The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, February 18, 1895, Image 3

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Ho, Ho, Boys, Look Here.
Como and see our l:anl times $20 suits
and $0.50 pants. Guaranteed for ono
year at Chicago Tailor's, in with Milli
ken. Eyes Tested Free.
Call at A. Saliman'a and havo your
oyes tested free of cliarge. If you nood
glasses ho will fit you and guarantee sat
isfaction, or money refunded. Ho is
hero every day in the week and every
week in the year, and guarantees a por
fect fit.
A. Salzman. the reliable jeweler.
J. T. Bryan, the Busy Watchmaker.
L. BelQls, watchmaker, Roseburg, Ore.
Repairing a specialty at Langenberg'e.
For a good 5-ccnt cigar call on Mrs.N.
A choice lino of stationery at Marsters
drug store.
For first-class dentistry go to Dr. Little tho 15th of Juno,
01 UaUand. .Tnlm Minor, who nrrlvml horo on llio
For school bjoks and slates go to A. 10th from Dakota, expresses himself as
C- Marsters A Co. highly ploased with Oregon and will re
Largo quantities of lumber are corain
hero by train daily.
Y. P. S. C. E. Social.
Tho Y. l. S. C. 12. ot the First Presby
terian thurch of this city will give a
social at Slocum's hall February 20th.
Admission 15 cents, which will include
lunch aud a good time in general. There
will be booths at which yoa can purchase
both mid-snmtner and mid-winter deli
cacies. Everybody invited.
Eastern oysters on tho halt shell, at
tho Kandy Kitchen.
Pure fresh candies manufactured at
tho Kandy Kitchen. ,
Koy West, imported and domostic
cigars at the Roseleaf.
Call at Marsters' drug storo for blank
and memorandum books.
Church Entertainment.
Tho ladies of the Missionary society of
the United Brethicn church will give an
entertainment at the church m this city
on next Saturday evening, commencing
at 7:50. They have a well arranged
programme and anticipate a goood time.
All are cordially and kindly invited to
attend. Admission free.
resulting m Al Croxton's rosidenco bat- t t , Ia .mmic necoJ3-,tv. Otherwise
urday last. A window curtain in a any isaue of public good is problematical
dressing room caught afiro from a lamp, A t nambarol local measures, mostly
and before the blaze was extinguished town ci,artor3, have boen passed by both
all the clothing in tho room was Dauiy nousea out n0 Eonoral meaBure ha yet
damaged. (0 u,0 governor, except the lieu land
Tho S. P. Co.'a nav car came in on No. liill nml tho fruit nest law. It npnropri
Tho latest novels only 10 cents uach. 15 last nieht and went north on tho local Ltps mem monev for this imrno3e than
ai ulo. LAngonberg 8 newstand. this morning. Sinco tho economical tho corresponding act of two years ago,
Pacific Coast and Eastern orsters in streak struck tho company the paycar is Senator Carter's caution that tho pcoplo
any style at tho Kandv Kitchen. being taken over tho road ou regular mav verv likely in two years express
Tablets and all kind nf o-ritint. trains, thus dispensing with tho services their disapproval of tho mombers of this
oi a crew. i present, session unless uiueiai uuiuv.uo
itinL' sovprjil aro reduced to cotresjiond to tho lessen
To Whom it flay Concern,
la order to introduce our catalogue of
sheet music and music books, we make
this offer: To any person in Douglas
county sending us name, style, nnmber
and price of piano or organ, bought of
the "Wiley B. Allen Music Co., fiuce July
S. 1S91, we will pay $2tneh"et music
and music books.
Roseburg, Or.
at A. C. Marsters A Co.'a drug Btore.
Myrtle Creek flour, only 80 cents nor
sack. Delivered free. A. C. Hon.
The latest novels just received bv Geo.
Langenbcrgand sold at 10 cents per
The finest line of sponges and chamois
skins at A. C. Marsters & Co.'a drug
For good substantial blacksmithinc
cheap, go to McKinney & Manning,
' Hymeneal.
The mat rue of V. A. Sovcrn and
Miss Yirgie Singleton was solemnized
Thursdty evening at the residence of
the bride's parents in this city, in the
presence o' relatives and a few intimato
friends. It was a very pleasant affair.
Both parties aro well known here, and
especially the lair bride, and their many
friends will join the Plaisdeau:k in
wishing tbcm a prosperous and happy
journey through life.
Liberal Terms.
At the meeting of the board ot direct
crs of the D. C. A. A., held Saturday, B.
F. Ramp agreed to take back all the
land except that included in the fair
grounds proper upon the payment ot
$503 April 1. and the first payment to be
made four years from date and the bal
ance then da in 6 years. Should these
terms be agreed upon it will give the as
sociation four years in which to "get out
of the hole"
Watermelons and Sugar Cane.
Enterprise: Will Sebrinc. of Dillard,
closed a deal with George K. Qainctbis
week for -10 acres of Mr. Quine's best bot
tom land opposite town, for the purpose
of engaging the watermelon and sugar
case business. There is no doubt bnt
that melons will mature as early here as
in Jackfon raanty. The raising of sugar
cane for the manufacture ot aorgum is an
experiment that will be watched with
interest bv oar reside. We wish Mr.
Seining abundant snccess.
Fifteen Long Years
Imprisonavr-ntin the state penitentiary
at Salem for the period of fifteen rears
and a fine of J1.0CO was the sentence iui
J. L. Brodly, father of Dr. Bradly, was
doing Bomo extensive trading in town
last Thurs.lay. He disposed of thtoo
dozen pairs of homo made buckskin
gloves. Hard times does not seriously
affect him.
