The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, February 28, 1895, Image 3

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T. K.
Sills musical goods for less than Port
land prices.
Now is tho time to subscribe.
A. Salzniau, tho reliable jeweler.
J. T. Bryan, tho Busy Watchmaker.
1 BelGls, watchmaker, Roaeburg, Ore.
Go to tho Roscleaf for tho best cignrH
For a good 5-cout cigar call ou Mrs.N.
A choice linoof stationery at Markers
. . . T. K.
Keeps over forty different kinds of
musical instruments constantly on hand, drug store.
For first-class dentistry go to Dr. Littlo
,T. K.
Has ordered a large shipmont of "Wash
burre musical goods direct from the
All porsoas indebted to 0. K. Hill of
ltoteburg are asked to call and pay on or
before March -1, 1S9G. By so doing they
wiii savcuatU. This is tho lust notice.
G. K. Httx.
Milk! Milk! Milk!
loos for th new milt wagon that is
now running. For good imre milk leave
your order an.l secure tickets at the store
ct cither Mi. Boyd or Mrs. Kaston, or
from McCoy & ISorcnsn.
I. O. O. F. Notice.
All the members of I'hiletarian Lodge
Xo. S, I. O. O. F ,are required to be pres
ent at the next regular gwftaUog, Satur
day night, Match 2, ISOjJ&T there is im
portant business to come TltTore the lodge.
W.vvxu Joxks, Sec.
of Oakland.
For Erhool bsoks and slates go to A.
C. Marsters & Uo.
Harness of all kinds at low prices at
G. W. Woodward's.
Eastern oysters ou 'the half shell, at
the Kaudv Kitchen.
I'uic fresh candies manufactured at
the Kaudy Kitchen.
Key West, imiorted and domestic
cigars at the Koscleuf.
Oid newspapers at the IVuxukai.kk
oftice, 25 conts per hundred,
The, latest novels only 10 cents each,
at Geo. Langeuberg's newstaud.
Pacific Coast and Eastern oysters in
any stylo at the Kaudy Kitchen.
Tablets and all kinds of writing paper
at A. C. Marsters & Co.'a drug store.
Myrtle Creek flour, only SO e'euts er
sick. Delivered free. A. C. Hoxik.
Tiio finest line of sponges and chamois
skins at A. C. Marsters & Co.'s drug
For good substantial blacksmithing
cheap, go to McKinuey A Manning,
Meals at all hours at the Kand
Hermann Congratulates flcBride
Accept heartfelt congratulations on the
glorious news of your election. It was
mc tight thing at :( right timo aud a
splendid compromise, tpxxl ior the party,
creditable to the state and an honor to I Kitchen, southeast corner Taylor it Wil-
yoarslf. BtNUKR Heumasx. son block
Take Your families to the McClallen
icw Orleans ealher. House. Mrs. McClallen will see that
New Okixass, Fob. -'- Amoug the they are well cared for.
casualties ot titt snow siorm was the wim i Xiwv? H is the man that
death ot a hunting party in the woods on tecps tho candy factory where they make
tnsAinaRce plantation, lJ tutles below ,n those Cue fresh candies
New Orleans. They have been found
frozen to rth iu a kneeling attitude.
Eyes Tested Free.
Call at A. Salxci&tt's ami have your
eyes tested free of charge. If you need
glasses he wilt fit yee and saarantee sat
isfaction, or iiiowev refunded, lie is
here every day in the week and every
week in the year, a in! guarantees a per
fect fit.
AY. C. T. U. nestings.
The W. C. T. U. will weet this Thurs
day evening at 7 qY-IojV at the M. E.
church. AM ladies interested in temper
ance are invited to attend. Hereafter
the Uniwa will meet every se-Mnd aad
fourth Tharsdsy evening at the M. E.
Will Grow Flax.
Churchill, Woolley & MeKeuzia keep a
very large assortmeut of " Grst-class cook
stoves. No charge for delivery.
Protect vourelf against cold aud
pneumouia by wearing a chest protector.
Fine ones at Mar&ter drug store.
Use German llouse'bcld Dyes. Every
package guaranteed a solid and fast color.
Tea cents per package at Marsters.'
Tho only way to cure catarrh ii to
purify the blood. Hood's Sarsapanlla
purifies the blood and tones up the who!
Churchill, Woolley A McKensie carry
a good line of spray pumts and fit them
up with hose, Vennorcl and Cyclone
nczxles. .
Thousands of cases of reeumatism have
been cured by Hood's Sarsapatilla, This
is abundant reason for belief tbat it will
Mr. W. B. Honeyman of tie Portland care you.
Linseed Oil Works, has made ccn- Greatly reduced rates at the McClallen
tract with Linn eacnty farmers for 2000 House. As we all know, D. O. Mc
acres of flaxseed for which he has con- Clalien is a first-class hotel man. Give
traded to pay $t.S) per hundred. This him a call.
will bring lo the growers something up- Doa't break out jour teeth cn hard
Train Demands a Full Legal Investi
S. S. Train, oue of tho memboM o! the
Board of Trusteos of tho Soldiera' Home,
has this lo say concerning the rt-port of
tho legislative committee sent to iuvesti
gato tho Home:
Siuco during tho last days of tho ses
sion of tho legislature, a most infamous,
outrageous, garbled and uutruthlul re
port from tho committee sent to investi
gate tho homo, rellecting not only upon
tho management, but also upon tho ier-
sonal characters of the trustees, was
inado to tho legislature and adopted, it
remains that in simple self defence, and
a3 a plea for it truer, nobler and breader
support of tho Homo, aud tho removal ol
tho solfiah, itnscrii pnlous and ernicious
seeking after place which is tho founda
tion of this report, as can bo scon by tho
fact that Senator I B. Alloy, chairman
of tho committee, and clork of tho com
mittee, S. B. Ormsby, ou tho strength
nf tins rormrt. of which thuv alone were
tha authors part of tho committee refus
ing to sanction or sign the infamous doc
ument were immediately appointed
and confirmed trustees for four years.
