IF YOU SEE IT M . i I If YUU UUfl 1 KLttU j - ; , i iTlie Plaindealer The Plaindealer I i r ! IT IS SO. I You Dos't Get the News, I No. 38. Vol. XXV: ROSEBURG, OREGON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY n, 1895. ! GENERAL DIRECTORY STATE OP OKEGO.N- tJ.H. aitchcll U. & Senators.. j. n. Doipn 1 ttict.rlIrrraAiin ngresscso Jw. it. Ellis Attorney-Oenercl G. K. Chamberlain Governor s?lwK.ran,0TSr Secretary of State 30TE'S' tf"!0 State Treasurer - Ihll Metschaa 8npt.rab.lnstracUoii.-. B- '.Pl01 State ITintcr . FrniC- Baker Member Board of EjualliaUon-V. C. Woodcock ST. A. Noons C. E. Wolvcrton U.S. Bean SA. 3. Compswi j. b. Eddy 1. A. Slacrum Clcrt oljlanroad Commission.. Lydell Baker SECOND JCDICIAL DISTRICT. Judge. ; J. C. Fullcrton rrosccuUnj: Attorney Geo. M. Brown o. s ujcn omcz, nossccEO. Receiver. .. K- &iaa ScgijJcr . U. U. catch r. s. WExTiita scucac. Observer.. ThreL GlOSOn IXKJGLiS CO V NTT. Senator.............. --Hengr Becxlcv undell tcprcuarcs' fe'jLs&fta Schlbrcsle Ucrk- .F.W Benson ilieriff- c F. Catheart trcasurer- W. A. Fratcr J. A. Underwood J.A. Sterling Seaool Saperindeat . .assessor.. County Judge . .A. F. Stearns .iW.-A. WllscJ - Jc. n. Maypu V111 1'. Hcvdo: Wilson pin J)r.K.U;JlUler ixroner Sheep Inspector.. raxaxcT ornexxs. Justices- .John Hamlin instable.. H.CSlocata crtr or ROSEEOEO. f WVT. Wright I J. II. S Shupe Trustee - -Jf-i' Kapp IB. O. Strong LF. Rice Recorder- F. JLZlsicr Marshal. V. F. CarroU Treasurer OOCtT SXSSIOSCS. J. A. cox The CIreall Court for Docslas County ntoeta IhiMlinMi rccr t. follows; The 3a Jloa day in JIarch.'tha. 4tn Slonday In June, and the 1st Monday in December. J. C. Fullcrton of BosebUTje jale. Geo. a. Brown, oi Eoseourg, Count v court meets the Ut Wednesday after thelstJiaadayol January. March, Hay. July. September and November. A. F. Stearns, of Oakland, ludce; C II. Manpin of Eltton and W. 1 Wilson, of Riddle, commissioners. Probate Conn is in session continuously, A.F. Stearns, ludce. Society Electing. LAUREL LODGE, A. F.i A.1L.EEGCLAK meetings the id and tth Wednesdays in each month. UlffQUA CHAPTER, XO. 1L S. A. M., HOLD their regular eonTocations st Masonic hall cn the erst and third Tuesday oi each month. Visiting companions are cordially invited. 1L x . KAPP, U.P. iKinotx Cmo, Secretary. PTTTTTTTfRT W LODGE. SO. S. L O. O. F.. meets Siturday etenlng of each week at 7 o'clock in Their hall at Eosebars. ilembcrs of the order in rood standing are Invited to attend. Fcxsk G. Hint: : I, X. & X. T. Jstrrrr, Sec'y- EXCAHPifEXT, NO. 9. JfEVlS AT U odd Irlloirs' hall on second ad fourth Tharsdays oi each month. Vlsiar brethren are InTiied to attend. Fcxss G. aficcJJ, Scribe. JUxsx PacsT, a P. pOSEBCRG LODGE, Stt !, A. O. U. W. mU the second ani ioprth Mondays of nehmonthat7-J0pi. a. at Odd Fellows halL Ziembers oi the crder .-a good standing are in Tiled, to attend. TJEKOPOST, XO., G. A. MEETS THE K- ,.5rjt end third Thursdayi of each month. TTTOMEXSBXLIEF COEPS SO. 13, MEETS V second and fourth TSmsdays in each month. TTAEMT " ALUAXCE Regular Quarterly -F MeeSirs-s triU be held at Grange Hall, Eeatbuig. the first Friday in December, ilarch and Jane, and the third Friday in September. J TJOaEBUEli rHAPTEE, SO. . O. B. &.MEEIS -t- the acoad. and fourth Thradaya of - ech MAUiOXSE 35. COXEUSG. W. M. -pOSEBCRG DIVISION XOCROFLE, iS. Elects cTCry ccond and ionrta Sard.iy. t?jOSEBUBG E.D. LODGE, XO. , I. 0,0. F. -R- TmuieiTcsJiTeraiteriifeidi veeh il the Odd Felloes halL Vlsitinr sisters and Brethren are inrittd to attend. Miss ""t Wixss.t, X. G. Fuxft G. Mtcziiz. K. Sec. a I.?H A LODGE. XO. C. K. OF P MEETS A- errry Wednesday evesing at Odd Fellows IT in -v-lit!