The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, February 14, 1895, Image 2

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Subscription Rate:
Ono Vcar ptyiblcin fcdTMtcc a oo
8lx Months. " " x oo
Thrco Months. " 50
THURSDAY, FEB. 14, 1895.
In patting our booit for the year 1S94
we find there are a number of persons in
debted to us in small amount which aggre
gate several thousand dollars. Lilt al
most erery body the, we are sadly in need
ofmoneu with which to vav our indebted
ness not for investment or speculation
Our creditors arc in the same fir, and are
crowding w. Consequently we are com
pelled to urge upon our friends the neces
sity of the payment of the small amount
due us. Therefore we will at the earliest
possible worowt render a statement oj
account, as appears from our boots Janu
ary I, JS94, to erery person indebted to us
Where tkcre are so many small accounts it
is next to impossible to keep all of them cor
rectly, hence when you metre a statement
and think it is incorrect, even if you
hare paid it and we failed to gire gou
credit, donH "fly off the handle" and get
mad, but write kindly and tell us about it
if you can't write kindly, write any way,
for we want to hare our books correct. If
you can't pay the whole amount of your bill,
a portion of it will be thankfully received,
and if it is not convenient for you to pay
any of it, lit us know that fact also. We
would be pleased to hare erery person re
ceiving a statement of account to acknow
ledge its receipt at thetr earhett eonven
dent and (he United States congress
at a time when this laud was consid
ered by eminent statesmen an arid
and desolate region, unfitted for the
habitation of a civilized race, and
were about to abandon nil hope of its
settlement by Amoricans.
It is ono of the strange facts of
history that in 1845, Daniel Webster,
the groat and eloquont statesman,
speaking to a Boston audience, conld
so tnr lose faith iu tho expanding
power of tho American flag as to pre
diet 1 no rise 01 an independent re
public on this coast, while George
Abernothy, the poor etoward of a
small band of missionaries, quietly
took tho position of provisional gov
ernor of Oregon.
George Abernothy was tho first
man chosen to the highest position
among thoso who planted the flag of
republican law and order on this
coast He was worthy of the trust
While we may monrn the decrease in
tho number of old pioneers by the
operation of natural laws, wo have
In relation to the president's mes-
B&rre to congress relative to tho
last bond sale, the Sao
Chronicle says:
uThis is the most extraordinary
and the Most oatrageons act in con
nection with the national finances
ever perpetrated by a president and
secretary of the treasury. Scarcely
three months aeo 550,000,000 of 5-
per-cent bontLt, having but ten years
to run, were sold in open market
after bids were invited at a pneo
which brought the rate of interest to
about 21 per cent per annum. And
now a sale is mado in secret without
giving the general public an oppor
tnnlty to bid at a rate so low as to
raise the interest to 3 per cent. It
is infamous. What right has Mr.
Carlisle to say that American credit
ia so reduced that our bonds cannot
be sold without paying a rate of int
erest almost double the current rate
for money in the money markets of
the world?
"The intent of this scandalous
scheme is disclosed, however, in the
message. "MV- Cleveland informs
congress that if a bill can be passed
inside of ten days authorizing the
change of bonds into 3 per cent
thirty-year gold-bearing bonds he
place them at par in lieu of the
bonds which Carlisle has arranged
to selL To emphasize the advantage
of this arrangement he points out
thai it would save 539,159 in the
annual interest.
This is nothing but a further at
tempt to force congress into adopt
mg the gold standard, if we may
judge from the debate on tho bill
which was defeated on Thursday
the house and from the temper dis
played in the senate it may be as
sumed that both houses will resent
this latest attack upon the judgment
of congress by the president,
would not be surprising, either,
Mr. Carlisle should be called to ac
count for the secret transaction for
the sale of such a vast amount of
bonds without inviting competition.
It is certainly a very dangerous pre
cedent, and if it is not, it ought to be
forbidden by law."
$50.00 IN PRIZES
To be given at tho grand Mask Ball.
Fob. 14. This ball promises to bo tho
largest and most brillia affair of U10
season, i nzes win uo given as ioiiows:
Best dressed lady, second best dressed
Indy, best sustained character, lady;
neatest ana enoapest dressed lauy;
boat display of old programmes of
dances elvon by T. K. Itichardeon to
Great preparations are being mado for bo attached to dress, oithor lady or gout ;
Items From Oakland. 1
A. N. Varney, son ot tho late Genoral
Varnoy, and assignee of tbo Chenowcrth
Park Association, has boon authorized
by Judge Stearns of Portland to expand
a sum not greator than $2000, in cultivat
ing tho fruit land of tho park that is
now planted with trees. Mr. Varney ar
rived on Tuesday and will coramenco
work at onco.
