J? to unit prr it IJJ - -i .., ir iuu odd 11 in j TH Plaiudealer ! I IF YOU DOHT READ 'i 1 The- Plaiudealer V,. t r IT IS SO. ! You Don't Get hie News, j i j ROSEBURG, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1895. No. 39. Vol.. XXV. GENERAL DIRECTORY STATE OF t,KEGOX. tJ.H. Mitchell . . fccnators j j. j,-. Dolph (Ringcrllcrmann ongrewmen Jw.ii. EUls Attorney-General. O. E. Chamberlain liovcmor. Sylvester rcunoycr Secretary of State. VicorpQ W. McBrtdo Suite Treasurer I'hllMcUchan Sept. rub. Instruction E. B. McElroy State ITintcr. Jlerabcr Board of nquallxatlcnA. C. oodcock SF. A. Jtoore C. K. Wolvcrton II. S, Bean A. B. Compstn EallroKdOotaKil!siosers.l. J-l. B. Eddy (I. A. Jlaerum Clerk f nHrwul Cwnraission Lydcll Baker SECtlKB JCDlCtXt DlSTWCr. Judge , I. Fulterton Prosecuting AVorncr- .Gea SI. Brown c s. jjojd orrzer, eosxeckg. Receiver K. S. S heridan Scgister R. M. catch c s. wcATiitE scmr. Observer.. Thos. Gioeon Wl'iiUS CJ9UXTT. Sentr - .uaUJ Ucpr&tttatlm, , Jj'.T. Bridges. ( c. A. SchlbreJe ak -F.w aasoa -hcriS- u. x. rrcasarer. .w. A. Fratcr i-kihoolSopcritidenl.. ..J.A.tJndcrwood , J- a. Sterling Assessor- County Judge Commissioners.. A. r. Mcams Wilson Maupin J-arreyor.. Ilcydon Dr. K. L.-Jflller t-aroner.. cheep Inspecior .Tfcos. snum rcrcc'cr erncccf Justices... Jo)m UamUn .JLCSlocunt Nonstable- city or BeiSCfcG V W.T. Ij.H.S Wrtcht Shnpe . Rapp Trustee , IK.O. t.LF. 1 ).Stroac . Rice Recorder. P. M. Zlrltr SlarshaL ,V. . Carroll J. A. Cox Treasurer SESSIONS The Clrcelt Coatt for Donslu County meets three tines a rear 5 foUaws: The 3d Mon day inSUret. Ik -tth Monday in June, and the Jit Monday ih Doceaber. J. C. Kullerton ol Koscbars ; Geo. SI. Bruwn,of Rostburg. prosecntnw tt. dev. CountT.Crtrt wcets th 1st Wednesday aftei UicUtMomUynf January, March. May. July, "September tad Notorwst, A. K Stearns, ai Oakland, jndfe: C H. Maupln of Elkton and.W.-Umwa.ot EJiMle, coiaini&inacr. rrob&Se un in sata continuously, A.F. Steams, indre- Socletj- Sleeting. T AUREL LODGE. A. F. .V. M REGULAR JL meetings the 3d and -Kb Wednesdays in each month. TTMKJT3A C1IA1TER, SO. lL E. A. M., HOLD tJ thtrrrcatar convocations at Masonic hall on the first and third Tsealay of each month. Viiitins coapanlc&s ate cordially inrttetl. M. F. RAF1', U. P. Isx-msjc Cjxo, Secretary. PU1LETATUA-N LODGE. SO. S, L O. O. F Tsrp PiOinlar -T,ninr of rsrh week at 7 o'clock in their halt at Kotcbnrg. Mctabcrs of the order I sod stasdin care invited to attend. S. T. Jcwett. Sec'y. TT5CIOX BXCAMPMEXr. SO. 3. MEETS AT U odd 1'cHan hail oa second and fourth Thsrsdsys ef each isanlh. - lnrt? tA tn Attend. Vlsitlcs brethren i tANK G. Micriii, Scribe. TJOSEBURG LOPGE, SO. K. A. O. U. W. nrels an second end foarth Mondays ct ph T-ifir;I xl7 JB n ju. At 0M Fellows haU. ilcabeaot the order in gool landing are In vited to attend. TM-tKO POST. NO. G. A- R MEETS THE first cad third ThnrsJays of each saoath. VITOMES RELIEF .CORPS SO. 13, MEETS won sad fenrtfa Thsodavs in each FAr-ill' ALLIASCE Ecsnlar Qctrtcrly --.. -t haU mi Ci-rintn Hill. RodcbcrA tfce as r'rkiiy ie December, March p OSEBUES CH AITEIt. NO. S. O. E. S- MEETS -IV the mmbJ sad foanhTharidavs of each MADELISE B. COSKLISG, V.-. M. T30SEBUKG DIViaOS SO -GS. B. OF L. E., meets every second sad fourth Sunday. TJOSEEGBGR. D. LODGE, SO. U.L O.O. F. -IV meets on Tuesday evening of each week at the Odd Fellows haU. Visions sisters and Krethrea are invited to attend. Miss Sxexh ffmm:.T, S. G. lffcsysiG.MicixLi.E.ijcc A LTHA LODGE, SO. 17, K. OF IV MEETS -i- every Wednesday evening at Odd Fellows II2L Y!dUn- brethren in cool standing cor dlaUriBTtled to attend. TjT E. WILLIS. Attorney and Counselor at Law, all the cosrts of tie State. Of fce ia the Court TTyra-. Doolis easnly. Or. a A. SBHLSBSDH, Attorney