The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, February 18, 1895, Image 2

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Subscription Rates:
One Year parabloln advance 3a oo
Six Months, " x oo
Thrto Months. " ' so
MONDAY, FEB. .18, 1S95.
In potting our boots for the year JSSf
we find there are a nwnbtr ofjxrsons in
debted to us in small amount which aggrc
gate several thousand dollars. Lite al
most f very body else, we are sadly in need
of money Kith which to pay our indebted
ness not for investment or speculation.
Our creditors are in the same fix, and are
crowding us. Consequently we are com
pelled to urge upon our friends the neces
sity of the paymenl of the small amounts
due vs. Therefore we trill at the earliest
possible moment render a statement oj
account, as appears from our boots Janu
ary I, 1S94, to every person indebted to us.
here there are so many small accounts it
is next to impossible to kcejt all of them cor
rectly, hence when you receirc a statement
and think it is incorrect, even if you
hare paid it and we failed to give gou
credit, don't "fly of the handle" and get
mad, but write kindly and tell us abont it
if yow can't write kindly, writefany way,
for we want to hare or:r books correct. If
you can't jwjr the whole amount of your bill,
a portion of it will be thankfully received,
and if it is r.ol convenient for you to pay
anyofit,letvs know thai fact also. We
would be pleased to hare ecery person re
ceiving a staiement of account to acknow
ledge its receipt at their earliest conven
"Smith of Josephine' is becoming
the laughing stock of tho whole utate.
Unless he is curbed in his frantic en
deavors to legislate for the state, he is
liable to cause some damage here
after. His mining bill is one of the
many that sbonld be, and undoubt
edly will be, squelched. All miners,
without exception, are opposed to it.
"When the late Judge Hoar was
asked if he proposed to attend the
funeral of a distinguished contempo
rary whom he did not admire, his
answer was, u-Xo, but I approve of
it? This expresses Air. Cleveland's
sentiments over the approaching de
miss of the fifty-third congress.
St Louis Globe Democrat.
In the German reichstag Friday,
Count ilirbach arced the govern
ment to call an international mone
tary conference with a view to re
monetizing silver. Count Bismarck
favored such a hill. Chancellor Ton
Hohenlohe intimated that the gov
ernment would be willing to confer
with the federal government npon
the question of entering into nego
tiations with other powers in regard
to the advisability of considering the
monetary system.
The attempt to resurrect the Bielly
bill after the emphatic vote of the
other day ought to result in failure.
The proposition as to which tho
companies have not as yet positively
and officially committed themselves
is that the Union and Central Pa
cific corporations shall pay the prin-
pal of the subsidy bonds on the con
dition that the Government remits
the interest In the case of the Cen
tral Pacific the principal sum is
something over $27,000,000; the prin
cipal and interest added together will
amount on the maturity of the bonds,
to something like $65,000,000. Mr.
Hutington's offer is thus to pay 40
cents on the dollar for a full release.
And. the question is, What claim
hava the multi-millionaires of the
Central Pacific to such an exercise of
generous forbearance oa the part of
the Government
Une of the strongest arguments
used by He Dolph and his support'
era is that bis opponents refuse to
abide by tho result of the caucus.