It is also understood that S. B. Ormsby
expects to bo commandant of tho Homo,
which accounts for tho accusations
against, aud requests for tho rumoval of
tho present commandant.
Tho main charge of this committee
against myself is that in addition to ex
penses, a charge of fj.OO per diem has
been made, aud that I Ii lve drawu fJOJ
a veir as eecrotarv. The law itself pro
vides' for n secretary. I lit salary to bo
fixed bv tho board. The board fixed
this at $'200. which is Mirely a modist
sum, and does not savor ol a steal.
This 'committee, or no oue else, can say
tho work of secretary has not been well
done. As to tha other chaws the rec
ords will show the information ot the
committee to have been ither inc:
reel or falsified, as the vouchers in the
state's olficu will show that mi charge
io.00 per diem was made, nor in !eed
could it bo uuder the law. and no vr
diem, or fees of any kind, beyond actual
expenses were allowed.
The lotal amount I have receive!
from the state during the two years
h.ivu served un the bjjril. is &D1.-I0. "
which f20J ii for salary as secretary
$7.50 for postage and stationary, anil Ihe
icmainder for actual expenses incurred
in attending the meetings and trail
acting the business of Ihe board. Thcs
facts are pulutauliated by the records in
the ollice of the tecretary of sdatc.
This wonderful report clo-ws iili the
rcccommeadaliou that "'Bint bii lroiuht
by the proper officer to compel tit
trustees to return the amount ilhsrilly
held by them."
The report including the rec ommeu
dation was adopted by the legislature.
and now as a membei of the old board,
I demand that such suit be luon?ht in
order that a full legal investigation tuny
bl had, aud that the truth or f.d:ity of
these charges may 1 officially determined.
ward oh Jti.OJO. Mr. Hooeyman fur
nishes tlte teei lo sow the 2800 sees.
A New Captain.
At the armory of Co. A, Second Be-,:
xaent, last Meaday night, Uie elecUon to
rid the Taeaacr made by the resr'aa-
tough candies ; s to Niece's caiKly fac
tory where they make every thing fresh,
soft and chewy.
Don't pay $03 for a fcteel or wrought
iron raase when Churchill, Woolley &
McKenzie will sell ion one far a great
School election next Monday.
A case of small kix is ropnted at The
Dalles. 1 '
Horn, to the wiff of Mr. Thomas Waite,
in Oakland, Feb. I'llrd, a sou.
John .1. Rmpur will open a "lic-er
all" On Jackson iuvl the (irnt.
The earth ipiaked M niday night. So
report several of our up-Jalo citizens.
In 18UI the total production of Oregon
wiis$l,0'.)01,J.")0 in gold mid $13,oo7 m
Jacob Ben has bought the farm of hia
son-in-law, John Bunbeek, in Camas
Portland and other towns in that vi
cinity received u Blight seismic shock
last Monday morning.
Bailev Wi Hams and Eliza bkeci were
joined iu wedlock by his Honor, Judgo
Stearns, lust Wcdnosday.
Euirene citv warrants at par, fino
county warrants one per cent premium
So savs the Eugene Uegistor.
The Charles Higgs dramatic company
is coining this way with "Private Secre
tary" and "Passion Slave."
The administrator nf tho estate of S. K
Evans, Sr., deceased, has made final set
tlemcnt, and sureties are released.
Samuel K. Adams and Mamie Jones,
and Archy Adams and Frances Scott
of Youcalla were married Sunday.
"Mac," mine host of tho McClellan
house, is always ou livid to minister to
the wan'.s of his guest" with a pleasing
Jack Abraham has accepted the
agency of Neander, Pershing, & Co., for
Liking orders for tailor made suits of
Several cj.iiinuiiicitioiis received this
morning ate uiiavoiuauiv ciowueu out
of toJav's luiHjr. They will appaar
The aipriiers of the estate of Fannio
I. Levins, decej'ed. have filed a sched
ule of her property, real and jMjrsonal,
amounting to f PM.tio.
The trial of CjIa Williiuis was had be
fore J itdiM Stearns. Wednesday. .Taken
under advisement and judgment Mil
pendeit for th prtent.
lVvton Harriy, n old aid respected
citizen of tho county, residing a few
mile from Oakland, died suddenly of
heart disease on Saturday.
"What is money?" kijs an exchange
"If vou save it von are a miser : If von
spend it you are a spendthrift, and if you
loan it you are a chump."
Ed. Lingh iris reported will lead .Mis-i
Ella Mclginghliu to the. hymenal alia
next Sunday so jes the world, marry
ing and given in marriage.
Umpqua Chapter :o. II Ii. A. M. is
prospering hugely. A large number
having tieeii exhalted titthe Royal Arch
decree at last convocation.
Another installment of those $1 50
shoes, the best ever offered In the place.
Staple goods of all kinds at prices to suit
the tinips, r.t II C. Sainton's
It is rumoied tli:i t ih Oregon .School
Journal, which Ims I ecu publi-hi'd at
Drain under ih'i iiruuuemnM nf. tho
S rd I'ublimiiig Cnniiiiiiy for tun pit
car, has humi mti:lu-cd hy Knji'iie
mrties and will lu it-.ifler be puhlixlipd
n that city.
Kev. E. Gittius, formerly nf thU city,
is conducting quite an interrcting meet-
ng at. tho M. E. church in Cottage (Wove,
with the cheerful supi"it ol Ucv F. 'A.
Tu'fthott of tho C. P. chmeh and Kev.
