The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, February 04, 1895, Image 2

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Subscription Rates:
One Year paj-able in ndvance 8 oo
Six Months, " " . i oo
Thrco Months. ' " 50
MONDAY, FEB. -J, 1S95.
In potting our boots for the year 1S94
we find there are a number ofpersous in
debted to us in tmall amount which aggre
gate several thowand dollart. Like ah
most ereiy body ehe, we are sadly in neeil
of money with which to jxry our indebted-
nets not for investment or speculation.
Our creditors are in the same fir, and are
crowding vs. Comequently ice are com
pelled to urge upon our friends the neces
sity of the payment of the small amounts
due us. Therefore we will at the earliest
jxissible moment render a statement of
account, as appears from our boots Janu
iry 1, 1894, to every person indebted to us.
Where there are so many small accounts it
u iter! to impossible to teep all of them cor
rectly, hence when you receive a statement
and thinh it is incorrect, eve'i if you
have paid it and ice failed to give gou
credit, don't "fly of the handle" and gft
mad, but write kindly and tell us about it
if you can't write kindly, write any way,
for we want to hare our'lwks. Correct. If
you can't pay the whole amount of your bill,
a portion of it will be thankfully received,
and if it is not convenient for yon to pay
onv of it. lei us knoic that fad also. We
would be pleased to hare every erson re
ceiving a slalement of accoutit to acknow
ledge its receipt at their earliest conven
The senatorial deadlock in Wash
ingtoo was ended Friday by the elec
tioa of Hon. John L. Wilson.
The wonderful amount of regard
soma people have for the republican
party oa certain occasions is trnly
When representatives proclaim
they will follow the behests of n few
party leaders in preference to the ex
pressed will of the people, it is time
to consign snch representatives to
private life, be they for or against
Dolph's supporters speak very
sneeringly of Representative Bridges.
and endeavor to create the iuiprev !
aon that he is compelled to support ai Per nionm, aating irom Aog
Dolph throngb fear of what is known I nst 1S- SS per month from
. f x- 1 ri -pro Ti 1 ,
C o
as "the machine." Ii is quite likelv
that no attempt to use -the screws"
oa Mr. Bridges has been made, for if i
it had there would doubtless have 1
bean a change in ilr. Dolph's vote I
soma time ago, for ATr. Bridges is of
a very indepandent nature.
. 1 one that 13 very important to the peo-) need not take the word of She Oresc.iian
Senator Dolph's abnsivo methods j PJe of this coast has been consul-j for it. Ii this transaction which was
don't seem to be meeting with the ere1 ia tLe 'enate, and ha been - Senator Dolph, an attorney of the Nnrtl.
snccess anticipoted. The Sdem atchl very closely by Senator j racifir railroad crporaiion er a Cr
Statesman, which for a time was an MilchdL At the Mice time onr vant o.M ,0 ,o; tuers bad W,
araenr supporter 01 Jir. uoipa, mi
yesterday's issne said: "If Senator
Dolph cannot bare-elected without
abase of every man who sees fit j0
snppon some other candidate for
United States senator, then he will
anceof that nature from the States-
man. Abuse and rillificatioa are not
omuug our napieaeais 01 wan lire
even in a senatorial contest"
There were no shipments of gold
Thursday from the Philadelphia
mint, and hproaffpr trior will !. nr.
annonncements of calls for the vellotv
mpi.1 Snrvirintcnrlpnt 'rnwnnd
TV. a 'AoA . a 1. ' of crops and the feeding them out to dif- row money on the heritage of the cum
x nave aeciaea not to ma see , , f , . . ... .... , 1
of gold. It serves no good purpose.
rthinkithas the effect of making a
CTSZ9 and for inducing the hoarding
of the metal. Besides, all tho gold
shipped from the mint is not sent j of the same kind of stock will not answer j them the lands not because the coin
abroad. Gold is sent here to be jon every farm. The only certain way cf. pony had earned thorn, but because they
csined and calls are b.icrr continnallv .knowing what crops pay best and the 'had wrongfully if not feloniously "oor-
made for it by the bubtreasurv. 1 1 Wnds of stock that return the best profit I rowed money on them."
think it is the best policy to fay ! Is kef pins accou"ts w1it!' ea1th- n"' i In,. t,,e ' urf e of Jhe sa
... , . ... J,mgtnelarm properly planned out and ; tor an vek said :
nothini? more abont fihmmpnts.-' - .. ...... . ... .