The SunTauswers this pretty thor
oughly. What is a convention but a
caucus of the parly. The republi
cans of Oregon in the year 1890 held
a convention and declared for the
free coinage of silver, Did Mr. Dolph
stand by the result of that conven
tionT Xo. Instead of standing by
it he said in his speech at Boston;
"It is true, I had the temerity at the
last congress to oppose with my voice
and vote in the United States senate
against free coinage of silver, when
the convention of my party in the
state had declared in favor of it. I
do not subscribe to tbo doctrine that
resolutions of state conventions' shall
control my judgment or vote on the
It is noted with .pleasure that the
position taken by this paper, that the
convict labor should bo utilized on
the highways, is indorsed by several
otherp, including the La Grande
Chronicle, which in the coarse of a
well written articlo on the subject
says; "Nearly all schemes that have
been undertaken to employ convicts
in manufacturing enterprises havo
either supplanted to a largo extent
free labor, or have left the road open
for jobbery so that the benefits of
the work done by the slate's prisoners-have
gone to private individuals
instead -oi going to the general bene
fit of the public. If the convicts
were at the disposal of county courts,
for instance, under nominal terms
and with suitable regulations as to
proper treatment, tbero wonld be no
room 'left for jobbery -for private ad
vantage, no supplanting of free
labor, no expense to tho. state for
their maintenance, aud the geperal
pnblic.woaidsbaro equitably in thej
product of their labor.-"
ban irancisco Examiner: Tho
more President Cleveland's uinnipu
lauon oi tue new bond issue- is ex
amined tho moro scandalously out
rageous it appears. Eyon Wal
Btroet is revolted by tho president's
cynical sacrifice- of the national in
teres t s. Instead of trying to mako
the best terms possible, he seems to
have gone to work deliberately to
mako t be worst. If tho now bonds
had been offered to tho American
public, they could undoubtedly bavo
been disposed of ou a '3 per cent
basis. A sufficient proof of that is
furnished by tho fuci that yesterday,
after all the efforts of the president
to depress the national credit, our
2 per cent coin bouds were selling in
uieopen marKet tit yo. Uur 4 per
cent coiu bonds of 1907, which have
only 12 years to ruu, wero selling at
110, which is almost n 3 per cent
basis. Is tbero auy reason to sup
pose that iuvestors aro unwilling to
pay tho government us much for its
bonds as they pay to private specu
The i per cent 30-yoar bonds which
President Cleveland proposes to sol
to foreign bankers at about 105 will
undoubtedly bo selling at 130 within
a year. It will bo an oxcollent specu
lation for somebody. And, although
Mr. Cleveland insists that tho only
reason for his inability to obtain bet
ter terms now is tho doubt of tho
government's intention to pay in
gold, he offers no hope of doing bet
ter than 3 per cent, even with a gold
contract, notwithstanding 2 per cent
bonds which wo sold at par with
notuing out u promise to pay in
While we are investigating, ono of
the most useful investigating com
missions wo could get would seem to
be one to investigate tho sanity of
the president ,
It was stated in the United States
senate Thursday that private persons
in London were offiering 113 for
these bonds. Ed. Pluxdealek.
The Continental Insurance Company of
-er lore nasreinscu to join the new
Compact entitled the Board of Firo
Underwriters of the Pacific, believing
that the board is not a benefit for tho
people bat for the insurance companies
in keening up rates. This company has
the best financial standing and loss pay
lng record. It was tested in the great
Chicago fire in 1S7I, paying every dollar
of its losses amounting to over two mil
boa of dollars. Its record ot almost fifty
years is prompt and liberal in the settle
ment ot all honest claims. Its motto is
for the interest of the people aj well as
the company. Yoa owe your patronage
to this company and should see Wayne
Jones, Agent, when you take insurance,
The valne of glass depends entirely
npon the skill of the optician. D. Lowe,
not only furnisher the let glasses ob
tainable batis thorongblv skilled. Hav
ing attended the best schools in the
country. Beware of self-styled opticians.
The gooks are dear at any price. Ask
yonr doctor about Dr. Lows, now at
the Hotel Van Honten.
It May Do As Much For Von.
.Mr. Fred 31iller. of Irvine. III., writes
that he bad a Severe Kidovy trouble for
many jears, with severe pains in his
back and also that his bladder was
affected. He tned manv so called Kid
ney cores bat without ar.v ccol result
About a year ago he began use of Electric
Bitters and found relief at once. Elec
tric Bitters is especially adapted to cure
of all Kidney and Liver troubles and
often gives almost instant relief. One
trial will prove our statement. Price
only 50c for large bottle. At A. C.
Manners & Co.'s Drug Store.
-isougias county can snow as nnc an
1 . .
array of lady teachers as can be found in
anj county in the state. For proof of
this statement it wonld have only been
necessary to have gone to the court house
and be convinced, for last week there
were on examination for teachers a per
fect galaxy of leauty.
T. K.
Has ordered a large shipment of Wash-
burne musical goods direct from the
How's" This!
