The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, February 04, 1895, Image 4

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Subscription Rale:
One Year payable in advance .S oo
SU Months, " 00
Three Month. " " 5
MONDAY, FEB. -J, 1893.
The Uitctt Thine In the Way ot Guaran
teeing Indemnity Tor Ixw.
Burglaries havo becomo so frequent j
In Chicago that several capitalists havo
now tiudcr consideration tho formation '
of a bnrclarv indemnity conipauy. Hard-
ly a day passes in which sonio residenco
or mercantile building is not entered
by thieves and valnablo property dam
aged or taken away. In a largo percent
age of tho burglaries tho property is
never recovered. Even when it is found
tho articlo is generally in a damaged
condition and of littlo value.
When tho company commences busi
ness, its policy holders can go away
from homo for a few days or abroad for
a vacation and not bo in a perpetual
rtato of worry about tho safety of their
household effects. This would bo be
cause tho company believes prevention
of housebreaking is even better than
tho conviction of tho burglar. An effi
cient foreo of watchmen would patrol
tho district in which tho insured lived.
When a burglary was committed, the
policy holder would havo to report at
once to tho offices of tho company. Its
agents would go to the building just as I
tho adjusters of a fire company would
in case of a Ices. All tho property dam- i
ared would bo taken possession of as if '
. . 1 . . i r , !
it were salvage, ana train ea aeiecuc
would endeavor to run down tho crimi
nals. A char.oe.nas already been issued to
tho company in Iowa, where a capital (
of $50,000 was subscribed. Application j
was then made to tho insurance com- .
missioner of Illinois to do business in .
this state. Ho looked up tho law, and j
though it does not expressly include
burglary indemnity companies in its
provisions he decided that tho company I
could legally do business if a $100,000
subscription was raised in tho state.
This will now bo done, and the head- 1
quarters for the United States will bo
established in Chicago, from hero '
branches will likely be established in ;
all tho largo cities of tho country. In 1
Great Britain and Canada similar com- I
panics have successfully transacted busi- .
ness for several years. Chicago Times. '
Thick l"rathcrs on Dock and Other Situs
of a Hard Winter.
A party of tho wags who are always
hanging around tho National hotel held
up old Carter Bowie, the colored man
who has sold raw oysters from tho can
for seasons innumerable on Sixth street,
vfisterdav. and after chafing him for
awhile on various questions touched 1
him in a tender spot by asking him j
what kind of weather Washington was j
going to havo this winter.
"Tell yer, honey, yer bettah git yer '
coal in putty scon, kase days raitely
cnnnllvtirafWnhead-" said Carter. "Do
ducks ain nebber had ez much down
j.t.M2UMI rlnr a ? frill frince
I kin 'member. Hit's dat thick dat yer
cyahnt see de meat thcr hit nohow.
Dat's er sho' sign dat do wedder gwin- j
ter bo tnrr'ble cole. Den de bressbone J
ob a goosewhut I seen vrcz dess sported .
up like er pinter dog's back, 'en dat's J
ernudder sign whut don't fale, neb- ;
ber. En dar's ernudder thing. Ebber
sen co I fust got big nnff ter tcto isters 4
I dun see dat when we hab do small-1
pox in de fall time de winter whut
come erlcng atter hit is dess do debbil
foh cole. Hit wuz datter way las' time,
back yander in atee-atey. Yer 'member
dat, d'en't yer! We had de smallpox in ,
de fall, an do wedder was dess JaiJt nit
is now, sof ' an sunny, an hit kep dat
ter way twell clean up terKrismus.
Den, gennermea, she cemmenco fur to
git cole, an I lay dat olo Cyarter putty
nigh froze an starve ter deaf, kase da
ribber got ffoze ober clean ter de raonf,
an dey martn't no iseter boat ccme up
toedew'arf foh "bent tix weeks. Yaars,
indeedy, fellers, hit's gwinter be colter
iwti da debbil ioon ez do holerdays
comes, an if enny ob youso is got yo'
obercotes in de intru3 shop I lay yer
better git 'em out quick ez yer kin,
kase yer'll need 'era, heney, yer'll need
'em wussen de licker an do seegyars yer
throwin yer munny erway cn. But dis
ain't sellin isters. I gotten git Bum
munny time de ribber froze up ergin
an keep dera istcr boats down on de
beds." Washington Star.
A 21 crry Borclr
A scries cf most daring robberies is
now puzzling the Anderson (Ind.) offi
cials. When Joseph ilnnchoff, a fumi-'
tare dealer, awoke the other raorning, '
he found the following note lying on
his desk hardly ten feet from where he t
had been sleeping: ;
Mr Dtjle Srx If you tad cose money la
yocr pocicts, I -wrEld not hare bothered your
tratch aad jcrzr vrlle'a &ealkin tack. I thask .
jca Icr sleeping so Bonad. ,
Srw Tobe Bczciob.
