T IF YOU SEE IT Ifi j The Plaindealer j IF YOU DOH'T READ ! Til a Plarndanloi i i ! You Dos't Get tub News. ! IT IS SO. ROSEBURG, OREGON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1895. Vol. XXV. GENERAL DIRECTORY STATE Or OKEGOX. , - .. (J. II. Mitchell U. S-bcnators... 1 t. jr. iminh Congressmen Attorucy-GcacraX. IBlngcrllcrmann -" IW.lt. KUis G. E. Chamberlain uovemor. Secretary of Stale -Sylvester rennoycr ..Ucor-go W. McBrido cute treasurer- PhllSIctschan E. B. JleElroy Frank C Baker Supt. Pah. Instruction. state mnwr. Member Board of l;uaUr.auoa...A. C Woodcock rF. A. liooro Supreme Judges. . . Jc. K. Wolvcrton (B.S. Bean r.V. B. Coinpson Jj. B. Eddy fl. A. ilacrum Railroad Commissioners.- Clerk of Railroad Commission Lydell Baker JCDiaU. DISTCICT. Judge- J. C. Fullcrton Prosecuting Attorney Goo. M. Brown C. 5. UXO OrrtCE, KOSEItCKC. Receiver R. S. Sheridan cgiter U. M. V catch C. S. YSUTKES ECSZAV. Observer Tho. Gioson DOVGL1S COCNTV. Senator Ucnry Becklcy r J. K. Blnndcll ncircscnfcUvci w.T.Bnd, C. A. SchThredo F. W Benson res. -acrfc. hertff ..C F. Cathcart Prcssurer School Supcnadcnl. w. a. raior J. A. Ondcnrood J.A. Sterling A. F. Steam .vsacrsor.- County JuJga Commissioners tw.a la H. j.Vlll i. 1 W. Wilson Miopia Ilcvuon Surveyor- Coroner j)r. K. L. Miller Sheep Inspector- .To os. bxuu rscciscT orrJCEss. Justices John Hamlin U. C Slocum oaj tables- OTT OF KOSIWES. 1 W.T. Wright I J. 11. snupe .i5.F.Kapp 1 15. O. Strong 1 L F. Rice Trustee Recorder.. F. M. Ztglcr W. F. Carroll J. A. Cox Marshal- Treasurer , cozsr sessions. lac Circuit Court tor Douglas County meets three rimes a year as follows: The 3d Mon day la Varct. the tth Mocdav In June, and the 1st Monday la December. J. C Fullerton of Roseburr Julce. Geo. iL Brown, of Roseburg. CoantTCo-irtiacetsthe 1st Wednesday after Use 1st lionday of January, aarch, May. July, September ul November, A. F. Stearns, of Oakland. Judge; a 1L Maupln of Elktoa and W. L. Wilson, of Riddle, commissioners. Probate Court is la session continuously, A. F. Steamy iu&se.' Society Jltxrtlug. LAUREL LODGE. A. F.iA. 3L, REGULAR I meetings the 2d and tUi Wednesdays In I each rr.cmlh. -rrvmnA riTAPTF.R- NO. li R- a. M HOLD U ibelrregular convocations at Masonic hall! on uo crsx ana mini mesaay 01 eaca am uu Visiting companioss are cordially Invited. M. F. EAPI, H. V. IiTvitr. Cvco. Secretary. PTTTTT-TAV-TW Q. S, L O. O. F- mf.isatnTtl'M'rnlnrof each week at 7 nVWtin i?KHrhafl at Ensbn . Members oil the order in good su.rrrtinr are Invited to attend. I iIA5k U. MIfTIII, U. X. T. Jcttett, See'y. USIOS XSCAMPMEST, XO. S. MEETS AT j Odd Fellows' nail na second and foarth I Thursdays of each month. Visiting brethren! arc Invited to atleao. ,, Feans: G. Micnu, Scribe. Hassv I'jxit, C F. r nT!tinpj-: -LODGE. XO. !. A. O. V. W. iV aeets the second sad foarth Mondays of I e-ich noia it 7 p. m. at Old Fellows halLl senbesottneortter in gooa aaciag are in Tlted to attcsd. TJESOFOST, X0.59. G. A. MEETS TUE AV first tad third Thursdays of each taoata. I TT 70 HEX'S RELIEF CORPS Sa 10. MEETS I second aad foarth Thursday in cacn I racata FAEIir- ALUAXCS Resaltr Qaarteriri . Jeitat ; lriil he .hcil t-Urxnji Hall.. Jane, and lac mux: rraaay in septnaoer. XO.S.O. E. MEETS ! iv the sossad aad yzrJx Thursdays of each I MAyELlXE B. COXEX1XG, W. M. -DOSEBOEG DIVISIOX XO 7C B. OF L. E., j A.. laceis every sccoad aad lourta scaoay. RS'S TSotl-Jk ll I the Odd Fellows fcalL VjHtiag sifters aad oreihrca are Inrttcd to atteao. Miss Siui WurexiiT, X. G. FtisI G. Miceiii. K-beo A m todccslir evenis: at Odd Fellows trTi Vlsitias bretarea la good iTstKhs cor dially la-rUcd so atieaa. P.. WIT.T.Ta Attorney and Counselor at Law, tvHlptaetkeinallUsecourUot tbeSUie. Of toe la tiie Court House, DoogU county, Ot. c, A. SBHLBREDK, Attorney at Law, Momtturg, Oregon. OSa orer tie PortofEss on Jackson street. w. "W.