The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, February 07, 1895, Image 2

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isccsd evkkv; nosdjly akd TuritsoAT v
Subscription Knto$:
One Year piyatik in tulraaee
Six Months, " "
Three Mouths. "
. X oo
It seems strnn?;o that some tinhorn
ropresentfiiivo hasn't nlmtdj tarro
dnced n b:"t for a Loxow committse.
And now California wants to nbol
ish her railroad commission. It is
similar to Hint which we b in Ore
gon, inasmuch as it hits nettr ewted
the -purpose for which it w in
tended. The press of tho state, irrespective
of politics, ooruylains of the notion of
the legislative body, and many mu
kind words are being said of it. The
session is now half over, and urac ti
ed !y nothing has Iwn accomplished.
Senator Mitchell Tnesday had a
tilt with Senntor Harris. It did not
result so dtsastronsly as uid tb diffi
culty between BneckinrMlg and
Hesrdintho house, although both
gentlemen passed oonipliineois in
vhrorons remarks.
The Orogoaiao's -Wa&hingtco cci
respoadant says: "Ewy maa has &
right to bo a candidsto for the eecmXe,
hat he does not havo tb ribt to t
keep in the field and prevent
'be ;
state from beinc represent!." This
oejnruasRuauuu,- wr
don't Mr. Dolph withdraw? !
The silver men woo the day in the:
late senatorial election in Minnesota
The legislature by a handsome vote !
elected Governor Nelson- as senator
to succeed Senator W asfarmn who j Jtog9loA bv ht) , jaieiJ abeJ.
has represeatetl tbe s4ate for. longj,Rtdj ai ao4 rediced to
number of years ana m an able man-1 M tbe of a commodity,
ner.bntof lahadaotogoiqMd htsiTb(( ..
party oa tbe silvei qoeMioo. mowT snperior to in
j mai(e 0 BB aasJterable
if congress wooid restore tud re-
publican tariff, industry woold re
vive and wages would iocreaw: there
wonld be a larger oonsti nipt ion of ;
goods resBltiag m a larger rewue; ,
the deficit woold bo made op, gold :
exports wocW cease, and ui the
whole finsodai problem eoaid be :
settled by amply remooeraing sit-
rer, remarks the San Francisco Call. .
As Senator Dubois ot Idaho was
certainly correct in saying in his
recent. speeeb, mereeanue nou-, m of
stantial ref from exutinr eosdi- , , . ... . . J
4- -,, ... , world. It reaches oat, with, a wither-'
tioas withont the nnhmUed coinage,. . .... .... , :
nf.-iwiw -KiH U. i!,n-hanJtotfc co'dities of the,
v ! ', . world, and whiie sold corn w wortki
nope that ho was also correct w add- , . , , ,
ingthnt-no tinancial menre will n m0tth value,
s . . . . i
recognizn silyer as a tnaaej
Last Friday Senatorial WM'f
of Eshingtoo recetred a lelegunu ;
signed by Senators Teller. Chandler, :
Piatt and Dubois joking him to lose!' W'ZTIY .STATE OF JFF.URX..
no time in getting fo He capital.
Wonder if onr own immacoUte Sana- fro? lL dlfc!a3Ce- ver '
tor now at Salem has been receiving tf ff"re - faunly :
... , , , . , . , exist at Salem. Speaker Jdoores of
similar dispatches irvtn Lis eel- ,!T
leagnes at Washington? If oof, is it be hff CVWl, i fi"d Uaj to f,666
because of the fact tbat VfcAirrtoa'
new senator is of more importance
than our own onl v "
The roocopoiy organs ere now
wearying trhat small brain- retuaia
to them in abusing Congressman
Hermann. Yet thej helped elect
mm, over awl over agam- and a good ;
representative b has made, as every
body acknowledges. Bat now tbey :
nro "nilin on hi WV" ,h f
because they
know that he is a people's man, in-
stead of.arepresenUtive of corpora-?
lions and tho -edd trnst. Mr. Hr-!
maim would make a safe, aare, cred-'
t7 " , . T it '
" " : ;
people, lie advises with the veoole.
Heshowsn dknosition toeArrr onf
the people's wilL Portland Sou.
