The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, January 31, 1895, Image 4

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Subscription Rates:
Orio Year payable in advance $2 oo
sixStonths, " r oo
Three Months. 30
THURSDAY, JAN. 31, 1S95.
Many Absurd Devices Proffered All Aro
Considered by the Llf Sarin- Scrricc
"Board Cnttlnr the Throat of the Timid
'With a rcather.
In order that tho surfnieu who patrol
ear beaches, ready to lead their assist
ixxco to distressed mariners may have
at their command tho most efficient ap
paratus inveativo genius can suggest, a
board on lifo saving appliances appoint
ed by tho secretary of tho treasury is
connecW with tho lifo saving servico
jmd convenes upon tho call of tho presi
dent about once a year to consider tho
merits of all boats, apparatus or moth
'ods which may bo presented to them
with a view to adoption in that servico
if found practicable. This board makes
-pablio tests of tho apparatus presented
fox adoption, and their report is em
bodied in the annual report of tho lifo
saving service for tho ycr in which tho
investigations wero made.
Many valuable suggestions are
brought to tho attention of tho board
which secure for tho use of tho service
strong lines and effectivo gear. But
some of tho schemes and apparatus of
fered in good faith are so ridiculously
absurd as to require but a very short re
port; and the decision is "found im
practicable," tho board being good
enough to "cut his throat with a feath
er" in order that timid genii with
meritorious apparatus may not bo un
duly discouraged or frightened at the
decision mfede upon these devices and
thereby deterred from presenting some
thing which might be of incalculable
value to humanity.
One of the peculiar facts ascertained
by the investigations of tho board is
that those who are probably most apt to
submit models and descriptions aro those
who tnow least about tho real dangers
and consequent needs of a stranded or
stranding vessel. Some of tho concep
tions of tho inland residents are truly
Tho subject easily divides itself into
three heads: Boats for going out through
the surf, apparatus for effecting com
munication between tho shore and
Etranded vessels, and means far prevent
ing strandings. The devices to bo con
sidered as coming first are most natural
ly those to prevent strandings, and only
recently a scheme was presented in
which the government was urged to
stretch a very largo cable the entire
length of tho coast some distance from
the shore anchored with mushroom -anchors.
Thus if a vessel were dragging
her anchor she would float over this ca
ble toward tho rocks until the flukes of
her anchor engaged with tho cable,
where she would be held safe and sound.
2fo provision is made for preventing the
parting of her chains, however. But the
scheme of stretching a largo cable from
Maine to Mexico and stringing thereon
mushroom anchors liko bangles on a
necklace will hardly meet the approval
of congress.
Another amateur submits- sketches
and drawings, minus tho pretty painted
model, however, of a great boat intend
ed to run simply by opening a gate
valve in two largo longitudinal tubes
which open faro and aft below tho wa
ter line. The valves aro open when the
boat is launched, and tho water rushes
ir tha fii-n ufft i ti r-n Vr 9,r1 cLT-a nut
at the stem. Tho water, passing out,
pushes the boat forward, and the intake
helps relievo tho resistance on tho bows,
so that the boat, of course, is pro
pelled by the water passing through
these tubes. The boat thus goes on for
ever through the surf most speedily be
cause the water is driven out through
the stern most forcibly in a boisterous
sea. To stop the boat the valves are
Another bright man with a less cum
bersome contrivance, although the ac
tion is as hard or harder to understand,
suggests a lifeboat or life raft built upon
the exact model of a window shutter or
blind, arguing that the water, operating
upon the slats, will set them vibrat
ing, and that this vibration by its ac
tion upon its own motive force will
cause the boat to work forward against
wind and tide. Bathers at Atlantic City
a couple of summers ago will no doubt
remember this inventor and his shutter.
A heart swelling with pity it ought
to bo a woman's for the poor drenched
captain's wife, rescued through the
mountainous surf from a vessel fast
breaking up, ha3 suggested a canvas
cover similar to a wagon cover tightly
fastened down to the gunwale a3 a pro
tection from tho wet Tho dear soul,
however, never stopped to consider the
tremendous force with which the break
ers, which at times turn a 84 foot life
boat end over, would ride down that
fragile protection, burying in its folds
every one underneath. And those mem
bers of the board who had served at sea
shivered when they read the description
of this "protection" and pictured to
themselves their exciting endeavors to
extricate themselves from the ruin of
the death dealing contrivance suggested
in love and kindness by an ignorant
friend. 'Washington Star.
Reman Ilotue nratrrs.
