The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, January 24, 1895, Image 4

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Subscription Rater.
One Year payable In advance .......8a oo
Six Mouths. " " x oo
Three Months. " 50
THURSDAY, JAN. 24, 1S95.
The Inhabitant Aro Warned by Signals
and Hare Ample Time For Preparation,
lireais TJp With. "Deadly SqnaUt and
Closes In Devastating Flood.
Early in tho eventful week warnings
jamo from our excellent observatory
that trouble was brewing down on tho
Pacific to tho south and east, and about
Friday tho No. 1 typhoon signal was
disDlaved. Tho news respecting tho
stonn was indefinite, but tho villain j-
waa supposed to bo moving northwest,
headed directly for us. Saturday up
went signal 2?o. S, and in the afternoon
No. 8, and in tho evening No. 4. Still
rverythinjjwas calm and "peaceful, and
Sunday morning dawned pleasant but
for the exception of a haze. Early in
tho forenoon up Went signal No. 6,
which is only threo from tho worst one
that can bo put up No. 8, and now ev
ery body began to get ready for tho in
visible monster. All tho steamers and
ships in tho river put out extra cables,
and tho former got up steam. No craft
of any kind wero permitted to go out of
the river, and the fleet of ships in tho
bay appeared to bo putting out their
sparo anchors. Still everything was
calm, but tho haze thickened, and low
Band clouds began to sail in from the
China sea.
Just after wo finished tiffin, at cur
littlo seaside house, our gaso was riv
eted on a native coming down tho street,
-dressed in a black coat, with shirt hang
ing out beneath, in true Philippine cus
tom, and wearing white trousers and
tall hat Ho carried a sort of decorated
cane, marched down tho center of tho
street and gave utterance to solemn sen
timents in a deep, musical voice. In
short, ho was tho official crier to herald
tho coming typhoon, and as he marched
along the bells in the old church rang
out a wild, warning plea. The natives
opposite us hastily began to sling rppes
over tho roofs of their light nipa shan
ties, and ceo of tho English fellows
who lives just back of us had already
stretched good sized cables over tha
tall, sloping tin roof of his domicile. A
sort of hush prevailed, and then sudden
gusts began to blow in off tho bay. The
scud clouds increased and appeared to
be in a terrible rush. The roar of the
surf became louder and louder, and one
after another of our oyster shell win
dows had to bo shut The typhoon was
advancing slowly, but its course was
Our S o'clock dinner passed, and now
the wind began to howL Before going
to bed we moved out of our little'parlor
such valuables as might bo most raised
by being carried through tho air, incase
our roof camo off, and went to bed
amid a terrific din. Sleep was impossi
ble. Our houso trembled like a blushing
bride before the altar, and for a trium
phal exit wedding march the tin was
suddenly ripped off our secondary rain
shed roof like eo much paper. Great
pieces of tin were slapping around and
up against tho house and would have
sawed a head cr hand off had one at
tempted to poke itself outside. At&S0
a. m. we toot a loos into the "sals."
No glass would have stood tho gusts
that came posnang in from tho bay,
but our oyster shelli did not yield. Tho
noise outside was deafening. The house
hung together, and we wero thankful
that we were not off in the bar. The
wind lulled in the early morning, and
at 9 a. in. came seme of the most ter
rible changes of wind, tho deadliest
squalls and most terrino blowings r ever
felt Down came all the wires in tho
main street; over went half a doien
nipas on one side of us; crack, bang.
broke off ."some great venerable trees.
The street was a mass of wreckage aa
far as we could see, and few signs of
Hie were visitjlc.
All the rest of the day the winds
blew most fiercely, but we could see
that tha center of the typhoon was pass
ing off to tho northwest I sallied out
in the afternoon and managed to keep
along behind the houses and reached
the Luneta, where all the. lamps bent
their heads, with broken glass, and
where the huge waves wero flying .far
up into the air as they dashed against
the sea wall, The dumps of fishing and
bathing houses were battered in pieces,
and those which weren't minus 'roofs
andsides were washed up into the road
as mere driftwood. The natives were
out grabbing logs, while the fishermen's
families were crouching behind a stone
wall watching their wrecked "bains"
and wero tdttinsr on their sauceDans.
furniture and babies to keen them from
tailing skyward. The yessels'outin the
bay were 'throwing the surf high over
their bows. One 01 tnexn seemed to
ashore and her item very near the era
era. A steamer had broken adrift and
run into another, losing all her anchors
and chain. But all things have an end,
and at night the winds and xaini sub-
- r- ' -
sided. Tno typhoon was wide In many
ever, and so was not as destructive as
the one in 1882.
After the typhoon came the floods, and
the river overflowed and flooded all the
adjacent low country. The water cov
ered the road to the club to the depth
of threo feet and two of my friends were
nearly drowned by trying to drive when
they should have rowed. The poor pony
walked off into the field, in the dark
ness, by mistake, into eight feet of water
and was drowned. Tho boys nearly got
stuck inside tho trap, but managed to
rave themselves. As it was, ono had to
rescue the other and has been since
presented with a gold watch. 0. was
giving a dinner dance tho next evening
when word came that tho festivities
would bo postponed till terra firm a ap
peared. But tho show is all over, and
business, which h3 been paralyzed for
a week, once more starts op. Cor. Bos
ton Transcript
Natchez, Miss., was at first called
Bosalio in honor of tho Countess of
Pontchartrain. Its namo was changed
to that of a tribe cf local Indians.