Here are fiTc pcaaies; hare a d&r on in.
The note wa3 neatly penned on Mr.
3Iuncho5'B note paper, and cn it lay
five pennies. Six other houses were en- J
tered and money taken when it could
be found. It is thought that all of the I
robberies have been committed by this
nervy individual. Indianapolis Senti-1
Mr. TanderblH'n Partridge. i
By tho authentic and authoritative i
way of an English print the word comes
that when ilrs. Vanderbilt wants to
eat the wing of a partridge she has ten
birds cooked and served from which to i
choose. There are several Mrs. Vander- (
bilts in this country who might easily
afford this method of selection, but the '
London newspaper does not venture
further than this wholesale statement ,
And v.liy only ten birds? It doesn't
take millions to buy ten partridges. A
really good '.tory would be that a par
tridge with ten v;ngs was offered.
New York Times.
arant-! IfU Urcjur-ftt.
On payniejjt of a young man if j
excused front military rricc in Spain. :
Tho other drty a man wrote to the queen j
that he had already paid 63, (KK) for 10 j
of his mhih and begging her to excuse
the other 1-5, as Ik- bad no more money.
The quijen granJtd the u quest. Mad-!
rid Letter.
Notice ib hereby given to the public
by the undersigned that I do not allow
dead animals to be buried on my jirem
i6e8, at Koseburg, Oregon, nr. garbage
damped thereon or sand or gravel taVen
therefrom, unless tho party taking Band
or gravel first contract with me for the
right to bo do.
Tresspassers will be prosecuted ac
cording to law. Aaron Robe,
Rosebnrg, Oregon. March 17th. 18111.
Boos and shoes selling att cost at
Langenberg's. Closing out sale,
humbug. Call and Ire convinced.
Only 50c. Read This All Through.
''Z '.cL. vSBaV l'ase. Jraetleal l"ap. Practical, useful nml economical
stocking plovcs, children's clothlnsr. etc., etc."
Each month wo tell
ssiimki to f la.iJK
friu.n u ia.ui
Whero to rvt It.
All tho material, even to tho
how to make it, etc., etc
This aiouo wui bo
to any woman.
A PATTERN and any tour of tho following s tamlard Iwwks, bound In whlto anil cold, new
larco type, good rt.por. nil sent tree: or tho pattern and six sheets of music such as would
cost you -W cents each In a More, delivered tree in any part of tho I'nlted States or Canada.
If you sond at onco tweuty-fivo Sc. stamps for a ueivyearly subscription. Wo loso money by
this, but once suHs rilHT always a Mibscrlber. Can select tho (Pattern any Unio. Jlcctlon
the numbers of the books you want. Don't wait 'till Us too late.
1 Titr Yrtinw Mask Willie Collinv
3. FOK'xa TI!K HrtlK-Mr AlomJcr.
THr OitovoO" Mis M. F ttradtlon
4 The liva or liMirv Tcortc M. Fcna.
1. l.iv i.ioiT-Mm ll.nn'Wtvl.
6. Thk .us tharkttr M. r.ratrae.
7 THt h. won s.s -Chailolle M r-rcmc.
S. Rtlrtof A Ilu :t, 1 or IL Man-rl.
C. Tut ' r.V-"lhr ! .chff."
la. Mv a- IiitKrAMlV" m i Ftf Ctat Kcae.
It Cbk kit -i tii lii vmii Sit lvlcni
xa. A WlCKfo l Marvtecil Hav
ly Mrs 0rr'Li.,O cti tiv7. ls. I JcrrM
t. Catim 2Ii.K lluch Conway
Address, THE McCALL CO.,
Kins: of all
Ught Weight and
Rigidity. Every
chinefully warranted
5 Styles
Hipest Honors at the World's Colombian Eiposition.
Send tt-occnt stsisp for car i.psje Cctilo;uc A uork of Art.
.Monarch Cycle Company,
- I K-tl:! Sl'
1S0 Wash Lake
PRICKLY ash, poke root
and potassium
Marvelous Cures
in Blood Poison
and Scrofula
P P P tie bixMl. trciki op
tSie wk arjj CcMliUtni. fiii
rtrajtth to eei n-rr. ejjw"
ba9c. EiTt&rthefnlt henKb erl
For pri irj fCTVlorr ni trfu-y
JT"'' Wo"l rt r.ic;. cr- j
rul poiv-n. raur.a. tfy-rcs''-. r i
ta all Mood and t-a tflMav.. :-o
ttr. cM bMl IK'.:. r.-tn. lai.
coexft-ve day m. uh'Ct f-rf
roatntSlrtJoa. tht 1" P P. t t h? loi
tAood punier In th w. tkJ. .1 wlw
lire, rpvrvj a:ju i-ri Liiui.. .
all cx.