Methods used by the Romans for
warming their houses were clever. In
Borne iteclf artificial warmth may have
been brought rarely intense, though the
Italian winter requires fires at times,
but when the Bom an took up his abode
abroad as tha conqarffcr he certainly
lived in chilly climat. In the country
houses be buiSt in England hejiad care
fully devied hn'm arrangement?,
which are called bj-jocansts. These aro
flues running under th'- tessellated floors.
Fires wero lit Guts.'i- of the hfra&e, and
the hot air passc-l under the floors. To
do thus much nyjuir'.-d a knowledge of
tho builder's art, with the necessary
precautions against fire. Remnants of
these hypocaasts are found today in
England, bailt during the Roman occu
pation. New York Times.
Notice is hereby given to the public ;
by the undereiened tliatl do not allow
dead animals to be buried on my prem
ises, at Roseburg, Oregon, nr garbage !
damped thereon or eand or gravel taken .
therefrom, unless the jarfy taking sand !
or gravel first contract vitb me for the!
right to so do.
Tresspassers will be prosecuted ac
cording to law. Aaron Robe,
Roscbiirg. Oregon. March 17tli.18M.
Boosand fchocp Belling att cost at
Langenberg's. Closing out sale. No
humbug. Call and be convinced.
50c. Read
Btoclinjs, rIovcs, children's clothing, etc, etc." Tho way to begin real economy.
OTJR SPECIATyTY Kap'' month wo tell you how to cct a completo suit for from
uurt I. gaoo t0 gia.oo equal to tailor mado. Just how to do It.
Whero to cct Iu All tho material, even to tho minutest llttlo article of trimming. Just
how to make it, etc., etc This alouo will bo worth fifty tunes tho cost of tho subscription
to any woman.
A PATTERN nnd any four of tho following standard books, bound In whlto and cold, new
largo type, good paper, nil sent free : or tho pattern nnd six sheets of music, such as would
cost you 0 cents each In a store, delivered free in any part of tho United States or Canada,
If you scad at onco twenty-firo 2c. stamps for a newyearly subscription. Wo loso money by
this, but onco a subscriber always a subscriber, ran select tho pattern any time. SI cation
tho numbers of tha books you want. Don't wait 'till Its too late.
1. Tile Ytlloxr Mask. WilMe Collin.
3. KoicikG the nrrrrts. Mr. Altiasder.
3. THtOcTosooN. Mim M. E. Bradd-a.
4. Tnc tl 10 or 1)ukods. t.-orr; M. Fcan.
a. l-DT Cttct-Mr. Henry Wood.
& Tms Sci-iies IUiusc Charlotte M. Tira-me.
j. Tmk Shadow of a Sis. Charlotte M. Eraeme.
8. RivEilts or A ItACMSio. Ik. Mirvtl.
o. Tub DiTHtsv "The Dvcbets."
NX SlXSLK ASD !0.'SLE FACE. Chat. Kcadc
It. GtlCKCT ON THE IIeaith. Chas. DicLcna.
13. A Wicked Cull Mary Cecil Hay.
IV MESCAi'Dix'sCrKTA!xLECTVis. D.JerroU.
14. lack. uuga uoaway.
Address. THE McCALL CO.,
Kintr 01 21:
Ught Weight and
Rigidity. Every Ala'
cMnefullywarTar maiiship.
iligliest Hoacrs at tits World's Colomblarj Eiposltioa.
Seal twait stap for ccr 4-pajc Cataicsue-A work ol Art.
Monarch Cycle Companj',
and potassium
Marvelous Cures
in Blood Poison
and Scrofula
P r V partScs the Wool. t iK as
the weak xnt3 tfeUIiuin!. citvf
rtreixlh to trcahecM ncrrca. eap'U
Umi.cirkv:tl)cratirn:bui:i a&l
feetlsc ud UultO(2 Crr-t TntiM.
Fcr prkaary :VflTf rr.-l tertiary
eypSilha. for t4ovl pvMsicz. r-cn-u-rixl
rouon. zuisr'. jyte? . .'
la all Mood m& im direr,
biotetcs. rxrsrjtea. o-d rtmoir .:-.-.
teller, ssail heaC eryafs.
ccxesa we may 5a T, Trj.-jt fcer?
rostras!lctinn,ttixt r. P I'.it thel-.
Mood pcnScr In tb W'.r"-!. -1 rl
Eostrre. srSr al rerat--'.
iaell CT.tes.
ladles TrJseaoTcteM co r "4
and cfcoM Msod i In as itcynr c
tlos. do to cseEitraal irr. r.i!ar"K,
arp5illariTbraea'e1 1
dTcttos!cs3tW-!c:,re :-T" P-r v"
erUesof P. P. P. -P.- ci;; I';ka
Kootaad Pouw'cr:
errnroJT.m. Ko., '. uz. ? Jic. v X
IcsarpcaJtiallM t-rstf
OK T0TEi9dlcli f-wor . x r-rcl
9 fcMwlerc Jtnsitw.i'.v-.ttiivwt
fV 2j jears. vzs trr-a'wlbytV rtrjt-Tf.