Notice-is hereby given to the public
by the tmdereitcned that I do not allow
dead animals to be buried on my prem
ises, at Itosebnrg, Oregon, or garbage
dumped thereon or Eand or gravel taken
therefrom, unless tho party taking sand
or gravel first contract with me for the
rizht In en An
Tresspassers will be prosecuted ac-
coramg 10 law. aaron KOBE,
Boseburg, Oregon. March 17th, 1891.
Boos and shoes selling att cost at
Langenberg's. Closing out sale. No
humbug. Call and be convinced.
Only 50c. Read
etoeUnss, cloves, chHdrea's clothing, etc, tto."
Whero to pet it. All tho material, even to tho'mlnutwt Itttio article of trimming. Just,
how to xoako it, etc, etc This alono Trill bo worth fifty times tho cost ol tho subscription
to aay woman. f
A PATTERN and anyfocrof the following
iitnijuxRwu kui irea. or wo paucrn ana ux sneers or musio, inca as wouiai
cost you 40 cents cochin a store, delivered In in any part of tho United States or Canada,,
if you send at onco twenty-flvo 2c stamps for a newrearlr tubacriDtlon. Wo losa money by: 1
this, but onco n subscriber always a subscriber.
the numbers ct tho books you want. Don't wait
t. Tm YtlXOW Mask. WilkieCollint.
a, Fotcixo urn FmtB.-Mrs. Altianler.
3. TmsOctooon. Mim XI. K. 1'raddon.
4. The Bag of Diauosdv Gtorca M. Fain.
5. Lady Cues. Mrs, lltnryWood,
6. Tnr Scckes Daiuxc charlotte M. Bruoe.
,Thx Shadow ct a six. Charlotrt M. Bratme.
8. Krvzurs of IUcmkiok. Ik. MamL
9. Tnr. Drciitsv Tke Duchess."
la SljrculICArt axdDocbuFacx. CliAKf Ale.
IX. A Wicked GiaL Mary Cecil liar.
rj. Xlas.CACou'sCvETAixLECTi.'acs. D.TcrroU.
14, Cutrn Back. tiurh Coawar.
Address, THE McCALL CO., 46
Kins al
Ught Weight and
Rigidity. EveryMa
chlnefully warranted
5 Styles
Hlitisl Hescts tl
&ztd t-a-ocrst stamp for oar
(Monarch Cycle Company,
v am hbkv Oav
p. p. p.
and potassium
Marvelous Cures
in Blood Poison
and Scrofula
P.P F.pcrtS the stood. tclHs up
the veak ESd debUltasrtf. circs
Itresfth to weakesed nerro. cip'tf
UMea.cttlD2 Lbepatlmt beaha and
hapraaeas wben nckseaa. ctnomr
leeusss axd lassstode Lru rrrralVd
For primary, acccDdxrr and trrtUrx
rrpblli, lor blood poivclnc wrra.
rial poUon. mlarta. dY!(Tl. arid
ta all blood aod rkta clks. bke
blotcaca, ptspica. old cbroclc uIcttt.
tetter. eafcl bead. bolt, errr'. rU.
mtc- we Bar iaT. wtthoat fear of
coctradKtlon.tbal P.P P.U tbebnt
blood putaer la tbe world, ar-d rxakea
roettrre. perr aad yci1,1 nnnt cares
Zadlea aoe arrteaa are jtolaoaed
aad wbose blood Is In as trraro coacH
Uaa. dae to neaatnal trrecnUrltle.
are pecoUarly bee2ied bj tbe troa
Certal toolo aad Wool clexaaiar Droa
crtlesoX P. P. P Prictir AU. roke
Coot aad PocaulcaL
erarsornio. Mo.. Acc ltta.lSOS.
I caa apeak la tbe klebeat terci o;
yozr meilttno trezi ty penoaal
kaoBledce. liYaaa!!ectes.irtUi heart
dlaeaae. ptrtaj aad rbcaaattsa for
3S Yean, n treated by tbe Tcry b-s:
r-bjilcUca aad tpeat hundred clde!
lira, tried crery kacirn reaedy YritS
cctCarassrcUif. I bars oaly takca
cne cottlo cf ycer P. p. P.. aad cin
cbeerrony ay It ta dose no raoro
rood tbaa aaytilsr; I haTe eTcr Lakea.
1 caa recooisaad ycer cedlctse to all
EcSerers ct tbe aboTa diaeasea.
EprlsgSeM. Grsca Cocitj, ilo.
CUU) WvW W tj t
Real Estate Bought and Sold
Farms, large and small, to Rent,
Stock Ranges, Timber Lands and Mining Properties,
Prune and Hop Lands of best quality, in choice locations,
in quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable
prices and easy terms. Inquire of
New Era
Maniifncttirerft of LJLY
the Celebrntecl
lirnndH of I'lour, Q
Bran, Shorts, Feed, Etc, Constantly on Hand,
Highest Cash Price Paid for Wheat
This All Through.
