J 1 ?W 1-" 7 9 xcvtHxtxr&tKmxvxiT. - f ..-. ...,..,.,.., . IF YOU SEE IT M , f IF YOU DOH'T READ J 1 a The Plaindealer I The1 Plainclealer YouDon't Get the News. i it is so. No. 1. VoL.XXVlh 7 ROSEBURG, OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 4, 1895.. t GENERAL DIRECTORY, STATE Or 14.RGIMS. . .... . . n. Senators. i j.K.Dolphi f J.K.Dolphi xjngressiacn - w. it. Ellis ' Attorocy-Goneral,-. ,E. Chammiam f dvcti&r . s'uto5.1SS,?r?I Secretary of State X ;,M.d5 S4alc Treasurer - -1 Ml Mctsehan Sunt, rob. Instruction E- r.MeElroy tate Printer f .Kr?ilvP- Ti!:l Member Boird of Kjuallaatlott.A- C- Woodcock : 4 tr.A. jiooro supreme 'Judge.- H E. WolVCltl'U (K.S. Ecan 1 A. 1. waiiwa Jj. it ftMr Kallroad OoraUMhets... ft. A. Jlacrum Cl&ant Kaih)iiiComiBii.. . Lyrtcn juhcr ?KO.D"J0Wdi.,SSTWCr. Jae iJ. C. Fnllerton rrosecullnjr Avaracy Geo. Brown . s.u orrtcK, Kovr.r-cr. ; K. S. Shcrldau ' r. S. fesiTHSR BCMUC. ' .j"ldcnT -"-- c...schibre0o -iCI.v- F.W Benson SSSs-tizi Boh$3rawlit J- A- vnacrwToou . J. a. Stcrlinc ' Coouty Jwlsc A. V. S tcrn Comrals(oaenu ic U. Maupiit t-art'ot.. Curtmw. .. . win v Ilrydoa rlUtr. K. U Sillier Tliutf. SoUli jjlieep loor- - . - rs.tsvT orncias. itofaft, Jotm Hiunllu j :-TiKZ..'. h. a Mown ; (W.T. Wrl.l J. II. Siiui-c rme .. M. l Kapi I U. Q. Strong .. F. M.Zlslerf t F. Carroll J. A. Cox I llev)tdet 2Iarsbal Treasorar TUC ClrottU Coort fer Ujoslss County meeU three tee year ss follows: The M iloa dir la JJarv. tb Monday In Jane, and the i KonJjr i December: J. a Fullcrton of Koscbcrr j. Geo. M. Brown, of Kosebarg, nrosecanteuRiieT. Countv Co-irt uees the ll WeunttUay alter thelsxJloadiyo Jaanary. March, Jlay. Jnly, Sepsember ajd SoTtaiber. A. F. Stcam-s ot OiUind. cd-e; C. II Jiaayln f LUlon scd Y. L. ".Vflsoa. el RMJle. cnuai-lncrs. XTubiU- OMtt U In Mtsiee rontlnuonsl y, A. F. fteamx. I aire. Nocicty Jlectlus. r AUKEU iJODGK. A. F. & A. M.. rGDL-VR i- aeMlags the l Mrf 1 WodisesJay In eachKoeih. T7KrQrAC!i.VlTEn,yO..K. A- IIOLD U ;Siw,rrBUrcoarocatiOiL5 atJIoaic ball onthelimwHl tblidTuaniayoteach raonth. VisiUaS com pinions are cordially Invitee M. F. RAIT. II-1". IsxdoU Cxao. Secretary. PHILKTARIAS IjODGF- NO. S. 1. O. O. F siceu fraturdar cvccibc ol tack wee, at 7 ..vwtiti thrirtuft at RtKtatr?. Meeben ol the order In eltUllBrarc Invited to atteu-U Fsak o. Miccui. N. O. y. T. JcvnTT, Sec y. NION ENC.OIPAIENT, NO. J. ilEETS AT Odd FAss hail m mbix1 aad XiMith Vhjrsdxvs or neb. sranut. VWtlws btcthren an IcTliedto a:tcad. Kcjji i. Mtcsu-i, r-crlfce- JlAtET 1'IESV, C. 1. pOSFJOBO LO'JGE, NO. , - A. O. V. W. XV sheets the second, and fuortii Momlayi I cKhsoniliaS.Sr- 'J1 Prtteirs halL Members of Unorder in 51 andlas arc lu - T ENO"rO3T70T.ST7AiKZ3JIECT5Tllp rv. jij jjrf third Thnpdar "t tact month. ttrOJIES SKiaiEF COUI-S NO. M. MEETS V vxoud and ioartti TSnxrtlavi In each T?AJair ' AUUANCE Regular Martdy A? UccUbc unit be heW al Grange Hall. Kosetarg. Uw5tt Friday fai Jpeber. March tad June, sad tfce liird Friday in StrSbor. nci-KT-pf. TrA-PTXR.'N'O. 8. O. S.S..MECTO ctcXl ! xzsth. SADEUNK B. tVlrtaJSt;, W. M. TJOSEBGBG UIVISrON NO -Of. B. OF UK., XV sseu every sfooad aad kurUi Saeday. T OSEBUBC E. D. LODGE. NO. tt. I. O.O. F. -T-vnieetTesiayeTei3S4earti cek Ihc Odd FeBows haH. VLtUng fiHtn and i:!raJ are Invited taaUeBd. iis Sir in WiBLi.v. o. Bttxs G. MlrtUJ. U See. LFHA LODGE. NO. r TL OF IV. MEETS A cTcrr V4edJMSay eveoing at Odd FoBow OiH. T.1sins k.-ojfcren at gJ taans eor diaHyInvtteda atfeai CE0E9E VL. HSOVrjC- jgBOW2T & TTJSTES", Attornevs-at-Law, BoecuTaadS Taylsr & WUian Btoet. ROEBCBG. OR. B. WILLIS. Attorney and Counselor at Law, T,ill rriniei in ill taurla of the Of flc; La li- Cottit Uue. Uangl ojoaty. Or. A- SI3HLBBBD3, Attorney at Law, lUuthurg, Oregon. 