The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, February 25, 1895, Image 4

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Subscription Ratco:
Ono Year pybloinulvaacc S oo
Months, " . r oo
Months. " " 30
MONDAY, FEB. 25, 1S95.
EStct of Environment on a Watch.
"It is curious to notico tho effect ct
certain atmospheres upon timepieces of
a certain iSnd," said A. G. Graham of
Chicago. "I havo a watch of tho old
fashioned type, which I always carry
with mo wherever I go, first, bocanso
it's a curiosity, and, secondly, becauso
it is a gift from a much beloved friend.
Well, this watch has a habit of running
ahead of time. In my own city, or hero
in St. Louis, for example, it JPns fivo
minutes in every 24 hours. This is no
ticeable becauso it means nearly two
hours a month. I havo a way of letting
it run for a length of time, say sir
months, bo that it regulates itself prac
tically in that time. It manages to mala
about 13 hours, and when a timopieco
is that much ahead of ox behind timo it
is just as good as if it wcro perfect A
Ehortwhilo ago I was compelled to visit
Philadelphia, from which city I am just
returning. During my stay there tho
watch lost fivo minutes a day, and tho
loss was as regular as tho gain was in
Chicago or in your city. I havo a theory
upon tho subject
"I believe that tho movements of a
man havo mora or less effect upon a
watch. Now, almost every man readily
falls into tho ways and gait of his fel
lows. In Chicago or in St Louis every
man likes to be fivo minutes ahead of
time. In Philadelphia every ono says:
'Well, there's no hurry. Fivo minutes
behind time will make no difference, '
and from this follows that slow, easy
gait which is tho most striking charac
teristio of the Quaker City. It would
seem tho watches keep timo in tho samo
fashion, as if in sympathy with their
owners. So you seo there is pretty good
reason for tho allegation with regard to
Philadelphia's proverbial slowness."
St Louis Globe-Democrat
Kins ot all
Light Weight and
the Dest.
Superior flatcrial
Rigidity. EveryMa
and Scientific Work-
chlncfully warranted
Highest Honors at the World's Columbian Exposition.
Sand two-cent stamp for our xi-pare CaUtogue-A work ol Art.
Monarch Cycle Company,
Rrtiil Salesroom. to Wabash Art.
Lake end Ualstcd Sts., CHICAGO, ILL.
aiacie In India.
Some recent travelers who have Been
the magicians of India reported that tho
skill of these jugglers has been over
rated, and that their tricks aro really
less wonderful than they havo been said
to be, But Mr. Kellar, who is himself
a slight of hand expert, thinks different
ly. He says that the Hindoo wizards
perform tricks that he can neither dupli
cate nor understand, so marvelous are
they. This is what ho relates of ono
whom ho saw at tho Chuddermunzil
club at Lucknow:
"Ho took a board and placed it on
four glass goblets, thus elevating it from
tho floor. A youngster sitting on the
board wa3 requested to place his hands
together, palms up. Then the juggler
took a glass of water and poured it into
tho outstretched bands of the boy. In
the meantime tho boy had been mes
merized, and his attention was fixed on
a point indicated by the magician.
Gradually the water turned green in col
or and then developed into a jelly which
increased in density until it became as
solid as a stone: Out of tho center of
this appeared the head of asnake, which
gradually developed until in tho place
of tho water there appeared a hissing
reptile. I was amazed, I can assure you,
but tho trick was not yet completed.
Hitting tho reptile upon tho head with
his wand, the juggler took it up careful
ly and placed it back into tho glass. As
we looked it becamo transformed into a
jelly, which in turn melted into a green'
ish colored water. Clearer and clearer
became the fluid until it was of its origi
nal color, and then tho juggler placed it
to his lips and drank tho entire contents.
This was the most wonderful trick I ever
saw performed, and it is as mysterious
to mo today as it was then." New
York Advertiser.
aSxrk: Twain' Critic! rm.