at Law, Jloclntr&, Orron. OSre of cx the restoSc; ca JaekKn itrset. w. W. CARD WELL, Attorney at Law, ROsEBCEG, OREGOS. P B. COFKMAK, Physician and Surgeon OSoetAt tor. Hoowr'seMtuad oa Oat Street Reeideaee Ocr. Laae & Jaeksen Streets. N. JT. OZtAS, 71. D., Ph3'sician and Surgeon, bo;ebcs6, or. O&ce ia 3. Xsrks tt C."s Block, apiUirs. CaUs prsmptir answered day or sight. JAHES BAKU, Physician and Surgeon. ' Gr4ate Emh Medical College. D?fass of Weaea aad Children a Specialty OFFICE, KwafS&HI, Monsters' Building. Urusrsea, DtscIas Street, second jilacc cast Dr. Bunndl'r. r ROSEBCEG, OREGOS. Li Fatette Laic Jl-ik.s L. IjOCciiiet JANES: L0TJGHAP.Y, Attorneya.& Counselors at Law Jtotthnry, Oregon. TftiU rraelie in all the court cf Orsvun. Of fice in the Ta jlsr-W ilon uock. Q.EO. H. BBOWN. Attorney at Law, Jiottlurg, Oregon. Keputr l'rotcutInjr Attorney. Office at the Court House up tisSzu MRS. TS. BOYB. j DEALER IK CHOICE- Family Groceries DISHES, Books -and Children's Toys. A FULL, LISEOF- FruiU, Xuts, Trench Candieg, Confcctionerj Canned Goods, Coffees, Teas, Etc. IMPORTED KI WEST CIGA11& : CHOICE BBAKDS OP CIGAES -ynx. P. HEYDON, County Surveyor, nnd Notary public. Orncx: In Court House. Orders for Surveylnr and Fild Note should bo addressed to Will Tcyor, Koseburg.Or. W. CRAWFORD, Attorney "at Law, Room t.il&rslcrsBuUdlnr, - ROSEBURG, OR. nr-Busincsa before tht U. 8. Land Office and mintus cases a specially. Late Receiver TJ. S. Land Office. P. BRIQQS, TJ. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor and Kotary Public. Orncs: County Jail Buildlnr., upstairs. Of Special attention paid to Transfers and conveyances. Address. ROSEBURG. OR. jyYKA BROWN, K. D., Phj'sician and Surgeon. Gaaiz Discuss ef Wenea & Specialty. Office, Up Stain, in the Marks Bonding. Residence. 112 Cass Street, ROSEBURO. jg- L. MUiLSK, M. D., Surgeon and HomoeopatUio Physician, CrChnKc dlMBMa & piattT. AN AFTER THOUGHT. TO-DAY after Chris tmiayoa will possibly dis cover that you nave thought of everybody and everything ex cept" your feet, as if SHOES in winter were a secondary matter! If your puree looks weak and consump tive after the Xm&s campaurn come to our store. A sum that wouldn't bay a poor pair of shoes in some place bars a good pair at our store. PARROTT BROS. EXCLUSIVE BOOT AND SHOE DEAI.ERS 324 Jacksoa Street, ROSEEURd. OREGON. . F. BARKER & CO. GROCERS. TEAS SPECIALTY, A ipedal btaod jl Bsadalterated Tta prise la havics; a large sale. 7ew stylta oi uldiSS 3,11(1 JjQiX W3X8 At utoulahinc; low vv. Oar own eaaoad I TmniM are toy popular. Salem Nursery Co. W. D. McQEE, Proprietor. W E now have a larae tock of fine, Ure, hcaltbr trees of all klotU, lncladlue Annie- Pear, reach. Prune and Cherry, which 1 iccls. and wll Ibe wld at rery reasonable rate. E. L. QOODRIDQE, Agent, CANYONVILLE, OR. Fakrs Golden Female Pills.. For Female Irregular I ties: nothlne like them on the market. Kevtr falL Successfully used 07 prominent ladles eminent ladles monthly. Guaranteed to relievo suppressed mensxruauon. SURE! SAFE! CERTAIN! Don't be humbugged. Save Time, Health, and money ; take no oth er. Sent to any address, secure by mall on re ceipt 01 price, Address, THE APHRO MEDICINE COIPANT, Western Branch, Eox27,FOBTXAND, OB' A. SALZMAN, (Successor to J. JASKULEK.; Practical : Watchmaker, : DEALER IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY. AND FANCY GOODS. (xonuino lir-nzilltiii Mvo a coirijrrE stock or Cutlery, Notions, Tobacco, Cigars and Smokcrfl' Articles. Also Proprietor and Maunger of RoseburK's Famous llarpjain Store. Running; But all The Scales, WE KEEP CHURCHILL, WOOLLEY & IKNZI AGENTS STUDEBAKER WAGONS s If Businesses Not Good ( ) The Plaindealer's Advertisino: Im V IB o Are the Rooters SHEET T. MUSIC. and He AO 000 PIECES