Wo aro frequently disked when tho
next reunion ot tho Dougles county
pioneers will take placo. Wo will stato
here that it is tho intontion ot tho presi
dent of tho Eocioty to call them together
Dolph Is
His Four
Still Short
Following is Friday, Saturday, and to
day's voto for U. S. Senator :
21 23 2
Dolph 41 3o JB
ltaloy 7 0 (3
YVoatlsorlord i
Haro I" 10 10
Lowell 12 0; 0
Lord 7 0. U
Absent li 14'
Sali:m, Fob. 10.
ot all but ono week
So far as tho results,
ot its natural life,
urn to Dakota ahd sel his possessions ao8a.ou m ,t f bet.
n Mint kliaiAHl r t i nnil rnmnvn I D
... ," , ' ' , : tor never have bconcallod into existence
uu uu to ima cuuuu,. Q . , , t U)U cou
A disastrous conflagration camo near in(? weok tho gonerai Bppropriatlou bill,
Aniline in Al Ornrlnn'H rnsidfincn Sat-li.,-i. - .-:.. nil.nvirinn
days in Rosebuig in consultation with
the board of directors of tho Douclas
County Agricultural Association. It is
expected that a final nrrangemont of tho
doal in regard to the fair grounds will bo
made either today or tomorrow.
Having secured tho assistance of a
very skillful and successful assistant,
Dr. Strange will now bo nblo to resume
his regular visits to outside points. To
secure tho very best ot dentistry at the
very lowest possible prices call on Dr.
Meals at all hours at tho Kandx
Kitchen, southeast corner Taylor & Wil- Stranee in the Marsters buildinc
son block.
, , , Tho teer now being manufactured uy
Boots and shoes made and repaired at rjeLaney & Meyer of tbta dtr u mecUng
T lrSfc CiaSS mn.l. en,vfMi nnil nlrt'itill In tl
L. Langenbergs shoo Btore.
work and low prices.
Take your families to the McClallen
Uonse. Mrs. McClallen will seo that
they are well cared for.
Who is Niece? He is the man that
keeps the candy factory where they make
all those fine fresh candies.
Chnrfhill, Woolley & McKenzie keep a
very large assortmeut of Bret class cook
stoves. No charge for delivery.
aryiue noaseuoiu ujea. The same
package colors eilk, wool, cotton or
feathers, at Marsters' drag store.
Protect yourself against cold and
largo extent taken the place of the im
ported article. It contains no drug9
whatever, and only the best of malt and
hops are used in its manufacture.
The Fireman's Fnnd Insurance com
pany is recognized all over tho Pacific
coast as being the leading company. Its
policies are accepted by the U. S. Gov
ernment without question. Place
your insurance iu this old aud well
known company. C. B. Cannon, resi
dent agqnt.
The legislative committee appointed
to investigate tho Soldiers Home, con-
pneumonia by wearing a chest protector. 6igt,ng 0f Hons. B. F. Alley, C. P. Yates,
Fine ones at MarsteiV drag store
Use German Household Dyes. Every
package guaranteed a solid and fast color.
Ten cents per package at Marsters.'
Tho only way to euro catarrh is to
purify tho blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla
purifies the blood and tones up the whole
Greatly reduced rates at the McClallen
House. As wc all know, D. C. Mc
Clallen is a first-class hotel man. Give
him a call.
The Roseburg laundry is now in oper
ation and is doing first-class work. "If
it doesn't suit you, bring it back," is
heir motto.
Wash Moore was in from Camas val
ley la3t week. He reports the roads in a
very bad condition, as is usual at this
time ot year.
Don't b-eak out your teeth on bard
tough candies; go to Niece's candy fac
tory where they make every thing fresh,
soft and chewv.
J. E. Blundell, John II. Smith and J. S,
Boothby, camo uo from Salem Friday
night, and tho following day investigated
the Home. What the result of their in
Testigation was will be known later on.
Miss Carrie Roper of Ashland, who
had been visiting friends in Roseburg
for several davs, returned home Satur
day. During her visit here she was the
guest ot Miss Bello Willis. Although
her star in Roseburg was of short dura
tion, Miss Roper mada many frieuds who
will gladly welcomo her back.
Oar Very Latest Declaration of
See him at once.
rlajtr on the pt-re. nn thn nnrtp.
I Consequently easy ou the nirres glasses
1 V TJ C. 1,- ,"""J
XT " " .11 Hotel Van Houtea.
innnhipN. lwres tawrer. roanctea i
- TnansWhter and comnlicitv in the 3Ir-aod Mrs. James Clements Salur-
i,rfi" ,rn t Pnrtiimt. M!" returned to their home in Canyon-
Steeyes attorney's are quite sanguine of Me af,r veT7 Peasant si t with their seven, refused to order to its third read-
anew trial from the supreme
Washington, F!. 15. The thirl al
tempt by the a lininlst ration, tliiiicsaiun.
to secure 1c-'i!dti-,u looting to the relief
ot the treasury failed in the house.
First, the Carlisle bill for the reform of
the currency system, wejit Atown. Next
the bill for an issue of JoOO.OOO.OOO gold
bonds and the retirement of all legal
tenders, recommended in the president's
special message was defeated last Thurs
day by a majority of twenty-even, and
now the house, by a majority of forty
court. 3Ir. Sleeves says tnere is no
doubt about the result, and the lawcr's
friends assert that he cannot be con
ricted a second time cn the same testi
money as adduced on the first trial.
friends in Rosebnrg.
When the scalp is atrophied, or ahtny-
bald, no preparation will restore the
hair; in all other cases. Hall's Hair Re-
newer will start a growth.
Mrs. Lynne, a pupil of the late Prof.
Speraszi of Milan, Italy, gives vocal and
pianoforte lessons. Terms reasonable
Residence at Mrs. Parties.
An entertainment will he given by the
young people ot the u. ii. church on
Saturday, February 23d. The pro
gramme will be out later on.