0re orer Us fmtoffiss on Jcijn Urrt. W. CAEDWXLL, Attorney at Law, HOsEBCHG, OKtXION. B..OOFFMA2J. I'hj'siciim and Surgeon 03ce-.At Lr. HHverWUul oaOakitictt , . Kcsidecoe CK- Imm is Jact Streets. N. 71. . Physician and Surgeon, ROSEBCK6, OK. OSes la 6- HaiVi Co.' Bloet, 0"rfir. Calls :?'Jy aMWred day or Might. JAKES BABIt, Physician and Surgeon. Grsdaate Kuh Medic CaUege. XAtwe. ol Weaes and Children a Specialty OFFICE. RooBa:. atr' IWiWiiig. Resibesce, IloazUa Street, Mcutd jcccal Dr. BunneH's. R03E8CRO. OREGON. La Fatette Laxe. Jiix-K U Lvuacv J ANE & IOUGHARY, Attorneys & Comuxjlors at Law Iloiehnr-J, Ornjan. Will rratleln" thecoarU of Oreya. Cee ia the T.rlw-WiUon Unt. Of- BIRS, IVT, BOYB? -DEALER IX CHOICE- Family Groceries, DISHES, Books and Children's Toys. X FULL- LINE OF- Fraits, Xnif, French Candies, Confeclioncrj Canned Goods, Coffees. Teas, Etc. 1HF0BTEI) KEY WEST CIGAUS. CHOICE BRANDS OP CIGAK8 W1LI - HWno Uoumy surveyor. nuU Xoturv Public. Ornci: In Court Houtc. Orders tor Sunrcvlu and Held Notca should be addressed to til P. llcydon, County fcurt vcyor, Koscburg.Or. T. CRAWFORD, Attorney ul Law, Koom:.ilauluBuUdlC, KOSEBDKO, OR. WBusiur es before tha V. S. Lsnd Office f-nd mmlng cases tp?cialty. 11? lU-crlvrr U. tv Uud Ufiff. yy F. BRIGGS, it. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor - mid Notriry PuWtc. UirifK: t.uuty Jail llutldlup, up Hairs. Special attention paid to Transfers and Conveyances. Address. KOSEBUKii OK. "ApRA BROWN. K. D Physician ami Surgeon. f wsnea specialty. Q v jn MmJ. s jjn,ullis. Kckldeucc, U2 Cftis Stact, KOiEBUKG. L MILLER, M. D., Surgeon and Homoeopathic Physician, AN AFTER , THOUGHT. TO-DAY after (Jlirisluias yoti viill tx-j'ibly lts vcr llwt yon havu llu-iulit of eviylotly ami everytbintf ex cept" your fft, as if SHOES in v inter were a secondary mailer! i li yoor pun-e looks I weak anil coueuuip- live after tlie Xtnas j cauiKiin rouie to' our t-torc. A sum I that wouldn't buy a poor fair uf blioej in Rime places bnys j a ?oca1 pair at oitrj storr. : PARR01T BROS. EXCLUSIVE UOOT ANU SHOE UliALLH 324 Jackson Street, KOSnCL'RO. OUEOON. J.F. BARKER & -GO. grocers. TEAS . SPECIALTY. A pecul bund J usadnllrstd T. ptUe Onr It Win Utgeulc I.'ew styl rf Glass and l)elf Ware At attunUkiti; ler vni. Our own czjsced Turn.. are very ipuiar. Salem Nursery Go. W. D. jMcUEE, Proprietor. WE now hate a larse tocV of Due. laisc, tt.althy trees ul all Vimlt, including Apple, Tear, Teach, I'ruue and Cherry, nhlch are guaranteed trne to name anu iree iroin in wt,ndw::?ld at icry reasonable ttc. All jicron desiriny trees ksouu apj-iy to E. L. GOODWDQE, Agent, CANYONVILLIi, OR. Faber's Golden Female Pills. ForFcmalo Jrresular lllcr. notblncllkcthcm on tho market. Acrer fail hucceMluIlyuicd uy prominent ladle monthly. Guaranteed to rellcTO auppresscd menstruation. SURE1SAFEI CERTAIN! Don't bo liumbugzed. Havo Time, Health, aud money ;taVc no oth er. Bent to any addrui, teenro by mall ou re- i eclpi oi price, i-w. Add idrcss, THE APHRO MEDICINE COMPANY, WerteroBnmch, Box 27, PORTLAND, OR" A. SALZMAN, (Successor to J. Practical : Watcliwakcr, : ..ukam:i: in UATCUKS, CLOCKS, JBWKIiltY. AND FANCY (iOOl)S. i I . coMru:TK stock or i Cutlery, Notions, Tobacco, CipirH nml Sniokorn' Article's. Also Proprietor anil 3Ianai?or or A SQUARE DEAL i i i We arc Here ft to Stav, MTOWScrar If Business Is Not Good 1 The P3aindea!er's Advertising 0 ' ' Are the Rooters for the Business TlerTof Douglas County. X'atTr.' 1 M,&&9&S,'M,&G&&&&&M&& SHEET MUSIC. 