The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, March 04, 1895, Image 2

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C. Y. BKNJAMIN, ....
SBbacrtpUoB Rate:
Ono Vt&r .payable In advance
' ' 'Month,
" l"" Months. " "
-9 oo
.. X oo
- 50
MONDAY, MARCH 4, 1895.
Congress adjourns today,
England and Germany desire
oin in a bimetalic conference.
ThA dfiU of ih United States
treasurv is a condition that confronts
ns and not a theorv.
ExDerience teaches us that.a deficit
in onr accounts gives more annoy-
anca than a surplus.
A bill to Drevent strikes has nhssed
"tho House. It provides for the arbi-
int;nniwfnn hnn nt rnnrilia-I
"Hon. J
La trriDDO :s epidemic m Berlin
among the upper crust. The num-jthe
j . 4. - - 1
her of cases is estimated at 30,000 to
An old fable reads A mountain
labored and brought forth n mouse,"
Tho moral of this is presented in ey-
ery day life,
Senator Dolph, Samson like, has
pnlled down the pillars of tho Port
land ring's temple, and Blear the
Philistine Simon et aL
Prench duels are becoming dan
gerous. Two duels were lonsut in
Paris last week, and each resulted in
the death of one of the participants.
German exports to the United
States continue to increase From
January np to February 20 the ex
ports from Berlin alone nearly
doubled those of the similar period
of 183L
loo uorean government bas or
dered the abolition of all fortus of
torture and proclaimed that hanging
shall hereafter be the sole method of
capital punishment for ordinary
criminals and shooting for those con-1
demned by martial law.
The populistic element in Oregon
politics has scored one in defeating
Senator Dolph. But the battle bas
not been won. A score of points in
the game rue still against, them.
Kepnblicans have other able cham
pions of a genius financial policy.
The National Council of "Women,
jast adjourned, adopted resolutions I
demanding that labor disputes be re-1
ferred to and settled by arbitration I
that the government shall consider
efficiency, not sex, with regard to its
employes, and pay equal wages for
equal work, and make women eligible
for all competitive examinations and
There should be a home market for
home goods. We must patronize
home industry as well as protect it
Oregon goods are certainly good
enough for any Oregonian. We
must get ont of the raw material
stage and go in for the finished pro-
dUCt. nemOSt manufacture goods
for the home market and make a
market for the home goods, States-
uanng Harrisons administration
ofBepnblican "misrule" mora than.
ijAjUjOCWjOOO of the national debt
was paid. In less than two years of
omrwutii T-nl n 111 mnnfrv'a r alif
, - J "
iiu ueeu rocie&5ea over ?iw,uw,wu.
But the democrats claim that the in
crease is the result of republican
policy. A hen what policy was tne
decrease of 1350,000,000 the resnlt of!
When Cleveland was first elected
he found a surplus in the treasury,
arising from wise revenue legislation
by the republican party. Harrison,
his successor, it is true did not leave
quite so large a surplus because he
paid off a large indebtedness. Cleve;
land succeeds Harrison and instead
of paying off anydebt, increased it
by sixty millions deficit and sale of
$150,000,000 new interest bearing
bonds. That is all the difference.
Governor Lord has vetoed I he
bilhappropriating 5000 for alleged
oamaces for ioiunes sustained while
travelling on the highway in Linn
county, for the reason that at the
time of the injuring there was no
law providing for recovery of such
damages, on the grounds that section
24, Art. 4 of the censtituhon which
provides that "no special act
m fli n rr mmnancshnn on? mm.
son claiming damages against the
ataie shalled be passed.
At a meeting of tho French cabinet
last Saturday; the minister of agri
culture made an order in .council
forbidding the importation of
American cattle into France, on ac
connt of the Texas fever and pleuro
pneumonia they are alleged to be in
jected with. It now remains for this
country's cattle barons to quietly se
cure the repeal of tbo particular
clause of our tariff law which disa
grees with the French palate. When
that is done there will be a cessa
tion of the agrarian agitation that is
alleged to have promptest the boy
cott of. the much barrassed American
In his speech ou the Nicaragua
canal bill Senator Mitchell of Oregon
mado the following almost matchless
speech ; its imagery, force and elo
quence is admirable, Wo givo the
following extract
In the name of all tho Caesars!
mast we be told hero in tho sonata
of tho United Stntop, in the clo6iug
years of tho nineteenth centnry, in
the full lilnz of the search light of
the grandest civilization over known,
when the fece of tho globe the con
tinents, the islands, tho peninsnlm,
the deseits, and tho mountain ranges
aro studded with innumerable
monuments eomtueniorativo of tho
triumphs of engineering scionco and
engineering bkiu; ween tne namo
and memory of Eads are being for-
ever sung ana echoed nronguoui mo
Lwurld by the rnstnng waters or tne
Mississippi, as they are directed,
guided, and controlled, bearing op
tne 8Q,Pa 01 nations ana com
merce 01 tne world, oy me great en
gineering work which his genius de-
I ... .....
