The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, March 07, 1895, Image 3

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Tie Cburches.
BAPTIST Clll-,-.,
,-nn-.rresJJ: Sunday Schok'10
"laln' Superintendent
Rsv. Q. X. Axsc t....
Residence, Ko. sti Stain' street.
Will . Mn CM..... .
Bat,. SutntcndM i
close of the morning Z. , . Bl
. i'"iuiou i rarer 11
Ins.Thnrsdty. ntTa) im.
rrsonagc, corner Malu and Lane
lawBYrxau.s CncRcn-orner of Cs and
A. Saliman, tho roliablo jeweler.
J. T. Bryan, the Busy Watchmaker.
U Beiaia, watchmaker, Roseburg, Ore.
Go to the Roseleaf for the beat cigars
For a good 5-cent dear call on Mm.n.
tMimocr or School Children-Receipts
and DIsbursments.
Tho following ia from tho annual re
port of the schools in District No. 4, for
toe your ending March 4, 1893.
Achnlmlinl.t.i:. w. ..... MALE FEMALE TOTAL
.fr Namber of resident
persons between
four and twenty
years of ago 343 3G0 703
Number of resident
pupils enrolled 318 80S CSC
Harness of all kinds at low nrl t ATerago daily attend
. w. woodward's.
drug store.
For first-class dontistrv eo to Dr. T.min
in.u. j - "
r i i . . .
orscuooi hoots and sla t in a
Q- -V ... ,
o. aiarsters & Co.
Eastern oysters on the half shall. t
the Kandy Kitchen.
Pure fresh candies
UaJn.wdTMn.-B . s.,. i" ""IS " ""UJ
Y.P S.cia. ftrcrS West, imported and
. -! . m. -
rff - 1 U(
R. B. DawoRtn, Tajtor.
(Number of teachers
(Number of teachers
employed in tho pri
vate schools in tho
district dnring tho
T. K.
Keeps the Fischer and Voso pianos.
T. K.
cigars at tho Roseleaf.
Old newspapers at the Puisnir.i.n Number of nnnila en.
office, 25 cents per hundred, rolled in private
Tho latest novels only 10 cents uaeh schools In -the dis-
at Geo. Langonberg's newstand. tnct during the year
Pacific Coast and Eastern orstn in ""mated value of school
... . . . -1 t i
and Ilardman
- : ? t. k.
Sells musical gootU for leas than Port-
lanu prices.
T. K.
A.ecps over :orty different kinds of
niU3ical instruments constantly on hand.
T. K.
Has ordered a large shipment of Wash-
bureo musical goods direct from the
any style at the Kandy Kitchen.
Tablets and all kinds of writing miner
at A. C. Marsters & Coia drug store.
Myrtle Creek flour, ontv sn
sack. Delivered free. A. n Hrt.
Vl a
The finest line of soonm nnd rh
k . .uarsiers & Co.'s drug male teachers per month dur
8tre. ;nL. .tin
I ""O . v. ..... ......
Meals at all hours at thn Kn,u Average amount of salarv rid
Kitchen, southeast corner Tavlor A Wil. I female teachers ir month
son Dioct.
nouses, Including grounds... $14,200 00
rtimated valuo of Fchool fur-
O'Wre 1,200 CO
WUtnatetl value of apparatus. 105 CO
Amount of insurance school
Property 00
118 00
T. K.
iivcjo ia:iuiu ami lungsiey pianos,
anaomer makes. Wilcox and White,
Ester, Packard, Chicago, Cottage and
arhotf organs. T. K. Richabdson,
Roseburg, Or.
All -person indebted to O.K. Hill
Roseborg are asked to call and pay on or I clothing.
aeiorc Jiaroii -i, isft. By so doing they
irm save costa. imsistbe iast notice
C. K. Hill.
Take your families to the McCInlUn
House. Mrs. McClallen will bm lht
they arc well cared for.
Protect yourself against cold and
pneumonia by wearing a chest protector.
Fine ones at Marstew' drug store.
Uso German Household Dves. Everv
package guaranteed a solid and fast mlnr
Ten cents per package at Marsters.'
Jack Abraham has accented the
agency of Neandor, Pershing A Co.. for
of taking orders for Uilor made snita of
Novelty Store.
Has jost received a large line of ladies j
dress good. We invito the public to
call aral examine oar slock and prices.
e will cbeeifally send samples and
prices to oar otit of town customers.
Gteatly reducwl rates at the McClallen
House. As i all know. D. C. ilc-
Clallen is a first das hotel man. Uivc
htm a call.
auring the year 40 60
ftumber of months public 6chxil
Number of months private 6chool
wogiH. 15
Number of private schools 2
Number of school houses in this dis
trict..... Value of Webster's Unabridged
dictionary belonging to the dis
trict.., Total per cent of taxes voted and
t .
ieviea uunng tbe year 004,-
Amount received on district tax
"i 1S33 s;
Amount of money received of
county trea&mer from tho
County court insesKlon, with full hoard
"Through Hie Shadows of De:tth" at
tho opera housd tonight.
The Postal Telegraph Co. iua estab
lishec! mi olllcu sit Junction City.
Tho baud concert to bo given Saturday
evening lias been ostioned one wcok.
See steel wrought iron ran go add in
another column. Don't get humbugged.
You can eave $20 on stoel ranges by
buying ol Churchill, Woolloy & McKen,
Mrs. Phil Metschan, wife of our stnto
treasurer died at Salem at 12:10 yester
day. photographs at McEvoy'rPort
ianu rtioto tent are lino. Call aim boo
There is a croamery in Coos County
with a capital stock oi fGOOO in 240
Latest dispatchos show that tho Japa
nese "go marching on," conquering and
to conquer. .