X paytrciaoscr.C-p Briira-otff"':-l
1-rj. tried er' -7 k;wr. tt. -'.- t'-Ji-
ygf cnx SadlaR roil!. I Lai. '.13
oae Dottlo ct P. V. T. . -. et
c6srl3Uy ear It bsa ncz nvifA-9
C0odtcsnsn7tbtrgl kaTOiiT.-rtier.
C. 1 caarecmara-r. lj.rl raotsaU
w jfr.s. v u. rrAkv.
X srriS?ia. Grc coctr. 2.
Pi Pi Pi
to fisd a cunn for
- ii -
Onr 200 vase book "TnHEE qiiASSESOP BreN," fhould be read br erery yopnc,
tnlddleaced aad old man, sect eealed. free. T)r. Saniicn'pi Klrctric licit Is no eipenment
wo bare restored thocaandi to robuit health and Ttaor. after all other treatment a failed, ai-can b
ahown by hundred of cases taroueboat thisaad other matcj.wbo would cladly testify, arid iron maay
cl wboia we bare strong letters bearlse testimony to their recovery after using car licit.
r.Fucrat nrptt itv niRrn.
fcan FrinclKo.CaUALcuitH.19Sl
ut. A, T. Panden, Dear 8tr t Bef ore I rued your belt
I waa troubled with lost rigor, vital weakneu, and
almoctacoTupletelofSof power, 1 would get up with
very tUM fmllna, bones aching, ete.i slnca u.lng
four belt I hare bad new lease of lit I now enjoj
If e better than I have for ten years past. I have the
titmmt confidence In your treatment. You can rub
Jiia this atatemectiuleo have others write or call oa
me. Truly yours, ILA. WlrYEU. HJandSoTurkBt.
. Ponlarui, tlrecon, April la 1K.
Dr. A. T. Banica,IearHin Isotoneof your belt
two we.ks seo for rheumatism, from which I suffered
forfereral years. For the past sU months I had not
beensblstowjrk. Your belt ha. placed me in almoit
perfect health la the two weeks I havo used it. 1 can
walk eemtnrtahlv.snd feel like a new man generally.
M. K. UUOIlka, Proprietor Interaatlonal Iiotei,
ti. m Vr. o , 7l acorns. Y.cih October 21, 1631
pr.A.T.flanaen.Desr rilrs-I have been using your
iL for general nervous debility, and to-day
daily, and am stronjr In eerypart.
Yours erstefully. Oil AH. LTJETKA.
U a ecrapleto (ralranlo battery, made Into a belt so eg
gives sootbln;
jaeo, and will cure tho worst cases la two or three
month - ,
This All Through.
KOWcs&wesiKns. iicnuinc iaijios. .-cried raiicrns
1 or Laaica. Misses nnu t.unurrn. Buporo illustrations.
Fnjhlon Notes, Health and Reautv. Fnnv Work.
licaulifnlly Illustrated Suggestions. Storios. Children's
Iito. Practical Pago. Practical, useful nnd economical
hints of nil kinds. lro-cmlneutly tho Fashion Journal
for tho million. A valuable, clean household paper lor
onij ouc. a jcar.
Te Gsiabrated McCall Bazar Paiiiros
Establlthed Tentj-FIo Yean.
Ton tony think you cannot afford another paper. You
cannot afford to bo without 1U Tns Qczem or PaJniON
will actually savo you from fifty to flvo hundred times
tO cents hrlts hints. "How to raitoimr nM rirruuM.
it A Cocce's Lire WitYis Collins.
i&. Smrs That I'ass 1 tub Night. D. Hamdea,
it. A Study im Scailet. A. Conaa Doyle.
1! WcnoED ASr 1'AXTXD. Charlotte M. Braem.
10. Mr Law's Monet. Wilkie Collinj.
aa. Maip, Wite o Widow. Mn. AletanJtr.
si. Hack to the Old Home. Mary Cecil Hat.
si. A Yellow Astex. lota.
ij. Hlack Beai'TV. Anna St well.
U. CmaLoriE Tsyrix. Mra. Rowton.
it The IIeix or Lnne. Robert Buchanan.
A The Man in Black. Stanley J, Wcyraatt.
J7. U000.-E. t. licnwo.
40 East 14th St., New York.
iPS&dJ1 Absolutely
the Best.