- lirthrm in -mvi cor- ilally lnTtiea to senc 3. "WiTYiYTS. Attorney and Counselor aL Law, Tfia practice in mU the eourta of the State. OI fi-s in the Court House, .Doaylsa connty. Or. Q A. SBHLBREDK. Attorney at Lavr, Moteburzr, Orrgbtt. Oft orer the Pcataffra cn Jadacn itnet. w. Attorney at Lavr, EOSEB0BG, OREGON. F. S. COFFMAK, Phj'sician. and Surgeon OScctAt Dr. HooTer'a oM stand onOakstreet Residence Cor. Lane t Jackson Street. rr j. azi.is, i. s., , Physician and Surgeon, EOSESCRG, OR. OEec In S. Maris & Co.'s Block, upstairs. Calls promptly answered day or night. J-A5EES BARB, Phj'sician and Surgeon. Graduate Rush Medical College. DUeases of Women and Children A Specialty OFFICE, Rooms 9 iM, Marrters' Building. BeSeetce, DousJasfitreet, second place cast Dr. EunseH'c ROSEBURG, OREGON. La FiTrrrr Lasr. Jcccr L. LorGnanT jrANB & IrOUGHARY, , Attorneys fc Counselors at Law JloitSinro, Oregon. Vri'A sraniee in all tht courts of Orrcron. . Of- toe in the TrIur-Viloa block. GrEO M. BROWN. Attorney at Law, Eoehurg, Oregon. Deputf Prosecuting Attorney. Office at the Court House up stain. MRS, Iff, BOYB, DEALEE C20ICE- Family Groceries DISHES, Books and Children's Toys. A FULL USE OF- FrniU, Jsnts, Frcnclj Candies, Confectionery Canned Goods, Coffees, Teas, lc LSP0UTD m WIST CIGAES. CI10ICE BBASPS OP CIGAiiS "riLL P. HE YD ON, County Surveyor, and Xotnrj' Public. t Omex: In Court House. Orders for SarrpTlnr and Field Notes should he addressed to Will r. Hcydon, County SurJ vcyor, Kosehurg, Or. K. CRAWFORD, Attorney at Law, Boom S, Marstcrs Building, - ROSEBURG, OR. C0Buslncss beforothe U.S. Land Offlco and minlug catcs a specialty. Late Receiver TJ. S. Land Office. W. P. BRIGGS, VT. S. Deputy Mlucral Surveyor and Notary Public. Orncst Qounty Jail Building, up stain. J-Encc!al attention nald to Transfers and Conveyances. Address. ROSEBURG, OK. jyYRA BROWN, SC. D., Physician and Surgeon. Chrcdc Eissass cf Wcata a Spad<y. Office, Up Stairs, In the Marks Building. Residence, 112 Cass Street, ROSEBURG. J ti. TiTTTiXiER, M. D., Surgeon and Homceopathio Physician, l!tvn$urjt (frvfen. CrOinaic diM a rtaItT. AN AFTER THOUGHT. TO-DAY after Christmas von will possibly dis cover thai you bavo ttiDusbUof ererTbody atfd everything es wpt your feet, as if SHOES in winter weto a secondary matter! If yoar parse looks treskandconsamp tive after the Xmas camnoizn come to oar store. A sum that tronlda't boy a poor pair of ahocj in some places bays a good pair at our store. PARROTT BROS. EXCLUSIVE BOOT AND SHOE DEALERS 324 Jackson Street, ROSEBURG, OREGON-. J. F. BARKER & GO. GROCERS. TEAS A SPECIALTY A rciil bind jlansdnlttraud Tea. prise Our la fcxTin; 2 large aale. "r i!j't oi Glass and Deli Ware ,t aatontsUni; low price.. Oar cum canoed Tomauc. are Ttry popnlar. Salem Nursery Co. W. D. McGEE, Proprietor. rv hi., n lr7A tsicV nf Que. larcc. VV healthy trees of all ki'jds, lnoludlne Apple, Pear, Teach, rrune and Cherry, which sect, and wi:e sold at Tery reasonable rates. All persons desiring trees ssouia appiy v E. L. GOODRIDGE, Agent, CANYONVILLE, OR. Fabers Golden Female Pills. ForFemalo Trrceular I 11m: Tinlhinclikc them on tho market. Aerer fdlL Hoccesfulljrutel by prominent ladles monthly. Guaranteed to relieve suppressed menstruation. SUKEISAFE1 CERTAIN! Tirm't lm hnmbumrcd. Haro Time, ncalth, aud moncy;take no oth er. Krnt to HOT address t.rnrn hr mall ou rc ceipt 01 price, 1 Address, THE APHRO R1EDICINE COMPANY, WMttmBaacS. Box27.POHTLAa, OE' (Successor to J. Practical : Watchmaker, : .DEALER IK WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELKY. AND FANCY (JOOI)S. CJ-oiiiiIiio 15 r-nziliit.il Ii2yo A COMl'IiTE STOCK OF ' Callery, Notions, Tobacco. Cigars ami Smokers' Articles. Also Proprietor and MamiRor of Runnino; . But all The Scales, wr. keep CHURCHILL, WOOLL .acexts STUDEBAKER WAGONS If Businesslls