The steamer Coos Bay was disabled on
tho 3rd inst. and towed into San Fran
cisco harbor.
Wo can show tho ladies a nico Hue of
hosiery and summer underwear at tho
Novelty storo.
Marriage licenses have been issued to
HarveySConier and M. J
Canyon ville.
Last appearance of tho Nihilist Com
pany at the opera liouso to night. (Jo
and Ree them.
Don't forget that J. T. Bryan, the jew
eler, has established his shop at Strong's
furniture ttore.
D. W. Hunter of Oakland is in the
city. .Mr. Hunter is a republican first,
last and ul.vavs.
Yon get tho best agar where you get
John Hall of Myrtle Creek was in town
airs. Geo. Frater returnpil to Ridd!e
this morning.
Mr. AltcrliiiM of ITihj ipiN raine
down Itirisduy.
Miss Callahan from Fioinh Setllrmrnt
is vfsiting in town.
Bulger Chapman was in the city today
Litigation Will Be Much Alore Ex
pensive. Telegram: I he price of justice Iihr
taken a jump upMinda In the, Mate cir
cuitcourt, the ramo being duly inunuiir.
ated to dayl To say that it is tanning u
great ileal ol comment is only an inti
mation of tho furoro now oti between
prospective clients and their lawyers.
Tho worst featutes -of tho affair, vlewimr
it standpoint, ia that the price on business at county court.
nK a .. Jiu.t.. a i. i ai i t ' .1 I iyt a
ib nui kojuk iu uuKiuaio oniy uy moi iuwin weaver nnu wue ot Myrtle The. Sliver Ouestlon
gracious permission of the legislature. Creek were in the citv
That, of course, is out of the Question. t, wn.M ,. n L iU ditok: i am not certain that
I I H.WU HID VHU TUI1I 1 1113 UlHl aJIIdll L I I a m in 1 fll. . M ...
Tho immense amount ol litiMtion'car- Mm t.,.. ' :.. '"" WIW1 ynr noancial views,
w I wmluw awfu S UVQUII1 Uli 1I1MIU1 L11IIL Illlhl I nannHliIl II .. .
ripfl nn in Mnlft.nrnol, or,nn'a mnrf. " UIOHO W1ID regard to the Coin
makes it seem strange to court praction- w ..,.. . if , , fL8 0l,8!lver. J you will allow space "in
era that tho state most feel the necessity um, " V.uTrL . .'umD8. me laikdealee to pre-
of makine litieation more costlv. : . ?' 4,44 -iiiuo u uoua "orK guar-1 cent some views tliatX entertain, with
Whtl,pr thn miaino. nf n,a fa- tn, flit - reforerfce to4that vexed question.
snit ! crnincr n ri.,pn n tnt nf Jron jna8.' Bcnnauier ot Urockway passed 1 presume it is apparent to moat men
and sometime useless litigation that lhroa8b Ro3ebrg Tuesday behind his of al Political parties, that the free, coin-
migh might bo better adjusted on the r,w DBy8, 8 B"VBr wm 08 tde raain and para
outsido, is a question that is beinu ranch Ohas. Curry tho big rancher of Ump- .onDl ,Mne ,D lne next presidential
discussed. The effect will bo watched Qua valley came up, Tuesday as serene as
with interest. Of .course, in important atunflower,
C. E. Bensch of Oak creek was in trie
Highest of all ia Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report
cases of law; there will bo no noticeable
dimnnition, but thid has especial refer
ence to- potty cases.
In law cases it seems, according to tbe
new law, au official copy of which has
just, reached the circuit court clerk's of
fice, the fees are governed by the amount
involved. Ten dollars be paid down
election. Certainly, for tbe past two or
three years the free coinaze of silver has
neen most elaborately discussed by dis-
"iwill UK) ,jTO. ... .
city and like a ransil.le man subscribed 37. T . 'B 01 .ex,8,,D
for tho Plaindealek. ' ! '"cn n 'no people nave
,t , so eoucateu tnat by this time they
lady preacher will muf-t havo COme to fnmn mnnlnatnn r.a fn
tho best policy to be punned by the gov
ernment on tnis question.
1 hold to the view that eventually) we
Mrs. JUuegrave, a lady preacher will
a dress tho audienca at the Christain
church this evening.
Misses Ada McCurdy and Effie Mun
ir. i . -it ... . .
T!ll lil. nf Whon thn romnluink ? filml , . . 1 & ibiukw - -urn raiaago is uie OdlV floln
.....j, y... v. r . t " nnrt fpinnrta in Tlnom. I f. .1 :i .. . ' .
amount in controvesy is over 500M " . . ' D 4ueancn, ana aiso noia
Lees thWthiir ih f la ; in .ti Hon-r- Cooper came lo town Tuesday ,l,at its roltrtion in that way will cause a
bate urocBedinM nn.l .-Ivil .rl,,n ,hm 00 business and pleasure. Mr. C. is one restoration of our former prosperity, and
thero is no amount invol mi tho fee for oI ,he fiolid men of the county. nng about a feeling of confidence in onr
filing a caso will be $10. This U the fee Mark Holmf s of Oakland was in town -ntineM ceD,erB that has not exittod for
the clerk will charge anyway, and if the ,aBt Tuesday. He took thb overland .J"" "B Pf8' .
lawyers object and want to make a test tra5n r Canyonville Tuesday night. hoId l ,he .T,ew that the in the
case to determine the construction of the Wm. Haines, a hnn.r nf ; : presioenuai eiecuon that makes tho
law. they can take tbe question to conrt. tho cilv innntrint .(ror i,m.:.
