TEE PLAINDEAliER ISCC&D EVERT VOSDAY XSID T11CESDA.Y BY THE PLA1HBEAIER PUBLISHING COMPANY W. J. BEKJAMIN, C. V. BESJAMDT, - Subscription Rates: One Year pyblc in ad vanoo , "Months, " " " Month. Editor. Manager. ..$2 OO ... X OO - SO THURSDAY, FEB. 2S, 1S35. Dissolution of Partnership. JJolico is hereby given that the co-ratt nerahin heretofore existing between 0. Y. Benjamin ami .F P. Cronemillcr, under the firm name and style' of The Plaiudealer Publishing Company is this day .dissolved by mutual consent, F. P. Cronemillcr jetirinc- All accounts duo the firm are payable to C. Y. Benja min whoasjumes all indebtedness of the cotnitfii), Dated this 26tb day of February 1S!)5 C Y. Besjauix. F. P. Ceoxemiixer. East Orcaoninn: Tho city oE Pen dleton will not receive any of its scrip for tines tu tho city. In fact it bus "deiiiotielizoiV its own pnimr. Wo were told when this was dono that it would soon btiujj scrip to pnr, but instead, city scrip is selling be low county scrip now whilo it ought to sell nbovo it, becmiMi county hcrip remains ont more than four years whilo city serin is out Imroly two years If t-crip woro issued .in de nominational amounts, bearing only sis uer cent interest, it would soon Much par by passing into local cir cnlation and In absorbed by local people who would draw llu inteiwt boroo by it, instead of it- Koini: into the pockets of ontahiont as now. In order to mako this a practical matter let tho council give it it txial and seo to it, as this body is doiug at present, that tho city's expenses are kept within tho receipts while it i being tried, and good results would follow, to tho benefit of all and :ot done to suit buyers, as tho present plnu al TO OUR PATRONS. Thronch tho changeful events w life I again come before you as a co-la borer on tho ViAisnEALEK. Having be como interested in this paper, I shall try and add to its efficiency as n good countv newsDBDer. and to maintain its reputation for fairness and ro li&bilifv fn all its utterances. I will make nu ros tinted promises, fur ther tban to sav I will do iny best to increase the Plaixdeaixr's useful ness in bnildinjr up and. making known the resources of Douglas county in particular and of the state geneiidly. Trusting that the. Plaix- dzalek will meet with your liberal support in the fatnre as in tho past, I greet yon fraternally. W. F-Bexjahix. The deadlock in Boise, Idaho, and -Dover, Del, continues. Martial law has been proclaimed in Caba. That revolt-cursed island is again in the throes of rebellion. t The legislature has adjonrned and the people may rest assured that no further obnoxious laws will be passed till A. D. 1SD7. The election of G. W. AlcBride Senator of the United States for Or eon gives general satisfaction the people of Douglas connty. The democrats in congress have made - -a new departure. Bland Bryan, Sibley and Coffeen are at the bottom of it. It is an effort to. free sflveriza the party. The Soldier's Home has got black eye. The mangers have been kicked ont for maladministration. The Lord know, possibly, what will follow the new managmenL The uvinir democratic congress consoles itself with the reflection that it leaves no surplus in the treasury to be misappropriated the wicked republicans in the con gres3 to follow. The demDcratic congress withi the two years of its control has re pealed the silver purchase act, the