'ised and bis great still put into
practical operation; vrnen the tamo
of the great engineering success at
the mouth of the Columbia, by which
the Tiolent and immense volume of
turbulent waters of the groat
river are bndled and harnessed by
engineering skill, and made snbserv
tent to too wants ol commerce, is
upon every toagne; and when wo
remember the grand exhibition of
the triumphs of civil engineering in
the construction of tho greattrans
continental railroads, crossing des-
jerts, spanning mighty chasms and
extended marshes on stiles, tunneling
mountains, scaling towering ranges,
passing above the clouds through re
gions of perpetual ice and snow, and
in that that of the Snez canal in
Egypt, tho Manchester in England.
the Corinthian in Greece, the great
German Peninsula ship canal to
connect tho waters of tnn Baltic and
the Elbe, tho great Siberian railway,
300 miles of which aro completed,
through eternal frosts and snows,
and which is to extend nearly one
fonrt hway around the eaith through
the most dreary, frozen, and inhos
pitable region of the globe; when we
look upon the Washington monu
ment, the Brooklyn bridge, the Eiflel
tower, tne rerm wheel; when we
contemplate tho great dikes in Hoi
land, the Jumna and Ganges canals.
and tLa Godavev and Deeea. ihn
the ilulnopore and Tidal canals, and
the great irrigation works in India;
1 say, when we contemplate all these,
and the numerous other successful
efforts ot engineering science, are we
to be told in all seriousness that an
extraordinary rainfall and extreme
heat, in the regions of the tropics
are insurmountable barriers in tbo
pathway of civil engineering, and be-
fore which must- bait the physical
development of the age, all farther
efforts toward widening and extend-
ing the great commercial avenues
of the world, and the civilization
of the century?
The strong solid bnsiness man
with his practical ideas and his old
fashioned honesty and conservative
conduct in affairs, is an indispensa
ble element in the successful states
manship of this country. We are
pre-emiminently a bnsiness people,
ana tne Happiness depends upon
the prevalence of sound and sensible
HrW in vnnnm?e affairs Ttottor
business men must come to the front
in the making and administration of
Innrlnwn What tdn nivin'a famnnri
I is justice. Success in business is
the on thine most desirable.
Wealth is good. Honor is better.
but Justice excells them all.
ciDinrjpp M-ccnv rno n-nniv
"First cast the beam ont of thine
own eye, then thon canst see clearly
to cast the mote ont of thy brother's
The above lesson should bo studied
by all officials as well as by we com
mon folk.
Beligioo, bigotry and intolerance
had its culmination in Savannah,
Ga, last Tuesday, by mob violence
upon the Masonic temple of that city
on the occasion ,of ex-priest Slatterlj's
lecture npon Catholicism. While we
have no t-ympathy for Slatterly as a
lecturer, we beliove in free speech,
believing with Thomas Jefferson
that, ''Any error of opinion may
safely be tolorated when reason is
left to combat it," nnd that
"Truth crashed to earth will rise again.
The eternal years of God are hers,
While error, wounded, writhes in pain
And dies amid her worshippers."
The troths of Catholicism cannot
be injured by a free discussion of its
meritj, nro or whiia il& errora
,,; f , -ni-;nm Mchi
reasorL moh ot inf0riMea Calh
F-'lo i(?fl who vio fifjd law nnd order on
thrt ooon dia mora barm to thmr
faith than a score of Blattetly's conld
possibly do.
At the reeidence of the bride's parents
near Looking Glass, Feb. 28th, Mr. T.
M. Ollivant and Miss Aline Denning,
Kev. E. M. Marsters officiating.
Immediately after the ceremony and
congratulations were offered to the foir
couple for their future welfare all were
summoned to an elegant dinner table,
which fairly groaned beneath its load of
dainties, where all feasted to repletion.
We congratulate the groom for his choice
in selecting a Venns among the fair sex.