Upon the filing of an answer, demurrer the people cowhldes-for hi, .,. ia vmuum, wui ba tri
or motion in these actions the defendant tk--a u... . . r. 0,1 opposition. The needs
,uZ ; , . . - . conn,ry re(ln,ro a larger circulation
the best candy. At N.ece'a candv fac- exceeds 500 and 3 t,l,PrP U, i- IZJ'T" "" " ' ol silver, and more especially does the
mM. IMn't Inpfnt it I tna AA - ' ... IW.-O tliajl ftlW, I R.inliln JI.
-U6t ttiuiK ot it! Men s cotton half 1Do enect ot mo new law on the
hi., oi i agriculturist, the mechanic and the
laborer need a larger per capita of silver
hose; double heel and toe for five cents Jo-liea court cases will I interestrng-.L'i; ,J u ' ""h0'1.61801 fnesgoes to show
per pair. Noveltv store.
Will McBce Pent Weduosday night la
In these courts no case can be handled
surgeon, will visit Roseburg profession- that these classes demand the free coin-
where the amount in vol (exceeds $250. o-m n,n: 3d instant .Oakland on the age.of 8,lver, and they will make that
In Honor Bound.
S. S. Belcher, an old soldier in Craw
ford county, Kan., had his pension cnt
offbecanseitwas not believed the old
man had heart disease as the papers
claimed. When Belcher received the
news of tbe loss of his pension he fell
dead, with ono throb of his poor old
suffering heart Er.
The government did not try to sneak
out of its debts to the money-lenders,
the jobbers of mules, hard-tack, and
sow-bosom by calline them "ahirka
"dead-beats," bummers," etc. It
didn't proclaim that the whole lot of
them were tainted with fraud." and
take 25 or 30 years to investigate the
matter, in the fervant expectation of
having money by wearying them into
their graves. Not at all. It took the
nghful position had taken those
men's money and goods at a time when
it was greatly in need of them, and that
it was jn honor bound to pay everv dol.
larithad agreed to. It h the same
with veterans. It is the depth of mean
ness to be now vilifying veterans as the
scum of the earth, in order to swindle
them out of the rights lor which they
sacrificed health and bodilv strength.
When these much-abuned men were
standing as a wall of fire between the
country and destrnction, no praise was
to great for them. Only when they ask
for payment of their dues, they become
the most despicable of creatures.
C. K. H.
Roeehurg. He reports farmers at
Bend busy at spring work.
The next reunion r.f the old soldiers
Mrs. Lynns, a pupil of the late Prof.
Speransi of Milan, Italy, cives vocal and
piano furte lessons. Terms reasonable.
Residence at Mrs. Parties.
Another installment of thosa 11.50 1 Amount of moner received bv
tuitions .j-
shoes, the best ever offered In th nlr
? r-iual Call. Staple coods of all kinds at nricM tn unit
-in persons are hereby noUded to the times, at U. C. .Stanton'
luiu-oime feiuemeni ot meir in- n,. irnrt nf n... i :
j . I wa. va uu UC "1 UUUU1 LS UJCCl
I rTrS. ., uru,"l,r with general approbation. There is
fniw'J.Wmte.plh mell about the clothes
.u. .utiiuij. uraw Eive U11S I IfinnlrTn IKo. lr l j
rl! n,,nf . .1. J..- . , " "uu' u.uij,
.ditional costs. A.M . Firen' Fund has paid
Administrator of Estate of S. Mart
Uneoflhe advantngrs offewl hvatiial
in the justice court is that the plaintiff
can obtain a hearing and perhaps get a
m.titmanl n..!!.!. IA .1 t .t . . T
mnntv .,1 I f.l . nnH ,1n,a nf U'.l.: ill i Jk""""- 'wwiuiu ui a irom ino lime
Amount of monovrIl f held at Hillaboro. Jnlv !t 4 nn.l s . "1B "rcnii coun
county treasurer from the an- Ti, m,n , "f"8 "ra 'or
i wv- i-a.f , j i HHvprai mnninn a rivii mn in ina.
wM uv4ivai i ai'ifca ituir. m i iiik uvhi aii n 'ur u iiM u...t 1 r
t j I f ' " . ' 7 iwwatuuifc, iierun. jury is uaeu, usually
" "v I - - mw nvi ktIV ftaaVA 1 ' l I I ffXirn fltantll VIII a I lWTol ! aw I in
I . -vr,... v.. b.t riiKKo
Salt rheum with iu intense itching, tetl that the new fee bill will como hard deBP''8 Ibe
dry, hot skin is cored by HoodV Sirsa- on tho numerons small cases wherein "'change."
"i mounv oi scnool lunds re- p..., vu.i uua mg uimu. ul um. iinuupiooi uicining, moiiuin- ine tiynon Kros. late of the Palem
ceiveU 7S92 67 hen yon have a social or birlhdav uu wishes toappeal his caueto a higher Post, visited Roseburg Tuesdav. insDect
disbcesemexts Pfty you want evorvlliin - first class, tribunal. If the change confines most of Ing the prospects for a nevr entomriw in ....
Amount m!l rnrfnl.. ..- I fiat r-.nt- n.n.l.. -i v:..- . .:u ... I the lill I rntna fn thn JmdIIo nnn I ..ut:,ui i ....... I ueniiai Honors
.-r"tvi v.uti; niica.000 ijni ww. wuill h LilCbC J U UII UIIIUUVI ...w jwcww wuik.vug I ."W L'UUiieillULI OUSinCSS. l 1111 Vhlt
Amount paid for interest on I be 'n it. advantage gained will be the disratch of success wo wot not.