. . I
JiepJving to the senate reolaii.,n i""2L " "r7r-" rjrrj California next week. They have sold
of Januarys 1855, that the T?orZlt . . ,.
iaryof tho treasury 1 direted to get that, and I did .not vote for tUe ,
inform the senate what i the JJ wpabh-' Mr. M. Dean has porebased a new
mated deficiencv in tbe revenues or C8a cac"H ,14 " APPT t ny spray pump. He intends trving thor-
theKOvemmect to par current 1 W he ?Qt of ! ouchly spraj hL, orchard this year,
me govercineci w current tx- lan ,rat saocjj moaey ha been' i;SID
penses between tbe 31st day c-f De-' used by thopponeaU of the caucus i -
cember, 18SW, and tne 31st dar of De- nomioee as by his friend, No sena-! UPPcr 0,3!'3 ,ten-s'
cember, 1895, and if the fjsgtorial candidate Imm approaehetl me . Stock loo!: fine in our locality,
r-rono .v.,. .11 ' With any attempt to bay my rote, I Miners have susoended wirfc on ac-
579.99 cash balance rwy :bnt I am free lo aay that the mtiantof nothivi,,,. eaificient amount
on the 31st day of December, 18W, . corrupt and infamous proposition ! 01 w'r u"Aa'"x with
will be sufficient to ineot such de- that Laa come to me has corae from farmers are busy plowing,
ficiency. Secretary Carlisle tateei,tn oppowtA of Senator Dolpb upon1 Mr- 'lino, one f our prominent
th.t'mn, (,,.i..j. . th floor of the honM. It is the old s st-joorniug at the resilience of
that .rom estimates made noon the yp thief ., jf TOteJ Mr. WillUm, Wells at present writing
basis of law now in force, it is be- j were for i uai fiutianed that there I ( . " me 8llracJlwl there as ho is a
lieved tbut for the 12 months ending would be more money in going to the i etr".
December 31, 1895. tbe rcvennes of! ranks of theopition th-a to Sena-' w , WM onr vN
the government from all sources will or DolVh-. Jt ffct -J oalj retolo- j MfJ wr , . ........ . r inr
, , : tion so far introduced to probe these ..,, , . oooper is isiting her par-
exceed its ordinary expenditure, by AMrKm of corroptitu to Tb lttom ; ea!. ana, r:ead ,n l,,w ,0"'-'-$22,503,023.
! is that introduced oy Mr, Smith of! It i- n!I,e . ,5"9,,!,P1 contemplatea
In a letter publisbed in the Salem
, r. , .,,
oiaiesmnn, opeauer aicorefe hays: "i
am free to confess tbat tbe most cor
rupt and infamous proposition tbat
has come to me has come from an
opponent of Senator Dolpb upon tbe
floor of tba house." If this be true,
why in the name of all that is good
and pnro don't Hr. Moores nave tbat
person arraigned before the bar ot
the bouso? Is it possible that ao at
tempt can be made to corrupt the
speaker of the house and tbe party
so doing escape punishment?
Speaker Moores should at once give
tho nawo of tho parly attempting to
con apt him and ahto lbe u.anner in
which it wae done in order tbat tb
people will bo better able to judge
tho inside workings f an Oregon
legislature. Mr. Mooree remarks
cast a serions rellectioii upon every
member of tho'bouso who is opwad
lo Mr. Dolpb. -
ll'inr is MQXFYf
.fouoy ie a Miiilol of a legal value,
nu impression of sovereignty, a legal
tender, n device of the government,
intended to fill with raactitmlo the
measure of valne legally instituted,
and to fnltfll, hy virtue of its finc
Uoue, the requirements of inter
chauKuability, exchangeability, and
the pKjan-nts of d4tt& Nono but
the wpw j lowers of tho jjovorn-
with tho functions requisite to
answer these demands.
ilouey is a symbol of legal value
because it is a lawful reptoswitatlvi1.
which carrK tho iatut upon its
fnee, Money iyau esprcsMoa of bov
ereignlv, heoauit i created by the
highest power f the realm, and
stamped with th r of authority.