Sweeny of Lorane, sa)s the Cottage Grove
Ben McCoIlutii of Elklon was triod for
assault and battery tl.o liiiih Upon con
fession of the ehnrges justice A. .-mitli
fiueil him $5 and coat. In default of pay
ment was committed lo the county jail
ten days. He now languishes in durance
vilo at tho county's
The Firenuin'H Fund Insurance com
pany i recognized nil over tho Pacific
coast as being the leading companv. lis
olieies uro accepted ly tht U". u. Gov
ernment without question. Place
your insuranco in th'n thi and' well
known company. C. B. Cannon, resi
dent agent.
Now i3 tho timo to getj to work. .Mr.
Casedy is offering a grand opportunity
for some party, either lady or gentleman,
to open up a ' light manufacturing busi
ness. It is a monav-niakiug business.
It costs nothing to investigate. Call
upon him at tho Van Houtcn Hotel It
will pay you. "
An amusing scene was uitnccl on
Washington street this nmriiiiig. A
beautiful lady waltzed out nu liiu front
steps singing a lively air, with Iit grace
tut lorm waving iu miHon with tin; mu
sic, while her. broom made the dint fly
from the door steps like that before
Kansas cyclone.
Next Tuesdiv evening, under tho
auspices of ltebekah ixxlge, Misj Itrml-
lev's clasi in elocution will give an en
tcrtaiiiment at the opera house. Tho
entertainment wfll con list of music, reci
tations and tableaux. Tho el,is will be
assisted by tho best local talent. Pro-
grammo given in next Mond iv's paper.
The farmers are all luiry, 'timing the
sod. pruning and plowing orchards and
p'anting garden;. On a trip to Myrtle
Creek Mon'day we noticed tix learns at
work on J. J. Chadwick's place. Edwin
Weaver, John and ('leal Weaver and
Mrs. Adams' farm hands were hll busy
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
rustling their spring work. Kidd!e
Tho bill tn tax all foreign fir., marine
and life insurance compjniei '2 per cent
on their gros premiums, introduced in
the house bv Hofer of Marion, pa-t-.ed
the senate Saturday morning and will be
come a law. It is the only revenue bill
of this session and will inrreas; the in
come from this soutcs fiom $3.r,00) to
John Hall, whoe iargu prune orchard
at Mvtrle Creek, was r-o overburdened!
with fruit last year, is cutting his trees I
i i t ,
f fenhi. Kraham. recited in the UKU lcas
wtRflf Frank B. Hamlin. There Whea the scalp is atrophied, or shiny-
ere twu competitor for the position, Hd. no preparation win restore me
Uamltaaad Liedteaant Lasrssea. and hair; in all oilier coses, uaii a m.rnc
the formsr was victorious by a small ma- newer will start a growth.
majority IS to 15. I Mrs. Lynae, a pnpil of the late Pro..
Speranst ot Milan, Italy, gives vocai anu
piaaofi-rte lessons. Terms reasonable.
Residence at Mrs. Parties.
Ladies wrappers, a new line in Cash
mere, etc., FlinaeHette aa J Eiderdown ;
price from S3 cents and np. Call aad
see them at the Novelty store.
Chcrchill, Woollev & JIcKenzie ex
hibit a new model Winchester 3S-55 and
32-40, 2G inch barrel, which they retail at
the low price of fourteen dollars.
Buckingham's Dye for the Whiskers is
a popular prepiratiou in oue bottle, and
colors evenly a brown or black.
Final Call.
All persoas are hereby uotitied to
make immediate tettfemeat of their in
dcbteJcesj to the hfte firm of S. Marks
& Co.- otherwise the some will be placed
in Lands for eoHectioe. Please give this
call prompt sUentioa sad thtss avoid ad
ditional costs. Asues Maiaw,
AdmiaUtrator of Estate of S. Marks
& Co.
Ecss Fo" Hatching
PVr. thorftnfhbred fowls bred for
health aad profit not inbred. Buff,
White and Brown Leglioras, Light Brah-
mas. Bfaet Langsliaws and Black Minor
cas the great esg-produeera summer and
;.,- !-! for rale at Barker's
urocerv store, Kosabar?, at il.QO per 13.
Address Ompfina Poultry Yanls, Iloie-
Feco Tojxs, Prop.
Ttie report' of the committee which
was apiKiintedby tho legislature to in
vestigate the 0:ega.i Soldiers Hume is
cac of tho most damnable things, that
was over foi-ted on a long-suffering pub
lic. It recks ill falfrliocl. sHto"and
injustice, ni d will ! t-bown up in iis
true light i'i du --tir-se of time. Tlie
patt playr ! by iviuin iiMjmbers f the
G. A It" in ttin niVgf.l invetigttioti is
not at all con-t-hi'M :iHry iu them. Ex
cept in minor .Mail it H l'a-eI Uon the
bald asserti. s tliii indivMiiil wlw is
coospicuon i"r his iiniuity. greed and
jenerai co?einenI anu wno oecame uis
.1. L. Dewey was in from Glendale this
L. L ive of Winchester1 was u yinilur to
tho citv last Men lay.
J. I). Nichol- if t'.nivmvi i s in
tho city last Tuesday.
A. A. Al en and a if.- nf i " 1 1 1 v ;
n llto city last Kit iday. '
W. IP, Jitdton (if ("aiua.H Na!l, y u in
Hoseburg last Ttr.3dav.
Chris Evans of Ahl.uid was a v'uhor
in thb city 1 m Tucuby
Hon. II. T. Me" J alien r.-turned h m?.
yesterd iy morning from Hulem.
Mrs. C. A. Sehlbnsdc retu'.'iied home
from Salem Wcdnosday evening.
C. L. Becker of Oakland gave us a
friendly business call Wednesday.
F. C. Limboeker of Myrtle CreeK was
doing business in the city last Tuesday.
J. V. Shelly, tho genial commercial
agent of Portland, wan iu the city jeater-div.
Sol Abraham, president of the third
House, returned from balem jes'eniay
Millard Ollivaut and Alice Denning
were licenpcd to' wed by the county clerk
Daniel Chamberlain and Miss Lura
Coats, of Oakland, were married at Eu
gene on last Saturday.