NotfQood The Plaindealer 5s Advertising Columns SHEET MUSIC. He Af) 000 PIECES SHEET MUSIC tljU,uUU at m p.TR vmr nnpy. Mailed to any address Catalogue of this immense We have also seetired the agency of the Wiley B T.' K. THE THIRD ADDITION bkook: The IToive JFarm, ted and is now on the market 20, 30, and 40 acres, ranging in price from $25 to $100 per acre. Any one wanting a or a suburban home can now be accommodated ou easy terms. ' All lots sold in First Brookside addition have more than doubled in value. The prospect is much better for the future. More fortunes are made in lauds near a grow ing town or city than any other way. Sicze the oppor tunity. For information or conveyance, call at ony Real Estate Office, or on JASKULEK. j Jeweler : and : Optician. Glasses antl SSpoctiiolcs Kosoburg's Famous Iiari;ain Store. the same he's a candidate for beef, and can't esapce weighed sooner or later. being Scales, Butcher Saws, Sausage Cutters, Etc. EY & EMENZIE roii. and OLIVER PLOWS. Don't Squeal But 9) ) lo (i Root. I ) j 0). 8) for the Business iten of Douglas County. It is now well understood that T. K. Ricahrdsou is the best es tablished and most reliable Piano aud Organ dealer in the State. has secured" the American i agency and wilt soon receive for One Cent Extra. stock sent free on application.! i Allen Co. RICHARDSON, DE east of town, has been plat in Lots and Blocks containing fruit, vegetable or chicken farm I i irtl Find fault -witli the cook if the pastry docs not exactly cuityou. Nor with your wife cither perhaps she 13 not to It may be the lard she is usig for shortening. Lord isiudigcstibleyouknow. But if yoa would ohv'ttys have CakcSrpies, rolls, and breed j alatable and perfectly di gestible, order the new short cning,'COTTOLENE," for your SOLD DY ALL GROCERS. Rerun Ali. ScasTrruTEs. Mado only by N. E. FAIRBANK & CO., ST. LOUIS and fScHICAGO, NEW YORK, BCSTOa .1 Frd tVriVl rn, In ir rvj tn V. Tr. nlrtnnk & Co.. Cbkauro. for hand. 1 ieo Cottolene Cook lioot. contaln- 1 ; six hundred redrx. preparmi Dy I 1.. jcrmlncnt oulboriUcaoncootlnc. A Sovereign Remedy &(pughs. oias.i-aunppe end all AUecIioas d teThroat Chest and Lungs. 50ct57122 SWT TQH PR1VH.K. ABlETINEiklED.0.On?ilie,&l. SQld by A. C. larters & Co W. L. Douglas ft3 S5JSC IS THE 8EST. t2 wfsVla FIT FOR AKINC. S. COEDOVANT, FRixcH&DUMmia CAtr. i4?3.5? FlNtCAiSJCMGASftt 3.5PP0UCE.3SOLES. S!,S092.WORK!NGi,a. .EXTRA FINE- 32.51.7? BOYS'SQiiXiSHGtS. x.atie:s Z, sriD rcR CATALCCUE 'W-L-DOU&LAS' Over One Million People wear the j W. L Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoes arc equally satisfactory Thty jive the best value for the mccey. Tlicy ecal custom shoes In stvle and fit. Thiirwerrlaz qualities are unsurpassed. The prices are nniionn, -stamped on sole. Trom St to ?3 saved over other makes. iijc&alacannstsnppJyycuTJccin. Sold by dealers cvcrywIiere.T wanted, ajjent to take exdusivesale for this vicinity, Write at once, j&it rtorfcd by tho Nervousness, emissions, anddsvelopts and restores weak organs. Pains In tho back, lcccs bv due m nightstopped quickly. Ovcr2,000 private endorsement. Promatarcncs means imrotency lu tho Grit tsec It la a symptom of seminal weakness cad barrenness It con bo stopped in in days &7 1 ho uso o f Hudyan. Thoncw dlftoverywas made by tho Spccl.il i'M of tho old ftmous Hudson Medical Institute. It is tho strongest vitalizcr made. It is very powerful, but harmless. Sold for 51.00 a pack sco or G packages for S3.00 (plain Ecaled boxes). Written guarantco given for a euro. I f you buy tlx boxes and are not entirely cured, tlx mora will be sent to you freo of all charges. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address Qf HUDSON MEDICAL INSTITUTE, Junction Stockton, market A: EUluSls. San Francisco, C&l. &r-M mm dtn'el il paits. tlfie men of ifeM Vgl tnylKcrstes Europe end )Er.:T-rjs andtomstho America. KnVPH cnUrcsystem. HuiJjin is HrYftH Hudjan cures CcrcsCORNS.BUNIONScndWARTS S. SPEEDILY and WITHOUT PAIH. $F FOR SALE ByJlL DRUGGISTS. & X LIPPMA1T BEOTHEES, jfrop'rs, Llppman's Block, SAVANNAH, OA. W CHOMWELL AND HIS HORSES. n Accident That lie fell tho Protector Whllo BrlviuJr Iri Hydo Park. , C. H. Firth, in an artielo on Oliver Cromwell's association with horses, says in Mnomillan's Magazine: 'As Cromwell roso in power and rault his lovo of horses began to bo more con spicuous. When ho started from Lon don in 1040 to reconquer Iroland, ho went forth in that stato and cquipago as ho liko hatli hardly boon seen himsolf In a coach with sis gallant Flandora mares, roddish gray." In 1C55, when tho Spanish embassador took his Jcavo of tho lord protector, Cromwoll sont him "his own coach of six whito horses'" to convoy him to and from WhitehalL "Certain it is," adds tho narrator, "that uono of tho English kings had over any such." Tho protector- was not mnch or a whip, however. In 1C54 tho Count of Oldenburg sent Cromwell a present or six horses, and tho protector's anxiety to make trial of their quality led to his well known pdventuro in Hydo park. On Friday, Sept. 29, ho went -with Sec retary Thnrloo and soma of his gentle men to tako air in tho park, ordered tho six horses to bo harnessed to his coach, put Thnrloo insido of it and undertook to drivo himsolf. "His highness," said letter from tho Dutch embassador, drovo pretty' handsomely for some time, but at last, provoking those horses too much with, tho whip, they grew un ruly, whereby his highness va3 flung out ef tho coach box upon tho ground. His foot getting hold in tho tackling, ho was carried away a good whilo in that posture, but at last ho got his foot clear, and so camo to escape. Ho was presently brought home, and let blood, and after somo rest taken is now well again. Tho secretary, being hurt on his anklo with leaping out cf tho coach, hath been forced to keep his chamber hitherto and been unfit for any busi ness." Tho royalist Scroggs. afterward chief Justice, writing of this incident, hoped that the nest fall would bo from a cart hinting at tho gallows. As to Crom well's viows on tho burning question of horso racinp. it is difficult to amvo at a positivo'conclusion. His constant aim was to possess a3 many good horses as ho could afford. Whether ho entered hi3 horsed for races or had tho satisfac tion of owning a winner history does not say. HIS COLLATERAL GOOa Uott Tom Fitch of Kcvada Csctl to "Italic tfco Wind." Tom Fitch of Nevada wa3 a bright fellow and ont of tho best writers and stump speakers of tho west, but ho was thriftless, and when ho got hard up would resort to almost any means to get a stake. . One dav ho wroto a scathing' speech denouncing Sharon, then president of the Bank of California and afterward United States Ecnator from Nevada. In it Uncharged Phirn vrirh n'raost every crimo known to tho decaloguo or tho statutes. Ho put tho manuscript in a large envclopo and walked into tbrf Dank of California. "Hero," ho said to the cashier, hand ing Iho package through the window, "hire aru somo securities which I offer as collateral on a loan. Pleaso band them to Air. Sharon in person, and I will wait for his answer." ilr. Sharon was in his private office. Breaking the seal of tho envelope, he found the speech and read it through, together with a note from Fitch, in forming him that unless ho was paid $o,000 ho would deliver that speech in everv town in tho state. In a few min utes the cashier, on ilr. Sharon's order, reported that tho collateral was all right and paid tho happy Fitch the do sired amount Three months afterward, having