140.000 Mailed to any address Catalogue of this immense We have also secured the agency of the Wiley li. Allen Co.j T. K. RICHARDSON, THE THIRD ADDITI0M BK00K5IDE. The JJ 'OWO Farm, east of town, has been plat ted and is uow on the market in Lots and Blocks containing 3,- 20, 30, and .jo acres, ranging in price from $25 to $100 per acre. Any one wauling a fruit, vegetable or chicken farm or a suburban home can uow be accommodated on easy terms. All lots sold in than doubled in value First The the future. More injr town or citv fortunes than any tumty. For information Kslate Office, or on or BOWEN & 1 I i C5 10 IN Blacksmiths Arc now located in their new shops on Stephen Street, between Oak and Cass, And are pieparcd to do work in their lino with neatness and dispatch, Giyc thorn them a trial and bo convince!- JASKULEK.J Jeweler and : Optician. Kosolmr's FainmiK Iiarsaiu Store. i i i i 10 tl ,; Is what vc give to ever' cus tomer, for vc believe the best advertisement possible is a cus tomer pleased with what we have sold them, they will come ujiiu andaaiu,and their friends will come too. We are not here for a day or for a month. We arc Here to Sta-. oseburg, Or. Don't Bat- Root Columns It is now well understood that T. K. Ricahrr'sou is the best es tablished and most reliable Piano and Organ dealer in the State. He has secured the American aeencv and will soon receive PIECES SHEET MUSIC AT 10 GTS. PER COPY. for One Cent Extra. stock sent free on application.1 Hrookside addition have more prospect is much better for are made in lands near a grow- other way. Sicze the oppor- convc3-ance, call at ouy Real ESTABR00K, I I C A Hj and Machinists I Iiad for dinner 9 w.-.Sptho best I ever ate. TlK&ks to COTTOLENG, tho acWjand successful Ehuncnin0;. i ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT. REFUSE AlISUBSTiTIFTES. Genuine nude tnly i-r (n. k. FAIRBANK & CO., $ ST. LOUIS cni IfCHICACO, hew Yorm, 20sto:i. A SnvprpianRpmpHvCrnirrKc Colds.laGnppe jai! Affections . . Jm cflhjThroat. Chest ad Lvngs. 50cts.122 x 5U1T3 TOT? TOTO BlETiNErlED..0nfi1!!e.Cal. Sold bv A. C. Marters & Co. 13 SHQErS THE BEST. FOR A KING. . CORDOVAN, rRDCM & CVAMCUXO CAIT $ 3.5? PQUCE.3 SOLES. -EXTRA FtME- S2.$l7BuY5SnTOSK5i LADIHS 5 rv-ri ros c atai r.T W-L-DOUGLAS DRCCKTC1LMAS5. Over One Million Peopli wcarthe W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes ; All ourshocsarc equally satisfactory They clve the best value ler the Doner. Thev equal custom shoes In style and At. Th-'r titarlnff qualities are nnurrcssed. Th-r rices nrc unll'rm. -..stamped on sc!e. Fr""i i t " 5ifv. I rvrr ctivr rteke. carci.'if .r.a-t ?' ju . an. i old by dealers ever v where. Wanted, agent to take c.NclusAesale for this tcinitv. and tones the quickly. Over 2.C00 private cndortcrocnK I'rcmRtilTCiiefa means inirjotcncy in the ntt rtssc. It la a symptom of cmlnal weakness mid barrenness. It can bo 6torped in 20 days py iho tuo of Ilmlyan. Tho new discovery was made by IhoSpocInl huofthc old famous Hudson Medical Institute. H is Iho strongest vitallzcr made. It is very powerful, but haimlcss. Sold for S1.00 a pact u coi.: 6 iKvckagcx for ss.C0(plolnEcalcd boxes). Written guarantee Riven for r cure. I f you buy fislioxesand aro not entirely cured, elx mora wjllbescnt to you free of nil entrees. Bend fir clrculanand testimonial". Address (3,I!HI)SON MEDICAL. INSTITUTE, Junction Stockton, lUnrkct A: IMIKSts. Snti I'rnticlftco, Cal. ,ti m .3 I W rite at once 1 1 tvi 7 suuamijn i Nf-, T7 1 i i?,1 Fa!UnK Sen- I tlio most K.!uUll ratlnnit Vfr. the occ. It KvJM anl other hubeencn. rr!s if0adlnSfclcn. iS .il"?f ?iS' ' Kuropo and KKSM I America. KYtWAYdW vourejitm. rurcly vege ffist&M Debility,' , Ublc. mii.HR I.crT0usncss, , Hudjan rfom VjTifM hniltslons, . mWm ?u K', WJBSWl I'alnsin tho LOST ffltSjnm by any or ... ' A. A A A A A A A jOl i i yr WW WW W w w F S ABBOTT'S K I -3 M PI i ? jitiornrainui j Jfc Cures CORNS, BUNIONS end WAiUS 5s j t 5PEEBILT and wiihoui t-Ain. i ! FOR SALE BYUL DRUCQISTS. & T LIPPHAtI BROTHERS, S?rop'rs, W f Llppman's Block, SAVANNAH, GA. A NEW SUBSTITUTE FOR DEEil. Mynterloiia Trmpcraiice Urlnk In Chicane's I Now "Houio Saloonn." . A now drink, wonderful