Federal election law, the McKinley tariff act, caused a deficit of about 70,000,000 and increased the bonded debt $150,000,000, and seems bent in doing much more mischief. ! ....,., ,l .....1 l.t. nnil w E-tf I102i;rL'll. ..III! IWI f hereby authoizod, when lie bits lail! enid taxes, cxccutinc in case wnore Slid instrument in writing shall otherwise provide, to dedtiet ntnl roUtn, front tho amount of saul iieut, or 01 1110 annual amount of interol thereon, when ho shall pay tho saitto the amount of tax which bhall to lovied ajjiiiiist that delt, anil the. amount, of mich tiix slinll bo a lien on all piopcrty of tho debtor, in like ninnner as other taxes aw now ti lieu by law, and shall be collected as other taxes arc now collected. "J This, you will notice, would havo been a great improvouiont over , the present syktein, whereby tlm ownor niter being taxed the lull vsilno of the proportv is also icquiruil to pay the tuoittfflt.'o whieh covets it tax ifpon the ANARCHISM ITS DANGEROUS TENDENCIES. TIjo CliurcltcH. 3UrTtT CJiur.cn roriicr nf;ijinc and lion streets. Suiiuny Service: Preaching, Uu.iia. nml 7:30 p. :u.; Young rcoplo'x Union, 6::S) n.ui.; Mm. O. K. Antics, rrcsiilcut, Sunday Scliool10 c. m.; Jrmes Chamberlain,' Superintendent Prayer Meeting, Tlrtindiiy evening nt 7:no. Rnv, G. N. Annm, ltor. Residence, So. S21 Main Strost. Methodist Cni'r.ai cornerof Main nml Lane. utreclf. Sunday bcrylce: lTcoclniifT, 11 a. m. ami 7:30 p. 111.: SubUith tchool, 10 a. in.; Dr. James Ilnrr, Superintendent; Class Meeting nt closo ot the morning service; Kpworth league G:S) p. m. Clare Hume, President. Pmyer Meet ing, TUunriay, ut:30 p. in. S. H. Pdckskk, 1). I)., funor. Parsonage, comer Main and Lane. l'lifHUYTKuiAN Cnur.cii-coraer of Cass and Itiwe Rtrvt. Sunday Service: Pitpllc worship, 11 am. and 7:.' i. ni.; Sabbath Hehoul. 10 a.m.; Y. 1. S. C. K., 7 m. Prayer Meeting;, "iVcilncs dny, 7:30 (. in. U. 11. pn.wor.Tif, Valor. CLASSIFIED f AUVGRTISGAIUNTS. lir limit or l(t iiii(!r tki hcatl 15 cents jur MwilA; caeh atMilionat line S ctnts per month. .Vu mlrerihrmail taken far leti thin tS cent s. Motlcc to '1'rcspaHMerM. Notice itJ hereby jfiviin that all persons liuntinv: niton, removing wootl from, or otherwise trespassuiK upon the "Ihtsliey estate, will Ikj prosecuted., ltoeobuip, Auk. 8, IS9I. J). S. IC. ItL'icK, Aent. to Tho duty of the hour, says Senator Chandler, is economy, individual, state and national. Instances of individual economy are frequently to be met with, but as to state and national we have only to refer yon to our defunct legislature and to the expiring congress, to show the folly of hope for relief from this source. Anarchy preeoMs u dark picture, and ho is not ibofcest American who makes litzbt of its thieatniug fea tures. All ought to understand that it is no longer safe to tolerate, in either of tho political.parties, tho pre valent tendency to court the favor of the lawless, and that tho public man in bis utterance?, or the official in the performance of duty, should be held a traitor to free, institutions if by word or act bo encourages tho spirit of 1 evolution against lho bal lot box and its deliberate decisions. No party can any longer afford to be tainted, oven m tho least degree, with that destructive spirit vthich to many demagogues have fostered for years. Arnold's infamy was that he took a