There is only one expert who is quali
fied to examine the souls and tho life of
a people and make a valuable report
the native novelist This expert is so
rare that the most populous country can
never have 15 conspicuously and con'
fessedly competent ones in stock at one
time. This native specialist is not quail
fled to begin work until he has been ab
sorbing during 25 years. How much of
his competency is derived from con
scious "observation?" The amount is so
slight that it counts for next to nothing
in the equipment Almost tho whole
capital of the novelist is tho slow ac
cumulation of unconscious observation
The native expert's intentional obser
vation of manners, speech, character and
ways of life can have value, for tho na
tive knows what they mean without
having to cipher out tho meaning. But
I should bo astonished to see a foreigner
get at tho right meanings, catch tho
elusive shades of these subtle things.
Even tho native novelist becomes a for
eigner, with a foreigner's limitations,
when he steps from tho state whose life
is familiar to him into a state whose
life he has not lived. Bret Harto got his
California and his Californinas by un
conscious absorption and put both of
them into his tales alive, but when he
came back from tho Pacific to the At
lantic and tried to do Newport life from
study conscious observation his fail
ure was absolutely monumental Mark
Twain in North American .Review.
st. Louis (j lobe Oemocra
What is the condition of yours? Is your hair dry, 1
harsh, brittle? Does it split at tne ends? nas it a 1
lifeless appearance? Docs it fall out when combed or J
brushed ? Is it full of dandruff? Does your scalp itch ? ,
Is it dry or in a heated condition ? If these are some of
yoursymptomsbc warned In time oryouwlllbccomcbald. j
pkookumRoot Hair Grower j
fits what too need. Its production Is not an accident, bat the result of tdentlflo
re&earri. EBinriMcri&iiiuiauoiuoiiuruaKuoicauiasaucoT.
err ox tow to treat them, -stun trim "contains neither minerals nor oils. It 1
Is not m Dye. but a delightfully eooune una rtrresmns Tonic 19 tumuiauns
tbo follicles, U tlcpt aUmj katr, cures dandrnj" and procs hair ossball
ftT Seen the scalp clean, healtky. and treo from trritallar eruptions, by 1
Hit us ot Stoetvm Sim Soap. It destroys jxmuilio buret state JtvX on I
anddatroytUialr. , I
U your drunrUtraanotsxpplyyoa seed direct to cj, and w win forward ,
prepaid, on recriptot price Grower, 1X0 per tiottlo; ( fortACX op,50c ,
per jar; isr gran. qjj
1 11c atvuvitvui 1 kuui unite vircuiYctc lu.
rVrtxisTTurjVvsYvc t -r1 3a e a a r una sua a unt a a -r a a a
HMERIOsN weekly,
Changed to a
Weekly !
lo extend its usefulness and make it a
practical necessity to every progressive
rainier and his f.tmnr, the American
.Agriculturalist is now published weekly
itnsteau ol monthly;, at
Eight Pages each Tuesday
and Friday, Sixteen
Pages Every Week,
is, beyond all comparison, the biggest,
best and cheapest, national news and
family Journal published in America.
Strictly Republican
in politics, it gives all the news and
gives it at least three days earlier
then it can be had from any of the
Metropolitan weeklies.
It Is Indispensable
to the farmer, merchant or profess
ional man, who desires to keep thor
oughly posted, but has not time to
read a large Daily Paper.
Write for free samples to
Louis, Missouri.
Bj' special contract, we are enabled to offer
The St. Louis Globe-Democrat twice every week
in connection with The Plaindealer for only
S2.25 a year, provided you subscribe before April
1, 1895.
Considering the character of the two papers
the greatest of national Journals and the best of
your home papers this offer has never been
equalled. Do not delay but send in your sub
scriptions at once.
Only $1.00 a Year!
All tbu Leading Features that have roatle tho tnonthlj so popular are retained
and many Xew Features added, such as General and Local Market lTices, Lrop
Reports in their season, Condensed Farm Sews, and Letters Anions the tar mers.
Its FafCQ Features.
live Stock. Dairrine. Horticnltuie. Poultry, Market Gardening, and other
topics, written by Practical and Succeislul Fanners, supplemented with Illustra
tions by able artists, combine to make it invaluable to those who "farm it for a
The Latest Markets and Coairaercwl Agriculture are Leading Features, In
which the Acriculturist is not excelled. KeltaMe Special Correspondents at Uie
General and Local Market Centers all over the Unit! States us to report
the latest prices on everything tlie Farmer has to f1!. T his'Departmcut alone is
worth many times tho cot of a year's subscription to any Farmer.