Money must be a .legal tender, that
its acceptance for debt shaii m cow
polsory. and not optional It in list
lw an immutable quid pro quo, that
commodities ' and all purchasable
thing may be renttdy xebansred for
it, and s a vehicle of nte solituited
in iU service. Money mntt bo law
ful, eeeuio soil a legal tender.
Money most free from the tor
tores which atfend commodities. It
mast be exotupt from all the ricisgi
tndes of barter. If more than one
kind of money is created by the gov
ernment, the one most be the fnll
equivalent of the other. Silver coin
is not uuaey if it be made subordi
nate, to gold coin. Silver most be
)sl with gold. The coinage of one
most be made by law to fill Hie mens-
- f 1 .. - - I . . ,
uiv w 1 sums 1 rpimsuw ujr a uiut r,
j 1. , . ii .j . 1
equivalent of the other in monetary
AjjJ j, aiscriminahoo he-
lffWn lbe lwo y, atlJ
function or nrooert r irranifd to ih
nd to tbe olbi. Kirovs
the unity and infracts the lav of its
creation as money. Coin or money
so shorn tA anv function o: tirorsprlv
measure, and its y sloe cannot hit be-
Imrnpritt mhnv tliA .t.rr 4 U
amae 10 refweaeni.
JTor eeotanes U money of Uhe.
world bai coated of gold and si!-;
wr. An effort lo destroy one-hau" of I
worWs m&F not onlv
8lann those who hw monev of the
meMcad, bat drive mto despair
ihosb whu it not, and who de
pend opus their labor for support.
The effect of demonetizing silver is
; greater thau tbe destruction of
cjniauuiur?,au too tericu vi man, .
properties are mad to shrink
ttion with thw new j
-rL "
u o !
""""e ao nence ;
is engaged in writing letters to the '
,m a -
Salem Statesman. If out-half of ,.1?e'erLw;t 1M of u ,up ,hi 7a
... -vr ur u, are Do'pb men, and Jon t vou for-
what Mr. Mcore says u true, we be- j get it. And we are proud of our
lieve the legislature had letter ad- sentati-es, too.
journ immediately and let the whole Jte Xiehols is quite j. cattleman,
buaineesgo the tuition bow wows. V: SiS S
Mr. Moorcs rirt nelly says that eu ; rustier.
attempt has been made to corrupt
. . t.t . , . . ,
.. ,
Jl).;, ,i
, u ou 1
advantageous term by di?poe-,
; iug of it to Senator Dolpb, bnt that :
,v. tii rti i
P"" Hr- Da-Pb m3r 6x' .
WOrds foI,ow-:
ifany who are now cbancine all
manner of corruption noon tho mjt' -
nortom of ih ranrn nnminu vara '
durinc the conLt far tK sfmafciw!
the bench-:
auiv, nwwjiii5 ii. v i ise iitfuuu-:
rincr Tho imh .h. A.; ,i, i
.Josephine, a topi-art cr of Senator
j Dolpb. I
i i
In regard t- tbe ne? bd issui it
is given out by thV administration
that uegottaUottrf wUh representa
tives of Londtia bankers are in pro
gress, with indication.- of an arly
cousommation. There is no longer
any expectation cf a popular lon to
be placad in this cuaniry, a in that
event the experience- of, the lat few
months would b repeated and the
gold reserve depleted. Tbe pnrfiose
of tun administratioa, it is nnder
atood, is to place thn entire issue of
bonds with London bankers, who
wonld ay fur thorn in Lundon gold,
,ai.i tnua avoid, for the present at
least, the necessity of paying onr
gold in exchauKo for legal tenders,
While no definite conclusion bag
j boea reached, it is believed that the
j announcement of the sale of bonds
will be made at an early day. Ex.
"It begins fo bo nppnront tbnt tho
president can holcfor real help from
noithor side of eoujiross; that hemiiHt
savo tho national credit alone. Ho
give? nmplo conrago mul capactly to
do it. Oregoninn."