in conception and lnystcrioua in it.s olieruical analysis, is about to bo sprung upon tho public by BiHlion Fallows of tho Reformed i,pis rnrnil pliiirnh. Tho bishon 13 0110 of tho most enthusiastic and resoprcefnl of tho I workcra who havo founded and maint tained tho People's institute. In con nection with his proposed enlargement of tho Ecopoof thdinstitntowork Bishop Fallows recently outlined- in Tho Trib une his plans for establishing a scries of "homo saloons." Tho plans have been worked out in detail, and tho first two of tho saloons aro promised to bo estab lished within a fortnight. There has I been a slight departure from tho'origi ! Dal plans, and instead of tho "homo sa ' Toons" being all of tho samo cluss thero 1 will bo as many degrees of variation as I in tho original alcoholic dispensaries. 1 Tho first ones to bo established as an ex , pcriment will both bo located in tho . heart of tho down town district. Ono ; will dispcuso 3 cent drinks and tho other j 10 cent drink?. Ono will cater to tho ' barrel house or grogshop constituency, j and the other will cornpeto with tho , liars whero the mirrors aro of beveled I glass, tho bars of mahogany, tho drinks J5 cunts each, and whero tho luncheon ' and side dish of olives ia presided over I by : whito aproned attendant. Both 1 will bo onuied in largo basements, tho : onlv differenco between tho " and lui j cent saloon beingin tho magnificence of ' tho furnishings and tho elaborateness of j the frcolnncb. Bishop Fallows said yes I torday: 1 "Whr.t puzzled ns most was to pro vide somo drink that would tako tho place of beer. Wo shall offset whisky, brandy and rum with soda water, choco late, coffee, mineral waters, malted milk, cocoa, lemonade, etc., but at first there appeared to bo ho substituto for beer. Vfo resolved to mako one. Expert chemists havo been at work on tho prob lem for s-cmo time, and the solution is at hand. Wo havo a new drink the color . of beer and scarcely to bo distinguished : from it, but of courso it is nonalcoholic aad uonfermentivc. Hop.? cuter into its composition something that cannot be ! taid of roue of the beer sold ovrr Chica go liars. The only diflicalty we havo yet to overcome is to do away with seme of the bitterness imparted to tho beer by thu hops. "After mnrli discussion of details wo navo .icimmueu 10 open saloons 111 w:e : district vfbere rents aro highest and i where most nconle ccJcreate. We feel sr.re wo can demonstrate that tho scheme will bo a success from a business stand point. Wo shall bo much disappointed j if they do not pay a net profit of 10 per cent. Jt wo cienionstratc utar, mo x'co plo's institute will bo rclicveil from a further prosecution of tho scheme. Pri vate cutcrpriso and capital will then step in and push tho good work. Whero t!m." cent drinks arc, sold there will.bo reading rooms, plenty of ligllt aiiTl heat7 toilet rooms, absolute cleanliness and a good susbtauttal free lunch on the side. Where the 10 cnt drinks aro sold, tho aci-ommodations will be tho same, but thire will bo more mahogany and plate gla.-s about tho bar, and tho free lauch will bo so elaborate that it will servo fur a good substantial meal." Chicago Tribune. A BIG EXODUS. I TIip Schrme of "res' William of Georgia to Iail XOO.UCO Nrcroe to Jleiico. The rcdonbtable "Peg" Williams of Atlanta, he of the negro ev3ns fame, has created r, mi nil sized sensation in Texas and Mexico by announcing that ho wonld export 100,000 negroes from tho southern states to Mexico during this winter. Tho above information was conveyed to Atlanta lat night in a press ! dispatch, dated at ban Anionic, Tex., wb-fcli alsostatcd that "Peg" hr.dbigncd contract on fcatartiay to lnrnisli a i wealthy planting company in Mapiainia, Mexico, 300 laborers, to bo obtained from Georgia. "Peg" Williams is ono of