To Iwtter adapt tlw Asiitfrllnralist to the
special interest of rucli fet-tinn, five editions
are isoed for five different !t:tions of the
Five Editions !
country, Eestcin, Middle, Centra!, Western, Southern.
Kaeh Kdition contains special Local Features characteristic ' Its fcciion, per
rvr4tv ariantinr it tn thn wants ot the farmers of the different s'.at j in that section,
Thus each edition becomes to the Farmers as much their home agricultural paper,
as though published at their own state capital.
The Family Features,
Short Stories, Latest Fashions, Fancy "Work, The Good Cook,
Talks with the Doctor, Puzzlo Contests
and Younff Folk3' Page,
combino to make this Department of as much value and interest as most of tho
Special Family rirs.
Questions answered on Law, Medicine. Veterinary and other topics FREE.
THE MAGAZINE FORM. Each issue comes out with a neat cover, the
number of pages varying from IS to 3C.
An Ideal Farm and Family Weekly.
FREE SAMPLE COPY sent on request.
American Agriculturist,
7S Columbian Building,
The Plalndcnler,
American AcrlculturlHtM.
82.001 Our price o
o.y J.5u
no tit
lie Took Salmon
"I say, Gaddersby," said Mr. Smith
as ho came into the fishmonger's with a
lot of tackle in his hand. "I want yon
to give me some fish to tako homo with
me. Put them np to look as if they've
been caught today, will yon?"
"Certainly, sir," said tho fishmonger.
"How many?"
"Ob, yon'd better give me three or
four barbel. Make it look decent in
quantity without appearing to exagger
ate, yon know."
"Ifes, sir. But you'd better take salm
on, hadn't yon'?'
"Why, what makes yon think so?"
"Ob, nothing, czcept that your wifo
wa3 down here early this afternoon and
said if yon dropped in with your fishing
tacklo and a generally woebegone look
to have yon take salmon if possible, as
she liked that kind better than any oth
er." Mr. Smith took salmon. Pearson's
itotfco is hereby given to the public
by tho undersigned that I do not allow
dead animals to be buried on my prem
iseo, at'Roseburg, Oregon, or garbage
dumped thereon or sand or gravel taken
therefrom, unless the. party taking sand
or gravel first contract with mo for the
right to bo do.
TressDaescrs will be prosecuted ac
cording to law. Aaeon Bore,
Rosebnrg, Oregon. March 17th. 1891
Boos and shoe? selling att cost at
Lana-enbere's. Closinc out sale. No
Marvelous Cures
in Blood Poison
and Scrofula
P. P. P. parltes tbo blood, tralltfi cp
the vetk end debilitated, cites
utrescth to trttlimcA ncrrcs. eip"l
lleaMa.clrlnctliepmtlratticirii inl
bapptneM nhers :clincr. glooror
leeiiutf and lj!la4o Ort rrSTulled.
Arc entirely rrxnorea by P.P.I
-Prlcklj AS. rofco Itoct nnd PoUs
ilnnj. tho creteas blood pwiar ca
ABrsarxx. 0.. Jclj 21. 1591.
Q. : DHAK 1
ABrssrxx. O.. JC17 21. 1W1.
;as MrrxAif Bno-. 8vanna,
CA!t Hie-I txinctt a bottlo of
'.P. 1'. at Hot epnnfs,Arlc.,anl
7 our P. r. r. at not cprin23,nt.,u-
rfcas donono aero cowl than t&roo
rsoDtb treatment at tbo uc
tjoid threo bolt lot C. o. V.
for prtajary. mcondorr and tcrilarj
HTpbUim. for blond pouocinr. mrrru
rlal cotton, malaria. i!jp!Pl3. alia
In all Mood and tkta dl-cawn. l:to
Wotctct. plmplct. old chronic ul-.-'.-t,
tetter. cald head. boll, rrrt'f li
ecieaa we mar set. wlihout frrri'f
ontradlrtlnn.lbat 1. P. P. la IlicUtt
Mood purlBor In thif';d iirn
n-aittre. rpecdx and pcraiancat turca
In c'l cruel.
ladleatrhosanjatcnn iiolaooM
nnd tJbcvj blood la In cr, liopafti cj; ;. -t-tlon.
doetoraeoatrail Irrrtnlarlil-.'.
are pecalU.-lr ni3lMl by tto vou
Scr(ol toato and blooj cleanlrc I;ro
Ttlean( P. V. r.-Pilcily Aah, PouO
Iloot and Potcuicai.
