- s IF YOU SEE IT Ii The Plaindealei - i 1 1 tin-. i -.-.i liter JLU.'O Jl JLCi 1 I yott-Dos'i Geutue News. Vol. XXV. ROSEBURG, OREGON, IVJfcA., JANUARY 28, 1895 No. 34. IT IS SO. 1 GENERAL DIRECTORY STATE QTU.E30N-. O.S.Sclialvra-... II. Mitchell ) J. N Dolpui , Hum ey-Q ct-vnu (iovcnior. .... focrctary ol state- ; Stt(rt!trcr JR.3-. . State Printer (i. Ju Chamberlain . -S'lvtjtor. l?ennover Xlcorjrc W.'Mcllrlda .-1. ,iUiU Mctschan ZSSSaBTka ...A . C, Wcodoocial J.K 11. jieElroy SIe.aler Board jf ljultiUuu....V. rF.A.JIoofO supreme Judrew .ftr.t, C. U. Wolvcrton ' . (ILS- Dean Sallrood CoEiicIssToncrs. - J. 15, Eddy - - 11. A. ilacram Clerk 6t lURnukA Cfljftiaision Lydeli liakerj 11 . 4 .SSCVSB JUOICIJU. PtfTElCT, i ft JnOicfcS- JL.X.4...4..J J.C.ruUertonj "p. s uin'd-oitjck, kweeuro Creel ver ....... ...-...n. S. Shrrldaa Xeirtstcr -U. M. catch. C. S. WEATHEK XCBXAC. -. u, .Tho. Gicoon UW6W3 COUNTT. bUscrrcr- ?C!.ST.Mt5av.5S-.iL1SI.. J..T. Drillers. ( C. .V. SshlbreJoJ ucrt ... .. r. ueoson JacriX. ,C. f . Clhcaiq rrcRsurvr w. a. rter tsssor. . a. A. SScrUagl w-."?-xsr--rje r.-j o H?-Naupla Curaant,",., 7"1." -,"J'iBrJK.U Miller a&cep I us?ccir . .T U-"Tl:c. Smith "oasuiitol v. ,i i It a sluenra' ,, . V.T. Wrlstft , J. l. Shuje f !t O. SINKS a.T. Weo tJt-A. vox fue Circuit i- ut tor Oaclu County meets dar ta Miv-. r.- nil Ilor.Jarln Jane. nd tbe i 1st McbvIjt :u HjmiN!?.. J. C KiillVrtan iifi tjsactr jiarsae JM caacr aster earn, ul sad W. L. .VtlocJoIjKKbUi isiaatlssner:. ' rriito focrf la session eoaUnuoc-Jy, A.T. itcirns, taJre LAUUEI. l)IGC 'A. lit iiU KESXLAV. BCiR3 the iJ &ad ith U'eJMiya la each ntT.ih".' . , V T3JP0CA CHARTES, O. IX. U. A. M.VU01I) ibeir itjslartenTucalioas at il&sjaic hall on the first and tUIrdTceslayofeach jaoatlL, Visitlsj CSK3 rtclos are cordially lavSiect. Iusoec CiiMSfecrttary., . ; j - pHttETArOAS' LODGE. NO. L O. O. F o'clock In tseir hall ax Uasebarjr. il cabers ot the order la good standing arclaTlted to altead. Faas G. iltcTt.t.t, X. G. S. T. Jcirrr, So"y. Usios EsaeiraEST, no. t, asxxs xi Odd yeUcfV" hall 'a. teenad and loattli Th jriJiyi of ch nwiti. Visltlus brethrcc ir. iaritcd to aUcrfJ- ; Fcass. iJiccii, 6er!bc ILiest i-assr, C. 1. QOEBCEi LODGE, SO. IS, A. O. U. W. aeest the iefoad aai iosrth londaya ol gch Boata aiTJtr-T: ti O-ld FeJIeirs ta!L icaben of the cfileri i svo) Ktanrtlrg arc Ib M:cdto attend. . peso ro5T. so. sjjsfc at el ets the 4. irsl end thud ThcisOays XI each raonta. eaeh EABSir AlXlSKcE--RtjjiUrNQoarterly afecUars arill lbtM af Graage Hill. Bosebcr:, lheru Frtdar tnJj-embCT March xad Jnae,iffii the thlrd.Friijy in ScpSeraber. . RosEEDfeccaArTE: ;o. s. o. e. Lams the sceoad and 16irtt. Tsaraiayi cX each. ae3th.v p oSeecrj iuvnios,,so b. of u AV i-ccc prerr exxnia asI taarSi Kandar. Tjy - - ' . . p OsEBOEii R.D. &D5E.X0. -U,2.-0p. . F. oieach. neei' 3 the Odd Fillers lull, Vlsiric sis Un iZid orelhrca are iarltal-n ttttfc-i: -. . LTHa LODGE, SO. H7. K, jOF-.IL, 31EBXS- every weuacKiay rctiins at uo f tiKjw; na!L 1iltics brethren in s-od staadln; cor- ciiiiy lanua io aliens. B. W1T.T.T.S, Attorney and CJounselor attLaw, griU tratiiee Ic dl tfrt eozuU of the U1& Of. an fa ths Utrart liaase, lmsls coaaty, Or. ." Q A. SEHLSBBDE, Attorney at Law, HotrSmrfjt Oregon. OUse otct the VattoSij eg 1 ytin: ttriti. Attorney at Law, EOJtBUF.G, OBEGOS. P B. COFF24AN, Physician and Surgeon . i - OSce;At Sr. Iloarcr's aid stand -ea 01 jtrett' Eeddease Cor. Lase & .Jaebn Slresu. T j. o.Lvs, nii r., Physician and Surgeon, ! ! OSSea In 5. ,31arVs . Co. -irtoefe, u;."iul Calli promptly aarxered'day or nlgct J-AISCES'BABB,; Physician