gono through the money m speculation and dissipation, Hr. Fitch made his appear ance with another speech, this time of a very complimentary character, which ho uromised to deliver at ever conven ient opportunity, for the samoiainount. That, too, proved good collateral, and tho story would have never como to light if Fitch had not, in a moment of drunken frankness, told it himself. Cincinnati Commercial Gazette. It Corses IHsii to Bo Ilicli. Any ono acquainted with tho livin expenses of persons who esteem them selves fairly comfortable finds a signifi cant moral iii tho commands laid upon tho rich by their uhysicians. Not only is tho wealthy patient bidden to substi into costly table waters and even im ported champaguo for ordinary drinks, but every detail of his life seems resn- ' lated with a view to spending tho most money for his needs. Tha wholo world is ransacked for fowl that his weak stomach can digest, for clothing sanita rily suitable for his body. Tho infants of tho rich aro required to drink milk at CO cents a quart aud to wear tiny garments that exceed thu cost of plain adult clothing. It may very well bo that a child under 2 years old, fed and clothed according to a doctor's prescrip tions, may cost moro per annum than the living expeuso of a wholesomely clothed, fed and housed adult. Phila delphia Inquirer. Holme on Domestic Icor.utu.T. The laughablo and tho pathetic aro sometimes strangely mingled in littlo 1 exhibitions of domestic economy a ! plato of apples, for instance, with tho defective parts cat on: for tho children; a small basket of homemade ginger bread, with ouo or two pieces cx pound cako carefully disposed on the surfaco so as to appear to tho best advantage. "Autocrat of tho Breakfast Table." Happened In Unites. Tho grinning imps wero packing sin ners into tho oven with a thing liko a hay press. And tho sinners groaned, all but ono good nature .1 booking man. "Do you know, " said the good natur ed man at last, "this is rather nice. Re minds mo cf when I lived in dear old Brooklyn and crossed tho l-ritlgo at rush hours." Now York Recorder. Way no Jones is special larni ngt'tit for tho "old reliable" Continental Insurance Company of Now York, which lias been tested bv passim; throtiiih and paving all of itfc losses in that t:rn.a eunlbgration of Chicago in lb'71, ly which over ouo hun dred companies equal to tha Stato Insur ance Company "J J-'al""'. Ore. failed. A word to the ui.-tc in autlhiiont. If you want the best of dentistry go to Dr. Strange aud havo it done by an ex perienced and skillful dentist. All -work guaranteed utid ut very reasonable prices. THACKERAY WAS ANGRY. Tho Sailors Who Intended to Play a Trlcli Changed Their Jlinds. Onco upon a timo tho daughters ol Thackeray saw that good man thorough ly and heartily angry angry to the point of profanity. It was during theii Italian journey, when they wero re turning to tho, ship in Genoa harbor aft er a day on tho shore. "Wo had to bo on board at a certain time," Mrs. Ritchio says in her Mac millan paper, "so that we engaged a carriage and drovo quickly to tho quay, whoro tho convicts, clanking in their chains, wero still at work. A boat was found, rowed by somo sailors, who cer tainly did not wear chains, but who wero otherwise not vory unliko those industrious convicts in appearance. The bargain was made, wo all fivo entered tho boat, and a3 wo wwro getting in "we' could sco our great snip in tho twilight, looking bigger than ever, and one rock et and then another going off toward tho dawning stars. " 'They aro signaling for us,' said ono of our companions. 'Wo shall soon bo on board. ' "Wo had pulled somo 20 strokes from tho shoro by this timo when suddenly tho boatmen left off rowing. They put down their oars, and one of them began talking volubly, though I could not un derstand what ho said. 