBrsymptomsbe warned in time oryou willbecoHiebaw. Skookum is what you need. 4ttprodecUeaUiaa accident, bat Uraraolt of adeattfia research. Kaowlcrico oi the disease ot tha hair and scalp ltd to ttadiiccrr. 1 eryot bow to treat them. Skookma"coataleanlibersuBaraliBorolU. It 1 1 not a Dye. tmt a deUgtstfuEy cooling and refreshing Toole. By stuaulaunr , the follicles, tt .cf jaUixg kair, ram dandruff out from hair en bald httldM. . W Kcp tho scalp clexn. healthy, and trt from Irritating eruptions, by 1 the use ot &oors&tm Soap. It destroys parantto (rurcti, rAidk Jus. o 1 ana tuttroy (M hair. I U your duarltt cannot supply you send direct toes, asd wawl3 forward 1 prepaid, ca receipt OX pries. Grower, L0O per bottle; tox&M. Soap, 90c , 1 11c aivuutvui t TEDE MiJtk. st w.nili Fifth u-a HflERICAN 3 . Agriculturist 'hanged to a Weekly ! Only $1.00 All th Le&dinc Features that havo and many New Features added, such Reports in their season, Condensed tana ts Fafno Features. Tirn Sinci. Dairv5n Horticuhnre. topics, written by Practical and Successful Farmers, supplemented with Illustra tions by able artists, combine to make it invaluable to those who "farm it for a living."" The Latest. Markets and Commercial which the Acricnllnrist is not excelled. General and Local Market Centers all over the United States enable trs to report the latest prices on everything the Farmer has to sell. This Department alone is worth many times the cost 01 a year's subscription to any farmer. Efcm TPAZ o T To better adapt the AFrfcuUuralut to the jJlVo JCJUl blUilO special interest of each section, five editions - 1 r ts 1 : cT . . ! I lU. are country, Esstern, Middle, Central, Western, Vrh Witinn mntaini srjecial Local Features characteristic of Its eection, per- fir anfinrii tn thi iranH ot the farmers of the different s'.nt'- in that section. Thus each edition becomes to the Farmers as though published at their own etate capital. The Family Features, Short Stories, Latest Fashions, Fancy Work, The Good Cook, Talks with the Doctor, Puzzle Contests and Young Folks' Page, combine to msko this Department of as much value and interest as most of tne Special Family Papers. Questions answered on Law, Medicine. Veterinary and other topics FREE. THE 3IAGAZINE FORM. Each issue comes out with a neat cover, the number of pages varying from 23 to 36. An Ideal Farm and Family Weekly. FREE SAMPLE COPY Eent on request. American Agriculturist, 78 Columbian Building, - SPECIAL COMBINATION OFFER. Tbc Plaindealer. - - 82.001 American Acricultnrista, 1.00) W ok ssx saafe Pq ww B fl if PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT AND POTASSIUM Makes Marvelous Cures in Blood Poison Rheumatism and Scrofula P. r. P pnriSe tho blood, bulla op tbs weak and debilitated, elres trenztb to weakened ncrrcs, expels dlKea,lflnttbepatlenthealtb and happinwj irhere fickncs. glootcr Xeellnca tod lanltade Brt prcraHed. For crlmiry. tecondarj find tertiary rrphllU. tor blood pulsonlnc. mercu rial mmo. raalirU. dripcrsla. and la all blood and xln d'.nwr, liko blotches, plmplet, old chronic nicer, tetter, acald bead, bolls. crylpcl. eczema we mar T. wit hoot ter.rot contradiction. trust P. P. P.l thibjt Mood partner In the world, and nkcs Txxltlre. epeedjr and permanent cureo in all cue. ladles abov) syatems ro poisoned BDd whoao blood la in as Impure- eonj tion. dnotora-nsirtul IrreKpl'.rltlea, peculiarly benemed by tha oa dortul tonic an-3 blo'-J c 9inMprcp crtleaof P. P. ?.-Pr!cl:ly Asa, Poio Hoot aad rotastiara. flrsisoro-UJ. L'o., MC. nth. I cm spealc la tho hlsbcst tonca cf vow medicine fromjny wn personal Ixo-s-IedRO. 