ami Surgeon. Qradiute UutU Medical College. biatstea ol V-fpaa aaI CLjldrcn a SitUally OFFICE," Ilooau 3 it lb, Jlantcrs BniJdins. VLztfOtscz, TWucia etreef, iwcond place cast . , iit. Eunadl a. t UGSZCprgj, QEEGOy. La FiTrrrz wfyyj, Jtiaz L. Lorcnatr Attorneys '& Counselors Tit' Law llvt&nrj Oregon.' "Crlll practise ia all the ctciU c!fSreiim. Bee lathe Taylor-Wiln -b-ck. rr r Ot- Q.BO. M. BBOVir, - " Attorney at Law, Hotrtiurij, Ort'jnn. Deputy Proacctttliisr Attorney. Offlce at tht Coort Hotftc np ttaTix MRS, IVT. BOYD. DEALEE lii CHOICE- Family Groceries; DISHES, . '- . e ' .Books and CHildrien's' Toys: h' A FULL LINE OF v Frails, Xuts, French Candies, Confectioner; Canned Good, Coffees, Teas, Etc. IM POUTED KEY WEST CIGARS. CHOICE BitAKDS OF CIGAUS yiI,L. P. HEYDON, , Ooinity Suvvoyov. ntia fotnr: XhI)11c. Ornci: JuCourtIouse. OrJJcrs for Survovine and FlcW Xot houltt be addressed to Wilt IMrcydon. founljr Surii A CRAWFORD, -ti. Attorney' at Law, fawm. Starrer KulMlns, ,.r.OSEUUI:0, (JU.J PCTlnclfWc Kj.V.lm f "? t i,.,! rim ...At! ILK?- w . . w . t oil- J . ... uium; nuu minlit; esses a ;cr4ary. Ijtte necciver U. S. Land Office, P. BRIGQS, ir. a. Deputy Mineral Surveyor nnrl Kotnry Public. (JrncK: Count r'JaU Ball'dlnfr, tip f talrj. Spoclnl atterttiau paid to TnuisfersVmd Conveyances. Address. KOSEllURCi. OIU yfiA BROWN. M; D., Physician and Surgeon. ua'ix.lSUlr., lu the Mrs Knildlpg.' KoJdcnce. IKCass Strati, UOSEDHHO. J L M1LLSR, M. D., Surgeon and1IRnfipatlijf Physician, An hrilnia5 pu ; tll iOsstUy i!ts- ! cover l.'iJi von have ll.a-lit'sbf Jrftvvet vbo,lv a u il Ifspt your lap!, as if SMOES a v 4 i in a inter ve-'u -HseuHiliry mititer ! If your pnr.-e loots weatand roiisntap ttvejtfUrtlXnR? ca a; t-otne to oerlore. A sunt that wouldn't tmr a poor pair f slioe in foiiic places bcr$ a jool jwir at c.nr store. PARROTT .BROS. MP EXCLUitVn TJOOT ASO SHOE DE.LEl5 -324 Jackson -Street, ROSEBURG, OREGON. j. F. BAR1 0 0, pi TEAi A, SPECIALTY. ArpeUltiaad ' cuilultwil?! Tfi. Oar priae -". --. ' ,-. I, havis; a lire ule- -w ljlr ut Glass - aHd -Delf -Ware At aetonichin; frt -ntvt. Our own ccr.ro? ,..xoxaaKiir Try,r5ywiar. Salem Wursexy "Co. W. McGEE, . v ' : Pronrietpr. j WE new baift a Jars Hock, ol fine, lum;, healthy tret ol all HcN, Iiicltr'Jliic Apie, I'car, 1'estL, l'ruue and (h-rr), viliicli aresuaranteci iruvtonarac aHii tree irum in eetr, and !eHM at very reouabi rt9!. All ijproi (Jcalrliif trees ehoiild apply to E. L. QOODRIDQE, Agent, CANVONVILLG, OR. Fakrs Golden Female Pills, rorFemclo Trrrrrnlar I tlcn: uothlDSlIke then on tho market. Aercr Jail. Kaccciiluilyuscd uy promlucnl li monthly. Ouantntccd to rcllcro irappntECd measuuatioa. SUREI SAFE! CER1AIH1 null . iru jJUUiiJiiiiCi. fiavo Time; llcaltli, anu money ;tase uo otn er. Beat to any address, t'curo nr man nn rc vccipi 01 price, Audrcis, THE APHRO MEDICINE COMPANY. Wcttera Brsncb, Sox 27, rOUTLAND, OR' (Suecessor to J. IP'S 5 rtai Sr11 ' ....D12AI.KI1 IS MATCHES, CLOCKS, JKH'IJM! V. AND I'AiC.V UOUDS. ' d 5 K 1 . COMI'IATK Giilleiy, Notions, Tolmcco. Also l'roprIetr ami Manager of 'pSnicRuuibr gays "Beware of those slick lightning rod men t&yciing WerBe country selling Steel Ranges .from .waoBlJ'i " Y ' l es, they will takj: your note for an article which we will sell you at our store, for less mone Don't get taken in. Wc carry a large line of RANGES AND STOVES and always guarantee satisfaction. CHURCH!!!, WOOLLEY ' '' Svv e The Plaindealer's v, -Advertising Are the Rooters for the Business Hen of Douglas County. MU SlCe 40,000' . Alailcd to any- address Catalogue of this ftnmchsd We have also securedthe agencj' of the Wiley- B. Allen Co.