The Misses Kate and Emma Pljmale
of Jacksonville are visiting Mrs. Zeigler
and .Mrs. Autenrieili ol tliia city.
J. J. Farrjuar has relumed from ajuant
to Portland and through Polk and Benton
counties, having had a pleasant time.
Miss Bogss .vho has beon very sick
for soreral weeks U reportel convales
cent under Dr. Bradley's treatment.
Mrs Serena Ad mis of South Djer
creek was in the city Wednesday, as full
of lif-i am. j'i!itv a3 a maid of sixteen
F. P. Cioiiciniller, late of lh
Di. a leu, leaves tomorrow evening for La
Grande to take a "sit" mi the Chronicle.
It. W. Benjamin returned homo Tues
day morning fiom Atlanta, Ga., where
he had been attending a dental college.
Mrs W. F. Benjimiii who has Ik-en
.uiy low from an attack of la grippe,
is convalescing finely, under ihu treat
ment t.f fir. .Miller.
Hon. Virgil Onnn of Pai.-ley, an old
cilizen of IC'i.-ebilrg, stupied over on Uit
way home, and i-" now on a visit lo
his father at Melrose.
And.ew Barney of Glendale was taking
in Boseiiurg last Tuesday He reports
large ipianlities of w.xid lor the S uthein
Pai-ific h.-Mng cut in tit vicinity.
II Bimer of r.iciuu. Was'i.. .in ex
perienced miner Is on a tour of i. -ion
of Douglas county iiiiiikm, aiii. tin
view of making inviimeiits if lhe pms
pects warrant it.
Mrs. M. Fickle is somewhat imli
V,.wil c, ntt..ti.1 .wi l.i.r lit
, ' tie son who was so badly t-calded alxiut J
J .'. McEvay, the photographer, has
pitched his tent on the corner of Jackson J wiU secure it Enterprise.
and Oak Streets, where he will be
pleased to paint you as nature made vou.
F. W. Diilard will open up the depot
butcher ebop, lately vacated by Speck
and Jones, next Monday. Wo bsspeak
for him a liberal share of Ihe public pat
ronage. The Bev. M. Ab)o!t. will fill the
pulpit at the M. E. Church, Sunday,
morning am! evening. Mr. Buck nor
L"' I .-til l.,t.) ..-..r.tlr. . Tn Mill.
grunlled l-a.ise Im amhl twt ums ,ha -board
of trurfee A the home for un-1 mr Elder Jones.
holy designs. The father of the report is i i1ti.enbarg is still on ton. He
an ignorant, unscrupulous crank from' ... f , . -
Marion county, who has been tcpuUiaieu
lives lltion tliel'cai msuuiliciiir, uunn, u..u.
biet vcrv heavily at urtseiit. iisurire
Still an abundance" of fruit, whidi will be I ,e" ,,3-vs ao- ,M3 ""'l'rcd her health I Bm-ararimmetUH for &atnrrli
very large and tine. air. llali fays lie is . "
working for n smaller yie'id but larger' Ct. W. Kiddle of Biddle was iu
fruit, and there is no doubt but that ho thi- week. He reports p.wpl.1 in hi
vicinity busily engaged setting out frir.i
We were accosted on the s'.ieet last',rew. luinK orchards am! matins
Tuesday as a pioneer, and twitted for our preparations for spring operations.
IkxwU of Oregon's prolific a i!, ami then ! C. L. Cox of Camas valley wan iu the
our attention was tli.-ected to a woman I city last Tuc-day lax iug in supplies He
in Dulnth who had 3 sets of triplets. All I is at present in i barge of the s-tore at
we could say wis, "They had f irg.itten that ioiiit, during the illnesa of the pro
the young woman on Soap creek whojprielor. He is of the old Virginia s'.cck.
1iad seven kids at on birth, and all liorn ' Mrs. l)r Miller, Miss Us S.-z
Tlie Pnlton Wnler Motor
ind the I Of capacities varving fri-:n l to 23 horse
with webs on their toes and. mi.s on their Misses Abbie and Bos.i P.urott will ro- j power affords the moh-t eonvenie'nt. e o
backs." We still t-laud up for Orcgou. 'turn this evening on the local from Sa-1 mimical and relialile jmuer for all light
o lir.. i.iu n,....t-.i 4 'service. Oneotiher-e may be seen run-
Black Sand ilining. I clerks during the late scFsion of the legis-
Wnrtr nt rli !i?arV iini 1111114 n.-ir ' Iature. .
Bandolph is now progre-Hiiig in a very ' Jesse W. Dewey, II.Kaneyand L. J.
ilrunett of Glendale. witnesses in the
f exiN'rimer.ts case of Cala William", 0:1 trial before
and uujf(iHns modtfi.-.iiioiis Ihe appar.t- ( Judge Stearns, and J. P. Jones, apph-
tm is, WHMKlug wttli uverv prompt: ct cant to lie appointed uuanitau, were 111
The Kind of Weather We flay Expect
In March.
Tfie following data, complied from the
Weather Bureau record at Bosebnrg,
Oregon, cover a period of seventeen years
for the month named, and should prove
of value and interest in anticipating the
moro important meteorological elements,
and the range within which such varia
tions may be expected for the coming
month of March.
Mean or normal temperature, 49 de
grees ; the warmest month of 1889, with
an average of 53 degrees; the coldest '
month was that of 1882, with an average
of 41 decrees; the highest temperature
was 81 dogrees on 22nd, 1887; the lowest
temperature was 19 degrees on 14th 1880.
Averzge date on which first "killing"
frost occurred in autumn. Oct. 14tb;
average date on which last "killing" frost
occurred in spring, May 3d,
Average precipitation for the-month,
3.57 inches; average number of days with
.01 of an inch or more. 15 ; the greatest
monthly precipitation was 8.61 inches in .