1 was aOcctw, T7irb heart fllseaae. tlsurlsy nnd rht-urattlsa Icr 3!, yotr j, Ttrta treated by tha Tory boot DhyslcUea ana spent hundreds cf iol Itrs. tried every .known remedy with out hndlnic relief. Ihava only Ukcn ono Dome 01 your 1-. 1-. j -" cboerfnlly aay It has done mo mora f :ooainanan7uiiuuinojjj. ,7, 11 2 csn rKOuumun i ww. k. auCerora of the aboro diseases. SBUe MRS, M. M. YEAUT. Sprisgfleld, Oreea Cocctj, Mo. Absolutely thq Best. fSB. Superior material end Halsted Sts.. CHICAGO. ILL. Root Hair Grower kuui uiiic ukuivck IAS.. Arcane. New York. X. V. - " ' WEEKLY. Ordinal, Progressive, Practical. To extend its usefulness and make it a practical necessity to every progressive Farmer, and his Umny, the American Agriculturalist is now published weekly (instead oi monthly;, at a Year! made the monthly bo popular are retained as General anil Local Market Prices, Crop etra, and Letters among me farmers. Poultrr. Market Gardening, and other .cri culture are. Leading Features, In Reliable Special Correspondents at the issueu tor uve uiuercui kcuuud ut iuo Southern. as much their home agricultural paper. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Onr price $2.50 Both for only Papers. mum ro ninTniltr rim r mo DLuiunco AND OLD SORES CATARRH. MALARIA. KIDNEY TROUBLES and DYSPEPSIA Arc entirely rtmored by P.PJ. -Prickly Ash. P060 Boot and Potaa alum. tho sreatest blood purlflsr oa earth. Ajtrronw. O. . July 21. Ifi3t Urssaa Lirr-stA! Baoa.. saTannsn, Oa. : Daak Bias I bouKht a bottlo of ?ourP.P. P. at Hot 8prlcc3,Art..snd t ha. done rao moro cood than throo Donths' treatnont at tho not ajrlnss. fiaod three bottles C. o. D. Abcrdeeu, Erorn Ceunty, O. Cap(. 3. D. Jc&nzlcn. To on sfw f.' naf concern: I he-e-b7 testify to tho lrondcrf ol rropcrtlea cl P. P. P. for eruptions of (no la. I 1 oBcrcd for aorural y ears vitb nn nn eluhtly tad dlaairrocaolo crcf.tlonoa my fco. I tried erery kaowa reme dy bu. invaln.untll P. P. P. was used, end to now entirely curivl. (oiccodby, J-f-wnggg,. SUla Cancer Cared. rUacnvrrnitheJfajorcScjuduTa. BZQViy. TEr.. January 1. 1E03. JlZJiia, LipmAW Bnos.. BavsLnzh, Oiui Gentlemen I hare trld your P. 1'. P. for a dlscaeo of tbo skin, u.icail7 txown . skin rancer.of thirty years' ctcndinjr, and ouad (Treat relief: it puriuostoe Dtooa ana removes an ir ritation from tho scat of tho cl'oaeo ond prevents cny sorca-llnir of tho rams. I haro taken Ave or air bottles end feel confident that aacthcr courso will effect a t-nro. Ithasalsorellored rao frnt lndlfrcstlon and atooacli troubles Yours truly, . CAPT. W. M. r.U8T. Attorney at Law, M EM Diseases Kaiiea Ties. ALL DHTJOOIST3 HELL IT. LBFPRflAN BROS. PEOPEIETOE3, LlnneiaB'i Illorb.flaviinri&. n THE sj i&is (j lobe- Oemocrat Eight Pages each Tuesday sui Friday, Sixteen Pages sEvclry Week, ...OMtV.. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR is, beyond all comparison, the biggest, best and cheapest, national news and family Journal published in America. Stgiogyil Republican in politics, it gives allfthe news and gives it at least three days earlier then it can be had from any of the Metropolitan weeklies. It Is Indispensable to the farmer, merchant or profess ional man, who desires to. keep thor oughly posted, but has not time to read a large Daily Paper. Write for free samples to GLOBE PRINTING CO., Louis, Missouri. By special contract, we are enabled to offer The St. Louis Globe-Democrat twice every week in connection with The Plaindealer for only $2.25 a year, provided you subscribe before April 1, 1895. Considering the character of the two papers the greatest of national Journals and the best of your home papers this offer has never been equalled. Do not delay but send in your sub scriptions at once. JOB PRlflTIllG ft Poor Printing Pays Poor Profits: PLAINDEALER PUB. CO. Portland 1. Locatidn beautiful, healthful and free from all places of temptation. 