There is a misunderstanding re-j
garding the work of the cancue, by
Dolph seenred three more
votes than were reqnired to carrv the
. . .,
caucus, yet at the same time when a
resolution vas submitted fending to
make the vote binding upon all mem-
bers such a storm of indignation was
aroused that the resolution was with-
3 r.tit..; .?....
uroii x.iuuui. uuK euoumieu 10 a
vote or tne caucus. Had a vote been
taken upon the resolution it is qnite
-l, ,l, r
possible that the deadlock on 3Ir.
Polph wonld have never reached the'
legislative body.
So lnnr ms ihn
Plaindealei: be-
lieved there was a possibility of re -
electing Senator Dolph, it
"mom" on the subject. But when it
was of the opinion that be cjnld not
be elected then it had the honesty to
Bay bo. Caucus rnle is all right for a
time, bnt we do not believe it should
be extended indeiinitelv to the ereat
detriment of tho best interests of tho
country and people. There ia a time
for all things, and we believe tLo
timo for tbe end of caucus rule
should bo immediately after tho first
ballot. If a caucus nominee is not'
sirong eiiwusu 10 uo eiectu un 11101
which DolDh secured the nomination ! ES"etn ot rotation which, althongli it slionIJ be forfeited.
tt o i-tM - . mav not add to the fertility of tin- ff,i , into committee there was
iur u. o ud. nuue u is iruo - - . . certain number cf vears
that Mr.
t. i. -.1 t.i.. . : " -j.fc....
first ballot when his party is largely
. . -, . 1 1
m the majority ho Bnonltl men re-
lease all of his supporters, and let it
ho a irnr-il frr-'or-ill fitdit or pIrp
be a genera tree .or an, or else
go into another caucus. This thing
of holdmgonto a thins like grim
death to a colored gentleman is not,
in our opinion, becoming cifher to
the gentlemen engaged in tbe busi
ness or to tbe paity which they
Tho advance of our country, tho
demands of legislation, and tho
urgent demands of tho people alike
requiro a change iu tho mode of
electing senators. Thcro is a convic
tion that tho timo hns como whou tho
people of the country must have sen
ators responsive to their will ami not
irre.sponsiblo to them. There is 11
demand throughout tho whole
country, not among tho rabblo only,
but the bssl th 'Jight of tho country
favors and demands that oflicors of
the government shall be elected by
tho people, ;niJ were sucli a taw now
in operation, we would .-00 no such
scrambles as have taken place in tho
legislatures of Washington and Ore
gon as has existed for past weeks.
The historj of the election of sena
tors since the Into war, in tho chauged
condition of our country with its
ever varying political elements htrug
gling for supremacy, with its large
increase of corporate interests, and
tho open attempt of thoo interests
to control in governmental affairs.
make it exceeding questionable
whether tho conservative forces ofi
the country do not re-t with the peo
ple of the country, rather than with
the great corporations which self
ishly seek to control it. The sov
ereign power of u state can more
completely be expressed by tho
author and source- of its sover
eignty in tho state, that is, ty tho
people. Ltr.o.
Heretofore the I'laixdealeh has io
frained from saying anything detri
mental to Mr. Dolph. belioviug ho
would withdraw from the race at the
proper time. list tho gentleman's
ardent sunDCrters have seen fit to
., , ., 1, , I moi't including the lands which were
attack the Plaindealeu and all re- ( ..nn,ed to ,ill5 .-0tthern Pacific raiWl
publicans who are opposed to Mr. ;on the land of what is known as the
Dolph's re-election in a wav that islpf l!nuid'-(. ich. s ,not ;ct,;n;
. . . ! istied it is not finished toJav ! ut the
appreciated, for we were jnst nwait-! senator from Oregon refused every effort
ing an opportunity to give vent to
oar feelings regarding tho gentle
man. Special attention is invited to
it. . ii - t r ,1... ,- : :
has sacceded in securing a pension
for William Frakes, of Roberts. Or.,
November 9, 1SQ2. 1 here has been a
? . . .....
"n8 controversy m regarc o this
cnsf- growing out of the fact that two
Iu"n satuo name happened to
in le same regiment
Recently the Hawaiian question
- " . .1. .
cioejy ui private miereats a; oaiera.