Four lines or leu under this head tS cent) per
month: each additional line 6 cents per month. Ko
advertisement taken for leu than !5 cents.
Notice to TrcHpiiBHorH.
Notice is hereby given that all persons
hunting upon, removing wood from, or
otuerwiso trespassing upon tlio "Buolioy
estato," will bo prosecuted.
KOBOburg, Aug. 8, 18SH.
D. S. 1C. Buick, Agont.
a calico ball to bo given at Young's hall,
in Oakland, on the night of tho 2Cd.
The voung gentlemen having tho man-
ngement in charge aro making great
promises of a good time .
Mrs. Doctor Gilmour arrived ou Tues
day night from California.
Quite a delegation from Oakland to the
masquerade is expo ted.
Viewers ot the proposed new road from
Oakland to intersect tho old Coast fork
road near II. G. Underwoods aro on tho
ground. The road will go by tho way ot
Doctor Halt's ford. It will be an import
ant piece of road.
Mrs. Fannio Halt, wife of Alfred Hall
an old resident of Oakland, and well
known to old settlers, is making an ex
dressed gentleman, best sustained char
actor, gentleman ; most comical cbarac
tor, best clown. Doors open at 7:30.
Tho K. of P. band will entertain tho
audience with some fine selections, and
also ono flue selection from tho orchestra
displaying tho effect of our line kettle
drums, while the maskors aro getting
ready for tho grand march at 9 o'clock
sharp. Thtro will bo ono lino prizo given
to the ono in the andienco holding the
lncky number. T. K. Richardson.
All persons attending tbo mask ball,
February 14th, can havo ono horso kept
ireo ot cnarge lor eacii nan ticket at J as.
loung's stable, by order of T. K. Rich.
Notico iB hereby given that all persons
removing wood or cutting wood from my
land wili bo prosecuted. My land is tho
S. E. i of tho S. W. M of section 10,
township 27 south, range C west, in
Douglas county, Oiegon.
M. O. MiddloVaufT is among his
friends in Oakland.
On Saturday night, tho citizens of Oak
land will be greatly disappointed if the
dramatic entertainment at Young's hall
is not nhsorbtngly Interesting. Well
known ladies and gentlemen strut their
brief hour on the stage, and emphasize
the general opinion that nil thing aro
possible in this sequestered place.
great reason for joy and gladness in tended visit to her relatives in Oakland.
view of the general good health and
abundance our country and its sea
sons afford to us. For we know by
one-half century's experience, that
though other lands are visited by
drouth and other causes of scarcity,
'seed timo and harvest" has never
been known to fail in Oregon.
Yes, many, many of the early set
tlers of Oregon hare passed away,
and some of them wero men who
contributed greatly towards estab
lishing civil government, education
and religion in thin fair portion of
our common country. Their names
are permanently engraved in their
country's roll, and nave occupied re
sponsible political positions and ac
quitted themselves with credit, and a
grateful people will treasure their
memory and good deods.
Let us always bear in mind that it
was the deed of onr fathers that
achieved the conquest and settlement
of this once desolate region, that
their grand undertaking was nccom
plished on the spot where we dwell,
that the mighty region they explored
is our native land, that the unrivalled
enterprise they displayed is not
merely a fact proposed to onr admira
tion, but that their cruel hardships
are tho sprinc of our prosperity,
that to their separation irom every
thing which is dear and pleasant in
life we owe all the comfort?, the
blessings, the privileges, which make
onr lot the envy of mankind. Truth
changes not as time advances, and
justice to the pioneer warrants the
recalling remeniscences of by-gone
days as long as the state of Oregon
"We were led to pen the foregoing
thoughts on learning of the death of
three oid pioneers who passed away
to their final account last week. Yes,
William HcCullock of Douglas,
Isaac Ball of Folk and'Amos Cook of
Yamhill county, after eventfnl lives
of over four Ecore years have ceased
from earthly labor and aro now at
rest in that eternal world to which
all mankind are tending, and ere
another decade of years shall have
passed the last one of the early pio
neers will have gone beyond mortal
ken, and be remembered only in the
history of their lives.
The years are going, let them go;
They bear ns onward toward the west.
Where, in life's eolden alter glow.