Ladies wrappers, a new line in Cash
mere, eta, Flannellette and Eiderdown;
price from S5 cents and np. Call and
see them at the Novelty store.
fchurcbill, Wooller & McKenxie ex
hibit a new model Winchester 35-55 and
A Pertinent Query. ,
"Wot is it that senators forget the in
terests cl their own section and stand up
... . r . t 1 t
ai the advocates ox uie gosu Brcaera aau
monev lenders and sharks, the same
class of men whose tables Christ turned
over, and whom he lashed out ot Jerusa
lem. Have we such a senator among ns
striving for a prolonged seat in the U. S.
senate where he can osc every effort in
his power to rivet the chains of golden
elavery upon a confiding but disregarded
Deonle. Answer, to who are misrepre
senting your constituents and who are KS-W, awncn Darrei, wnicniuey retail ai
J - In It a .ltl
striving for Coiph's election. 15. me low price oi lourieea uouam.
The Fireman's Fund has paid more
losses in Roseburg than other company
and has held the patronage ot many o
our leading citizens for more than 25
Thomas Johnston has opened a neat
grocery store on Oak street. Ho keeps a
variety in the grocery line, and will
branch ont more extensively in the
C. B. Cannon is agent for the Fire
man's Fund andHome Mutual Insurance
Companies. They are both Pacific Coast
Married at Eugene.
Eugene Guard.- There was a quiet lit
tle wedding at tho residence of "W. II
Abrams in this city Wednesday evening,
the contracting parties being Miss Grace
Abrams, a daughter of V. H. Abrams,
and 31r. A. G Osburn. Rev. H. F.
Gilt officiated. Bnt a few of the rela
Uvea and most intimate friends of the
contracting parties were .present. Both
ot the young people are well known to
all our leaders, and have been promi
nent in societv circles in this city for
some time. They have an extensive
circle of friends who will wish them
much happiness. They will make Rose-
bure their future home, and the best
wishes of all go with them.
ing the resolution by White, by which it
was proposed to authorize tho issue of
$65,000,000 of 3 per cent gold bonds, as a
substitute for the 4 per cent 30-year
bonds, sold bv Secretary Carlisle under
contract with the Rotbschi'd-Mon;an
Wilson, chairman of the ways and
means committee, opened the debato
and proceeded to carefully state the
case. He said there was no dirtb of
revenue in the treasury. The previous
operation ot tbo treasury had resulted,
he said, in the United States changing
its own bonds for its own gold, and now
Secretary Carlisle bad done what Slier
man did. time and again, when he was
refunding the public debt. He liad pur
chased gold in other markets than our
Hopkins, republican, said it the state
ment Wilton had made had been true,
that coin was really as good as gold, and
meant tbo samo tblnz. why had not the
president told the capitalists so?
"I oppose this resolution because it
will, in my judgment, destroy the credit
ot the United Stales. In tho future it
would bo necessary to put the word gold
into every bond, lhe secret loan was
negotiated for higher rates than any civi
lized country was paying on its debt,
higher than even bankrupt Eygpt, little
Norway or any other country."
"Hatch read, amid much deiuonstra
tion, a letter addressed by ex-Governor
ing incomes of the people is ono that tho
legislature shows little signs of heeding.
Almost the last act of tho houao this
morning wa3 to reconsider its vote by
which tho railroad commission was abol
ished. This breaks tho forcoof its action
in the repeal, upon which it could have
expected the approval of tho people.
Thore have been 378 bills introduced in
the house so far nud their present cjudi
tion is as follows :
Passed S5
Defeated 9
Withdrawn 5
Indefinitely postponed "
Laid on table -t
On second reading 10
Keierred lo committees w-
Being engrossed 40
On third reading 31
McCrackeu's bill to abolish stato board
of equalization went to thu committee on
assessment January 2Sth and is probably
dead. The coratuittco reported in its
omnibus bill in favor of the old btate
board, consisting of Governor, etc., but
that was knocked out and tho present
system substituted, so tho house ex
pressed itself ou that score.
Smith of Josephine's bill for a South
ern Orecon insane asylum lias been re
ported unfavorably aud is being en
Tho several claims ot counties lor re
bate ou account of erroneous taxation
have len reported favorably in one
bill, which is with the engrossing com
Tho bill for a state bank examiner, the
gamo warden bills and the bills for ap
propriations to tbo O. N. G. have not
been reported back yet, but are in the
hands of tho committees.
Among the important measures passed
by the nonso might bo mentioned, Pax'
ton's bill repealing the jnto mill appro
priation, sent tn tho senate Feb. 2; Hol
er's bill for a 2 per cent tax in tho gross
earning! of foreign insurance companies;
Moorcs' bill for abolishing the railroad
commission; il vers bill lor tue employ
ment of convicts in the onitcntiary.
The Dennv beet suear bill as it was
discussed in the senate yesterday to uro
vide for the employment ot"coaviele-in
tho stato penitentiary, aud to uncoura
the cultivation of sugar beeU in Oregon
provides that tho Oregon Beet Sugar,
comjuny, a conwaiion organtzeti ami
exUting under the laws of Oregon
authorized to make use ot tho latior of
convicts confined in the penitentiary, for
the period of ten years, in the manufac
ture ol sugar and other yaccarine pro
ducts from beets aud in the cultivation
of beets for the ptirioseot experiment an:
nse in the manufacture of sugar. Under
this bill the beet sugar campany, and its
assigns, are empowered to make use of
such part of the stato penitentiary build
ings and land as may not bo already ap
propriated toother purposes, for use in
the manufacture of sugar from sugar
beets. The company shall pay to the
state for tho labor so used by them the
sum of thirty cents per day for each con
vict employed. According to this bill the
governor is also authorized to contract
with and lease to any person, firm or
corporation, upon such terras and for
such time and compensation as ho may
deem advisable, the whole or any part of
the labor of the convicts confined in the
penitentiary not required or employed
bv tho beet sugar company. The bill
will not cost tho state a cent, but will
cause an exenditure by the company of
from 4350,000 to $500,000 in the purchase
and erection of a plant, etc. Oregon
consumes annually about 25,000,000
pounds of sugar, for which she sends
abroad probably a million dollars. The
manufacture of suear by convicts will
not compete in any rcsect with free
labor in Oregon. 1 his bill was laid on
tho table for the purpose of making
Bouio minor amendments, it will uo
doubt pass.