It now looks as if tho Oregonian
nnd Clovolnnd would havo to form n
party of thoir owu, us their views
seom to coincide exactly. Just what
kind of a hybrid combination it
would bo is past liuding out, but
some of tho Orogoninn's choico opi
thets.such ns "stinkards," "bastardy,"
"chenp, stinkiug creutnros." etc, etc.,
"tvonhi probably cotno near fitting it
lht total withdrawals of gold
Thursday wore 2,377,000. of which
all but $100,000, withdrawn from
Uuicngo, was taken from tho sub
treasnry at Now York. This lenves
tho truo nmontit.of the gold reservo
Silver Senators Confer.
Washington-, Feb. 4. Interest in the
financial situation a'otit tho somite today
centered in tho activity of the silver sena
tors and the frequent conversations held
by them. This, in connection witli tho
call issued by Vowhees, chninnun of tho
finaace eoiumittee. for a mooting lomor
row, led to the siniosilton that an at
tempt would he made by the silver advo
cates ou the committee to securo tho rc-
poitin of a free-stiver bill. Inquiry
anions tite members of the committee
fnilevl to develop an absolute assurance
ttiat an etfbtt would b made, but enough
was said to indicate tlmt the general sup-
pontion was not without jjood founda
tion, and to justify the statement that
the silver men are very hoeftd of biinc.-
ik 1 iifwwiaa nm oni 01 mo com
mittee, u not at loinorro'.x 's meotinc, at
the nest one to be held. They b.'lieve
Jones of Nevada will unite with Voor-
Uew, Hrri?, e: and Joum of Arkan-
as in sopiWL miiii measure that will
be satisfactory to the silver 111211.
Camas Valley Items
He haw had quite .1 f iel of bright
snnsiu&T .lays ami fiosty nights the
nas: wee;
Pume of ir fanners nre lowinfr right
atonic a if spring tiu,f was well ad
vanced, while many stand back and in-
aiuoate that the iow land i.s muddy.
Ttie peneral talk among the jouo peo
ple in Camas Wiley at present is the
irranit mstnerade bill at tho Trowbridge
hall, to t given the 14th cf February.
A very pleasant time is anticipated.
BieycliDS and hursrbaci: ridinir ara fads
ai.h ladi&s m general at this da'e, vet
jrraa.frjoHie.- adepts a break
itteex (jeel, there 11 snroly a call for
cbertrreins oa the ancients.
Kicbar.l Cook. tho has iuit tussed
i throe iH a severe ilfoess, is asatn able to
be at Ins store. His raanv friends are
"laJ to see hiui ont ain, for be has ex
hibited a most remarkable business
capacity in trying financial circum
stances. Men of thought auJ men of
action make times more lively where they
Yeaat has been tued for raising bread
by oar mothers and sratiJnicthers in the
past, yet at tins date the inventive gen
one-jmscf a yon ng lady at this place has
proved .hat it will raise both bread and
meat. i. ue as dressing on warm
na..d potato-?
" i"""-
Master Koy Maxum, who has U-en
vi-tiB at UbiwI, I-rk f..r nP darn
pa, says tbe pint of improvement i j a
in u,aPt pUce, And
reu iixf-- imit i-Mi!el mice
i-tvilized: for ho
other hJ iv.rf wi,',Je a
twarlil he had about worn ont tht hoot.
Mr. H.rrr Betit has returne.1 from the
kmcs vtcimtr where he has teen hnnt
Coasrcon .
Ulddls Items,
Miss Addie XkhoU f N'iehob station
lebon; on Monday's freight to
ru her motber M, nlle rton.
Mr' Mr f the Ledser-
weed place on U.c mountain came down
Sunday to attend church.
Mr jueats ot lhv s Creek was visiting
Tkert Saturday sad Sunday
lr. and Mis. Jacob Miller ot Myrtle
Cieek attended church here Snndav.
!. Mr. John "iokurn and hLs sister A
jiwiu lotuni anu his sister
intend paring a visit to California
short Umc.
in a
Born, to Mr. anil Mrs. David Croiby, a
une a nonno uauinter. .Mother nmi
child doiiig well, and the grandparents
very happy over the little granddaughter.