Brurtanrva, Mo., '.cr. 14tb.
ICJnape"''" tH" blzbeft ttms oC
Tournooldao frouitn7 '
1-nonledRO. I waanflectO' with heart
dUeaio. rlonrl7 and rboitnjtlm lor
257care. waatre.itcdb7thorjrb?5
ph7tlclani ana fpent hundreds cxrlnl
lsr. tried crcry bnown rerae:7 rali
ont ending mllcf. I hao ot.17 tat-.n
one Dottle ot yonr P. P. P-, and caa
cborfo)l7 ta7 It baa dono nouira
kooA than any thlr c I havo crct ts'.'on.
I cm recommond j-oar med!:lno to til
anllerera ot th aboTo dlscft'je.
MRS. M. M. YnxnY.
Cprlagfleld, Orccn cocnty, Ho.
JAR. . il.t
bcrisoo, Ejoto Count7, 0.
Carl 3. C. Jchaa'.oa.
To rn roi U viiy ton'err.: 1 btrs
try tellr to tbo wnnderml properties
of p. P. p. for ornpiIoa cr ths nkln. I
iiffcred Icr ovcril yrarjwllb nn nn
rlnbt'y led illsacrocablo cntlon on
13Y iwr.. 1 t r'cl orry knot7n reme
dy Int. U tl3,nntll P. P. P. waanacd,
sad ca r.otr ealn-ly cu.-ei.
(3:encc b7 J. P. JOI1..8TGN,
Siln Causer CsrcC.
TttHncuyfnn :A lli-jcr eSrjKbuTes.
ecQOT", Tr.. Janmry 1. ir.0.1.
liK.r. i.jprAM nno.. navsncab,
Oa.; rjcutltmtnl biro tried year P.
V. P. Iut a dlteaae of thsaktn, utuslly
inown -1 aWn eaneor.of tnlrty years'
nun-lics, ami .oocd erect rcllof; It
pcrlfloatiiobloct ntd removes r.U lr
rltRtloa from tho aont of tho iliac aoo
rn.l iTevrat 037 rnreadlcir of t in
cij.h.. 1 bsvotabonflvonrnlibottle.i
for t cocadent thatanntlior courao
ulll efn-ccr.cnrc. ltba.aliorollOTea
no f.-oru iPdls rtloa and ctassca
tiecues. Sgffi.r.noT.
Attorney ct Law.
DUE 0 M D1S6GSE3 FliiM FI08.
rjir-iran'a DloclrJSarnciliiIi.aa
We get outa
class of
Job Printing
that is
to the
"General Run."
Mining Application No. 54.
United States Land Office, Rosebnrg, Oregon,
February 18, 1895 I
Notico Is hereby given that tho (keen Mount
ain Mining Company, a corporation duly lncor-
S orated under tho general law ol tho Etato ot
rcgon, with Its principal oOco or placo of
business at Portland, Multnomah county, Ore
gon, by ll duly qualified and acting president,
W. (3. Wilson, whoso post ofllco address In Cleve
land, Douglas County, Oregon, has, on tho 17th
of August, 1887. filed Its application for a patent
for three hundred feet In a southwesterly direct
ion from tho discovery cut, and twelve hundred
feet In a northeasterly direction from said dis
covery cut, in the aggregate fifteen hundred
linear feet of the Orccn Mountain Quartz
lode, bearing gold and sliver quartz, together
with Burfnce ground six hundred feet in width
ultuatcd In Green Mountain Mining District,
Hntintr nf Dnnelaa and Ktato of Oreeon. nnd
Inilimntprf tiv the Held notes nnd official Dint nn
Illc in mis omcc as survey no. o aim oiaim .tn,
nn mmirvpvn lands but In Sections 32 and 33.
Township Si south, Kangel west, when the pub
lic survey is cxicuucu, saiu jjui nu. uouuiii
inscribed ns follows, to wit:
liczlunlnzat a win t three hundred feet south.