Companies and therefore deseryo your proctor Knott of Kentucky to Senator
patronage. Blackburn, in which Mr. Knott charac-
n, tt. dontlftt. tmarantees terized the pending proposition as the
all hia work to be first class and to be last insolent demand ot the goiuiies."
The World's Currencies.
The last number of the Reform Club's
Sound Currency series is "The World's
Currencies," by Richard P. Kothwell
In concise form arc given as to each ol
the thirty odd principal countries ot the
world not merely full statistics as to
coinage, silver and gold ratios, legal ten-
finished in a workman-lixe mannj'. No
students to practice on the mouth and
ruin your teeth.
D. C. McClallen has gone back to the
McClallen House. Everything is in first-
class condition. Mrs. McClallen has
charze of the kitchen and dining room.
Look out for something good to eat.
Those having second band stoves,
furniture, etc., for sale can receivo the
der laws, etc. ; but also as to paper issues,
terms upon which permitted, tho extent I highest cash price by calling upon N.j obtained.
"They do not seem to want to leave us
a hereafter. Whenever tho government
agrees to pay gold, silver is doomed for
all eternity. And it will be as Judge
Forbes said to Johnny Moore, "Goodbye
world; howdy hell."
The debate was closed by Wilson, who
admitted the contract in ado by tho sccre
tary of tho treasury contained very hard
terms for the government, but ho be
lieved these terms tho beat that could bo
But congress, by giving tho
K. of P. Anniversary.
Alpha LoJgoNo. 47 KnighUof Pythias
will celobrate tho thirty-first anniversary
of the foundation of their order, Wednos
day evening, at their Castlo Hall in the
Odd Fellow's Temple. Folloiug is tho
Music Selection by K. of P. Band
Prayer Rev. Crutchfield
Music K. of P. Band
Address Fred : Page-Tustin
Violin boIo Miss ihomp8on
Recitation Miss Quccnio Kidder,
Malo Ouartett
. . .Clements, Wright, Aiken, Zigler.
Recitation Miss Iula Bradley
Music K. of P. Band
to which thev are secured or unsecured,
quasi orcomplete legal tender, as well as
a diecription-of tbe more important banks
of issue, the principals upon which they
ore operated, and the extent of their con-
section with government or independ
ence of its direction. Statistical and
comparative tables supply numerous
clasees of data; so that the publication is
Rice, tbe furniture and supply dealer, secretary authority to do so, write in tho
221-23 Jackson street Roseburg, Or.
At a meeting of the Althouse Mining!
Co., held in this city a feu days since,
tbe following officers wete elected:
President, S. C. Flint; secretary, Wal
lace Baldwin ; treasurer, E. F. Walsh.
bond what tho contracting parties
thought should be there, although all
agreed tho bonds would bo redeemed in
gold, and thus to savo the taxpayer
$500,000a year.
An analysis of tho voto shows 89 dem
ocrats and 31 republicans, tl20 in all)
voted in favor ol tho resolution and OS
Dr. Davis has practiced dentistry In
a condensed cyclopaedia npon tho subject Roseburg nearly 14 years, and wo know democrats and 02 republicans and 7 pop-
it treats and not merely tho first, but a the Dr. to be a skilled woritman. rar- ulists (107 in all) against it,
most successful attempt by system and ties patronizing him wilt save money.
condensation to give an intelligent view Dental parlors opposite blocum'a ball.
They are onto their job at Niece's
candy factory ,1J you . kno.ft, ar good
flbibfi7wbett" you'eeo! 'Jti"try 'thbse'.'tlns
nnmberiiof copies, -and .Mill havo.thetfi freaftcandW
of what to one attempting to master the
for free distribution sdi6rHyJre'ehtf'inj'any tgrib$m'ijb
your application uu. i muuitD.
Doolittleand Wilson of Washington,
Herman and Ellis ot Oregon, voted
against the bond resolution; Reed of
Maine voted for it.
When tho bill was reported, Senator
Aldrlch presented, a resolution ora.rc-,
enactment of tho reciprocity provision of
tho McKinley law.
According to the Oregonian there
not really a mound republican in the
country oxcept Grover Cleveland and
the Oregonian man himself. Even Tom
Reed is now unfavorably contrasted with
Grover, and accused by tho Oregonian of
obstructing the good, wholcuomc ropubl
can legislation ordered by Grover and
tho Portland Me. Wo think that when
tho Oregonian and tho ubiquitous editor
of that sheet has passed into obscurity
there will still bo republicans to guide
the ship of stato from among tho shoals
into which Grover and the Portland Mo
has attempted to wreck it.
Thofl. Wiley of Myrtle Cieek Is in tho
J. Harris ol Spokane was in Rosebiirir'
Don't fail to attend the minstrels to
morrow night.
Sol. Abraham came up from Snlem on
Friday's local.
E. II, Plnkston was over from Oak
land Saturday.
J. W. Newcouib ot Walla Walla is
visiting this city.
Charles Nickell ol Jacksonville was in
Iho city last Friday.
L. W. Kline of Sau Francisco is doing
business in tho city.
W. J. Mahoney ot Oakland was visit'
ing here last Friday.