Float welcome hies of peace and rest
Coles Valley Items.
Another rainy spell has set in.
Roads were in spsndid condition be
fore tho recent rain.
Mr. Allen from tbo mining camp on
tho Sixes has been visiting Jaa. McCoy
and family at Umnqua Ferry tho past
Mr. Chas. Craton, a brother-in-law of
Mr. Wm. Kamp, has come to make Sir.
Kamp and wife a protracted visit.
Coles valley was a tcene of activity
before the late rains. Plows were run
ning and gram was being sown in every
Wm. Kamp, Rufus CranGeld and Geo J
Winniford are Ferving a9 a committee on
viewing out a road north of Oakland.
Sara Evans is having bis prune orchard
trimmod up in fine shape.
The boys havo begun work in their
hop yard at Umnqua Ferry. They have
something near eixty teres of hops, and
we can scarcely wait for the fun thero
will be in picking season. Don't forget
M esters. Sherman and Ferdie For tin
have just finished setting out a fine
prune orchard.
Mr. George Sbambrook of Umpqua
Fer ry is on the sick list with a severe
cold, we are sorry to stole. rcux.
The Fruit Convention.
The horticulturists at Portland last
week finished their labors Saturday, after
a very successful meeting which was
largely attended. The following officers
were elected : President, . L. Smith of
Hood river; vice president, J. R. Shep
herd; secretary and treasurer, C. B. Wat
son. The committee upon transporta
tion recommendod that the standard size
of fruit packages shall be estimated as I
follows: Apples 50 lbs.; pears 40 lbs.
plums, prunes and grapes IS lbs.; cher
ries 10 lbs., that tho minimnm weight of
both vertilated and refrigerator cars
shall not be less than 20,000 lbs.
ATra. David Bigger
Chills and Fever
Lett in emaciated, with distressing coogo, no
appetite, pain In chest, shoulder, back and
Hood's Cures
stomach. Four bottles ot Hood's Sanaparllla
its mo atrengui, pood appetite and health.
JJAYU) jjiuutu, nucox, morula.
Hood's Pills win new friends dally.
SOcts. a"rflLMSBtoBiiBs
SLooBottiaB V Zm 3
Oca cent a dMSv ACU3
It fa sold cn srusianteo fcy all drnx-
glsts. It ceres incipient Ccnunnptlc
ssdlatha beat Couch, and, Crouo Cure.
For sale by M. F. Rapp. Druggist.
I-or Hnlc.
Under this head you can advertise for tale your
farm, house, horse, cow, or anything else you may
telsn 10 dispose of at a cost of zs cents per monin.
iry it.
for Sale. Good oak wood nt $2 per
tier, promptly delivered; leave orders at
. Marker's store. isakkkk.
For Sale. A cood homo of 1C0 acres,
12 miles from railroad; 40 acres cleared;
good water, small orchard in bearing,
plenty of small fruit; fair Urcgon House
and barn; 4 horses, 3 cowb and plenty of
farm machinery to run the farm. For
prices nnd terms enquire of S. U. Hen
dricks at the Review office or of the
county survoyor at tho court house.
For sale or trade, a good three-spring
hack. Will trade for grain or cows.
Apply to Chas. anzilk.
Good dry 0.1k wood for sale at $2 per
tier, delivered every Saturday. Leave
orders at Mrs. Itoyd's grocery store.
John Botcher.
For Sale. Old papers,
at 25 cents per hundred.
at this office,
Wanted, a reliable man or Indy; for
steady (tositioii. Address X, caro Daily
Tribuno, Wilbur, Douglas County, Or.
For 'Rent.
J'ou can adrertlse your house, farm or room for
rent for SS cent per month in this department.
The Odd Fellows Building Association
will receive proirasals for renting the
Opera House tor one year, from Feb. I,
1S95, ensuing. Rents payable monthly
in advance. Tho directors reservo the
right to reject any and all bids. Addrc&f,
Jos. Micklli, Secy.
Great Opportunity for Prune Farming
On a Large Scale.
1720 acres of choice valley and low
hjllsido laud, all under board and wire
fence, several hundred acres iu cultiva
tion, tho very best of ;ruit land, has good
natural drainage, free from frost, good
house, wood, water, etc., threo miles
from railroad. Tho vicinity has fine or-
chnnli anil this is u rare ctiunce lor a
colon v of prune growers. The property
(belong!) Iu nbt-eut parties and must
! bo sold. Price f 10 per acre, . cash.