; b"Ie drawing a salary for labors
supposed to be performed in the ot-
eieit5 of Xhe People.
: Rotation of Crons.
! B-v baviS thc firm divided into small
: na icese numccreu. at teui isree
'advantages are gained. I: is reach
1 easier to keep accounts with the different
' J I
1 , , - ...... ,r
j crops anu ice larm. .-t ociier sys-
i tern of manuring to improve and build
up the land can be followed and a better
, system of rotation can be planned and
! carried out. For the tanner working un-
inordinary conditions, that system of
"rmins is best which permiU of a variety
ic.cui kiuus ui s.m-fc. svitxi ine ciuj-s
3dv3at3Se . tai:e thc ciaracter and
j jar of the land and the convenience to
j market always into consideration. The
; same system of rotation ana" the keeping
ins cmorm. .rom iu wvsmu, 1 .;mJ,,v forfelej aUune.irn?l hn,?s cc
appearing elsewhere, which doubtless j TOIlllI)g lo tIie tera,3 o( tht rtntra,.t bo
shows Mr. Dolphin his fruo light. tneen the iople and the railroad, but
It was about that timo that our hon- i Mr. Dolph would not aivp: an suc'i
orable senator remarked that ho, bid.
wonld knock Scott's damned head off Let a? .iiiote again from the Orog oniait
if he did not let np on him. 1 "The fact was forced out m ti e do-jate
thai through the lai.d which Mr. Dolph's
! , bill proposes to forfeit the corpjratioa
After long effort, Senator Mitchell has not even the inteniiun ever to bund
I me ueius numneren win lessen me wcri: 1 it is jwrieciiy evident mat it was in-
J necessary in keeping acconats. in tended to give an advantage to the
nearly all cases, a t.tter and more -.SvSScSSSiC
j nomical plan in manuring, is to follow a 1 pacific railroad company were willing
i"? . ' '"e ue61
rf' " , , ., uT . 1
clover and other ciops that can be used
in bn5Wins Dp the fertiitv. Growing of
: clover ami other green crops and plowing
them nder is one of tho very ..est and
j most economical ways of increasing the
' productive qualities of the soil. It is not
v... . 1 ,i.'iromu.
j " J
. tul :mc. me
' icnre the better, as it is a beavy .tax
! on the farmer to kcep them up. So far
, ., ,r ... . .
admit, the cultivated field should tc al
together and lhe pasture together.
Thorn clinnlil 1 .t. inn rr fltrrta ttnetiirtin
as more stock can be kept in proportion
1 0f course the character of the rrona I
1 liiu tu ni'jtjR. tepw must.
. . ......
be consiuereij in plain ing out tho pas-
tnrno iml ;..l.l v..
j to plan out the farm if i! has not already
been done, to keeping ac-
j " P'fi!Cr" f r0tati0,,
1 In the future the farmers of Oregon to
I Baccte(f w'" havo to carrv on a more
than , behave In tl. j.aM. "K '
! dltions have changed, and they will hay 0
to use good judgment and lie wide awake
to accommodate themselves tv changed
conditions, nloverdy farming will no
longer pay.
rarnung rlivernlfied muM. n.v l.o the
rule and !rili!r t,f f.iriuftifr ritior.
lions, a glance over t lie countv fur-
i msbes Mimaent evidence u proof of the
! proposition that hi; who conducts his
(arming in a diversified manner invari -
j ably reap, good profit. Ho raises every -
"l,nK that can bo raised 0:1 a farm. If
( oM kind of Juat awU a fih ieh ,Iiar.
ket the ; others aro certain to make up
or the loss. Ho se!U eggs, butler, fruit
nd oats, toeether with fat norkers. As'
a icouii uiciu in pernaps no iiian ii ine
country more prosperous than the one
who farms this wav. Diversified farm-
1 ing will pay in spite of hard times.
How He Served the Northern Pacific
in the Senate.
OiiCe at least in its career tho Oro
gonian showed up Senator Dolph in his
trua light an u corporation senator. Be
ginning with tho statement that ''Solic
tor Edmunds is conspicuous by his efforts
to save tho Northern Vaciliu railroad
from iho forfeituro of lands granted to it
on tho condition that tho road should ho
completed years ago," tho Oicgonian of
Juno 15, 1SSG, thus continued:
"The uovc rnmcnt has been very lent
cut to this and all other land grunt roads.