bribe for betraying the inter ests of his country, but the pnblic man who takes an office as tho re ward of u treacLery to the true inter ests of a self-governing people shares Arnold's infamy. Tho conservative twvror in this country, which in the end inu?t be stronger and surer than any other, is that of tho farmer. Thei- interests are not with the property-haters, and not with those who would rob em ployes. The men who would con fiscate property in order to avoid tho necessity of saving, the men who want to fix?wages without regard to tho needs of an industry or the rights of employes will have to reckon in the end with the farming vote. Hitherto this enormous vote has been inert, divided between parlies by in heritance or habit, inattentive io tho true tendency of public measures, and, in a word, c vast force without thought or pnrpose, and therefore almost wasted. The populist organization, though one of the most foolish of all human associations in its aims and methods, and utterly pernicious wherever it gets power, is nevertheless render ing invaluable service to the conelry. It is wakinc up tho farmers and forc ing them to think- It is teaching them what their true interests are. and what part they ought to play in a self-goyerning society. Before all is done, the farmer of this country, awakened by the noisy antics of pop ulists, and taught by tho fearful suf ferings which their amazing folly has produced, will become tho staunch and immovable defender of a genuine national policy, of free mstitntions and rights of property. It is tho farmers part to lay the heavy hand on all communistic and anarchistic tendencies, on tho lawlessness of rioters and the shameless pondering of demagogues to vice and lawless ness. Tho farmer waked up will bo the most valuable crop American farms has over produced. (ilcndaic Items. Win. Hatumerslv of tho llammcrsly mines at lold Hill spent ton U.ivs at Glendalo as the uuest of his foster brother, A. Miller, lie was aecoiniwhied bv Muck McKeimy, a mining expert Tho coiitlcmcii spent some days pros' pectins t the ravines riituiin into this ulace. Thev (tank several tiro?i)Cct holes ami in each i?it tilcntv ofcoloisto justify them in tho belief that this town j is located over rich placer mines Tiiey i started on Tuesday to White Horse! where they will open up tho claim of W. II. Kcdficld. Thoy werovell equipped' with supplies and minim? tool, and wo expect to hoar of rare developments in tins importaut luuunctmp. G. G. EllitT of Qiiimlochi has made a rich uiinin strike at hit) minins claims, having taken ont in one day last week, and since that lime hU usiiul day's work has p aid from iOQ to $iK cr day. Tho millets in this valley aro doinjr'well, and lare amounts of coM dust is bfim shipped from this place. Mrs. W. J. Plymale, wlu has leen at Salem during the locitdntivo session where bhe has U'en employed in the senate chamber, ia returning tu hur Immtt ctttnt T.'rfil v ?it f!hntlj1i fln guest ot Mr. and ,Mrs. A. Miller. She . Kor aIe.