00 1
25th and Drain on the 271h.
ut. r. -v. ilaynes has just returnel
frjni tbe East andopened dental parlorp
in Mark's building, where he will l.e
pleased to welcome persons desiring den
tal work. .
l.. anil u, ti. liuell ol Looking GNrs
were in the city Tuesday. Thev report
all things in good shape in their vicinitv
depression following the
Eggs For Hatching
Jtrom thoroughbred fowls bred for
health and profit not inbred. Buff,
White and Brown Leghorns, light Brah-
mss, Black Lngshaws and Black Minor-
cas, the great producers summer and
winter. Eggs for sale at Barker's
grocery etore, Rosebnrg, at $1.00 per 13.
losses in Roseburg than other company J
ana has held the patronage of many o
our leading citizens for more than 25
Thomas Johnston has opened neat Amount "awl for district clerk's
grocery store on Oak street. He keeps a serrices 154 0
bonded indebetness of 19300. . 1510 00 Karl's C!over ".toot, tho rrM nin.i more important cases that in every de-
Amount paid for reiair on nnrtii.rr;n.u.i,nl,n.i .-... . partment aie awaitinz action.
blackboards .. 53a ar. th (Vonniorinn -n.i .,r, r-.i:..:
. , . . . " " co i'-. Aluslcale.
zjcts.. wm.. i.nn. .
I ouowmg w uie programme ol the
xi 13 saia mere is 10 ho a boom in the muaicala iriv.n. hv h nnVli. nf r,
.1.1 . . .... . . 1 - o J w r Mto.
-Aiinouse mininc district tins year, and I Anrx1nnfT' mnr rU. nn Tu.i
Amount paid for repairing of
school house 155 45
Amount paid for fnel 572 12
in the grocery line, and will
out more extensively in the
L. Langenbcrz
is still on top. He
Amount paid for water ...
Amount paid fur janitor
Amount paid for insurance
Amount paid for incidental ex-
Address Umnqaa Ponltry Yards, Roie-jcsnie3 a iM stock f choice music, ma- j s 'r:
burg. Or, Feed Touis. Pron. scal nrunients, violin, guitars, accord- Total amount fr ,11
To Ws'aai it ITay Concern. always cn hand. Ctsb h'.
la order to introduce oar catalogue of n p. trOi.ti- 1 .., .u.
j 1 u , . I " ,u I
iiiiisii, wju), ae mate n. t- .1- . . 1
ioaaJ person in woagiaslri. ,nj;-,:
00 00
Ml 05
301 05
234 56
30o 78
I is the first medicine I bate 'ever found
hat would do me any good." Price 50e.
nxA.vciAL sTATEaexr Young man keepvourevo peeled when
this offer: Toaav person in Doorlu - 7. . iuo ucl me .mine: March y ouy canuy lor jour girl, get it at
county ending us name, stvle. number U " T" , jlJc.u!a,Ien has M, 1S35, exchmvo of bmded debt, was Niece's. The ladies are judges of candy
.... 1 svrf V ujc aviauinii jluu uiiiiiiv ranm . i cu ti.:- i. . 1 a . .
aau price olpuno orw, booght of I rnV n f .1- .7 . T rurrem expense, """u"' K"j "nK wuen uiey see it
the Wiley B. Alien Music Co., lince Jnly .uunums uiniai icacnere, has been -Nearly all women have goo4 hair,
3. ISH.ive will pay $2 m sheet mwic luose "TniI secoad hand stoves, pnjai jjjj, as snown below; though many are grav, and feware laid
Inrnitnre, etc, for salo can receive the Amt, of outstanding warrants $630 70 Hall's Hair Uenewer restores the natural
highest cash price by calling upon N.I Doe from state, full ap-
tliat 150 stamps will be at woik in tho ning, Februry 28th
viciaiiy 01 urowntown.
Shiloh's Cure is sold on a guarantee
11 cures incipient Consumption. It is Piano solo. Fairy Polka
1 1
a I Mfllfr PranV fnITnnTiA
uose, cia., oocis., anu Jl.w. riano daet. Martha-Flntnr
Ctain bweeney, U. S. A., San D.'eco. Myrtle Hansell and Mrs. Anrwdliofr.
oai., savs: "blnloh's Catarrh Remeily vocal solo, Moorish love soneL-ith.
Miss Croxton.
Piano solo, Romance Spindler
Miss Ella iionl.
Vocal duet, II Pescatori-Ulmissi
Uelle illis and Mrs. J. Hamilton.
Mr. Fehrman of Wingfield, Illinois.
gave the Plaisoealkk a pleasant call
Tue;day on his way to Ashland. Mr. F.
: ?.-ti ... i.
wiuuhiis iur Huiiauio location lor a
creamery in which he ia interested.