1834; the least monthly precipitation
was .'IS inches in 1885; the greatest
amount of precipitation recorded in any.
24 consecutive hours was I .GO on the 4th,
1879; the greatest amount of snowfall re
corded in any 24 consecutive hours (record
extending to winter ot i8Si-. only) was
1.7 inches on the 9th, 1890.
Average number of clear days, 6 ; part- .
ly cloudy clays, 11 ; cloudy days, 14.
The prevailing winds have been from
the southwest. The highest velocity of
the wind wai 3t miles from the south
west on the 1st and 19th, 1379.
Tuos. Ginsos, Observer.
After Many Years.
Your reporter in interviewing a man
last Tuesday, fouud that he had known
hhn when a youth of eight or ten years
old. This man was Jacob P. Cox, now a
resident of East Umpqu.i, and the father-in-law
of Dr. Strango of I.'osehuiy. We
hail not seen the gentleman fur fifty
years, and we were greatly astonished,
when we learned we had lived neighbors -from
1S3S to 1S45 in Platte county,
Missouri. His father and grandfather
lived on almost adjoining farms w ith us
for seven or eight years, and it wai a
matter of congratulation to ns that we
did thus meet after a seperation of fifty
years, and recur to reminiscences of our
boyhood days. Thus you see a news
paper ' "interviewer" in bis rambles, often
meets with incidents of a pleasing dur-
as jii-.reury will sureiy destroy the sense of acter that calls to mind scenes and oc-
smelt an.! coinpletLlr ttrau;e the whoie system i .
wben entering it throaih macons surfaces, i enrrences ot titty years past.
irneh nrlicte should nerer be used except cm I n fMv :5 nn nf lhor.T.1 nmnK.
prescript""' l"wa repaUWe physicians, iu the I Jac0J 1 - 101 ,s oao 0J ,n80W PlnPfn,
ilsinftge they win ioia ten fold u the i;ooi yoc. i haying crossed the plains in 1852, and
can posflblv ilerlv.- from them. Hall's Catarrh j .
Care manrifuctnrvd by K. J. Cheney i Co., To-) never has had cause to regret his having
ledo, O., contain no mercury, and N taken in-1 pr. i hnTi,noil linme -ind tafcine nn hin
tcrualiy. actios .lirvctly upon the blood and ieit "is Doyuoou iiorne, ana taKing np nia
mucous fiiriarcsid the system. In buying U.dl"s , residence in Oregon, and taking part in
Catarrh Care be fire ron set the nennine. Kis , , .-,-.-
aSea internally, and made it Toledo, Ohio, by i lhe advancement of civilization pa this
F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. coast
Sold by Druggists, price 73 c per bottle. . . . . ,
, ; Hail, friend of my yontli, may joy and
President Chapman Desires Complete
and Correct Statistics. -President
C. II. Chapman has sent oiif
the following letter t? n emb's nf the
Alumni of tho University of Oregon.
To the Alumni of the University of
In order that the next catalogue of the
University may moro correctly indicate
the standing of our Aluirni in the state
and present moro complete and correct
statistics for referenc, will joc kii:dly
answer the accompmying questions and
return them to me? We wish lo issue
the catalogue Fomewhat earlier than
iiiual and for (hat teason an early reply
will be considered a favor. It is particu
larly desired that you should ghc fu'l
a-iswer to the last three questions.
1. Write your full name.
2. Post office address.
3. Occupation.
4. Name the electivo office which
you have held with dutej of election.
5. If married, state when
l. Slate any facts known to you con
cerning other Aliitei.i, particularly
deaths, elections to ollice, or appoint
ment. 7. If appointed to any pjsitnn, t.ite
what and when.
8. Have you any suggestions to make
regarding tho dnvelnpment aud future of
the University?
9. How can our Alumni Association
bn made more eneficial to the members
and to the University?
10. What would you suggest regard
ing a memorial to the late Judge Dea-ty ?
Would you ronsider a mural tablet in
Villard hall lo be appropriate?
Very truly yours,
C. II. Cll.U'MVX.
To The Insuring Public.
The undersigned has the folioairig
answer to make to the charges made
ugainst him iu the Kins' hmg Keview tv
a would be insurance aent who g"es by
the name of Wayne Jones, towit: That
on the 18th day of January, 1S'J5, lhe
old reliahle llmnc Insurance Co. of New
York, with en--!: :isel of $9,000,000, did
nischare tn .-iid Jones us U.cir agent
and apiwiritei! !hr timle rsigued a3 their
Herit fcr this city ami vicinby. My
cumiiiisiinii hangs "vt my office in the
frame ia which said Jones formerly had
i hi and ran Ixj iusected by anyone de-i-iiin;;
In see it. All who wish to insure
in ih Home will please wall at my office
i m ti;e M.irg'ers liloct.
L. I). t'AULE, Agent.
vVith jcu in the future always be bl-nt.
S. S.
t s.ithfjct3firin.uiucr, sty th Ouiit Mail.
, After :i?pjwl5ie,l seriei
bv his own nartv and lives upon
crumbs which fall from tho table of his ! eons etc., violin strings of 1-ett ipiality
political and frafrnal friends. Oue aiwavs oa hand,
mrml-jr nf the investigating commfttee '
' - " . . . - . . , . I . . ! . I . . . . . . t: 1J.. t . . .. .1 r f or
..lo..l I.Tj mm c-rirl-on thn IP- .oiWr.llSUlIHIlIIL; try ui uai t urn I ... ? .osr.... r.vru...-t .
uort when it was obmitieJ to the senate, ' the merchants of Hoseburg are receiving sueccStad la-it week :0 Hjunils f the j the city this week.
aa be had never signed it or read its con- qaantiti&s of gixl?. but where the ' nmnlgamWaa c'.eancl up. The kirties John Cox who came Oregon in 1S13.
rerllfrihadtnwnttL "' 'H'1 11 is I traversing the MreeM of Koseburg
ful whether at least one more of tho we don't know. alhercdyfiom good authority Hint tha 4StTiiesday. He served iu the Indian
other members coincided with these star- i This cvenins, Tnursdar, a protracted I result xi llire,i ;imC3 Skater than the ' ;wars;n Oregon, and when H.ii.. I'.inger
charafter proceedings. ii is narui . ... . - , ., christian 'Sest guess. iScioro tuc woik com- Hermann sets his i-ension bill throu-h
nine at this oifice. end fir circulars
The Pelton Water Wheel t'o., 121 Maic
St , San Francisco, ("ai.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
AairicJ Coli Medil lUi-!a;tr Fair. Si3 Francisco.