Xjales whoso syetu
od waose blond i la ar I;-ar" en. :
Uon. Sse to heastraj lrric-j. '!.
are rlU.-lj rcs3tS IT t'.o wos
3erf d toatc msJ bii claE n(r f-rr ,--rrtlrtDf
p. P P - Wi-; A.'h, P.u
erzmamns. V.o. . '.a?- Ht. -
ia;al3ti. t!jli: ir-i . r
Tcrcr ra2lcioo f-' -a rr j v: ; r oil
Cteae. pitzf-j aad roccia:t) I r
35yer. ! treated by th- rvrj t
phTHctar; ao !': licodr.!'
! trlnlMlT tz. trn r.n-'r - --
f oatta'llriitrTllef. IW ra.'i.'-i
" ea oottlo ot yur P. P. r.. : u
caelTinr w ae re" TZ""'
& svA ia3 iaytblf-S I a " r lea.
e?rt5itli, C-reca Cosaty. 11
J a a. a a a a at k
to nsi a crnK Fon
n. nun hnnli "TnnW. flliAHSES OF urEffi" noum ne ran oy itsfj innt,
shown by hundreds of caaes tbronE'joot tbUandotherfctatcijWho would '""f ffa IIOm ,DaD,
cl whom we have ttrocg lcttcri bearing testimony to their recovery after using our ilelt.
rniroiii ncniriTvrnspn.
H.niWeTiy.l..A"init 11. JPK.
Dr. A. T. Fani n. Doax blr Bsfora I mod our blt
I wu troobll with lost rlaor. riul waakneM. ani
almost a mrapMe loss of povrr. 1 would kL up with
a in llrM leellnz, bones achloc. rtc.ialnca nilna
Tour Mlt I htts had m ow lase oi ll(. I now eajor
life betwrthsQ I fcasa tattxa Ttars Lttt, JhaTBlna
atrsot confidsooa lo jour tretlme&L. Von can iob
llih this nUbnne&t. also baTno.hers write or call pa
ma. Tralr 7onrs. IL A.COWEi. S6anJ2jTura8t.
rortlaad.brecoo. April 19 1V
Dr. A. T. Baixlen. liearHlrfeotona r.t roar btltj
two wks ago forrbramatisci from which 1 saoerod
tor set'ral rears. For tho ial six months I had cot
bmn siils to work. Your belt ha placed mala almost
rlct bealth in the two weru 1 bare uh Ik l can
wklk roraTnrtAhlT. snrl fuel llks & new msn censrallr.
M. K. 11 UOIIEM, I'rDniietor International llouL
T&catns. U ah October 21. VfI2.
Dr. A.T Fanden.Desr Sir: I hare been uslnit rour
r.iectnc fen xorirenerai n-rrcms uemiiir, ana ioit
feel better than I hare ior fife rears. I havo caiDftd
ir ir" oauj, ana sm strong; in ererr pn.
Yours grateful!, CUAH.LUETKA
li conipliit Balranlo batten, made Into a belt so as to bo esslly worn durlne Tr!c or .ilrost.i-n ii
Klres sootbtnir. predefined currents which aro Instautly tell tbrouifhuut .l iroit rnrts.orTof'jrfelt
85.000. ltbasan lmprovrd Klectrlc Muapcnaory, tho create?! bwneser ylron wpe.knj-n.rrnl
we warrant it to cure any of the abore weaknessea, and lornUrpo lirunkenli-r'-s. or iIoneir
Keranded. Therares:ralellnrtrenirthtorjietalltaKe3.f t;o kne- in y n. , r-Hiiia.tBec!iircill
men. and will cure tho worst cases In two or three months. Address f'jr full luf -vrv ia.
Newest rioslsns. Lending Stylos. Perfect I'nttcrns
for tallies. Mioses nnd children. Superb Illustrations.
Knhlon Notes. Uenltli ami Hcauty. Fancy Work.
ll.itlHrnl1v ll1ittrtf,Kl it .-,wt bine mnrU rlilMtw,
iuiu tu nil kiiius. 1 rf-vmiuciiM) inu rnsuiou .journal
for tho million. A a!uiblc, clean household paper lor
only 60c. a jear.
The Celebrated McCall Bazar Patterns
Established Twentjr-FUs Yean.
Ton may tblnk you cannot nffonl another paper. Ton
cannot nffonl to bo without It. Thk Qitem or Fashion
will nrtually Ravo you from fitly to flro hundred times
tO cents bvlt hints. "How to mainover old dresses.