2. Best instruction in and Business Courses ; also State Diplomas to graduates courses. '3. Board in West Hall, Club Houses or private fami lies, $100 to $200 per year.for board and tuition. 4. Fall Term opens Sept. 18th. Catalogues sent free Address ( C. C. Stratton, D. D., President, . .. or Thos. Van Scoy, D. D., Dean. We get out a class of Job Printing that is Superior to the "General Run." University College, Preparatory, Normal in Theology, Music and Art. of Normal. Diplomas for all Mining Application No. 54. United States Land Office, Roseburg, Oregon,) February M,18U5 J Notlco Is hereby given that the Oicen Mount ain Mining Company, a corporation duly lncor- B orated under the general lair of tho Stato oi rccon, with Its principal ofllco or place of business at Portland, Multnomah county, Ore gon, by Its duly qualified and acting president, V. C. Wilson, whoso post ofllco address is Clove land, Douglas County, Oregon, has, on tho 17th of August, 1887. filed Its application for a patent for three hundred feet In a southwesterly direct ion from tho discovery cut, and twelve hundred feet In a northeasterly direction: from said dis covery cut. In tho aggregate fifteen hundred linear feet of the Ureen Mountain Quartz lode, bearing gold and sllverquartz, together with surface ground six hundred feet In width situated in Green Mountain Mining District, County of Douglas and State of Oregon, and designated by tho field notes and official plat on fllo In this office as Surrey No. 5 and Claim 38, on unsurveyed lands but In Sections 32 and S3, Township 32 south, llange 4 west, when the pub lic survey is extended, said Lot No. 38 being dlscrlbcd as follows, to wit: Beginning nt a DOlntthreohundrnl foet smith. 35 degress west of discovery shaft or cut at post iso. x ai me center oi aoumeriy cmi of said Claim No. 38. from which the s.intheiuit mrnw of section 32 and 33, Township 32 south, Rango -I wu3i, tvuiameiio Meridian, on mo itn standard l'nmllel South. D-iUKla Coantr. Oregon, beam south 5 degrees east CO. 37 chains distant, a fir 30 inches in diameter bears north 41 degrees west one hundred and twenty links distant, a fir IS Inches In diameter bears south 63 degrees cost ID links distant, inenca norm oo degrees west zuu leet to post No. 2. from which yellow fir 30 Inches in diameter bears south SS degrees cast 17 links. yellow fir 21 Inches In diameter bears north 43 degrees cast 78 links, mathront 6 Inches in di ameter Dears sonui m degrees west si links; thence north 35 degrees east 1500 feet to post No. 3 from which a fir 20 inches In diameter bears south 20 degrees west 2S links distant, a fir 12 Inches tn diameter bears north 64 degreus east 31 links distant: thence south 65 degrees cast COO feet to post No. 0, from which mathcrone C Inches in diameter bears south 23 degrees west 32 links distant, matberone 6 inches In diam eter Dears norm -u degrees cast u linns aistant; thence south 35 degrees west 1500 feet In post No. C, .from which fir 12 Inches In diameter bears north 55 degrees west 26 links distant, fir ten inches in diameter Mars south 57 degrees west 27 links distant; fir 8 leches in diameter bears south 80 degrees cast 31 links distant, thence north 55 degrees west 300 (hundred) feet to place of beginning, magnetic variation 19 degrees east, containing 20.65 acres. The location of this mine, W. J. Worley locator. Is recorded In tho recorder's office, Douglas county, Oregon, in Book .of