-CASDWELX, Attorney at Law, EOHEBUEG, OEEGOX. P B. COFPilAN, Physician and Surgeon 02ice:At Dr. Hoover's old stand oaOak3treet Rcsldeae: Cor. Lane & Jackson Streets. N. 3. OZIAS, 7U X)., Physician and Surgeon, ROSEBURG, OE. Office la S. Marks & Co.'a Block, upstairs. Calls promptly answered day or night. JA2E3 BABE, Physician and Surgeon. Graduate Rush Medical College. Diseases of Women and Children a Specialty OFFICE, Rooms 9 !i 10, Manten Building. RX21DZ3CK, Douzlas Street, nccoad place cast Dr. Bunnell's. ROSEBURG. OREGON. La FaTZTTE Lasz. Judge I. Locguakt JAlsE & IajTJGHART, Attorneys & Counselors at Law Jtoctinrg, Oregon. yi ill mctiee la all the courts of Oregon. Ot- i tot in the Tailor-Wilson block. Q.BO. 24. BROWN. Attorney at Law, ilotcburg, Oregon. Deputy Prosecuting Attorney. Office at the Court House up rtain. MRS. Zft. BOYB, DEALER IS CHOICE- Family Groceries, DISHES, Books and Children's Toys. A FULL LISE OF- Prait, Kuta, French Candies, Coafectioncrj Canned Goods, Coffees, Teas, Etc IXPOUTED KEI WEST CIGAES. CHOICE BRANDS OP CIGAE8 yyrLL. P. HEYD0N, CJowxity Stirvoyor, ana ?otnry public. Ornos: In Court llouse. Orders for Surveying and nld Notes ahouw be addressed to Will F.lleydon, County Surf vcyor, Roscburg.Or. HC CRAWFORD, Attorney t Law, Room:. Marstcrs Building. - ROSSBURQ, OR. msrBnslness before the U. S. Land Office and nuulng cases a specialty. Late Receiver U. B. Land Ofice. P. BRIGGS, V. 8. Deputy Mineral BnrTejrbr and Notary Public. Orncx: County Jail Building, up stairs. Special attention paid to Transfers and uonvcyanccs. Address. ROSEBURG. OR. jyYBA BROWN, 2t D., Physician and burgeon. Chrralc Skcass cf Weaea a Spsa<j. Office. Up Stairs. In the Marks Building I Eesldtnee, U2 Cass Street, ROSKBURa. jg- L. MIIiIiBR, M. D., Surgeon and Homoeopathic Physician, AN AFTER THOUGHT. TO-DAY after Christmas yoa will possibly dis cover that yoa l&ve thought of everybody and every thine ex cept" your feet, as if SHOES in winter were a secondary matter! If j oar parse looks weak and consump tive aftertheXmas campaign rome to oar store- A earn that wouldn't bay a poor pair of ehocd in wrae places bays n cood pair at oar cturt1. PARROTT BROS. EXCLU5I-E BOOT AND SHOE DEALERS 324 Jackson Street, ROSEBURO, OREGON. J. F. BARKER & CO. geooers. TEAS A SPECIALTY. A rpttixl btad jfnnvln Iterated Tea. jrisa con Is taring a large sale. 7ew styles ot GlaSS and l)8lf Ware At aiVmlibinj low ynce. Osr own eanosd Toss am are rrry popular. Salem Nursery Co. W. D. McQEE, Proprietor. now have a lance stock of fine,. large, I healthy trees of all kinds, including 1 a nli Pear. Peach. Prune and Cherry, wmcni m m.rtntMi trnA tn nime and free from In sects, and wl! !be sold at very reasonable rate. All persons desiring trees szouia appiy 10 E. L. GOODRIDGE, Agent, CANY0NVILLE, OR. Fabdfs Coldon Female Pills. For Female Irregular Itles: nothlngllkethem on the market, h'cctr off. Successfully used y prominent ladles monthly. Guaranteed to relievo suppressed menstruation. SUREI SAFE! CERTAIN! Don't bo numbnggeil. Bavo Time, Health, andmoney;take no oth er. Bent to any address, cliToiWlw? Addretf, THE APHRO MEDICINE COMPANY, vfeeiemBnocn, &a27,POXZ&Ero; OX' A. SALZMAN, (Successor to J. JASKULEK.) Practical : Watchmaker, : Jeweler : and : Optician. DEALER IN. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY. AND FANCY GOODS. XloxiaJLx?B.iid a jiecaly. Cvonuino Brtizilitin Kyo GIiikkok ttiul ispcuiuolus A COMriJJTC STOCK OF Cnllory, Notions, Tobacco. Cisars and Smokers' Articled. Also Proprlotor and Malinger of Roseburg's Famous HarRnin Store. CP "JSJS, Running But all for beef, The Scales, weighed Scales, vte KEisi- Butcher Saws, CHURCHILL, WOOLLEY & IMENZIE .AGENTS STUDEBAKER WAGONS ( ) If BusinessSIs'Not Good ii The Plaindeaier's Advertising ( ) Columns Rooters for the Business ilen of Douglas County. Are the JJ p Hp MUSIC. 4i0 000 PIECES shee MUvSic AT 10 Mailed to any address Catalogue of this immense We have also secured the agency of the Wiley B. Allen Co T. K. RICHARDSON, THE THIRD ADDITION I BK00K51DE. The MoiVG Farm, ted and is now on the market 3, 20, 30, and 40 acres, ranging in price from $25 to $100 per acre. Any one wanting a or a suburban home ean terms. All lots sold in First than doubled in value. The the future. More fortunes are made in lauds near a grow ing town or city than any other way. Sieze the oppor tunity. For information or "" Estate Office, or on G T, CCPj'CiCHT the same he's a caudidate and can't esapce being sooner or later. Sausage Cutters, Etc. FOIt. and OLIVER PLOWS. But Root. K 11 1 A) Don't I 3) Squeal-,-. It is now well understood that T. K. Ricahrdson is the best es tablished and most reliable Piano and Organ dealer in the State. He has secured the American agency. and will soon receive GTS. PER COPY. for One Cent Extra. stock sent free on application. ICOillSClCVBMS, aBB.t!CMr,. east of town, has been plat in Lots and Blocks containing fruit, vegetable or chicken farm now be accommodated on easy Brookside addition have more prospect is much better for conveyance, call at ouv Real BELDEN, Fropr. Fiatl fault with the cook if the pastry docs not exactly Guityou. Nor with your wife cither perhaps she is not to It may be the lard she is using for shortening. Lard i3 indigestible you know. But if you would always have Cakg?j)ies, rolls, and bread 's -ruatamc nnu penccuy 01 5 ,i "rjcstiblc, order the new short ijl cnuig'COnOLENE," for your WIFE SOLD BY ALL OROCERS. Ret uss All Susstxtutcs. Mndo only by H. K. FAIRBANK & CO., ST. LOUIS and ItCACO, NEW YORK, BOSTON.! yA Eendthrceccntslnsaunpstorr.lv. V Fallback A Co.. CblcaKO. for band 1 ron CoUoleno COok Book. contalD sis hundred recipes, prcpaml by ctneem!nntautriorlUrsoncookloe. OOVereip-nKemedV&CcUShs. Colds, La Grippe 2nd all Affections rilteThroat. Chest Lungs SOcts.sieo stun tor prima. ABlETINEilED.Q.OlWilfe.Cal. Sold by A. C. Marters & Co, W.'L Douglas S3I SlJifsaE' IS THC BEST. wiS'vib FIT FOB AKING. s. cordovan; ros a ouaua cait. 3.50POUCE.3SOLE3. LADIES- "til ' v. s fkd roa C ATA1Q CUE L.-DOUGLA3. Over One Million People -wear tbc W. L, Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes AH our shoes are equally satisfactory They give the best value for the money. Tbcy equal custom shoes In stylo and fit, Thtlr wearing qualities ore unsurpassed. The prices are uniform, stamped on sole. From Si to Sj saved over other nukes. IX year dsljr enact supply yoa r?--, Soli by dealers every whcre.jlWantcd, agent to take exclusive sale for this vicinity Write at once. , The GREAT' This extra ordlnarr Ra- Constipation, JtiTeaatcr is uiciners, FsJUue Sen mo most wondorful discovery of tho nee. it has bean en dorfted by tho leadlngscjen. Uflo men of uropo and America. Hadjan Is rarely vego- Mudjan Etops Prenaturecess of tho dls chargo in SO days. Cores sations, Xerv- oustvritcnins of tho eyes and other parts. Btroncthecs. invigorates and tones tho entlro system. Hudrsn cures ueblllty, Kcrvousncss. Emissions, anddcvclopts and restores weak organs. Pains