Tho way to begin real economy.
you how to pet n completo suit for frora
cqu:u to xaiior mane, jusinowto uo 11.
minutest littlo articlo of trimmlnc. Just
worm titty times uxo cost 01 tlio subscription
t A Rocit."s 1 irr. WilVie Colliirt.
it MiirsTmr ! is Tiir Nicur n. Hirriiltn.
17 aii nv in cmuet..v lortiti lioylr.
Wcitorn Ar Pasted. Charlotte M. Uraemt.
19 MY ijip s Mi'r,' u llklc LoUtns.
30. Mmp, Wire ok Winow Mrs. Altiandtr.
ji liMK to Tiir ou Home Mary Cecil liar.
22 A Ycttow lota.
jv I'' ' K Anna Sttll
54 ( IIUIOIU It KtLE Ml). Kowson.
lite Hen of I.ynnc Kotxit Ituchanan.
rf. The Mn im liLAC Stanley J. W'cymaa.
2; IK1 no E F ttcason.
East 1 4th St., New York.
the Best.
Superior flaterial
and Scientific Work-K:
.nJ llalsted Sts., CMICAGO, ILL.
Arc entirely waorrt by P.P.P.
-PrlcUj Ab. Poto Roct aod PoUa
ilss. tie cre:ea: bl puriStr oa
Aursarra. O.. Jalrtri. ll-
Mt5c LifTKiS Bios., tajacaas
Uoac tan-' k:iim i -
JA.. ". . '
J"e ctl u I ire
t :etiiir to tio v. . trU i rcp-crtle;
cf P. P. P. f?r er.KKiH cf t'.c kia. I
iiScrl ter orrral jr-.ra u! a oa
.rht'T ts I tf;sirrrt craTtjenoa
raj rr 1 trt -.1 t. rr t3"n rrce
cj t-'. tr. ruct-cil P. J' T. UJCvS.
rt5 u now curt-IT rnr .J.
t6SOby l-V-gS
EUla Cooccr Cured.
Tatisumyrvx 1U Ateycr ; f rjzix.Tc
Efsris. Tet.. Jcctary 11. !03.
Vcues. L;pphx Bta . -aTina!i.
Go.. 1 baro tr-J joor P.
i-. f.i ri ttsiof tbokln. stuil7
inor-z - y t:a 'aDCr.ot ttlrty yrar
':r''.rs. n-t .ooa-1 zznl relief: ts
, rr ih j !; '! sod rcawTe all lr
:lt-t-a tr-jta the scat of toe Slao
-.1 ;rrre ear ?r-3'!ts cf tro
.- . ! c-Tjtae- CTocr six battles
ti Imr C-lent titao:bcr course
.1 . tia t :rt-. 1: taaatw rffllerM
j- froa ladiS'-i. .o ted ttoacn
irocilti. YocrstroT.
cjut w. :t. nrsr.
Auorac7 a: Latr.
Unpsjaa's DlockAavonnali, Ca x
with Klrciro Jlacnrtlr Suprn.
norr w.n cure Ttllliaul mnliilno
a Ji f tbeat5T"lrout.i. 1howlo
vuHer from Nrrvou llrbllllv,
l.miri, limine, J.ol .llnrlioort,
rriouncM, Hlrrplrnr,
Poor .tlrinory, nil KcmnlcCmn
plaints, anilcrnernl III lirnllh,
iho effects of bues. cicne. wi.rr
or exposure, wilicnd relief and pr tnst
euro In our marvelous: Invrnti p
which requires but a trial to ctnlii'
the most skeptical. Inlgnoranco!e.
fecta you may havo nn .ulr rtralrr'
your stsI em ox nerve force and vita i
which la rlrctrlclly-aml t i
rc?ed yourwcakneasorlackor for
If you replace Into your system n
elements thus drained, which are r".
quired for vlBOrousstrcmitb. you r; I
remove the cnuin and bejrlth.slienr' b
and vle'r will follow at once, lb:
Is our plan and treatment, and
cuarantco a cure t r refund money
Portlsnil Oiresn, Ferlemlier V:
1 T fl.ntlrn. lltur Kir .Vitnriat f iMfUr 1
hardwoVk.i"mblnd with the strain cotnlnit from
3sr ol an enRln. ciwroBoiwwncwoi
frnm vhlrh 1 uKrrofi for lOtnn mfl. I OSl
that I could not btnd rnr back. as all doi ,!
wltn It. 1 bougci ooeol lour ixiis. it i'ip -j mi
inillottwidI i nnd I contlni.JO w r It for f ur
months, linu i erftlr cured. Tht wst" 7'"
seo.nnd I am nel Uxlitj si I eter wss n nirlll. I
know sour belt well, ntd kn lo:eot p. plewht
baro been cured l7 It. Mnr othe e nred lt,nd If
they would try It th-7 would find it tlissanie ne I did
tho best remfdr In Iho wo-M. lira ccnled rert
permanentlr.and ol'l lslad to tali with cn one who
IiOUKKT liL ItltllL, Engineer lloU Portland.