. lie- Vil'er f 1 appointment here
Smdajr, He n!l not be hero in March
ZZ i ' T f """' ",,ru
James Yokumwent to Oakland to see
f'" Ut'D;: iu a 'mater shop
. f- aoo and family nil! more to
, 'r,f,n,, "a9 v,?itlu
neighborhood lust week.
Mr. Terehaujih has captured a largo
gray eajtle. Weil, did Dick catch
another? Jv.
Scottsbnrg Items.
Mr. I. Nelson canio up ou Saturday's
boat, lie went up to the Sawyers' farm.
Mrs. A T. Sawyers is much improved
iu health, though Mill weak.
Mist K. Oilert has returned home to
Long Prairie after several weeks sojourn
In hlkton.
Mini L. I,evens of filkton is visiting :it
II. Weatheily's.
The farmers of Long Prairio will hold
a meeting at lbe school hcuso on tho tltli
inst. to consider tho matter of freights,
and also to seo about the proposed
change of road around tho ISrowu bill.
V.. II. Hprchard U siill very miserable,
anf aiiffurri greatly with rheuniatism
and other troubles.
Tho weather U nxcellont fjr tho l;inn
era. and tlioy are improving tho time
anil putting in their average da's work
of 15 hours or moie.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World's Pair Highest Award.
$50.00 IN PRIZES
To bo n'won nt tho grand Mask Ball,
Fob. 14. This ball promiaes to be tho
largost and most bnllia affair of tho
season. Prizes will ho given as follows:
Best dressed lady, second best dressed
lady, best suBtainod character, lady;
neatest and cheapest dressed lady;
best display of old programmes of
dances given by T. K. Ktchardaon to
bo attached to dress, either lady or gont ;
best dressed gcntloman, second best
dressed gentleman, best Bustainod char
actor, gentleman ; most comical charac
ter, best clown. Doors open at 7:30.
Tho 1C. ot P. band will entertain tho
nudionco with some fine selections, and
also one fin&Eclcction from tho orchestra
displaying thb effect, of our fine kottle
drums, whilo the maskers aro setting
ready for tho grand inarch at 0 o'clock
sharp. There will bo ono fine prizo given
to the ono in tho nndienco holding tho
incky number. T. K. KiciiAnnsoK.
All persons attending the mask ball,
Fobrnary 14th, can have one horso kept
freo of charge for oach ball ticket at Jas.
Yonng's stablo, by order of T. K. Rich,
Mrs, David Bigger
Chills and Fever
Lett mt emaciated, with distressing couth, so
appetite, pain la chut, shoulder, hack and
Hood's Cures
itomaca. Four bottles ot Hood's Sarsaparina.
pavo ma strensrsh, cood appetite and health.
Mbs. David Uiccrat, Wilcox, Nebraska.
Hood's Pills win new friends dallr.
cods. BacYtmmU m m
5L00Bottle.l 'tfm I M jM
n mi i ni iiimit fc a i
It is eold on a rcarasteo try all dro
Eista. It cures Incipient Consosiptioa.
aodlstliabostCoashenilCroun Curs.
For sa'o by M. F. Rapp. Druggist.
11 Premtctpo1ttJii. lirtrtlTtf rrtct7-jB
I Sj Expcrtcaca waatctttuj. rieulUr'a'K
. fm a'xijgttobtglnai.Lg)erl.at7jh jB
H con ilu'nn to lockl Prt-ia Ol
!C",W" "t .LiCr 0e3il
- 1 kKr.iUMo CIoortJi 11
1 f I r.'er3ri 4rtMlter&i. ft
gl Roes. WWr Un uil ptdo. If
j Jp W mt joo now, hH
ISaaftruccont. Orfuxl fall Pr-(J
fLUnaui trt. UROWfaliOS. CO, cr- IE
KBPK7Bia. rertlwxl. Ctr7 fTT-U bofcU Jl
; WP rfiuti:. yt-antutrrt ta Jm
I'roptletor of
The City Meat Market,
And Dealer in
XV- Orders Ukcn and neUTcrcd Free
to any prt of the Cttr.
i i
'1 3
- i
NEW il A N A Q Efl RNT,
WILLIS & WILLIS, Proprietors.
Frco Coach. Commodious Sample Rooms for Commercial Travelers.