Designs. inaag btyics. iweat ratterM
1 ac. irncucai ragu. irauumu. usuiui mm ccununucai
hints of all kinds, Pro-cmlncntly tha Fashion Journal
(or the million. A valuable, cltin hoisiihold paper lor
only BOc a jetr.
Til Cifiirttti Mcltll lazir Mtini
Ettaflllthtd TmntrFhs Yean.
Ton nifty think Ton cannot afford another piper. Von
cannot afford to bo without it. Tni Qtrax or Fumox
will actually save you front fifty to firs hundred times
BO cents br it hlntj. "How to makn river nlit drfMMi
Tho way to begin real economy.
&p JS?, &.iP,&jIM&J&.
standard books, boond la white and fold, new
Can select tho pattern any time. Mention
'till Its too late.
it A Rocca'a tmc-WiUtle Conlats. .
16. Mure That rass ih thbNicht. u.lfamaea.l
IT. A STUDY IS Scailet. A. Conaa Doric
is. Wedded and 1'aeted. Chailoiit M. Uratnfc
19. Mr Lady's Moxiy. Wllkl. Cclllnt.
ao. Maid, Wifk cs Winow. Ira. Aicianltr.
n. Back to thb'Oid IIoke. Man Cecil liar.
zi. A Yellow Astee. iota.
tj. 11 lack BEAirrr. Anna StwclL
14- Chaelotte TxiirLE. Mra. Kowton.
. The Heie of Lyxne. Robert Dacatsaa.
10. The Mam ih Black. Stinlcr J. Wcroaa; -
17. DOD0.-E. F. Btaion.
East 14th St., New York
the Best.
Superior listeria!
and Scientific Work
tte World's CeMiaa EipssitiH.
CatiJcxoe - A work of Art.
and Halsted Sis., CHICAGO, ILL.
nix am rn mnnliPA
Are entirely KmoTca try P-P-P-
-PricUy Aaa. Pc Boot and otas
arsa. LiK sreataat btoocj pcrtser oa
Aamtror. O-. July 21. 1831.
Uxsaas Limtaa Bxos.. BaTtanan.
Ga.5 DKiX SixaI bocuctit about of
year P.P. r. at Hot Ssri3t,Ark..aDd
It txt dose xae Bore nod than tsroo
oooLbi' treaoaeat at the Hot Bpnags.
Besal taroe boulcs C O. V
Aberdeen, BroTra Coast, C.
Copt. J. D. Johnr'.cn.
Ib c3 vara it xrr iwrm? 1 bcr
ff tcUfy to tbe wooderfel r rr jwtle
ci p. p. r. for eruDtto&a of t o akla. I
asered lor fercrai jnn wiva o in-
BlrhliT xcd cUarreewNo rcrtlon oa
m tm. 1 tried eTrr irsoaa not-
dj bo. ta Tala.rtotil P. P. P- nuswd,
and is sotr caurci can
J. D. JC..K3T0K.
Sannnih. Oa.
SUa Cascer Cnrci.
IririjMTijrrra IA Jayor cf Srf.ixStz.
BEAiLin.Tax.. Jaaoary It. 1S33.
ilsasiL umLi Bsoa., saTaaaaa.
Oa: CmUmenl bsTe tried yocr P.
p. p. Ir a dlaeaM of tbe akin, nraulr
kaowa pi akla raacer.ot Lttrty Yeara
s:,D-lice, aad focad (Treat relief: ts
pcriaa tao blood aad restores all tr
rtuiloa frost tbe aeat of tbe dlaeaao
sad preresta aay aoreadloft of tba
rarrt. I baro taken are or all bottles
sad feet confident that asotacr eoorao
vtll eCect a trcre. IlbaaalaorelieYed
tse mm tadlseatloa aad storaactl
trochlea. Years trciTi
Attorney at Lav.
0 LSD IM fP.l
Lirrpmrn'a BlotkJUkrmn H tih, Oa
r r "v
& CO.
Roller Mills,
VJIITE o Cents per Sack
I 0 R 95 CcMt per ancU-
st. Louis Q ldbe- Dmocrat
iglites each Tuesday
asii Friday, Sixteen
Pageslvcry Week,
is, beyond all comparison, the biggest,
best and cheapest, national news and
family Journal published in America.
Strlogy Republican
in politics, it gives all the news and
gives it at least three days earlier
then it can be had from any of the
Metropolitan weeklies.
It Is Indlgpongablc
to the farmer,'- merchant or profess
ional man, who desires to keep thor
oughly posted, but has not time to
read a large Daily Paper.
Write for free samples to
Louis, Missouri.
By special contract, we are enabled to offer
The St. Louis Globe-Democrat twice every week
in connection with The Plaindbaler for only
S2.25 a year, provided you subscribe before April
1, 1895.
Considering the character of the two papers
the greatest of national Journals and the best of
your home papers this offer has never been
equalled. Do not delay but send in your sub
scriptions at once.
B PRlfiTlfiG
Portland1 University
1 . Location beautiful, healthful and free from all places
of temptation.