-,Uol oak uoct at per -c .m i,i;..i liv i,r ,!n,i,ora tier,p.03iptiy delivered: leave orders tit Mifsts Mary nml Kmma, ulioin tliu J- 'WkerV store. Zack Bakkk. younj; peopld ot liuniau vntertameu oy ii sociuDie at tne iicineii imu on eri'iny evening. Miss Kate l'nii'.l- wb. hepis a tioei sision at tho Stale insane Asylum, was the cnett of her undo and aunt, 'Mr. Mr. Miller on Tuesdav where she 3S3r3i85Btt! m irs. David JJtotjcr ana rever IJt me emaciated, with distressing cough, no unneUte. Data in ehc3t, shoulder, back and (Stomach. Tour hottlrs of Hood's Barsaparlll.i S,TO rno strcn ;m, kcioii nrpcuio anu ucaiui. vs. David UniCiu:, 'Wiieox, Kebraskx Hood's? Cures For a FeW Days. WOODWARD -THE- .j if- Notice is hereby given lhat all ersons removiiii; wood or cutting wood from my laud will 1r prosecuted. .My laud is the S, K. of tho S. W. of seciion 19, ( weet, in township -i south, raii0 Douclas county, Oituon. KnKii.ni .Iknic.j I'or Sijilc. L'lMOr tki I html you atu atlcettht ar mtt nmr Ctrm ihrty ajt nr njMAN fix mm hum I im to airpate ty at a cmc oj s iyms jurjmmn. ror!?Jle A good home of 110 acre?, 12-milea from railroad; 40 acres cleared: isood wate.-, small orchard in hearing, IiiCiuv m ciihiii iruiv; lair urt-Kuu nuuse and ham ; 4 horses, o c.ow and pleuly of farm tuutluue'i to run tne firm. Pur cr,tcitaiiie,t.by a pJoas-tnl t.irlh.lay ity. ,,rk4s al h; Ueviv onico or it tllt! II iwini: wir nin uituKuiy oi j. ij. aui'- ,.,. .... and was erts. Tho invited j;iKs,tH were .IS8 M, Hjmiiton of Glendalc. Mr. nd Mr. E. Mallary, Miss Nettie Kedfield and lted tiehi Uras. o! Uoskydcll, Nathan ini'.b of S.xi'.hfleld aud Will ilanimerslv of Gokl Hill. John I'nrdy of I lie Invalid mines was in town on bunuay. ue Brings soou ne-.vd from the mines ami brought a nice lot of gold dust. J. I.. Dewey -.f th lower tore and Andrew llatney were ciliei! to Itusebur to apiieur a? witnesses in ihe case of eonuty surveyor at the court house. For shU) or trade, a pxnl three- prinp Iimk. Will trade for urnin or cows. Apply tu ' On as. AXZH.E.' ihxhi iry 04K woiHllormle at $j par tier, delivered' every Saturday. orders at .Mrs. Itoyd's arwv.ry More- John ilorciiait. ror Sale. Old papers, at this office. t -ii cents ier nuudre!. illiama vs. trial there. W. 11. ltedtield of the Wnnlcit. Hood's Pills win new friends dally. The Old Reliable RUSS MOUSE itii Jti.ntgoMtrv St. exiuuiltuK fruut Hue to llurli St.. Sun Fnuii'iscn. Cal. l!mtlua vt'iitrf el tliu city, coavenk-nt ti ntl baufcf. luMimncc Co. offl M phirrai nl" nmuwmcnU. luntuiKiag JW rviumf. J. ti. YOVXtl, l'rop. Ticks: l.,V, fioo and U.SO jwr tiny Fri.o coji'h toiiM from the hotel. Notice. To Policy Holders. """" " Wanted, a relub'.e man or lady; for -V. l. CWIL-1B IrtlinriM Wilhnr ImwWm fntit.f fW leceivin a fine lot of new doi which J , 1 Jll .. . - . . . . 1 ft InnnM r? Cam T)m.h. rT ? tOClCrS. .Mr. KelDCIlI Ktei the Wt; "i'""' ii riuiis ruimms Roods in all lines, and -enil and 0n a Sea'-- , oblicins and is boildins up a line trade. ! 1720 acres of choice valley anil tow He is attentativc to all his customers, es-1 hilUiite- bad. all nnder hoard ami wire pecially to the ladies. Give hint a call. wnee, several iui:nhd acres in cultiva' C. T.Nail. tha senu! T dav evening. Mr. Niil is alo tlm mn- w. w, etc.. three mi.es ar of the inorehantile honss ofTnlTA 'from rilrod. Tlie vicinity his Ave or- Uootb tt that place. - MotUK. chants ami lhn imi rare itiiioc for a m ; colony ol pijiine cners. Tlw property ' I Iwlonpi tu ali-i:t jurtieri and must Riddle items. 'U'toltl. l'riceJIU per ncre 4 cah. Dr. C. E. IJoKne teiwrt Mr. Frank j ll!vo in eiht annual paymenia' with Cain improvin-; sfowlv. ' tierceni mitre.