tho best ki.i-wn railroad men in Georgia, and he has been instrumental in the exportation of more worthy and worthless negroes from this state than any other half dozen mm in it. Ho is known, and intimate- by every prospective darky exoduster , in tho borders of the state, from tho , Bine Ridge to Liberty, and to say aught lag.uust "Pig" in tho hearing of any une of them is to lay yourself liable to trouble. Did "Peg" meau what he has been ( telling tho peoplo out in Texas? Will ho ' really relievo the south of 100,000 mem birs of its population within a few ' mouths, and, if so, how will ho do it? , Will he colonize and march them to tho ' land of tho greaser, or will ho send 1 them in specials prepaid all the way . through? "Peg" Williamsisknownasahustler, and when he undertakes to do a thing he generally succeeds. If thero arts 100,- ' 000 negroes in the south who want to go to Mexico that have tho necessary fash, "Peg" Williams is tho man who can carry them. Ho is resonrceful.and if tiny have the money he can provide transportation for that number and many more. Atlanta Constitution. Cent Vicre In the South. j year or so ago, wiien tlio averago Savaunahian found lii.nself in possession ! of a cupper cent, he felt tempted to flip. tlio little com into the gutter as a nuis ance. CVnts-wero unpopular. Xbbody wanted them. Even tho nowboys mid Iho bootblacks disdained to wasto timo in waiting for a cent in change. But things nre different now. Tlio little cop per coin cuts quite a figure in tho city's circulation, and it is as much respected as tho inoro pretentious nickel. Hardly a person tishes up a handful of change in which there is not n plentiful sprin kling of bronze color. Tho reduced street sar fares and tho odd cent prices in somo of tho leading stores hayo brought about .1... i l ; . :.. .i I uiu lii.uiui., ,um iv lis (uvuj.iuiv ii uuti i:hiny. l'conle have coiuo to understand !the valno.of a cent better than they ever iid before. Savannah !Ncws. llewuro of Ointments Tor Cntnrrli Hint Contain 3tcrcur. us mi-rcury will Mirely destroy the eiie of ' bUitll mid completely dcratiKo the whole .system when eltlcriDK n uirimcii miieous surmees, Such article"" should never le uspd except on prescriptions Irom repiitnlile piijseinn, ns me (hmniReHvev will do i Ion nId l" thy uixmI yoti. iiplblv.lcrhelr(.".;.tni.W. H.il.'s Cutarch turo ii)aimlac.turd by !. J. Cheney A' Co., To- ledo, (1 contain-" no nien-ury, and is taken in- I tcrioillv netlnir dlrretlv nt'ou the Ii'oihI and I mucous siirfareaoftliesyvteiii. In ImyiiiK Hall's Catarrh I'ure U- sure you "jet llo- ireimlne. It I liken Internally, and made I" lolvlo, Ohio, by 1". J. Cheney .t Co. "Testlmnuinli five. Hotd ly Drusslsts, prleo Tjc. pet bottle. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Awarded Cold Medal iltdwia'.er Fair. Sin Francisco. j UNTIL DEATH. ffiVn mn nn vmra of consicjicT. my friend. o love me, though I die, tho whole lifelong. And love no other till thy days shall end- Kay, it wcro rash ana wrong. it wnnlil nn( in.iltn ran sleoTi mora T)cacefnllT j "That thou wcrt wasting all thylifo in woo ' Vny imr ttVf. Wlmt lovo thon hast for ran Bestow it cro I so! Ca"' ' jen I am dead Tho nralscH which remorseful mourners give l To women's' grarcs a tardy recompense ! But speak them whilo I llvo. Heap not tho heavy marhlo on my head To shut nwny tho sun3hino and tho dew. Let small Wooni grow there, and let grasses wave, And raindrops filter through. Thou wilt meet many fairer and mora gay Than I; hut, trust me, thon canst never find One who will lovo and servo thee night and day With a moro single mind. Forget mo when I die 1 Tho violets Abovo my rest will blossom just ns blue. Nor miss thy tears o'en Nature's self forgets. But whilo I livo bo true! A SALABLE BOOK When I had finished my cursory ex