' balance in eight annual payments with
1 6 per cent interest. (Discount allowed
t .
ior casm.
Have lands of every kind throughout
the county for low price and easy terms
I)." S. K. Bcick, Roseburg, Ore.
Fmaiseatpadtlcn. ExcltistnUrtlletTH
CTiimlmlna to local
cimn ot e3fcpit il
Ml anity fortSTorSS if
H stock. 9 lwn ft-a g&nira.
I j&k t&o frcll l&lwtrr U tall
UgJk tmroTtut. Ooocl cfcuo taryt
iFdnsonaret. OstSt and fell pf 11
KlnUn m. BBOWX BKOS. CO-nor-(I
ftprtrcuB. PortliEiO. Ore mosbcsicll II
To The Insuring Public.
The undersigned has the following
answer to make to the charges made
against him in the Kos buig Review by
a would be insurance acnt who goes by
the name of Wayne Jones, towit: That
on the IStb day of January, ISM, the
old reliable Home Insurance Co. of New
York, wilh cosh assets of $9,000,000. did
aischarge tho said Jones us their agent
and appointed tho undcrsigued as their
agent fcr this city and viciuiiy. Mv
commission bangs in my office in tho
frame in which said Jones formerly had
his and can be inspected by anyone! do
suing to see it. All who wish to insure
in the Home will please call at my office
in the Marstcrs block.
L. D. Caule, Agent.
T. K.
lias just received a fine lot of costumed
lor the mask ball, F. Vuary 14tb ; also
has completed his Hit of prizes, which
can be seen in the window on Tuesday.
Call on T. K. and get your tickets and
save the rush at the door. Supper at
the banquet ball.
I'oaiiryt x-isra nua uanic, m
in Npohou. V
:j. BITZER,.
Proprietor of
The City Meat Market,
And Dealer In
Having mode arrangements to go to
Medford, parties baying clothing at the
Excelsior Steam Dye Works will please
call for them before February 15th.
Orders Uken and Delivered Free
to any put of the City.
Cleveland is going to pay the bills
of the administration if ho has to
mortgage the whole country. If
congress don't like it it can adjourn
and go to a hotter climate: 'It come
l?t l ri , i
uigo, a we nave oiten remarsea oe-1 i t CfJ T A PJ C rvn i v
fore,bntwe mnst have a "change" Bimn cncicn-corner of Line nd v.o J lUAIvjD UfclALn
uuco iu a wane. statesman.
Roseburg, Or.
The Ctiarclies.
Time and again we have been
called npon to chronicle the death of
a pioneer, and npon every such occa
sion we have been forcibly reminded
of the lapse of time, and that ere the
passage of many years' the early pio
neers will hare been gathered into
the charnel honse of death, and all
that will be left of them will be the
memories, connected with their early
and eventful pioneer life. And when
we speak of pioneers, we speak of
those who, in early years, with wife
and children dependent npon them
for caro and protection, left the abode
of civilization on the eastern elope of
the Bocky monnt&ins, and trusting
to an allwise Providence, traversed a
trackless desert of thousands of miles
in extent, infesfed by wiley savages,
to found a home and civilization on
this western vergo of the continent.
Is the pioneer entitled to any
credit or honor for bin arduous labors
and undaunted courage in thns fac
ing nnforseen dangers in bringing
this new blessed land of onrs from
being the abode of savages, and
turning it into a land of happy
homes where thousands npon thou
sands of intelligent and highly cnlti -vated
people are reaping from onr
fertile soil a bountiful reward for
patient indnstry. If the pioneer bad
not reached these shores, if he had
not by hardy endnrance and heroic
bravery taken possession of and oc
cupied these beautifnl and fertile
valleys, what wonld be the condition
of Oregon today! She wonld still
be the home of barbarous redskins
or else a province of Great Britain
with the British flag floating o'er this
beautifnl land, i or ne wno is con
versant with tbo early settlement of
Oregon knows that tbrongh the ef
forts of Marcus Whitman, the claims
and value of far distant Oregon were
brought to the attention of the presi-
Driver Is For Sliver.
A State Journal correspondent says :
"Dr. I. D. Driver was among the distin
guiabed visitors at the State Capital this
weer. A he mstinguisned divine was
much interested in the senatorial contest
and says he has a right to be. He says
his grandfather was in the Revolution,
bis father was an officer in the war of
1812 under Harrison and that he ia patri
otic to the core.and is interested, and has
a right to be in the welfare of the coun
try. Mr. Driver is a silver advocate and
saya that ha fears ior the future- of this
country unless we tear loose from British
rnie wnicn now procucaiiy controls our
politics, even down to the election of TJ.