We oCer One Hundred Dollars Reward lot
far case oi caurro mat cannot be cored by
F. J. CHENEY fc CO.. Props., Toledo. O.
We the nnderrirnnl hire Vmirn v t
Chencr tor the last 15 years, and bellcre hla
perfectly honorable in all frailness transaction
ana nnanaauy able to carry out any oblljra
tioni.taade by their firm.
Wzst & Tacax. Wholesale DrnzrisU, Toledo. O.
ttiius, a: jukvix. Wholesale Vraz-
tiits. Toledo. O.
Hall's Catarrh Core is taken internally, acting
directly npon the Mood and mucous surfaces of
ino ijrurui. race ,jc. per bottle. Sold by all
uragsuu. jesumoniali Iree.
The Churches.
Bamrr Cuccca corner of Lane and II os
ttreeti. Sunday Service: Preachinr, 11 a. m
and 7:30 p. el; Vonnir People's Union, 30 p.m.;
Jin. l. . Annex. President; Sunday School, 10
c. a.; James Chamberlain, Superintendent
Prayer Meeting, Thursday evcnla? at
Err. O. Jf. A.tSEs, Pastor.
Residence, So. HI Jlaln Street.
MrrnotilST CncEcn comer oi Main and Lane
streets. Sanday Service: Preaching. 11 a. m.
and 7:30 p. m.: Sabbath school, 10 a. m.; Dr.
James Barr, Superintendent: Class Meetlnz at
close ot the morning xrrrice; Epworth League
630 p. el. Clare Hume, President. Prayer Sleet
ing, Thursday, at 730 p. m.
it. S. BccrssB, D. D., Pastor.
Parsonage, corner Main and Lane.
Pkesbttzku CHCBCH-coraer of Cass and
Rose street. Sunday Service: Puplic worship.
11 a.m. and 7 p. m.; Sabbath School, 10 a. m.;
Y. P. & C. E., 7 p. m. Prayer Meeting, Wednes
day, 730 p. m.
K. B. DiuronTH, Pastor.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking; Powder
Forty Year the Standard.
- of Oregon, ior the County of Douglas.
"ettlc J. Kern. Plaintiff l
vs. I.
George E.Kem, Defendant J
To George E. Kern, Defendant.
JQ IDe HftlUA nf !hn it.f. a( n
Siifi7J.eJ.ulrc'TtosPPcarDlBnwer tho com--m?2
"Kal",t y,a In tbo above entitled
1. A.. Ma tcn dar the date of the service
?'V.l. ""nmreu upon jou, if senrd within this
' I w'thin twenty days from the date of
.uvki iajuiiniBummoiu upon yon: and If
TLm ,Z . a?,wer 'orwant thereof the plalnt-
II Will takp lllrltrmcitt i . .
dissolve the bonds of matrimony between
vZ?zr'l ' "wjuwiuuren, onaues Jvcru, Urt-
:-"" "iiwMntMwn planum
i, a uuuoursernenu Herein
This summons is publishod by order ,of Hon,
r.'iH' lull-rtn, Judge of thoabpved name Court,
.u uti wM.msaeai tiiemWH !hc,Jd day
February, 1805; '
xuu lucouio mx uiuuiiS oro now in
circulation, nuil thoy mako vory int
cresting reading for thoso who wish
to know how tho democratic party is
rodoemiog its promise to "lighten
tho burdens of tho peoplo."
Sheriff Sale.
Or Oroirnn tnr- thn Cnimic r nnimi..
Stephen Mlnard.
a. McBi'O and C. A. Mcllce,
atate oi orecon I .
County of Douglas. )
Whereas at k regular term ot tho Circuit
yuuriui iiiu etaiooi urcgon. County of Douglas,
io-wic: on Saturday, December Slnd, 1S91, tho
plalntlfT nbove uamol recovered judgtuem
against the abovo named dcfcndnius for tho
sum oi rour inousaiui Six Hundred Thirty
tnrco aud 15-1W (f IGSUS) Dollars and costs and
dlsbursemcnU taxed at fOi&O, for fXM attorney
fees herein taxed andagaiust tholfoltnwluc de
scribed mortgaged property, to-wlt: lleginnlng
... vuiiir vi ?ecuuii ij, io, zi nnu m
Township 'JSuth, RangoG West of Wlllametlo
Meridian, running thence cast IMS foot, thvueo
north - degrees 10 minutes cast 1570 feet, thenco
north -ts degrees 5 minutes east a feut, tbenco
north 32 degrees and II minutes least 400 feet,
thenco north 17 degrees cast SM feet, thence
west ITS! feet to tho U section corner on tbo lino
htiv-tn K.w.lltt. ,r. itti.l ,fi T.n.n.UI. ik - . u
thenco youth 2M0 feet to tho placo ot beginning,
i-umiuuiuiT acres, in uougias i-onniy.tircgou.