85 degress west of discovery shaft or cut at post
No. 1 nt the center of southerly end of said
Claim No. Si, from which the southeast corner
of section Si and n. Township 32 south, Kaugo 4
west. Willamette Mcnuinn, on tne vmaianuaru
Parallel South, Douglas County, Oregon, bears
uniith ft decrees cast C0.37 chains distant, stir
30 inches in diameter bears north 41 degrees
west ono hundred and twenty links
distant, n fir IS Inches In diameter bears
south fct degrees east 10 lints diitont.
thence north x degrees west axi icet
to post No. 2. from which ycllou fir 30 inches
In diameter bears south 55 decrees cast 17 links.
yellow fir 2t inches in diameter bears north 43
degrees cast 78 links, mathrone C inches in di
ameter bears souin m ucgrccs west .u jinas;
thencii north 35 decrees east 1500 feet to post No.
3 from which a fir 20 inches In diameter bears
south 20 degrees west 28 links distant, a nr 12
inches In diameter bears north Cl degrees cast 31
links distant; thence south 55 degrees east COO
feet to post No. 5, from wnicn mamerone o
lnphm lii diameter hears sonth 28 decrees west
32 links distant, mathcrone G inches in diam
eter bears norm 2U degrees cast l-i iinKs aisiam;
thenco soum ucgrccs west i.xju icet to post
Nn. C from which fir 12 inches in diameter
bears north 55 degrees west zfl links distant, fir
ten Inches in diameter bears soum 07 ucgrecs
west 27 links distant, fir 8 Inches in diameter
bears south fcO degrees cast 31 links distant,
thenco north 55 degrees west 300 (hundred)
feet to place of beginning, magnetic variation
13 degrees cast, containing 20.65 acres.
this location of this mine. V. J. Worlcy
locator, is recorded In the recorder's office.
Douglas rouniy, uregon, in hook oi itcconi 01
Mlnliic Claims. Volume 2. pace 72S. The ail
joining claimants arc It. 8. Jones and A. S.
Whiting on tho northerly end and F. Clanio
& Co.. on tho southerly end.
And any and all persons claiming adversely
any portion of said Green Mountain Mine or
surface ground, are required to file their ad
verse claim with the Kcghter of the United
States Land Office at Roscburg, in the State of
Oregon, during the sixty days period ot pub
lication hereof, or they will be barred by vir
tue of the provisions of the statute.
K. M. VEATCH, Register.
JOB PRlfiTlfiG
This Space Reserved for
New York Cash Store,
Sheriff Sale.
of Oregon for the County of Douglas.
Stephen Mlnord,
Wrr. McBtc and C. A. McBee,
State of Oregon ,
County ot Douglas, t '
Whereas at a regular term of the Circuit
Court of tho State of Oregon, County of Douglas,
to wlt: On Saturday, December 22nd, 1831, the
plaintiff1 above named recovered judgment
against the above named defendants for the
sum of Four Thousand Six Hundred Thirty
three and 15-100 (S1C33.15) Dollars and costs and
disbursements taxed at K20. ifor J300 attorney
fees herein taxed and against the Hollowing de
scribed mortgaged property, to-wit: Beginning
at the comer of section 15. 16, 21 and 22 in
Township 25 South, Range C West of Willamette
Meridian, running thence east 1M5 feet, thence
north 2 degrees 10 minutes cast 1570 feet, thence
north 4S degrees 5 minutes cast C63 feet, thence
north 32 degrees and 41 minutes least 400 feet,
thence north 17 degrees cast 330 feet, thence
west 5732 feet to the li section corner on the lino
between Sections 15 and IS. Township 23 Sonth,
ltangc G West of the Willamette Meridian,
thence south 2C40 feet to the place of beginning,
containing 125 acres, in Douglas Connty.Oregon.
together with the tenements, hereditaments and
appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any
whe appertaining, and whereas it has been de
creed by the Court that the mortgage of plain-
uu oe lorcciosea. ana an tne ngni, uue ana in
terest of sold defendants. Win. McBee and C. A.
McBee. or cither of them, had in or to the said
5 remises nn the 4th day ot October, ISS7, the
ate of the execution of said morteaze. or at
any time thereafter, be sold in the manner pro
vided by law. and the proceeds arising there
from bu applied to the payment ot the costs and
expenses herein, and to said indebtedness, and
that said defendants, Wm. McBee and C. A.