- v r , K. RICHARDSON, '. ac;w boss or sca , as r,csr. t -TH-E-THIiRD M? "'8KO0K5IDE: . - s -,v: : 4 - TiC JlqiVC Farm, east of town, has been plat ted and is now on the market in Lots and Blocks containing 3,-20,- 30, aiukjo acres, ranging in price from $25 to $ico per acre. ; . . Any one wanting a fruit, vegetable or chicken farm or a suburban home can now be accommodated on easy terms. tV " All lots'sbld in First Brookside addition have more thair dcjubled in value. The prospect is much better for the future. More fortunes arc made in lands near a grow ing' town or city than any other way. Sieze the oppor tunity. . For information or conveyance, call at ouy Real Estate Office, or on J.VSKULKK. j iAvi&Sfttt . &rfi.. idihtiisiiBLi !TCCK OK Cipu .mil Pmok.-iV Artidce. HosoJiurs's KainntiR ilargain Htoro.1 5 , tStJ-W rv ' 81? n W'sSW S -3 W Don't But Root, lumns It is now well understood that T. K. Ricahrrson is the best es tablished and most reliable Piano and Organ dealer in the State. He has secured the American atrencv aud will soon receive PIECES SHEET MUSIC AT 10 GTS. PER COPY. for One Cent Extra. sTock sent free on application. ADDITION r.r i! ! SS ia GTi5 UlSiuiault.tTitli thecook-i? -rlrK; pastry docs isot cx.icily -ntjtt you. Kar with your wife ryQ 5 B 1 itttlfU S3 I it iaay be tac lard site ir. 1 ? o j - Uyoii woull always liuvo 1 J &1U i.li'u-Mc i:ud pcrfcal-.c'i- JcgDOTTOLEKE,1 -our LD DV ALL GROCERS. Uwsx Aia f 1 isTiTirro. MaC'i only by 11 K. FAIRBANK & CO., ST. LOUJS ant3 KCAGQ, HE?J YORK, DCSTOrtfc; f 11 il IliW II I IT- T Died 7ITi A! Sovereign Remedy & Cp-jgs, CJidsXaGrippe rdall Afectior ,-Kfnroirt. Ln.estand Lvives. TLlED.(&.Olwi!feftl Soffl bv A. C. Martcrs & Co. rVX sis. $jf JSaSHOErifSElS! EST. KINS. 3. cordovan: mJOMLDtMIElLESCUr. " zxmfi, rfis- ". 2.s8GY3'ShmSlS2. LADIES' .V'L'DOUOLAE' Baocicrcrr m ai Over Oas Xniloa People n ear the W. L, Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes Ai! oursitoes are equally satisfactorj- Jfey cJvc the bet alas .'or the mow.-. They cjtxz't cu':6tn checa la rt :e cd fit. rh-:..--wcariae;qujJ:t:.j srj unMiri:a?sirf. The prtcn arc til'-rro.- sttmptd on olc. FroSl tn S.i S3ed t,vcr ether xaXcs. H year dealer ciaact supply j t. can. i oMby dtaliri every w lierc. Wa.-.tetJ. acnt to-take excluilvcsale for tWs vicinity. Write at on;. Th'i cziri-0.-!li.:ry llo Jireaalor la tho roost vcniivjrrul tfjeovcry of tho It h3 beca cs tlorvdlytho lradi:i?cJcn. tlftc icn of Eurflpo had America. BrnJraa 'j T"ely vejo. table. HuJjsn rtops or the 11-. t-hargo la a days. Ccrjs -..teg eta .j..i,d .I.trv- of tho eyes acd otaer 1 U3. Strcngthcas, lr.viR orates adtoacs the tnUretyiifia. it-jiian circs Dob Ulty, Nervousness, missions, ;iddvTe!opts rati rt ttirir. weak tgars. r.-lniln Iho '.'ci, Vvsca by clay or hi.,lits:oppcd LOST liUST USX, mmmm qufcily. On r .'.ICO prl . o c. : f crnr nt -. l"rcnioturpnci means lraw.miy l:i t!ic frrt sttse. It ii R f-vniptoxn cf m-iinnl vtaintss ftnd barrmiK'. It can bo Etyppcd la SJdays Iliousoof H.iilvan. The sett discovery v.ts rar "r v the Pro.-UI-is&iorthooidfAico'.sliuciion Msdicd ln:l!!u!3. It U iho rtrcn,:c!.t vllailwr tiiadc. H ia very pweifjl, but haicili f . Sold for S1.00 r. pset iiROorO paetages for S5.00(plainrced boxes). Written guarmitcc given foro-oure. If you buy sis boxes and aro no: entirely cured, lis aoro will be seutto you free of all charcee. - Semi for eltoularaand tcstimonbiK Addrcfa HUDSON JHEUXCAL INST1TUT13, Junction StocllCou,niKrlcct tVUIllaSts. Sun I'rantlaco, Cai. to Ibhkhi mm h" CurcsCCnNS.EUNiONSantlWABTS SPEEDILY end WITHOUT PV.ti. & 3r FOR SALE BYALL DRUGGISTS. T X IIPPKAtT EEOTEEBS, jfrop're, (P Llppraan's Gloek, SAVANNAH, GA. 0 FORDING A CHINESE HIVER. rits Das In the- Stream's lied by Guides I to Trap tho Unwary. 