in tho back, losses LOST MANHOOD bv dav nT nisbtstopped f oulckly. Over 2.0mlvnta endorsements. " Prcmaturcncss mesas imnotencv in tho flrzt stajro. It is a symptom of seminal weakness and barrenness. It con bo stopped la SO days Tho new discovery was nadu hy tho Special IstiofthoddfamousHudian Medical Institute. It is tho strongest vltallzcr made. It is very powerful, but harmless. Bold for S1.00 a pack ago or6 packages for S9.00 (plain scaled boxcsl. Written guarantee given forn cure Ifyontuy tlx boxes and ore not entirely cured, tlx mora nmuureui 10 you ireo 01 an cnaives. Bend foe clrcularsand testimonials. Address HUDSON MEDICAL INSTITUTE. Junction Stockton, ITIarlict A: Ellisstx. aan ifranclsco, Vul. BLAME JaF7 '-.f. ' &J3y e&i alt ? 1 1ST Pi 1 ? f Born Paint! j Cures CORNS, BUNIONS and WARTS XT' SPEEDILY Md WITHOUT PAIN. F FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. T LIPPMAW BBOTBEBS,i?rop'rs, & Llppman's Block, SAVANNAH, GA. & WOMAN'S WORLD. A VOUNG PHILADELPHIA WOMAN ES TABLISHES A NEW INDUSTRY. lllggest of Women's Colleges Women Ste nographersWoman's Progress In 1801. Sho Was Not a Club Woman-Dressing ien You Aro Sick. Tlio wuning of tho ninotocnth century provides such indisputablo proof of lominlno ingenuity in finding tho toy to now doors of opportunity that at times it seems that no raoro doors re main to bo unlocked, but to a Philadel phia girl belongs tho credit of success fully establishing a profession for wom en which still rotains tho flavor of nov elty. With truly fominino instinct for dis cerning tho golden opportunity Miss E. V. Cornolius has started in to do tho rogular daily and weekly marketing for fashionablo families of tho city. Early in tho morning, armed with notebook end pencil, tho littlo markot woman of Philadelphia trips off to tho houso of each patron, receives tho order for any -Dis miss E. V. CORXELICS. household necessities all tho way from a turkey to tho proverbial ' 'pinch of salt " Giving tho order marks tho extent of tho taxation upon tho nerves of mv fash ionablo lady. Tho littlo markot woman docs tho rest Professional marketing is a now field in tho rango of occupations for women, but ono in which a successful harvest awaits tho right gleaner. Delicatessen timo familiarized themselves with all fashionablo quarters of tho city. Every year mo proiessionai cook in taco trim med cap and apron makes her bow upon tho lecturo platform. Sho is always Euro of a largo audience. Cooking classes aro multiplying both under private auspices and in tho publio schools, and tho band of professional caterers and interior decorators is steadily increasing. Tho business of tho littlo market woman is something of a combination of all of these, iliss Cornelius has gono into this new profession for women both as scienco and an art. Tho requirements and possibilities of tho work havo been taken into consideration fionv-tho pur chase of a juicy tenderloin at tho stall of tho busy market to tho composition of a mean for tho day and tho initia tion of tho household Abigail into ar tistio and pretty ways of serving" food and decorating tho table. There is no poctio sentimentality about tho littlo market: woman. Her profession is a matter of bread and meat, of character aand self respect to her. Whatovcr success shu has com manded is another proof of tho fact that adverse circumstances aro overcome by perscveranco and persistent work. To quoto her own words, "Sinco I was 14 uvcry penny of my support I havo earn ed myself, ' ' which is not tho least credit duo to this courageous littlo market woman of Philadelphia. Philadelphia Times. lllggest of