2. Best instruction in College, Preparatory, Normal
and Business Courses ; also in Theology, Music and Art.
State Diplomas to graduates of Normal. Diplomas for all
3. Board in West Hall, Club Houses or private fami
lies, $100 to $200 per year for board and tuition.
4. Fall Term opens Sept. 18th. Catalogues sent free.
Address C. C. Stratton, D. D., President,
or Thos. Van Scoy, D. D., Dean.
We get out a
class of
Job Printing
that is
to the
r," General Run."
Sheriff Sale.
Stato of Oregon, for Douglas County.
Fcndal Suthcrlin, Plaintiff.
Wm. a. 0. Dixon and Nan- pccntlon.
nic J.C. Dixon, Defendants. '
State of Oregon, )
County of Douglas. (
To tho Sheriff of Douglas County, Oregon,
Whereas Fcndal Suthcrlin, plalnUlTabovc
named, at the regular December term, 1891, of
the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
tho County of Douglas, to wit: on Monday
U10 17th day of December, 18'1, rccoycrcd a
judgment against tho eald defendants, Wm.
G 11, Dixon and Nannlo J. C. Dixon, for tbo
sum or $7001.25, with Interest thereon at tbe
rate of 10 per cent per annum from the Oth
day of November, 18Dt, for the sum of $500.00
attoincys fees, and for Plaintiffs costs and
iilsburscmcntg taxed at il'JJQO, and alsojuilg
msnt and decru of foreclosure against tho fol
lowing described mortgaged premises, to wit:
The south hall of the southwest Quarter of
section twciity-nlno (!39), the lots numbered
seven and eight (7 and 8) of scciton thirty (SO),
the north half of tho northeast quurtcr, the
southeast quarter of Uic northeast (juartcr, the
southeast auartcr and lots u and 4 In section
Si, west half of section S3, all of eald tracts
being In township 25 south, of r.oge 5 west,
Willamette Meridian, Douglas p junty.Oregon.
Tho northwest quarter and tho sonth half of
the southwest quarter of section 5, the cast
half and the cast half of tho southwest quarter
and lots numbered 3 and 4 of section 0, tbo
northwest quarter of section 8, tho cast half of
the northwest quarter, tho northeast quarter,
tindj the not thcast quarter of the southwest
quarter and lots numbered 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of
section 7, all of said last described tracts being
In township 27 south, range 5 west, Willam
ette Meridian. Also the Donation Claim of
William J. Martin and wife, being claim No.
50, In township 20 south, range 5 west, claim
No. 43 In township 27 sontb, range 5 west,
claim No. C2 in township 27 scutli, range G
west, and claim No. Gl in township 20 south,
range G west Also the Donation Claim of
Daniel 1. llarnes.'belng claim No. 49 in town
ship 27 couth, range 5 west and claim No, 39
In township 27 south, range G west. Also the
north half ol the southwest quarter of section
Sand lots numbered 1 and 2 of section G, town
ship 27 south, range 5 west, Willamette Mer
idian, Douglas county, Oregon, excepting from
the above the north half 01 the donation claim
of William J. Martin and wife beirg claim No.
50 iu township 2G south, range 5 west, and
claim No. 48 In township 27 south, range 5
west, and claim No. G2 in township 27 south,
range G west, aud claim No. Gl In township 0
south, ran:;c G west, containing 321.17 acres
more or kss. also excrntin" blocks 1. 8. 9 and
10 in Dixon's addition to FruKvale, containing
40 acres, aud all ol block o. i in Dixon s addi
tion to Fruitvalc containing full 15 acres ac
cording to the amended plat of said addition
on fife and recorded In volume one. page 24,
of plat books in the office of the County Clerk
of Douglas vounty, Oregon.
And whereas It was further ordered by the
(aid Court at the said lime that ill of the
right, title and interest of tbe said defendants
to raid urobertv on the 12th day of December.
1SSS, or at any time thereafter, together with
the hereditaments and appurtenances there
unto belonging or in anywise appertaining, be
sola in me manner prcscriueu oy law, anu ap
ply the proceeds, arising therefrom, first, to
the costs and expenses o! such tale, second.
to the payment ol the costs'and disbursements
of this action, taxed at $1150, third, to the pay
ment of gouu.uu attorney's recs. lourtii. to tne
payment of the plaintiff s judgment of the sum
of $7091.25, with Interest at Uie rate of 10 per
cent per annum Irom tncuiu dayoi Novem
ber, 1S9I, and the overplus, if any there be,
pay over to the said defendants Jor their legal
Now, therefore, I will on Wednesday, the
SUUi day 01 Januiry. io'A, at .inc Lour 01 one
o'clock p. m. of said day at the Conrt House
door in Koscbunr. Douzlas county. Oregon,
sell at public auction to the highest bidder for
cash In band, all the right, title and interest
tbe said defendant, im. u. a. Dixon ana
Nannie J. C. Dixon, had in or to said men
tioned aud described proiicrty, on the 12th
day of December, 1SSS or at any time, thcre-
aucr. 1. t. uaiiiuaiii.
Sheriff, Douglas Connty, Oregon.
Sheriff Sale.