1 Travorsing tho conutiy from south west to northeast and in a pouring rain, i wo visited tho villages of Si-kou-ying, j LTao-kwci-ying and Sang-ycin. Hero tho j womon, dressed in their best clothes, ; stood watching ns on tho doorsteps, j which would havo been quito a protty sight, with their multicolor jupons and trousers, had tho effect not been partly tpoilcd by tho horriblo deformity of their feet squeezed into microscopic chocs. I possess a pair of theso shoes as worn by a mandarin's wife, and tho length of them is only 3 inches. Toward noon wo reached Ya-lo-wau, on tho banks of thoHung-ho river, a miserable villago on a minusculo hill of yellow earth. Tho river had to bo waded. A Chinaman a beggar, I thought volunteered to tako animals and men Fafoly across for a sum of monoy, for ho said thero were largo holes in tho river bed, in which our animals would havo lost their footing had wo crossed by ourselves. I would not employ him, as I hato-to bo imposed upon by humbugs, and knowing tho littloway which theso gentlemen havo of digging largo holes on pnrposo in tho river bed while dry in summer, so as to extort monoy from timid travelers, I proceeded to "sell" him. I guided my mules not right across tho water, for tho hole3 aro generally tin" whero most unawaro people are likely to cross, but a few yards farther up, thereforo landing every 0110 safo on tho other side, with tho exception of ouo donkey, who, in strict similarity with all tho ovil spirits of China, insist ed on going on his own account in a straight lino in front of his nose, vrith tho result that when ho reached tho raiddlo of tho stream ho fell into ono of tho holes, and with tho weight of tho load he was carrying disappeared. Only tho point of I1L3 cars could bo seen wag ging oat of tho water. Tho holeman, if I may call him so, who had eagerly been watching for this, ran in tho wa ter to his rcscuo and saved his life, for which act I duly rewarded him. Fort nightly Review. SOME PEOPLE'S RELIGION. llaricn CratrforU Writes c Pointed Llttlo lecture on Intolercacc. Thero aro very geed and devout men and womon who tako tho world pres ent and to come quite literally, as a mere fulfillment of their own limita tions; who look upon what they know as being all that need bo known, and upon whatthoybclicvoof God and heav en as tho mechanical conscqucnco cf what they know, rather than as tho canso and goal, respectively, of exist- tenco and action; to whom tho letter of tho law is tho arbitrary expression of a despotic power, which somehow must Be looked upon as merciful; who answer all questions concerning God's logic with tho tremendous assertion of God's will; whoso God is a magnified man, and M10so dovil is a malignant animal, SLcnau only to God in understanding, while cstremo from God in disposition. il:cro aro good men and women who to cso. a natural but not flippant simiic tako it for granted that tho soul is cast into tho troubled waters of life rwithor.t the power to swim or even tho possibility of learning to float, depend ent upon tho baro chacco that socio ono may throw it the lifo buoy of ritual re ligion as its only conceivable means of salvation. And tho opponents of each particular form of faith invariably tako just such good men and women, with all their limitations, a3 tho only truo exponents of that especial creed, which they then proceed to tear hi pieces with all tho caso such an unduo advantage