Bidding the company adieu we returned
to our home, leaving the happy pair our
best wishes for a plentant voyago over
the sea of life. x.
Stock Brands and Harks.
Tho following stock brands have boen
filed with tho clerk:
Chas. Benson of Qlendalo: Brand JB
on right ntp ot catuo. mart tor
cattlo, sheep and hogs ; crop and split
in right car and upper half crop in left
Z. C. Ball of Canyon villo: Brands Z.
, on right hip for cattle ; ear mark for
cattle, ehecp and hog is swallow fork in
right ear and under hit in left ear.
D. C. Churchill : Brand for cattlo is O
in center at ring on lelt hips. Ear mark
for cattlo, shoep and ho, crop and slit
in ouch ear.
J. It. Gilliam : Brand for cattle 2G on
left side. Earmark for cattlo, sheep and
hogs a'.i upper hit in right car and crop
off left ear.
Mary A. fchort: urana io- canto a
star with Ave points on left hip. Ear
mark for cattlo, sheep ami hogs is crop
off right ear and half crop and upper hit'
off left ear.
That Salary Bill.
Senato Bill 1C1 in reference to tho sal
arioj of clerks, sheriffs and recorders
provides for a salary of (2000 for the
clerk of Linn county; the recorder $11500,
while tho recorder of Marion county gets
only V.200 and $750 for a depnty. The
sheriff of Linn county will receive $2000,
of Marion $3000. Sheriffs Bhall also he
paid for boarding prisoners, shall he en
titled to rewards; to receive pay for con
veymg con lets ana insane to ttio re
tpectivo institutions; to receive reason
able expense incurred for care of prop
erly under aiuicnnieni or other pro
ceeding; also nece eary expenses when
going to anothor county on criminal
business. This bill has been signed by
tho governor.
A Generous Empress.
Sas Fuascisco, March 2. Advices
from the Orient date that the empress of
Japan has ordered that artificial arms
and lees be supplied at her cost to all
soldiers who lost these members, either
in battle or through exposure to frost
Chinese prisoners brought to Japan who
havo similarly suffered are includod in
he' bounty.
Quarterly Payment of Pensions,
Washington, Feb. 25. -The secretary of
tho interior has made a requisition on
the secretary of the treasury for $10,850
0(0 for the quarterly payment of pen
sions, to bo distributed to the pension
Olalla Doln's.
Homer Ireland, one nv Kenner'r young
stcrs, cut his foot pritty bad last week
Mt. Xewland is gitlin better; site hex
bin quite sick.
Grain is cotnln up in flnestilc. Sotno
uv the fields is beginnin' to Ink er green
ez a young teller whot -goes a courtin to
the fast time, though the fields aint so
bashful ex the feller.
I beam mv daughter Marthy reailin
some poiry outer day mat run ;cx nere
ezlcan remember) somethin' like this
And cradled mid her clnstennTiiIIa
Sweet vales in dreamlike beauty hide.
And thinks I to myself, it fist suits our
little "valley. The man what writ
that wuz sartainly thinkin' of Olalla.
Onr young folks bed a dance cn Wash
inton's birthday. '.Sum people from Civil
JJend wo: up. and snui Irom Jxokin
Glass, to. The music wnz furnished by
Mr. m. fcimtnons and Miss 2ora Uo
singer. Lou Short 'nd Mrs. Friend
rested 'em now 'nd then by playin
spell. Them ez went reports a cood.'lime
Xothin makes us old codgers feel our old
age as much ez to hev to stand back 'nd
see the jonng people gom' around to
dances 'nd rieli.
School mcetin trill br the next thing
on the programme. I will write 'nd tell
tou about it next tinro. Weuns most
gincnlly hev athunderin' time at school
meetins. Usclk Sdion
Normal School Notes.
Miss Amy Booth of Grants Pass, who
bas been in service as clerk at the legis
lature atopp- d off with ns and visited our
school a lew days this week.
All students from this school who at
tended the tCAcber's examination were
The senior class has begun practical
wort in roelbods, conducting classes
irom U10 lower grades, and doing somo
guod work.
ine Aaeiptnan debating soaetv is
doing some good work. They are ren
aenng.some very good programmes,
principally debates, orations, declama
tiocs, etc Average attendance 25 to 30.
Among those who attended chapel
W J n m
aionaay morning were Kev. tax on
Mr. and Mrs. Camp, and Mrs. Bert. M
Faxon conducted exercises.