'What's fo bo done?' said ono of tho young men to my father. They say they won't go on un less wo givo them CO francs more, ' and ho began shaking his head, and remon strating in broken Italian. Tho boat men paid no attention, shrugging their shoulders and waiting a3 if they were determined never to row another stroke. Then tho steamer sent up two more rockets, which roso through tho twi light, bidding us hurry, and then sud denly my father roso up in tho stern of tho boat where ho was sitting, and, standing tall and erect and in an anger such as I had never seen him in before or after in all my life, ho shouted out in loud and impatient English, 'D you, goons asimpiomaicaiciionwnicn carried more forco than all tho Italian polysyllables and expostulations of our companions. To our surprise and great relief, tho men seemed frightened; they took to their oars again and began to row, grumbling and muttering. When wO got on board tho ship, they told us it was a well known trick tho Genoese boatmen wero in tho habit of playing upon travelers and that they would havo sent a boat for nsif wo had delayed any longer." A Bad Beginning.. Hero is a story told by a city curate, to whom the experience happened on tho occasion of his first wedding. The rector had told him to bo careful to fill up tho register with the correct ages of the bride and bridegroom. The cere mony having been gono through, tho happy couple, who wero of. mature- age, adjourned to Jho y entry to dgnfthojjjM:-; istex. a. - "- The bridecrooni.wfceHaateiisse.'! fgavuisFBi occ3 as uy, uat xiui uriuu, with tho moucsty natural to tee sax, merely said she was of fall age, while when remonstrated with she pertly told tho curate that it was not tho first time she had gono through tho ceremony, and sho meant to insist upon her rights. Finally, as tho brido remained ob duratc, the bridegroom, thinking to put matters straight, told tho curate tho age. Far from serving as tho oil on tho wa ter?, tliis only made matters worse, for the brido flew into a passion and insist ed upon tho bridegroom telling her how he knew her age. "I looked at year family Bible, my dear," was tho quiet rejoinder, "And what right had yen, pray, to tako such a liberty before we wero mar ried;" And tho two, who had came to church as affectionate as a pair of turtle doves, left in a pet. Tho curato who was responsible is still wondering what was tho final upshot of this unfortunate incident. London Tit-Bits. Not So Easily Deceived. It is laughable and sometimes sad, too to sco tho devices adopted by the peoplo who tako a pitcher or a can to tho saloon for beer. A man has no way to hido it, and ho is generally tho most sensitive on tho subject. Sometimes ho will put it in a paper. Often ho will tako out a largo bcttlo and stuff it in his pocket, and I saw oao man hido a pitcher with his broad brimmed hat and saunter away from a saloon bareheaded. Women uso their aprons as covers, though I never observed ono yet who didn't make her errand all tho mcro conspicuous by this means. Ouo servant girl placed a can of beer at tho foot of a baby's perambulator and covered it with a shawl, and I expected tho amber fluid to scatter in all direc tions. I knew of ono woman who used tc send oat a tin can marked "milk" often tho stage fashion of laboliug poi cons, liquors, etc but I don't think it over deceived any one. New York Re corder. A Candid Confession. Father of tho Bridegroom Beforo cc- mentiug this closo relationship I think it but right to tell yon that I c::co had a littlo unpleasantness which involved tho less of my liberty for a considera ble period. Both my daughters are, I am sorry to saycrather flighty, my dear wifo is suffering