The bill which Senators Dolph and
Edmunds arc trying to para through tho
senate provides for tlm forfeituro of a
small area 01 lanti aiong w men nun
company has never built a road, and
does not intend to, and is deserited by
the Washington correspondent 01 uie
Now York Herald as cunningly flung by
the railroad lobby 'as a sort of cheap tub
to the reform whale." If Dolph's lilllo
bill should become a law as originally
introduced, 'it would, as several senators
pointed out, by implication, declaro that
ail the largo remamiier 01 1110 same coin
nanv's unearned land grunt was thereby
continued to it. On the other hand, if
it should ba rejected, in that ciso .Mr
Dalnh mav l.ono Unit ho has consumed
so much time with it that tho chances of
I the house bill passing the senate are
greatly lessened,
'his w:is, anil
is, true. Bv an
amendment forfeiting only :i compara
tivclv small strip of land between
U'.illulu and Portland to which tho
company, even by the greatest ingenuity
of corporation lawyers ai.d senators,
could not possibly obtained any title
Mr. Dolph sought, by legd implication
to contlrm ti) that company all the other
forleitable lands I etween BismatU and
Tacoma and so fir has succeeded. In
the debate on ths bill Berry of Arkansas,
alluding in particular Jo tho unearned
lands across the state of Washington,
from Walhila toT&coma, said:
"This bill does no: iucluJo ail the un
earned lands that were granted to the
.Northern 1'aeiGc railroad
A IKKtlOU ot
. the committee Hied to inn; .0:1 an amend-
j to include all the lands which aie un
Senator Van Wycfc ottered us a s 1 ti-
I tute for Dolph's bill tho house i.I, whirh
closed against settlers for a dozjn years
because the railroad wouH not go ton-1
estly to the land otlice and relicquish its j
claim on it. That would have released ,
1 tuc ifliiu uau t j .--cuit;uii;t
: Mr. Dolph was at last forced to explain
1 t 1 . 1 .
the land and opened it to settlemert.
----Yt S oS cTtX
d - - , d , ., M v Wvck s
j second and very mild proposition pro-
nops Jo forfeit. hm:i! l forffitetl the '
company woald be embarrassetl."
Just consider this ac'.ijucf the fona
tor's for a moment and doubtful readers I
I assurance of a contrail entered
iuo bv
1 1 ne govern me ru inaia ruunuu . 1 ue
...t.. , ,
', built throe:! or near it The vci re
i Dever refunded tlieir-tnor.ey. Tlie sens-
I tor from Oregon had no ervire to spare
for teas of thousand A and
! defrauded settlers. V.ui he stjl up
; manfully, and. as it s
ne.1 out, having
pieniy oi corporaiiuu colleagues, sue-;
1 cessfully, in b half cf the raiiroad, to
secure for it many millions of acres to
i, T.I . T.,. , ,
f . ,
j nnicu 11 nau neuner eijaiiaoie nor ieg.ii
! title. But the company had borrowed
j n-oaey on it! Wliv, if one of Mr,
Dolph'o ;oor constituents had borrowed
money and given a mortgage on land not
! his own, he would be sent to the peui
tentiary. But this corporation could bo:
1 i:wj;i ycuyiK laiiua iioi lueir own, out
belonging to the people; aud Mr. Dolph
does not propose to jiunish any of its
officers ; be does not even propose to try
to make them pay the money and give
up the lands; bet he insists on giving
same debate Sena-
lien the bill went
1 given bv it u !
for tho Northern I
1 Pacific to finish their road. When it!
h c . " , , ',r0Vl!!,,0n'f 0,1t
the author of lno oiu, the senator from
lOreson (Mr. Dolph,, refused to vote for
lho amendment, which tho senate did
TeS"' Son Sific
i railroad if the crant for this seventy-five
1 miles of unfiniMiod railroad was taken
inai was 1110 iionilion 01 Uie
, senator from Oregon. Therefore,
I am
( jastitieti in saying that tin
he bill as intro-
i deced an. I con .ii'.-tti here on tho lloor
! bas been engineered in the interest of
the Northern Pacific railroad."