V. Clifton of Elkton was seen on our
streets last Thursday.
W. L. Laird ot Reston was visiting in
the city last Thusday.
If you waut to know what is going on
read tho Plaindealek.
J. D. Laird came over the mountain
from Browster Friday.
Robt. Hutchinson of Oakland is spend
ing a few days in town.
B. W. Johnson of Reston was taking
in Roseburg last Friday.
Mrs. K. L. Miller and Miss Lizzie Par-
rolt are visiting in Salem.
J. Jasku'.ek camo up from Portland
lost pigbt on a business visit.
J, P. Jones, passenger agent of the S,
P., was in tho city last Friday.
Judge L. O. Stearns, a pioneer of
Baker City, died a few days since.
P. B. Whitney, of the S. P. Co., paid
Roseburg a business visit last week.
J. R. Dixon of Nor Mi Umpqua was do
ing business iu Roseburg last Friday.
The ten-year-old child ot Mrs. Tom
Boggcs is seriously ill with brain fever.
Mrs. Fullerton is reported as improv
ing Blowly, but qui to indisposed at present.
Miss Dora Peters of Oaklafld has-been
visiting friends in Roseburg during the
past wek.
Tho minstrel performance tomorrow
night promises to be a treat in that line
of entertainment.
M. S. Ryan and daughter, Miss Viola,
of Union Creek were visiting in Rose
burg over Sunday.
Will Madison left on the overland Fri
day night on a business trip to Eugene
City and Independence.
Miss Carrie Sykes, clerk nf this erhuol
district, will commence taking the t-eusus
ot the district this week.
Hon. Clias. Nickell of Jacksonville was
in town Saturday ou business connected
with tbe Soldiers' Home.
S. S. Train, secretary of the Oregon
soldiers Homo commission, came np
from Albany Friday night.
John W. Kelley is now publishing the
Oswego Ironworker. He is a strong
supporter of Dolph. 'NufTeaid.
O. B. Marsters of Myrtle Point has
been visiting relatives and inends in
Roseburg during tho past week.
It is reported that the man who
bought out George Grubbe at Wilbur
has bkipped for parU unknown.
Misses Fannie and Nelly Day, who
have been spouding a few days in town.
left on Monday's local for Drain.
T. W. Younger, superintendent ot tbe
locomotUc department of the S. 1. Co.,
was in Roseburg several days last week.
Dr. F, W. Ilaynea Saturday night re
turned from Atlanta, Ga., and will next
week opuu hit dental office in thii citv.
John Mclteu was in town last Friday.
His daughturha juot returned from an
extended visit in Portland. Welcome
Grand Master Parker paid Phlletariau
lodge, I.O. O. F., an official viit Satur
day night, which was greatly appreciated
by the brothers.
Gilbert J. McGinn, a well known at
torney of Portland, died in Arizona Fri
day, whither ho had gone for tho bene
fit of bis health.
By special request Dr. Lowe will be
at the Depot Hotel at Oakland. Feb. 25.
It your eyes need help see him this day.
Eyes tested free.
uev. vt mauds ot the Iroy, .N. x . con-1
ference of tho M. E. church delivered an
impressive discourse at the M. E. church
unday evening.
County Surveyor ileydon has moved
his family in from Cleveland, and they
are now living on tbe Phillips placo
nearTerraco Park.
The new Home is the best sewing ma
chine on the market. Prices are lower
thau on any other first-class machine.
Call and see them at A. Salzman's.
"What shall 1 do to inherit eternal
life," were the words fro m which Rev.
C A. Stine preached a sood sermon at
the Baptist church last Thursday eve
A letter from Willie Staats of near
Prineville, Eastern Oregon, to his father
says, "the snow at ono time was 29 inches
deep here." The webfoot mist is good
enough for us.
N. S. Buckner occupied tho pulpit in
tho Baptist church last Friday evening.
His discourse was from the text, "God is
not mocked; whatsoever a man soweth
that shall he reap." It was an able
Sheriff Gago of Empire City was doing
business in town last Thursday. He left
the next morning for San Francisco to
get Manning who was arrested thore a
few days since and is wanted in Coos
notice ol a defect in the sidewalk
was seen in Thursday's issue of that
paper. Early Friday morning our friend
was seen hammer aud nails in hand
vigorously at work remedying the
A List of Those Whose Names Ap
pear on the Roll of Honor.
. Followiug is a report of Rosoburg Pub
lic Schools for mouth euding Feb. 8,
1895: Number duys taught, 19s ; nuin
ber days attendance, 0754 ; ii'imU r days
absence, 537; number times tardy, 74;
number boys enrolled, 180; number girls
enrolled, 201; total number enrolled,
387; averago number belonging, 305;
average daily attendance, 338; number
new pupils enrolled, 10; number pupils
readmitted, 8; percentage of attend
ance, 03.
Examination iu the varioiu grades for
the month ending Feb. S, resulted us follows:
man school iiijpartmknt.
Eighth Grade, A Class Rank one,
Ada Smith, averago 99; others above 90,
Nellie Wilson, Natalie Wollenberg, Earle
Gaddis, Maude Rast, Emma Fisher,
Oscar Lindaey. B Class Rank one,
Neil McCall, average 99; others above
90, Robert Wilcox, Clyde Gaddis.
Seventh Grade, A Class Rank one,
Jessie Givena, average 97 ; others uuove
90. Eliza Harvey, Mattie Perry, LaAmi
Frator, Austelle Zigler, Leona Shupe,
Clara McCoy, Delia Brown, May New-
land, Daisy Frater, Lillian Wollenberg,
Geo. Jones, Willie Currier, Xury Barker,
Elva Wimberly, Luella Kennedy, Min
nie Shupe, Fred Field. B Class Rank
one, Lucy Huntley, average 95; others
abovo 90, Gillis Woodward, Gertrude
Fenton, Winnie Luelling, Martha Sham-
brook, Fayette Langenberg.