of false premise gives them. None of tbcm has thought of intellectual mer ry as being perhaps an integral part of Christian charity. Faith they havo ia abundance, and hopo a!s not a little; but charity, though it bo for men's sarthly Ills, and theoretically, if not al ways practically, for men's spiritual shortcoming?, is rigidly forbidden for the errors of men's minds. Why? No thinking man can help asking tho littlo question which grows great in tho un jnswering silenco that follows it llar ton Crawford in Century. Ilnnsry Pike. Ono of my sons, aged IS, went with thrco other boys to batho in Inglemcro pond, near tho Ascot rr.co coarse. Ho walked into tho water to about tho :ltpth of four feet, when ho spread oat bis hands to attempt to swim. At that instant a largo fish caino up and took his wholo hand into its mouth, but finding itself unablo to swallow it relinquished its hold, and tho boy, turn ing round, prepared for a hasty retreat. Hi. companions, who saw tho fish, fcra.-nbled out of tho pond as fast as possible. My son had scarcely turned around tcforo tho fish camoup behind him, and . seizing ins otuer baud erosswiso mfiict sd scmo very deep wounds on tho back ai it. Tho boy raised his freo hand, which was still bleeding, and struck tho great fish a hard blow on tho head, wh. 11 it disappeared. Tho other boys as sisted my son to dress, bound up his Land with their handkerchiefs and truught him home. Wo took him to tho surgeon, who ih-cs?cd seven wounds in ono)iaud, and 50 great was tho pain tho nest day that tho lad fainted twice. Tho littlo finger was bitten through tho nail, aud it was more than sir weeks beforo it was well. Ilio nail carao off, and tho scar remains to thi3 day. Fishing. DMlkcs tho Bicycle. Tho latest opposition to tho bicyclo c j::ic3 from an utterly unexpected quar ter tho Thames boatmen. "Shiver thrm bicycles; thcy'vo ruined my busi ocr,! Instead of a hundred boats out ou a fino Sunday, each with a young lass in tho stern shoots and her beau at tho cars, not 20 put out from tho float My old customers wheel ever tho bridges instead of running under them." St. Lczis root-Dispatch. IC.vpLiise Hill 'iia. Am perron in Ihttuhts county imi du'sinj; a piano of Tin) Wi!ey It. Allen Co. dutii.! tliu f:iir at INirtlmitl, Or.. c:ui li.ivo fit'fclit till! rrfmnlril if presented to T. K. Mil h.mUnii. Unsc")!!, within 15 days after pttrrli:w f oiwl:. .lack, our .Fm:!.-, invites eveiybody to fume and loo!: at his new supplies of Kotit'it f n t tift.lt i ti tr swds. Yes, Ja:k Abraham defies competition in his lino of tr.ido. Call on him ; his motto is quick sales and small profits. COMPETITION IN BABIES. Wherein a Word to a Wise Papa Onglit to llo Sofflclent. "Iam getting to bo tho most bare faced and versatilo liar on earth," said tho bachelor, "and it's all on account; of two littlo innocent babies. Two of my friends at tho office havo recently been invested with tho honor of pater nity both boys. Prouder papas you never saw. Ono of them, Jones, is an amateur photographer, and tho other Jay ho took a picturo of his baby and brought it to tho office. t "Of courso you know how intelligent a child of one month looks," continued the bachelor, stroking his bald head' with tho air of a connoisseur in infan cy, "but tho boy3 in the offico were loyal. They sworo it was the brightest looking kid they had ever seen and that It was tho imago of Jones. ' 'If it had been any ono elso's child, Jones would havo knocked somebody down for tho insult, but ho took it as a great compliment and stuck tho pic turo up in a frame on his desk. "This wa3 too much for Smith tho