Superior flaterial
and ScienUfic Work-
Lak2t Ilalsted Sts., CHICAGO, ILL.
Are cstlrely rraiorr! hy PJPJP.
PricJJr Ash. Pcto TjxI sad Pot-r-.
tbo zTftatcac ljioxl partner ca
ArrsnEHT. O.. Jolr 21.11.
Hsrats UrrAX Bsc.. SaTaaust.
Ga.: axz S!M-t bcosot aSjottlocf
-rctrr V. P. P. ss Hot EpT.on. ..aad
1: Ssas dnaa nw sccrv- kdc-i t.-. lirco
nostis' trUMtt ti -I ,synacs.
fcicJ itir-e t::le C o. J .
?ZrxlttlT Toti 3. .
ji. . 'oj:.
kercs. Erv .- r. 1 .'J. O.
Cei. J. D. -oIku. w.
rTteetKtotasi jdrttJrropcrtlc
01 P. P. P. lor erssuens 01 tn kis. i
i"6tts!lr ; reral yrara a os
r'4-Mc la i iiteKftcaNn crc-ftlraon
n :r -. 1 t-kJ -T- r S-w-ra r
tj be. la'rjJa.Ee.::! F. 7. i'.suuiM,
ia a nvr on:ir'-l7 xrel.
Slns. Tnr. , Jiccir7 11. 2S0a.
Ilu-ir. UrrAX &., viaaah.
Car.: trf, I tiTt triel jwr P.
P. ?. Jr m Jiiio oj ta ntln. ostuiIt
1 z.-ryn - rise r.ot thirty j"rcr
rticae. 1 .aeat rrers relief: 15
7"cr.raoL;-XKl a4 retaOTn all Ir
1 Ui- c Invi the sea "t too lL-eo
r et -TTtjiis ar.y rr-c iin of tto
. 1 l;io tatc-n arocr sir botilei
. -1. I c-al. li-r.i th-taartaerroarao
.11 1 "jCT.a ct. 1 AI50 rsllored
: :-j trro ltl."tloa zutasca
Ixrt&et. Voora irjlr.
CAPi. V. a. 3DST.
AttoracT zi Lav.
ta 2 5&3 SSed FR3.
iti. rncGo:sT5 sell rr.
trltb blcctro nincnrtlcMn.pen.
nary will euro irllliont ntrdlela-t
allot Uieabomtroatlci. TbnM dq
ralTer from Nrrrnni llrhllttr.
I.o.r, I) rate a, I.ont Dlanhoorl,
n f t i u 11 c .1 nircpirnnnrn.
KjI'oor .11cnioryf nil FernnlcCnm.
ftiii ajiu Krucrui ail iicniiiii
tbceUcciiof abenea. erceasca, rtorr y
euro In oar marreloni lrjTentlrn.
vtlnch rcqalrrn bat a trial to eontlncn Inlcnoracceof ef.
fecta yon may haro unluly drained
your y ncm onerre force and Titain j
which In electricity ana thci
earned yoorTrcakneaiorlacaof for'C.
If yon replace Into yonr eyatern tht
element thos drained, nulca aro re
quired for Tlcorona strength, you will
retnoro the eanie and bealtb. atrenn h
and Tlcor nlll follow at once. Tel
ia onr Dlan aad trcatraent. and w
cuaianlco a euro or refund tnoneT
Portlani Or eson. September SS, leS7.
Dr. A.T. Sanden. Dear tilr j Venrs of exr09urira
hard work, combined with tho strata comlna from the
Jarotaneneloe. caeeroea severe coooot lams back,
from which t unVrrd for seven yean. I wa o ba4
that I could not bend my bock. ,ascJI doubled cp
with IL I bought one of yonr h&lta. It I elp d rne
lnil of twidari, and Icontlnut.1 to w.irltforfour
mouths, lielnir 1 erfectly cured. That waa two years
aco.and 1 am mvel toKlayea I eter waalnroyllfi. I
kaowyour belt well, aud I knrw lofsof 01 1 pie who
have been cured try It. Mnnr othes need It, and if
they would try It they would flr.dlt the same es I did
tho beat remedyln the wo'M. I rm lecated here.
waats to Inqn'ro alvm p.
IiOUEUT UUUCr:L.EucinecrIIctel rortlaaO.