amination of tho manuscript, I laid it down on tho table, andshakfngmyhead said: "lam sorry to disappoiutyou, oldfel low, but I should most Etrongly adviso yon not to try any publisher with this story. I don't think that thero is tho slightest chanco of its being accepted anywhere. At tho same time I must say that for a first attempt it does yon great credit, aDd certainly if yon stick to your work you will soon bo able to produce something that will bo successful." I tell you that that book is going to bo tho biggest success of tho year," an swered Martin Boss, in whoso rooms in tho iliddlo Templo wo were sitting. Wo had been at Oxford together and had gone down about the same time, I to tako my place on a newspaper and Boss to try his fortune in tho city. Although undoubtedly sharp, ho had succeeded in nothing, and I had been under tho im pression that ho had emigrated, when that afternoon I met him in tho Strand, and ho told mo that ho had written a novel which was to make his fortune. accompanied him homo tolook over tho J . . ... I t 1 i . , , j amateurish in stylo and vulgar beyond criticism. I felt sorry to havo to dis conrago him, but it was only friendly on my part to do so. I accordingly re-1 . . -. na- . ,.?. i. T am . . . t n T onflon Bnbiisber quitn certain that no London publisher would nndertako that book, though I am sorry to cay so." j Ho laughed and said: "'I never said that I Ehonld offer it to any publisher. I am not such a fooL I want all tho profits myself. Vhy Ehonld I put the lion's share of thum into a publisher's pockets? Thero aro thousands in that book, and I'm going to publish it myself that is to y, at my own expense ..radXphnllipatiitjintp thohand3 of, ono of those firms who publSTfiiSrnrniis sion." "My dear fellow," I cried, "do let yourself bo guided by me and don't spend any money on printing that book. I don't bclicvo that a hundred copies of it would be told." "2yO, not a, hundred," he answered confidently. "A hundred thousand is nearer tho mark, though I expect tho salo to go much higher than that. I tell you that I am to mako my fortuno out of that book: that I have struck oil this time, and richly." "But the style," 1 urged. "Oh, I know that the style isn't up to much," ho answered. "I'm no hand at literature, aud, as a matter of fact, I took tho least possible trouble over writ ing this bock. I dashed it off on tho typewriter in less than a week. But it isn't on its merits as a work of art that this book is going to sell." "Well, as what, then?" I asked. "Why decs So-and-so's pill and So-and-so's soap sell? Because they aro well advertised. Well, my book's going to be well advertised and accordingly will sell." "I fear you will havo to spend a very largo sum of money to advertiso tbat book into success," I remarked. "I know exactly what I shall havo o spend. Sixpcnco halfpenny per dozen copies, or a little over a halfpenny on each copy. Each halfpenny and fraction so spent will sell a copy. Tho bookwill bo produced as cheaply as possible, and I calculate tho cost to mo at about two pence. Say that, with the advertising, each copy cost mo threepence, which is abovo tho mark, you may calculato what my profits will bo on a saloof oven 100,- uuu copies. "oa havo hit on somo novel mode oi anverusiug lao uoo, uieu. "Yonbett Tho wholo reason of my coufidenco in my success of this shocker is there. "Would you mind telling what your plan is?" "Well, if you won't mind, I'd rather not," ho answered. "Yon see, I can't afford to give away tho idea. Yon might talk about it, aud then somo other' fel low might Miap it up. Don't bo offend ed and just watch tho sales of 'A Dis graco to Society' that is the title I havo decided upon. They will mako you open your eyes." "Very well, just as you please,"! said rather coldly, rising to tako my de oarture. I