from kleptomania, and my son was mixed up in a littlo forgery affair. Wou't that make any difference? Father of tho Bride Not tho slight est! From tho fact that I am quite in favor of our allianco you may judgu how mattors stand in my family. Schalk. In England there aro 114 widows to ev ery 54 widowers. In Italy their relative numbers (per 1,000 womon and 1,000 men) aro ltfp and CO, in Franco 130 and 7u, in Germany 130.3 and 50, in Aus tralia 121 and 44. Neversink, tho namo of a New York river, is a corruption of Nc-wa-sink, an Indian word meaning "Hai river. " Beware of Ointments for Cntnrrli tltat Contain 3Xcrcnr-. ns mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell ami completely derange ttie whole svstem when entering it throush mucous surfaces. Such articles should never tie useil except ou prescriptions Irom reputable l'hysleians, as the iliunaso they will do is ten fold to the good jon can p.sitly derive from them. Hall's Ontarrh Cure manufactured by F. J. Cheney fc Co., To ledo, O., contains no mercury, and is taken in ternally, ucttng directly upon the blond and mucous surfaces of the system. In bnvlnglUU's Catarrh Cure bo sure you- get the genuine. It is nken internally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney fc Co. Testimonials free. Sold by Druggists, price 75 c. per bottle. Trespass notices printed 011 cloth sale at this office at 5 cents each. for WHEN I WAS A BOY. Up in tho attic whoro I slept When 1 7723 n boy a little boy In through, tho lnttico tho moonlight crept, Bringing n tldo o dreams that swept -Ovw tho low, red trundlo bed. Bathing tho tangled curly head, Whilo moonbeams playea at mue ana see With dimples on each, sua browned cheek whn I -vra3 a boy a little doji And. ohl tho dreams tho dreams I dreamed When I was a boy a nttio boy For tho graco that through tho lattice streamed Crcr my folded eyelids seemed To havo tho gift of prophecy And to bring mo glimpses' of times to bo Wheni rennhood g clarion scemett to can j Ahl that was tho sweetest dream of an, When I was a boy a littlo boy I I'd liij to sleep whoro I used to sleep Whn I W33 a boy a littlo boy For in ct tio lattice tho moon would peep, Bringing her tide pf drcam3 to sweep Tho crosses and griefs of the years away From tho heart that is weary end faint today. And those dreams should givo mo back again The pcaco I havo never known since then When I was a boy a littlo Doy I Eugene Field In Chicago Becord. BUYING 'PRECIOUS STONES. Somo of the Valuable Genu and What They Axe -Hade Of. Buying jewels is as hazardous as bay ing horses, and could anything possibly bo morb risky than tho latter? White sapphires have occasionally been sold as diamonds, and as proof that white topaz may easily bo confused with them ona has only to recall tho fact that tho lar gest diamond in tho world, tho Bragan za, belonging to tho crown of Portugal and valued at 58,000,000, is by many considered to bo only a topaz. Carbon, . in a pure crystallized state, is in every color of the rainbow, red, orange, green, , blue and even black, and occasionally the colored arc as valuable as a brilliant of tho samo size. Tho jewels next in hardness to the diamond are tho sapphire and the ruby, called by experts corundum, or crystal lized clay. Blue corundum is called sap phire; red, ruby; green, oriental emer- aid; orange, oriental topaz, and violet, oriental amethyst Tho word oriental distinguishes theso from real emerald, topaz and amethyst, which are distinct minerals. The largest and most famous ruby in tho world forms part of tho imperial stato crown made for Queen Victoria in 1S38. It is believed that this ruby was worn in front of tho helmet of Henry V at Agincourt. ' Tho most precious sapphires and ra bies, when cut and polished, show raya from the center to the sides in tha form of a six pointed star. On this account they aro called star sapphires or rubies. It is difficult to produce a gem upon theso stones on account of their exceed ing hardness, but there are' a few good ' one, a cameo head of CupidVby Isler, ..f one a sapphirer another, a' front face cameo ihead of Diana ona rnby by Pis;" traaa - . -WJ ' . ' Topai-is tho hcxt -jewel in. degree of " i hairlessJEj oojlsists of about half clay v u Thabestara. yello-w.