."kitss Blanche Autenrieth. who has
demand manifest fn 1896,
Tho only hope of ultimate success In
solving the financial problem, andgiy.
wk our various industries an impulsive
movement foward is the restoration of
silver to the position it held prior to its
demonetization in 1873. That demone
tization was the procuiine cause
that has led to the business depreciation
which has existed Tor the past few vears
The people are beginning to learn the
origin of the present existinz "hanl
times." and are coming to the determin
ation that no man, an aspirant for presi-
who ignores silver, shall
ev?r again have their support. The best
wav to give relief to the people is to re
turn lo the money, the constitunal inonev
ot our lathers. Under the otyratinn nf
the single gold.etandard as now upheld
by Cleveland and some of his satellites.
we are burning the candle of our re
scources at both ends. Dolph . we misht
been in Yreka, Cal., for the past four w Ihe first goldile that has felt tho
I. a.- I
Piano dcet.Sohatina-DIabelli... lurnea uorae meway evening, weigui 01 me hands of an oppressed
neu uj .ura. ri. .Mcnoison .oil P"jpie. lor none questioner
nno Jiasier t. Autenrieth of I intellectual ability, hut it wa hi A.
reka. - vocacy of a financial tvilirv n,i Kf
Mat Short, in company with his r" "Snoring the friends of silver that
brother. Aaron, on a visit from Oklahoma, caused his sad (tollhim) defeat. The
were in the city Tues3a5 Ir". -Aaron on,T way to B'Te relief to tbe people U to
Short thinks this a fine country but pre- Ret ),ack the-financial principles em-
Jers the dryer country of Oklahoma. He "mnea n mo consutution, which are no
will return not long henco. raore or lei8 than opiosition to national
Mr. J. Hunt of Oakland, cue of rw tan"' anU 1 ho ef silver as well
Vocal rolo. Merry Zinjara Balfe
ioa (.uuuuea t-iaiwan repuiuicans came
up Tuesday. He reports that an insect
and music books.
T. K. RiciUESsoK,
Roseburg, Or.
The Theater.
Last night the Nihilist Company
played "From Home to Home," to a
crowded bouse, and gave general satis
faction. Mr. Theo. Kremer appeared in
the role of the villian, and sustained bis
reputation as a vei satile actor. He plays
tha lover and hero, the comedian, or the
heavy villian witn equal ease and ability.
Tonight the company will produce
"Through the Shadows of Death." a
deeply interesting drama, in which com
edy and tragedy are combined. This
inning will be the last appearance of
ttbis troupe for tbe present, and those de-
airoHSofa rich treat in tbe theatrical
2ine will surely attend.
Popular prices. Reserved seats 35 cts.
General admission 25 cts. Children 15
Rice, the furnitore and supply dealer,
221-23 Jackson street Roseburg, Or.
Dr. Davis has practiced dentistry in
Roseburg nearly 14 years, and we know
the Dr. to be a skilled workman. Par
lies patronizing him will eave money.
Dental parlors opposite Slocum's hall.
portionment $400 00
Cash on band 6 89
Balance of present debt... 193 82
630 71 650 71
color, and thickens the crontli of the
aicrivoy, at the 1'ortland Photo tent
opposite postoffice is well fitted to do fine
photographic work, at prices lower than
the lowest. Come end tee samples and
get prices.
February Weather.
The following is taken from themele
orrfogical summary for February, at this
station. Tbos. Gibson, observer:
Mean atmospheric pressure. 30.11.
Mean temperature, 45; highest, Go,
datelEth; lowest 23, date 5th; greatest
daily range 2S, date 7th ; least daily range
7, date 17th.
Mean temperature fcr this month for
18 years, 42.
Prevailing direction of wind N. W.;
Total movement of wind 1653 miles;
Maximum velocity of wind, direction,
and date 14, S.E., 12th.
Total precipitation 1.52 inches; aver
ago precipitation for this month for 17
years", 4.69; total deficiency in precipita
tion during month, 3.09 inches.
Number of clear days, II;
.cloudy days, 7; cloudy days, 10.
New Game Law.
Berwie Bill No. 213 for protection of
game, fish and wild fowl, n.akes a close
season December 1st to August 1st for
elk, moose, and mountain sheep. Pun
ishes the killing or hunting at any time
of said animals or deer for tbe purpose of
sale or for their hides, horns, or hams;
punishes the selling, buying, or tran
portating of them. Makes a close
eareon, December 1st to September 1st,
or grouse, pheasant, Mongolian pbesant,
qucil and partridge, and punishes tho
killing of eaid birds at any time of year
east the Caacado mountains. Numerous
other features of protection for fish, game
and birds are provided and an officer,
denominated the fish and game pro
tector is provided for to ce that the law
is enforced. He is to be elected by the
legislature, to have a salary of $2,000 a
year and traveling expenses to the extent
of $50ti a year. The bill goes into effect
The U. S. Gov't Reports
show Royal Baking Powdet
superior to all others.
Insurance War Now on.
It is now evident that tbe threatened
T. B. Cannon is authoiized to collect increase in insurance rates in consequence
and receipt for subscriptions due the M tbs P61 cent lax law and the valued
PLAISDEALER. and will uon rail on all Policy law will not laka nlar-n imtno.K.
delinquent within reach. Those whom ate'Tt as the attention of insurance men 50,(560 cas'e
1 t t . .1 IT 1 13 a 1 a a . . I I I. . il f a aa
ceovenooxs xieea not De otiended, but w,u urei "e to ue directed to patchine 1U ,uu ",a"cr 01 j.. a. ivirKenciaii vf,
can tend in their offerings direct. up their organization. P0' Abraham, the county clerk, F. W
J. J. Wehh hasooened a second hand 71,0 insurance combine of the Pacific Benson, referee, was busy Tujsday Uk
ttore in the old Floed building at the coast 8een,s ia danger of going to pieces, ,DK testimony to be submitted to the cir-
corner of Main and Washington streets. u' "-'egontan. Complications -" UB icrm.