If Senator Van Wyck told the truth,
and ho simply Mated record facts, whom
was .Mr. Dolph serving, the people of
Oregon or the Northern Tacilic Kailroad
Mr. Dolph stands cow just where he
( . i i i i t .1 -
f QffcTMl ! 'nil flnini tlm Kfirv fa r.f tlitu rr-
. " " . ion and urnmxin lho intcrchln nd
' rights of the people,
In view of thh record, 13 it any wonder
! ,1,erc ia a ,,uU S hi" Is il ':o1
' rather strange that he has received as
'many votes as h s has? Kx.
, A of (JriK'jn, for llic Uouuty ol DoukIrs.
Nettie J. Kcni, I'lniiulil ,
fitwR'- E. Kern, Defendant J
To Ocorge E. Kern, DefcinlHtit.
In the nttine of the Muto ot Orccon. vou nre
, ,,1,,'t tii-.i uaiiut you i,, ti,? " nimV cntitiwi
Milt within ten days Irom the ilnte of thciscrvice
1 thUmmn.ons mn you, 11 wvc.i within thh
' the mtvIcc of thi Smnuioiis uikhi you; mid If
y,, wi to .nswer fonvam il,cr,f tho ,,tint.
, fcth
piHimiii niid de.'c.idntitnnd nwnni 10 iaiiitnr
" -f,!::.""' ' !?L,':1;ll,'ti,,'
'I Ills hiiiiimoiis Is puhllnhed ly order ol Hon.
. C. Fullertou, Judge of the ntovcd name Court,
which order wiih umde nt; Ohmnhers 1
the 2d dny
ol rchruary, 1VJ.
K. V. 1'itKIlI.K A IUA II. KIDDI.i:,
Attorneys for riiiullll.
To bo uivon at tho grand Musk Ball,
Feb. It. This ball promises to bo tho
largost and most brillia affair of tho
season, rnzes will uo given as iouows:
Best dressed ladv. second host dressed
lady, best sustained character, lady;
neatest and choapest dressed lady;
host display of old programmes of
dances given by T. K. Richardson to
ba attached to dress, cuner lady or gent ;
best dressed gentleman, second best
dressed gentleman, best sustained char
acter, gentleman ; most comical charac
ter, best clown. Doors open at 7:30.
Tho K. of 1". band will entertain tho
audience with some lino selections, and
also 0110 line selection from tho orchestra
displaying tho cfl'ect. of our lino kettlo
drums, whilo the maskers aro gotting
ready for tho grand march at 9 o'clock
sharp. There will bo 0110 lino prizo given
to tho 0110 iu tho andienco holding the
lucky number. T. K. Richardson,
kuom Tin: corxTitY.
All persons attending tho mask ball,
February 1-Jth, can have 0110 horso kept
tree ot churgo for each ball ticket at J a?
Young's stable, by order of T. K. Rich
Mrs. David Bigger
Chills and Fever
Lett ma enncbttd, wtUt dbtrcssUig cough, no
appetite, pain In chest, shoulder, tack and
Hood's? Cures
itomch. Four t rtt'.es of Hood's Sarsaparllla
-avo mo sircnsin, Kocxi appeuio anil neaiia.
Hood's Pills irla new frlcndj dillj.
It is cold on o cuiraateo by nil drtur
gists. It euros iycipient ConstiinpUoa
aid is ti:o bet- CVaeii and Croan Curo.
For sale tv u I- Rapp. Drupgist.
T &aicz7S5cs palJ vr)l7 from iln.
Pmusrctpoeltloa. Kzeiziimerzilctj.
adrtst&re to b2r. Uberxi.
contTnlwIea to local pK-
tl30 AtS
ftoei. Un toA cnla.
roa now,
ths fruit lsdutry U
teaport&a:. Ooot chigoe for
uc:r.t A&ti ran rr-
tlm!n trt. EHOWK BKOS. OO-. nor-
1. fcTttud. Orr. (This Loaje U
r'XUb. tiij nsT. Ca
1 ::.
The City Meat Market,
Aid Dealer la
t'r.l. p taken aad Iil.v. rtil Frt
to aaj- jrt ut thc ii
1 1 1
NEW At A N A ( I En E NT.
WILLIS & WILLIS, Proprietors.
iiOHi'.mru;, ohi-con.
Krco Coach. Commodious .Sample It.001113 for Commercial Travelers.
lacksm iths and Mach i n ists
Arc now located in their new shops on
Stephen Street, between Oak and Cass,
And aro prepared to do work in their lino with neatness nnd dispatch,
fiive.tliom them a trial and he convinced.