sheet music Mailed to any address Catalogue of this immense We have also secured the agency of the Wiley B. Allen Co. T. K. RICHARDSON, ucuprs THE THIRD ADDITION BK00K5ID The HOIVC Farm, I ted and is now on the market 3, 20, 30, and 40 acres, ranging in price from $25 to $100 per acre. Any one wanting a or a suburban Home can terms. All lots sold in First than doubled in value. The the future. More ing town or city tunity. fortunes thau any For information or Estate Office, or on & T, Jeweler : and : Optician. GIiissok unci Sioctueics the same he's a candidate for beef, aud can't esapce weighed sooner or later. being Scales, Butcher Saws, Sausage Cutters, Etc. FOIk. and OLIVER PLOWS. Don't Squeal, But Rooto 3 ) a) Colu mo for the Business flen of Douglas County. It is now well understood that K. Ricahrdson is the best es tablished and most reliable Piano Organ dealer in the State. has secured the American atrencv and will soon receive for One Cent Extra. stock sent free on application. est; u.Bts j at a: as tar east of town, has been plat- iu Lots and Blocks containing fruit, vegetable or chicken farm now be accommodated 011 easy Brooksidc addition have more prospect is much better for arc made iu lands near a grow- other way. Sieze the oppor- conveyance, call at ouy Real BKXaDKN,, Fropr. mi Fin fault witli the cook if the pastry docs not exactly cttityou. Nor with your wife cither perhaps she is not to i I"- It may be the lard 6hc is using for shortening. Laid is indigestible you know. But if you would always have IS? Cokes, pics, rolls, and bread palatable nnd pcrfccUy di gestible, order the new short-cniug.-'CQTTOLEHE," fcr your SOLD BY ALL OROCERS. Unrein Ali. SussTmrrcs. llado only by N. K. FAIRBANK & CO., ST. LOUIS and HJCHICAGO, HEW YORK, BOSTON f'j BcnlthrcocentaInstamp;'iO''-R" .1 alrtank Co.. CM euro, for tiand- ' ' xttno Oottolfno Coolc liook. cental n- tTrrli hendmt red pes. pref'a iy e eminent r.utnorltko on cook Ins. 1CT A SoYereigr Remedy & (pughs. oias.Launppe i-dali Aireclioas cf llcThroat Chest and Lungs. TOR ?U1RIR ABEUNEM(J0nwlte6l I Sold by A. C. Marters & Co St CSBB SjfS' IS THE BEST. 3 'QJfl SS'Ka FIT FOR AK1NG. ''"Vs. coedovan; nrrKCHicxAntuxDCAir. ?4.53.sp FlKtCAUilftSSAatt ,lf d.i3PQUCE.3E0LES. S23052.VQRK!NG,a. .EXTRA FIKC. . S2.l.7?BiSBCffilSH0Ei LADIES' SENoroa CATAtaow: Over One Million People wear tho W. L, Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoes arc equally satisfactory They clve the best value for the money. They equal custom shoes in style and fit. Thur wearlnc qualities are unsurpassed. The prices arc uniform,. stamped on sole. t-ron si to f 3 saved over otner makes. ii your eaer nrr,n sa?p,7 you -sc an. boldbj dealers everywhere." N anted, asent to take exclusive sale for this vicinity Write at once m extra.- ordinary Ea- Conitlpatloa Dlrrinesa. JavcnatOT is Falllnc Sen- tno most wonderful sationK.Kcrv ons twitching of the eyes rtlrcoTcry of uio age. 11 has been en corsedbylho iccdlnjriden ttflc men of ana oibc pats. Strenrthecs. invigorates and tones the cntlrcsvstem. Loropo end America. Hudfan Is ESgf vcsc- Hudjan Ftops rrecal'-'ransss Iludjan cures Debility, Servo usacsj. Emissions. anddevelcpcs of tho (11 s chtrgo in VO days. Cnna ma restores weak orcaDS. Fains in tho LOST luce. losses by day or MANHOOD ismstoppcu Wit tjulcil v. Over 2,000 prlvato cndoticmcnts. lYeciaturencss means Imrotccry iu iho first Etico. It U n symptom of temlnal wcaincss nnd bsrrenncsi. It can bo stopped In 20 days V7 iho uso o r iludyon. The nevr discovery was madn by tho Specml IstcfthcoldfamonsHudson Medcal Institute. It is tho Etronccst vltnllzer roaac. it is very powerful, but harmless. Eold for 51.00 n psck- BiMoro packages for w.co (piainscaica doictj. Written cuartntco given for a cure I f you buy Fin boxes ana aro not entirely curcu.ox ; more will ltAii.'mt In rnii frm of ml rh&rzes. BCnimir circuiarsnna icsumoiiims. svuurcu fMIUDSON MEDICAL- INSTITUTE. Junction Stockton, .Tlnrkct Ellusts. Sail I'rauclxco, 1.1.1. 