Second hand goods of all kinds will be BTe ,ncrei8ed until fire insurance men Rev. R. B. Dilwnrth occupied the pul
bought and sold, and tbe patronage of
Wptu t.' IT I .11 rr-
:'"'""auj",u wn aTe Piano solo. Sonat ne Knhlan
nn; Z . 1. n T 1 ...... I
c.uiutiiuil 111 UlU IVnnuV IVIITflPn
window soino lino
Miss Lena Kearnev. resembling the nooly vhis is in the
Piano solo. Invitation to tho Waltz ground in snuh numbers in his neiehbor-
Von Weber Miss Rose. Ritzer. nood as to cause some apprehension for
Piano duct. Rondo Dia belli the result to srowing crops.
. Irving Gibson and Mm. Apnelhoff.
Vocal solo, Bcnare Perriny . . .
Mrs. J. Hamilton.
Piano solo, L Hirondell Burgjiuller
The Skaters Bshr ...Helen Willin.
Violin solo, Stummevon Portici
ejieciuiens oi crey Vocal solo. P ! nr Tl-.. ' rt.:u
squirrels and bird, among them being a Miss Belle Willis.
Piano solo, Minuet Paderewski
Miss Clara Field.
llano duet, A udanto and variations
........ Rose Bitaer, Mrs. Appelhoff.
Many friends of the pupils were pres
ent and at tho close of the prozramme
Census of 1895.
This being the census year for the
stato it is essential for our counties in
terest that a thorough canvas be made.
It is made the duty of the assessor to do
this work. To curtail pxpensea and save
as much as DOihlo to thf tnrnror.
Mrs. R. Morris, this work should be done simultaneotls
with that of assessing. To go over the
field again to ennmerate the people will
be a waste of time and money. If done
while assessing it will add but little to
the ezpenes of the ordinary assessment.
as gold, both of which are the money of
ine constitution. The free coinage of
silver should receive the prompt and un
wavering support of every man against
insatiate monoply, the single gold stand
ard combination that has Fpread and is
still spreading misery throughout Ihe
,and- Leoo.
The World's Fair Tests
showed no baking powder
so pure or so great la leav
ening power as the Royal.
the public is respectfully solicited.
Dr. Strange will have in a few days
for Canyonville, Riddle and 3Iyrtle
Creek to do such dental work as may be
demanded. CitizenB of those places will
kindly remember this and save their
.1 . , . , ... .
ueausiry mr mm ana nave 11 done by a
resident dentist.
The Fireman's Fund Insurance com
pany is recognized all over tho Pacific
coast as being tbe leading company. Its
policies are accepted by the II. 3. Gov
ernment without question. Place
your insurance in this old and well
known company. O. B. (Jannon, resi
dent agent.
Eugene's Scandal.
are so muadJed they are wondering pit in the Christian chnrch last Monday special request. Mrs. Appelhoff sang
wnere iney are at, or what is going to evening. His lesson was from tbe decla- "emicte s fcpring Flowers with accomp
nappen next. Alter having had one pro- laralion, "V ithout controverar creat 1 niment ol violin and piano.
longea and painlul experience of rate- tho mysterv of Godliness."
slashingandcutthroatcompetitionamoDii Jnaf tr v:.. 1:. w .. W. C. T. U.
themselves they had, with great exertion, and vo.. .mnnr.-mi. .,",..:ii . .. A West Rosebnrg Woman's Christain
County Court.
Up to the hour of going to press the
court had finished but little of the busi
ness on hand.
In the matter of a proposed road from
Myrtle Creek to Riddle, Wm. N. Moore.
Thos. Htrvy and James Dunnivan were
appointed viewers. The road is to cross
patently in coniequenco of tbe too dic
tatorial tono assumed by the board of
underwriters, all the labor of organization
will perhaps have to be done over again.
Meanwhil e it is not unlikely that one ol
the liveliest insurance wars the coast has
ever known may bo fought to a finish.
Let them fight it out, and may the fight
be long. Roseburg is now paying from
25 to 100 percent to high for its insur-
f alt .1
UllZ. Hull Rrlvinin? T no r nrnin SAa .a 1
r.f m I 9 -"'J a0 aua U VUlwVJ f 4 I I
Eugene society is experiencing a ten- Unction will 1 inrfn!i , ...
-:n In.f C l-t , I j J
r , J ' UJU .u'""iuu maio oppressed property owners
obscene letters through tbe mails ad
dreseed to several bichly rerpcclable
uu Kru :in v n vnn trill nnr i - i .
organized a combine, the Pacific Insur- candies anv oth-r uuL Tim... ; ' em perance Union was organized at the 1 rapqua river at Myrtle Creek and
t?! ... ... I J ...v.u 10 1 imnio nf t r r u-rni . inn nnir Mia inn ni n rn., i n:.i.n..
union, recently cnanged to the dish rag taste and you don't need any 7, - r ",,an18' inurMay " u,c-
ofFire Underwriters. Now, ap- hammer to crack them either. . ?,en,Sl' ..?b: rs. L. G. Wil-
. . 1 anu-, iicmuenioi uie uosoourg Union. I eyes lesieu r-ree.
a short tnn into tho mnnlrr Thn n.i.1. it. n . . . . 1- .
. ,i 1, . .... . "'n----- l . u.cietieu . ... uairauu g aim u;ive yoiir
we found farmers busy at their spring the followinu officers t M. T. r. Hfr. eves tested free of ci,.n,. if .m,
glasses he will fit you and guarantee sat
isfaction, or money refunded. Ho in
The Continental insurance Company
of New York has refused to join the new
Compact entitled the board of Fire
Underwriters of the Pacific, believimr
that the board is not a benefit for the
people but lor the insurance companies
in keeping up rates. This company has
the best financial standing and loss pay.