By a recent act of the legislature all
normal scnoois will give the same diploma
good for six years. Monmouth, Weston
and Drain Normals now pass for six
years, after which the holder is granted
a life diploma, which enables him to
leach in any public school in the state
Tecs Servl's.
Resolutions of Condolence.
At a regular communication of Laurel
Jxxlge No. 13 A. F. A A. M. held in their
hall in Itoschnrg, Oregon, on Jan. 23,
lS'Jo, the following preamble and resola
lions were unanimously adopted:
Whereas, It has pleased the Grand
Architect of the universe to remove from
onr miosi our late brother Stephen
Cbadwick. and
Whereas, It is hut just that a fitting'
reixuiuuii 01 111a many virtues snould
be had. therefore be it.
fi f TT T 1
jifioicea, ir Jjiurci iXHJce:io. 13 on
the Regiatry of tho Grand Lodgo of Ore
1 t - . . - . . .
gon 01 vincipni rreeanu Accepted .Ma
sons, that whilo we bow with humble
submission to the will of the Most High
we 00 no. me less morn lor our brother
who bas been taken from us.
Reiohtd, That in the death of Stephen
F. Cbadwick, this Lodge laments the
loss of a brother who was ever ready to
proffer the hand of aid and the voice of
sympathy to the needy and distressed of
the fraternity, an active member of this
society, whoso almost endeavors were
extended for its welfare and prosperity ;
a friend and companion who was dear to
us all; a citizen whose upright and
noble Hie was a standard of emulation
to his fellows.
Rttolced. Tbatjtbe heartfelt sympathy
of this Lodgo be extended to his family
iu their sad affliction.
Raohed, That these resolutions be
spread npon tho records of the Lodge,
and a copy bo transmitted to tho family
of our deceased brother, and to each of
the newspapers of Roseburg, Oregon.
Free Johnston
K. L. Miller.
Final Notice.
J- m OrnroD. In DniiirlBV (!nnntr
In the matter of
Brock, deceased.
tho ttate of Josephus
Notice Is hereby Riven that the undersigned
administrator of the above entitled estate Thas
nied his llnal account In settlement thereof,
and the Court by order duly made and enteral
ol record, has flped Monday, May 6th, 1805, at
one o clock p.m., for hearing objections If any
there lie, to.a!d account, and the final kettle.
mVn..P,.ttt, C,lale- I,A'-Y WtOOK,
J. V. Hamilton, Administrator.
Attorney lor the Estate. 12110
Tho CUurclicH.
BiniST Church comer of Lano and Ros
streets. Sunday Bcrvlcc: Preaching, 11 a. m.
and 7:30 p. m.; Young Fcoplo's Union, 6:30p.m.;
Mrs. O. N. ' Anncs, Fretldeut: Sunday School10
ra.; JamesChambcrlain, Superintendent
Prayer Meeting, Thursday evening at 7:30.
Rkv. O. N. Ahnks, Pastor.
Residence, No. 821 Main Street
Methodist Ciitmcit corner o( Main and Lano
streets. Sunday Service: Preaching, 11 a. ra.
and 7:30 p. m.; Sabbath school, 10 a. m.; Dr.
James liarr, Superintendent; Class Meeting nt
close ot tho morning service; Epworth Lceguo
;30 p. m. Claro Hume, President. Prayer Meet
ing, Thursday, at 7:30 p. in.
N. 8. Ducknkb, D. p., Pastor.
Parsonage, corner Main and Lane.
Presbyterian CiiURCH-corner of Cass and
Rose streets. Sunday Service: Pupllc worship,
11 a.m. and 7:30 p. tn.; Sabbath School, 10 0. ra.;
Y. P. S. C. E., 7 p. m. Prayer Mcctlnc. Wednes
day, 7a p. ni.
R. 1). Dilwobtii, Pastor.
fbur Unci or let! under thti hrrnt ts rentM ne r
month: each additional line Scent per month. So
advcrthemait taken for leu thanSS ccntt.
Notice to Trespassers.
Notico is hereby given thnt nil uersons
hunting upon, removing wood from, or
otherwise trespassing upon the "Dusliey
estate," will be prosecuted.
Koseburg, Aug. 8, 1894.
D. S: K. fioicu, Agent.
Notice is hereby given that all persons
removing wood or cutting wood from mv
land will bo prosecuted. My land is tho
E. of the S. W. of section 10.
township 27 sooth, range G weBt, in
Douglas county, Oiegon.