TK the circcit court of the state
ol Orison for the County of Douglas.
Mariah Schrutea, rUictiff
S. A. C'immuga, Defendant.
Sxxrz or Orimw, I .
County of Docgla j "
Notice ia hereby girea that by Tirtue of an
execution duly iajued out of the a bore named
Court aad cause oa tne 17th day of December,
A. D., 1S3I, upon a judgment made and en
tered of record in aaid Circuit Court on the 1 1th
day of December. 1501. tr foreclosure of a mort-
rg in laror or tae aooTe named puiautr,
Mari&a Schroten. and aralast the abore named
defendant, 3. A. Cumaiinza, and against the
hereinafter mentioned ant described mortgaged
property, fur the aura of 1213.33, with interest
at the rate of ten per cent per annnm from the
Il'.h day of June. 1501, and for the eura of
113.31. tbe amount paid br ElaintlS for taxes,
and for the aura of tiS.O), attorney lees, and
CMta taxed at 131.33. and the coata and ex.
renjea of miking the rale, raid raortgareJ prop
ertr boos particularly described at follows, to
Lot Ko. 12. in Frultrale addition to the city
of Roseburg. Douglas County, Oregon, as the
une appears per plat on file and of record in
the oSce of the County Clerk of Douglas
county, irregon, aaia 101 oein; in ine Donation
Land Claim of S. C. Braden. DouzLu county.
Oieson, Township 77 S., IL i and 0 Vest; Wil
lamette aiendian, containing ten acrer, to-
appurtenances thereunto belonging or apper
taining, all in Douzlas countr. Oieson.
Now, therefore, 1 will on Wednesday, the
30th day of January, A. D., 1K35, at one o'clock
r. ra. of t aid day. at the Court house door in
Koseburg, Douglaa county, Oregon, sell at pub
lic aucxion 10 me mgnesi Diaaer, lor caan in
hand, all the risht, title and interest which the
said defendant S. A. Curamiags had in or to
aaid premises on he 9th day of April, A. D.
1372. the date cf the execution of said mortgage,
or at any time thereafter in or to aid aboTe
mentioned and described mortgaged real prop
erty, and will apply the proeeeda of such sale,
first, to 'the payment of the coats and expenses
01 sucn sale, second, to in payment 01 tne coata
and disbursements herein incurred, taxed at
131.33. Third, to the payment of fiJ.OO attor
ney ices, ioumi, 10 me payment or me sum
of r-13.53 with Interest thereon from the 11th
day of June. 1J3I. at the rate of ten rer cent
per annum. And the further sum of $13.31,
me amount 01 taxes rata on the said real prem
ises, and the orerplus, if any there be,
I will pay (into the said court to be further
applied, as by law directed, to the defendant or
his legal repiesentatiTes, as by order of said
court in said execution and order of sale to me
directed and delivered on the 17th day of De-
cemoer, isvi. u, jr. uiTUUABr,
Sheriff of Douglas Ccunty, Ore.
Executor's Sale.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
executor of tho last will and testament arid
estate of Henry S. .Marsh, deceased, late of
Donglas county, 'Oregon, has been duly li
censed and directed by the Connty Court of
uougias conniy, urcgon, oy au order 01 said
Court made and cotcrcd of record on the 29th
day of Ocobcr, 1S91, to sell all of tho real cs
state belonging to the estate of the said Uenry
S. Marsh, deceased, which said order provUts
that said executor may sell the said real prop
erty of said deceased, which said real property
is hereinafter fully and particularly described,
at private sale.
Xow. therefore, in pursuance of said license
and order, which is recorded in Vol. $, on
pages 21S and 243 thereof, of the 1'orbatc Or
der Book of said Douglas countv, Oregon, 1
ni, irom ami aucr tno :iiu uav ol Januarv.
IStO. proceed to sell at nrivatc sale according
to law In such cases made aud provided, for
casu in nanu, 10 me mcucs. bidder,
all the right, title and interest which
the said Hcmy S. Marsh, deceased, had in or
to the hereinafter, described premises at the
time of his death, to wit : on the 22nd day of
.l'm, icnj, 10 wit :
South 1-2 of tho NE 1-4. SE l i of the N W
1-4 and the S 1-2 of Sec 31, Tp 23 S, K 5 W,
Willamette Meridian: also the NE 1-2 of the
NW 1 , sec 0 Tp21 S, K 5 W, Willamette Me
ridian, Douglas county, Oregon, containing
Dated this 20th day ol December, 1S94.
J. S. UUXT, Executor.
C. A. ScuLnitEDE, Atty. for Estate. d27td
Notice for Publication.
Land ofllcc nt Eoscburg, Oregon, Dec. 15, 1SDL
Notice is herebv civen that tho followino
namcd settler has Med notice of his intention
10 mane mini prool 111 support 01 his claim, and
Hint said proof will be made before tho Rririslor
and Rtclcver, U. S. Land Office, at Roseburg,
OrcEon, January 30, 1S05, vir: Henry D. Maxum.
on II. E. Xo. 0210. for theSW'i Section 10, Tp. ts
t-., K. 8 west. He names tho lolowlng witnesses
iu proie ins continuous residence upon anil cul
tivation of. said land, viz: Mellaril Cnnt.