. . -v"ett, Mr-h,.luDi la, lf?i
Dr. A. T, Hand", Deer llrt '-Inm wearing voor
blt I havobocn rreatly beneate!. 1 feel my old en
ergy fat rotcrnln: nnd aft, m raoth'si esof tbe
belt 1 find rojeelf twite f t corona ce bsfore. My
momory is now neer.'r m fet, ftml oach day shows
for tho belter. I t ! much stronger tbi- before
tulne the belt. Ycuntiuiy, 11E.SU7 bCUDLTZ,
to bo easily worn darlr.iT rirfe cr nfcraat,
and IS
or we forfeit
rro! nr Aid
.72 firsts?.. PSB7USD, ORE60M.
sji Louis Qlbbe- Democrat
1 Eiglif Pages each Tuesday
and Friday, Sixteen
I Pages Every Week,
is, beyond all comparison, the biggest,
best and cheapest, national news and
family Journal published in America.
Strictly Republican
in politics, it gives all the news and
gives it at least three days earlier
then it can be had from any of the
Metropolitan weeklies.
It Is Indispensable
to the farmer, merchant or profess
ional man, who desires to keep thor
oughly posted, but has not time to
read a large Daily Paper.
Write for free samples to
Louis, Missouri.
B3' special contract, we are enabled to offer
The St. Louis Globe-Democrat twice every week
in connection with The Plaindealkr for only
S2.25 a year, provided you subscribe before April
1, 1895. 1
Considering the character of the two papers
the greatest of national Journals aud the best of
your home papers this offer has never been
equalled. Do not delay but send in your sub
scriptions at once.
1. Location beautiful, healthful aud free from all places
of temptation.
2. Best instruction iu College, Preparatory, Normal
and Business Courses; also in Theology, Music aud Art.
State Diplomas to graduates of Normal. Diplomas for all
3. Board in West Hall, Club Houses or private fami
lies, $100 to $200 per year for board and tuition.
4. Fall Term opens Sept. 18th. Catalogues sent free.
Address C. C. Stratton, D. D., President,
or Thos. Van Scoy, D. D., Dean.
We get out a
class of
Job Printing:
that is
to the
"Genera! Run."
Sheriff Sale.
TN the circuit court OF THE state
of Oregon, for tho County of Douglas.
E. II. rinkston, PlalntlfTl
A. 8.rctcni,J.E. Wilson
and A. V. Wlnnlford.
Defendants. J
State op Oregon.
County of Douglas., BS
Whereas, at a regular term of the Circuit
Court of tho State of Oregon, county of Douglas,
to wit:
On Saturday the 15th day of December, 1894.
the plalntiir above named recovered judgment
agalmt tho above named defendants for the
sum of fourteen hundred and forty-five dollars
and cighty-four cents ( and for
1123 00 attorney fees and f.9." costs and
disbursements herein taxed and against
the fdllowlng described property: One bay
stallion five years old, ono black horse
seven years old, one bay marc eight years old,
ono bay maro nine years old, one correl mare
six years old, ono bay maro six years old and
their Increase, said property on the 31st day of
October, 1834. having been duly attached here
in, that I did on the 12th day of January, lb'J.5,
In Douglas county. Oregon, at the hour of 1
o'clock p. m , of said day, sell at public auc
tion to tho highest bidder for cash in hand,
nil of the above described personal property,
being the property of the above named defend
ants, said sale bringing In the aggregate, the
sum of 170.23, that tho costs and: expenses of
said sale amounted to the sum of ?'7.6o, that
the interest on !U45.84 for 27 days wos ?10.8o,
Ono hundred aud twenty-five dollars, attorney
fees, f7.&', costs added together with attorney
fees and Interest making the amount of judg
ment I1G38.31, tho amount of the sale of per
sonal property deducted, leaving a balance
due plaintiff of J1K8.03. Whereas, ths above
salodid not satisfy the plaint ill's judgment,
I havo levied upon and will on Monday, the
lSth day of February, 1895, at tho hour of 1
o'clock p. m., at the Court House door. In
Koscburg, Douglas county, Oregon, sell at pub
lic auction, to the highest bidder, for cash in
hand, all the right, title or interest which
said defendants, orclthcrof them, had inorto
the following described property on the 31st
day of October, 18M, or at any time thereafter,
said real property Ihavlng in this action on
said date, been duly attached and ordered sold
under said attachment, to wit:
The C'abcl M. G rover Donation Land Claim,
surveyed on the U. 3. maps and designated as
Claim No. 4.1, being parts of Sees. , 'J9, 32 and
.T3 in Tp. 25 S., R. C west, being bounded as
Ucglnnlng at'a point 3 chains south and 20
chains! and 25 links west from the corner Sees.
27. 2S, 3 and 34, in Tp. 25 8., It. G west, and
rnnnlng thence north 39 chains aud 0 links,
and thence west 79 chains and SO links, thence
south iO chains, thence least uO chains to the
place! of beginning and containing 320 acres,
also lots numbered 2 and 3 in Sec. 33 In Tp.