Women' Colleges. Thero is an endowment fund in tho hands of tho trustees in Boston for tho establishment of nno of tho largest of freo f cranio colleges. It is tho bequest of John Simmons, ono of Boston's most successful merchants, who died in 1S70. Tho original Simmons bequest con sisted of this property: To his daughter Marion ho gavo tho granito front storo at tho corner of Franklin and Arch streets, tho granito front storo on Water and Dovonshiro streets and tho land upon which it sat, and tho old Simmons mansion on Trcmont street and tho land belonging to it At tho deceaso of Mar ion tho estate, together with tho accu mulations, was to bo given in trust to tho Simmons Feinalo college. To his daughter Alvina was given tho granito front storo situated at tho corner Franklin and Hawley streets and tho land belonging to it, tho wholo to bo held in trust during tho daughter's life, and at her death tho estates, cxclusivo of the accumulations thereon, were to bo given to tho college. In addition thcro was left ?30,000 in money for tho pnrposo of building a block as a nucleus for tho collego fund, tho incomo . to bo held in trust. Tho object of founding tho Simmons Fcmalo collego was for tho parposo of teaching medicine, music, drawing, do signing, telegraphy and other branches of nrt, scienco and industry. Tho Simmons collego might today bo a splendid reality but for tho big firo of 1872. All tho fino business blocks given by tho Simmons bequest wero left m ruins. Tho mutual firo companies, far from being ablo to pay tho insurance on tho Simmons blocks, assessed tho trus tees of tho collego fund Sinco 1S72 tho trustees havo been using tho incomo from theso buildings to pay up tho mortgago indebtedness on them. Tho present trustees H. G. Nichols andJoscph Sawyer aro paying off tho mortgages on the various estates as fast as tho incomo from tho cstatea will allow. Tho trustees say that at tho present rato of incomo tho mortgago indebted ness will bo Cleared up in a few years. I.IHM Ul. I. ll..tf.."-M..I.Ui! 1- JMM. Wnyno Jones is special larm agent for tho "old reliable" Continental Insurance Company of New York, which has been tested by passing through and paying nil of its losses in thai grat i-onfbgration of Chicago in 1S7I, by which oyer ono hun dred companies i-qual lu Mm State Insur ance Company of Sal-tn, Ortv failed. A word to the wiso in tmlltcient If you want tho best of dentistry o to Dr. Strange and havo it done by an ex perienced and skillful dentist. All work guaranteed and at very reasonable prices. Tho property, when frco of debt, will bo worth sovcral million dollars, and as Boon as tho estates aro freo of debt the incomo fund of $500,000 designed by Mr. Simmons as a building fund will accumulato in a very short time, when tho trustees aro required to erect suita bio collego buildings at a cost not to ex ceed said sum. Tho trustees say when tho collego is founded it will havo ono of tho lar- goat, if not indeed tho largest, regular incomo behind it in tho world. Boston Advertiser. Women Stenographers. Two years ago somo of tho women stenographers and typewriters of this city formed an association. Thoy were 13 then. Thoy aro 100 now. They aro known as tho National Association of Women Stenographers ana aro incor porated. Within a few weeks tho ar rangements and legal forms of a sick benefit havo been comploted, so that women who aro alono in tho world may count in caso of sickness upon three months' financial support and a woman ly sympathy extending far beyond that limitation. Meetings aro held every thrco months, and addresses havo been mado by Mrs. Charles Henrotin and