together with the tenements, hereditaments and
appurtenances thcrcuntn belonging or lu any
wIjc appertaining, and whereas it bin, been de-
crceu uy xne uoim mat tne mortgngc oi plain
tlir bo foreclosed, nnd nil tho right, title and in
terest of said defendants. Wm. Meltm mm I! A
Jlcltee.orelthcrof lliem, liaUin orto the said
premises on the 1th day ot October, 1SS7, tho
uato ol tnc execution of said mortgage, or at
) iimo increaiicr, ucsoiu in uio manner pro
in v v. u ian, ..ii v. i,uv iiiMva misiiig ilierc
from bo applied to the payment of tho costs and
expenses herein, and to said indebtedness, and
that said defendants. Wm. ilcUce and C. A.
McJJce, and each ot them bo barred and fore
closed of oil equity of redemption in and to the
s aid premises. '
Now therefore, in the name of tho Etato of
Oregon, I have levied upon, and will on Satur
day, tho 19th day ol .March, 1895, atl o'clock
P.M. ot said day at the Court llousu door In
rg, ooucias county, urccou. sell at t
lieauctiou o the highest bidder for cash
hand all the right, title or interest which u!d
defendants had In or to the above described
mortgaged property on the 4th day ot October,
1SS7, or at any time thereafter, together with the
hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto be
longing or in any wise appurtalning, and will
apply the proceeds arising therefrom, first to
tho costs and disbursements ot said sale,
and the costs and dlsbursemcnU herflu taxed at
i6u; sccona to tno payment of sxo attomc
lees: mini to tnc payment 01 tnc sum off wax:
with interest thereon at the rate of S per cent.
per annum irom tno na aay 01 December,
and the over plus. If any there be, pay to the
siu acicnaants, or mcir legal representatives.
ShcrifToIDoogUu County, Oregon.
By D. R. SlUXBEOOK, Deputy. f lst5
Sheriff Sale.
Jl State of Oregon, for UoaUs Couuly.
Sylvester IVnnoyer, Geo. W. McBridel
and Phil Metchans,Board ot Com.
mlssloncrs for the sale of school
anu onircmiy lanus, ana ior the I
investment ot the lands arising '
J. L. Fisher. IMary L. 1sher, L. S.
LAmb. A. C Marsters and Soil
State of Oregon, 1
County of Douglas. J
Whereas at the rectlbir I1wth1t ffrm iwit
ot the Circuit Court ot the Slate ot Oregon, for
Douglas County, plaintiffs above name
imed recov
crcu a judgment by foreclosure ol
a moru
against tho above named defendants, J. U
er. Marv L. Fisher. L. S. Laiab. A. C Stintrn
and Sot, Abraham, and against the following
aescnoeu mongageu premucs, 10-wii. ine sw
containing to acres in DockUs Countv. Orrron
U-gcthcr with the tenements, heredltamenra and
appurtenances hereunto belonging or in any
wise appertaining, and whereas at the regular
December. LOl. term, to-wlt . On Friday. De
cember ltth.1501, an order ot sale was made for
said mortgaged premises, and whereas, it was
decreed in said order of sale that the defendant.
i mmu, is now owner tn ire simple of said
premises and that the defendants A. c. Minlrr.
ioL Abraham and J. L. Fisher each have a nlln
claim against said premises In the sum of S3J0
eacn. wim interest tnereoa at the rate ol 9 pel
cent, per annum from the 20th day of October,
ima ana mat said euims arc snueoucnt ts ef
fect to lien of plalnlifT, that said premise bo
sold according to law and tha'f the" "purchaser be
placed in immediate possession thervoL tbM
tnc oeienaants J. u. tuner, ilsry I- Fisher.