J-.T. relt, M H-h, .luno li. 18?
D-. A. T.Randa , Desrtiri lccn wearlna jn-jr
b- It I haro been itrea'lj bene.HeH, j feel r old en
er7 f-t returnlniri nnd fl rn mot.lli'o i rn of the
belt I find mrell twde n r g-jri us as lelore. Mr
memory is now nearly i ft, oii'l each dar fhows
for the better. I f 1 modi tWntrr tha before
uslnu the belt. Vourstiuy, Uli.MCV bCUULTZ.
st. Louis (jlob
Eight Pages each Tuesday
and Friday, Sixteen
Pages Every Week,
is, beyond all comparison, the biggest,
best and cheapest, national news and
family Journal published in America.
Striofly Republican
in politics, it gives all the news and
gives it at least three days earlier
then it can be had from any of the
Metropolitan weeklies.
It Is Indispensable
to the former, merchant or profess
ional man, who desires to keep thor
oughly posted, but has not time to
read a large Daily Paper.
Write for free samples to
Louis, Missouri.
By special contract, we are enabled to offer
The St. Louis Globe-Democrat twice every week
in connection with The for only
S2.25 a year, provided you subscribe before April
1, 1S95.
Considering the character of the two papers
the greatest of national Journals and the best of
your home papers this offer has never been
equalled. Do not delay but send in your sub
scriptions at once.
Portland University
1 . Location beautiful, healthful and free from all places
of temptation.
2. Best instruction in College, Preparatory, Normal
and Business Courses; also in Theology, Music and Art.
State Diplomas to graduates of Normal. Diplomas for all
3. Board in West Hall, Club Houses or private fami
lies, $100 to $200 per year for board and tuition.
4. Fall Term opens Sept. iSth. Catalogues sent free.
Address C. C. Stratton, D. D., President,
or Thos. Van Scoy, D. D., Dean.
We get out a
class of
Job Printing
that is
to the
"General Run."
Sheriff Sale.
tN the circuit codkt ok the state
x of Oregon, lor tho County ol Douglas.
E. II. I'Inkston, l'lalntlffl
A. 8. 1'ctcnT'j. E. Wilson I
nnd A. F. Wlnnlford, I
Defendants. J
State or Oueoon. f ,
County ol Douglas.)
Whereas, at a regular term ol tho Circuit
Court o( the State ol Oregon, county of Douglas,
to wit: . .
On Saturday the 15th day of December, 1831.
tho plaintiff above named recovered judgment
against tho above named defendants for the
sum of fourteen hundred and forty-live dollars
and eighty-four cents (UH5.M) and for
112.1 00 attorney fees and 55.93 costs and
disbursements herein taxed and against
the following described property: one Day
stallion live years old, one black horse
seven years old, one bay marc eight years oiu,
one bay mare nine years old, one sorrel mare
six years old, ono bay mare six years old and
their Increase, said property on the 31st day of
October, lbOl, having been duly attached here
in, that I did on tho U!th day of January, 1HJ5,
In Douglas county, Oregon, at the hour of 1
0 clock p. 111 , of said day, sell at public auc
tion to tho highest bidder for cash In hand,
all of the above described personal property,
being the property of the above named defend
ants, said sale bringing In the aggregate, the
sum of $70.25, that the costs and expenses of
said sale omountcd to the sum of ?57.C5, tliot
the Interest on I1I15.S1 for !T7 days was ?10.b5,
One hundred and twenty-live dollars, attorney
fees, fi7.ri, lotts added together with attorney
lees and Interest making the amount of judg
ment ?iraa.34, the amount of the sale of per
sonal property deducted, leaving a balance
due plaintiff of lfC3.09. Whereas, the above
sale did not satisfy the plaintitrs Judgment,
1 have levied upon and will on Monday, the
1Mb day of Kcbruarv, 1S95, at the hour of 1
o'clock p. m., at the Court House door, in
Uoeburg, Douglas county, Oregon, sell at pub
lic auction, to the highest bidder, for cash in
hand, all the right, title or Interest which
said defendants, oreitlferof them, had in orto
the following described property on the 31st
day of October, or at any time thereafter,
mid real property (having in this action on
said date, been duly attached and ordered sold
under said attachment, to wit:
The Cbel M. Grovcr Donation Land Claim,
surveyed on the U. S. maps and designated as
Claim No. ;, being parts of Sees. Si, '23, 32 and
33 in Tp. 25 S., It. (" west, being bounded' as
lleginning atta point 3 chains south and 20
chains! and 25 links west from the corner Sees.