Blacksmiths and Machinists
Aro now located in thoir now Bhops on
Stephen Street, between Oak and Cass,
And aro prepared to do work in
Glyethem them a trial
thur Unt or let under Ms head t5 ccnU per
month; each additional line S cenl per month. Xo
advcrtltcmatt taken for ten than SI cents.
Motlce to XrcHpnsser.s.
Notico is herein' civon that all Dcrsons
hunting upon, removing wood from, or
otherwise tresnassini: unon tho "Iiuahov
estato,'' wilhba prosecuted.
ii'j&euurg, nug. 8, ib'ji.
I). S. K. Buick, Agent.
Nntifn m liprnhv tft,nTi nil mirumiQ
j r, ?. ...... .... j
removimr wood or ('tittmtr wnrwl frnm mv
land will bo prosecuted. My land is the
S. E. J of ttio S. W. i of section 10,
township 27 south, range 0 west, in
Douglas county, Uiegon.
For Bute.
Under Ihlt head vou can ailcertUc for talc vnur
farm,honte, horse, cow, or anything c'e you viay
utth to disjiosc oj at a cost of 13 rents per month.
try it.
For Sale. Good oak wood nt$2 per
tier, promptly delivered ; leave orders at
J. F. Barker's store. Z.umi Baiikkii.
For Salo. A good homo of 1C0 acres,
12 miles from railroad ; 40 acres cleared ;
good water, small orchard in bearing,
plenty of small fruit; fair Oregon house
und barn ; 4 horses, 'i cows and plenty of
farm machinery to run tho farm. For
prices and terms enquire of S. B, Hen
dricks at tho lteview office or of the
county surveyor at tho court house.
For salo or trade, a good three-spring
hack. Will trado for grain or cows.
Apply to Chas. Vakzh.e.
Good dry oak wood for sale at .2 per
tier, delivered every Saturday, taavo
orders at Mrs. Boyd's grocery etoto.
Joitx BorciiKn.
For Sale. Old papers,
at 25 cents per hundred.
at this olfice.
Wanted, a reliable man or lady; for
steady ;ositiou. Address X, care Daily
iribuue, Wjlbur, Douglas County, Ur.
l'or Item.
lou can adrertlte your house, tana or room for
remjorzi cenu per mam mini! aqtanmeM.
The Odd Fellows Ruitding Association
will receive proposals for renting the
Opera House tor ono year, from Feb. 1,
1805, ensuing. Heats payable monthly
in advance. Tho directors reserve the
right to reject any and all bids. Address,
Jos. Micelu, Secy.
Great Opportunity for Prune Farming
On a Large Scale.
1720 acres of choice valley and low
hilleide land, all under board and wire
fence, several hundred acres in cultiva
tion, the very test of fruit land, has good
natural drainage, free from frost, good
house, wood, water, etc., three miles
from railroad, the vicinity has tine or
chards and this is a rare chuncc for a
colony of prune growers. The property
belongs to absent parties and must
bo sold. lricc?10 jier ncre, '4 cash,
balance in eight annual payments with
G per cent interest. ( Discount allowed
for cash;.
Have lands of ev-ry kind throughout
the county for low price and easy terms.
D." S. K. Buck. Itoseburg, Ore.
To Ths Insuring Public.
The undersigned has the following
answer to make to the charges made
against him in the Bosf btng Review by
a would be insurancu aent who goes by
the name of Wayne Jones, ton it; That
on the IStli day of January, li'J5, the
old reliable Home Insurance Co. o( New
York, with cash assets of rl,0u0,000, did
aischarge tho said Jones as their agent
and appointed the undersigned as their
agent for this city and vicini y. jly
commission hangs in my otfice" in the
frame in which said Jones formerly had
bis and can lie inspected by anyone de
siring to see it. All who wi?h to insure
in-the Home writ please call at my office
in tbe jlarsters block.
L. D. Oaule, Agent.
I'oultry, l"Isli ana Game, at
in Hcnson
Roseburg, Or.
i . ( i j i i , i i , i , ,
4 5 0 7 S y 10 11 VI
Is what we .give to every cus
tomer, for we believe the best
advertisement possible is a cus
tomer pleased with what we
have sold them, they will come
again and agaiu,and their friends
will come too.