'Slwlw9lwKlw m 2 ABBOTT'S f I 1 EST PI?-1 CurcsCORHS.DUHIONSandWARTS & SPEE01LY nd WITHOUT PAIN. f W FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. $ X LIPPMA1T BROTHERS, rsp'rs, T $ Llppman's Block, SAVANNAH, GA. CHARLOTTE TEMPLE'S GRAVE. Iho Slost Fopnlar Spot In Trinity Church yard, Now York. A few days ago passcrsby in Broad way, looking through tno nlgn lenco that surrounds Trinity churchyard, saw slender black gowned girl kneeling by tho gravo of Charlotto Temple. Her head was bowed in her hands, and she seemed utterly lost to her surroundings. After awhile sho aroao with a.vory palo fnco, walked swiftly through tho gates tuid disappeared in tho crowd. Sho was only ono of many dovotec3 at tho sbrino of tho poor girl who died for love. No body over visits Trinity churchyard without pausing for a fow minutes bo- foro tho big brown slab that bears only tho uamo "Charlotto Temple." "Oh, yes! ' said tho gray haired old can whoso duty it is toseo that tho an cient tombs aro kept in order. "It is tho most popular gravo in tho yard. I havo been hero Koins on 17 years now, and thero havo been very fow days in good weather when tho gravo has not bad a visitor. Several times I havo seen wom en como hero and stand in tho cold and sleet and snow looking at tho tomb. Somehow they always look as if thoy wcro in trouble. 'Soven or eight years ago I began to put pottod flowers, geraniums and tho liko on tho grave, nnd I havo kept it up every summer since. It is mainly to mark tho gravo, so that visitors can find it It is tho only gravo in tho yard that has flowers on it Othenviso tho pcoplo would bother n:o to death. When they ask mo whero tho gravo of Charlotto Tcmplo is now, I simply toll-them that is over on tho west sido with some potted liowers on it. Uliat saves mo a deal of trouble. 'Several of tho gravestones aro crum bling badly and will havo to bo repaired f tho descendants of tho-dead want to perpctuato their memory. See: hero is the oldest gravo m tho place." Then tho old man swept away a layer cf unst from a crumbling gray stono nnd showed tho date. 1C81. "Wohavoscv oral that date almost a3 far back," said he, "but nono of them is so popular as that of Charlotto Temple." Then tho ancient attendant tucked his broom under his arm, picked up his wheelbarrow and trundled. away among tho graves. 2ow York Herald. BEAUTIFUL MOUNTAIN' PEAKS. Tinnier, Shnsta, Hood and Other Fine 3Ioun!nlm of tho Far Korthtrnt. About GO railes south of Tacoraa yon gen a view of tho most beautiful moon tain peak on tho earth's surface. Mount Tr.com a, or Ranier, and carry it with yon for threo or four hours. It rises di rectly from tho tido level to a height of 1 J, H I feet, unhidden by intervening ranges or foothills, and stands sqnarcly against tho sky, the perfection of mag iiiCcence, dignity and power. It is two and ono-half times as Inch U3 Mount Washington, and I believo tho highest peak in tho world that rises directly from a plain. It is known to-rt3 in tho cast as Mount Ranier and wassso called in honor of Admiral Sanicr ofthc Brit ih navy, bnt hero they call it Mcun Tacoma, tho old title given by tho Siwash Indians before tho wlrito man came. Tho base is covarc-il with-a dense forest cf ever living green. Above tho timber lino tho scow is white and smooth and perpetual, and it looks as if it wcro a solid block of tho purest mar ble. Mcunt Tacoma isj just two feet ihighc: than Mount Shasta, 207 feet higher than Piko's peak and 400 feet higher than Gardiner's peak. Tho hfchest in tho United States. Mount