Record of Mining Claims, Volume 2, page 728. The ad oininx claimants arc it. s. Jones an-j A. s. Whiting on tho noitherly end and F. Clarno Co.. on tho southerly end. And any and all persons claiming adversely any portion of said Green Mountain Mine or surface ground, arc required to file their ad verse claim with tho RegUter of the United States Land Office at Roseburg, In the State of Oregon, during the sixty days period of pub lication ncreoi, or mey win oo oarrea oy vir tue of the provisions of the statute. it. n. r.Aiuii, itegister. Sheriff Sale. TN TIIE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE -I- nf Orpirnn tnr Ihp Pnnnt. n f TVtm?l. Stephen Minard, Plaintiff. if Wit. McBec and C. A. McBee. Defendants. State of Oregon I uounrvot Douglas.l iuncu at a xeguj&r term ot tnts circuit Court of the State of Oregon. County of Douglas, in hh: uo saturuay, ueccmDtrna, ixh, tne plaintiff above named recovered Judgment against the above named defendants for the sum of tour Thousand Six Hundred Thirty- lurcc ami id-iuu i4(jj.131 uoiiars ana costs ana disbursements taxed at VZJO, ifor fXO attorney fees herein taxed and against the following de scribed mortgaged property, to-wlt: Beginning at the comer of section 15, 16, 21 and 22 In Township 28 South, Range 6 West of 1 iUamette Meridian, running the nee east IS 15 feet, thence north 2 degrees 10 minutes east 1570 feet, thence north 4S degrees 5 minutes east C63 feet, thence north 32 degrees and 41 minutes least 400 feet. tnence norm 17 degrees east sjo leet, tnence west 1732 feet to the l i section corner on the line between Sections 15 and IS. Township 23 South, Range 6 West of the Willamette Meridian. tnence soutn 'JC40 leet to tne place of beginning, containing 125 acres, in Douglas Connty.Oregon, toxetner witn me tenements, nercui laments ana appurtenances thereunto belonging or In any wise appertaining, and whereas it has been de creed bj the Court that the mortgage of plain tiff be foreclosed, and all the right, title and la tere si oi saia acicnaants, vm. iiciiee and u. a. McBec, or either of them, had In or to the said S remises on the 4th day ol October, 1SS7, the ate of the execution of said mortgage, or at any time thereafter, be sold in the manner oro- viuca oy law, ana me proceeds arising mere- irora De applied to tne payment ot me costs and expenses herein, and to said indebtedness, and that said defendants. Win. McBee and C. A. McBec, and each of tbem be barred and fore closed of nil equity of redemption in and to the saia premises. Now therefore, in the name of the Stat? of Oregon, I have levied upon, and will on Tues day, the 10 Ui day oi March, 1S05, at 1 o'clock r. 11. 01 said aay at tne uourt House door in Roseburg. Douglas County. Oregon, sell at nnb- uczanciiou 10 tne nignest Didder lor cash in hand all the right, title or interest which said defendants had in or to the above described mortgaged property on the 4th day of October, 1SS7. or at any time thereafter, together with the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto be longing or In any wise appertaining, and will apply the proceeds arising therefrom, first to the costs and disbursements of said sale, and the costs and disbursements herein taxed at I6T50: second to the payment of KXU attorney lees; mini to tne payment 01 tne sum 01 4-1033.13, with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent. per annum irom tne 22nd day of December. lKtl. and the over-pins. If any there be. pay to the saiu acicnaants, or meir icgat representatives. M. t. UAillUAKi, Sheriff of Douglas County, Oregon. By D. R. Simjibbook, Deputy. fists Sheriff Sale. T.N THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE X State 01 Oregon, for Douglas Couoly. Sylvester Pcnnoyer, Geo. W. McBrlde' and Phil Metchans, Board ot Com missioners for the sale of school and university lands, and for the investment of the funds arising therefrom, Plaintiff. vs. J. L. Fisher, piary U Fisher, L. S. Lamb, A. C. Marsters and Sol. Abraham. Defendants. J State of Oregon, County of Douglas.) Whereas at the regular December term. 1S34. of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Douglas county, pisintins aoovo namea recov ered a Judgment by forcclosnre of a mortgage against the above named defendants. J. L. Fish-t cr, Mary U Fisher, L. S. Lamb, A. C. Marsters and Sol. Abraham, and. against the following described mortgaged premises, to-wll: The SW Jof thoNEIirandtheSEK of the SE i and the W J4 of the SE U of Sec, 25. also the A' of the NEK of Set 36. all in T. 26 S., R. 7 West, containing j acres in uougias uouniy, urcgon, together with the tenements, hereditaments and apmirtcnanccs -thereunto belonging or In. anv wise appertaining, and whereas at the regular December, 1S94, term, to-wit: On Friday, De cember Hth, 1W4, an order of sale was made for saiu mortgaged premises, ana wnercas, it was decreed in said order of sale that the defendant. L. S. Lamb, Is now owner in fee simple of said premises ana mat tne ueienaanis A. u. Marsters, boL Abraham and J. L. Fisher each havo a valid claim against said premises in tha sum of sOO each, with interest thereon at tho rate of 8 per cent, per annum from the 20th day of October, U02, and that said claims are subsequent in ef fect to lien of plaintiff, that said premises be sold according to law and that the purchaser be placed In Immediate possession thereof, that me aeienaanis J. u tisncr, aiary L. tflsner, L. S. Lamb. A. C. Marsters and Sol. Abraham be barred of all equity of redemption in said prem ises. Now therefore I will on Saturday the 23rd day of riarch, 1S95, sell all the right, title and Interest J. L. Fisher and Mary L. Fisher had in or to said premises on the Stfi day of May, 1530, and also all the right, title and interest of but and all the persons claiming by nndcr, or through the said defendants, J. L. Fisher and Mary L. Fisher, from and alter the Mh day of May, 1S30, and will apply the proceeds arising therefrom, first to the payment of the costs and expenses 01 me loreciosure ana saie 01 saiu propertv: second the sum of 4110 attorney fees; third to the payment of i 1117.10 with interest at 8 per cent, per annum from December 14th, 1S91. and it after tho aDDlIcatlon of the Drocecds of said sale aforesaid there Is any sum remaining mere De paia me aeicnaanis j. u. tisncr. a. c. Marsters and Sol. Abraham the sum of f200 each with Interest at the rate of 8 per cent, per an num, from the 8th day nf May, 1890, and tha overplus if any there be. I will pay over to the County Clerk to be distributed by order of the Court. C. r. CATUCAKT, flSU Sheriff. NOTICE FOK PUBLIOARION. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon. I JantiarT22hd.lS95.t NOTICE Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his Intention to mako final Tiroof in snnnort of hi claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver, U. S. Land Office, at Roseourg, Oregon, on March 2nd, 1835, viz: Uriah. N. G sl asher, nn Homestead '-Entry, No. 71S2, for tho SK. nnd NJf, SWJf, Sec. 20, T. 21 S., R. 6 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: Wiley Pllktngton, Stephen Wright, Asa Cole, and Abram Cole, all of Oakland, Douglas county, uregon. k. m. vjsatcu, Register. TWO -CENT STAMPS we will send you a Brilliant Gem of unusual color, J um j c THIS