did not seo Boss again for somo weeks, for, though I called ouco or twice at his rooms in the Temple. I always fonnd hi3 oak sported. One day tho in- ucr door happened to bo open, and through tho letter lit I could see into his sittinir room. Thero were six vonnir ladies se;Ttcd at a largo table busily writ ing, and in front of each was a high pilo ofcards. Two largo baskets, filled with similar cards, stood on tho floor. Business taking mo abroad, I was not present at tho birth of tho book on which my friend had built such hopes, aud, though 1 looked in tho London papers, I could find neither advi ertiscment nor iiercforo rather mention or it. i was mercioro ratner i ; surprised when, on landing at Dover on For li-r Tllty Yciun, An Old and Well-lricl Uomedy.-JIrs. Win tin's soolhlui; Syrup has lieen us.cl lor ovel ftyyear .y ...lllioi.s r mo.hers for thcI, sUtw tlltv .children while twlliiiu, with perfect niaes. It woollies the child, soften tl Aj ,mh, M n ' - . remedy for diarrluen. 1 jrtivw he yums. f.'.Uyi and U the host nteAidut to tho Msie. Snlil hr llrawkl. In ..f 11... Twcuty-tlve cents. lmle. Us .value Is ueI eulahle. lie sure and ask for Mrs. Winslie.v's. Soothltic fiyrup, and ta!;e no other kind. . lrur soo.l "iilwUntiiit liliicksinithiug cheap, xlo to .MeKittuny t .Mantiiui:, Oakland. my retain home, I saw qnito a heap of tho shilling volumes of "A Disgraco to Society" on tho bookstall at tho station. At tho Victoria bookstall I saw another heap of the same book, and on asking tho clerk how this book was selling ho answered, "Like hot cakes." Driving home, I saw it well in ovidenco at. va rious bookshops. It was evidently a big success, and I wondered rather envious ly how Boss had managed to obtain this for so very worthless a production. I had purchased a copy at Victoria, and looking over it in the cab hadjhad ray first opinion of it confirmed. It was a wretched piece of work, and, moreover, diEgracefnlly produced, badly printed on cheap paper and so carelessly bound that long ero I reached my lodgings it had come to pieces in my hand. "However has ho managed it?" I cried a3 I remembered thoTery smalK sale3 that my books, on which I had spent no mncb timo and trouble, and which had been published by some of tho first houses in London, had leached. Tho mystery was solved to me as I looked over tho pile of letters which had collected during my absence. Among these was a tbin post card, addressed in an unfamiliar hand, upon which wa3 written the following communication: Dear Sin A sincere friend considers it his duty to point out to you, that yon arc cruelly find scandalously libeled in a miserable shil ling book called.' A Disgrace to Society." pnb IrJicdby Messrs. Anderson & llaitland. Ton owe it both to yourself end to your friends to tako measures to put a stop to the circulation of these falsehoods about you. A Trite Welt. Wishes. Now, as soon as I had read this, hav ing in the meanwhilo forgotten all about Ross and his book, my first impnlso wa3 to rush out to tho nearest bookstall and to ask for a copy of tho work referred to. Then suddenly it flashed across my mind that I had the book in my pocket, and remembering what I had seen at Boss' rooms I began to understand the advertising scheme of which he had spoken so sauguincly, and which, ac cording to what I bad seen and my own impulse at the moment, I had read tho post card, seemed decidedly an ef fectual one. I happened to meet Ross that same evening just as he was alighting from a hansom outsido a fashionable Regent ect cafe. As soon as hi finr in he rushed up and cried out: "What did I tell you, old chap? Is it a success, or is it not? Wo aro printing tho sixtieth to seventieth thousand at tb.13 moment " "I suppose it is to yon I owo this ZLu" t kT" 1 ceived. Boss glanced at it, and turning