-L (HiMxnnit allowed Kcv. Jones preached a very istorest- ' tW'ii?V.iJ ..r ... . .t . , , . i iiave jants ti vvt Kint tliiotiuoct in- sermon here Monday nnclit. Hro. I .w., t, .'".. r - , , . . , ifw oottniT tor low prtve anil eav ti rius JoneSKalwayssladly weiemetbrevery ; K ' The Northwest Fire and Marine Insurance' Company havine p;oue into the hands of a receiver, the Board of Directors have made favora ble arrangements with the Fireman's Fund Insurance Company for the protection of its policy holders. Call on Claude B. Ca'nnon, Agent, and bring your poli cies for exchange. Boys Suits..'. .7... $i 50 -Men's "Siiits 7 5 Men's Wet Weather Shoes 2 00 Men's Underwear.: ; 75 Latest Style Hats 2 00 Boss of the Road Overalls-Best 50 Doea Up ALL COMPETITORS! nackiiitoshes at Greatly Reduced Prices. Ladie's Dress Goods Reduced 25 per cent. ".''' ; These goods have all been received 1 ' .within the last month, and are the latest styles and not shelfvorn. ,1 , Don't delay this golden opportun ity., and call on The Boss Store. Wo arc always in the Lead, and mean to keep there. The Golden Harvest ia npon ns, and farm ers aro smiling because Woodward lootts to their interest. JSUGK HARNESS Full Trimmed HARNESS These arc all Leather and Warranted. SADDLES At Reduced Prices. I Consult your parse and be enre and see V oodward before onyicg. W. fi. WOODWARD H. C. STANTON Has jaat received a new and extexuivtf ttoek o DRY ; GOODS CONSISTING OF Ladies' 'Dress Goods, Kibbons, Trimming, Laces, Etc, Etc. -ALSO A FINE STOCK OF . MOOTS AKI SHOES Of the fce& qaalitr and floltb. Alexander & StrojIG i groce HISS 1 THE POPULAR ' , HOME FURNISHERS.... oi'O and 3is 'JacUEon St. ilet. Oak and Washington. 1! r n J T r rx rj T l-i- -et anil JJtst At&irtnienj oyer VVf iL.l 1 iI Lvlv. iTcuUe to !outhern Oreson. aaJ M. o.' Wolf lio,, tl,e vc.r5 -"H' lias sootl j rail on Sur.- ' Dtcrl drainage, rc from frot, jr od I "Seta. ;K?i?Jtftt&tBM-i?mB!&m KWTT Ml M W 14 m S Law al Eii-sont I.lcc CARPETS. cueastifieHOEOH9HHOHosea SLOOltottla Oaocestadixc. It is said on a -nr.Vo hy an dnur- , nistj. It cnrcal,-. J'--suinptics. ! aid i3 tio toot Co-- r -1 J. Cr C an. For Pi! m f. n- Irtiii v Viiu ruts. The subscription list of tho Plais dealeb is racidly growing, Ibas mat ing it a desirable medium for exten sive advertising. Remember it is a twice-a-week paper, fall of intorest--ing fresh reading, gotten np by able and wide-awake correspondents jn all parts of tbe county, and well se lected latest news from a long list of exchanges - and Providinz for the Assessment Collection of Taxes. II. I;. No. IS, introduced by Mr. ISurkc, and the joint projection of Representa tive. Barlce and Sehlbredc, ss amended by Committee on awessment and Taxation, was adopled by the House sittiaasa committee of the whole, butalon? nith Tbe Bepnblicao parly of tbo stalo are compelled at tbid janctnre to bear theodiuni of extravagance in tbe last legislature, on account of its ma -jority in that body. But npon an aiyzing me cause 01 lannre to come np to tbe foil measnro of retrench ment promised, we find that our del egation redeemed their pledges. mi - . Aney securea in me none tne pass age of tbe bill exempting indebted ness from taxation, and bad we bad as wiae awaice a senator, lue tame might have become a law. Now that Senator Dolph has been turned down by G W. 3fcBride, ex secretary of state, tho Phixdealeb will indulge