SIZE and a copy of "The Great Divide," so you can see what a wonderful journal it is, pro. vided you name the paper you saw this in. It s a real Jewel we 11 send you, ADDRESS THE CREAT DIVIDE, Denver, Colo. 6!HE. & This Space M. JOSEPHSON'S New York ROSEBURG, Real Estate Bought and Sold Farms, large and small, to Rent, AND IMMEDIATE Stock Ransres. Timber O i- 1 Prune and Hop Lands of best quality, in choice locations, in quantities to suit intending ourchasers, at reasonable prices and easy terms. Inquire of 3D. AARON ROSE. ROSE PROPRIETORS OF THE New Era Manufacturers ol the Celebrated EXCELSIOR Brands of Flour, Bran, Shorts. Feed, Etc., Constantly on Hand. Highest Cash Price Paid for Wheat FK0JI TEKJ11NAL OR INTERIOR FOISTS Ti Northern) pii5iFii RAILROAD Is the Line to Tate To nil Points East and South. It la the DDnUG CAR ROUTE. It runs through VESTIBULED TRAINS EVERT DAT IX THE TEAR to ST. PAUL and CHICAGO (SO CHA-G or CARS) Composed of Dining Cars Unsurpassed, Pullman Drawing Room Sleepers, 01 La'.eit Equipment, TOURIST SLEEPING CARS Best that can be constructed and In which accommodations are both FREE and FURNISHED to holders of First or Second-class Tickets, and ELECAyT DAY COUCHES A Continuous Line connecting with All lines, affording Direct and Uninterrupted Service. Pullman Sleeper reservations can be secured in advance through anv agent of the road. THHOUCH TICKETS To and from all Points in America, England and Europe can be purchased at any Ticket Office of this Company. Full information concerning rates, time ot trains, routes and other details furnished on application to an; agent, or A. D. CIXARITOX. Assistant General Fassencer Agent, No. 121 First St. cor. Washington, PORTLAND. OREGON. TO THE UNFORTUNATE. Dr. Gibbon's DISPENSARY. f9J KEARXT ST., U-J" comer of Com mercial, San Francisco, Cat. Established in 1851, for the treatment of Sexual and Seminal Diseases, such as Uoh orrhea, Gleet, Strict. urf, SyphU is.ln all Its forms, Seminal Weak ness, Jmpotenej, and Lost Manhood perma nently cured. The sick and afflicted should not fall to call upon him. The Doctor has traveled extensively in Europe, and inspected thoroughly the various hospitals there, obtaining a great deal of valuable information, which ho is com- ? stent to Impart to those in need of his services, he Doctor cures when others fail. Try him. DR. GIBBON will make no charge unless he ef fect? a cure. Persons at a distance CURED AT HOME. All communications strictly conflden lal. All letters answered in plain envelopes. Charees reasonable. Call or write. Address DR. J. F. GIBBON. Box 1S57. Sau Francisco. Cal NOTICE. Notice is hereby siren to all whom it may con eern that I hre appolntel D, W. Stearns ot Cala. pools, precinct Deputy Inspector of Stock for said precinct; postoffleo address, Oakland; also A. J. Chapman ot Wilbur, and Ralph Smith, at Rose bnrg, to act during ray absenat, and others wil bo added as parties Inspected make their desire known to me. Ruseburg, May 1th. 1SS7. THOS. SMITH, nsrctor ut btuca tor Douglas county.'Or. DeardorffHouse Two Doors North of Depot Hotel. Table supplied with the best the mar ket affords. Meals at all hours, 25 cents. Special rates to families, and particular attention given to immigrants. W. I. D. DEARDORFF, Fropr. Reserved for Cash Store, OREGON. POSSESSION GIVEN. Lands and Mininc Pronerties. r S- KL BUICK, A. M. ROSE & CO. Roller Mills, VVJ1ITE Oo Ceata per Saclc 95 Cents per Sack EAST AND SOUTH -VIA THE SHASTA ROUTE OF THE Soathern Pacific Co. Express trains leave Portland daily. feouth I I NortrT 6:15 r.x. 32QX.JC. 10:15 A. X. Lt. - Portland - Ar. Lv. - Roseburg - Lv. Ar. - San Francisco Lr. sajuii. 