Sixth Grade, A Class Rank one, Eva
Howard, average 97; others above 90,
Julian Josephson, George Wilcox, Sam
Rast, Stella Hamilton, Thos. McCarthy,
Hudson Eccleston, Reino Blackman,
Silva Blackmail Louie Eccleston, Ruby
Bailey, Lutie Sacry, Silyia Stearns. B
Class Rank, one George Berks, average
90; others above 90, Dee Howard, Elvin
Crutchfield, Helen Willie, Walter Wright,
Nora Jones, Ara Burtis.
Fifth Grade, A Class Rank one,
Charley Harmon, average 90; others
abovo 90, Effie Collins, John Boyd,
Luther Fenton, Lilly Critcser, Otto Fail
ing, iSormau llanna, trank McKenzie,
Lena Thornton, Edward Langenberg,
Gertie Rast. Lilly Stauton, Colo Burtis,
Mettie Strait, Myrtle Hansel!. Hatlio
Linser, Aggio Pitchford, May Scbnur-
ttein. B Class Rank one. Clarence
Look, average 98; others above 90,
Ethel Evarts, John Failing, Morton
Austin, Minnie Eastou, Ora Mote, Alice
Malm, John Veach, Curg McCollum,
Lulu Cloyd, Bertha Rudolph, Ida Mon
tague, Harry Lohr.
rouriu U rail a, A (JIass lvank one,
Bessie Kidder, average 90; others above
90, Hannah Wollenberg, Hardy Howard,
Hilda Ring, Edith Buckner, Fred Brown,
Dexter Jones, Fred Wollenberg, Wayne
Crutchfield, Florence Langenberg, Birdie
Slocum, Archie Tufft, Nannie Page,
Bertha Estes, Lizzie Kirk, Chas. Hess,
Ora McNamee, Clifford Benson. B Class j
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report-
Scotts Valley Clippings.
It is feared the frost has damaged the
fall grain a good doal.
Miss Kate Wolfer accidently fell and
sprained her ankle a week or ho ago.
We are glad to hear that she is much
Mr. Dick Sanders, one of our enter-
prising young men, has gone to Cow
Creek canyon, to work on the section.
Good luck to you, Dick.
Miss Mittie Applegato, who is attend
ing Bchoolat Yoncalla, came home Fri
day evening on a visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Cbas. Allen of Buck
creek were wfere visiting at Mr. G. W.
Sanders' Sunday.
Fights are all the go brre at present.
You seem to like it, boys, so go ahead.
Mrs. Sehlin and daughter Amy have
gone to Portland. Tho latter will re
main there and attend school.
Levi Bennett, who has been on the
sick list for some time, is again, able to
go to Bchool.
Miss Pluma Tucker, while out riding
Sunday was thrown from her horse, but
not seriously hurt.
Mr. Chas. and Miss Tessie Lee have
been out beyond Oakland visiting friends.
They returned home Sunday.
Married, at tho residence of the bride's
parents, Sunday, Feb. 10, 1893, near
Hudson, Oregon, Miss Ella Safley to Mr.
Homer Palm of Siuslaw. We extend
our heartiest congratulations.
Mrs. Allie Youngof Portland, formerly
Miss Sanders, is at homo on a visit.
Mrs. Hocket we are sorry to state is on
the sick list.
Mrs. Wm. Adkins has been visiting
her mother, Mrs. Bachman. She re
turned to her home in Cottage Grove
The corn-shelling given at Mr. John
Applegate's several weeks ago was a suc
cess. All enjoyed themselves playmz
games until midnight, when they all re
tired to their respective homes.
Mr. Lon Baker, who has beeu working
near Rosebnrg, has returned home.
Mr. Smock ha3 gone to Portland on
Mr. B. L. Watkins has bought Jake
Fern's place Mr. Fern will move on his
place near Salt springs.
Mr. John George has bought the wood
ranch of Chas. Bennett of Pass creek,
and will probably make Lis fortune yet.
Mr. Luepp and family will leave for
Nebraska in a few weeks. They will be
greatly mipged by the people of this
Miss Lizzie Ritzman is sojourning on
Clover creek at present; for Johnny 'a
sake ws hope ehe will soon return.
Alex Thornton (tbe slow? sheep
herder) says the coyotes have killed a
number of sheep for him this winter.
Upper Olalla Items.
On the morning of tbe 11th mother,
earth was covered with snow, bnt it
soon went off.
Mr. George Hoover was seen in our
midst last Wednesday. On a gold hunt
we suppose.
Mr. Watkins and tho Cooper Bros, are
mining this week.
Mrs. Anldrich made Mount Sbep a
flying visit last Friday afternoon.
Our beaming friends Mr. White and
wife are expected to sojourn on their
mountain homo ere long.
Mr. Frock, our energetic neighbor,
seems to be progressing nicely in the
forming line.
Rachel Cooper on her seventh birth
day. Februry 14th, was the recipient of a
nice thread and thimble holder with
minature mirror on card board. Joy.
A. G. Osburn is now in charge of the
Bhoo stbreifbrmerly'owndd by B.'Bantfoti
berg. Ho has- already received' addhlidns
to tho stock and will in a fow days have
a complete etock on band.
Rank one, Archie Dowcll, average 92;
others above 90, Dale Harmon, Lulu
Clludinst, Maud Grooms, Lawrence Far
low, Pearl Sanders, Louise Poket.
Third Grade, A Class Rank one,
Esther Tufft, average 99; others above
90, Eddie Morris, Alvie Brundidge, Jessie
Flook, Agnes Grooms, Laura Mullen,
Gertie Moore, Etta Barker, Milo Atter-
bury, Etbel Lewis, Jessie Bow en, Bennio
Lohr, George Rudolph. B Class Rank
one, Fred Austin,
above 90, Vera Haynes, Ma: Haran.