McBee, and each of them be barred and fore
closed of U eUlty of redemption in and to the
saia premises.
Now therefore, in the name ot the Slatj of
Cr.gon, I have levied npon, and will on Tues
day, the 19U1 day of .March, 1S95, at 1 o'clock
P. M. of said daT at the Court House door in
RosebuK;, Douglas County, Oregon, sell at pub-
llcaccuou 10 tne nigncst Diaucr lor casn in
hand all the rlzht. title or Interest which said
defendants had in or to the above described
mortgaged property cn the 4th day of October,
lte7. or at any time thereafter, together with the
hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto be
longing or in any wise appurtaining, and will
apply me proceeds arising tncrcirom, nrst to
the costs and disbursements of said sale.
and the costs and disbursements herein taxed at
6i50; tecond to the payment of $300 attorney
lees: intra 10 me payment 01 tne sum 01 f tos&io.
wim interest mercon at tne rate 01 s per cent.
per annum irom me22na uay 01 Kcccmtier, ixi
and the over-plus, if any there be. pay to the
said defendants, or their legal representatives.
SherllTof Douglas Counlr, Orecon.
By D. K. SiiAnnnooK, Deputy. flatd
Portland University
1. Location beautiful, healthful and free from all places
of temptation.
2. Best instruction in College, Preparatory, Normal
and Business Courses ; also in Theology, Music and Art.
State Diplomas to graduates of Normal. Diplomas for all
3. Board in West Hall, Club Houses or private farni
lies, $100 to $200 per year for board and tuition.
4. Fall Term opens Sept. 18th. Catalogues sent free
Address C. C. Stratton, D. D., President,'
or Thos. Van Scoy, D. D., Dean.
Sheriff Sale.
JL State of Oregon, for Dauglas County.
Sylvester l'ennoyer. Ceo. W. McBridcl
ana rnu .ucicnan'.tsoarn 01 uom- i
mlssioncrs for the sale of school I
and university lands, and for the I
investment 01 tne lunds arising
U Fisher, IMary U Fisher, L. S.
Lamb. A. C. Marstcrs and Sol.
Defendants. J
State of Oregon, 1
County ot Douglas.)
Whereas at the rccular December term. 131,
of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
Douclas County, plaintiffs above named recov
ered a judgment by foreclosnre of a mortxage
against the above named defendants. J. L. Fish
er, Mary L. Fisher, L. S. Lamb, A. C. Marstcrs
and Sol. Abraham, and against the following
ucscntxti mongageu premises, 10-wii: ine a
containing 240 acres In Douelas Countv. Oreeon
u'gcincr nun me tenements, ncrcuiiamenrs ana
appurtenances .thereunto belonctncr or in anr
wise appertaining, and whereas at the rreular
December, l!JI. lerm, to-wit: On Friday, De
cember 11th, 1?34, an order of sale was made for
said mortsascu premises, and whereas, it was
decreed in said order of sale that the defendant.
u b. Lamb, Is now owner in fee simple of said
premises anu mat tne ueienuants A. u. Marstcrs.
sol. Abraham and J. L. Fisher each have a vnli.l
claim acalnst said premises in the sum of Mil
each, with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per
ccnu pcrannum iromtne.'utn uay 01 uctooer,
1S32. and that said claims are subseouent in ef
fect to lien of Plaintiff, that said premises be
sold according to law and that the purchaser be
placed In immediate possession thereof, that
the defendants J. L. Fisher, Marv L. Fisher, L.
S. Lamb. A. C. Marstcrs and Sol. Abraham be
barred of all equity ol redemption in said prcuv
Now therefore I will on Saturday the 23rd
day of narch, 1895, sell all the rieht, title and
interest J. L. Fisher and Mary L. Fisher had in
nr tn cnlil nwmtcni nn thnMh nf Mor 1
- r .--... ' w... 'w; v. J , f
and also all the right, title and Interest of any
ana an tne persons claiming ny unucr, or
throuch the said defendants. J. L. Fisher and
Mary L. Fisher, from and after the Mh day of
May, ls30, and will apply the proceeds arising
therefrom, first to the payment of the costs and
expenses ot me loreclosure and sale of said
propcrlv: second the sum of tUO attomev fees:
third to the payment of 71117.10 with interest at
8 per cent, per annum from December 14th, lsSI,
and if after the application of tho proceeds of
saia saie aiorcsaiu mere is anv sum remaining
there be paid the defendants J. L. Fisher. A. C.