S. senator. Mr. Driver says that silver
bos been found and has been Sn use as
money through all the ages in the ratio
of 16 to one with gold, and that lezisla-
tion making silver a commodity or anr
attempted or talked of legislation to make
the ratio 32 to 1 will not onlv controvert
the law of nature but the laws of all
Plucky Bingcr Hermann.
Salem Journal: Congressman Her
mann voted against President Cleveland's
$500,000,000 gold bond bill, which would
have put a chattel mortgage on the whole
country, and what for? To retire paper
money that is now legal tender at par
with gold. Republicans were being re
and 7:30 p. m.; Young People's Union, 620 p.Q.;
Sin. G. N. Acnes, President; Sncdsy School, 10
e. a.; Junes CbabcrUIs, Superintendent
Prayer MceUn;, Thnndsy eTenlnj at 73).
Rrr. G. '. Aytf, Futor.
Residence, Xo. Kl Main Street.
Mtteodist Ckc ten corner of Main and Lane I
streets. Sunday Serrlcer Preaching, 11 a. m.
and 7:30 p. m.; Sabbath school, 10 a. a.; Dr.
James Barr, Superintendent; Class Meeting at
close of the morning service; Epworth League
630 p. in. Clare name. President Prayer Meet
ing, Thursday, at 730 p. m.
y. S. BrcctE. D. D., Tastor.
Parsonage, corner Main and Lane.
Pksbttkrias Cjicech corner ot Cass and
Hose street. Snnday Service: Popllc worship, I
11 a. ra. and ISO p. m.; Sabbath School, 10 a. in.;
T. P. S. C. E., 7 p. m. Trayer Meelln?, Wednes
day, 730 p. m.
It. B. DawoxTit, Pastor.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Forty Years the Standard.
To Policy Holders.
The Northwest Fire and
Marine Insurance Company
having gone into the hands
of a receiver, the Board of
Directors have made favora
ble arrangements with the
Fireman's Fund Insurance
lied upon to pass the bill and Hermann Company for the protection
pluckily voted with the Democrats of the OI its policy holders.
house to kin it. Bmger Hermann is to- Call on Claude B. Cannon,
J- at. . a t . I '
Iar with all classes, with men of all Dart cies lor CXCUange.
ies. He casts bis vote with the peoplo
on all issues. We all know how Senator
Dolph would have voted if he had been
there. He would havo voted with the
Oregonian and wilh Groyer Cleveland if
the bill had ever reached the senato.
He is a man of great courage but always
uses it against the people.
How's This!
We offer One Hundred Dollars Iteward lor
any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo. O.
We the undersigned hare known F. J.
Cheney for the last IS years, and believe him
perfectly honorable In all business transaction
and financially able to carry out any obliga
tions made by their firm.
Wrrr & Tbuax. Wholesale Drugristx, Toledo, O.
WjiLDiNa, KivjtAX & Marvix, Wholesale Drug
gits, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting
dlrecUy upon the Mood and mucous surfaces ot
the system. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all
Druggists. Testimonials free.
of Oregon, for the County of Douglas.
Nettle J. Kern, Plaintiff 1
VS. 'r
George E.Kern, Defendant J
To Ocorgo E. Kern, Defendant.
In the name of the state of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear nnd answer tho com
plaint filed against you In the above entitled
suit within ten days from the date of the service
of this summons upon you, if served wtthfn this
County; or, If served in any other County of this
Btatc, then within twenty days from the date of
ana u
me service oi mis summons unon you:
ynu fall so to answer fnrn-ant thereof the tilaint-
Iff will take Judgment and decree against you to
dissolve me Donas oi matrimony between
plain tin and defendant and award to plaintiff
the custody of said children, Charles Kern, Les
ter Kern, Walter Kern, and that plaintiff havo
her costs and disbursement hnrMn.
This summons is published by order of Hon.
J. C. Fullcrton, Judge of the aboved name Court,
which order was made at Chambers the 2d day
of February, 1895.
Attorneys for PlalutlU.
I- i
I ' I ' I ' !
s y 10 n
1 I '
Is what we trive to every cus
tomer, for we believe the best
advertisement possible is a cus
tomer pleased witu wnat we
nave sold tneni, tiiev will come
again aud again, and their friends
will come too.