in no unkind criticism of senator Dolpb. We wish to let the dead pant bury its dead. Indul ing in.couaemnauoa or. mi?, tuat or the other parties who are responsible for tbe remit will not heal the gaping wounds, (i. W. McBnde will be our next United States senator. Xeither Dolpb'u defeat nor Ale Bride's election tu succeed him beat against sonnd republicanism with sufficient force to kill it. The prin cipies 01 me repuoncan party are trne or false. If true they will, as they ought to, succeed. If, howover tbo principles of the parly aro false, they will, as they ought to, dio the the death of the damned, and tbe people, the intelligent voterB, wil duly attend to tbe funeral. HOUSE BILL NO. 13. HUNTER & HUME, WHO EXPECT r ! r : A Carload of Wagons and Machinery Mis Jcnn'm IValcaan milt stay' with j Mr?. Will .Q Brovu for s fep- uKmth. j Mr. Ivu Deen ii jtt-i haant frow u j visit to Itoceterx. ! Mrj. Mry Crmwi 11 1 OdiryotivRia fel vis-tiu her &b4r li;r, Mn. Thomas 1 Dyer. ' ' '. Dr. iradle ot Uub ir?: was culleii to ' seo Mrz. Wiiliasi Sndrfawi few days : ago. She k intruin now. Mrs. Ijicv Stiver -nl chiWron hure been visit ins; ner 11m cr, Mr. Hier, for too just few iy. Mia? Minnie Wilia!ricV of Dave creei: has lxen viiiliin; Unde Xoah Curnolt's faaiily. ! Mrs. Minnie F.-altr went to Kotobor' ; to ssa& several weeks with her 1ms- ; bands iireut3. ' - - rjj-z- Mr.1. Walter Simmons of c!rnls I'aa, camedown theCtb, to visit with her eeHOEOasHOHUiJOHOnonoUCBenowSOHenOflGilOHOaOiJOCOEeiKJasSn dauphtcr, Mrv3teo. II. ltkldlo. j g A. Itidille and son are spraying their i O otcliard this Keek. 1 5 Mr. William Harrion of Portland is n bact in this vicinity, attending to busi- I ness uwtterri. ' a Mias Alma Vi.rzoe v. ill teach a spring 1 term of school at ICoberts creek. ; a Mrs. Elizabeth tjnine aad Mrs. Stilly j Itiddle have been on the net: list, but i arc better nt tlife jfeeiit writing. ; R We call the attention of our friends to our beauti ful stock of 1 - Easy Rockers Bed Room Sets ejh&&Jl Parlor aud Dinin Chairs V W Rugs and Carpets And all Household Articles Our Stock is Unexcelled bv Anv House South of Portland." 'oT70 Vood, Willow and (!Ias3 Ware, Crockery, Cordage, Etc, Aim on hnni in Urse quantities and at prices to juit tne uaea. Also a. laie atocK 01 Gustom-Made Clothing Which ia oSered at cost price. A full and select atoclc of SCHOOL BOOKS Constantly on hand. Alaothe LITEST NOVELTIES IX STATIO.NEUi. General asent for everr Taxiety ot snoaeriction books and prriuiirak pntlished in the United States. Pernnu viahicj; reading? matter of any kind will do t' giTe as a call. ALEXAMDER S 5TR0HG rosuuurg. oieucrox. IN A FEW DAYS. I'oultry, I'tslt mitt Cuiiil', In Scami J. BITZER, l'fi;.i.ipr ot The City Meat Market And Dealer io PRIME BACON, HAMS. LARD, Scottsbur? Items. m o a AM) l:RliSH MEAT5 OP ALL KI.SD5. Roseburg, Or saturtlsy, aai rf 5-ortwl the atiair a fiitc- cce. Juiiu3 Hnrit of Klfctou, ;ueset thtwih town yeatenlay on his way to the Co fjoillc. A. I., ihitler and wife .vere in town a few days .since. Jitninie Graham is more Kinili thmi eevcral hundred good, bad and indilfer- PSO!"- ? uauKiuer arnveii si im A giilxctiplioii it belli;; drcnlated for this Lcnefit of the family of tin.