-with soHietimapr-4" ' greenish tinge. Somo found La Brazil aro perfectly colorless and aro called s "novamina" diamonds. They aro more brilliant when polished. than any jewel. . There are a few bine topazes found theso aro taken by tha uninitiated for sapphires. Philadelphia Press? , ''- An Expert Opinion. . An old watchman, who used to keep guard in the department of justice, from long association with the legal lights in tha building believed he bad imbibed a.fair share of learning in the law, and so when one night a telegram addressed to the attorney general came after hours he had no hesitancy in opening it and reading its message. It asked tho ques tion, "Is a man to bo held responsible for a crime committed whilo under the influence of liquor?" The watchman pondered over this message for some time, and, as ho knew what the influ-. eace of liquor was, he sent the laconic answer: "No indeed. (Signed) John, Jones, in chargp of department of jus tice." Of coarse thero was an immedi ate attack cn tho attorney general far each a decision, and the matter came to the ears of the department An inves-, ligation was made and tho watchman' suspended for threo months. That did net worry him, however. With ef frontery that simply damfounded tho clerks, Iiq camfl to tho building every pay day during that time of suspension and drew his salary. Kato Field's Washington. j A Queer PotoSlcc. One cf the strangest posrcQIces in the world is away down at Terra del Fuego. in, the'toe end of the big shoe, which is what tho map of South America looks like. Tho "office" is a big barrel, and it is fastened to a rock overlooking tho straits of Magellan. Every ship "that rounds Cape Horn stops at this odd postoffice. A boat puts out to tho shore with letters to bo left, and the sailor; who takes them locks over those alreajy in tho barrel, taking out and bringing away with him any that his ship can forward to their destination. Then he fastens tho cover on tho barrel with its hook aud staple, and the queer old post- oflico that needs no postmaster or mail bags is left to itself until the next shin ' comes by. New York Times. Preserving Wood, It is said that wood may be thorough ly preserved by being.imprcgnated with a strong solution of calcium bisulphato and afterward with caustic lime. The pores aro thus filled with tho two solu tions, which aro oxidized by exposure to tho air and become practically a part of tho wood itself. , Hannibal .was ruined by marriage. After his first victorious campaigns in Italy ho went into winter quarters at Capua, whero ha married, and tho wed ding festivities lasted until his army was demoralized, and always afterward' was worthless for fighting purposes. 1 A decapitated snail, kept in a moist place, will in a few weeks grow a new head ;piito asservieeable and good look ing as that whieh was taken away. ' Tlie pcitan Water Mulor Of capacities wining from 1 to L'5 horsa power affords the mut-i couvetiien'., eco nomical aud reliable pourr fur nil light service. Oueolihesu uiay lie seen iuii ning at this office. Send for cireulavs. Tlte I'eltcm Water Wheel tV, 121 .Main St., San Francisco, Cal. :!; t!n;:e I.uuus. $1000 to $3000 on improved farm prop erty! D. S. K. Bcick. Go to the Roseleal for tho best cigars; 5 - . S - v