Crillon, Alas ka, is over 10,000, bat an exact rucas crcmcnt has never been, taken. Mount St Elias, Alaska, is 13,327; Mount Whitnev, California, is lu.OSS, and Mount Williams, California, is 14,400. There are several other very beautiful peaks visiblo from tho railway, rnclud ing St. Helen, 9,750 feet, tho patron samt of Portland, around whoso heai hangs a perpetual halor Mount Hood. which is a shapelv cone, 11,225 feet. which was named in honor of Lord Hood cf tho British admiralty, and Mount Baker, 10.S00 feet, christened in honor of Joseph Baker, one of tho lieu tenants of Peter Pugcr, who discovered tho sound. Theodore Winthrop has written lovingly about them, and they aro tho subject of tho purest and choicest descriptions that cist in tho classic proso of Washington Irving, although believo ho was nover nearer them than his homo on tho Hudson river, 3,000 miles away. Chicago Record. Tho Itomar.cc of a Watch. Rossini's watch, which has recently been sold at Bologna to a rich English man whoso namo is not mentioned has a history. In 1824 Charles Xpre scntcd tho composer with a repeat m watch, studded with diamonds, and playing two of Rossini's melodies. No body in Bologna could clean tho watch, eo it was sent iu the caro of tho tenor Fabiaao to Paris, whero it was destroy ed in a fire. Plivce, tho watchmaker, thereupon niadoi second watch, tho ox act counterpart of the firsr, except that tho diamonds wcro false, and Rossini, who never discovered this pious fraud, wore tho trinket all his life. On his death it passed to a relative, whoso sou has jnst sold it. It is said to contain an excellent portrait in enamel of Rossini a3 ho was iu 1824. A Dog's ralace. Baron Fnrnchetti, tho father of tho composer, has had a dog kennel erected in his palaco at Venice, made through out of marble. Thu ceiling is decorated with a splendid mosaic, entitled "The Chr.so of Diana." Tho eating and drink ing vessels of tho dogs aro said to bo of embossed silver. Of courso tho kennel is lighted by electricity. Familien blatt. Xot Her Will. Agues What nro you writing, Min uio? Your will? Minnie No. I'm writing niv won't. Georgo proposed last nfcht, and I told him I'd answer tcduy. L-.-mlon Sketch. Wayne Jones is special t.trr.i :igtnt for the "old reliable" Continental Insurance Company of Now York, which has Ixffiti tested by passing lluoih mid paying till of its losses in that jtrtvit conilMgration of Chicago iu 1S71, by which oyer one hun dred companies equal to tlm State Insur ance Company of SiiVmii, Or.!, failed. A wool to the vv if o is snflirietit. n If you want tho best of dmiMiy go to Dr. Strange and havo it dono by uti ex perienced and skillful dentist. All work guaranteed and at very reae ouablo prices. MEN'S ERRORS IN DRESS. Young Woman of Observation Says That Such Solecisms Aro Common. "It is surprising," said a young wo man of observation, "how near somo 01 yon men fellows como to being properly dressed and don't quito get there. I've heard a good deal of talk and read a good deal of writing about tho fino art of dressing well, but my idea is that it's just a question of tho preservation of the entities. It's just liko applo sauce with roast pork and currant jelly with anvasback duck tho proper thing goes with tho proper thing. Yet a man may be letter perfect in his condiments, or may havo a fit at seeing a water color in a velvet frame, and still wear a silk hat and a sack coat. Oh, yon needn't laugh. I'vo seen it, not only on Broad way on a Saturday night, but I navo seen it on Fifth avenuo on a bunday morn ing. Yes, and worso than that. 1 6aw ono young -fellow going to church with two swell girls, ho wearing a blade suk hat and a brown sack snit Now, do you know I call that impious. "Thero aro two otner sma 01 anire that men aro often