rather red said: "I didn't know that your name was in tho directory, or I would have given instructions that yon were not to bo written to. Not that it matters much now that tho success of tho book is as sured. Well, yes, that was the idea, and famously it has worked, as yon have seen. We. sent card3to everybody in the Who's Who, r in' the clergy list, in the court section of the London directorr vimdiHthVlawIist. Of course everybody off to the nearest bookseller to get the book and to find out how it referred to him. Yon see, everybody has more or less of a skeleton in his cupboard, and there yon are, don't yon know. Afresh batch of post cards i3 going out tonight Toll me, what do yon think of tha idea?" "I don't know, " I said. "It's origi nal certainly. Perhaps on tho point of taste" "Oh, taste bo hauged!" cried Boss. "Money is the thing to bo got, and mon ey I am getting. That wretched little book which I dashed off on my type writer in a fortnight has already brought mo in over 400, and 1 wouldn't sell my interest in it at present for twice as much again. And then look what a start it gives mo as a literary fellow. Won't tho publishers bo after me soon. Boss; tha author of tho book which, without being advertised or reviewed in tha pa pers, ran through over 100 editions in sis weeks? I tell you my fortnne is made, thanks to that happy thought oC miue." I said nothing and shortly afterward quitted him. Hij sanguine hopes wcro not destined to realization, by a curious, example of the irony of fate. On the very next day after I had met him a suit for libel was commenced against him by a clergyman in tbo north of England named Burrell who, having his attention called toy a libel on him in tho form of a story; in which tho names were so thinly'dis guised as to bo recognizable bysmy one of his acquaintances, and scng in ths storr a malicious aud crosslv cxaccer- ated version of certain circumstances . NV-i,;ci, j,afl ocenrrod in his familv, in- ; stnctcA bis solicitor to commence pro - ccedincs. While thcsowerBtieiidinn. rh , hn.i,0 tnTOi, tuvn.iWKt, to th oTCest (lesreo snspcIed tho sale of the book, in spito of tbo fact that the demand for copies increased daily. Very heavy damages were claim ed by tho plaintiff. Tho affair was. however, settled out of court, a scttle mait which left Boss considerably out of pocket by his first and last literary venture. "I never heard of this; fellow Burrell in my life," ho told mo mournfully. "Tho story, such as it was, came out ot my head. But of -coarse I couldn't go into c.mrt and givo myself away. The laugh would havo been against me." And so no doubt it would have been. Idler, j 17,0 CakM of Qur CMMhood... , lt mnst bo a common experience- with j ns a11 to look lvlck witn something of j wonder, even of humiliation, to tha ! ""gi literature or art wo oucet thought exquisite and of highestworth. Tho oratory wo once sat under, the mu sic: we once sang or played, tho engrav ing wo used to buy aud hang ou onr walls when wo wore IS aud infallible. I how poor and cheap they often seem af t, ;r a quarter of a wutury or so, during: which we havo read more, thought 'aiore. I ased our eyes moro and drunk deeper of tuo "stiH sad music of humanity. " wMonutlan s .Magazine. ViYi.e JeuN is svvcjiO tann nwtit for ' H,0 0, ,eHald." Wntiret.tHl lnsnrtue ,-,,,,. , Vl. v ' .'i'-'i i t. ompany o! ork, vthnh !m been icste.l uy passing lliroiij:!;. huh imviiic all I of its hisses in that atti.xt i-ouutfgritlinn of Chicago in 1S7K bv which over one hnn- ! ,,,., ....,,..,;.. ... ..... , !"..,..., n'.... ....... ni.-nr- nnce Oompaiiy of SaKm, O-e. failed. A word to the wise N piirliciem. If veil want the li"itof iloiiiiitry t to Ur. Straiiiei and Iikvm i d'ie by "at, pj perieneed and skillful deilist. All wurk guaranteed and at very reasonable prices.