We are not here for a day
or for a month.
We are Here to Stay.
.Roseburg, Or
WILLIS & WILLIS, Proprietors.
Free Coacb. Commodious Sample Booms for Commercial Travciors.
Ba cksm i ths an d Mach i n ists
Are now located in their now Ehops on
Stephen Street, between Oak and Cass,
And are prepared to do work in their line, with neatness and dispatch
GiyoHhem thorn a trial and be convinced
For a Few Days.
Boys Suits.:...: $i 50
.Men's Suits 7 5
Men's Wet Weather Shoes 2 00
Men's Underwear 75
Latest Style Hats 2 00
Boss of the Road Overalls-Best 50
flackintoshes at Greatly Reduced Prices.
Ladie's Dress Goods Reduced 25 per cent.
These goods have'all been received
within the last month, and are the
latest styles and not shelfworn.
Don't delay this golden opportun
ity, and call on
The Boss Store.
Does Up
We aro always in tho Lead, and mean to
keep there.
The Golden Harvest is upon us, and farm-
ors are smiling becauso Woodward
Ioos to their Interest-
Full Trimmed
These are all Leather and Warranted.
At Kedaced Prices.
Consult your parse and be sure and see
Wcodwani oeiore ou.viug.
Alexander & biRoriG
32G and 32S Jackson St.
Bet. Oak and Washington.
Largest and Best Assortment eycr
brought to Southern Oregon; and
A Large and Elegant Line oi
We call the attention of our
friends to our "beauti
ful stock of
J Easy Rockers
Bed Room Sets
Parlor and Dining Chairs
Hisjost reeelTeda new and extensiTe stoek e
Ladies' Dress Goods, Kibbou3, Trimmings,
Laces, .Etc, Etc
Of the best quality and finish.
Wood, Willow and Glass Ware,
Crockery, Cordage. Etc.
Also on hand in Urgn qoantlUe and at prices to
rait the times. Also a large stock of
Custom-Made Clothing
Which la offered at cost price. A full and
select stock of
Constantly on hand. Also the
General rant fbreTerr TarietT oi snbscriDtion
I books and periodicals published in the United
btatea. ifersons nsmng- rawing man er oi any
I kind Till do to eie me a caU.
Rugs and Carpets
And all Household
Our Stock is
Unexcelled by Any1 House
South of Portland.
he Long
is Here
xaxcrAcrcKzs bt
Prepare for it wisely. We offer
unusually good reasons why you
should buy from us.
Everything offered for sale is fresh;
bought for the Holiday Trade and
sold nt verv reasonable Tmces.
We have a verv choice stock of
canned goods, including both fruits
and vegetables, to which we invite
your special attention.
Our line of Olives, Gherkins, Pick
els, Sauces, etc., is also complete.
We. carry the largest stock of to
baccos in Southern Oregon.
I. D. HOLDF.N, Stockton, Cal.
The Turf and Sportsman's Authority of
iub x acinc lioast.
All tho Latest
Racing News
of the Country.
C. W. PARKS& CO., Grocers.
The Best Medum for
Advertising Stallions.
t i
And everything appertaining to the Turf
and tield Sports as well aa for Sporting
uiruus, Jimianes ior norses ana otner
animals. Hii nine cZna PK.MKMMMAn
lhe leading paper of its class west of
flhinnfM J 1 . m .
w"iwi6" iue representative ot the
uimuiuR interests m uaiitornia.
Special department conducted by
Jos. Cairn Snusox.
or nil Sizes and Styles
It is essentially a newspaper cotining all
. , .. j yoo.P uuu oporuna events 01 we
Turning and Fruit Boxes f da5 gwynm auch a bright, entertiening
anc readable mannpr itn m.i..
. mm . j tug ttr
per a neceisty to everybody interested in
horse matter and legitimate sport. Sam
ple Copies aro free, and will be sent on
application to any address.
iouow unu uoor frames
?Xaae to Order. A SPECIALTY. T
Of capacities varying from- 1 to 25
horse power affords the most con
. venient, economical and reliable
power for all light service. One of
these may be seen running at this
office. Send for circulars.
121 Main Street, San Francisco, Cal.
313 Bush St., SanFrancisco, Cal.
F . W. Keixey, Manager.
Mineral, Railroad. Aricultural.
1106 G St. X. W. Washington, D. C.
R$nXrt r.0,iC?nLrats- mineral vs. Jllnendvs.
miel oi the Mineral Division t
Correspondence Solicited.