-. ijiiIII, rv- v. BU'l U. AilfYiJ uc
,.mk ft 1. t r . -. 1 1 1 1
uarred 01 an equity 01 redemption In said prcm
ow therefore I will on Saturday the 33rd
cay 01 tiarcn. 195, scu au tne nsnt. uucand
interest J. L. Fisher and Mary L. FUhcr had in
or to said premises on the 8th day of May, 10,
and al-u all the right, title ami interest of any
and alt the persons claimln; by tinder, or
through the, said defendants. J. L. Fisher and
Mary L. Fisher, from arul attrr the t-ih day of
May, ISO, and will apply the proceeds arising
therefrom, arst to the of the eosu am
expenses of the forrcIantv and Je. of said
property: second tne sum .f Jlia uomey lees
umuioiue payment 01 .ii..m wiui inic-roia
e percent, itrmncn frrni Occcsiber Hth. lsl
ana 11 anertne appucat .1 01 the procwu ol
said sale aforesaid there 1 any sum remaining
there be paid the !-fcInt J. L. Fisher. A. C
Marsters and -SjL A uraham the sum of TiO each
alia interest at tne rate 01 per cent. I-cr an
nam. from the ?lh car of Mar. I00. ami thr
overplus If any there be, I will pay over tn the
County Clerk to be distributed by order of the
Its! I 6hcri
Mining Application To. 54.
I nl ted Slates Land Ofice, Roseburg. Oregon, J
February 13. mi 1
Notice Is hereby given that the (iin llnnnt
aln Mining Company, a corporation dulr incor
porated ucJer the general law of the State ot
Oregon, with its principal odec or place of
business at Portland. Multnomah county. Ore
con, by its duly qualified and acting president.
W. c. Wilson, whose post oScc address Is Cleve
land. Docdas Countv. Orecon. has. on thn lTih
of August, Kfi. file,! its application for a patent
ior inrro oamirca icct in a souinwcsteriy direct
ion from the discovery cot, and twelve hundred
feet in a northeasterly- direction from tald dl.
co very cat. in the aggregate fifteen hundred
linear icel ot the urecn Mountain quartz
lode, bearing gold and silver quartr, together
with surface ground six hundred feet in width
situated in Green Mountain Mining District,
wiubij ui uuugiA anu cuie oi urcgon. and
Township south. Range t west, when the pub-
uu am icj cJLM:uutXi, MUU UQl .-10.3 being
dlcritcd as follows, to wit:
Bczlnnlnzat a point three hnndml rw,t
degress west of discovery shaft or cut at post
.no. i at tne center of southerly en.! nr t.i
Claim" Xo. 3S. from which the sntithis! mmr
oi section tj. anu ..i, iownsnip si south. Range (
"o " iiuuaeiic uenuian, on tnc 7tn standard
Parallel South, Douglas Coantr. Oregon. beM
south 5 degrees cast fO.37 ehsfm llint . n.
i i v. i . i . . i .. : '
i lukun iu uisiiicu.! unn noi.usi ucgrecs
west one hundred and twenty links
distant, a er Is Inches In diameter bears
souiii i ucgrecs cast lu lings dittant.
tnence north M decrees west am f..
w yusi .o. , irom w jicii yeuow ur 3J inches
in diameter bears south i.1 decrrm mi it lini-.
yellow fir U Inches In diameter bmn nnrth A
uegTecscast.snnu,matnrono6 Inches in di
ameter iears sontn a degrees west 71 links;
thence north 35 decrees t it rmt tn r.t vn
3 from which a fir a) inches In dlamcti-r Umn
soum degrees west -js links distant, a tlr 12
inches in diameter bears north CI ilm-rr- .kh., si
links distant; thence south Si degrees cast COi
leet to post ro. o. irom which tniihumni r.
inches In diameter bears south Si degrees west
.T ! ri V Hfaf.nt Malhemn. r. lnA.A- I.. 1 1 -
" -"-- 1MVIIU .11 1 1 bUlil -
ctcr bears north 20 degrees cast 13 links distant:
thence south a degrees west 1S00 feet to post
So. G, from which fir 13 inches in diameter
bears north So degrees west 2G links distant, fir
ten lnrhcs in diameter bears south 57 degrees
west 27 links distant, flr 8 inches In diameter
Dears soum w degrees cast 31 links distant,
thence north .V degrees west 300 (hundred)
ieci ui piacc oi ocgiuning. magncuc variation
U degrees cast, containing a.Gj acres.