- late I). Wagoner. We hoiic they will receive a goodly ainotmt. The etition a?kiti,' for a reduction of ftcight rales to -San FranctMX, it W.'itrz fi'tirfl by everyone in any nay interest ed. It will Ik: prehctitcil to the tinnliner Mill Compaiiv for their oiitiderruion- in ijie near future. Z2S Orders taken and Ivllvorvd Free to anr lrt ot Ibc W. (i. GrubOe ami MUs Ijwy fui-lHiiaBsgBsageBAuaiABcnaaftBKnaBeRftiianQMAiinHnsAcnnaRflRD u'-ntNi 1 lie loaaic jor Uw nance at uardi ner, on trie 22nd. They returned home , and rf ;-ort-d the affair a A SQUARE DEALfe ent bills died the death in the Senate. It ... tion of taxes and contained many worthy features briefly stated. Ho far as the assessment and taxation of debts i con cerned, it provides as follows: All debts shall be assessed and taxed at the same rate other property ia assessed and taxed in tho district and coantv wbero a debtor resides. For the purpose of assessment and taxation debts . rdiall lie Uivj'ied into two classes; First A tnort.-ajre deed of triint or fiber obligation by which a debt ii se- cure'i enaii, :or inc purpose 01 assegs- ment and taxation, bo deemed and treated as an intorett in the projierly af fected thereby, 'jcccpt an to railroads and other ijwii public corjiuratiuii. and in case the letl.s m (-c cured tlie value ol the property effected by tu.-li mortgage, deed of trust, contract or obligation, U the tabie of inch retrUu, Miall he assessed, taxed to ttie i;er ot the prop erty, and the value of wich security dial! be assesteu to the debtors in the coiinly in which the property nlltckd therehv in situated. The taxation so levied shall be a lien upon Ihe property and tu curiiy, and may be paid hv either pjrty Upper Olalla Items. lloaiitiful little flow us are in t-looiii through the .ooda- here. So much "for the fine climate in' this pait of Oregon." Our new county road is filled ii with several elides, thus making work for the mountaineers.. Mis. Ii. Cooper was the ipiett of Mm. Aldriuh last TuCjfdav. Mr. II. ltehifcll is having grain sown on the Swoany farm. C. II. Cooper prolongs his fctuy well over in Camas vallev. Some attraction, oh? Mr. (J'eoriru Hoover was up one day last week loosing alter Jits niimrrg in- IcreflB. We would littu to seo all parties inter to such security, and if paid by IIik owner j csted put forth plans for the building of a ot the security, the tax so levied upon the property effected thereby shall be-1 come a part of tliu debt m secured. If tho owner of the propirly shall p.-iy tax levied on such security, it ahull cou sistiite a payment thereon, and tj the extent of such payment and fully dis charged thereof, excepting wlieto trie parties have otherwise co.ilra':ied as to who shall pay the taxes on said prop erty. Second Debts not included in first classes, that i-h.ill nut be subject to assessment taxation upon which debtor shall pay the taxes, means those debts evidenced by some instrument in writ ing, and all such debts shall bu assessed and taxed at the samu rate as other property is assessed and hixed in the district and county whcicthc debtor io sides. The debtor shall pay all taxes which may Le levied aginst debts new tchool house. Our esteemed friend Mrs. Tovebuugl is having ill hciilth this uir.tcr. All ni6un: nml attend the school meet ing nml have Ihe Kchuol houw Uestion settled. S'o I.o. Final Notice. tn tiii: couxtv couht ok tiii: stati: of Ongon, in Do'igliu County. In the matter of tliu cutato ot Joaephus liinvx, lcceaM.il. Notice