Lyle Croxton, Clarence Hess, Elsie Ben
click, Ethel Shupe, Maude Perry, John
Tufft, Alice Sweeney, Mary McGehsbcy,
Millie Heffner, Guy Brandtdge-
Secoad Grade Maude Bridges, Lida
Kelley, Edward Hansell, Myrtle Rease,
Floyd Bogess, Harvey Griffith, Loyd
Burtis, Lena McCurdy, Bessie Shaeffer,
Annie Hume, Lottie Mnratere, Ada Mur
phy, Daisy Freeman, Henry Easton,
Maud Cannon, Earle Strong, Willie
First Grade Dolly Jackson, Floe
S .haeffer, Murvilte Keuyou, Agnes Ken
yon, Annio Hashage, Roy Milton, Ralph
Wollenberg, Maudo Webb, Avico Sheri
dan, Mary McPikc, Dora Griffith, Ethel
Sheridan, James Crawford, Milton
Crutchfield, Fayo Carroll, Alice Hume,
Birdie Reams. F. B. Hamlik, Prin.
The Same Old Rates.
The board ot Fire Underwriters of the
Pacific, formorly the Pacific Insurauco
Union, has sent the following order to i
local agents: "The rates issued by the
Pacific Insurance Union must be strictly
observed by every member, anil by all
their representatives. Eyery member is
strictly pledged to this observance by
himself and by every representative and
employee of his office. Rules for regula
tion of com pet ion with agencies not rep
resented in the Board will at once b?
issued and sent to you."
Items From-Oakland.
The dramatic entertainment given at
Young's hall, on Saturday night, under
the auspices of the ladies of tbe Presby
terian church, may be regarded as a suc
cess. The hall was comfortably tilled
with spectators, and the sentiment
seemed to be that every one was agree
ably surprised. Each and every one of
the participants in the play deserved
commendation. -Miss Lizzie Cooper is
deservinirof edueciitl tmiw As nn ama-
1 r. ,
averabo jo, otne.s . f . . .,.; ,r;,
Mark Holmes, Cap. Hall, R. P. Dear,
Leu Sherman and T. L. Kimball, are
prowling around tbe Uonanza quicksilver
property, but the object of their prowl
ing is past undmg out.
Capt. Peter's friend, Mr. Goodrich,
from the east, has come to Oakland to
gratify his desire of former years, to live
and die in Douglas county.
Doctor Gilmour hai rej.jvereJ from a
severe indisposition that was at its cli
max on Tuesday night last.
It is related on the best of authority
that the course ot true love is running
delightfully along with a love-sick pair
in town, and that tbe nsual invitations
will soon bo received by friends of the
The supper given by the Odd Fellows
on Friday night is said to have been one
of the most enjoyable occasions for many
Mr. O. Middlekanff has about decided
to establish himself in this city as an at
torney. The numerous friends of Mrs. General
Varney will be glad to know that the
lady is in excellent health and enjoying
her new homo in the east.
The report that Jno. B. McGeeis going
to manage affairs at the Todd quick
silver mine, may be regarded as perm i-ture.
Assessment Census for '95.
Tax payers should begin taking an in
ventory and account of what properly
they possess liable to taxation. Tbe as
sessor is required by law to assess each
man with what be owns on tbe first- day
of March, and no matter if you sell
your house and lot ou the 2nd day of
March, and the assessor does not assess'
you until the middle of June, you will
have to pay taxes on that bouse and lot'
just as though you owned it in Jnne. It
is a physical impossibility for tbe assess
or to call on every man in the county on
the first day of Maich and hence you will
save both yourself and the couuty official
much time, if yon will prepare a list of
your property on the first of March and
lay it away where you can placo your
hand on it when be doe3 come. The
legislature of 1804. then meeting in Oct
ober, passed a law making; it the duty to
the assessor at the time of assessing his
county in 1865 and every ten years there
after to take an enumeration of tbe in
habitants and industrial products of his
county. In this enumeration there are
27 columns to be filled out and Assessor
Sterling estimates that it will take more
time to make tbe census this year thao
to make tbe assessment. For example
in each family, he must list the number
of males over 21 year?, number between
10 and 21 and number under 10, and of
females between 10 and 18. He must
get the nnmber of bushels of wheat, oats,
barly, corn and rye; tuns ot hay,
pounds of wool, butter, cheese and the
nnmber of horses, mules, cattle, hogs,
sheep and all pi eductions. The censes
rolls are to be turned over to the county
clerk when completed and it is his duty
to keep a copy and send originals to sec
retary of state.
A Household Treasure.
W. Fuller, of Canaioharie, N. Y.,
pays that he always keeps Dr. King's
New Discovery in the house and his
family has always found the very best
results follow its use ; that ho would not
be without it, if procurable. G. A. Dyke
man, Druggist, Calskill, N. Y., says that
Dr. King s iSew Discovery 13 mulouht-1
edlv the best i;ougn remedy; that he
has used it in his family for eight years,
and it has never failed to do all that is
claimed for it. Whv not try a remedy bo
long tried and tested. Trial bottles free
at A. C. Marster3 & Co.'s Drug Store.
Regular size 50c. and $ 1 .00.
UucUlcii'd Arnica Snlvc.
The Best Salvo in tho world for Cuts,
Bruises, sores, Ulcers. Salt Rheum,
Fover Soros, Tottor, Chapped Hands,
Chillbains, Corns, and all skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to givo
perfect satisfaction or money refunded,
Price25 conts per box. For Bale at A.