other papa. Ho hasn't any camera of his own, so ho got a young man who lives next door to como in and tako his baby's picture, and ho brought it down to tho offico as an opposition to Jones'. Really I'm Eorry for Smith if his baby looks liko that picture, but I rather think tho amateur artist libeled the child and made it the monster it ap pears. "Tho picturo was not focused prop erly. It represents Smith in tho back ground holding on his kneo a mammoth infant nearly as big as he is. The ba by's hands aro outstretched toward tho camera and look as though they might belong to Mr. Fitzsimmous or Mr. Cor bett. Smith thought it was beautifnl, and when somo ono suggested that tho boy looked just exactly liko him ho or dered drinks all around and put tho pic turo up on his desk as a further opposi tion to Jones'. "Every timo I come into the offico I havo to stop and admiro those pictures, and I'm acquiring great self control by keeping a straight faco whenever Jones or Smith says, 'And still you will re main a bachelor, will you?' ' New York Herald. BREAKFAST IN BED. Thla la tho Way In Which to Enjoy the Height of Ianury. Thero is nothing which gives one quite tho samo feeling of luxury and afflu ence as breakfasting in bed that is, unless ono is forced to do it. Then it seems merely an annoyance. But when tho woman whom unkind fato and do mestic or business duties usually force to bo up with tho dark can lio in bed aud have a daintilyappointed breakfast tray brought up to 4hcr sho feels that the final joy of sybaritism is hers. Sunday morning is tho best timo for tho daughter of toil to indulge in this luxurious habit. If sho is a churchgo ing woman, sho may manago by having breakfast at;9:15. If sho desires to bo both pious and lazy, there aro theso who compromiso by reading morning servico in.bedj .and their method isper--baps not to 1& tifepiscd: - 1 - The fiKtijSgC toward enjoying this luxury is- t&jera'iiwarm bath, hair brushing an3 tha, like. .Then slipping on a bath robe or' a dressing sack, the seeker after; luxury should slip back into bed, adjust!' her pillows comfortably and proceed to ' enjoy her breakfast. It should bo an; unusually dainty ono and served withthe most appetizing regard for appearances. Tho tray should bo covered wiih a delicately embroidered cloth. Thci china pot in which tho coff eo comes up should be as pretty as coffee pots can be, the sugar basin and cream jug the very perfection of daintiness. There should be a littlo glass bowl of mignonette or violets, or a couple of car nal ions, or even somo fragrant green geranium stalks. A bunch of grapes, duskily purple or pink and opal, coffee clear as amber aud fragrant as only cof fee can be, toast, a slice of bacon and an egg or eggs boiled form a breakfast fit to servo on tho pretty tray. If tho woman who breakfasts in bed will proceed to spend the rest of tho day there, sleeping when sho can, read ing a little, entirely undisturbed by tho cares of her household, sho will ward off tho approach of hidecus old ago half a decade. Philadelphia Press. Sho Listened. Miss C. 's portrait hung on tho wall at tho exhibition. Miss C. hung around her portrait. Miss C. had lips that an ablebodicd man would walk five miles to kiss. Her eyes were twin stare Upon her forehead hung two beautiful carls twin curls. Miss C. 