25 S., It. 6 west, containing G8 acres In Douglas
county, Oregon, on the 31st day oi Oct., or
any time thereafter, and also all the right,
title and Interest, the said defendants or
cither of them, had in or to the following
described real property, on the 30th day of
October, 1S94, or at any time thereafter, to wit:
Beginning at the northwest comer of Lot So. C,
runninc thence east SO feet, thence south 40 feet.
the nco west 50 feet, thence north 10 feet to place
ofVcinnlni in Block No. 11 In K. It. Addition
to the Town of Oakland, Douglas County, Ore
gon, as recorded in the omce ot tne county uierc
of said Douglas County. Oregon, together with
tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances
thcrcnto belonging or In anywise appertaining,
and I will apply the proceeds arising therefrom,
first to the costs and expenses of such sole of said
real property, to thu costs and disbursements
herein taxed and amount of plaintiffs judg
ment, including attorney ice oi r-, to wit; tne
sum oi kxj9.u.
Sheriff of Douzlas County, Oregon.
By D. R. SHAMROOK, Deputy. ja!7td
x the County of Douglas.
Sol Abraham,
L. C. BearJaly, Peter Hume, S. B.
Treble, Martha A. Boggea and T. R.
Sheridan, Executors and Executor
ot tha estate of T. R. Bo-ge-, de
ceased. The Oregon & California
Lumber Co., a corporation, F.
Born, a. W. Condon, Dlt. Atty.
for DougHj County and Ada Bearda
lev , Defendants.
To L. C. Bcardsley. the aboro niraed defendant.
In the name ot tha State ot Oregon, you ar6
nrreoy roinirea to appear ana answer tne com
plaint tiled against you ia the above entitled suit
on or before the Ural day of the next rerular term
or aald court, for said County and State, appointed
to be held and to commence on Monday the 15th
day of March, A. D. 1S9S, that being the tint
day of the term of said court regularly following
the expiration the time prescribed for the publi
cation o; inu autumn ns in ana oy an oruer nerein
made by the lion. Judge of aaid court and bear
in dale the Slatdayot December. U31. ior the
aeryiee of this aammoua by the publication there
of for t consecutive weekr, and if you fail zn to
appear and answer aaid complaint, the plaintiff
herein will take judgment against you and a de
cree aa ioiiows:
1. For the sum cf (973.97 with intreat at the
rate of 10 per cent, per annum, from the 7th dar
of Octal r, 1SOJ, and for the farther sum ot 100
as attorney'. lees ana rartser ror nls cons and
2. That ths following described Tjremiaei.
to-wit: lot Number Nineteen (19) in Brook's and
Belden'a Addition, the same being the Brookaide
Addition to the City of Rosebunr. in the County
it Doing; laa. State if Oiegoo. according to the offi
cial survey ana put oi sua aaaition or rccoru in
the office ot tde County Clerk of Douglas County,
Oregon, containing Nine (9) Acrta more or less,
together with the tenements, hereditaments and
appnrlcnacect thereunto belcnginc or in any vise
appertaining, be sold by the Sheriff of aaid County
and the proceeds of &aid;aale te applied to the
raiment of the above amounts, and that you aud
all persona claiming uncer you or subsequent to
ice execution oi tne mortgage iced on nerein
hal! he barred and foreclosed of all right, claim
or equity of redemption in the aaid cremises and
that execution issue againat you for any de
ficiency which may remain after applying all the
proceeds of the sale of said premises properly ap-
piicauie o tne eaueu-uon oi aaia juagrncnt.
e'SlM -Vttorney for the riaintiff.
Sheriff's Sale.
-- oi Oregon In and for Douglas County.
C. II. Maupln, Administrator!
of the Estate of G. B. Mau-1
pin, deceased, and L. S. Dim- (.
mica", plaintiffs
A. S. rctcrs, defendant. J
State of Oregon, J .
County of Douglas.) 53
Whcrea". at a reanlar term of the Clrcnit
Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of
uougias, to iru, on ine ;m uay oi jjecemoer,
ISO!, plaintiffs alio re named recovered a iudz-
mcnt against the above named defendant for
tnc sum ot now and JJl.ra costs and disburse
ments, and against the following described at
tached personal property. '.towlt :
One roller. bushels oats, 139 bushels bar
ley, 11 tons hay, 1 set harness, 1 Flano binder,
oo ut'ou nu, i usuuruc mower.