Mrs. Henry Shepard. It is their inten tion to havo lectures from timo to time from women who can inspiro them to broad and noblo work. They havo now begun somo threescore of them tho study of parliamentary law at Central Music hall, an earnest that tho associa tion is going to transact its business with vigor and legality. Miss M. E. Orr, who holds tho gold medal for tho championship of tho world for speed in typewriting, is an honorary member of tho association. Their presi dent is Miss Nettio McLaughlin, a Chi cago girl of considerable literary ability and marked cxecntivo force. She, with Miss Harriett Shinn, will go as dele gate to tho national council of women to bo held in Washington. This is tho only body of business women in tho country that belongs to the national counciL Miss bhinn will read a paper to open tho discussion on "Woman as a Factor In tho Modern Business World." Miss Shinn was tho first president of the association and has a fino mind and broad sympathies. Sho is the daughter of a Methodist minister and is doing a noble, womanly work outsido tho exac tions of her profession. Chicago Rec ord. Woman's Progress In 1894. In concluding an interesting article on tho progress of woman in' various parts of tho world in 1894 Mrs. Warner Snoad, president of tho International Woman's union, says: "Thus it will no seen that progress has been literally all along tho lino in different countries and in most diverse subjects. Success, moreover, has come in competition, so that no allowance need bo mado on tho scoro of sex. These distinctions, gained without favor, place tho position of woman on an altogether impregnablo basis. No longer can it be said that women aro inferior to men in brain power. Theorists of tho typo of Dr. Crichton Brown may prove to demon stration that women aru unfit for severe mental labor, but they cannot explain away tho facts which directly contro vert snch a view. Yet in spito of this thcro is no social earthquake tho old, old story is as sweet as ever, homes are as well cared for, and baby worship has not ceased. God fcrbid it should be otherwise! Even the jealously guarded women of tho east are feeling tho reflex of western thought Lady doctors are admitted in Turkey. Miss Yoseph will soon practico in Persia, Miss Eddy in Syria and Dr. Mary Sugana in Japan. In India many native ladies aro study inc physic, there is a tiny ripple of progress on tho dead sea of Zenana life, and tho maharajah of Mysore has for bidden infant marriages. Everywhere tho world moves, and while recording tho triumphs of our own sex wo grate fully remember tho chivalrous men who stand by us alike through praise and blame." She Was Xot a Club Woman. Tho attitudo assumed by somo non club women toward tho woman's club question, as a whole, is amusingly shown in a littlo incident related by Helen ii. Winslow in tho Boston Transcript: "When tho North Shoro club of Lynn gavo a reception tho other day, says she, "thoy sent carriages to meet all visitors at tho trains. On tho arrival of tho 3:30 train from Boston tho half dozen ladies who had been delayed till then wero met by a cordial littlo woman with the inquiry, 'Aro you for the North Shoro club?' and when wo replied in tho affirmative she asked us to come with her to tho carriage in waiting. Naturally we felt that every possible courtesy was being shown us and were eminently satisfied with our lot and os pecially tho cordial littlo lady's part in it Finally, just as wo wero going off to our carriages, sho espied another woman who was evidently waiting for some thing. She was a well dressed, middle aged woman and really looked as