They aro ontj their j il at Nirr-"
Cindy factory. Ii ynu know a good
fthing when jon see it, try tlxu-e fine
fresh candies. Yon don't have to pay
anymore for them than you do for stale
An-V lTt:.-fr:J.":; "I .I , Cl ;,ncUun-U in this dir. Rvervlwdv invited nence.l tliree ol cngigel niaile rollRrM. Jom may rPa., ,llni. 0f lt
person can easily apply it at tiome. . . wh,lever in j, ittvasr.o inveati- to be nrewit and lend a helpini: hand in 51 ue M lo u, 'aim u'd henefits
To Whom it flay Concern.
In order to introduce our catalogue of
sheet music and Hisie hooks, we make
this offer: To any person in Douglas
concty seading ns name, sle, number
and price of jiano or organ, bought of
he "Wiley 15. Allen Music Co., lince July
3. 1SB4, we will pay 2 in sheet music
.and musk bools.
Itceebnrg, Or.
Rapid Can-Alakinj.
It T). linage, the Hogne riyer cannery
man, is in San I'rancMCo, imshing the
introduction of a can-making machine he
has mtentod. The silmon-can machine
is automatic all through, and one boy
can make from 30.030 to 40,000 in a day
with one machine, He, makes the can
romnlete. bctiom and all, ready to have
sius bottjm soldered on by a Howe tna-
-cbice. In the frni:-can and spice-can
daebines, two boys do the whole thing
Kandon's Woolen Mill
The woolen mill is doing a very good
business now and is running over time lo
ne extent. We understand that orders
enoush have been secured to keep work
sht and day during the rammer.
X thortagc of wool seems to be the only
drawbrck that now esifta, but we pre
acme that the shortage will cease as the
spring opens up. The company is mak
ing excellent cloth and the demand for
their products i
Dr. W. A. Tore arrived in the city this
morning and at once entered the dental
office of Dr Strange. Dr. Toye is an ex
perienced and accomplished dentist.
Tbe work of the new laundry is meet
ing with general approbation. There it
no josS-hoose smell about tbe dollies j
laundried at the Hoseburg laur-Jry. j
Tim Kireman'n Funl has paid more
losses in Itosebun; than other company j
and has held the palronairc of many of ;
osr leading citizens for more than 25 I
years. .
Thomas Johnston lias openeo a neai
grocery store on Oak srtreet. He keeps a
variety in the grocery line, and will
brauch out more extensively in the
D. C. McClallen has gone back t the
McCiallen House. Lyerything is in tirst- .
class condition. Mrs. JlcClallen "has
charge of the kitchen and dining room.'
Look out for something good to ea".
Those having second hand stoves,
furniture, etc., for sale can receive the
highest cash price by calling ujwn .
Rice, the furniture arid supply dealer,
221-23 Jackson street Itoseburg, Or.
Dr. Davis has practiced dentistry in
Roscburg nearly 14 years, and wo know
the Dr. to be a skilled workman. Par
ties patronizing him will save money.
Dental parlors opposite Siocum's hall.
Having secured the assistance of a
very skillful and successful assistant,
Dr. Strange will npw be able to resume
his regular visits to outside jwints. To
aornrn Iho I'erV best of dentistry at the
very lowest possible prices call on Dr,
Strange in the Marsters' building.
gaUon at all, as the committee Bpent t creating interest i'i these meetings.
greater portion ol its time in examining
prejudiced witnesses instcaii ot me rec
ords and other legitimate evidence.
Semi-Weekly Times.
; produce, and the result was about five,
increasing. Bandon
, Our New Charter.
Hon. C. A. Eehlbrede's bill for a new
charter for Itoseburg, by the efficient aid
of hi3 colleasaej, hai become a law to
.vnfTpe.t at the next municipal election.
While it does not change the powers of
.i.nt,t hoard of trustees, it divides
the rity in four wards with two council
.n fmm each, four to hold office two
,t fmir for onlv one year, and at
..,.n,iin-r animal election, four council
men shall tc elected for two years. It
also provides lor the election of a mayor
to be elected annually. The council is
Mnfi.Ad with ttower lo change the bound
aries of each ward as tho cities needs re
The Continental insurance Company
of New York has refused to join tho now
r-nmntp.t entitled the board of Fire
Underwriters of the Pacitic, belicung
that tha board is not a benefit for the
people but lor tho insurance companies
in keeping up rales. ius company uzi
the best financial standing and loss pay
ing record. It ,was teateJ In the great
Chicago fire in 1871, paying every dol
tar of its losses amounting to over two
million of dollars. Its record of almost
fifty years is prompt and liberal in tho
settlement of all honest claims. Its
motto is for the intere3t of the people as
well as the company. You owe your
patronage to this company atid should
see Wayne Jones, Agent, when you take
Jury List for flarch Term.
W. Dewar, Gatdiuer. farmer.
J. 1. Clough, Canyonville, farmer.
Win. Thompson. Coms'ock, farmer.
Jehn Hanks, Calaooia, farmer.
W. A. Stccker, Pass C'eek, farmer.
J. Milliken, Deer Creek, shoemaker.
W. P. Totten, Glendale, farmer.
0. W. A gee, Wilbur, farmer.
Jasjer Figles, Pass Creek, farmer.