'as delightful to behold. Sho was immersed in the study of her satalogue. Of courso sho was not there to listen to tho comments. "Beautiful picture, isn't it?'' "Yes; I wonder if it's truo to lifer" "I don't know. It's awfully pretty anyway." "It is pretty. Tho features, are per fect, but I don't think shVlooks.very intelligent." Miss C, with a crimson face, slap ped her book shut and walked away. New York World. . " Tho Modern. Style. Tho prospective purchaser of a city houso built to sell was consulting with i real estate agent. "I think I havo' ono to suit you," said tho agent. "It is in a good neigh borhood and has all tho modern conven iences." " "I'd expect thaV;"-replied tho pur chaser. "What I Sidn't want was ouo with all tho modern inconveniences." Detroit Freo Press. Jfcxt Morniaj. Wriggs Old fellow, yon'ro looking rery rocky. What'a tho mattor? Jagway I've got a chestnut sorrel tasto ia tho roof of my mouth and a :hronio yellow tasto on my tongue, and Iho two don't harmonize. Chicago Tribune. TIe i-ltm Water Iilolor Of eapneities van ins: from 1 to L3 horse power afford? the most convenient, ceo ntimioal and rofiuMo power for all lijilrt service. One of the?or may be fern run ning at this office. Send for circulars. Tho IVIton Water Wheel Co.. 121 .Main St., 5?.m Francisco, Cat. DIortirnKC Loans. $1000 to ?3000ou improved farm prop- crtv P. S. K. Buick. Go to tho lloseleaf for tho best cigara. A SENSIBLE FIR TREE. Eaid a saucy little Slaplo To her cousin, Wilton- Tree: "31133 Fir has no new mantlo This spring, like you and mo. "Sho -wears tho samo old garment That she's worn since I was bom. I should think sho'd feel so shabby With no new bonnet on." As sho tossed her head and" nodded . At tho Fir Trco's old stylo clothes Willow langhcd sho couldn't help It At tho turned up, pea green nose. Tho Fir Tree, staid and modest, Answered Jlaplo'not a word, Though I'm very sure yes. certain Everything was overheard. Sho enly softly murmured A3 sho rearranged her clothes, "I'm glad my friends don't Ieavo mo With every wind that blows." A. F. Caldwell In Christian Nation. VALUABLE WOODS. JIany of tho Finest Kinds In Existence Plentiful, bet Almost Unknown. Many of tho finest wood3 in existence are yet unknown or only slightly known to tho manufacturers of wood in tho civilized world. Tho woods of Central and South America are perhaps tho most remarkablo as well 33 the best known. In tho yet untouched forests of this continent aro many weeds far finer than any of these now in use. These woods range from puro whito to jet black in color, and many of them aro most beautifully marked and veined. Some of them aro so hard that they turn the edges of axes, chisel3 and other tools, whilo tho band saw cuts them only slowly. In the Columbian exposition there were many displays cf little known woods, and tho finest of them were thoso from Argentine Republic, Erazil and other South American countries. Some of theso southern woods yielded to the teeth of the band saw not tho ordinary sawdust, but fine powder, lino as tho finest flour, so hard were tho woods. Somo of them burned but slowly. Oth ers possess qualities that keep them free from insects. Some of them seem to be practically indestructiblo by air and water. All along tho eastern elopes of the Andes, up to tho snow line on thoso great elevations, throughout all tho great river valleys and in somo of the wido areas of level ' country in South America aro great forests of fine woods that are specially fit for tho finest cabi net and furniture work, and also for shipbuilding, carpentry and other in dustrial arts in which wood is tho raw material. These great forests aro now an unknown quantity in tho commercial world, but they will come rapidly into tho knowledge of men and into indus trial uscowhcn cues tho railroad has reached them. Before many years, it is safe to pre dict, the South American and Central American