if she might bo eligiblo for our party. (I beg her pardon.) And so our cordial little hostess stepped up and put to her the question, Aro yon for tho North Shore club?' But now tho stranger straightened herself up, and tho nnutterablo scorn sho looked! Sho did not deign to answer by any words, but that look plainly said, 'I should hopo not!' And she gazed at us as if wo wero a lot of freaks the liko of which sho had never come across before And we? Oh, we fled to our car riages squelched." Dressing- When You Arc Slct. If only ablo to sit np in bed, a loose sack shaped garment called a nightin galo is most handy for slipping over the nightdress, writes Emma M. opei in Tho Ladies' Homo Journal. It is mado of cashmcro or flannel and usual ly has tho edges hemmed and feather stitched. All of tho pattern houses issuo a pattern of it When ablo to sit up for a timo, a wrapper of striped flan nel having a princess back and loon front is comfortable, worn with oi newnrc of Ointments for Cntnrrli Hint Contain Mercury. ns mercury will surely destroy the fens-e of smell and eomplelely derange tlm whole system when entering it through mucous surfaces. Such article should never bo used excent on prescriptions from reptitnble physician!, as the iinmago iney win 110 is icn 10111 10 me goo yon enn oosslblv derive tnm them. Hall's Ciiinrrh Cure manufactured by F. J. Cheney .t Co., To ledo, O., contains'iio mercury, and Is taken in ternally, acting directly upon, 'he blond mid mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Curo be sure you get the cemiine. It is nken internally, and made 1" Toledo, Ohio, by r. i. iueuey tic iv. xc&uiuuiuuis iree. Sold by Druggists, price 75 c per bottle. Trespass notices printed on cloth for sale at this oflico at 5 cents each. without tho nightgown, but I bnliove in changing all of tho clothes when ablo to get out of bed. Do not fuss too much about dressing and thus become tired. Wear puro wool underwear, a soft boned corset or corset waist, then add a flannel and outer petticoat and tho wrapper, with easy bedroom shoes of crochet wool, felt, wadded silk, eta Dainty shoulder shawls and sofa covers aro always appreciated by ono doomed to such a weary lifo as must bo led in a sickroom. Plenty of cushions having removable denim or linen covers aro necessary. Select colors for wrapper, shawls, etc., that aro cheerful and be coming. Cardinal, garnet, reddish brown, pinkish gray, light blue, yellow, rose, bright old roso and cream aro good sickroom colors. A bit of lace gathered in tho neck and sleeves will help to con ceal tho marks of illness. Have soft materials, oxquisito cleanliness and dainty colorings. Thoughtful Women. Tho women of Denver and Colorado, to a greater extent probably than those of any other state, have abandoned the hat wearing habit where it is nnneces sary and when it is annoying to others. It is a beautiful sight to look upon to visit tho Denver theaters and see tho largo number of women who remove their hats during the performance. Still other thoughtful ones aro careful to wear small hats flat hats or some other style, shape, fashion or variety which will not causo ugly thoughts and bad words to ariso behind them. Denver Times. The New aiolre Velvet HaTeyon seen tha-rew moire velvet? It is ono of tho belated importations' which arrives just in timo to figure as a midwinter novelty. Novel it assuredly is and very rich and beautiful too. It is watered in such a way that a few feet off it looks liko an accordion plait ed velvet In robin's egg bine and a tender roso pink it is charming, and I should think it would bo greatly in de mand for