Ing record. It was tested in the great
Chicago fire in 1871, paying eveiy dol
lar of its losses amounting to over two
million of dollars. Its record of almost
fifty years is prompt and liberal in the
settlement of all honest claims. Its
motto is for the interest of the people as
well as the company. You owe your
patronage to this company and shonld
see Wayne Jones, Agent, when yon take
Patriotic Words.
The following patriotic word.-) were
uttered by Binger Hermann in the halls
of congress on February 21st, the ques
tion under discussion being tho laying oj
a cable between Hawaii and this coast
He said :
"An attack upon the republic of Ha
waii will henceforth be regarded by every
patriotic American as an attack, upon
our own republic. Time and again has
our government indicated to the nations
of the world that it would not tolerate
any foreign domination of those Islands
But, even in the facj cf this notice.
Great Bntan very diplomatically paves
the way for future advantages by her re
cent endeavorj to obtain a privilege for a
cable station on oce of Ihe Hawaiian
islands. Do we require any further re
minder cf our own interests in this di
rection, or hall we permit the shrewd
Britons to acquire ihe great advantages
of cable communication'. This cable
cannot be constructed by individual ef
fort. The bnsines3 at present will not
justify the expenditure required, and the
alternative is left foi the entire American
people to undertake tho enterprise, and
luake it an American project for Ameri
cans, and uuder American control
Mr. Herman in this, as in all his ut
terances, boldly advocates the Interests
of his country. He is always found true
to the interests of Oregon. S.
Don't Read This.
What's tho matter with Hannah? ia .
inquiry that has been made thousands
upon thousands of times without a satis
factory answer being made, but there is
no necessity of asking what's the matter
witn Jack Abraham, for all know that
there is nothing the matter with Jack
but his faculty of selling gent's furnishing
goods ateo low per cent upon coat.
Now. don't fo-get that Jack, our Jack, is
continually receiving new nnnni;. t
- a 1- VJ.
the best goods in his line, and he is will
ing to take gold, silver or greenbacks in
exchange for the same, and when ioa
customers money is exhausted Jack's
business place is so near the National
Bank that they can readily replenish
their empty purses. We warned you
not to read these lines, but having read
them, take a "bee lino" for Jack's Dlai-a
of business and supply yonrselves with
an outfit of the best goods in his line, at
nard time prices.
How's This!
We offer One Hnndmi iinii. i . .
w .I.- CUE?EY & CO.. Hops., Toledo. O
We the nndersfsmp.1 h ' 1. 1 . 7. u-.
Wmt & Tacax. Wholesale Drujnrists. Toledo O
the system. PrlmTA-"WT, iZ,.,." Vt?T .i
drngiUte. Tesdmoiials fieeT " J
congratulating themselves on getting
through both houses the bill, long pend
ing, extending the time ofJ payment for
settlers on lorleited railroad lands for
two years. Many Oregon and Washing
ton people aro inteiested.
Passed Both Houses.
IV w . .
ladies. Last week 2Irs. Dr. McKinney i IV-" T'n l'ZT
wMrhrTOH,rilhin.;r.n,nn..Mn Mitchell and Representative Ellis
- - wa fcaSI UUIJ UUu
was examined on Thursday and dis
charged, there being found no just
grounds for tbe charges against her.
Later on a 3Iias Berger was arrested and
on examination was bound over to await
tbe action of the grand jury. At one
time Mrs. McKinney was almost univer
sally condemned as the author of the
letters, but when she made such a good
showing at her preliminary hearing as
to induce the United States district at-
wrney loaaawrme wmiorawai ot the nlng at this office. Send for circulars,
charges against her, public opinion ex- The Pelton Water Wheel Co., 121 Main
perienced a sudden reverse, and every bt'' tan rancisco, Cal.
body was full of regret that any suspicion "
bad been cast upon so estimable a person or a'0.
as the doctor's wife. A fine Jersey bull-call for sale chean
men suspicion was cast upon MImI inquire at this office
Berger, and she fell in for general cen
T,1. ...!
Tbe pciton water Motor m
Of capacities varying from 1 to 25 horse Benjamin Huntington of Yoncalla is
power affords the most convenient, eco- V1stmg in Kosoburg. Ho is a son of
nomicaland reliable power for all light I Huntiugton at ono time superintend
uneoitneso may be seen run- ent 01 Indian affairs for Oregon, and at
one time publisher of tho Oregon States-
cjiijlt ior 1110 ner. ores dent? Mr. t. ::n i-.
Ti 1 B 1 mnnffl. lias ...... il.n... i . I . '
....... .,t, ,a,r uiior- vico president; Mrs. M. A. Chenowerth,-
lu...eHioaU,ancen.eir larmmg opera- treasurer. AirecordinL-and r.nHin
" r-'-"-"c
secreiarv wera.ainn i-in.i t. ti..:
Dav'id Gelwick left Roseburg for led - has fourtren members three of whom am
penaence on the overland last Tuesdav honorary. The appointment nfminorin
.t.1.1 . 1 1 t r .... .. I . 1 . 1
hkhu auenu uie inncrai 01 111s mother, lenueni ot eiartments of work was
who died about ten hours before lis de- postponed till the next meetinc A na-
partnte. 'Twas a sad trip for our friend per on tho priminative organization ami
ave. gronth ol the Worlil'a W. n t it
1 -f m nao
J. H. Martin, who came lo this coast read which wae very intereaiint? r well
in 1850 is visiting in town. IIo is a rest- as instructive. T,.e W. C T II mi
dent of Looking Glass and on Interview- traced from its original bai.d of tumour.
ing him we found him well posted in .oc- once crusaders in Cleveland. Ohio In
currences happening during the Rogue 1S3, to tho present. It has one hun. and fifty thousand members in the
United Slates and the Unions of other
nations, other details of miner imnort
ance and the plan of work was discussed
Aiicr n oriel parliamentary drill the
Union adjourned to meet Thursday
p. m. .iarcn 7, in tho U. B. Mission
cnurcn. no Union ever had moro glo
rious prospectsor a brighter future. The
members aro the noblest type of women
and iney are earnest lor the prosperity
nyer war.