-tt u.; aim J-l, in ip. s., x.. w nrsi, mm
muiiinir thence north 33 chains and to links.
and thence west 7'J chains and CO links, thence
south J40 cnalns, thence least to chains to the
piacel 01 beginning ami containing .j acres,
also lots numbered 2 and 3 in Sea 33 in Tp.
25 H., It. C west, containing CS acres in Douglas
county, Oregon, on the 3M day ol Oct,, or
any time thereafter, and also all the right,
title and Interest, the said defendants or
cither of them, had In or to the following
described real property, on the 30th day of
iciooer, or at any lime inercaiicr. u a
Ilceinnine at the- northwest comer of Ixt No. 0,
running thence east 50 feet, thence south -10 feet,
thonce west 50 feet, thence north 10 feet to place
ol Inhuming in moot No. II in K. u. .ucimoii
to the Town of Oakland. Douglas County. Ose
gon, as recorded in the office of the County Clerk
of said Douclos Countv. Oregon, together Willi
tenement", hereditaments and appurtenances
therenio belonging or in anywife appertaining
and 1 will adiiIv the nrocccds arising therefrom
first to the costs and expenses of such sale of said
real property, to the coats anil disbursements
herein taxc'l nnd amount of rjlaintllfs iudg-
! inent, including attorney fee of 1125, to wit: the
sum oi iijfcfc.w.
ShcrifTof Douglas County, Oregon.
Ity D. It. SHAMKOOK, Deputy. ja!7td
x the County of Douglas.
Sol Abrtbani,
I,. C. Itcarislr. reter Hume. E. II.
Preble, Martha A. Bogffe and T. It.
Sheridan, Extcators anJ xecntor
of the eaUteof T. It. Boeire, de
ccsim1. The Or gon i t'alifgroU
Lumber Co., a corporation, I'.
Itorn, t. W. Condon, Dist. Attr.
fur DoogHi Couaty and Ada Beard
le , Iefendanta.
To L. C. Beardsler. the abore nameddeJen'lact,
In the narae of the State of Oreiron. you are
hereby rxjuireJ to appear and answer the com
plaint nled aininat ou in the above entltlea auit
on or before the tSrtt day of the next renlar term
of nid court, for aald tnnty and State, appointed
to be held and to commence on Monday the ISth
dayof March, A. D. liOi. that being the fint
I day cf the term of uid court regularly fullowing
1 the expiration the time prescribed for the publi-
rition of this summons in and by an order herein
cude by the lion. Judge oi said court and bear
i in? dale the 31ldarof Deceiabtr. HOI. lor the
! serTice of this suracous by the publication there
1 of for i comecutire weetr, and if yon fail o to
j appear andansver said compliinl. the plaiutiS
j herein win take judgment against you and a ce
cree as follows:
1 t or the sum cf 173.97 with intrest at the
rate uf 11 per cent, per annum, from the 7th dar
of Octotxr, H3J, and for the further sum of S100
as attorney's fees and further for his costs and
' That the foUowinir deacnbe-l premises.
to-wit: lot Number Nineteen (19) in Brook's and
Belden's Addition, the same bemir the Broomde
Addition to the City of Iloseburg, in the County
cf Donjrlas. btate ot Oreiron, accordmir to the offi
cial survey ami plat of sid addition of record in
ti.e omcect tte County CKrk. or uougias county
Omron. containing Nine 9) Acres more or lese
lorether with the tenements, hereditaments and
arrurtecancei thereunto belonging or in anywise
appertaining, be Mia by tnesnens ot said County
ml tLe proceeds of te aprueu to tbe
payment of the above amounts, nnd that you aud
all persons claiming unaer you or subsequent to
the execution of the mortgige med on herein
hxl! I barred and foreclosed of all ri.-ht. claim
or eiutty of redemption in the said premises and
tha: execution issue against you for any de
ficiency which miy remain after applying all the
proceeds of the sale of said premises properly ap
plicable t' the sattaiacuon ot aiz judgment.
?31tt Utorney for the Plaintiff.
Sheriff Js Sale.
tn the cir.criT court of the state
of Oregon la and lor Douglas County.
C. II. Manpln, AilmmUtratorl
of the Estate ol ti 11. Man
pln. dewfted. anii L.;. Dim-1,
mlck. plaintiffs f
A. s. I'cters, defendant. J
STATE or OltE'L'S. (
County o! Douglas. (
Where, at a recular term of the Circuit
Court of the state of Oregon, for the County of
uougias-. to xrii. cn the ;n miy ot wecemtwr.
1S9I. plaintiffs above naiactl recovered a iudc-
meu: asaiiist the aliovc named defendant for
the sum of UfXOnnd fJl.t'O cots and disburse
ments, and against the following described at
tached jeiM)nal property, .towit :
One roller. SS', bushels oats. 139 bushels bar
ley, 11 tons hay. 1 set harness. 1 l'lano binder.
m neaa nogs, i u.borne mower.