We are not here for a day
or for a month.
We are Here to Stay.
ljlfOLLENBERG) flBRflHflg
Roseburg. Or.
their lino with neatuesB and dispatch.
and ho convincad.
For a Few Days.
Boys Suits - , $i 5
Men's Suits 7 5
Men's Wet Weather Shoes 2 00
' Men's Underwear 75
Latest Style Hats 2 00
: Boss of the Road Overalls-Best 50
flackintoshes at Greatly Reduced Prices.
Ladie's Dress Goods Reduced 25 per cent.
These goods have all been received
within the last month, and are the
latest styles and not shelfworn.
Don't delay this golden opportun
ity, and call on
The Boss Store.
32(3 and 323 Jackson St.
We call the attention of our
friends to our beauti
ful stock of
Our Stock is
Unexcelled by Any House
South of Portland. '
ni CYDMncD jp crririMr the popdlak
HLUJll lUt-,lV U kJlIVUllVI
he Long
is Here
Of nit Sizes and Styles.
9 Window anil Door l'rnmcs
O 3Xndc to Order.
Of capacities var-ing- fr-om i to 25
horse power affords the most con
venient, economical ami reliable
power for all light service. One of
these may be seen xunninj'j at this
office. Send for circulars.
121 Main Street, San Francisco, Cal.
& Strojig j
Bet. Oak and Washington.
Easy Rockers - f.
Bed Room Sets
Parlor and Dining Chairs
Rugs and Carpets
And all Household
Prepare for it wisely. We offer
unusually good reasons why 'OU
should btry from us.
Ever' thing offered for sale is fresh;
bought for the Holiday Trade and
sold at very reasonable prices.
We have a very choice stock of'
canned goods, including both fruits
and vegetables, to which we invite '
3rour special att ention.
' Our line of Olrves, Gherkins, Pick
els, Sauces, etc, is also complete.
We carry the largest stock of to
baccos iu Southern Oregon.
CO.y Grocers.
Turning and Fruit Boxes
We aro always in tho Lead, and mean to
keep there.
The Golden Harvest is upon us, and farm-
era are smiling because Woodward
Iookb to their interest.
-Fall Trimmcd-
These are all Leather and Warranted.
At Reduced Prices.
Consult your purse and be tare and tee
Woodward before buying.
tt. jmt reeeired a new and extenaire (lock o
Ladies' Dres3 Goods, Eibbons, Trimmings,
Laces, tc Etc
Of the test quality and finub.
Wood, Willow and Glass Ware,
Crockery, Cordage, Etc,
Also on hand in laxsc quantities and at prieea to
jnlt toe times. Also a urge sioeJc or
Custom-Made Clothing
Which is offered at coat price. A full and
select stock of
Conitantlr on hand. Also the
General agent for CTcry rariety ot subscription
books and periodicals published in the United
States. Persons wishing reading matter of any
kind will do to give me a call. -
t. D. HOLDF.N, Stockton, Cal.
The Turf and Sportsman's Authority of
the Pacific Coast.
All the Latest
Racing News
of the Country.
The Best Meduni for
Advertising Stallions.
And everything appertaining to the Turf
and Field Sports as well as for Sporting
Goods, Medicines for Horses and other
animals, Kacing Gear, Champagnes, etc.
The leading paper of its class west of
Chicago, and tho representative of the
vast breeding interests in California.
Special department conducted by
Jos. Caikx Suirsox.
It is essentially a newspaper cotining all
the Gossip and Sportind events of the
day, given in such a bright, entertiening
and readable manner as to make the pa
per a neceisty to everybody interested in,
horse matter and legitimate sport. Sam
ple Copies aro free, and will be Eent on
application to any address.
313 Bush St., SanFrancisco, Cal.
F. W. Kellev, Manager.
4m V V.
Mineral, Railroad. Aricultural.
1HW G St., N. V. Washington, D. C.
Examiner of Contests. Mineral vs. Itinera : vs.
JSmISP'? ,antl Agricultural claims, and
Chief ot the Mineral Division.
W Correspondence Solicited.