la lmretiv clven Hint the uudcrslsiiivd ailmluliitrHtor of tliu iitxive entitled eelnte lis filed lila final account In tvtlleiueiit thereof. nnd Uie Court liy orilcrutily niftilufttiu ciiIuahI ol record, lias li ifl Jlonday, Mny r,lh, 1K, nt o:ie oVin p.m., for IiearuiK olijuctlons II any Il.ere w, to ?niu nccouiu. ami iiio nuai t.uiue' in. nt of said estate. JlWEfJIUri IlItOCK, J V. Hamilton, Admlnlitratlmi. Attorney lor the Estate. Vzsia We are 3 Here to Stay. I 1 I 1 I i ' I I 10 ii t Is what wc give to every cus tomer, for wc believe the best advertisement possible is a cus tomer pleased with what we have sold thein, the', will come again and again, aud their friends will come too. - he hong Winter is Here Prepare for it wisely. We offer, unusually good reasous jwlnr you should buy from us. Everything offered for sale is fresh; bought for the Holiday Trade and sold at very reasonable prices. Wc have a very choice stock of canned goods, including both fruits' and vegetables, to which we invite your special attention. Our line of Olives, Gherkins, Pick els, Sauces, etc., is also complete. Wc carry the largest stock of to baccos in Southern Oregon. C. W. PARKS & CO., Grocers. MAKUTa cream bt I. D. HOLDEN, Stockton, Cal. THE ; Breeder Sportsman The Turf and Sportsman's Autboritv of the 1'aeiQc Coast. All the Latest Racing News ot the Countiy. The Best Meduni for Advertising Stallions. Wc are not heir for a or for a month. Wc arc Here to Stay. da' -lOjRoseburg, Or. And BOWEN &l ESTABROOK, acksm Arc now located in their new shops on Stephen Street, between Oak and Cass, are prepared to do work in their lino with iicatneBH and dispatch, (live them them a trial and ho convinced And evervthinir :iimprtaimnr in ili Tr and Field Snorts as vp11 n Goods, Medicines for Horses and other animals. Uacing bear. ChamDtiiraesfitr- Tho leading paper of ite class west of CI iTfIS T'iHa onicago, and tho representative of the fp LPL. a ,-Ztmi& 5 vast oreeuin- interests in Californis. sa o M .V N U F A t'T V 1 1 K Its Or DOORS, WINDOWS, j MOULDINGS AND BRACKETS I Special department conducted by Jos. Caiks Simi-sox. fall Sixes :iticl Stjlcs. Window ;mtt IJoor Vrnnics ?lale to Order. Turning and Fruit Boxes A sii;ciai.tv. HHiinoBosaeaoHSisaESHoaisneHaanisafflenofieHSBoacaeHOHBassa It W OQPnttnllv o nnivm.. i T T the Gossip aud Sportind events of the day, giyon in such a bright, cntertieninir rp!l t;lhlf lilltinn. c t.! ..... 1. ,,0 ivj luaau iuu pa . .w uunuuut tuinje&ieu lu horso matter and legitimate siort. Sam ple Copies aro free, and will be sent on application to any addres3. THE PELTONfe Water' motor. Of capacities varying from.i to 25 . horse power affords the most con- venient, economical and reliable power for all light service. One of these may be seen running at this office. Scud for circulars. THE P ELTON WATER WHEEL CO., 121 Main Street, San Francisco, Cal. s a o a H O 53 CD a m a EI a a a a n a R a ta a a THE BREEDER AND SPORTSMAN. 313 Bush St., SanFrancisco, Cal. F. V. Kelley, Manager. Alineral, Railroad. Aricultural. H- G. POTTER, ATTORWEY AT LAW, HOC St., N. W. Washington, I. C. For manv vcars in th. itrr.rm 1 I ini nm.. Exnmlncr of "Contests. Itinera! vs. Jlineral vs. Iiaitroml nml AKrlcultumt claims, nnU Late Chief ot the Mineral DUisioa. 9B9BeBegeiE9BSnCHQaE!Oa9SeieB$KaB8l0KeiieB0KaaaB&ICH 1 Sff- CorrtsponJence Solicited.