Said property having been duly attached on
the lt day of November. ly.M, 1 did, on the
Cth day of December. at the hour of
o'cloct p. m. of said day, sell at public auction
to the highest bidder for cn-h in hand, all o
the aboe described jersonal propcrtv, being
tne property oi me a Dove naincu oetcnuant,
said sale brinslng. in the airgregate. J3TI.S1
that the i-; and expense of said sale, $11.39,
first cost. fiu judgment and interest, ?100t,
costs anvl interest together uith the Drineirtal
HOT !.?.. leaving u balanec due plaintiff on judg
ment of J7"0.1-. Whereas the above sale did not
satisfy plaintiffs judgment. I have levied upon
and will. on Saturday, the 2'rd day of Febiuarv.
i9T. at 1 o'cloi kp. m. of said da, at the Court
House door in Koseburg, Douglas County, Or
egon, pursuant to ar execution duly issueu out
of said caue anil court on the ICth dav of Janu
ary, im. sell at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash in hand, all the right, title
and interest which said defendant had in or to
the following described real property on the 1st
day of Not ember. TsJI. or at any time thereafter,
said real proptrty having in this action on said
dute been duly attached and ordered sold under
said attachment, to wit
The south of the N'E 'i of Section 3. Town
ship 2S South. I'.aiice West. W. M., containing
s acres, together with all the tenements, her
editaments and appurtenances thereunto beloug
lug or in any u ie appertatr.ins.
And 1 will apply the proceeds arising there
from first, to the costs and expenses of sale
of saidrcal property, to the costs and disburse
ments herein taxed, and amount of plaintitrs
judgment, to wit. the sum of 7W.lN with inter
est thereon at the rate of s per cent per annum
from the th day o( December, ls-.'l. anil the
overplus, if any there be. to bo Paid into this
Court to be further applied as bv law directed
sheriff, Douslas County, Orecon
ltj 1. U. sittiip.ooK, Deputy. jlTtd
Notice ii hereby given to all nhom it may con
tern tint I h ive a ppointe-1 D. W. Stearns of Cala
rooi i precinct Deputy Inspector of Stock fcr said
prtcinct; postotHce address, Oakland; also A. J.
Chtpman of Wilbur, an 1 Ralph Smith, at Rose
hurg. to act daring my absence, and others wil
be added a parties inspected make tkeir desire
tnownto me.
Itoscburg, May Ith, 1SS7.
Jiureclor of Stock tor Douglas county.'Or.
Dr. Gibbon's
,.orm.r ,,f i;om
merclal. San Kmuckco,
Cal.. Established in
Kil. for tho treatment
of Sexual and Seminal
Diseases, such as on-
:?iirriri, illrrt. ttlrict.
rto tire, .N;j.n7., in nn tt.
,SE ..... r....... ....
rfzrvvs-s " , "Utl
S Ust Manhood perma
nently cured The sick nnd ntlllclcd should not
fall to call upon him. Tho Doctor has traveled
extensively in Europe, and inspected thoroughly
the various hosidtals there, obtaining a ereat
deal of valuable information, which ho is com
petent to Imp.irt to those In need of his services.
The Doctor cures when others fail. Trv him.
DIt. (llllltON will make no charge unless he ef
fects' a cure. Persons at a distance CUKED AT
HOME. All communications strictly conllden
lal. All letters answered In plain envelopes.
Charges reasonable. Call or write. Address
Hit. J. E. lilUHON. Box 1857. Sau Francisco. Cal
1 2Vti?MI5SSi
1 fmsm
. rVA W4sf C st
This Space
New York
Real Estate Bought and 5old
Farms, large and small, to Rent,
Stock Ranges, Timber
Prune and Hop Lands of best
in quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable
prices and easy terms. Inquire of
Cssilt JUU1.3iM
Maimfacturcrs ol JJ WJ1ITE So Cents per Sack
tlie Celebrated 5
Dmuds of Flour, P L. '5 I 0 R 95 CentS perSack
Bran, Shorts3 Feed, Etc. Constantly on Hand,
Highest Cash Price Paid for Wheat
Jhe) Northern) Pacific)
Is the Line to Take
To all Points East and South.
It is the DINING CAR ROUTE. Itruns through
Composed o.f Dining Cars Unsurpassed.
Pullman Drawing Room Sleepers,
Of Latest Equipment,
tourist m.eepim; caik
Best that can be constructed and in
which accommodations are both FREE
and FURNISHED to holders of First or
Second-class Tickets, and
A Continuous Line connecting with All Lines,
affording Direct and Uninterrupted service. ,
Pullman sleeper reservations can be secured In
advance through any agent of the road.