Charles L. Cox, William W. Cox, I'eter Burch,
all of t'amns Valley, Oregon.
iw it. 31. vgatcii, itegister.
Two Doors North of Depot Hotel.
Tallin Blllililtpil with tlin lipst flio mnr.
ket nUords. Meala at nil Lours, "5 cents.
.special rates to families, and particular
attention civen to immigrants.
W. L. 1), DEARDORFF, Propr.
Harness of all kinds nt low prices at
G. W. Woodward's.
This Space Reserved for
New York
Sheriff Sale.
ol Oregon, for Douglas County.
Fcndal Snthcrlin, Plalntlff
I'ayton A. Harris, Elizabeth
Harris and U K. Cozad,
State op Obeoox, .,
county ot Douglas.)
Nntlm la hen-hr izivnn that by Tlrtne of an
executionond order of sale duly Issued out of
the above named Court, and cause, on the 17th
day of December, 1691, upon a judgment made
and entered of record In said Circuit Court on
the 11th day of December, lb'Jl, dt lorcciosure
of a mortgage in favor of the above named
plaintiff and against the above named defend
ants, Payton A. Harris and Elizabeth Harris,
and against tho hereinafter mentioned and
described mortgaged property for the sum of
$3633.68 with Interest thereon at tho rate of 10
per cent per annum from October 20th, 1891.
and. the sum of JMO.OO attorney fees and $27.00
costs and disbursements.
Now, therefore, I will on Saturday, the 2Cth
day of January, 1S95, at 1 o'clock p. m. of said
day (at the Court yiouse door in Roseburg,
Douglas county, Oregon, sell at public auction
to the highest bidder for cash In hand, all the
right, title and Interest which the said defend
ants, I'ayton A. Harris and Elizabeth Harris,
or cither of them, had on the -1th day of Mar,
1S33, or at any time thereafter in or to tbe fol
lowing described real property, to-wit: The
donation land claim Ko. 37 of Johnatban M.
Cozad and Eveline Cozad. his wife. In Town
ship 21 South, Range 4 West, certificate No.
121, notification No. 547, containing 319.70 acres.
Also the West 'A of the S. E. f, the South J4
of the S. W. and the N. W. li ol the S. .
i of Section t, the West X ' the N. E. li,
and lot 1 of Section 7, and the S. W . of Sec
tion 7, ami the S. E. k of the S. E. i of Sec
tion 7, all in Township 21 South, Range 1
West, Willamette Meridian, JDouglas county,
Oregon, containing In the aggregate S2S.J1
acres, excepting from the donation of Johna
than M. Cozad and wife, ten acres of land
commencing at the N. W. corner of said dona
tion land claim, thence running East on the
North line of said donation land claim, 57
Rods, thence South 2S Rods, thence West 57
Rod?, thence North 2S Rods to the place of
beginning, containing 10 acres, together with
all, and singular the tenements, heredita
ments and appurtenances thereunto belonging
or In any wise appertaining and will apply
the proceeds of such sale, first to the costs and
expenses of such sale, and to the payment of
costs herein taxed at 127.00, to the payment of
rJOO.OO attorney fees, and to the amount due
plaintiff on said judgment to-wltt the sum of
3S.& with interest thereon at the rate of 10
per cent per annnm from October 20lh, 1S91,
and the overplus, if any there be, nay OTer to
the said defendants, Payton A. Harris and
Elizabeth Harris, their heirs, or legal ,assigns.
as by order of said Court, in said execution to
me directed, and delivered commanding me to
sell said above mentioned and described mort
gaged real property in the manner provided
by law. C. F. CATHCART,
Sheriff of Douglas Connty, Ore.
By D. R. SmotBEOOK, Deputy.
-L the County of Douglas.
Sol Abrahara, Flaintin'.
L. C. Bcarlsly, Peter Hume, E. B.
Preble, Martha A. Boggea and T. R.
Sheridan, Executors and Executor
of the estate of T. R. Boree, de
ceased. The Or gou & California
Lumber Co., a corporation, F.
Horn, B. W. Condon, Dist. Atty.
for Douglt 1 County and Ada Bearde
le , Defendants.
To L. C. Beardaley, the above nameddefendant,
In the came of the State of Oregon, you an
hereby required to appear and aaairer the com
plaint tiled against you in the above entitled suit
on or before the first day of the next regular term
of aaid court, for said County and State, appointed
to be held and to commence on Monday the ISth
day of March, A. D. ISM. that being the first
day of the term of said court regularly following
the expiration the time prescribed for the publi
cation of this summons in and by an order herein
made by the Hon. Judge of said .court and bear
ing date the Slstdayof December, 1534, tor the
service of this summons by the publication there
of for S consecutive weekr, and if you fail so to
appear and answer eald complaint, the plaintiff
herein will take judgment against yon and a de
cree as follows:
1. For the sum cf $979.97 with intrcst at the
rate of 10 per cent, per annum, from the 7th dar
of October, 1693, and for the further sum of 100
as attorney's fees and further for his costs and
2. That the following described premises,
to-wit: lot Number Nineteen (19) in Brook's and
Belden's Addition, the same being the Brookside
Addition to the City of Roseburg, in the County
cf Douglas, State if Oregon, according to the offi
cial surTey and pUt of said addition of record in
the office of tte County Clerk of Douglas County,
Oregon, containing Nine (9) Acres more or leas,
together with the tenements, hereditaments and
appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise
appertaining, be sold by the Sheriff of as id County
and the proceeds of said 'sale be applied to the
payment of the above amounts, and that you aud
all persona claiming under you or subsequent to
the execution of the mortgage sued on herein
shall be barred and foreclosed of all right, claim
or equity of redemption in the said premises and
that execution issue against you for any de
ficiency which may remain after applying all the
proceeds of the sale of said premises properly ap
plicable to the satisfaction of aaid judgment.