The location of this mine. W. J. Wnrlnr
iuiwi, a ituiucu iii iiiu lecunier s OIUCO,
Douglas county, Oregon, In Book, 'of Rceonl ol
.Mining Claims, volume Z, page 72. Tbo ad
oinmg claimants arc it. S. Jones and A. S.
Uniting on the northerly end and F. ckn.n
i Co., on the southerly end.
And anr and all persons claiming ailrxnolr
any portion of said Green Mountain Mine or
sunaco ground, are required lo file their ad
verse claim with tho Register of the United
States Land Office at Roeburg, in the State of
Oregon, during the sixty days period of pub
lication hereof, or they will be barred by vir
tue oi me provisions oi inn statute.
n. si. VEAlCH, Register.
To Policy Holders.
The Northwest Fire and
Marine Insurance Company
having gone into the hands
of a receiver, the Board of
Directors have made favora
ble arrangements with the
Fireman's Fund Insurance
Company for the protection
of its policy holders. ,v"
Call on Claude B.. Cannon,
Agent, aud bring yournoli-
r - -. i -
cies ior exenauge.
nu. i i , ,
To The Insuring Public.
Tho iindersignoit has tho following
HtiBvver to mako to tlio charges mndo
against liitn in tho HosrbuiK Koviow by
a would bo insuranco asont who rocs by
th o namo of Wayno . Jonos, towit : That
on tho 18th day of January, 1895, tho
old roliablo Homo Insurance Co., ol Now
York, with cash assets of 19,000,000, did
aiechnrgo tho said Jones as their agent
and appointed the undoraigued as their
ngont for this city and vicinity. My
commission hangs in my oflko in the
frame in which said Jones formerly had
hia nnd can bo insjvectcd by anyone de
siring to scoit. All who wish to insuro
in the Homo will please call at my office
in tho Marsters hlock.
L. D. Uaiile, Agent .
Mrs. David Bigger
Chills and Fever
Lett ma emaciated, jtth dUtresstng ecush, o
appUtc, pain tn chest, shoulder, hack and
Hood's5 Cures
itonuch. Four bottlej ot Hood'a RarsansHrW
to mi atrcneui. jrood appetite and heillh.
fJAYin iiigoeu, wueox, Nebraska,
Hood's PII13 win new friends daily.
Oaa cent a -L 1 W 'B
It Is sold on a
dsts. It em
aid. is tiio best Co
For sale by M. F. IUpp. Druggist.
5lrTaaJi-irfK- lUUvrtkljfrorarUrt.
tuiuic Mrwrll-ra. Eidilrttettrrilorj.
arntsto:;lr.nen. Ltttral .
ccmoLie . lo lo-l port-
urea acra LarTnt
irrowtrs it t'. ia. .-tHi. Com- i
riSy rcst:! &jk Offl Plata t
( nr.
' arsorUMat
farUieoirbinL I
We m tod cow. til .
ULj?' 'rclt la!3uy Is wli
1- iraonani. ihto cud frl
IrsimiacfiU Oai.t iiJrBtl sf-1
.ral.!- f ffw r.llA'N t!UfN m .nh
t1 TTrr.rn l'rrt ril, t're CRiis !l jou ts !
: . . Sure li rarr. Bi)
Insist on
I in packages
Costs no more than inferior package soda
Tg never spoils the flour, keeps soft, and is uni
V versally acknowledged purest in the -world.
Made only by CHURCH L CO., Hew York,
y Sola by crocers rmrw&ere.
If TnU Icr Am aad Ur Book of ralsiM Kec!y FltEC
Proprietor ot
The City Meat Market,
And Dealer la
Orders taken and. Delivered Free
to any part of the City.