THROUCH TICKETS To and from all Points in
America. England and Europe can be purchased
at any Ticket Office of this Companv.
Full inforjiatiou concerning rates, time of
trains, routes and other details furnished on
application to any agent, or
A. D. CIIARIru..
ntnt CuTitiriil PacsoTi.o. f.,t
V,l T' I Klrv, Sit pnf U'.cSinntnn
Ely's Cream Balm
Cleanses tho Nasal Passages. Al
lays Inflammation. Heals tno Sores.
Eestores tho Senses of Tasto, Smell
nnd Hearing.
A rnrtlclo is applied inlornchnoitrl! nnd
Is nsrrrnblr. PriccoOc. nt Drimsl'Is or by
raw 1 nnnis A PATENT? For a
prompt answer and an honest opinion, write to
nl V N N it CO., who havo had nearly axty years'
cxperlencolntho latent business. Communica
tions strictly confidential. A Handbook ot In-
, formation concemim: Patents and how to ob
tain them sent free. Also n catalogue ot mechan-
1 leal and scientitlc books sent free.
l'atonts taken tbrougb Munn & Co. receive
special notlco In tho Scientitlc Aiuericnn, and
, thus aro brouKht widely before tho public with.
I out cost to tho invontor. This splendid paper.
Issued weoklr. elegantly illustrated, has by far tho
largest circulation ot any scientitlc work tn tho
world. 8Ua year. Samplo coplea sent f rco.
Handing Edition, monthly. tiM a year. Slnglo
i copies, cents. Every number contains beau
tiful plates. In colors, and photographs ot new
houses, with plans, enabling builders to show tho
, latest deslms and secure contracts. Address
tMP rnnVPinHTR. W- HLA i rrilliint Pi in HEilW
w Bf Xs W i. 1 1 U M It t Wt fHTSH
Reserved for
Cash Store,
Lands and Mining Properties,
quality, in choice locations,
s- k:. btjiok,
County, Oaeon.
& CO.
Roller Mills,
Southern Pacific Co.
Express trains leave Portland daily.
South (
I North
6:15 p.m. Lv. - Portland - Ar.
3MA.Jf. Lt. - Roseburg - Lt.
10: 15 a. m. i Ar. - San Francisco Lv.
S:C0 A. M.
1130 r. it.
7:00 P. M.
Above trains stop at all stations From Port
land to Albany inclusive. Also Tanjrent,
Shedds, Halsey, Harrisbur?, Junction City,
Irvine. Enene and all stations from Roseburg
to Ashland inclusive.
Iloseburg- Mall Dally.
s:30a. M. j Lv.
5:50 p. X. I Ar.
- Portland - Ar. 1 430 r. x.
Roseburj: - Lt. ! 7X0 a. x.
Pullman Buffet Sleepers
Attached to all Through Trains.
West Side Division.
Ileiwecn Portland and Corrallls.
Mail train daily (except Sunday).
12:15 r. 34.
Portland - Ar.
Corrallls - Lv.
5:35 P. si.
10 P. M.
At Albanr and Corrallls connect with trains
of Oregon Pacific railroad.
Express train daily (except Sunday).
4:t0 P. M. I Lv.
7:25 p. 31. ! Ar.
- Portland -
- McMinrille
S:25 A. H.
5:50 A. M.
! Through Tickets to all Points In
the Eastern States, Canada and
! Europe can be obtained at low
! et rates from George Estcs, Agent
i Rosebarg.
Manager. Asst. U. F. & Pass. Agen
; DeardorffHouse
Two Doors North of Depot Hotel.
Table supplied with the best the mar
ket affords. Meals at all hours, 25 cents.
, Special rates to families, and particular
attention uiven to immigrants.
W. L. D. DEARD0RFF, Propr.
Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon.
, January 22nd. 1S35. j
NOTICE is hereby piven that the followlnn
nameil settler has filed notice of his intentio'n
to make final proof in support of his claim, and
i that said proof will be made before the Register
and Receiver. U. S. Land Office, at Roseburp,
Oregon, on March 2nd, 19J, viz: Uriah N. Gal
l agher. on Homestead ' Entrv, No. 71S2. for the
I S, X4 and N-', SV4-, tfec. 20, T. 21 S., R. C
' west.
( He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
I of. said laud, viz:
Wiley Pilkington. Stephen Wright, Asa Cole,
nun .uram ioic, an oi uasiami. Douglas
county, Oregon. R. M. VEATC1I, Register.
we will send you
a Brilliant Rem
of unusual color, x cmt
and a codv of
"The Great Divide" so vou can see
what a wonderful journal it is, pro.
yided you name the paper you saw this
in. It's a real Jewel we'll send you.
Harness of all kinds at low
G. W. Woodward's.
prices at