Said property having been duly attached on
the 1st day of November. ISM. I did. on the
Uth day of December, ISM, at tne hour ofl
o'clock p. m. of said day, sell at public auction,
to the highest bidder for cash in hand, allot
me auove uescnoeu personal property, being
the property of the above named defendant,
said sale bringing, in the aggregate,;
that the costs and expense of said sale, f 11.39,
first cost. IXW. judgment and interest. JUVU
costs and interest tosether with the principal,
JI074.TO. leaying a balance due plalntiffon judg
ment of I700.1S. Whereas the above sale did not
satisfy piainttu s judgment. I have levied upon
and will, on Saturday, the 23rd day of February,
iS3o, at 1 o'clock p. m. of said day, at the Court
House door In Roscbnrg, Douglas Countv, Or
egon, pursuant to an execution duly issued out
of said cause and court on the lGth day of Janu
ary, ISM, sell at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash in hand, all the right, title
and interest which said defendant had in or to
the following described real property on tho 1st
ub) ui viuircr, ioi, ut m uuy uuio lucrcaiicr.
said real property having in this action on said
date been duly attached and ordered sold under
said attachment, to wit:
The South i ot the NE M of Section 3G. Town
ship -3 South, Ranges West, V. M., containing
SO acres, together with all the tenements, her
editaments and appurtenances thereunto belong
ing or In any wise appertaining.
And 1 will anrlv the Drocecds nrisine therv-
from: first, to the costs and expenses of sale
of saidlrcnl property, to the costs and disburse
ments nerein taxeii. ana amount ot piaintm s
judgment, to wit, the sum of I700.1S, with inter
est thereon at the rate of S ier cent per annum
I irom me -nm uay oi ucccmocr, ism, and the
overplus. If any there le, to be paid Into this
Court to be further applied as by law directed.
Sheriff". Douglas County, Oregon.
Br I). K. SnAMBr.ooK, Deputy. jl7td
Notice ia hereby given to all whem it may con
cern that I hre appointed D. W. Stearns of Cala.
poo'.', precinct Deputy Inspector of Stock for raid
prtcinct; postnffice address, Oakland; also A. J.
Chapman ot Wilbur, and Ralph Smith, at Rose
bun,', to act during my ab-ence, and others ril
be added aspartica iuepectcd make their desire
known to me.
RoaebiUTf, May llh. 1S37.
thos. sunn,
limptclor of titoct tor Douglas eounty.'.Or.
Dr. Gibbon's
- z- rtOQ Kb! A .V V ST.
t ?t?tS& V'-J" corner of Com-
tfv"'"? ly-'Vivv-l incrclal. Sun Francisco,
S'T ti -siw ;nl- Established In
;V?ii. Ufck Wifci. 1!I, for tho treatment
i553fflaS5fiJ Sexual and Seminal
:trr. Sinihills. in nil Its
informs. Seminal IIYifc-
'Sjv? "' 1 potency, and
Si.CiLost Manhood perma
nently cured. Tho sick and afllictcd should not
fall to call upon him. Tho Doctor has traveled
extensively In Europe, aud inspected thoroughly
the various hospitals there, obtaining a great
deal of valuable information, which ho is com
petent to impart to those In need of his services.
Tho Doctor eurcs when others fail. Try him.
DR. GIBBON will make no charge unless ho ef
fects a cure. Tersons at a distance CURED AT
1IO.M;:. All communications strictly conQdcn
lnl. All letters answered Iu plain envelopes.
Charges reasonable. Call or write. Address
DR. J. F. GIBBON. Box 1857. San Francisco. Cal
This Space
New York
Real Estate Bought and Sold
Farms, large and small, to Rent,
Stock Ranges, Timber Lands and Mining Properties,
Prune and Hop Lands of best quality, in choice locations,
iu quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable
prices and easy terms. Inquire of
3D. S- KI. BXJI05C,
am.iilB ma at-r , 3LBiu S.a-a Connty, Ox cgon.
New Era
Maiinfncturcrs ol VJ1ITE Xo Cents per Sack
tltc Celebrated t . a
nrauds of Flour, jp Q P'L. S IOR 95 CenlS per Sacfc
Bran, Shorts, Feed, Etc, Constantly on Hand.
Highest Cash Price Paid for Wh6at
The) ortherk) Pacific
Is the Line to Take
To all Points East and South.
It Is the DINING CAR KOCTE. It runs through
(so cwaxge or cy.s)
Composed of Dining Cars Unsurpassed,
Pullman Drawing Room Sleepers,
Of La.esl Equipment,
Best that can be constructed and in
which accommodations -are both FREE
and FURNISHED to holders of First or
Second-class Tickets, and
A Continuous Line connecting with All Lines,
affording Direct and Uninterrupted Service.
Pullman Sleeper reservations can be secured in
advance through any agent of the road.
THROUGH TICKETS To and from all Folnts in
America, England and Europe can be purchased
at any Ticket Office of this Companv.