Four lines or lent under this head IS cents per
month ; eaeh additional line S cents per month, o
advertisement taken for lest than !5 cents.
police to TreHpnsHerB.
Notico is hereby givon that all porsons
hunting upon, removing wood from, or
otherwisH iresnassing upon tho "ISushoy
estate," w ill bo prosecuted.
Rosoburg, Aug. a, ihui.
D. S. lv. Buick, Agent.
NntiiM in lierebv eivcn that nil iierBOii'
removiiiL' wood or cutting woid from my
land will bo prosecuted. My laud is the
S. E. if of tho S. '..ol section 19,
township 'Si south, range 0 west, in
Uouglno county, uiegon.
RmxiLi'ii Jknnii:.
. I'or Hnlc.
Under this head !iu can advertite for tale your
farm, house, horse, enw, or anythimj else you may
iclsh to disvose of at a co3t of Sfl cent per month.
Try it.
For Sale. Good 0.1U wood at $2 per
tier, proaiptly delivered; Icavo 01
J. F. Parker's store. Z.u-ic U.v
Icavo orders at
UK Kit.
For Salo. A good home of ICO acres,
12 miles from railroad ; 10 acres cleared ;
good water, small orchard in bearing,
plenty of email fruit; fair Oregon house
and barn; 4 horses, 15 cows and plenty of
farm machinery to run tho farm. For
prices and terms einpiiro of S. P. Hen
dricks at the Review oflico or of the
county surveyor at tho court house.
For salo or trade, a good three-i'pring
hack. Will trade for grain or cows.
Apply to C'tAh. Vanzilk.
Good dry oak wood for sale at fc! per
tier, delivered every Saturday. Leave
orders at Mrs. lioyd's grocery sloro
For Sale. Old papers,
at this office.
at 23 cents per hundred.
Wanted, a reliable man or!aly;for
steady position. Address X, rare Daily
Tribune, Wilbur, Dougla- County, Or.
I'or itent.
You cpn adtertise your honsc, farm r rtim fur
rent for !S cehl per month in this Jeparttreut.
Tho Odd Fellows lluilding As?o"iatinu
will receive proposals for renting the
Opera House tor 0:10 car, from Feb. 1,
lS'Jo, ensuing. Rents pa) able monthly
iu advance, the directors reserve the
right to reject any and all bids. Address,
Jos. Micni.u, Secy.
Great Opportunity for Prune Farming ,
On a Larxe Scale. i
1720 acres of choice valley and lo-.v I
hillside land, all miller board and wire'
fence, several hundred acres in euitiva-!
Jtion, the very lest of .'ruit l.ind. lias good I
natural drainage, free Irom frost, ycou 1
house, woot, water, etc., three miles j
from railroad. The vicinity h is line or- '
chards and this i- a rare chance fur a .
colony of prune grower. TIie property ; tu ahrent parlies and must 1
be bold. Price f 10 per acre, '4 ca".h. :
balancu in eiht a11nu.1l puymeMs with I
C jh-t cent interest. .Discount allowed 1
for cash1. 1
Have land- 0! every kinil tluuuhout
the county for low price and easy trims. '
D. ?. K. Hiu-K, Roseburf, Ore.
To Thc Insuring Public. 1
Thc undersigned has tho following j
answer to make to the charges made '
against him in the Ros foorg lieview by ;
a would be insurance aent who coos by
the name of Wat ne Jones, tow it That
j on the ISth day cf January, lS'.O, the t
.old reliable Heme Insurance Co. of New ;
1 Yort, with cas!-. anceis of i'.oX,UX), did 1
laiicharge thc said Jones as iheir aeat
and appointed the undersigued as their '
'agent fcr this citv und vhini'v. JIv
commission haugs in my otlice in the j
frame in which said Jones formerly had
his an ian te in?iected by anyone tie-,
siring fo sec it. AH who wish t insure i
in the Home will please call at my cilice
in tboMarsters bv k.
I.. D. I' tiiLE, Agent.
I'oullo, I-lhli ami umuc.
In Season
Roseburg, Or. S
i ' 1
! I
11 VI
Is what we give to ever- cus
tomer, for we believe the best
achertisement possible is a cus
tomer pleased with what we
have sold them, they will come
again and again, and their friends
will come too.