1 S
Ba cksm it hs and Mach inists
-re now located irttheir now shops on
f?P&!" rveeJ? . between Oak and Cass '
Andare proparedv to do wnrt ?n
iX trial
Four lines or less under thlt head U cents jwr
nuinfA; each additional line C cents per month. -Vo
ndrerljemcnf taken for las than SS cents.
Notice to TrcHpaHHcrH.
Xotico ia horuby givon that nil persons
hunting upon, removing wood from, or
othorwiso treapaEsing upon tho "lSushov
estato," will bo prosecuted.
Ko6ebiug,-Aug. 8, 1891.
J). S. K. Uuick, Agent.
Notico is hereby givon that nil persons
romoving wood or cutting wood from my
land will ho prosecuted. My land is tho
S. 15. X of tho S. W. ki of section 19,
township 27 south, range C west, in
Douglas county, Oiegon.
KuixiLfit Jk.n.nik.
I'or Sale.
Under this head you can advertise or sale your
farm, house, horse, cote, or awjlhlny else you may
wish to dlsinse of at a cost SJ rents ier month.
Try It.
For Sale. Good oak wood at $2 per
tier, promptly delivered; leave orders at
J. F. Barker's store. Zaci: B.uticw:.
For Salo. A good homo of 1C0 acres,
12 milus from railroad; -10 acres cleared;
good water, small orchard in hearing,
plenty of small fruit; fair Oregon house
aud barn ; 4 horses, 15 cowh ami plenty of
farm machinery to run tho farm. For
prices nnd terms eiKpiiro of S, 15. Ilen
drickB at tho Hoview ollico or of the
county surveyor at tho court house.
For eale or trade, a good three-spring
hack. Will trailo for grain or cows.
Apply to Ciias. Vaxzile.
Good dry oak wood for sale at ?2 per
tier, delivered every Saturday. Ix'avo
orders at Mrs. IJoyd's grocery store.
John" ISotciikk.
For Sale. Old papers, at thin oilice,
at 25 cents nor hundred.
Wanted, a reliable man orladv;for
steady position. Address X, caro "lXiily
Tribune, Wilbur, Douglas Countv, Or.
I'or itcut.
I'd 1 Mn ,1 1 1 i-r t . ....... I . . . . t r .
----- ywf frur, jurin or room jar
rent for iS cents per month inthh deiartmait.
The Odd Fellows Imilding Association
will receive proposals for renting the
Opera House tor one year, from Feb. 1,
1895, ensuing. Rente payable monthly
in advance. The directors reserve tho
right to reject any nnd all bids. Address,
Jos. .M.', Secy.
Great Opportunity for Prune Farming
On a Large Scale.
1720 acres of choice valley and low
hillside land, all under lioard and wire
fence, several hundred acres in cultiva
tion, the very Lest of ;rtiit land, has good
natural drainage, free from frost, good
house, wood, water, etc.. three miles
from railroad. The vicinity lus line or
chards and this is a rare chance for a
colony of pruno grower. The property
belongs to abtent parties and must
ho sold. I'rico$10 per acre, 4' cash,
balance in eight annual payments with
0 per cent interest. (Discount allowed
for cash).
Have lands of evi-ry kind throughout
tho county for low price and easv terms.
I). S. K. ItciCK. Itoscburg, Ore.
All tersons indebted to C. K. llill of
Koseburg are asked to call and iay on or
before March 4, 1S95. By so doing they
will save coats. This 13 tho last notice.
C. K. Hill.
of imitation
trade marks
and labels.
Poultry, I'lHli and Game,
In Season
Roseburg, Or.
I ' I
I 1
t .
wnac we give to every cus
fci tW tt ,a Nil
tomer, for we believe the best
A - A 1 1
aaveriiscmeiu possiDie is a cus-
toiner pieasea with what we
have sold them, they will come
aud again, aud their frieuds
come too.
We are not here for a day
or for a mouth.
We are Here to Stay.
.Roseburg, Or.
;n. ...... i
and MTnVi&
For a Few Days.