doltS ttomey for the Plaintiff.
Sheriff's Sale.
A of Oregon In and for Douglas County.
C. II. Maupln, Administrator!
of the Estate of G. B. Mau-1
pin, deceased, and L. S. Dim-1
mlck, plaintiffs I
vs. I
A. S. retcrs, defendant. j
State of Oregon,
County of Douglas.) -3
Whereas, at a regular term of the Circuit
Court of the State of Oregon, for the Conntr of
Donglas, to wit, on the cth day of December,
1891, plaintiffs above named recovered a judg
ment against the above named defendant for
the sum of ?1000 and fJl.CO costs and disburse
ments, and against the following described at
tached personal property. ;towlt :
One roller, 323; bushels oats, 139 bushels bar
ley, 11 tons hay. I set harness, 1 Piano binder,
53 head hogs, 1 Osborne mower.
Said property having been duly attached on
the 1st day of November. 1S91, I did, on the
CCth day of December, ls9J, at the hour ofl
o'clock p. m. of said dav, sell at public auction,
to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all of
the above described personal property, being
the property of the above named defendant,
said alo bringing, in tho aggregate, f371.Sl;
that the costs and expense of said sale, ?U.39,
first cost. $20.(0, judgment and interest. ilOO-J,
costs and interest together with the principal,
J1074J9. leaving a balance duo plaintiff on judg
ment of T700.1$. Whereas the above sain did
satisfy plaintiff's judgment, I have levied upon
and will, on Saturday, the 23rd day of February,
biiu vuk:, i. 111. ui iu uay, at me uoun
Houso door in Roseburu. Douilas Countv. Or.
egon. pursuant to au execution duly issued out
of said cause and conrt on the 16th day of Janu
ary, is'.w, sen at puduc auction to tne Highest
bidder for cash in hand, all tho right, title
and interest which said defendant had in or to
the following described real property on the 1st
day of November, 1S91. or at any time thereafter,
said real property having in this action on said
date been duly attached and ordered sold under
said attachment, to wit:
The South i of the NE i of Section SC. Town
ship 23 South, Ranges West, W. M., containing
SO acres, together with all the tenements, her
editaments and appurtenances thereunto belong
ing or In any wise appertaining.
Aim 1 wm appiy tno proceeds arising there
from: first, to tho costs and expenses of sale
of saldlrcal propcrtr. to the costs and disburse.
ments hcreiu taxed, and amount of plaintiffs
judgment, to wit, tho sum of J7C0.1J, with inter
est mereon at ino rate 01 5 per cent per annum
from the 2Gth day of December, lt9i, and the
overplus, If any there be, to be paid Into this
court to oc iuriner appueu as by law directed.
Sheriff, Douglas County, Oregon.
By D. R. Shamdkook, Deputy. jntd
Notice Is hereby civen to all whom it hit con.
tern that I have appointed D. W. Stearns of Cala
pooia precinct Deputy Inspector of Stock for said
8 rtcinct; postoffice address, Oakland; also A. J.
hapman of Wilbur, and Ralph Smith, at Rose
Durg. 10 act uuring my aDsence, and otners wit
be added as parties inspected make their deaira
known to ms.
Roseburg, May llh, 1SS7.
Inspector of Stock for Douglas county Or.
Wood taken on subscription at the
Flaindkalkr office.
Cash Store,
Sheriff Sale.
-- of Oregon, for the County of Douglas.
E. II. PInkston, Plaintiff"!
A. S. Peters. J. E. Wilson
and A. F. Wlnnif ord.
State op Obecon, i
County of Dough
Whereas, at a rezular term of the Circuit
Court of the State of Oregon, county of Douglas,
to wit:
On Saturday the 15th day of December, 1SS4.