C. NicbolfOii, LILton, lumberman.
J. W. Shtiey, Cala;ojij, farmer.
C. W. Conway, Klitton. farmer.
P. 15. Coffey, Yoncolla, farmer
Fred Goseer, Deer Creek, farmer.
Luke Chapman, Canyonville, farmer.
H. W. Alexander, Mill voo.1
H. tL. Engles, East Umpqua, farmer.
M. W. Primer, Riddle, jeweler.
J. E. Medley, Calapoaia, farmer.
Then. Dunn, Deer Creek, carpenter.
R. A. Cox, Mt. Scott, farmer.
W. Talkington, Civil Rend, farmer.
D. W. Hunter, Deer Creek, farmer.
Frank Rollins, Lake, farmer.
J. 0. Gunter, Pa Creek, farmer.
J. F. Spaugh, Looking Glass, farmer.
S. J. Chenoweth, Wilour, farmer.
S. A. I.a Raut, Wilbur, farmer.
Wm. Sagabard, Jr., Scoilsbur farmer.
Jas. Conn, Coles Valley, farmer. '
Mr V.inkr.n nf Cnirv c-tiiintv ia in ll.,
, . . , , limes greater man me lowest guess ami i .. ..... . , . . - . .,
Riddle ii talking of organizing a lodge I . ?. , : city soliciting aid to assit ieliinc m trail
There is nlentv . . .? . ... from tmld I.-ncl
, . , , cuiauou. l lie results are better man t tie . , , ,.. ..
and as a suitable ... , . . , : view nf est.ihli.-hin
hall is soon to be built the lodge will "V""""""'- , t-..r future, and to tmi Douglas and
i1mititla inn'prnliip in tlie near future.
:ib iasi tnrvu uirtxivciuil lilill i:i
of Knights of Pythias,
of go! material there.
to Iarlaud, Hwith
a mail route in
A World's Tribute, i
7 --
Currv cjuntie- in more di.vct commui.i-
ihe eaiid. Only one i
cation. Several of our bu-iness tnen '
pulfcritd lilh-raltv.
Speck Jotic, the market men, have . a) tie ,.llt(1 ju
ta'j?.MniIed waging a large iiumuer i . ... ...i.:..,. :.-,.. .,.,,, ,.,.i...i Mml it ;
persons to mourn over thcirunpaid mils. ,,I)W tl)lllljII(. olIl MMll ,f.e ,0(l!, C0II. : u. p.. it Wi-eni.tu left uii.I.m nighiV :
Wa'rants are in hands of the sheriff for I WMlrieS ,vr.av. Sexeral more machines ' oxeiland train f,.r Duii.-tiitiir, Oil., where j
their aned, but up to date iu tiding! of i ar0 j proc,.s, uf i-otiM fiction and wit! t.e fhe W1 'etnain, f.n fexeral weeks with
them. ' put to uu'k jtift as uiii hs they can Lo . ''r daughier. Krotn then- .-he will g- ti. j
Tlie case of Sw eery vs. Jones A Spcek , completed. The parties ha.e been al l-'J- Au.'ele. her future home Mr. and.
is np before rquire Hamlin for adjust-, work experimenting since last July and Mr-. Wiseman made many friends dnr
incnt The oflieer reports that tho tie j have just completed the design which it , i- their stay in Kofclmtg. who wish
fondents'have left for pattfl unknown, ! ia I clieved will lit! tho requirements. Ihetn all io-itIe happine.-s and pn--
j Progress
leaving nut a speck of property to bo at
The cost of collection of customs at
Portland laot fiscal year was, alt told fol-: all metallic substances iu the
lL, larunr. fJ5 for Yan,,ina $13,.rM I, Cooi I'.ay f 1,05:1,
, tanner. Towusend ?9,15'J and Port of filled weigh-! in fie neighborhood
E. Cooper, Deer Creek, farmer.
Alaska $21,202. Tolol for the Pacific .pounds. Tlie process saves all the metals
Northwest $147,So2 in the ore, which cutiM-ts of platinum,
Old man Simmons died l;ut Sunday at iron. etc- Tll owners aro much elated
Camas valley in the seventy-fifth vear of j over the prospects and are sanguine that
his age. He had remarked several times ; "'ere are millions in the project of black
tlmthn would die on tho dav of his sau.i mining
nativity, and ho died they day after the
There i Kiid to be uimcIi more of the line , peritv in their new home,
and invisible gold in lhe tund than wa V. II. Juds m of Came valley wa
atipied, and the machine is -aid to s .ve ; (!o3ll., ,lU.;lW in tjWI1 .,.t Tuesday
.ItHi. A i r fn 4,,n iv" i i Imnt in Oi..i'i iti
IS40. ai:-l
lit -t'H) ,;l, ,;, t'.rt ll,.t iu linilt in
I .. . ... ........... .
htig ir sacs oi tlie cmeeinr.ue .nuoui imn f ..i..,. ..... , Oreeun
Salem. His mother is still li ing on the
CiKpiille. Mr. Judsoti has a mill in oper
ation at Camas valley, and is thinkini:
some of erecting a saw mill.
anniversory of his birth.
Bigotry in the Reichstag.
IIkiilik, Feb. 25. A eleiieal member
IW Ik tVw A II
"it ..'
' '.' "V a'
.ff Triumph JJ
1 r !
Un...a..i lirr.rt.l. nl U'fW III lr.Un
, ', , .. ,. , , of the Ueichstng has civen notice of his
WodnoHihiy after supplies, lie stated . ....
that several large nugictH have been
taken out of the mines at Stavreout
recently. Tho largest contained $131 in
gold. Riddle Enterprise.
Snecial services will commence at tho
G. A. R. NcWS. ! Pl.,ltfl.,i ,..nri'li orentii" nnil rnll-
Cirv, fob. 25. Djpartment, , ,. . A VA)un invitation
is extended to tho citizens of Roscburg
to attend these meetings.