Boys Suits i.5...f. 50
Men's Suits 1... 7 50
i Men's Wet Weather Shoes 2 00
, . Men's Underwear 75
Latest Style Hats 2 00
Boss of the Road Overalls-Best 50
Hackintoshes at Greatly Reduced Prices.
Ladie's Dress Goods Reduced 25 per cent.
These goods have'all been received
within the last month, and are the
latest styles and not shelfworn.
Don't delay this golden opportun
ity, and call on
The Boss Store.
326 and 328 Jackson St. Bet. Oak and Washington.
TXrj J T DdOCTTP Largest and Best Assortment ever
MM i ILL 1 i V i 1 L bronght to Southern Oregon, and
A Large and Elegant Line of
We call the attention of our
friends to our beauti
ful stock of
Our Stock is
Unexcelled by Any House
South of Portland
he Long
is Here
J. n. fi ook: I
i - - ai -sj -v- -xr- -u. w kWsmtr
or nil sizes and Styles.
Turning and Fruit Boxes J
0 inciow ana Door Frames
4s Made (o Order.
Of capacities varying from i to 25
horse power affords the most con
venient, economical and reliable
power for all light service. One of
these may be seen running at this
office. SenddfUiircilteonom
.i?i Main CtKaof
4 Strong
Easy Rockers
Bed Room Sets
Parlor and Dining Chairs
Rugs and Carpets
And all Household
Prepare for it wisely. We offer
unusually good reasons why you
should buy from us.
Everything offered for sale is fresh;
bought for the Holiday Trade and
sold at very reasonable prices.
We have a very choice stock of
canned goods, including both fruits
and vegetables, to which we invite
your special attention.
Our line of Olives, Gherkins, Pick
els, Sauces, etc., is also complete.
We carry the largest stock of to
baccos in Southern Oregon.
CO., Grocers.
a uni.n
e-'rJi2'i.!i.J2- .
Does Up
We are "always in tho Lead, and mean to
keep there.
The Golden Harvest ia upon us, and farm.
ers aro smiling became Woodward
loois to their interest.
Full Trimmed
These are all Leather and Warranted.
At Reduced Prices.
Consult yonr parse and be sure and see
Woodward before baying.
Has just received a new and extenslye stock o
Ladies' Dress Goods, Bibbons, Trimmings,
Laces, tc Etc
Of the best quality and finish.
Wood, Willow and Glass Ware,
Crockery, Cordage, Etc.
Also on hand in largft quantities and at prices to
auit the times. Also a large stock of
Custom-Made Glothing
Which is ottered at coat price. A full and
select stock of
Constantly on hand. Also the
General a&ent for erery Tariety ot subscription
looks and periodicals published in the United
States. Persons wishing reading matter of any
kind will do to give me a call.
HAjrcracnrarD bt
I. D. HOLDEN, Stockton, Cal.
The Turf and Sportsman's Authority of
iuu x aciuc uoasc.
All the Latest
Racing News
of the Country.
The Best Meduni for
Advertising Stallions.
And everything appertaining to the Turf
and iield Sports as well aa for Sporting
boods. Medicines for Horses and other
animals, Kacing Gear, Champagnes, etc.
lua leaninir miwr nf ;a i i
o r r- ura nc oi
Chicago, and the representative of the
u.ccuiuk imeresis in uaiuornia.
Special department conducted by
Jos. Cairn Simpson.
It is essentially a newspaper cotining all
the Gossip and Sportind events of the
any, given in such a bright, entertiening
"ucUlo uiauuer ua to mace me pa
cer a nPPPlsfv tn nia.nt,,.. Ii 1-S r
horse matter and legitimate eport. Sam
ple Copies are free, and will be eeht on
application to any address.
313 Bush St., SanFrancisco, Cal.
F. W. Keixev, Manager.
fllineral, Railroad. " Aricultural.
1106 G St., N. y. Washington. B. C.
For HlfinV Vnn.r In H(A IZm-nerra 1 T Art A -
Examiner of 'oatcsts, Jllneral ts. .Mineral vs.
BilroadMia.Agrlclturl clalnts and Xate
Chief ot tho illncral Diylsion.
flPrn rrejpowJcac SollcJUd.
S -J