U. Marsters st Uo.
T. K.
Keeps over forty differeut kinds of
musical instruments constantly on hand
Did You Ever
Try Electric Bitlcrs as a remedy for your
troubles? If not, got a buttle now and
get relief. This medicine has been found
to be peculiarly adapted to the relief mid
cure of all Female Complaints, exerting a
wonderful direct influence in giving
strength and lono to tho organs. If you
have loss of Appetite, Constipation,
Headache, Fainting Spells, or aro Ner
vous, Sleepless, Excitable, Melancholy
or troubled with Dizzy Spells, Klectric
Bttters i'r the medicine 3011 need.
Health and Strength are guaranteed by
its use. Largo bottles only 50 cents at
A. G. Marsters & Co's. Drug Store.
for Over Fifty Ycnra.
An Old and Wcll-TrUd Remedy. Mrs. Wlu
tlow's Soothing Syrup has been used lor over
fllty years by millions ol inolhcrs lor their
children while teething, with perfect success.
It soothes the child, softons tho gums, alloys
all pain, cures wind colic, and Is lhe best
remedy for dlarrluca. Is pleasant to tho taste.
Sold by Druggists In every part ot the world.
Twenty-tire cents a bottle. Its value Is incal
culable Bo sure and nsk for Mrs. Wlnslow's
Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind.
Tyee Items.
John Stevens was out at Oakland
A Mr. Williams of Eugene has been in
our neighborhood. He represents a
Vermont marble company
Rob. Numann is plowing for Scott
Mr. Whito is making preparations to
set out a lot of fruit trees. Another good
W. H. Cole has about recovered from
his late illness.
Dan Lamb of Wilbur i an employeo
of the firm of Burk & Lehinaiiii.
We are sorry to note that Mrs. Lon
Ellson has had a back ?et.
Mr. Gossett had a Boverc attack of the
palpitation ot the heart last Sunday bnt
by tho skillful aid of Dr. Page he is much
better at this writing.
John Rees and family have been stay
ing at Mr. Gossett's this week, during
his illness
Ed. Stevens spent several days at Mill
wood last week. He ii trying to learn
to talk Herman.
"Cyclone" blew a little too soon when
he aid nothing could be sold for cash.
Our farmers have been paying cash for
grain, hogs, and in fact everything they
wish to buy, and it can be had for money
and Mr. Churchill, the mail carrier, pays
us cash for all our produce. Wake up!
you revival man pick your teeth and
keep up with the times or you will be as
far behind as the Review is.
Jack the RirPEa.
Favoring Indian War Veterans.
In the House of Representatives
January 21, 1335, Mr. Hermann intro
duced the following bill, entitled: A.
Bill to amend an act entitled "An Act
granting pensions to the survivors of the
Indian war of 1832 to 1842, inclusive,
known as tin- Black Hawk war, Creek
war, Cherokee disturbances, and tho
Seminole war," approved July 27, 1892.
Be it enacted by tbe Senate and House
of Represenlaliver of tho United. States
of America, in Congress assembled, that
the Act entitled "An Act granting pen
sion to the suvivors of the Indian wars of
1832 and 1S42, inclusive, known a3 tho
Black Hawk war, Creek war, Cherokee
disturbances and the Seminole war," ap
proved July 27, 1S92, and the samo is
hereby, amended and extended bo as to
include the names of tbe surviving offi
crsand enlisted men who Eeryed for
thirty days or more and were honorably
discharged under tho United States mili
tary. Territorial, or prov Clonal authori
ties in the Florida and Georgia Seminole.
Indian war of 1817 and ISIS; the Fevra
River Indian war of Illinois of 1S27; the
Sabine Indian disturbances oi 1836 and
IS37; the Cayuse Indian war of !S47 and
184S on the Pacific Coast; tho Texa3 and
New Mexico war of 1SI9 to 1855; the
Cilifornia Indian disturbances of 1851
and 1S52; the Utah Indian disturbances
1850 to 1S53. and the Oregon and Wash
ington Territory wars from l-'Sl to 1S5G,
inclusive, and also to include the surviv
ing widows of such efficers and enlisted
men : Provided, that such widows have
not remarried: Aud provided further,
That where there is no record of enlist
ment or muster into service in any of the,"
witrs mentioned in thij Act, or the or
ifCfal .Act of which it is a supplement,
ihbmionl of pay by tho United States
fluff s acceptable as evidence of said
en ice.
T. K.
Sells musical t,oods for less than Port
land prices.
Spray Your Orchards.
Kelly A Dunno's prepared sprays for
I fruit trees at A. C. Marstert, A Co.'s drug
orchard. Whalo oil soap, bluo vitrol,
lime, '.Bulnhnrelcii .at M arsters" drug
Oak Creek Items.
Did you get a valentine?
Wash Short and Mr. Darrow of Wil
bur weie buyiug cattle in this vicinity
last weeK,
Mr. Luepp preached a very interesting
sermon at the Mt. Scott school house
last sabbath.
Mark Myers of Peel was.8hakinghandB
with his many friends here a few days
last week. He came down for tho pur
pose of buying some oatH, as he intends
to do considerable farming this year.
Lester and Forrest Blakely spent last
luesuay anu Wednesday on the East
Robert Brown came down from Glide
Friday. He repdrtsYerythytng;pr$Bpe'r7
uua iu mat peucemi utile town;
- Final Call.
All' porfins are hereby notified to
make immediate settlement of thsir in
debtedness to tbe lato firm ef S. Marks
A Co. ; otherwiso the same will be placed
in hands for collection. Please give this
call prompt attention and thus avoid ad
dition d costs. Asher Marks,
Administrator of Estata ol S. Marks
A Co.
Highest HonorsWorld's Fair
V !.;.' G e p Cream of Tartar Powder. Fraj
Ammonia, Alum or any othsradultaanl