guilty of ono a sin of commission, wearing an overcoat with a straw hat, and tho other a sin of omission, wearing an overcoat and no gloves. Theso things aro dono all tho timo in their season, and yet you sin ners in costumo think it a good joke to seo a woman in white gloves and a mackintosh and so it is. There's another thing yon men get woefully mised up over spats and gai ters. Any fool girl knows that tho gaiter is need for warmth, and therefore is a cart of a winter costume, whilo tho spat was designed as an article for sum mer attire to Keep, tno Dottom 01 tno light trousers from being soiled by black shoes. It is quito a3 awful a solecism to wear spats with dark trousers as it i3 to wear a gaiter over a tan shoe, yet both aro committed constantly hero in New York, and by men who ought to be ashamed of themselves for not knowing or not doing better. "Aud, talking of tan shoes, you never will convinco mo that it's cither correct or convenient to wear tan shoes in win ter or in stormy weather. That's tho timo for rubbers, and goloshes over tan shoes aro an incongruity that gives me tho horrors. It's tho samo sort of de based tasto that leads a man to peril his soft palato by using a cigar holder, or that leads him to outrago decency by sticking a cravat pin in a sailor s knot. And don't think for one instant that all tho rest of us don't observe theso things just as I da If a man's dress is trig and trim from top to too wo admire him. even if bo's as homely as sin that is, as sin is supposed to be but if ho mixes tho seasons or falls down in tho nicer details of completeness wo havo our little sneer at him after he's gone, even though bo's as good looking as you'd liko to be" ISew lork Sun. THE JUDGE'S MENTAL SPREE. Lurid ndlnn nnd Detective Novels as Means of Mild Dissipation. Tho salo of 5 cent novels, descrip- tivo of the improbable adventures of In dian fighters or tho superhuman sagac ity and adventure of impossible detect ives, is by no means confined to the small boys of New York. ATeporter loitering in a Park row book exchange was surprised to observe one of the most eminent jurists cf tho day overhauling v. pilo of this trasu. Ho had laid aside "Broken Plume's Last Shot, " "Old Cap Collier Among tho White Caps," "The Boy Magician In Madagascar," "Tho Young Nihilist" and "Frank and the Aztec Treasure." "What aro yon going to do with that stuff, judge?" tho reporter esked. "Going to read it alL It is my way cf going on a spree. When I get actual ly worn out and run down ever tho study of abstruso legal problems and reach that stage when I carry my professional labor into my dreams, I just knock oil for a day or two, lay in a lot of this kind of rubbish, run down to my Long Island homo mid just lio back and revel in tho absurdities of this class of liter ature. It requires no mental effort what ever to peruse them, and tho amusement 'afforded is unbounded. I get clear away from tho world of deeds, mortgages; bonds, partitions, trusts and other vexa tions and simply allow my mind to go off on a little spree. No bad effects fol low this mild form of dissipation. In fact, I am really rested by it. Try it yourself somo time." New York World. Chinese Pawnbrokers. Among tho Canton houses there are occasional exceptions to tho general one storied or low constructions. Some of theso aro built liko square towers four or five stories high, with no outside windows savo at a considerable distance above tho ground and no outsido pro jections by which thieves might climb op. Theso establishments aro called pawnshops, but they appeared to mo more to resemble our banks whero we placo deeds and other valuables for safe ty. I understand it is nsual among the Chinese to deposit their possessions of value, when not in use, in theso