C. A. Stink, Pastor.
Commander General Ormsby n.ct will
the council of administration of tho G.
A. R., at . p. m and reconsidered the
date of holding the statu encampment,
and tho date was changed from May 8
aDd 9 to June 17 and 18. Tho change
was made on account of Commander-in-Chief
General Lawler not being able to
bo hero at the previous duto. This will
bo quite a drawing card for the encamp
ment at Oregon City, as it will be tho
first time that tho commander-in-chief
nver mot with auv encampment in tho
; How's Thlsl
! Wo odor One Hundred Hollars Ucwant Mr
1 tiv e.vo ol Cntnrrh Ihnt cinnol be.curcd bv
' llalfs Cntnrrh Cure.
r. J. CHENEY .t CO., t'ro., Toieilo. O. j
Wo the undersigned have known F. J.
Cheney for llio Int 15 years, unit K'lieve htm '
Iitrfccilylionnrnblo In alt imjincvi traiiMietlon !
mid finnncliely able In rarry nut any obltga-1
tioni made by their tlrm.
West A Tri'ax'. Wholesale Hrnsslt, ToTcilo, O. j
Wai.dinh. Kinnan A Makvin. vtluile.ile Ilnig-1
1 i;it. loleilo, o.
t Hull's Catarrh Cure N taken Internally, nctlne :
dtrvctlv uKn the MihmI ami mneous Mirfaces ol ,
j lie Ff Mem. t'rli-e 7.V. per tnitlle. S.i'.d by nil
' r iiFsls-t!". TesllimuilaU free. I
intention tu muve an ainendiiu nt tn the
nntl-revnlutiouary bill, providing for the
fine aud imprisonment of any pcrsmi de
nying the existence of God, the iniinor
tality of the soul, or attacking the re
ligous character of iiian i:ii:c.
Tho (Jologue Gazette idtacks the ,
amendment aa un outrage of hitman lib- Tuesday Sheriff Sears and Senator Mc
crty. That paper says the next pro-1 Gum of Portland tried to settle their
Spray Your Orchards.
Kelly & Dunne's prepared sprays for
fruit trees at A. C. Murstoro A Co.'s drug
store. Now is the timo to spray your
orchard. Whale oil soap, blue vitrol,
lime, sulphur, etc., at Marsters' drug
A. (i. Oiburu has opened a boot and
shoe store at the old stand of I,. Langcn
bnrg, where ho ia prepared to givo cus
tomers a neat fit iu foot wear; and guar
antees flrot qualities of goods and nt
reasonable1 prices. Give him a call and
be satisfied.
Some aspiring mariner is building a
unique boat iu which to circumnavigato
tho globe, nt Marshlseld Tho strange
craft is mado out of a cedar log with two
holc3 through tho deck for tho legs of
tho navigator, and a small locker for pro
visions, a set of Kails mid a rudder, nnd
is only about 12 feut in length. The
builder expects to sot sail for San Fran
cisco in his bowl this month.
posal of the cleiicals will lie to impose a
law to enforce the doctrine of papal infal
libility and the, immaculate conception.
Hotel Arrivals.
Noah Prior, II. Rosetirock, Raker
City; P. A. Harris, M. D. Canyonville;
N. C. Stilo, J. C. .Smith, F. S Prouty,
S.ilem; J. G. Galwin, Grants Pass; Jos.
Himkers, Gold Reach ; F. 0. .Merrick,
Ashland; MisaJ. R. Orth, Jacksonville;
R. W. ami's. G. 1jng, Yoncalla.
11. Reiner. Tacomaj Geo. Pearson,.!. L.
Stratford. N. 8. Perdew, Dinin: N. 11.
Cooper, Cottago Grove; F. W. Whalen
difference of opimoh in regird t- tho bill j
relating to 'he p.isage nf the net cutting 1
down the nherilPs fees, .-'ears called
Mi Ginn a sneak an I McGinn answered!
from the shou'ihr, whereupon Sears
struck McGiiri on the head with a pistol, '
and McGinn struck tho pVtol from j
Sear'.i hand. Friends tt pa rated them i
and the melee ceased.
for Ovur riliy War. I
1 AiiOlilnul Woll-Trlo 1 tlcmcily. Mrs. Wiu j
I Mow's SiMitlitus Syrui has been u-itl lor ovej I
' lltty years by millions qf mothers ior their j
I children while teelliiir,-, with iwrteet sucecss. j
i It MKithus the elilM. sotteu-s tlie gums, allays j
! ill ialii, cures wind eolle, and Is the best j
' remedy for dbirrliiea. Is pleasant to tho taste. '
Sold be DrusKlstN Iu every part of the world.
America Leads the Nations in
the March" of Progress.
Among the wonders of the World's Columbian Fair the
grandest was the exhibit of American products. The Ex
hibition was, in this respect, an object lesson of the grandeur
and glory of the Republic. Among the exhibits from the.
United States no article of its class stood so high as
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder.
Th.e Chief Chemist of the Agricultural Department at.
Washington, backed by an intelligent jury at the Exposition,
found it strongest in leavening power, peerless in its purity
and beyond comparison in uniform excellence.
Received Highest Award
- At the World's Fair.
Keeklv K V Willi i Oilvliiiid- Mr i Twenlf-tlve icntx a bottlr. Its value Is Inea
iicLKiy , it, whim, u.iKiaiui, "' cl,iabto. llo sure and ash for Mrs. WlnsU.w
in:.. r)..i.u T.1- : - i.- -. .. i...... ......... u .... .v,. (.....
Willis Bnbb, Francis Kempa, Hugene.
value Is Itical-
i smithlniT Svrun. anil take uo other kiiid.
The award is a matter of official record. '
Nothing could settle so decisively the immeasureable
superiority of Dr. Price's over all other powders as the!
great honor bestowed at Chicago.