Full fnrArnn,lA t . .i
-, "uuimiiiuii LuuLuiuuL' rai, lime Ol
trains, routes and other details furnished on
application to any agent, or
Assistant General rasscnirer Agent,
No. 121 First St.. cor. Washington.
Cleanses tho Masai Passages. Al
lays Inflammation. Heal3tlio Sores.
Kestorea tho Senses of Tasto, Smell
and Hearing.
A Cartlclo Is annlicd Into eneh nostril and
Is aicrrrnble. PriroSOc. at Drucgisia nr by
E all. ELY BROTHERS, W Warren St-'cw Yorfc.
& 9aaaaaar- ,
WtallHIWaTn-Tn I nilTaaaaalataA
Srompt answer and an honest opinion, write to
IUNN As CO.. who have had nearly flftr Tears
experience In tho patent business. Commnnlca
i:ons strictly connaentiai. j. iinunooou oi in
formation concerning I'n tents and how to ob
tain them sent free. Also a catalogue ot mechan
ical ana sclentiaa books sent free.
Patents taken tnronch Mnnn & Cn Tprl-n
special notice in tho Scientlflc Amcrlcnn, and
thus aro brought widely berorotho public with
out cost to tho Inventor. This sslendld paper.
Issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by tar tho
largest circulation ot any ecientluc work In the
world. S3 a year. Sarnpla copies sent tree.
Bonding Edition, monthly. riM a year. Single
copies, VJ5 cents. Erery number contains beau
tiful plates. In colors, and photographs of new
houses, with plans, enabling builders to show tho
latest designs and securo contracts. Address
Try the Curolj
Ely5s Cream Balm
iuu.i.i ct w., new iuiis, iiox U110JDWAT,
Reserved for
Cash Store,
A. 51. ROSE
& CO.
Roller Mills,
Southern Pacific Co.
Expreas trains leare Portland daily.
I North
33il A.M.
10:15 a. v.
Lv. - Portland - Ar.
Lv. - Roseburg - Lt.
Ar. - San Francisco Lv.
8:2) JU Jf.
11 30 r. t.
7:00 P. at.
Above trains stop at all stations From Port
land to Albany inclusive. Also Tangent,
Shedds, Halsey, Harrisburg, Junction City,
Irving, Eugene and all stations from Roseburg
to Ashland7 Inclusive.
Roseburg mall Daily.
S:00a. it. Lv.
5-jO p. sr. Ar.
Portland - Ar. I 4:30 r. it.
Roseburg - Lv. 1 70 x. Jf.
Pullman Buffet Sleepers
Attached to all Through Trains.
West Side Division.
Between Portland and Corvallls.
Mail train daily (except Sunday).
Portland - Ar. I
Corvallls - Lt.I
5:35 r.M.
12:15 P. it. Ar.
At Albany and Corvallls connect with trains
of Oregon Pacific railroad.
Express train daily (except Sunday).
t:)p. m. Lv.
7:25 P. M. ! Ar.
Pnrtlanr Z A - , .
McMinTille Lvl 1 5:50 ju it!
Through Ticket to all Point In
the Eastern States. Canada and
Europe can be obtained at low
est rates lrom Gcorjro Eslca, Agent
Manager. Asst. O. F. & Pass. A gen
Two Doors North of Depot ' Hotel.
Table supplied with tho best the mar
ket affords. Meals at all hours, 25 cenU.
Special rates to families, nnd nartirnlur
attention given to immigrants.
W. L. D. DEARDORFF, Tropr.
Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon
x., , . . January 22nd, lS0o.(
J.OTICE is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
Inmabn final In . r ; , ,
auiJivr. ui iiis claim, ana
that said proof will be made before tho Register
and Receiver. U. S. Land Office, at Roseburg,
Oregon, on March 2nd, 1S95, viz: Uriah N. Gal-
nCnfr nn V V -ir, r a
S5. Sttl aud St., SW'i, Sec. 20. T. 2t S., R. 6
lie namea the following witnesses to prove
his cnnttnnnriQ rKiilnnA ,m,n . in :
r , , , . UUU M1U ,Ul.l,l.ilUll
of, said land, viz:
Wiley Pilkington, Stephen Wright, Asa Cole,
and Abram Cole, all of Oakland. Douglas
county, Oregon. R. M. VEATC1I, Register.
we will send you
a Brilliant Gem
of unusual color, ' cmt
and a cony of3 Ml
"The Great Divide," so you can see
what a wonderful journal it is, pro.
yided you name the paper you saw this
in- It's a real Jewel we'll send you.
Hames3 of all kinds at low prices at
G. W. Woodward's.
6 Tne.