Marstcrs and Sol. Abraham the sum of $2V0 each
with interest at the rate of 8 per cent, per an
num, from the Sth dav of Mav. 1x)0. and the
overplus if any there be, 1 will pay over to the
County Clerk to be distributed ty onler of ttc
Court. U. t. UATMUAKT,
flStl Sheriff.
Land Office at Koscburg, Oregon.
January 22nd. 1S95.
NOTICE Is hereby given that the following.
namca scuicr nas men notice oi nis intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will bo made before the Register
rihi ivcceiver, u. c. uinu uuice, at ioseDurg,
OrcEon. on March 2nd. 1S95. viz: Uriah If. Gal
aghcr, on Homestead ; Entry. No. "1S2. for the
b'j, anu sec. 2U, i. .'i s., i;,
He namea the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
oi, said laiui, viz:
ei1n.. lllU-in.tnn ClAi.l.nt. IV.tU fl.t.
and Abram Cole, all of Oakland. Douglas
county, urcgon. it. ji. js.viuii, Kegtslcr.
we will send you
a Brilliant Gem
of unusual color, J C"'T
and a copy of
"Tlie Great Divide," so you can see
what a wonderful lournal it is, pro
vided you name the paper you saw this
in. it s a real Jewel we 11 send you,
Real Estate Bought and 5old
Farms, large and small, to Rent,
Stock Ranges, Timber Lands and Mining Properties,
Prune and Hop Lands of best quality, in choice locations,
in quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable
prices and easy terms. Inquire of
SU&iH9!tu.B!, 3Dul2M Connty, Ojtfeam.
New Era poller
A. 31. ROSE
aianufncturers oi I lf H ITF 80 Cents Pe" Sack
tne celebrated -i 9 J
Brands of Flour, 510 R 95 Cent8 Per 8ack
Bran, Shorts, Feed, Etc., Constantly on Hand.
Highest Cash Price Paid for Wheat
The) Northern) PagIfigi
Is the Line to Taie
To all Points East aiid South.
It is the DIXIXG CAE ROUTE. It runs through
Composed of Dlnhg Cars Unsurpassed,
Pullman Drawing Room Sleepers,
01 Latest Equipment,
Best that can be constructed and in
which accommodations are both FREE
and FURNISHED to holders of First or
Second-class Tickets, and
A Continuous line connecting with All Lines,
affording Direct and Uninterrupted Service.
Pullman Sleeper reservations can be secured in
advance through any agent of the road.
THROUCH TICKETS To and from all TolnU in
America, England and Europe can be purchased
at any Ticket Office of this Company.
Full information concerning rates, time ol
trains, routes and other details furnished on
application to any agent, or
Assistant General Passenger Agent,
No. 121 First St.. cor. Washington.
Dr. Gibbon's
u,tJ comer of Com
mercial, San Francisco,
Cal.. Established in
1S54, for the treatment
of Sexual and Seminal
Diseases, such as (io
orrhea, Otrrt, Strict
ure, Suphtlts.ia alllts
forms. Seminal Weak-
un, Impotency, and
SjLost Manhood perma
nently cured. The sick and afflicted should not
fail to call upon him. The Doctor has traveled
extensively in Europe, and inspected thoroughly
the various hospitals there, obtaining a great
deal of valuable information, which he is com-
?etent to Impart to those In need of his services,
he Doctor cures when others fail. Try him.
DR. GIBBON will mako no charge unless he ef
fects a cure. Persons at a distance CURED AT
HOME. All communications strictly conflden
iaL All letters answered in plain envelopes.
Charges reasonable. Call or write. Address
DR. J. F. GIBBON. Box 1S57. San Francisco. Cal
Notice is hereby siren to all whom it may con
cern that I hue appointed D. V. Stearns of Cala.
pool precinct Deputy Inspector of Stock for aaid
prtcinct; poatofnee addnu, Oakland; also A. S.