Kudolth Jknnie.
For Sale.
Under thlt head vou can adrtriiir tar tate vour
farm, haute, hone. cow. or anvthina eue vou mau
visn to uirpotc vj at a con oj rj cenu per monw.
ror baIe.-bood oak wood at $2 per
tier, promptly delivered: leave ordors at
1. isarker's store. Zack IJarkku.
For Sale. A good homo of 160 acres
12 miles from railroad : 40 acres cleared ;
good water, email orchard in bearing,
plenty of small fruit; fair Oregon house
and barn ; 4 horses, 3 cows and plenty of
larm machinery to rnn the arm. tor
prices and terms euquire of S. B. Hen
dricks at the Review offico or of the
county surveyor nt the court house.
For sale or trade, a good three-spring
hack, will trade lor grain or cows.
Apply to C'ias. Vanzilk.
Uood dry ont wood lor sale at per
tier, delivered every Saturday. Leave
orders at Mrs. Boyd's grocery store.
John Botcher.
For Sale. Old papers,
at this office.
at 25 cents per hundred.
Wanted, a reliable man or lady; for
steady position. Address X, care Daily
Tribune, W tlbur, Douglas County, Or.
Great Opportunity for Prune Farming
un a Large cae.
1720 acres of choice valley and low
hillside land, all under board and wire
fence, several hundrd acres in cultivu
tion, the very best of fruit land, has good
natural drainage, free from frost, ttood
houre, wood, water, etc., three miles
from railroad. The vicinity lus line or
chardit and this is a' rare chance for 1
colony of prnne growers. Tl property
beloiD tu airwnt parties and must
be sold. Price $10 per acre. X cash
balance in eight annua payments with
6 per cent interest. (Discount allowed
lor cosh).
Havo lands of evi ry kindJbrcuihoul
me coaniy iot iow iinca.anu easy irnna.
11. b. K. Hcics, itoseuurg, Ure.
,V.r-rt-r...V.!l. ,fr .
of bsltatlsa trade
roarka ud laXU.
is the whole story
?tfl A3f1r30'?C n0 morc tfun otflsr pekaji soda r
1Q PavldvSi flour universally acknowledged purest In
Hade only by CHURCH fc CO., He
Write for Arm aad Hammer
Farmers Who Signed Notes in Payment for Stoves
Want Satisfaction.
From the Daily Oregonian, Portland, Or., Nov. 11, JS3-1.
Oregon City. Nov. io.
vicinity. Eighteen farmers
at $72 each, giving notes due
derstanding and verbal agreement that any length of time
to suit the convenience of the
be granted by the company
tor the company had plenty
its .paper. But the notes
persons, and must be paid,
dozen farmers were in town
would afford them relief or
merous purchasers of these
Molalla, Marquam and the
same kind of a range can be
A Carload of Wagons and Machinery
Proprietor of
: The City Meat Market,
And Dealer In
CV Orders taken and Delivered Free
to any part of tho City.
lira. David Bigger
Chills and Fever
Lett xnt emaciated, with distressing cough, no
appetite, pain In chest, shoulder, back and
Hood's Cures
stomach. Four bottles ot nood's Barsaparllla
Eve me strength, good appetite and health,
us. David Viugem, Wilcox, Nebraska.
Hood's Pills win new friends dally.
The Old Reliable
215 Montgomery St., extending Irom Pine
In HiMh His.. Pun FrnncUco. Cal.
U ml ties center ol tho city, convenient
to all hanks, Insurance Co. offices nnd
places ot amusements. Containing UUO
J. S. VUU1NG, Prop
Terms: ilM. and JiM ier dr. Free
coach to and Irom the hotel.
To Policy Holders.
The Northwest Fire and
Marine Insurance Company
having gone into the hands
of a receiver, the Board 01
Directors have made favora
ble arrangements with the
Fireman's Fund Insurance
Company for the protection
of its policy holders.
Call on Claude B. Cannon,
Agent, and bring your poll
cies for exchange.
An agreeable Iasatrro acdKrHVE Tosic.
BcJdbyDrngsistaorscnt bycau. S5c.,a0c.
apfl ?l.C0pcr paclagc Baiaplea free.
UA Tho Favorite TCCTH KTm3
JDLw 11 Wcrtbo Teeth iiadlireath.c.
For sale by M. F. Kapp. Druggist.
never spoils
the world.
York. Sold by gnxers everywhere.
Book of voidable Rccipzs-FREE.