republics will bo threaded by railroads, and then thoso wonderful woods will bo drawn upon to supply tho demand for new and fine woods in all civilized countries. Lumber World. Overlicard In the Hcstamaat. SheLwehtiTtdseo a beautiful playfnfc -wnitn -wn rrm ITT. ?jiir YnrV. -. . Hc-Whd She Well, I can't remember the namo exactly. It sounded liko "Dr. Deppety." fic Who tcok the leading character? Shc A man cf the namo of Willard, Francis Willard Oh, he's just elegant! Magnificent! He doesn't speak very plainly, and he can't sing a littlo bit; but, oh, he's just perfectly grand. He Was it a play or an opera? She Oh, something of that sort! I had a quarrel with Herbert about you that night and didn't notice much. . He Why did you quarrel about me? She Well, I told him ci our engage ment that night before wc started for the theater and then asked him if he siill wanted to tako me cut, and ho laughed and said, "Certainly, I would ' just as scon tako an engaged girl to aa entertainment as any kind of a girl," horrid thing! He; Why was he horrid? She I just revenged myself by sit ting and thinking cf you all the uven ing. Oh, say, thesa are actors sitting at that table over there. . Ho (suspiciously) How do you know? She Why, because they keep looking around to see if people are watching them. Actors always do that to adver tise themselves, you know, ' And tho waiter brought the checks. Boston Journal. ' i Hardiness cf the CraFo Tilyrile. Philadelphia is about rq far north as the craue mvrtle uroves hardv. Though killed to the ground, it will pusu up anu nower lite a Herbaceous plant. Possibly it would give aa attrac tion to gardens, in this herbaceous way, much farther north thai: Philadelphia. Several correspondents write that it is not always killed down even so far north as Philadelphia. Ono at Chestnut Hill, a part cf Philadelphia, instances a Specimen, 5 to C feet high, which must havo passed ssveral wintesr un harmed. Median's Monthly. Act In. the Troscnt. Don't keep alabaster boxes of lovoastl sympathy to, break over coffins. Living is noae too sweet at best, and flowers en tho coffin cast no backward fra grance. What Co the dead care for the tender token, Tho love, the praise, the Soral oSeriagi Ent living, palpitating heart; are broken Per tho want at just these things. Selected. Alexander the Great, about B. C. -400, made au attempt to introduce many Asiatic plauts into .Europe. Rice was among the number, but tho Greeks did not t:iko kindly to its cultivation, pre fciriag to import it from India and Egypt. Philip I of Franco foil cat with the queen, turned h? cut of doors and mar ried tho wife of a nobleman; giving the unique reason, "I like her better than I do my wife and can provide for her bet ter that! her husband can." sicwrsri: of OIiit3::citt.H ftr Catarrli tliat Contain Mercury. as HiTi-tiry will snrXy destroy the feme of tiuclt and completely derange the whole system when ciilrrinc it lliron;! mneons surface?.. Such nrt:cte shoul.i neve- Ih used except ou niCM'ripttoiis (roin r-'puishle I'hysielans. ns tliu iliiLingc they w ill lo i ten fotd to the sool yoi; can povlblv derive from tlvai. Hall's Catarrh Cure manufactured by P. J. Cheney A CaTo ledo, U.. contain m mercury, ami is taken in ternally, neiliip dlrrt-tly npou 'ho h'ood and mucous surfaces of the s stem. In buyiug Hall's Catarrh Cure le sure yeu set the cennine. It is nlcn iuleriirtl'y. ami made ia Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney it Co. Testimonials free. Sold by Druggists, price 75 c. per bottle. Trespass notices printed on cloth for sale at this office at 5 cents each. V- 5 t