A petition is in circulation and exten
sively signed asking for II. W. Byars'
appointment as commandant of Sdldiort,'
Home. Mr. Byars' appointment would
doubtless givo general satisfaction ti
sure. After Friday's examination Miss
Berger's stock took another upward shoot.
and is now apparently holding its own
with Mrs. McKfnney'e, and the friends
of Miss Berger are very Indignant over
the result of the examination and there
are rumors that an indignation meeting
to be held. It will prove a tropical day
for the real culprit when Iheyflnd her
whoever it may be.
James Laird of Brewster Valley was
in the city Tuesday before tho commis
sioners' court urging an appropriation of
$300 to open the Coos Bay wagon road to
the county line to this and Coos county.
With this road in good condition tho
bulk of travel from this section would
pass over it to and from Marshflold, it
being about 30 miles nearer than by
Camas Valley.
of tho W. 0. T. U. national motto, "For
God nnd homo and native land."
You aro invited to attend a missionary
social at Mrs. Frank Woolley's ' thia
Thursday evening, March 7th. A nice
program has been prepared and refresh
ments with a missionary salad will ho
served all for one dime.
The Pooplea' Edneflllnni ninh nf
Niece's you will not go nnywhero elso Roseburg meets everv Mnnilni; t-nninn
for candy. Tho tallies, croama, chows, at 7 :30 p. m. in the Grange hall, All
butter cups and everything aro first-class thoso interested in the h!t.hnr nrlimailnn
and equal to anv thing In Portland, of the masses on"lhe nnllili-nl alinaiinn
ti.... : - -
mejr aro on 10 meir ion. ., hare, respectlull nv tad n .Hon.l
urder of tho president.
man at Salem.
Lieut. Col. Chae. T. Blumenrother
returned to Bandon this morning. Mr.
B. is an applicant for commander at tho
Soldiers Home. If appointed ho will
uountiess make an efficient officer. Ap
plicants aro in my .
If you try the candies thoy make ati
here every day in the week and everv
n i : .. 1 1 . ,
wo- 111 uiujear, aim guarantees a per-
lect tit.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Forty Years the Standard.
Grant's Pubs has -10 hoys nnd 355 olrla
j of school age.
ihe enteratinment given bv Mia
Bradley at the opera house Tuesday eve
ning, as per program published in the
PutNOEALEn, was a yerv entertaining
affair. Tho class in elocution acquitted
themselves with credit, and to give indi
vidual notices would be invidious. Miss
Bradley is an exceptionally good elocn
tionist, her pupils showing unmistakable
evidence of her training in this fine ac
Tho sad intelligence of tho death of the
mother of our townsman David GjI A-icb
was received Tuesday about now. SI10
died Bt 12:10 p. m. Tuesday. She in of
an old pioneer family, being the grand
daughter of Uucle Day GofT". who came
to Orsgon iu 1S44. Some lines to her
memory will appear hereafter.
Last luesdayeiening Rev. N. S. Buek-
ner proached n good sermon at tho
Christain church from the text, "As
Mosea lifted up tho serpent in the wild
erness, so must the Son of Man !e lilted
up, that whosoever belioveth in him
might not perish, hut havo everlasting
Delaney & Meyer will now furnish the
drinks for the thirsty Hamburgers who
are fond of that exhilarating beverage,
beer, lliey have secured the Rast
brewery and will be pleased uith public
patronage. Sae add. 1I1N iswio.
Roseburg Rebakah Lodu No. 41. 1. O
O. F. will havo a apecial meeting Friday
thp Sth inst. at 7:3.) p. in. Memheis of
tho DeRreo staff tako due notice.
Frank G. Micelli, Sec.
High Government Authority.
No authority of greater experience on food products ex
ists than Dr. Henry A. Mott, of New York. Dr. Mott's wide
experience as Government Chemist for the Indian Depart
ment, gave him exceptional opportunities to acquaint himself
'with the qualities and constituent parts of baking powders.
He "understands thoroughly the comparative value of every
brand in the market, and has from time to time expressed
his opinion thereof. On a recent careful re-examination and.
analysis he finds
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
superior to all others in strength, purity, and efficiency. Dr
Mott writes :
" New York, March 20th; 1S54
I find Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder to be superior
t all others, for the following reasons :
1st. It liberates the greatest amount of leavening gas
aai is consequently more efficient.
and. The ingredients used in its preparation are of the
purest character. .
3rd. Its keeping qualities are excellent.
4th. On account of the purity of the materials and their
relative proportions, Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder must
be considered the acme of perfection as regards wholesomencss
and efficiency, and I say this having in mind certificates I
have given several years ago respecting two other baking
powders. The reasons for the change in my opinion are based on
the above facts and the new method adopted to prevent your
baking powder from caking and deteriorating in strength.
Henry A. Mott, Ph. D., L. L. D."