the plaintiff above named recovered judgment
against the above named defendants for the
sum of fourteen hundred and forty-five dollars
and eighty-four cents (J1H5JM) and for
1125.00 attorney fees and $35.95 costs and
disbursements herein taxed and against
the following described property: One bay
stallion five years old, one black horse
seven years old, one bay marc eight years old,
one bay mare nine years old, one sorrel mare
six years old, one bay more six years old and
their Increase, said property on tne 31st day of
October, 1894, having been duly attached here
in, that I did on the 12th day of January, 1SU5,
in Douglas county, Oregon, at the hour of 1
o'clock p. m. of said day, sell at public auc
tion to the highest bidder for cash In hand,
all of the above described personal property,
being the property of the above named defend
ants, said sale bringing In the aggregate, the
sum of $70.25, that the costs aaS expenses of
said 'sale amounted to the sum of I57.S5. that
the Interest on ?U 15.8-1 for 27 days was $10.85,
One hundred aud twenty-five dollars, attorney
fees, $57.65, costs added together with attorney
fees and interest making the amount of judg
ment $l3ai, the amount of the sale of per
sonal property deducted, leaving a balance
due plaintiff of $133.09. Whereas, the above
sale did not satisfy the plaintiff's judgment,
I have levied upon and will on Monday, the
18th day of February, 1S95, at the hour of 1
o'clock p. m., at the Court House door, in
Roseburg, Douglas county, Oregon, sell at pub
lic auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, in
hand, all the right, title or interest which
said defendants, or cither of them, had in or;to
the following described property on the 31st
day of October, 1894. or at'any time thereafter,
said real property lhaving in this action on
said date, been duly attached and ordered sold
under said attachment, to wit:
The Cabel M. G rover Donation Land Claim,
surveyed on the U. S. maps and designated as
Claim No. 43, being parts of Sees. J8. 29, 32 and
33 in Tp. 25 S., R. 6 west, being bounded as
Beginning at"a point 3 chains south and 20
chains) and 25 links west from the comer Sees.
27, 25, 33 and 34, in Tp. 25 S-, R. 6 west, and
running thence north 39 chains and 0 links,
and thence west 79 chains and 90 links, thence
sonth 40 chains, thence least SO chains to the
place' of beginning and containing 320 acres,
also lota numbered 2 and 3 in Sec. 33 In Tp.
25 S., R. 6 west, containing 6S acres In Donglas
county, Oregon, on the 31st day of Oct, or
any time thereafter, and also all the right,
title and interest, the said defendants or
either of them, had in or to the following
described real property, on the 30th day of
October, 1S94, or at any time thereafter, to wit:
Beginning at the northwest comer of Lot No. 6,
running thence east 50 feet, thence south 40 feet,
thence west 50 feet, thence north 40 fee? to place
of beginning In Block No. 14 in R. R. Addition
to.the Town of Oakland. Douglas County, Ore
gon, as recorded in the office of the County Clerk
of said Douglas County, Oregon, together with
tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances
thcrento belonging or in anywise appertaining,
and I will apply the proceeds arising therefrom,
first to the costs and expenses of such sale of said
real property, to the costs and disbursements
herein taxed and amount of plaintiff's judg
ment, including attorney fee of $125, to wit: the
sum of $15CS.G9.
Sheriff of Donclas Connty, Oregon.
By D. R. SilAJIROOK, Deputy. ja!7td
The) Northers) Pagifig)
Is the line to Take
To all Points East and Sonth.
It is the DINING CAR ROUTE. It runs through
Composed of Dining Cars Unsurpassed.
Pullman Draaing Room Sleepers,
Of Latest Equipment.
Best that can be constructed and in
which accommodations are both FREE
and FURNISHED to holders of First or
Second-class Tickets, and
A Continuous Line connecting with Ail Lines,
affording Direct and Uninterrupted Service.
Pullman Sleeper reservations can be secured in
advance through any agent of the road.
THROUGH TICKETS To and from all Points In
x.urope can 00 purchased
at any Ticket Office of this Company.
Fnll Infnr-ooK,.., .
- uw.-umwu wuLciiuuK xaies, nine 01
,?Jntes 841(1 o'her details furnished on
-rfu,..uuu iu on j agem, or
Assistant General Passenger Agent,
No. 121 First St.. cor. Washinsrton.
Southern Pacific Co.
Express trains leave Portland daily.
South I
I North
6:15 p.m.
3:20 A. jr.
10:45 A. M.
Portland - Ar.
Roseburg - Lv.
San Francisco Lr.
8:20 A. M.
11:30 P.M.
7:00 r. M.
i.7v.ctrS? stP.ttt all stations From Port
ih;, Albany inclusive. Also Tangent,
i?idsVHalse5'' naxrisburg. Junction Cit
Irving. Eugene and all stations fronr. Roseburg
to Ashland inclusive.
Kosebur;; Mail Daily.
8:30.1. M.ILv.
-ini.T, IT iuu'ttuli - lair..
5.50 p. M. I Ar. Rosebunr - t.-r. i-m
Pullman Buffet Sleepers
Attached to all Through Trains.
West Side Division.
Between Portland and Corrallls.
Mall train dally (except Sunday).
7:S0A.x. ILv.
Portland - Ar. I 5:35 p. sr.
Corrallls - Lv. liOQ p. m.
12:15 P. x. I Ar. -
At Albany and Corvallls counect with trains
of Oregon Pacific railroad.
Express train dally (except Sunday).
4:40 p.m. ILv.
Portland - Ar. I S:25 a. m.
McMinville Lv. I 5:59 A. M.
7:25 P. M. Ar.
Through Tickets to all Points) in
tho Eastern states. Canada and
Europe can be obtained at low
eat rates from George Eatcs, Agent
Manager. Asst. U. i & Pass. Agcn