estab lishments. The peoplo also store thero during summer their winter clothing, and loans may bo obtained against tho goods stored. To havo dealings with a pawnshop is in no way considered de rogatory to a Chinese gentleman's dig nity. Florenco O'Driscoll, M. P., in Century. A Case of Necessity. Gothamitc I hear you havo a Yassar graduate for a cook. Isn't it rather ex pensive? Harleinite Not very. Sho works for her board aud clothes. Gothamite Why, how does sho cope to no that? Harlemitc Got to. She's my wife. Harlem Life. ' It list Ic 3IoralIty. Rector (going his rounds) Fino pig that, Mr. Dibbles, uncommonly finqj Ccntemplativo Villager All, yes,, sir, if wo was only all of us as Jit to dio as him, sir! London Tit-Bits. Beware of Ointments for Catnrrli tltnt Contain Mercury, ns mercury will surety dc.ttniy the sense of smell mid completely derange tho whole system when entering it ttmmitii mucous surfaces. Such articles; should never K- u(l except on prescriptions irnm roputabT.! physicians, as the damBRc they will iln is ten fold li tho Rood vol: can possibly derive from them. Hull's Catarrh Cure manufactured by I". J. Chenc-y & Co., To ledo, O., coutnlus no mercury, nnd Is taken in ternally, acting directly upon the Wood and mucous surfaces of tho system. In buying Hull's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is aken Internally, nnd made ! Toledo, Ohlo.br F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Sold by Druggists, prico 75 c. per bottle. Trespass notices printed on cloth sale at this office at 5 ceuts each. for THAT BOY JIM. Ha tvas tho "devil," that boy Jim. ,. Couldn't do anything good with him. -Bouzh and ragged, for mischief ripe Unnning errands, distributing type, Pelting tho neighbors on their heads with brand new "furniture," "slugs" nnd "leads," From early morning to evening Him. Ho was tho "devil," that boy JimI Editor whaled Mm all no good! Head as hard 03 a stick of wood. Just burst out in a loud "Hooray!" And went right on his don't care way. But once when tho train was passing by, And the editor's child on tho track oh, my ! Jim, he rushed with his eame don't care Bight in front of tho engine there 1 Child was saved, but whero was Jim? With flaming lanterns they looked for him. While tho people trembled and held their breath "Under tho engine, crushed to death!" There, in tho dust and grime he lay "Jlml Ho had given his life away! Not ranch need of their tears for him. "He was an angel, that boy, Jim!" Frank L. Stanton in Atlanta Constitution. i A CLEVER PICKPOCKET. He Was a Xtusslan and Alarmed and Sur prised a Grand Dnke. Ono day, at the dinner table of a grand duke, tho French embassador ex tolled tho dexterity of his fellow coun trymen, as exemplified, among other things, in the cleverness of the Paris pickpockets. I should not wonder'if tho St. Pe tersburg pickpockets could give them a start," replied tho grand duka And seeing an incredulous smile play around tho features of the embassador hb added, Will yon bet that, before we rise from tho tablo your watch or somo other valuable will not bo taken from your person?" Tho embassador accepted tho wager for tho fun of tho thing,, and tho grand duke telephoned to tho chief constable asking him to send at onco tho cleverest pickpocket ho could lay his hands on. Tho latter was to receive tho full value of every article ho managed to "annex" and bo allowed to go unpunished. The man caino and was put into liv ery and told to wait at tablo along with tho other servants. Tho grand duke told him to givo him a sign a3 soon as ha had accomplished tho trick. But he had to wait a long1 time, for tho embas sador, whose watch was tho article to bo experimented upon, always kept on tho alert, and even held his hand to his fob when conversing with