evening, either as skirts to bo worn with chiffon bodices or as theater waists, with puffed sleeves of the chif fon. New York News. Tho Tfeir Womanhood. In his recent work on tho just now much talked about theme tho new woman James C Fern aid speaks thus of woman's relation to tho home: "It is not that sho can do nothing else, but that sho can do this as no other can. If she does not mako home, homo cannot be made. Tho world needs -her there. Her own hears calls her there. The attempt to abolish tho individual home and keep tho ideal woman is a predes tined failure." Harriet Tlnbbard Ayer. Mrs. Harriet Hubbard Ayer, who was unjustly incarcerated in an insane asy lum for 14 months, declares that she will mako it her lifo work to expose tho treatment of sane people m asylums. Sho is about to publish a book relating her experiences. Sho is deeply interest ed in tho causo of working women, es pecially these who havo been reduced.., .from wealthtojoverty. 'Exchanga A Xcvr Sort of Club. We find in The Journal of Household Economies a suggestion for a new sort of club: "Should every graduate who is not obliged at once to become a wago earner gather a circlo of her neighbors into a sanitary club and institute a sys tematic study of sanitary topics, how long would it bo before each of theso circles would wago successful battle against lifo destroying bacteria?" Clara 3Iycrs Flora. Mrs. Clara Myers Flora, wife of Eev. Noah Flora of Dallas Center, Ix, was lately ordained to tho full ministry and eldership in tho Progressive Brethren church by prayer and tho laying on of hands. Mrs. Flora is a student, an elo quent speaker and a successful revival ist She has her regular charges anrX meets with much success. Sirs. Mitchell's Argameat. Mrs. Lucrctia M. B. Mitchell has prepared a statement showing that the women of Philadelphia county, Pa., aro assessed on real estate $1,537,575.6& and personal estato and money at inter est at $35, 734, 1 33. GS. This covers ST wards and is an average cf 20 per cent Sho points to this as an argument for equal suffrage. Iter, tydia Sexton. Rov. Lydia Sexton, who died in Seat tle, Wash., a shot: timo ago, at tho age of 05 years, was born in Sussex county, N. J., and preached for 80 years. Sho was a cousin of Bishop Matthew Simp son, and her grandfather was Marquis Anthony Cozat, famous in the early history of tho colonies. A bill has been introduced in the Tennessee scnato to authorize the hold ing of tho oflico of district school direct or of public schools by women. In the houso Mr. Shelton has introduced one authorizing married women to sue in the courts of tho state. Mrs. Ellen Sully Fray of Toledo has recently been appointed ono of three ad ministrators of the estate of Mrs. Sarah Stevens, whoso death occurred a short timo ago. Tho most satisfactory dusters aro thoso made from o cent cheesecloth. Thoy should bo cu a yard long and neatly hemmed. Lady Henry Somerset will bo one of tho speakers at tho legislative hearings for woman suffrage in Massachusetts and in Maine. Dr. Julia Holmes Smith has again entered tho field of journalism. Sho conducts tho woman's page in tho Chi cago Times. Dr. Annio Walker of Mississippi is superintendent of tho hospital at Fn chau, China. Tlie-Ielton Water Motor Of capacities varying from 1 to 25 horse power affords the most convenient, eco nomical and reliable power for all light service. One of these may bo seen run ning at this office. Send for circulars. The Tellon Water Wheel Co., 121 Main St., San Fratu'isi'o, Cal. Mortgage Loans, to $5000 on improved farm prop D. S. K. Boick." $1000 ertv. Go to tho Roaeleaf for tho best cigars