We are not here for a day
or for a month.
We are Here to Stay.
Wou-enberg) (i) Abraham)
.Roseburg, Or.
For a Few
Boys Suits $1 50
Men's Suits 7 50
Men's Wet Weather Shoes 2 00
Men's Underwear 75
Latest Style Plats 2 00
Boss of the Road Overalls-Best 50
Hackintoshes at Greatly Reduced Prices.
Ladie's Dress Goods Reduced 25 per cent.
These goods have all been received
within the last month, and are the
latest styles and not shelfworn.
Don't delay this golden opportun
ity, and call on
The Boss Store.
o'-'C and 32S Jackson St.
We call the attention of onr
friends to our beauti
ful stock of
Our Stock is
Unexcelled 03- Any House
South of Portland.
he Long
is Here
Prepare for it wisely,
unusually good reasons
should buy from us.
Tlin T'Ah nf .lin
A H oanuts or rope orn.
To w ii v u lll0-v arc ,l0t Fit o K
Our Factory lias lieon ltunnint; Steadily to Make m a
Fresh Stock, and you can get
The Finest and Most
Complete Line of . .
Niece's Candy
Of capacities varying from 1 to 25
a horse power affords the most con-
venieut, economical and reliable
S power for all light service. One of
these may be seen running at this
e office. Send for circulars.
5 121 Main Street, San Francisco, Cal.
& Strojig
Bet. Oak and Washington.
Easy Rockers
Bed Room Sets
Parlor and Dining Chairs
Rugs and Carpets
And all Household
We offer
why you
Everything offered for sale is fresh;
bought for the Holiday Trade and
sold at very reasonable prices.
We have a ver3T choice stock of
canned goods, including both fruits
and vegetables, to which we invite
your special attention.
Our line of Olives, Gherkins, Pick
els, Sauces, etc., is also complete.
We carry the largest stock of to
baccos in Southern Oregon.
CO., Grocers.
Don't Eat Stale Candies.
Candies of AH Grades
Jackson Street.
Does Up
We are always In tho Lead, and mean to
keep there.
The Golden Harvest is upon 03, and farm
ers are smiling becauw "Woodwa'd
looks to their interest.
Full Trimmed
These are all Leather and Warranted.
At Kednced Prices.
Consult your purse and be snre and sea
Woodward before buying.
Eu juat received a new and sxtenaire stock o
Ladies' Dress Goods, Eibbons, Trimmings,
Laces, Etc., Etc.
Of the tcit quality and finish.
Wood, Willow and Glass Ware,
Crockery, Cordage, Etc.
Also on hand in large quantities and at prices to
rait tne times. Also a large stocK or
Gustom-Made Glothing
Which is offered at cost price. A full and
select stock of
Constantly on hand . Also the
General ajrent farererr varietr ot inbAcrinfinn
books and periodicals published in the United
ciaxes. rersona nsnin reading matter or any
kind will do to ziTe me a. call.
Ww-bfe tftcnoHs
JtisrrAcrraxB bt
I. D. HOLD EN, Stockton, Cale
The Turf and Sportsman's Authority of
the Tacific Coast.
AH the Latest
Racing News
of the Country.
The Best Meduni for
Advertising Stallions.
And everything appertaining to the Turf
and Field Snorts na well 1 Ct- C.t:
Uoods, Jledicmes for Horses and other
animals. Racing Gear, Champngnes, etc.
The leading paper of its class west of
Chicago, and the representative of the
vast breeding interests in California.
Special department conducted by
Jos. Cairs Simpsox.
It is essentially a newspaper cotining all
th( f-?n3C:?n OTirl Qrmt:.l 4 I
dav, given in such a bright, entertiening
u" 'cjauiD uiuuucr as 10 mase tuo pa
per a neceisty to everybody interested in
horse matter and legitimate eport. Sam -pie
Copies are free, and will be sent on
application to any address.
313 Bush St., SanFrancisco, Cal.
F. V. Kellev, Manager.
Mineral, Railroad. Aricultural.
U00 U St., N W. Washington, D. t.
vm!Siauy,y,?ars in the ecra 1 Land Office
Examiner of Contests. Mineral vs. Mineral vs
W XT r1 ,Knd, AKrieultural claims, aSd llta
Chief ot the Mineral Division.
Correspondence Solicited.