Victims of the home-comfort
swindle are numerous in this
at Molalla bought the ranges
November 1, with the un
makers of the notes would
even to six or eight years
of capital and never disposed o
turned up in the hands of third
and there is trouble. Half
today to see if the grand jury
satisfaction. There were nu
wonderful ranges through the
Scott's Mills country. Th
bought here for 50.
Poultry, I'lHli nnd Gnme,
lit HcaHon
Bart, rw! C tTr , w. AMtaraiTi
.1 Am'AMAm
MW.S07roi'ACAsc rr will wot cuqc- SJ
Roseburg, Or.
For a Few Days.
Boys Suits 1. $1 50
Men's Suits '. 7 5
Men's Wet Weather Shoes 2 00
Men's Underwear.! 75
Latest Style Hats 2 00
; Boss of the Road Overalls-Best 50
flackintoshes at Greatly Reduced Prices.
Ladie's Dress Goods Reduced 25 per cent.
These goods have all been received
within the last month, and are the
- latest styles and not shelfworn.
Don't delay this golden opportun
ity, and call on
The Boss Store.
32C and 328 Jackson St.
tTjflTT T TT") TT t""J T
Y Y i La L. 1 i I C
- Large and Elegant Line i
We call the attention of our
friends to our beauti
ful stock of
Our Stock is
Unexcelled by Any House
South of Portland.
he Long
is Here
Of all Sizes and Styles.
Turning and Fruit Boxes
Window and Door Frames
Made to Order.
Of capacities varying from i to 25
horse power affords the most con
venient, economical and reliable
power for all light service. One of
these may be seen running at this
office. Send for circulars.
121 Main Street, San Francisco, Cal.
& Strong i
Bet. Oak and Washington.
Q Largest and Best Assortment eyer
i brouRot to Southern Oregon, and
Easy Rockers
Bed Room Sets
Parlor and Dining Chairs
Rugs and Carpets
And all Household
Prepare for it wisely. We offer
unusually good reasons why you
should buy from us.
Everything offered for sale is fresh;
bought for the Holiday Trade and
sold at very reasonable prices.
We have a very choice stock of
canned goods, including both fruits
and vegetables, to which we invite
your special attention.
Our line of Olives, Gherkins, Pick
els, Sauces, etc., is also complete.
We carry the largest stock of to
baccos in Southern Oregon.
& CO., Grocers.
Does Up
We are always in the Lead, and mean to
keep there.
The Golden Harvest is upon tu, and farm-
era are smiling because Woodward
loois to their interest.
All Trimmed
These are all Leather and Warranted.
At Reduced Prices.
Consult your purse and be aure and see
Wood warn Deiore Duying.
W. 6. W001WAKI
H jmt recdred a new and axtensiT stock o
Ladies' Dress Goods, gibbons, Trimmiags,
f Laces, Etc., Etc
Of the best quality and finish.
Wood, Willow and Glass Ware,
Crockery, Cordage, Etc.
Also on hand in Urgn qaantltlo and at prices to
oolt ue "Tn-. Aiao a urge mmkm. ci
Custom-Made Clothing
Which is offered at coat price. A full and
select stock of
GonitanUr os hand. Also the
General azent for ererr TarietT ol snbacriptloa
I hooks and periodicals published in the United
State, renon wuning reading mauer or arrj
I Und Trill do to gire rae calL
I. D. HOLDEN, Stockton, Cal.
Breeder -
The Turf and Sportsman's Authority of
iuu racinc uoast.
All the Latest
Racing News
of the Country.
The Best Medum for
1 II SKm Z
Advertising Stallions.
And everything appertaining to the Turf
auu r iem eporia as well as lor Sporting
Goods, Medicines for Horses' and other
animals. Racine Gear. ChirrintHrriM. oic
The leading paper of its class west of
jiucago, ana the representative of the
vast breeding interests in California.
Special department conducted by
Jos. Caiks Simpson.
It is essentially a newBpaper cotining all
the Gossip and Sportind events of the
day, given in such a bright, entertiening
and readable manner as to make the pa
per o neceisiy io everybody interested in
horse matter and legitimate sport. Sam-
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application to any address.
313 Bush St., SanFrancisco, Cal.
F. W. Kellet, Manager.
Mineral, Railroad. Aricultural.
HOG O St,, N. W. Washington, D. C.
Examiner of Contests, Mineral vs. Mineral vs.
Chief of the Mineral Division.
Correspondence. Solicited.