Chapman of Wilbur, nnd Ralph Smith, at Rose
burg, to act daring my absence, and others wit
be added as parties inspected make their desire
known tn me.
Eoseburg, May 1th, 1SS7.
Inspector ut IS toe r tor Douzla county Ur.
Two Doors North of Depot Hotel.
Table supplied with the best the mar
ket affords. Meala at all hours, 25 cents.
Special rates to families, and particular
attention given to immigrants.
W. I. D, DEARDORFF, Propr.
Southern Pacific Co.
Express trains leave Portland daily.
bonth I
I North
32(1 JUX.
10:15 jum.
Lv. .
Ar. -
Portland - Ar.
Rosebnrg - Lv.
San Francisco Lv.
1130 r.x.
Above trains stop at all stations From Port
land to Albany inclusive. Also Tangent,
Shed ds, Halsey, Harrisburg. Junction City,
Irving. Eugene and all stations from Rosebnrg
to Ashland inclusive.
Bosebnrg mail Daily.
S:3U.x.iLv. - Portland - Ar. 14 3) p.m.
5:S0r.x.lAr. Rosebnrg - Lv. 1 7:U0 A. M.
Pullman Buffet Sleepers
Attached to all Through Trains.
West Side Division.
Between Fortloud and CoryaJlis.
Mall train daily (except Sunday).
7:50 x. x.
12:15 r.x.
I Lv. - Portland
I Ar. - Corvallis
1:00 r. x.
At Albany and Corvallis connect with trains
of Oregon Pacific railroad.
Express train dally (except Sunday).
4:40 p. x. Lv.
725 P. M. 1 Ar.
Portland - Ar. :2S x. x.
McMinville Lv. 5aOA.X.
Through Tickets to all Points in
tbc Eastern States. Canada and
Europe can be obtained at low
est rates lrom George Eatcs, Agent
Manager. Asst. U. F. & Pass. Agen
-1- the County of Douglas.
Sol Abraham,
L. C. Beardsly, Peter Hume, E. B.
Preble, Martha A. Bosses and T. R.
Sheridan, Executors and Executor
of the estate of T.R. Bobsct, de
ceased. The Oregon & California
Lumber Co., a corporation, P.
Born, a. VT. Condon, Dist. Atty.
for DougHj County and Ada Beards
let, Defendants.
To L. C. Beardsley, the above named defendant,
In the name ot the State of Oregon, yon an
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint tiled against you in the above entitled suit
on or before the first day of the next regular term
ot said court, for said County and State, appointed
(o be beld and to commence on Monday the 13th
day of March, A. D. ISO J, that being the first
day of the term of said court regularly following
the expiration the time prescribed for the publi
cation of this summons in and by an order nereis
made by the Hon. Judge ot said court and bear,
ingdate the 31st day of Deeembtr, ISM, lor tha
service of this summous by the publication there
of for 6 consecutive .weekr, and if you fail ro to
appear and answer said complaint, the plaintiff
herein will take judgment against you and a de
cree as follows:
1. For the sum of 1079.37 with in t rest at the
rate of 10 per cent, per annum, from the 7th day
of October, 1803, and for the farther sum of $100
as attorney's fees and further for his costs and
2. That tha following described premises,
to-wit lt Number Nineteen (19) in Brook's and
Addition to the City of Roseburg, in the County
if Douglas, State or Oregon, according to the offi
cial survey and plat of aaid addition of record in
the office of the County Clerk of Douglaa County,
Oregon, containing Nine (9) Acres more or leas,
together with the tenements, hereditaments and
appurtenances thereunto belonging or In anywise
appertaining, be sold by the Sheriff of as id County
and the proceeds of lsaid;sale be applied to the
payment ot the above amounts, and that you aud
all persons claiming unaer you or subsequent to
the execution of the mortgage sued on herein
shall be barred and foreclosed ot all right, claim
or equity of redemption in the said premises and .
that execution issue against you for any de
ficiency which may remain after applying all tha-,
proceeds of the sals ot said premises properly apT
plicable to the satisfaction of said judgment.
d3U6 ttorney for tha Plaintiff.
0. B. Cannon is agent for the Fire
man's Fund and Home Mutual Insurance
Companies. They are both PacificICoaat
Companies and therefore deserve your
humbog. Call and be convinced.