tho most dis tinguished guests at the table. At last tho grand duke received the preconcert ed signal. Ho at enco requested the em bassador to tell him tho time. The lat ter triumphantly put his hand to his pocket and drew forth a potato, instead of his watch! There was a general burst of laughter, in which tho embassador himself joined, though with a wry face, fcr ho was unmistakably annoyed. To conceal his feelings he would tako a pinch of snuff his snuffbox was gone! Then ho missed the. seal ring from his finger, and lastly the gold toothpick which ho always carried about with him in a littlo case. Amid tho hilarity of tho guests tho sham lackey was request ed to restore the articles, bnt tho grand duke's merriment was changed into alarm and surprise when the thief pro duced two watches, two rings, two snuff borer, etc. His imperial highness made tho discovery that ho himself had been robbed at the same time. Neuo Blatt, . Tho Colombian Half Dollars. Tho Columbus souvenir half dollars are not medals or "tokens, " but good money, and aro legal tender to the. amount of 10 in any one payment. There is a largo demand for them. The coinage was as follows: In 1892, 950, 000 pieces, valuo 475,000; in 1893, 4,052,105 pifces, valuo $2,026,052.50; total, 5,002,105 pieces, valuo $2,501,- 052.50. Tho coins now being issued by tho treasury are of tho 1S93 coinage. The Columbian (or Isabella) quarter dollars coined under tho law of March 3, 1S92, are likewise a legal tender and redeemable. There were coined only 10,023 pieces, valuo 510,003.75. These were all issued to tno board of lady managers and by them disposed cf, Tho 1S93 Columbian coins, being fewer in number, are more valuable as pocket pieces or to collectors than the 1893 coins. Tho former havo all been dispos ed of. Chicago Herald. Uow to Get Ttich. An exchange gives the following sen sible advice, which our readers micht try. It is certainly a quick way to bo como rich: ".Money makes money. No ono is so poor that he cannot rako up a penny to start on. Now upon tho first day of tho month deposit a cent in a bank, and on each of tho succeeding 30 days of tho month doublo your deposit. Follow this programme faithfully, and at tho end of tho month you will bo surprised to find that your account will show tho sum of $5,3GS,709. 12 to your credit. With that littlo sum all you havo to do is to retire and let the oth er fellows hustle. " Pomona Progress. i Salmasius, Milton's antagonist, was a man of mild manners ana qmet m speech, but hiswifo imagined he did not do himself jasticoiu controversy un less ho called his antagonist vile names. Somo of his manuscripts aro extant, containing abusive words interlined in her own handwriting. Probably tho meanest thief ever caught is Lonis Boargard of Paris, who recently, while riding in a cabs ripped open tho cushions, tied the horsehair into a parcel, sold it while tho cab waited for him and with the money pro cured from selling his "plunder" naid tho cabman his fare. A resident of England, who has been threo times married, wedded a woman who had been threo times a. widow. Children wcro born in all cases,, so-that children of sovoa different parentages livo under tho samo roof. Albuquerque, N. M., was named by tho Spanish from a town of tho same namo in Spain, which took its titlo from Alphouso d' Albuquerque, a famous Por- . tuguese soldier. , ir The rcltcn Water Motor Of capacities varying from 1 to 25 horse power affords tho most convenient, eco nomical and reliable power for all light service. Oneoflhwe mav lie mmmi rnii- ning at this odiiv. Pemi The Polton Watr-r Wheel St., San Fr:inoNci, C:1. fur circulars. ('.. 121 Main Mortgage l.oans. $1000 to $5000 on improved farm prop erty. D. S. K. Boies. Go to the Roselcaf for the best ciara