113) r.x. 7:00 r. x. Above trains stop at all stations From Port land to Albany Inclusive. Also Tangent, SheddsyHalsey. Haadabnxsu-Junction. CJtjrr Irving; Eugene and an staHons-from Ecseburg to Ashland inclusive. Rosebtir Mail Daily. 8:30a. x. t Lv. - Portland Ar. 1 430 r. x. 5:50 p.m. I Ar. Roseburg - Lt. 1 70 x. x. MIII.1C CARS OJT OGDEV ROUTE. Pullman Buffet Sleepers AND 8ECO.(I.Cr.AXS SLEEPING CARS Aitached to all Through Trains. West Side Division. Between Portland aad CoryaJlls. Mall train dally (except Sunday). 7:30 x. x. I Lt. -12:15 r.x. Ar. - Portland Corrallls Ar-1 5:35 r.x. Lv.l 1:00 r.x. At Albany and Corrallls connect with trains of Oregon Pad lie railroad. Express bain dally (except Sunday). 4:40r.x.Lv. - Portland - Ar. 18:25 a. x. 7:25 r.x. I Ar. - McMlnTille Lv. 5:50 x. x. the Eastern States, Canada aad Europe can be obtained at low est rates from George Estes, Agent Rosebnrg. R.KOEHLER, E. P. ROGERS, Manager. Asst. G. T. & Pass. Agen PORTLAND. OREGOS. SUMMONS- TN THE CIRCUIT COURT Or ORSOOK TOR tho County of Douglas. Sol Abraham, Plaintiff. va L. C. Beardsly, Peter Hume, E. B. Preble, Martha A. Boggea and T. R. Sheridan, Execntors and Executor ot tha estate ot T.R. Bonn, de ceased. The Ongon te California Lumber Co.. a corporation. T. Born, S. W. Condon, Dist. Atty. for DourIs County and Ada E part it- lev, Defendant. To L. C. Beardsler. the above BimMd,f,,.f In the name ot the State ot Oregon, you are arrcuj rcquinn at appear ana answer tne Cora, plaint nlKdarainstvou in the abova mtitlrd , on or before tha first day of the next regular term w -M of said court, for said Cbunty and State, appointed 73 to be held and to commence oa Monday the ISth u;H aayoijuarcn, A. u. istu, tnat being the first day of the term of said court regularly f olio-win ir the expiratlos the time prescribed, for the publi cation of this summons in and by an order herein made by the Hon. Judge ot said court and bear . ing date the 31st day of December, ISM, tor the service of this aammous by the publication there of for 8 consecutive weexr, and if you fail ro to appear and answer said complaint, the plaintiff - ucicui wu ba&sjuugmcD& against you ana a de cree as follows: 1. lor tne sura cf S979.97 with hlrnt t v rata ot lb per eent. per annum, from tha 7th day of Octobrr, 1893, and for the further sum of S100 aa attorney's feea and further for his costs and disbursements. . tL,?11?' Ji? tea7'iD described premises, to-wit: 1-ot Number Nineteen (191 in Brook's and Belden'a Addition, the same being the Brooisido Addition to the Citv of TtrMYmn. In v. rv.M. if Douglas, State il Oregon, according to the offl. ciu sorTcy ana put 01 aaia aaaiuon ot record In the office of the County Clerk 0 Douglas County, Oregon, containing Nino (3) Acres more or leas, together with the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belongintr or in anywise appertaining, be sold by the Sheriff of said County and the proceeds of (said ;ssle be applied to the payment of the above amounts, and that you aud all persona claiming under you or subsequent to the execution of tho mortgage sued on herein shall be barred and foreclosed of all right, rim . or equity or redemption in the said premises and that execution issue against you for any de ficiency which may re mam after applying all the proceeds of the sale ot said premises properly ap plicable to the satisfaction of luid judgment. ALRERT ABRAHAM. d3U0 Attorney for the PlalnUffT C. 6. Cannon is agent for the Fin' 1 man's Fund and Home Mutual Insurausa Companies. They are both PacificCoaat Companies and therefore deserve your patronage Now is the time to subscribe.